Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 26, 1914, Image 6

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R. A. Booth Visita Tilla mook TIIB COUNTY IS SURD BY
Whan They Reich ths Wondirful “Oil
Spot” Off Sabine Pan.
Robert A Booth, of Eugene, Re­
publican candidate for United States
A freak of nature never fully de
Senator, was in Tillamook County Allegations are Made that
is the wonderful “oil spot." sit
two days this week and made a the County Conrt Does not
uated about ten miles Mouth of Sablue
moat favorable impression. On
Comply with the law.
pass. Into which Sows the Sablue river
Tuesday Mr. Booth wax the guest
to the gulf of Mexico. The river forms
of tiie Nehalem Harber Commis­
Five cases were tiled in the circuit
the boundary between the states of
sion while at Wheeler and wax
taken by boat up the river to Ne­ court on Saturday that caused some
Louisiana and Texas. The "oil s|*ot"
halem, thence to the mouth of the
extends two lofles along shore and sea­
river, where the jetty work is in three of the largest timber owners
ward about three-quarters of a mile. A
progress. He lauded the plan of in Tillamook comity instituted tile
storm from the northeast, by way of
the commission for raising all the
east to southeast, has a rate of from
money needed for the harbor im­ proceedings, viz., the Whitney Co.,
300 to 700 miles Across the gulf of
provements at once instead of do Ltd., The Wilson RiverJ.umber Co.
ing it in dribs, and prophesied and tiie Hammond Co., against the
Mexico into this mystic haven.
great results would follow good Coast Culvert A Flume Co., Beall
During a gale this spot is wonder­
water transportation A number of
fully defined. Looking seaward the
women attended the meeting and
scene is grand. An acre of towering
he urged them to register and get I and Good Roads Machinery Co,
foam marks the abrupt dissolution of
out and vote. On W'edneeday Mr. with County Judge Homer Mason,
the lashing seas as they thunder to­
Booth left Wheeler, and on his way Commissioners H. M. Farmer and
ward the shore. This occurs in about
to this city by auto visited Bay
City. He was met on his arrival in Geo R. Edner, County Attorney M.
three fathoms, or eighteen feet of
this city by a delegation of citizens, J. Gersoni, County Treasurer B. L.
water, from which the storm driven
headed by Fred C. Baker, president Beals, County Clerk J. C Holden
craft, creaking and strainiug in every
of the Commercial Club, and given and Tillamook County are made de­
timber, emerges and suddenly finds
a cordial welcome. The remainder
herself reposing like a child rocked in
of the afternoon Mr Booth occupied fendants in the cases.
its mother's arms, hemmed in by a wull
his time in getting acquainted
The plaintiffs seek to enjoin the
of wrath, where the weary mariner
meeting a large number of business payment of certain county warrants
men and citizens.
can be lulled to rest by the roar of the
issued and to be issued in payment
winds The glace is termed the “oil
of Toad machinery and culverts,
spot” not from any known analysis of
basing their case upon the allega­
i its nnture, but simply from its condi­
tion that the County Court did not
tions- It has no troubled water.—Phila­
comply with the lav when purchas­
delphia Inquirer.
ing the machinery and material in
not advertising and calling for bids.
In two of the cases, that of the
Howard Cooper Corporation for
Use a Cement Made With Plaster of
$723.54 and that of the Coast Cul­
Paris and Gum Arabic.
vert <Sc Flume Co. for $1492 52, the
I had such a pretty Dresden china
warrants have been issued and paid
comb and brush tray for my dressing
by the county treasurer
table which was broken Into three
Circuit Judge Webster Holmes
pieces just the other day by some one
dropping a heavy pair of curling Irons
issued a temporary injunction and
on it I was almost heart broken be­
the cases will come up at the April
cause it was part of a set, and I was
term of the circuit court, The at­
to restrain the County Treasurer | Tax Penalties Illegal Before afraid 1 could not replace It, and even
torneys for the timber men are John I
if 1 could I did not feel that I could
September 1.
M. Gearin, of Portland; and G. C. from paying the above warrants.
afford to do so.
