Tillamook FOOTBALL MAKING Headliglit, March MARRIAGE BY FORCE. SHE HATED LOTS OF THINGS, Greenland Youths Have a Rough Way of Showing Their Love. And Jenny Lind Abhorred tha Very Name of Barnum. IO, 1014 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U.S. Land Office a! Portland Or. March 3rd, 1914. N otic e 18 H ereby G iven ,—Tiiat James Langley, whose post-office address is Garabaldi, Tillamook County. Oregon did. on the 21st day ot April, 1913, tile in thia office Sworn Statement and Application, No. 03795, to purchase the Sxv I, of Se *■* Section 7, Township 2 North, Range 9\Vest, Willamette Meridian, and tlie timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3. 1878 and acts amendatory, known as the “ Timber and Stone I.aw,” nt such value as might be fixed by appraise­ ment, and that pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised, the timber estimated 320,000 board feet at 20 to 59 cents per M, and the land $400 ; that said applicant will offer final proof in support of Ilia application and sworn statement on the 28th day of May, 1914, before- the Register and Receiver of ths U.S. Land Office, at Portland, Ore. I Any person is at liberty to pro- , test this purchase before entry, or initiate a contest at any time be­ fore patent issues, by tiling a cor­ roborated affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. H. F. H igby , Register. ly Jauuary, I860, Mrs. Charles Moul­ The courtship and marriage (“.»atoms among the Greeulnnders were in early ton met Jenny Lind in France and times simple and unceremonious. When tells her experience in her book “in a lovelorn youth made up bls uiiud ns the Courts of Memory.” Mrs. Moulton describes the singer as to the girl be wanted to adorn and be useful in his but of Ice or snow he “neither handsome nor distinguished THE PIGSKIN IDEA IS WRONG. went to her bouse and dragged her looking—in fact, quite the contrary­ forcibly to bls owu douiuiu. « here she plain features, a pert nose, sallow skin was expected to stay without any fur­ and very yellow hair.” Jenny Lind ind of Hide Is Never bleed, the suggts That asked Mrs. Moulton to visit her ou the I the I* Fineet Belle Taking Calf or Cow Skin ther marriage ceremony. If an affluent bridegroom be would following day, and she did so. Mrs. i nd wr, ‘4 ana and xne the uneaper Cheeper uraaei Qradee oneep«Ki Sheepekin. perhaps soothe her lacerated feelings Moulton writes: The Bladders Are Made of Rubber, “I wish you could have seen her. by presenting her with a new lamp or lea tat, - s to □ That phrase so much used in the foot­ some other article of household utility. She was dressed in a white brocade tree. 1 ball Beason, “chasing the pigskin," in­ No matter how willing and even eager trimmed with a piece of red silk i‘s < volves a popular error. The football the bride was to marry a young uiau. around the bottom, a red. blousy waist covered with gold beads sewed fan I reach» is not made of pigskin, but of the hide Eskimo etiquette demanded that she tastically over it, perhaps odds and should resist every attempt to drag her r ether; of the calf or cow and for the cheaper to her new home, nud she must weep ends of old finery, and gold shoes! th I et( variety the skin of the sheep. Foot­ and wail bitterly ouce she was there. Just fancy, at 11 o’clock iu the morn iw wt^ balls of the ordinary grade are made Indeed, she must coutlnue to weep and ing! “We talked music. She hated Verdi before In thia Country, but some of the finest wail for some days, run to her owu and all he had made; she hated Ros- home, only to be dragged back again. sold to those who are not particular 1 inste» It Is said that this extremely simple siui and all he had made; she hated >n'a ste; about price, are imported from Eng­ the French; she bated the Americans; land, where the industry was an old marriage ceremony Is the only one still in use on the east coast of Greenland, she abhorred the very name of Bar- > off b one before it was started in America, num, who. she said, ‘exhibited me just lake tMK The making of a football is almost and the laws governing divorce are as as he did the big giant or any other of informal as the laws of marriage. — but tb entirely a male Industry. The only his monstrosities.' straip share that women have in the work is Loudon Telegraph. “ ‘But.’ said I, ‘you must not forget is tn» seen wben one first enters a football bow you were idolized and appreciated litb hot' TEA AS A MEDICINE. in America. EVen as a child 1 can re­ factory. At long tables girls sit past­ THE PIONEER BUSINESS member how they worshiped Jenny ing linings on sections of the footballs AGENT OF THE CITY. on. th; . Freshly Made and Taken In Modera­ Lind.' itaimi cut in another part of the factory. It tion It Helps the System. 