AS * IU14 Tillamook I CAR A SUCCESS. G.A. m . FAIR X-XXxxx £ li Tillamook Jottings f Commissioner Edner Resigns and then Withdraws. J, L. Lawson vs E S. Snelling Some surprise was caused on and E. P. Curry is a suit filed in Monday when it became known that the circuit court to recover >224.80. I County Commissioner G, R Edner This case grew out of a real estate had handed in his resignation, deal in which the defendants bought a good deal of speculation was and in­ Mrs. N. S. Allen’s property with the dulged in as to whom the C ounty understanding that the defendants would appoint to till the were to pay certain bills which Mrs. Court ETURN to the grocer all sub vacancy. Some of the voters in the Aden owed, the plaintiff and others, north of the county wanted Mr. which the defendants have failed to Edner part stitutes sent you for Royal Bak- to witfidraw his resignation, I comply with. as lie has hie work planned for this b ing Powder There is no sub­ Miss Elva Hall and Ed. Blum year,abut he does not feel inclined celebrated their birthdays at the to do this. The reasons given for home of the latter on March 15th. his resignation are set forth in his stitute for ROYAL,. Royal is a pure, About 25 were present and all fully letter to the County Court: cream of tartar baking powder, and March, 12, 1914. enjoyed the day Many pretty as well as useful presents were receiv­ To The Honorable County Court healthful. Powders offered as sub­ ed, among them a beautiful Edison of Tillamook County Oregon. I hereby tender my resignation photograph given to Miss Hall by her parents In the evening a party as Commissioner of Tillamook stitutes are made from alum. of young people surprised Miss Hall County. at her home. After a merry time The worry and strain is too great with games, music, etc., they de­ for the small compensation allowed parted, wishing the hostess many a commissioner. I have held the more happy birthdays. office for the past 15 months and if I attend to the county business as Fancy Potatoes, 00c per cwt. ; it should be attended to the salary Bids Wanted for Wood. bran, $25.00 ton. 75c. txi lb. ak.; will hardly pay my expenses so 1 shorts, $1.15 80 lb ak., $28. U0 ton; .. . .... .................. * _ owe my family to feel it a duty I process hurley, $1.20 75 lb. Maple Leaf Creamery Association Thanking your honorable 7" pc«’ cwt. ; resign. Road Machinery for Sale. »29.00 ton ; wheat, $1.75 per wishes to receive bide for wood de­ granulated body and the people of Tillamook livered at its factory, in four foot white oats, $'29.00 ton ; g County for past favors. sugar, $4.50 and $4.75 per sk., 21 lengths, both alder and hemlock. 3 Dump Carts. I remain yours sincerely lbs granulated sugar, $1.00; 4 lbs. Company will consider bids from 4 Fresnos. G. R. EliNEk. fancy Caracol coflee, XI.00 ; 3 lb 25 cords to 150 cords. Half to be de­ 2 Road Plows, very best Japan tea, $1 00 ; hard County Clerk Holden received a livered by August 15, 1914, and bal­ Shovels, Picks. Saw. wheat Hour, »4.85 per bbl or $1.25 telegram from Mr. Edner on Wed­ ance by October 15, 1914. per sack. All the above prices good nesday withrawing the resignation. Leave Lids at Carl Haberlach s Enquire of E. J. Claussen, Tilla- until April let. All other groceries office, Tillamook, Ore. Company monk. Oregon. 10 to 20 per cent discount until right to reject any or all April let—Tillamook .MercantileCo. P.R. & N. Loose $900,000. reserves bids. All bids to be in by March P. W. Todd vs. Charles Roy Funk The Hill interests have not ex­ 25 M 1914. aple L eaf C reamery A ss ’ n . is a damage suit filed in the circuit I tended their United Railways line court. The plaintiff entered into an to Tillamook as originally intend­ agreement to lease to the defendant ed and promised, for tlie economic for a term of two years certain real reason that if one railroad already property with the understanding built can