Fulton, of Astoria, and S. S John­
‘‘There is no legal duty resting
One of my friends told me she had
Cooper Corporation, the complaint upon
son, of this city, who filed the pa­ is the same, with the (exception,
been successful In mending several
pers on Saturday.
that it is to restrain the payment of default until September 1.” Circuit pieces of old china which were treas­
The plaintiffs in their complaint a county warrant for $400 for a cer­ Judge Cleeton ruled Tuesday in the ured heirlooms with plaster of paris
■ay thnt the taxable value of their tain grader and Bcarifer.
case brought by Attorney Roger and gum arable. Make a thick solu­
Sinnott, president of the Portland tion of gum arable and water and into
In the case against Beall & Co., Taxpayers'
At seven o’clock he was the in­ property were: Whitney Co. Ld.,
Association, in which
vited guest lit the banquet and $28,587.66; Wilson River Lumber it is to restrain the payment of a he asked for an order restraining it put the plaster until the mixture be­
annual meeting of the Presbyterian Co., $18,570.53 ; Hammond Lumber county warrant for $723.54 for a County Treasurer Lewis from col­ comes a paste. This is applied to the
Church which was held nt the Co., $38,491,29. That on tiie 6th of
penalties against persons edges of the china, which are pressed
Ladies’ Guild House, where he November, 1913, the defendants, certain cast iron frame for an lecting
paid one-half of their firmly together.
made a "short talk, mid at eight
Aurora crusher, buckets and link taxes before April 1.
I tried it on my tray, and it worked
o’clock he was billed for a speech
chains for an Acme crueller and
Though in the suit filed by Mr. like magic. The solution Is white, so
at the Tillamook Commercial Club. Herman M. Farmer, pretending to six three-way drags, it being al­ Sinnott
an injunction was asked that it does not show like glue, and.
Considering there were so many act as members of tiie County Couit
restraining Treasurer Lewis from best of all, it makes such a strong joint
other meetings Hint evening there of Tillamook County, made and en­ leged in this complaint that the the
collection of penalties only that they tell me that the article never
wns a good utlendnnce. Mr Booth
material could have been purchas­
those who have paid one-
tiiiked nt some length on the value tered into a pretended agreements ed in the open market at a figure 30 against
half of their taxes before April 1, breaks again the same place.—Philadel­
of the home life mid happy homes between thedefendauts, Good Roads
phia Ledger.
for the people which was the Machinery Company and Howard per cent leas than that which the Judge Cleeton went further and de­
foundation of the country, mid in
the 1913 law which require col­
Pus» and the Owl.
taking up the question of rural Cooper Corporation, whereby they
In the case of the Howard of
lection of penalties on any taxes
Owls make very amusing pets, but
credits, lie advocated this for tiie pretend to biml the defendant Tilla­ Cooper
Corporation and
Fort unpaid after April 1, unless the
purpose of improving roads, homes, mook Cou nty to purchase from
lose the “happy family" knack as they
farms und agricultural lands. He aaid defendants companies, a cer­ Dodge Culyert Company, this is to same shall be delinquent.
grow older. A friend of mine had one
restrain the payment of a county
also referred to the labor question
that he wrongly kept tied to a stake
and advocated the golden rule of tain rock crusher, elevator, revolv­ warrant for $2.485.80 for certain cul­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.
by a cord. It was of that “tiger of
dealing tuirly with tiie employer ing screen and steel truck, for the vert pipe, the plaintiff alleging that
Department of the Interior.
the north woods” species, the great
mid the employee, especially em­ agreed price of $1690.94.
U.S. Land Office at Portland, Or. horned owl, and. while apparently quiet,
ployees, who should be compen­ That in making ami entering into this could have been purchased at
March 23rd, 1914.
not to say sleepy. In the daytime,
15 per cent less cost in the open
sated sufficently to build and main­
N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That blinking with those great yellow eyes
tain happy homes.
