Tillamook: Headlight, March IO, IÖ1-4 te Transfers., Etc. ; wty deed,’ lot in Stillwell Park add A. O. Foland County Road. to Tillamook. Josie A. Deeter to John R. Harter, or Tillamook County, Oregon, Ji. Notice to Contractors. Sealed bids addressed to the the week ending March 19, 1914, sat mortgage. Josie A. Deeter and husband to County Court nt Tillamook County, □ ished by the Tillamook Title A Oregon, for the proposed improve­ John R. Harter, sat. mortgage. •tract Co., John Leland Hender- Josie A. Deeter and husband <0 _ ment of the A. O. Foland County , Sec. I John R Harter, B Sale Deed, $470,90, Road, from Station 79 plus 80 East­ son. va L. Swank and husband to O. undivided interest in Ne V4 of Ne erly to the south end of the bridge Elliott Trfy deed, $10.00, lots in ‘a and 3 acres from N side of Se i at station 133 plus 61, will be re­ dlake by*the-Sea. of Ne I. section 13, tp 1 south, range i ceived by the county court of Tilla­ mook County at its office in Tilla­ illiam L. Riefenberg and wife ! 10 west. mook City. Oregon, on or before the Stroue> FANCY ROLLED OATS 30.00 ton. ... i „ ' i a < t i neglect or reiuee for a period of 11, tp 3 north, range 8 west, F'. S°ul,e 1° J’ J- l°ne8’ five days after the award is made, undivided 1-6 of W i of Se FANCY ROLLED OATS ... 1.00 601b. sack. to enter into a contract ard file a rioff Se } of Se $ section 14 and Sw wty deed, lots m Avalon. STAR BARLEY ................. 30,00 ton, $1.20 sack. William B. Elliott to Bay City, ' Bond satisfactory to the Court as Sw J, section 13, tp 3 north, CHOICE TIMOTHY HAY, on hand. Oregon, a municipality, deed, gift, ( required by law. FANCY CLOVER HAY, on hand. e 8 west land in Bay City. I X The bids A are to cover the clearing torial Com. of J. Victor A. two strips ■ ■ of I. ■ . , , ' * I. „ £............................................ 1. . • ... 1 .-------------------- — , of the right of way, grubbing, and ell. c Garibaldi-Wheeler County Road all grading and excavation, and n. Woods and wife to Ham- ■ a *—k X^ Ala A A X_X X«# Ala i placing all culverts and drains, ac- Notice to Contractors. 1 Lumber Co., wty deed, $700.00, ■ cording to the plana and epecifica- of Se Hand W J of Ne *4 of Flour has advancsd 20c. per barrel in Portland. Can sell HIGH Sealed bids addressed to the County tions on file at the office of the an 17 and Sw li of Se li, section Court at Tillamook County, Oregon, County Clerk, of Tillamook County, PATENT HARD WHEAT FLOUR that is selling in Portland at $5.80 a 3 north, range 9 west, lOOacres. for the proposed planking and regrad- 1 Oregon. !eraon Ogg and wife to Edward ing of Section “A” of the Garibaldi-I The County Court reserves the bbl. at the following prices : k, $10, wty deed, lots 3 and 4 Wheeler County Road in Tillamook right to reject any and all bids. Sy’s add to Tillamcok. Dated this the 12th day of March, County, Oregon from Station 79 plus HIGHLAND BR AND, HARD WHEAT FLOUR, $5.00 bbl. $1.30 sk. listers certificate to Thos. W, 00, t j Station 177 plus 65, will be re­ A. D. 1914. of U.B; Church. ceived by the County Court of Tilla- j By order of the County Court. PURE WHITE BRAND, HARD WHEAT FLOUR, $5.40 bbl. $1.40 sk. J C. H olden , mook County at its office in Tillamook j gon. 3. Potter Realty Co. to Agnes City, County Clerk. Oregon, on or before the 20th ' Buy Flour now and Save Money. iber, wty deed, $225.00, lot in 1st publication, March 12, 1914. day of March, 1914 at the hour of 10 cern Park. Last publication March 26, 1914. ’clock A. M., and at such’time shall I’l’RE GRANULATED SUGAR ... 1(X) lb. sack, $L70 tr . .aupoch to Fannie Cruch- o / —' - --------------- be opened and read. | BEST FRUIT SUGAR........................ ,, 5.00 t, wty deed, $10.00, lots in Each bid shall be accompanied by cer­ Eugene Atkinson Connty Road i •way Beach. STANDARD CORN. 3 cans for 25c. tified check made payable to Tillamook ' Notice to Contractors. rl ,Lee McCowell to Strethna County, for an amount equal to at Sealed bide addressed to the Come in and see our goods and get OUR PRICES before you buy elps, deed. $10, lots in Netarts least 5 per cent of the amount of such County Court at Tillamook County, • ’ark as per plat. bid, which shall be forfeited to the Oregon, for the Plankingor grate-i id C. Smith to J. A. Clemen- County in case award is made and the son 1 vty deed, $59.00. lot in First bidder shall fail, neglect or refuse for ling of Section “A” of the Eugene’ Atkinson, County Road, from a period of five days after the award is Station 0 plus 0 to Station 42 plus > Bar View. na L. Williams to First Bank made, to enter into a contract and file 87, will be received by the County rust Co., wty deed, $10.00, lot a bond satisfactory to the Court as re­ Court of Tillamook County at its quired by law. Ham’s add to Bay City. office in Tillamook City, Oregon, The bids are to cover the rebuilding ilia Haeti ngs to Jeannetta C. of embankment on the south end of on or before the 1st day of April, Hughey Creek Road. b , deed, $10, Sw 14 of Sw >i, Smith’s Lake, cleaning of ditches and 1911, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., Notice to Contractors, 1 1, N J of Ne i of section 11, trimming the banks from.Station 82 to and at such time shall be opened of Nw section 12, tp 5 Station 114, raising the grade across and read. Each bid shall te accompanied Sealed bids addressed to the County range 10 west, 160 acres. Ocean Lake andj laying planks from by certified check made payable to Court gon of Tillamook County, Oregon, I rnook County Bank to Web- Station 79 plus 00 to Station 177 plus Tillamook for an amount for the proposed improvement of the lolmes' and Emma Holmes, 65. Also for grading and trimming as equal to at County, least 5 per cent of the Hughey Creek road, in Tillamook at, lot in block unnumbered, above and covering road bed with clay amount of such bid, which shall be Oregon, will be received by f block 5, now Tillamook. and stone, according to plans and speci­ forfeited to the County in case County, the County Court of Tillamook, Coun­ er J. Logue, Cashier Nes- fications. All work to be completed award is made and the bidder shall ty, Oregon, at its office in Tillamook Valley ... Bank . to Louis W. bv June 15, 1914. fail, neglect or refuse for a period City, Oregon, on or before the 20th day DN. and wife, sat. of mortgage. Plans and specifications are on file at of five days after the award is made, of Dry Short Wood $2.00 Load March, 1914. st 10 o’clock A. M. the office of the County Clerk of Tilla ­ s W. Albert to Nestucca to eater into a contract and file a and at that time opened and read. u Bank, mortgage, $205 00, lot mook County, Oregon, in Tillamook Bond satisfactory to the Court as Each bid shall be accompanied by a required by law. lition to Ocean Park, now City. certified check made payable to Tilla­ The County reserves the right to re- The bide are to cover the clearing mook County, for an amount equal to City. ject any and all bids. Dated this 4th of the right of way, grubbing and at least 5 per cent of the amount of Elfred to Grace M. Irwin, day of March, 1914. excavating the same, building all such bid, which shall be forfeited to f sale. $230.00, lot in Ocean- J. C. HOLDEN, necessary bridges and placing all County in case an award is made 10 cash and $10 per month. County Clerk. culverts and drains according to the and the bidder shall tail, neglect or Phillips and wife to David the plans and specifications on for a period of five days after i, Jr,, wty deed, $50.00, lot ill Necarney Mountain County file at the office of the County Clerk, refuse which the award is made to enter into ray Beach. Road. : of Tillamook County, Oregon. a contract and file a bond satisfactory ¿al Luthi and wife and Jacob ! The County Court reserve the to the Court as required by law. Notice to Contractors. o E. D. Hoag, wty deed, right tortject any and all bide. The bids are to cover the clearing of tract of land in Lot 2, section Sealed bids addressed to the County Dated this the 12th day ot March, the rightof way, and excavating and Court at Tillamook County, Oregon, A.D., 1914. south, range 10 west. grading 1702 cubic yards of earth and the proposed construction of the By order of the County Court, building one concrete and metal cul­ Hoag and £wife to