■4 Advertising Rates. butted in and run things a* the meeting when the budget was discussed, they are wondering in making another move, whe­ ther it is simply to make the court comply with certain for­ malities or whether they intend to take an active part in politics, for the gossips have it that the timber men approached one per­ son with the object of inducing him to run for county judge. jumped in one American .city from 16,600 cases to 366,00) cases. There gcKids are retailed in America at a , price lower than the American man- ufactures can buy the milk from , the farmers in our cc-i ltry. If this continues our condeasid milk com­ panies will be compelled to build plants in Australia and the Nether- | lands in order to co.iqiete, and one I or two companies stand ready to do . this if this ratio of importa­ tions shall continue. This will , naturally lower the price to be paid , to American farmers for the raw product. Here is one effect of a low | tariff to the farmer. The greatest] danger to Americans comes from Australia. These are things to be I considered in the question of fluid I milk prices in the very near future. SPECIAL FEED PRICES I L egal A dvertisements : First Insertion, per line . $ Each subsequent insertion, line Business and professional cards, 1 month.................................... 1 to 5 '«i Homestead Notices................... Timber Claims ... ................. i 10 00 5 Locals per line each insertion Display ad vertisernent, an inch, month.............. 50 All Resolutions of Condolence and I-odge Notices, 5c. per line. Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen, etc., minimun rate, 25c. not exceed­ The following happened near ing five lines. Salem thisjweek when property sold for little over $20 that was worth $<150. Conservatiyely estimated, RATES OE SUBSCRIPTION. 1000 bushels of prime potatoes sold (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) at one cent per bushel. The pota­ 1.5o toes were first-class and should Hon. R. A. Booth was a visi­ One year........ 75 have brought the top prices Six months.... tor to this county this week and 50 Three month) This is the record blow delivered he created a favorable impres­ at the high cost of living by ’ Babe’’ sion. If the voters of Oregon Entered as second class mail mat­ Neednam, the deputy sheriff, when I ter July, 1888, at the poet office at one lone bidder offered $10 for the want a clean, upright gentle­ man <111 to VV» represent 1 cpivov-n v them mN-».. in the - --------- Tillamook, Óre., under the act of thousand bushels of potatoes on a HI nice little 160-acre farm six miles United States senate, Mr. Booth I March 3, 1379. southeast of Scotts Mills. The dep­ is the man to fill the bill. He uty sheriff placed two horses on the stand and called for an offer. The is not only a Republican but is j t ^illamook MjeHblLjbt, lone bidder said $10. ‘ Sold,’’ said also a Christian gentleman and ] the officer, and the successful bar­ a man amongst men. Thecan-1 gainer drove home with his newly- acquired team and a portion of the didacy of Mr. Booth will do, : much to uuited the Republican carload of vegetables. Editorial Snap Shots It appears that Chris Jorgensen party and with him at the head, an honest farmer, took over 160 of the ticket, there is sure to be We hope the County Court acres of land near Scotts Mills and a Republican land slide next I will not fool away any of the planted the greater portion of it in November, which will plainly: potatoes. The prices dropped, and, taxpayers’ money on high rinding that he could not pay any indicate that Oregonians are op-1 priced, outside attorneys to de­ more money on the property, Jor­ posed to the free trade policy of gensen got discouraged and left it. fend the law suits. the Democratic party. Mr. Booth knows the needs of a timbered country like this and The progressives in this coun­ what is necessary to develop it, ty have reached the unlucky for he was at one time connect­ number of 13. We feel sorry ed with one of the largest lum­ for the Bull Moose party, with so many backsliders deserting bering concerns in the state, having had considerable experi­ ( ence in developing that indus­ , We must apologise for giving try and bucking up against the ( difficulties which confronted it. Bro. Trombley a free trade Kan­ garoo fit last week, We would For that reason Mr. Booth will suggest that he owallow whole make an ideal person to repre­ I every morning before breakfast sent Oregon in the U.S. senate, three pigtail eggs shipped from We feel sorry that some of the for Tillamook will be one of the China. timber interests baye thought it large lumbering centers before Australian beef was under­ wise to institute legal proceed