Mr. Booth said pretended contract, said de­ market.
briefly touched upon the Hinall fendants did not as such County
In the case of the Coast Culvert & ! address is Garabaldi, Tillamook In the manner thnt has made the coun­
amount of money farmer received Court, or in any manner advertise
Co , thiB is to restrain the County, Oregon did. on the 21st try people believe they are sightless lu
for their products mid what it was for the said material for the con­
of April, 1913, file in this office bright light, he had a surprising way
sold tor, blaming the middlemen
payment of $1,492.62 for certain cul­ day
Statement and Application, of “coming to life" whenever there
tor the difference
He severely struction of roads, not did the de­ vert material for the construction of Sworn
criticised the new tariff, as it seri­ fendant as such County Court, or roads, which the plaintiffs alleged No. 03795, to purchase the Sw Vi of was any particular reason for doing so.
Se Vi Section 7, Township 2 North, My friend had a favorite kitten that
ously effected the products of .»lie otherwise, make or enter into the
farm. He advocated fairiiepA in said pretended contract during a could have been purchased at 15 per Range 9 West, Willamette Meridian, usually gave the owl a wide berth, but
and the timber thereon, under the
dealing with railroads anil general
cent less in the open market.
provisions of the act of June 3. 1878, one day it strayed within the danger
utility corporations, but thought session of said County Court, nor
acts amendatory, known as the zone. The result was that the ap­
the time had arrived when watered
parently somnolent mass of brown
stocks should be eliminated from ed in any of 'the records of said Presbyterian Church Annual 11 Timber and Stone Law,” at such feathers suddenly galvanized itself, a
value as might be fixed by appraise­
railroads mid u hew valuation County Court.
ment, and that pursuant to such powerful claw shot out, a piteous mew
placed upon thpffi so as to obtain
application, the land and timber was heard and then—finis Fells do-
That the Haiti pretended contract
a more just Iffisis of rates which
The Presbyterian Church annual thereon tiave been appraised, the mestlca I—Outing.
would lie Wtlie benefit of the pro­ was entered into without authority
duce iiipl'ctrnsumer. Mr Booth was I I of law, and in total violation of the business meeting on Wednesday timber estimated 320,000 board feet I
uskcd'*to give liis opinion of free laws of Oregon, and was purely a eve, March 25 was the occasion of a at 20 to 50 cents per M, and the
Britain and Conscription.
reception and banquet by entire 'and $2.00 ; that said applicant will
tutrtor const wise American ship
Although few people are aware of the
•nilrough the cnnnl. He said he was personal matter by and lietween the church membership and adherent*. offer final proof in support of his
in favor of free ttill, mid hnvipg had said defendants Good Ronds Ma­ The Reception Committee received application and sworn statement fact, conscription has been part of the
considerable experience in the him chinery Company and Howard all in the church auditorium, where on the 10th day of June, 1914, before British constitution for 700 or 800
pardners were chosen and to the County Clerk of Tillamook county, years. The militia law states that ev­
tier business, lie pointed out what a
great advantage it would be to Cooper Corpornrion and Homer strains of a beautiful march by Oregon, at Til'amook, Oregon,
ery Englishman between the ages of
Any person is at liberty to pro­ eighteen and thirty Is liable to be
Tillamook when the vast timber Mason, George R. Edner and Her­ Miss Hoskins, all went to the
resources of this county were being man M. Farmer. That notwith­ Guild House where an elegant ban­
quet was served by the ladies of the initiate a contest at any time be­ called upon for military service and
mn nufuctured.
standing all this, the pretended church
; Rev. Mackenzie conducted fore patent issues, by filing a cor­ that each county must furnish a con­
Mr. Booth talked from a business
miin’x point of view. He left this contract was entered into by and the business meeting. Reports roborated affidavit in this office, tingent in proportion to its population.
between the said defendants privat- . showed all finances in good condi­ alleging facts which would defeat At the time of the Napoleonic wars this
morning for Portland.
law was actually applied, but since
ely and without authority, and tion, and money in treasury and an the entry.