331 Glison st., Portland, Ore. “ ‘ Worshiped or not, ‘ she answered la work that a girl is particularly fitted r It ti», The use of tea. as opposed to its sharply. ‘I was nothing more than a for, aa the linlugs must be carefully zine My Record is my Reference,—Over fastened to the rough leather and abuse or misuse, is highly beneficial show in a showman’s bands. 1 can There is no remedy never forget.' ” 61 years in Oregon. Anything- that smoothed until there is uot a sign of a to the system you buy of me I will see that you bubble or rough place on the surface equal to it for a tired headache, it SK. washes out the stomach and gives it of the lining. get a clean bill of sale. I will rent SAVED HIS TREASURE, Harvirt The first step In the making of a a fresh start for the next meal. A clip you a bouse or store or rooms in footbail is to select the leather. Only of tea in the early morning will often Clever Ruse of a Blind Man Who Had I any part of the city. enable a better breakfast to be taken, the best of picked sklus are used, and Been Robbed. j $1,000 Buys a 16 Poom each skin is carefully gone over for and one in the afternoon between 4 "My great-uncle, who was blind," House o-i Morrison st, and 5 o'clock helps to complete lhe defects before being cut into the nec­ said a Frenchman, ‘‘once buried $4,000 street. Rent $59 per month. This digestion of the midday meal. essary «actions. This is done by ma­ can’t be beat for the money. Furthermore, It serves a good pur­ in gold louis under a pear tree in his chinery, and the sections are then sent garden. His neighbor saw him do It $350 Buys 12 Room Lodging House, pose in making the blood circulate to the room In which the girls are at all housekeeping rooms Rent more freely and In diluting the vessels and in the dead of night came and work for the lining to be pasted on. $35 on Hall street, near I’ark street stole the money, replacing the earth of the skin, thus assisting in the elimi ­ Good income, Then the lined sections are sent to carefully. the sewing room and the linings are nation of waste matter. In this re­ $150 Buys 12 Room Lodging on “ Some days later my uncle brought stitched \ together, bringing the outer spect it is much better adapted than Yamhill street near I4th street. fifty more louis down to the pear tree Rent $45 per month, income $88 covering of the football into position cold drinks in hot weather, particu­ for burial. He soon discovered his larly for those engaged In active out ­ per month, witli a few living for the final stitching. This is done by loss, and, silently weeping, he, too, re­ rooms, nice place. door games, such as tennis, for it a machine that turns the footballs out placed the earth. $300 Buys 10 Room Lodging House stitched in the seams but wrong side makes a more efficient thirst quencher "He knew whom to suspect, and that on Front s(, near saw mills and out They must then be turned right and by Hushing out the tissues helps foundery. Rent only $35 per night he called on bis neighbor. lie side out a job that is left to men who to prevent the onset of fatigue. Have month. This is surely a bargain. It freshly made, take it In moderation, seemed thoughtful and distrait, and do nothing else all day long but re ­ re fret and it will never do any harm, Espe- the neighbor asked him what oppress­ $900 Buys 10 Room Boarding House a ter kt verse the leather covers by band, a dally is this the ease with China tea.