Tillamook Headlight Marchiò. 1914 T. BOALS, M.D., Summons VERDICT OF THE AUDIENCE. Gold Filled Wire. Made My Life Worth Living Department No. 2 in Equity. In the Circuit Court of tlie State PHYSICIAN.* AND SURGEON Oregon for Tillamook County. Ordeal Which Budding Actors In Nor­ Surgeon S. P. Co.’jjj the - Jackson Powell. mandy Must Face. (I. O. O. F. Bldg ) ♦•bed Plaintiff, it Is not without fear that nn actor tract vs I Aaron Sherman and I Closely Allied, They Are the Most makes Ills debut In the capital of Nor- Tillamook - °rewt. S7* Jennie I. Sherman, j- maiuiy. A debut in the French prov­ —u, Elusive of the Senses. his wife and A. G, I inces la by no means an easy ordeal to Reynolds and Daisey I puss through. An actor lias a right to iiake KERRON, V. Reynolds, bis wife, I choose three different parts, says Mme. lliam Defendants. J RIDDLE OF FLAVOR AND ODOR Kbea, which must be played inside of a Strog To Aaron Sherman and Jennie PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON *«■ de month Sherman, A. G. Reynolds and tract The first aud second debuts have no Daisey V. Reynolds, defendants. Smell Has Boon Termed "Tasto at a T illamook B lock , significance; be may be received coldly, «htot I n the N ame of the S tate of Distance,” and the Way In Which critically or enthusiastically— it bus no . M. O regon : Orego.J.0?, 1 Anything Is Appreciated by the Cello meaning; the third one decides bis G reeting : —You, Aaron Sherman Tillamook and Jennie I. Sherman, husband - --------- -in H. of Tasto and Smell le Exactly Alike. fate. That night after the play tbe and wife. A. G. Reynolds and manager, very solemn In Ills dress suit, SARCHET, Daisey V. Reynolds, hueband and We think we know all about tasting appears before the audience and says: wife, defendants herein, are hereby The Fashionable Tailor 2 i and smelling, but these are tbe most "Monsieur or Mlle So-and-so has made re<|uired to appe^irund unswer the ________ H. tp elusive senses anil so closely allied that his or her debut The management complaint filed herein against you, undiv they have been called tbe "wedded wishes to know the verdict of the pub- on or before the 2nd day of April, Cleaning, Pressing and Repairi^!« i o A. I)., 1914, that being six (6) weeks senses." If you wish to be convinced lie.” a Specialty. ? g from the first publication of this Then be produces a placard on of tbe closeness of tbeir connection summons, and if you fail to appear oriel notice the next time you have a severe which Is printed In large letters tbe or answer, plaintiff wdll apply to tlie Store in Heins Photographic !,1. cold In the head and ascertain bow word "Accepted, " If the actor pleases Court for the relief demanded in tlie tlie audience applauds; if not. It hisses i. W< Gallery complaint on file lierein to which little tuste you get from your food, until tbe manager produces another Lum reference is hereby made and whiih even though it be tbe most “tasty.” of Se placard with tbe word “Kefused.” is made a part hereof, to-wit : for a n 17 a In fact, flavor and odor are great Then the applause starts again, with­ decree of this Court for judgment rp H. GOYNE, I nort puzzles to all of the physical investiga­ out regard for the feelings of the poor, against tlie said defendants Aaron ;raon Sherman, Jennie I. sherman aud A tors. The preponderance of evidence broken hearted girl or boy who has ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. c, $1( G. Reynolds and against each and points to tbe suggestion that all taste been waiting In tbe wings for the ver­ y’e •< ail of you for the sum of two dict of that Inhuman jury called tbe and odor are brought about by chemical hundred seventy ($270) dollars, Office : O pposite C ourt H ovu ister ’ changes In the ends of the nerves bat­ public.