many years. Another thing that selling Tillamook beef in this ings against the county because is not generally known about the County Court did not con- Mr. Booth, while some politi- city last week as a result of free form to the law in some few,'cians are advocating money at trade, and over 2.500,000 eggs from China were dumped into I particulars, and, to our way of a low rate of interest to clean up Portland in one day to compete thinking, resorting to law suits ( farm lands for the purpose of is not the best method of strai- catching votes, he has been as- with home products. ghtening out any irregularities'listing farmers in the Willa- We hope the same calamity will not befall some of the dairy­ men of this county who have bought high priced farms with a small amount of ready cash and a large amount of paper money. As it is the determin­ ation of the democratic party to reduce the price of everything raised on the farm, it must, of necessity follow, that land val­ ves will be forced down. I tliat have taken place in the, mette valley with cheap money It’s enough to make one throw past. We want to see the peo-! before he had any' idea that his his breakfast overboard since , pie of this county, the timber , friends and neighbors inEugene the Democratic party under­ linen and the county officials get would ask hint to be a candi- took to feed the American peo­ ' along in a friendly spirit. It is date for U.S. senator. We can ple on pigtail eggi We move \ to the interests of all parties that, highly recommend Mr. Booth that all eggs imported from they do this. Admitting that t to the voters of Tillamook conn- China be branded with the the timber men are a right injty and hope they will support word "Pigtail." If this is not ,their complaint, resorting to him. not only in the primary done millions of pigtail eggs law ¡suits always bring about election but at the general elec­ will be disposed of and tind more are less friction. There tion in November. their way into the stomachs of is, no doubt, but what the tim­ Oregonians. ber men, as well as other tax- The Forest Grove Press has turn­ If the timber men could club ' out of existence some of those tax-eating commisshnis which have come intq existence the past few year»/ the state tax would be greatly reduced. The cranks,office seekers and special intercuts advocated most of the c Fancv Re-Cleaned GRAY OA1S............ GOOD GRAY OATS, for seed.......... FANCY WHITE OATS........................... WHEAT ................... 1.................... OIL MEAL .................................................... FANCY ROLLED OATS ................... FANCY ROLLED OATS ................... STAR BARLEY .......................................... CHOICE TIMOTHY HAY, on hand. FAN » » FLOUR cot ina saj th« elt; an< SCI PURE GRANULATED SUGAR. .. 21 lbs. for $1.00. 100 lb. sack, $4.70* BEST FRUIT SUGAR........................... 20 lbs. for $1.00. ,, 5.00 STANDARD CORN, 3 cans for 25c. STANDARD TOMATOES, 3 cans for 25c, All Come in and see our goods and get OUR PRICES before you buy. RAY & CO. RALPH C. BACON, Mgr. Grocery Dept. ISYNOP8I8 OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE American Central Life Insurance Co. of Indianapolis, in the State of Indiana, on the 31st day of December, 1913, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Ore­ gon, pursuant to law: Capital. Amount of capital stock paid up ................................................... $ 337,000.00 • Income. Total premium income............... Interest, dividends and rents received during the year.... Income from other sources re­ ceived during the year........... Total income ............................... $ Disbursements. Paid for losses, endowments, annuities and surrender val­ ues ..................................................... $ Dividends paid to policy-hold­ ers during the year.................. Dividends paid on capital stock during the year.......................... Commissions and salaries paid during the year.......................... Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year.......................... Amount of all other expendi­ tures ................................................ Four Foot Fir Slabs $3.00 per Cord. Delivered. com out» Dry Short Wood $2.00 Load trov part A. F. COATS LUMBER CO- Millinery a Matter of BrainsTS Style—Creative Ability. Pan 801 k It is this and this alone that makes millinery an art. Our Hr' demonstrate that we have successfully solved the problem of selli: high class millinery and at a very reasonable price. t- , "f HILMA JOHNSON spent all of February in gathering first 1 grap etyle information and assembling a stock of beautiful trimmed Hab hets Millinery Merchandise that will make HILMA JOHNSON’S MillwLoul the talk of Tillamook this coming season. COME -YOUR INSPECTION High quality hl High drugs and I low [;j prices. If you are (¡j looking for pure $ IS INVITED. S3» _ .est thiit power rcr reed vEE-:-S Bread, f Tillamook Bakery, Grocers | r.iatism. ror^ | Foley Kidnty Pills are 8° a i ov.ghly effective for backache matism, swollen, aching joint»' "ga ney and bladder ailments th»i^^M are recommended every«' ’Cbty A. Jeffords, McGrew. Nebrj^T^ ' My druggist recommended Kidney Fills for pains in a1', ¡gfy. Eat Viereck’s At all dise, “cure mun ture « the i ger» of <1 she e ing a some elesr .___ (!] years of drug S Chamberlain’s Tablets for Con­ ¡H experience go to stipation. For constipation. Chamberlain’si ii? » CLOUTH, | Tablets art excellent Easy to take M) Give O’ it nvaraged for the corresponding mil.l and gentle in effect. week of last year. It represents a then a trial. For sale by al) dealers. 3 “ The largest and $ What is the matter with Tilla tidy contribution of the American niook? In the past few day* very dairymen to the cause of tariff re­ Disordered Kidneys Cause Much (;] oldest d.rug store & disquieting atone« have come froth form. | Misery. the cheese county. Of the three I With pain and misery bv dnv i®in Tillamook Co. county commissioners, not one de-' The low prices that butter is com­ -y-l!L ... cavl of t safe -bptt Total expenditures ................. . $ Assets. Market value of real estate owned ...............................................$ Loans on mortgages and col­ lateral, etc. ................................. Premium notes and policy loans................................................ Cash In banks and on hand. . Net uncollected and deferued premiums ...................................... Other assets (net)......................’’ funds. While his hands are covered ¡with bloody spots Gen. Villa, once hope of the constitutionalists, is likewise accumulating indelible stains Brigandage is rampant throughout the country regardless I -K- of what leader maybe in nominal!®® controj. Hundreds of riillUVIIM millions Of el I (I) T ---- ,..... . ••"• '••'- mo x,i foreign inveHtmenta have been loxt » and there iu ttr» anf..».. nr . and there ia no safety for life or _ 1 >Ai person. __________ : aba Boa a tel ofc OM Of 1 Ai carl mix pari Total aaaats ........................ | Total assets admitted in Ore­ gon ..................................... j Llabilihea. Net reserve ...................... $ Total policy claims unpaid.... All other liabilities,.................... V pe< da Flour has advanced 20c. per barrel in Portland. Can sell HIGH PATENT HARD WHEAT FLOUR that is selling in Portland at $5.80 a bbl. at the following prices : HIGHLAND BRAND. HARD WHEAT FLOUR, $5.00 bbl. $1.30sk. PURE WHITE BRAND, HARD WHEAT FLOUR. $5.40 bbl. $1.40sk. Buy Flour now and Save Money. [•} Our Policy sleep disturbing bladder weakness sires re-election. Indeed, one hue manding at the present time ia night, tired, nervous run-down men resigned, and the others have nn arousing considerable interest in and women every where are glad to equivocally declared that under no cheese in sections of California know that holey Kidney Pills restore circuinatancea will they serve where the industry lias never been health and strength, and|the regular another term—aa cominiitsioners. established. T'uia we note that one nctmn of kidneys and bladder. For factory is to l>e established at Grid ­ It ia not often thut county com- inieaiouera decline to etiind for lev. Butte county, and another one sale by all druggists. re election, and very rarely do we in Colusa county. Stomach Trouble Cured find one that teaigib« It may l>e A dispatch from New Orleans says Chronic There 1« nothing more discourag stated Hint the commissioners of that I a shipment of I.'xi) cases of con Tillamook are not seeking other < ilensed milk arrived there from mil then it chronic disorder of the political jobs. They will retire to : Two representatives stomnch I, it not surprising that private life. It would not surprise Switzerland many suffer for years with such in of the Holland America Milk Co a'lment The Spe-tator to hear that other aie ill New Orleans when a permaneut cure is with the expec county commissioners will follow tation of establishing an agency fori trine"" r*’ he tne extraordinary example of the there, says the Milk Reporter. The toratntle. About oneyear ago." Of " *'kelee. Mnit gentlemen of Tillamook. -S|>ectator company has opened a big agency ".'I',” 1 ' k p,ck,“re of Chamber' There ia nothing the matter with $2.1»«». COO to spend in New York lain^i^M have’'?elt ‘ "w* *2** and it («¿expected that agen. with Tillamook, Mr. Spectator. ( 1 L'ty cies will be established in other i liaxe felt perfectly well. I |,o . . Before some of our citizens got large American cities And now. previously used anv number fairly ovei how th.