Peter and for Necarney Mountain County Road, J. C. H olden , vert. Work to be completed in 60 days. ---- - uthi, wty deed, $1.00, a tract from Station 111 plus 95 to Station County Clerk. Plana and specifications are on file 1 in lot 2, section 35, tp 1 140 plus 32, will be received by the First publication March 12th, 1914. at the office of the County Clerk of range lo west. County Court of Tillamook County ■e A. Glover and wife to at its office in Tillamook City, Ore­ Last publication March 26th, 1914. Tillamook County, Oregon, in Tilla­ mook City. ON, Orchards Co., wty deed, gon, on or before the 27th day of The County Court reserves the right Notice To Bidders. tract of land in Trask March, 1914, at the hour of 1 o’clock ST. to reject any and all bids. about 95 acres known as P.M., and at such time shall be Sealed proposals will be received Dated this 4th day of March, 1914. :ie M. Hunt place. opened and read. at the office of the County Clerk of i J, C. Holden, oust 'e A. I Glover to Dewey Each bid shall be accompanied Tillamook County, Oregon, for the County Clerk. la Co, Bill of Sale $1.00' by certified check made payable to construction of a fifty-foot (50) Steel J property, cows and farm Tillamook County, for an amount Bridge, or a fifty-foot (50) re-inforc­ County Road at Jenkins' Place r equal to at least 5 per cent of the ed Concrete Bridge, over West _ ent, Notice to Contractors. Davies to Tillamook County amount of such bid, which shall be Beaver Creek, near the Kinnaman forfeited to the county in case Selaed bids addressed to the County place, up to 10 o ’ clock A. M. on the hattel mortgage, $75 60, on award is made and the bidder shall 27th day of March, 1914, in accord­ Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, fail, neglect or refuse for a period for the proposed improvement of the look Bay Co. to E. H, of five days after the award is ance with the plans and specifica­ County Road at Jenkins Bridge on Wil­ in and wife, wty deed, $10.00, made, to enter into a contract and tions on file in the office of the son River, in Tillamook County, Ore­ County Clerk, at the Court House, Oceanlake Park. file a bond satisfactory to the Court at Tillamook Oregon. gon, will be received by the County . Bank and Trust Co. to as required by law. Each bidder shall deposit with bis Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, iocs., Dickson, wty deed, $10.00, The bids are to cover the clearing proposal a certified check in the at its office in Tillamcok City, Oregon, Rockaway Beach, of the right of way, grubbing, grad­ sum of five per cent (5 per cent) of on or before the 20th day of March, Potter Really Co to C. B. ing and excavation, placing all the amount of his bid 1914, at 10 A. M.. and at that time I wty deed, $10.00, lot in Bay- metal culverts and drains and The right is reserved to reject any opened and read. Each bid shall be digging all ditches according to the and all bids or reward the contract, accompanied by a certified check made ark. Johnaon and wife to W. H plans and specifications on file as may be to the best interests of payable to Tillamook County, for an amount equal to at ¡east 5 per cent of bond for deed, $430.1)0, a at the office of the County Clerk, of Tillamook Couuty. the amount of such bid, which shall be • By order of the County Court. t land containing 2 11 100 Tillamook County, Oregon. The County Court reserve the forfeited to the County in case an J. C. H olden Nw J of Ne i, section 21, right to reject any and all bids. I award is made and the bidder shall County Clerk. th, range 10 west. Dated this 12th day of March, First publication March 12. fail, neglect of refuse for a period of Mattoon and husband to A.D , 1914. five days after which the award iB Last publication March 26. _ Brink and wife, wty deed, By order of the County Court, made to enter into a contract and file Cyrus Noble. a lot 80 feet square in Nw J. C. HOLDEN, a bond satisfactory to the Court as re­ Hebo-Cloverdale County Road SON be Nw U of Nw *4, section County Clerk. quired by law. «outh, range 10 west, shop First publication March J2th, 1914. The bids are to cover the