—Argonaut. of U. United States gold coin, witli in­ ing to do with these sensations. Smell terest at tlie rate of eight (8) per Tillamook .... Oregon. Poti cent per annum from tlie 29th day _______ ____________________ her, | lias been termed “taste at a distance," LEAP OF A KANGAROO. of December, 1911 ; and for the and (lie way in which anything is ap­ further sum of five and 25-100 ($5 25) J. CLAUSSEN, preciated by the cells of taste and Never Over Four Feet High, but May dollars for taxes paid on said land, . LAWYER, Be Thirty Feet Broad. smell is precisely alike. with interest thereon at the rate of Precisely bow far a big kangaroo six (6) per cent per annum from the Tbe infinitely small particle that DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT. 1 Lee tlie 13th day of February, A.D., reaches the uose must first bo dissolv­ can Jump is a matter of some dispute. Ipe, < 1914 ; together with attorney’s fee A writer in Cassell's Natural His ­ 213 T illamook ] B lock ark ai ed In the mucous covering of the olfac­ $50 00 and costs to be found due tory says that they can leap “over ten, ,, <1 c. s tory bulb before Its odor can tie caught fifteen or more feet” Mr. H. R. Francis herein, witli interest thereon at Tillamook OrfR tho we lose our powers of memory we may tbe occasion of one of Ills nocturnal n and seem meet witli equity and good Surveyor. • Jobs, several of which be took to tbe DENTIST. Jceanl mouth. conscience, Increase tbe power of remiulscence— John I.eland Henderson, Sec ­ This summons will be served on The taste bulbs Ivnvc I hm » ii carefully tbnt is, of recalling what wo want I d chemist in question. As be handed Sstik retary Treas., Attoiney-at » you by publication thereof for not Commercia! Building, Tillainoct Dick« them to him he reniarketi. 'There you measured, and It is found that they small quantities for a abort time.” fri less than six successive weeks in _____________ are—I stole them for you.’ ” Law, Notrary Public. .‘ockaa are I -300 of nn inch long and 1-600 of fe tlie "Tillamook Headlight, ”a news­ nn Inch broad, oval in shape, somo- Did the Romans Smoke? paper of general circulation Tillamook Title and fe published The Insulted Tiger. thing like a small Florence flask. The in tlie Citv of Tilla­ Q)R. JACK OLSEN, “Why is it that smoking never crept In “Tigerland" C. E. Gouldsberg. Its proof that tasting la n chemical proc- Abstract Co. mook. County of Tillamook, State Into Roman literature?" 1 have asked ohnao ess Iles In tbe fuet that anything that To which a corres|M>ndent answers that author, alludes to tbe belief, current - of Oregon, tlie place where DENTIST. bond among some of the natives of Bengal, Law, A1 «tracts, Real Esiute, la to lie taHteil must lie soluble, for said suit is .low [lending, all by ft has crept. It is mentlone«l by Pliny land the uncliawed food or hard route«*, pill IN. H. xxvl. 6-10). He records the use “that tigers rescut being discussed by oriler of tlie Hon Homer Mason Surveying, Insurance. (I. O. O. F Bldg.) Nw J Judge of the County Court of said human beings and should one overbear « Is not tasted. Tantra have been classl- of coltsfoot for smoking and reconi th, ran Both Pilotes. County and State, in the absence of lled ns sweet. bitter, add and h dine, mends smoking the dried roots nnd a man doing so will not rest till It has Tillamook - Oregon Matto tlie Circuit Judge of tlie above en ­ and experiment has shown that wo leaves of tills phi lit as a remedy for ob­ kill«*«! and eaten the offender.” There TILLAMOOK OREGON. Brink titled court, which said order is taste salty foods moat rapidly—tn .17 stinate colds and coughs. From this fore when a tiger is near at band they i lot 9 dated tlie lfitli day of February, 1914. s « » « of i< a«*coiid—ami that sweet acid and tho botanical name of the coltsfoot speak of It as n “geedur”—Bengali for '• » • • «' e OIIN I.EI.AND HENDERSOS”■ Nw Tlie property lierein referred tocon- outb, bitter take longer, ttio last re<|Ulrlug (tussllago). « tik b means “cough easer." jackal—mid so hope to deceive it. sists ot all those certain lots or par­ •a 2M of a iw«iul for pereeptkm. cels. of land situate in tlie County ATTORNEY baa been derived British boys who When it was pointed out to an old ua- ' Another peculiarity of tasto is that have neither coughs nor colds still tive that to insult n tiger by calling it of Tillamook and State of Oregon Brink AND Bank, and more particularly described as after a very strong tnste of auy kind ■ moke coltsfoot surreptitiously aud find a jackal—the smallest and most insig­ t follows: Lot number one (I) and COUNSELLOR. AT-LAW. we cniinot so easily distinguish sltglit- Hint It