— ed his mind. on Sixth street, near Jackson work that requires great strength and )ae day street, with 14 Boarders. This is ” ‘Well, I’ll tel) you,’ said my great- endurance and gives the workers a pro­ From “Nervous Breakdowns.” a good bargain. lie »» uncle frankly, ‘I have 1,000 louis hid digious amount of pulling power tn the w daji $3,500 takes this 49 Room Apart­ away in a safe place, and today a ten ­ Homer and Humbug. muscles of the arms and bands. ment House. All modern Rent le cat» I do not mind confessing that for a ant paid off a mortgage, and 1 have Wben the cover is pulled right side $225 per month, good income on tile tad out the outer part of the football Is long time I have been very skeptical another 1,000 louis in cash on my North 19tli street, near Northrup is mad finished ready for the Inflation. The about the classics 1 was myself train­ hands. I don’t know whether to seek street, This is a high class family out another biding place for this mon ­ ed as a classical scholar. It seemed the lay. bladder is Inserted and blown up, „„„ apartment House, if you want up. and something good. the ball to then stamped on a hot press only thing to do with me. 1 acquired ey or put it where the other is. What le te ma mH an(1 up untp the 8Urface is pg,,, such a singular facility in handling do you advise?’ $8C0 Buys 11 Room Lodging House " ’Why,’ said the neighbor eagerly, on Everett street, near 20th street. fectly smooth and free from rough Latin and Greek that I could take a ty. ini spots. The ball Is then deflated and page of either of them, distinguish ‘if your first hiding place is safe—and Rent $40 per month, large yard, some trees, nice family place. ridictit placed aside for shipment which It was by glancing at It and. you declare it to be so—I should cer­ tinmett Balls intended for the soccer game with the help of n dictionary and a tainly put this money there too.’ $2,000 takes this 26 room boarding he Vile, or for basket ball are also made In the compass. whip off a translation of ft house on Lownsdale street, near “My great-uncle said firmly that that Alder street, witli 18 boaders. >□. ni , way described. A new idea recently In less than three hours. was what be would do on the morrow. Rent only $75 per month. But I never got any pleasure from It. It was the wisest course. Then he took ad°|)i applied to the making of the football $50C Buys a swell 15 Room Board­ I lied about the pleasure of It At first bis leave. to to provide a ball stilted to the rough ing house, on Third street, near perhaps I lied through vanity. Any "And wben next day he went to treatment inseparable from play on the College street. Rent $45 montit. scholar will understand the feeling. the pear tree again there, sure enough, A Bargain. 17 Room Lodging on ». stone flagged or asphalted pavement of e earkthe school playground. It was found Later on I lied through habit, later still II was his lost 1,000 louis, all put back Mill street, near 11th street, very because, after all. the classics were all again.”—Exchange. in th that the finely finished football Intend cheap, income $170 per month. ily ed for use on a grass covered field that 1 had and so I valued them. 1 Rent $75 per month, modern, some housekeeping rooms,furnace pea« could not stand the hard usage recelv- have seen a deceived dog thus value a Landseer's Persistent Wooer. heat. This is a snap. ■ing ed during practice in the school yard, pup with a broken leg aud a pauper Charles Landseer was a brother of asondend a football was therefore devised child nurse a dead doll with the saw­ Sir Edwin "and for some years.” says $450, 11 Room Flat, on 5th street near Main st. Rent $35 per month. te. ot- especially for this rough work, with dust out of FL—Stvpben Leacock in the writer of "Leaves From a Life,” This is a money maker. i lup the seams stitched on the outside In- Century. “was the victim of the most extraordi­ ■eea ■■ stead of the Inside. Sewing the seams nary persecution that 1 should think $1,700 Buys 43 Room Hotel on Ruset street, near Abiner ave., close to His Own Medicine, II. fc from pre outside provided a ridge that any man ever met with. An eccentric car shops, good business restau­ “If you marry him." said her papa, woman fell desperately in love with o bin project» the ball wben kicked and rant seats 50 Rent $95 per month. ie rec Winced in a paved court and makes who was exhibiting