clearing of Notice to Contractors Last publication March 26th, 1914. W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents the right of way and excavating and Sealed bide addressed to the grading . Brink and wife to Nestucca about 1219 cubic yards of earth County Court at Tillamook County Portland, Oregon Bank, mortgage, $290 00, a and installing necessary culverts. Pacific City County Road Oregon, for the improvement of the Work Jt square in Nw part of the to be completed in 60 days. Hebo Cloverdale County Road from :NwJ, ssetion 13, tp 4 Bouth, Notice to Contractors. and specificaiions are on file 0 plus 86 of the section built at Plans I west Sealed bids addressed to the station the office of the County Clerk of Chronic Stomach Trouble Cured. Loerpabe) County Road by Arstill, in 1913, Easterly to the gos Moon and wife to S. D. County Court at Tillamook County, West end of the Three Rivers bridge Tillamook County, Oregon, in Tilla­ There is nothing more discourag­ Notice to Contractors. wty deed, $10.00, an un­ Oregon, for the improvement of the at Hebo, will be received by the mook City. ing than n chronic disorder of the Pacific City County Road, from ThefCounty Court reserves the right it interest in Nw j of sec- Is it not surprising that Court of Tillamook County Sealed bids addressed to the County stomach. Station C plus 0 at the rock grade to County reject any and all bids. ---- tp 3 south, range * west, many suffer for years with such an at its office in Tillamook City Ore to Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, ailment Section 43 plus 60 at Woods Ferry gon, Dated this 4th day of March 1914. ng 180 more or less. when a permanent cure in or before the 1st day of for the proposed construction of the within their Landing, also from Woods Ferry April, on 1914, J. C. Holden, and may be had al Com. of D. C. Baker. hour of 10 o’clock Loerpabel County Road in Tillamook fora trifle. “ reach I.anding to Station 34 plus 29.2 at A. M. and at at the Conntv Clerk. About oneyear ago,” such time shall be e M. Henige and wife to Pacific City, will be received by the County, Oregon, will be received by says P. JI. Heck, of Wakelee, Mich., Henige, wty deed, $1.00, County Court of Tillamook County opened and read. Garibaldi-Wheeler County Road i the County Court of Tillamook County, ‘I bought a package of Chamber* Each bid shall be accompanied I Oregon, at its office in Tillamook City, Ne i and lot 2, section 2, kti* at its office in Tillamook City, Ore­ Notice to Contractors. ’s Tablets, and since using them b, range 0 west. This deed gon, on or before the 1st day of by a certified check made payable Oregon, on or before the 20th day of Iain I have felt perfectly well. I hail to Tillamook County, foran amount March, 1914, at 10 o'clock A. M., and V acres. Sealed bids addressed to the County April, 1914, at the hour of 10 o’clock previously used any numtier of to at least 6 per cent of the Court p(Wter Realty Co. to J. S. AM., and at such time shall be equal at Tillamook County, Oregon, at that time opened and read. Each different medicines, but none of amount of said bid, which shall be bid shall be accompanied by a certified ty diced, $10.00, lot in Baj- opened and read. for the proposed construction of Sec­ them were of imv lasting benefit” forfeited to the County in case award tion ”C’V of Garibaldi-Wheeler County check made payable to Tillamook Coun­ For sale by nil dealers. Each bin Ne 1 of Ne I equal to a least 5 per cent of the enter into a contract and file a tiond will be received by the County Court in case an award is made and the bid­ cres o.