makes them satisfactorily sick. nificant lieast in the forest was scarce­ N’ let number two '2) in bloc < number er flavors. The nerve energy has .'Ham —lamdoii »[leetntor. ly tbe beet way of propitiating it be T illamook B lock , went six Ki) of Norton’s addition to Tilla­ exhausted for a time, aud only a fter merely shrugged his shoulders and mook City. Oregon, us per* the re­ Tillamook - Orer» Moon On your front porch can be lit a little does It return. If you huve said, “Kya Jane?" (who knows?), add corded plat. e date of the fust publication Room No. 261. inte anil register not over John, who was going to b«*d one drink some water to clear the mouth was their 'duatoor* (custom)." of this summons is tlie 19th day of ---------------------------------- -tp 3 I fifty cents per month night and having no light, was grop ­ of the iwwt taste or your coffee w 111 February. 1914. The date of the last ig 160 i on tlie meter. tnste very bitter, no matter how much ing his way (the bed being one of tbe publication is tlie 2nd day of April, T. BOTTS, d Com Pride In Th»ir Country. taxi 1914, sugar you put Into It Tho profes- old fa»hioneil kind, with high In Germany there is a national asso­ T illamook E lk *, tric L ight AND J ohn L eland H enderson , atonal tea taster knows that the gusta­ posts). John, In (eellug for tbe bed ciation called the Heimntsschutz Bund kFüKL C ompany » M. F Attorney for plaintiff, tory nerve b«*comes exhausted, for aft­ post, missed It with his band • nd which was formed for pnntvetlpg and ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Henig W ill S palding , Manager. New Bank Building, cor, 3d struck It with Ills nose. St. er a aeries of tastings he stops to give Complete Set of Abstract Bookli*^* i a preserving tbe natural beauty of the and 2d Ave. E. “ Aehl" he yelled. "That Is the first Ills nerve of test«» nil opportunity to re­ Offlc, Sfe™“ time I knew my nose was longer than German fatherland, together with its turn to Its normal condition. Executor ’ s Notice. historic and artistic buildings, cities, Taxes Paid for Non Residents In tasto and smell alike all Individ­ my arm.”—Natloual Monthly. monuments, etc.; also to unite the ef ual» differ The same f«wd does not In the County Court of the State of T illamook B lock , forts being made by various local and Guessing Hie Trouble. Oregon for tlie County of Tillamook. taste precisely the same to any two In state organizations. Tillamook .... ('rtf* „ In the matter of the i “1 eometlmes feel as if the world dlvlduals, any more than tho name per- r, w’ estate of Matihew ■ Both Phonea. funio smells the Mine. There Is a gem hud little us«» for me-that things would í inte Casey, deceased. | That Hold «»rnl resemblance, but the expert who go on Just as well If I were out of It” N otice is H ereby G iven , — Hy “Your 'air's getting thin, rtr “Come. «‘Iieer up. old man Before has trained bls sense of smell or tnaie the undersigned, Dennis A Brown, QARI. HABERLACH, perceives finer distinctions than the thia time tomorrow you may meet soma me sell you"— Executor of the Estate of Matthew “ That's all right. I put »o.r.etìi ’ tc ■ 'and girl who will look Just as good to you Jierson who has glveu little attention Casey, deceased, to the creditors A TTORNEY-AT-LAW. on It every morning." •cheta, to these special aenn-a and tbeir de­ aa tho other one ever did."—Chicago and to nil persons having claims a yer* e "May I ask what you put on It. sir?" against said deceased, to exhibit velopment Arguments are of no avail, llecvrd lieraid. T illamook B bock , "My hat!" (operation finished In them with the necessary vouchers aa was rerognlaed In the popular and silence).—London Opinion. within six months from the first Tillamook ancient proverb, “There la no dtsput Bad Farm. WHISKEY publication of this notice to said Ing about tastes." There Is no eclen Brotbvr—What did you say to that Dennis A. Brown, at Tillamook Are Lampa ttfic explanation of tbe fact that one ♦old chap )iist now? Sister—I only County Hank, in the City of Tilla­ Tbe Intense llght glven out by thè person Ilk«»» onions and auotber abhors (hanked him for picking up my bag _ C. HAWK mook. County of Tillamook, State them Some persona are font! of I Brother-My dear girl, yon must learn flamlng are lami* la cause«! by girini: of Oregon Dll res only after they have cultivated i not to tie so benstly grateful. It’s not thè carisma a aoft core of some metal This notice is published by order 'he taste The only suggestion of an ' • done, yon know, nowadays.