H. F. HlGBY, Register.
increase in church membership of
f then It has fallen into disuse, without,
Bid Accepted and Rejected. without a regular session of the about 20 in past year; during the
however, being repealed. Every year
said Court, ami at this time the year the commodious Guild House
In tlir matter nt bide for lumber said defendants pretending to
J. S. EAMAR, DRUGGIST, since 1829 parliament has solemnly
for Bur View und Ocean Luke, that
a cost of $1,590. by the Ladies' HAS VALUABLE AGENCY. gone through the form of suspending
of the Wheeler Lumber Co., tor as su'd County Court, are about to j at
for one year tills ancient conscription
coftimon tir ut $10 tlO per thousand tinier and authorize said I C. Hol­ Guild. Mrs. L S. Groat, President,
J. S. I.atnar, druggist, has the by ballot.—Pearson's Weekly.
(With membership of 35; Walter Tillamook
was accepted:
den, as clerk of said Court, to issue Baker was elected Superintendent
In the matter of bids for the con­
mixture of buckthorn bark, gly-1
Sunday school ; Treasurer, Mr. cerine,
struction of various roads the fol­ and deliver to the defendants,| The ! 1 | of
etc , known as Adler i-ka, j
Good Roads Machinery Co. and '
lowing bids were rejected :
the remedy which became famous
The druggist was becoming wearied
Wells and Leach, Hughey Creek I IIBwiird Cooper Corporation n war- I
' R. J Watt, W. B. Alderman A 1 A.
... by curing appendicitis. This simple by a shopkeeper, who. with no Inten­
road, $815.511
rant in the sum of $1690.94 in pay i i Pennington; elders, Alex Watt. W. remedy has powerful act on and tion to buy. kept asking questions, ex­
Welle and Leach, Jenkins road. inent of the machinery, anti unless I
such surprising amounts of
| B Aidermen. E M. Hales, Walter drains
old matter from the body that JUST amining various articles, pricing them
A. Spiesschaert. section C of the the defendants are restrained, B. 1». j
ONE DOSE relieves sour stomach, 1 and demanding the manner of th“lr
B. Aiderman, E M. Bales, W. A. ( 1 gason
Guribaldi Wheeler road. $5,300.
Beals will pay the same.
the stomach and constipa-1 use. Finally she picked up a bottle.
I Williams Thus. Harrison.
A Spiesscliaert, from Station 79-00
“Is this pest exterminator reliable?'
That the defendant,M. J. Gersoni, I Judge Calvin R. Worrnll, presided tion almost IMMEDIATEI.Y. The
to station 177 9. Garibaldi rtiad,
QUICK action of Adler-i ka is as- she nsked. “How is It applied?"
I toniahing______________ |
“You take a tablespoonful every half
advised and abetted the and dignity and hie many happy
E A Worthington, l.oerpsbel aided,
ma'am." the druggist replied
road, $1100.
other defendants in all the unlaw ! merriment of laughter flowing. He Chamberlain’s Tablets for Con­ with more than an ounce of satisfac­
Following road contracts were ful and'ur.authorized acts
introduced Hon. R A. Booth as j
tion. and the woman nsked no more
let :
For constipation. Chamberlain’s questions.—St Louis Tost-Dispatch.
In case Haiti warrant is issued, it 'one of the leading church workers
D. R. Tinnerstet, Hughey Creek
will impose upon the said Tills-j ; of Oregon mid candidate for U. S. I Tablets art excellent. Easy to fake, I
road, $787 80.
mild and gentle in effect. Give
Connie Dye. Jenkins rood. $7stl7. mook County, an illegal und unjust i Senator on the Grand Old Repub­ then
Quick Cure.
a trial. For sale by all dealers. 1
C. K. tKaeoiu,, l.oerpabel road, debt anti upon tiie plaintiffs as tax lican ticket, after which Mr. Booth 1
•‘How annoying! My wife is always
made an eloquent speech that made
$1,095 00.
The hard work fatigues her.”
Hllamook Bay Construction Co., payers an unlawful illeg;al burden. | him many friends. Toasts and re­ i Disordered Kidneys CnuBe Much ailing.
flly wlre alao wa9 alway9
“My wife also was always ill, but
That unless restrained by the sponses;—"How the church helps i ... ..
section C, Garibaldi-Wheeler road,
now ghe enjOy8 (he
of health."