lose $900,000 in three years that plaintiff could sub let the place two loads tapping the same country for pasture, and it was also stipu­ could end probably would lose lated that defendant cut, haul and twice that amount in the same dispose of the hay, and pay the length of time. Hence the United plaintiff half the proceeds. Defen­ Railways ends out at a railroad [ dant was also reiyiired to keep up somewhere near Wilkesboro, with the fences, bridges and buildings. no further extention in sight. Plaintiff claims that defendant re­ This interesting information, You will be asking yourself about ceived about $1,200, half of which tie brought out for the first time since failed to pay the plaintiff, and with the Hill and Harriman forces be­ now, “What shall I wear this $100 claimed for neglect in keeping gan their battle for Western Ore- j Spring ?” You will probably stroll up tlie place, Mr. Todd claims the gon supremacy, came to light in the , sum of $700 along the streets, peer into shop Linnton rate case before the Rail­ road Commission this morning. Tlie / windows, look critically at your best people called on their husky’ Senator R. A. Booth Coming. Hill dressed friends, read articles on rivals of the Southern Pacific to! furnish proof that it would be bad I fashions, and even ask your wife or State Senator R A Booth, who is business to string another railroad ! a candidate for U. S. Senator, will to Tillamook. sweetheart. Why follow in the old be in Tillamook City next Wednes­ W. M. Nelson, auditor of the Pa­ way this Spring ? The old way was day. He will be a guest of the cific Railway & Navigation Co , was | Tillamook Commercial Club that placed oti the witness stand by only good until a better way came evening, when he will speak in the Judge C, H. Carey, attorney for the in. And the better way came in club rooms. It is hoped that a Hill lines, and Nelson gave the large number of members and following resume of the financial with the business men will turn out and fortunes of the Tillamook line. In meet the visitor to show that we the last seven months, beginning are a live progressive class of peo­ July 1. 1903, the company had lost ple in Tillamook. $00 (JOO on operating expetices, for the calendar y ear 1913 tile operating House Warming by Masons. loss was $170,000, and for the three years since tlie line was opened the I Friday evening, March 20, is the loss, including interest charges, has Friduy Within these doors right now is a Display of more than 500 Beauti­ date set for the house warming at the been over $900,000. ful Art Productions of Foreign and Domestic Looms. Tiie digression in the line of new Masonic hall. I Deputy Grand Master W. C. Bristol and Grand Secre­ testimony in the Linnton rate case Every one different, every one intense with individuality. The tary Jas. F. Robinson of Portland ¡will came alter the attorneys for the I soft tone shades in Brown, Greens and Blues are here. The newest Linuton people had persisted in be present. mottled color effects ; Pin Stripes and Checks; Plaids ; Scotch Mix­ Elaborate preparations are being trying to show in cross examination I tures. one of these be the answer to that question, “What Shall made by committies from both the that the United Railways would be I wear thia Spring ?" Then the answer will be perfectly satisfying. Masonic lodge and Eastern Star Lodge, a good money-maker if it had been and the prospects are that there will extended to the coast, as intended. Ladies* and Gent.’s French Dry Cleaning a Specialty. These attorneys insisted that the be a grand time. present "red ink" showing of the There will be speech-making and a TOGGERY BUILDING. banquet will be served. The different company was not a result of non- Phone 19W. Free Call and Delivery. Masonic lodges throughout the county remunerative operation of the line have been invited and a cordial invita­ between here and Linnton, but on tion is extended to all Masons and tlie section of the road beyond that point, but which the company was their families. seeking to charge against the Port­ ia nd-Linnton link.