—Ixmdon Ile aalt. whleh la vaporile«! by tbe beat, of the Honorable Homer Mason, PHYSICIAN AND SVBGKÄ thè vapor, pasatug thmugb thè i+e. irte Judge <>f the County Court within i|>lanation Is that In some persons . Punch are. Illuminatine tbe »pace between tbe and for the County «if Tillamook, io «bemlcal chang«M brought about The Whiskey With btate of Oregon carbone. Bay City ' onions or olives are pleasing, while 4 Her Life Long Paaaion. Date of first publication. March out a Regret others they are offensive. II is tho I A girl IwG'V begins to flirt With men » ’ I’?,* . I?',’cof publication. Barloyoema. itatory nerve that tells tbe tale, bur. | wl ien aha Is alami two years old rur«. mellow, with a flavor April 2nd, 1911. Bo Tbe IlWh waa formerly subdivided e Is underetood about It—Now far l i»t X k -LI«» too pal«!.» »nd D ennis a . B rown . as we ran determine she keeps It Into three "bwrleycoma.” thews divi- QEORGE WILLETT, k World linter» in th» Executor ci the estate of until aba I* about uluety.—A ibany •tous being originally the length of ■ Matthew Casey, K«1 ckeetarker Presa, well dried grain of barley. ly »hoiild w» cal' ourwlvea imhi . ATTORNEY-AT-LAN deceased. t b» to »oivireil tu ererytMag He la the trwly coure groo» man who Change in Water Collection. kt? Minh«»«. T illa nook C ommercial BV The wheel that turna go thaïe no root •net d<»l>vcda^ Old SaylUK iv.iUfl Water rents are now due anti pay- T«llam«-.fr able to the Collector at City Hull . r,IUn,ook • TASTE AND SMELL , Since tbe perfection of gold filled metal the number of spectacle aud eyeglass frames and mountings trade of this material bas shown a very large yearly increase Considering the im­ “I feel it my duty to tell others what portance «if gold filled wire and tbe Chamberlain's Tablets have done tor many uses to which it 1» put it seems me ” writes Mrs. L. Dunlap, of Oak Grove. Mich. “I have surprising that so little is really known suffered with pains in of this and bow nearly equal to solid my back and under gold it is for many usee. The term my shoulder blade for gold filled is somewhat misleading. a number of years, also with a poor appe­ -Merely reversing it almost thoroughly tite and constipation. explains both tbe material and the I tried all of tlie rem­ process. edies that I heard of, Filled gold, as it might well be and a number of doc­ called, consists of a gold shell filled tors, but got no relief. with an alloy of base metal. The popu­ Finally a friend told larity of gold filled Is demonstrated by me to try Chamber­ tbe fact that nearly $1,000,000 of fine lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. I got gold Is used annually lu one plant a bottle of them and alone, and half of this Is used in the they soon helped my manufacture of the gold filled wire stomach; by their from which spectacles and eyeglass gentle action my bow­ frames and mountings are made.— els became more reg­ American Machinist. ular. Today I feel like praising them to all who suffer asl did. for Gladstone and Disraeli. me and made my life It was Disraeli at tbe Academy ban­ ♦hey have cured worth living ” quet who said that “the noble, distinc­ tive trait of British art was its bound­ less fertility in imagination and fancy." In the reactiou after the banquet, us he was going home with Mr. Goschen, he “descanted on English painters and deplored their total want of fancy and Imagination.” Being reminded by his companion that this was not exact­ ly what he had led people to believe was his opinion in his speech at the banquet. “No,” replied Dizzy, ‘‘but. then, my friend, one must be pleasant after dinner." Very characteristic was the com­ ment next morning of Mr. Gladstone, who glared at tlie companion and roared out: "Do you mean to say that he carried his ghastly insincerity with­ in those walls! It's hellish.'"—Inde­ pendent. E FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS A 15 Watt Mazda Lamp U H I I