$4 113.25.
misery bv
day, I
_ ___________
...... pain
— .....-V.J
w «nj,
Court tiie defendant H. I. Beals, the grocer” D. I„ Shrode; The
"How did you cure her?"
Tillamook Bav Construction Co , aided ami abetted by the other de­ church an opportunity to adver­ I sleep disturbing bladder weakness
tise Millinery and Gents Fur "—A. night, tired, nervous run-down men I •'1 told her that 1 would give her so
section A, Garibaldi-Wheeler road,
fendants, will pay the said warrant A Pennington; "The Ianv anil the ntid women every where are glad to
from 77 to 177, $3.891.48
much a month for her dresses and ber
and thereby divest the county of Gospel"—Geo. Willet; "The church know that Foley Kidney Pills restore doctor. Since then she is quite well.”
funds amounting to the sum afore­ Moore; "The Ladies”— Cal. Worrall. health and strength, au<l|the regular —Paria Sourire.
Bids Wanted.
said. greatly to the iniory of said The following chairmen of com­ action of kidneys and bladder. For
Bids will be received iwitd Satur­ I I county ami to the injury of the mittees, ably assisted by the entire sale by all druggists.
Would Lika a Leak.
day, April 4th, 1914. for 80 cords of plaintiffs.
church membership made a grand
"Say. sheriff."
w ‘uud tt: be delivered to the school
the evening: Soliciting
That at the time of .entering into success of comJ.,
J'illiipujg^^it). Separate
There is nothing more discourag­
Mrs. W B. Aider­
bilk wanted foi sfTiTice. hemlock. the said pretended contract the said banquet
ing than a chronic disorder of the I "I voted fer you. Can’t you show
tir, alder and xlulta.
Fillamook County, had outstanding Entertainment comt , Mrs. D. I.. I stomach. Is it not surprising that me a writ of habeas corpus? I read so
K. J. C lai ' hskn .
Reception comt . Rev. many suffer for years with such an much nbont 'em that I'd kind o’ Ilka
for more than Hit* sum of Shrode;
Clerk, .School District No. 9
wile. Kldera anti ailment when a permanent cure is to have a look at one o' the dam
$5.660. ami thnt said indebtedness wives, and anil
Miss lie Barr's S. S. within their reach and may be had things.”—Kansas City Journal.
was not contracted to sii|»preas in­ visas; All went home nt 10 o’clock fora trifle. " About oneyear ago,”
Notice of Office Hours.
surrection or to repel invasion, ami feeling that ''In Henven itself I'll says P. II. Beck, of Wakelee. Mich.,
Quick Paco.
R B. Haya, Water Collector— that all of the indebtedness bud been ask no more. Than a Presby terian 'I bought a package of Chamber
Iain's Tablets, and since using them
**I suppose that your son la develop­
Street Comniiasinner anti City Re Contracted within one year prior to I welcome.'
I have felt perfectly well. I had ing apace."
»■order. Office in City Hull.
First ten day* of each month Io the date on which saitl defendants ! Bring your chickens to the Till«- previously used any number of
"Yea. and a pace that Is much too
medicines, hut none of fast for one of bls year«.'*—Buffalo Bi­
a.111. to 12a tn. and 1 pm to3p. ill, entered the pretended contract.
j mo.ik Meat Company's Market. We different
them were of anv lasting benefit.” press
teal u( Ute month 1 to 3-30 p. in.
| Plaintiffs prey for an injunction ' pay 13c. per pound.
• I For sale by all dealers.
Baking Powder
Saves Health
Saves Money
Makes Better Food
8oma Taka Their Napa at Night, Oth­
er» During the Day.
Clover shuts Its leaves before rain
and 'it night, bringing two of its three
leaves face to face and folding th«
third over tho top. The young blos­
soms are also carefully sheltered by
inclosing leaves which move forward
in the evening ami wrap them around.
There are two plants In the garden
whose flowers sleep by day—the uight
blooming stock and Lychnis ves;>er-
tlna. The former Is withered and
shriveled in daylight, but expauds and
exhales a vanilla-like odor at night
The lychnis is white, and in bright
sunshine every flower closes and
bangs limply down.