—Telegram. No Substitutes With Plenty of Fun, Pleasure and Laughter. The i1*.1 fushioneil Henry Ellison .««..»vz.. and «mu I i ■;,» ai s„..™ jSnuoM I nd took us buck nil and t.uck toiB uW jay, candle light and went n.” our “galls in the inorn.’M charac'or song By ■ Mrs. Allen Page brought , house; The W. R. / specially to thank >le Lamb. The “Fish Pond” where I". L. Buell, Tillamook, fat plot Mesdames Stella Perry, Elma Chas. Grout, Bay City, Schultz, Alice Wolfe and Mary E. R Ayer, Tillamook, fat: «.,^1 Johnson placed “ fish” on hooks l’e’er Ileisel, Tillamook, f, Uru Ei baited with money ; the elegant Albert Marolf, Tillamook, Japanese tea garden where the H B. Johnson, Tillamook Schi beautifully gowned Misses Fay Fred Kabkee, Hol sonville,: -i 4 Harris, Gladys Snodgrass, Mary Erick Glad, Tillamook, 1 White and Alice Perry served tea Jos Dtirrer, Tillamook, fa:"? forall. The candy booth with Mrs. W. S. Hare, Tillamook, fa’ Ge Lottie Hill in charge, ably assisted James Kodad, Tillamook amo by the pretty Misses Lillian Ruger, D. A. Simmons, Bay City. Qe Faye Hill and Lillian Severence John J. Longcor BayCitj amn who charmed many a dime by their J. J. Holielt, Blaine, farntro^H G.W. Body felt. Hebo, iarn Sal smiles from the boys. The ice cream parlor with Miss Henry Rogers, Tillmno i)*nool Rachel Stanley in charge, well as­ D. C. Peregoy, Nehalem,»( sisted by the Misses Margaret A. A. Imlah, Cloverdale Tiiia Coates, Neva Maddux and Beulah W. J. Himes, Tillamook,: '¿2?, Rogers, who by7 their charming W. E. Noyes, Tillamook, fu.®! manners kept the booth full of Thos. R. Monk, Tillatnoopid I grapher. happy people. “’Sdiei The "German Garden” in charge of Mrs. Lavina Coates, assisted bv Notice of Office Hi YO| tlie fascinating Misses Beulah Funk, R. B. Hays, Wider Tom Agnes Coates and Georgia John­ son, who made the garden popular. Street Com mis-mmer in Ral The Indian Tribe, with war cot’der. Office in City Ila -Ap; First ten day s of each dances, teppee and ideal Indian customs, Braves, squaws and a.m. to 12 a m. and 1 p.m.i , r' papooses, was well represented by rest of the month 1 to ------------------ — Fur Braves, Lulen Maddux, Chas. Algar, John Ashim, A. E. Ball and To The Voters ofT?l* Albert CrimmMs, Squaws, some County. with papooses on back, Messdames Bessie Chaffee, Susan Conover, I hereby announce ir.ji yhe Phoebe Snodgrass and Misses Lucille and Aves Wolf, Ruth Sever­ candidate for the noirinatfay a ance and Ruth Snodgrass, showed office of county commi.«T Circuit Court. much care as the costumes and the republican ticket, at lit ’¿ai actions were true to life and re­ to be held May 15, mid-!.'® MW R. II. Wolter and wife vs Wil- “ The Private Secretary.” nominated and elected, u jfra flected much credit on all. liam Francis Jones. Default. Here is the comedy in three nets till- people I tl 01ne The big fat boy, by Mr. Van Pat- to sei Thomas F. Biilfuin vs Minn Buf- that the club will offer to their the best of my ability, loug , ton. The Clown " Havseed ” by funi. Divorce case. Plrintiff grant­ friends for two nights only at the It is this and this alone that makes millinery an art. Our Hats F rank L 0« _ ___________ For ed diverse, neither side to recover Star Theatre, Thursday and Friday, demonstrate that we have successfully solved the problem of selling Henry Crenshaw. “Foolish Liz," • by Mrs. Allen Page, the jolly Dutch­ costs. Mardi 20tll and 27th. This is a play Jtton high class millinery and at a very reasonable price. man by Ira Smith all were well The Mothers 'reem John T. Nassa vs E. II. Cary. you will always remember. A cough ____ ___ ____ Fc t faj — taken and made amusement for old A medicine cast : Action fur money, Suit dismissed. IIILMA JOHNSON spent