* N- side of Se V* of amount of such bid. which shall be satisfactory to the court as required of Tillamook County, at its office in der shall fail, neglect or refuse for a Tillamook City on or before the 20th tian 13,tp 1 south, range forfeited to the County in case by law day of March, 1914, at the hour of 10 period of five days after which the award is made and the bidder shall The bids are to cover the clearing fail, neglect or refuse for a period of the right of way, and grubbing o’clock A. M..and at such time opened award is made to enter into a contract *a ’and Myrtle O. Mills to of and file a bond satisfactory to the five days after the award is and all grading and excavation, and read. echeis. Wty deed. $1 00, a made, Court as required by law. Each hid shall be accompanied ’ by a | to enter into a contract and layer’s »<1dition to Tilla- file a bond satisfactory to the Court and placing all culverts and drains, certified check made payable to Tilla The bids are to cover the clearing of also, for the graveling of the road mook County, for an amount equal to the right of way and grading from a as required by law. The bids are to cover the clear­ from station O plus (4 to station 67 at least 5 per cent of the amount of point 45.8 feet North 29 degrees, 16 id wife, wty deed, ing of the right of way, grubbing, plus O, said work to be done sc- such bid, which shall be forfeited to minutes East of angle 21 to the line er'a addition and grading and excavation, and plac- cording to the plans and specifica­ the County in case award is made and between S. A. Himpel and William occupied by 7th ing all culverts and drains, alao, tions on file at the office of the the bidder shall refuse, neglect or fail Tohl, in at angle 38 of the Izierpabel County Clerk, of Tillamook County for a period of five days after which County Road. Work to be completed in for graveling of said road from Oregon. award is made, to enter into a con- i 60 days. ,’iechers and wife to James Sta. <) plus 0 tp Sta. 43 plus 00 at The County Court reserves the the Plana and specifications are on file at tract and file a bond satisfactory to the and wife, wty deed, $1.00. Woods Ferry I.anding, also from right to reject any and all bids. the office of the County Clerk of Tilla­ as required by law. ¡econd are East, Thayer'.« Woods Ferry Landing to Sta. 34 Dated thia the 12th day of March, Court The bids are to cover the clearing of mook County, Oregon, in Tillamook plus 29 at Pacific City 1914 the right-of-way and grading and plac­ City. All work to be done according A Bv D. order and wife to Hath of the County Court, The County Court reserves the right with the problem of buy ng Hnrnraa ing all culverts from Station 177 plus . Mills, $1,360.00, to the plane and specifications J. C. H oldem von will find it distinctly ndvanta- 65 to Station 212 plus 0 of the Gari­ to rejeet any and all bids. and 15 ft x 55 ft., on file at the office of the County County Clerk g • .us to come and do your select baldi-Wheeler County Road. All work, Dated this 4th day of March, 1914. block 11. Thayer's Clerk, of Tillamook County. Oregon. ’ 1st publication, March 12. 1911 J. C. Holden, ing here. You will get the tent be completed by June 15th, 1914. | The County Court reserve the Book. Juist publication, March 25. 1904. to Plans County Clerk. qualities, the most thorough and and specifications are on file at right to reject any and all bids I Hty Co to Frances coiiacieiitious workmanship and be Dated this the 12th day of March, Notice to Milk Consumers. the office of the County Clerk of Tliia- i Meed. 10.00, lot in A.D 1914. mook County, Oregon, in Tillamook i Chamberlain's Tablets for Con­ uarged Hie most reasonable prices. stipation. We can supply single or doutl I Our prices, in advance, 22c Gal­ City. The County Court reserves the By order of the County Court, For constipation, Chamiierlain’e 'els or arty single article that you J Webster Holmes. J. C. H olden , lon; quarto, in advance. 6c. ; pints right to reject any and all bids, hated Tablets art excellent. Easy to take, may be in need of. I sat. mortgage, County Clerk. this 4th day of March, 1014. in advance, 3V»c. J. C. HOLDEN, ' mild ami gentle in effect. Give First publication March 12th. 1014. T illamook D aisy . County Clerk, then a trial. For sale by ell deniers. Last publication March Jtitli, 1911. Mutual Pbone. |Wli to Leon Berry, SPECIAL FLOUR FLOUR RALPH C. BACON, Mgr. Grocery Dept FLOUR RAY & CO Four Foot Fir Slabs $3.00 per Cord 1 Delivered. A. F. COATS LUMBER CO AKE ME USE ME MODERATELY w INTELLIGENTLY FOR THE GOOD c or convalescent- tired or overworked- for the man of sedentary habits. iKH K. W.A, Williams & Co.