As tin. sun sets this Endymion plant
awakes expectant of the moon. The
drooping calyxes raise themselves and
slowly expand their flowers. It visi­
bly ceases to droop and fade, and the
plant, which almost died by day, is
adorned anew. Its sister, the red
lychnis, shines by day and is called
dlnrna. but tills white one lias long
left the beaten ancestral path and has
become vespertina.
As it opens small flies appenr and
visit it. The calyx is of thnt reddish
hue which they approve. The suu
dew which attracts flies shows the
same dull red in Its leaves. It is not
a rar'ty. but few have seen Its blos­
soms opened. —Scotsman.
Air or Moisture In the Tube Will Ren­
der It Unreliable.
Don't expect a bnrotneter to tell you
the truth about the weather until you
have tested It thoroughly. Two com­
mon causes for unreliability nre air
and water mixed with the mercury in
the tube. These can be expelled by
boiling ttie mercury.
In order to test a barometer let It
bang for a time In the proper position;
then gently and with care incline it so
that the mercury may strike against
the glass tube. If there is no air with­
in you will hear a sharp metallic click,
but if the sound is dull and muffled it
indicates the presence of both air nnd
moisture. The presence of air alone Is
shown by minute bubbles.
If nt uuy time the mercury seems to
adhere to the tube even in the slight­
est degree, nnd the convex surface as­
sumes a more flattened form it Is safe
to conclude that either air or moisture
is present. In any of these cases the
instrument should he put into expert
hands for rectification.
There are several kinds of barom­
eters. The ordinary "weather glass”
in common use is more or less unre­
liable and is easily made more so by
careless handling. In fact, any barom­
eter must be treated with great re­
spect in order to retain its usefulness.
—Harper's Weekly.
The First False Teeth.
Until little more than a century ago
humanity had to rub along without
false teeth, of which nowadays one
firm alone claims to sell over 12.000,-
000 n year. The first successful maker
was Giussepnugelo Fonzi. an Italian
dentist, who started practice in Paris
in 1798 and, thanks to his skillful
treatment of Lucien Bonaparte, soon
made his way. After years of experi­
ment he discovered the substance
from which artificial teeth are made
and received the gold medal of the
French Academy of Science. One of
the earliest person« fitted with false
teeth was the empress of Russia. Aft­
er Waterloo Fonzi migrated to Lon­
don nnd then to Madrid, where Ferdi-
uand Vll. rewarded him with a yearly
pension of 1,000 ducats for a set of
false teeth.
Human Derelicts.
This is the invariable history of such
cases. Let an unidentified body of a
man or woman, young or old. lie dis­
covered. nnd from all directions will
come inquiries disclosing the fact that
many persons have disappeared from
the knowledge of tbelr friends. Trag­
edies and heartaches are thus uncov­
ered. for the mere act of inqulrjg
proves that some one in each case has
suffered anxiety over the missing one
and has feared evil happenings. Crime,
shame, melancholy, discontent, unhap­
piness, desire for adventure, are among
the causes that lead to the disappear­
ances.—Indianapolis Star.
Jim's Advantage.
prominent state official In a moun­
tain region reined iu Ills horse one hot
afternoon and inquired of a barefooted
woman workiug in the field. “Mudsin.
can you tell me how much farther It is
to Johnson's Corners?'’
The woman leaned ou ber boe and
pondered gravely. “No." she said final­
ly. “I can't My son, Jim. could tell
you. though. Jim's been aroun'. H«'s
got shoes.”—Everybody's.
A Deduction.
remonnlly we do not pretend to be
much of a band at reading character,
hut when we see a young man carry­
ing a pair of kid gloves in one hand
and a cane In the other we know he
Isn't looking for a plowlug Jois—<J«I'
vestoB News.
Only a Bluffer.
“He says he's boss—likes to show
his wife that he's clothed la author­
“All I can say Is (hat lie's ■ prvttj
poor dresser.”—Town Topics.
Around the Circle.
time,” declared grand»«,
"girls were more modest."
“1 know," said the flippant girl-
was a fad once. We may get back $•
If-Kansas City Journal.