all of February in gathering first hand 1 and young. should he harmless, io The Douglass Cattcrmole .Curl Dawson. D. F. Trowbridge vs l.awerence Harry Marsland (his chum)....... style information and assembling a stock of beautiful trimmed Hats and I The “Curio” booth in charge of pleasant to take. It E. Sanders, Sale confirmed. L ____ Chamlicl mi-** w' A. I.. McCarthy. Millinery Merchandise that will make IIILMA JOHNSON’S Millinery i Mrs. Lizzie Reynolds, with its effectual. "snake charmer” by the charming Remedy is all of this Live Sarah Ann Larsen vs Jans F. Mr. Gibson, the tailor......... J. Hiner. the talk of Tillamook this coming season. Miss Mabie Davie, its "speiler” by mothers' favorite ever) look Larsen was a divorce suit Divorce Mr. Stead, the landlord... S. T. Gay. ir run ted and plaintiff to have her Rev. Rob Spaulding, tlie Private Mr. Reynolds, all proved one of the sale by all dealers COME -YOUR INSPECTION IS INVITED. er po ormer name. Sarah Ann Rich­ best attractions. The hot lunch Secretary. B. J McCowell. ardson, restored. Defendant to Mr. Marsland. ...J. A Freeborough. booth was a busy place, where all pay plaintiff $900. got their money’s worth and kept Tom Cattermole, from India........... Messrs. M. A. Olsen, Scottie Easton, In the case of the Tillamook, John Aschim. No. 201. Art Ruger and Messdames Kirk and ompany the plaintiffs filed ; Constable Homes..... Mr. Clarance. Hotel < Company, Johnson and others busy. their amended c complaint, setting Miss Ashford, the spiritulist ....... , The • j„..c..ded Report of the Condition of the ’ Kangaroo ” Court, " presided over out additional facta. , The defend Harriet Walker, j n L 1 'Shrode an(i by “Judge” D. anta are given ten t....„ ... reply, Miss Edith Marsland,Grace Holland I days to Judge Webster Holmes, ably as- when lodge Holmes will take up Miss Eva Lee (Edith's friend)....... | sieted by Policemen Pate Wells the case again and will endeavor to Vesta Baker. I t and Bi 1 Davis and Policewomen dispose of it before the April term Synopsis of Scenes : of the circuit court Act I. Douglass’s appartmenta at Tillamook, in the State of Oregon, at the close of Mrs. Myers and Miss Hihna John­ in London. son, fined old and young and pro­ business, March 4, 1914, duced much amusement and $20 Act II. —Marsland's|coiinty home. The G.A.R. Encampment. revenue, and few indeed escaped Act (IL—After the dinner being captured, one young lady 1 his is the funniest plav ever pre­ LIABILITIES. At a meeting of the committees sented in the city. New and funny was quite angry at her arrest until liuvwig in charge the management pictures between the acts. No Judge Holmes fined her 10c. for Loans ........................... ‘...................................... $282,918.28 of'tlie G.A.R eneiimnntent in this waits and the some prices prevail. being the most beautiful lady in Overdrafts, secured anil unsecured 159.38 city in June, was held at the Com the room, which she paid with Bonds and warrants ..................................... mercuil Club on Saturday evening, 12,430 «4 smiles, thus showing the sound The Registration. with Frank Severance in the chair Stocksand other securities........................ 633.89 judicial acumen of the judge that Assistant Adjutant General C. a ’ Two i Banking house ............................................. has made him so popular in this The registration when made up 40,750.00 Williams was present, who came to deestrict. Furniture and fixtures................................ this city to see arrangements on Saturday, showed that 244 per­ 6,759.82 The ' Kangaroo" court as well as were being made for the encamp- sons had registered that week. The Other real estate owned ............................ 4,500 00 Tillan the vaudeville program and special ment. Most of the time of the meet­ republicans increased their num­ Due front banks (not reserve banks) . 