- timbei an n the* price. Since the of the different medicine«, hm non-. were of any lasting bep-fi» “ new tariff law theimportatiuns have them For Bale by all dealers. 100 lbs. FLOUR. FLOUR. insist that the tax money be eco- “News Times,” the old paper, could nomicallv expended and that f not be downed, and the promoters County Courts comply strictly ,°f the Press are wiser as i well as with the law. That is the best 'poorer. A fool and his money will Total liabilities Exclusive of t part, and it is always the slick capital stock ot; |137J'OU.OO. $ 3.613,458 45i 1 method for the county court to ’ soon Insurance in forte De­ talker who has no money himself, Total cember 31, ........................ >3 adopt, and then there would be but imagines that he is a success, I f . Oregon for the no occasion to call the court’s that somehow talks the cash out of Total lliiNinrss risks written during the ............ ..................................... $ actions into question. As we the other fellow's pocket to give him Gioss premiums received dur­ a job. You will find them in every ing the yttir ............................... understand it, this is a matter town and how they do it is a ques Losses »aid during the year that is not confined to Tilla- tion you ask yourself after you Losses InciFTrcd during the vear amount of risks outstand mook, as the timber men are have been stung.—l’olk County Total ing in Oregon December 31. 1913.................................................... j 2-t.itx.00 pursuing the same course in I Observer. ________________ AMERICAN CENTRAL LIFE IXH KANOK other counties, and it was at the CO. Advocates of the watchful waiting By CAHROl.L, B. CARR, secretary. suggestion of the Insurance i policy Statutory general agent and attorney for are now voicing a hope that Commission at Salem that these the man of the hour may arise in Mvrvice. Judd Lowrey. suits were brought. Probably Mexico. Aa the St. Louis Republic there is not a county in the State expresses it: “It is hoped that a leader may appear and a party de­ that is following strictly to the velop through which the country formalities in every particular, may be pacified and constitutional some counties being still hun­ government re established." Huerta dreds of thousands of dollars in does not appear to be crumbling as rapidly as the president supposed debt. We hope that this little some .weeks ago. He has not yet tempest in a tea kettle will soon succumbed to the financial siege. r,j............ „ blow over, with a better under­ Of the lo.000,000 motley inhabitants standing with the timber men, of the stricken republic, a majority recognize him as ruler the county court and the people willingly By direct and indirect confiscation of the county. , he supplies his government with We have been asked to ask Bro. Trombley, the free trade, Democratic pencil pusher,a per- tiinetil question : Wasn't the tariff altered for the express purpose of lowering the price of everything raised on the farm, and allow food stuffs from Aus­ tralia, China, Canada, Siberia and other countries to come in free and undersell Ameri­ can farmers ? Another ques­ tion we want to propound to our Democratic friend : If the value of farmers' products are re­ I duced one half, won’t it reduce We want to give the dairymen the value of their land ns well ? of Tillamook county some vai Oue hears a great deal about liable information as to how the "knockers,” but we nre glad new tariff law is causing un­ we nre not one of those who easiness among farmers, whose advocate free trade to knock the industry is placed in jeopardy bottom out of the farmer«' pro­ on account of free trade. We ducts and, at the same time, will quote a few items from the knock the value out of his land, Pacific Dairy Review : for the value of ii form is esti­ mated by the amount of money The average quotation on extra butter in the local market for the that can be made off it. past week is 13 17 cents below what $ .80 sack. 1.20 1 35 ....................... $26.00 ton. ■■■■••........................... 20«0 ” w* you will find it distinctly advanta­ geous to come and do your select ing here. You will get the best qualities, the moat thorough and conscientious workmaashin and be charged the most reasonable prices, we can supply single or dout.l Sets or any single article that you i may be in need of. I i W.A, Williamsic Cc. X r C—*X_«.__ __ :• —H a I old trouble entirely For sale by all druggist*. Notice to Milk Const»» <>ur prices, in «dvance. 2K Jon; quarts, in advance, 6c. IF in advance, 3>4c. . T illamook D* Mutual Phon«,