1.280.79 ties was in charge of Atty C R. ing was taken up io preliminary ber 142, the democrats 43. and the Due from approved reserved banks. . Worrall who has rendered himself prohibitions!« 12 The socialists 32,025.32 work and naming committees ■ so justly popular by his all-round ? Checks and other cash items................... Auditing Committee— Ira Smith more than doubled their registra 527.33 tion in one week, with a gain of 28 ability and courteous ever ready- C. K. Reynolds, Mrs. Ruger. Cash on hand.................................................... ) sre in 19,424.30 ness, which make a success of all Entertainment and Reception and 2 more wpre added to the Pro­ Other resources ......................................... 5.00 gressive bull moose combination, he attempts; the performers, one Committee Left to bred l Baker and all, did themselves proud, the ns president o! the Tillnmook Com­ with 1. added to the independant Total $401.414.75 rendering of old plantation melo­ mercial Club, to name. , and inisceHiinvoua columns. Men Wome n I Total dies by the O’Donnell Family, Program Committee - Will be ap I Republicans 491 153 044 LIABILITIES. sweet, always welcome singers; |xnnted at the next meeting 17(1 41 227 Tlie vocal solo by Atty. M. J. Ger- Cnpitnl stock paid in................................. . Parade—V K Reynolds, Mrs Democrats $75,000.00 Prohibitionists 23 48 71 Lucas. Ira Smith soni, a popular favorite; Singing Surplus fund .................................................. 44 0,500.00 11 53 und Clog dancing by R. N. McRae; Committee on ILills-Frank Sev­ Socialists I mlivided profits, less expense paid. Progressives 10 0 10 237. SO erance. Mrs. Hill, D. L. Shrode. Fancy clog and iig dances by Jim Independent 40 25 Postal savings bank deposits................... 05 I Decorations-C. K Reynolds. Will Miscellaneous Frederick; Beautiful horn solos and 442.45 7 3 10 j Spnldtng H. Crenshaw, Ira Smith. Deposits line State Treasurer................... bugle calls by our popular band 4.000.00 The committee will meet every leader Prof, Koemple; Pianoaccom­ Individual depi.sits subject to check . 791 381 203,945.72 1072 Saturday evening at the clubrooms Total panist, the talented pianist Pref. I >emand certificates of deposit ............... It will l>e noticed that the women j 7.010.8« Leland Erwin; The quartette, are not taking the same Time certificates of deposit........................ in Messrs. Chas. 1'hom is. Bur Beals, 38.978.58 Just Rlghi*for BscCache and Rheu­ the registration ns the interest men. and , Savings deposits ........... . Jr.. Verle Stanley and John Ebinger matism. from present i ndn ations tiler« ap , 64,669.34 rendered some beautiful selections, Foley Kidney Pills nre pears to be some ...... . truth in the Total ................................... with guitar aceompanyment by ougliK effective for backache rheu­ statement that r a portion ______ of the $101.414.75 Messrs. Thomas and Fredericks: matism. swollen, pvhmg joints, kid women did not want the privilege l'he negro minstrels. Will Hill. Geo’ State of Oregon. County of Tillamook. ney mid bladder ailments that they of voting tile came as men. Chaffee and ethers gave a half hour life lecommended everywhere A 1, Erwin Harrison, Cashier of the above named bank ___ , do ot amusement, good songs and A I e Hords, McGrew. \, |,r , suva . solemnly swear that the almve ** * Card of Thanks. statement is true to the best of dances that all enjoyed. ’ •?> druggist recoin mended Foley niy knowledge and belief. The thrilling “Slide for life" by Kidney 1*1)1* for pains in my t>a(-k E rwin H arrison , Cashier. • ’"• 'I R C. t . sincerely Sincerely thunk thank all mi und before 1 finished one I mt tie mv individuals lMi/SU„ looking for if Mr i:j--------- ° — Ago« drugs and seiJB*‘t I jj from men (;] l? years of flH U experience «us I OLOUTMM J The largest I oldest drug S"» iiin Tillamook ' Tillamoo Bakery I 1