symptoms of vio- him and used to pester him first with Doa t miss this bargain. gg r the coat of the footballs used in a sea- lent displeasure. “I will uot ouly have the most extravagant love letters and $550—11 Room Boarding House on jctfaitoo somewhat less than when the fine- to support him, but 1 will have to pay then by lying in wait for him when North 16th street, near Evering his debts too." ■e ud © finished oval of the gridiron grounds I ever be left the house. Finally she street, modern swell place, cheap But the pretty girl and petulant ■itn* Is used. rent. issued invitations to the wedding, pre­ , Bet The origin of the term “kicking the young thing who was hanging to bls pared breakfast and an enormous cake $8,000 takes this swell K Room 110<(.; pigskin" was explained by one of the coat lapels was not moved by the ar­ and called for poor Mr. Landseer In a Boarding House on Third street, >QC(,..authorities in this way: “Years ago. gument. near Montgomery street, cheap carriage and pair, the horses decked “Now. papa." she said, “you know out with white satin streamers and she rent, steam heat Hot and cold when the game was In its early stages water, this is a palace. Income In England, the Inflation was done by well enough that Fred has to live just herself dressed most gorgeously as a $1.200 per month. means of a bladder of a pig In those the same as other men. and as to his bride. But that was the end of the debts. I’ve beard you say hundreds of persecution old days the skin of the pig was ac- Her friends took her $1,500 Buys 21 Ixxlging House on Park street, near Taylor street. . tuslly subjected to the Indignity of be­ times that a man's debts ought to be away, and Mr. Landseer remained a Rer.t $100 per month, income $205 ing propelled high In the air by the paid.’’—Pittsburgh Dispatch. bachelor to the day of his death." per month. This is a good bay. toe of aBfootball player, but as the $1,000 Buys a swell Confectionery S® bladder le no longer used the term has All Alike. Just For a Startar. store on 4th street, near Salmon ■ “ ceased to apply. Miss Agnes Itepplier telle In the At­ “What are you going to call the new st. Rent only $45 per month. This The bladders are now made of the lantic a story about a New York social baby?" is a palace and a money maker. best Para rubber. The regulation foot- worker, a woman of earnest character "Reginald Claude,” replied Mr. Bllg- Trouble in family is cause of sale. '““tall weighs from thirteen and a qnar- and Intelligent methods, who had Write to me about this. gins. to fiptorteen ounces. The soccer worked hard to establish respectable “Isn't ‘Reginald Claude’ a rather af­ Pkhali weighs from thirteen to fifteen dance halls for poor girls. The woman fected name?” 0UB'ounces. One cannot definitely predict had delivered an address at a meeting. "Yes. I want him to grow up to be Beware of Ointments scet'tbe Ufa of a football, but the maker» A young married woman of a wealthy ■ fighter, and I fancy ’Reginald Claude' Catarrh That Contain say the hardest kicking should fall to and fashionable set Inquired whether will start something every time he Mercury retire the ball In less than two years the girls for whose welfare the work goes to a new school."—Washington As mercury will surely clestroy the sense of smell ant! completely derange the whole It may aot be generally known that was being conducted never stayed at Star. system when entering it through the tlrfbotball baa a patron saint In 1520 a borne. “Never." replied the speaker, mucous surfaces. Such articles should never 1>e used except on prescriptions from j di boy named Hugh bad the misfortune “and you will pardon me for saying It, The Irreeponeible Child. reputable physicians, as the damage they islrr-te kick a fiaotlmll throngh a window la neither do you.” will do is ten fold to the good you can pos­ Small Boy (noticing the Phi Beta sibly derite from them. Hall's Catarrh t «the honae of a neighbor, who became Kappa key hanging from the minis­ Cure manufactured by F J. Cheney Ar Co., |50V Inissr.aad at the damage done that Teledo, O. . contains no mercury. an again, or is this another? Jinks — From what you told blood and mucous surfaces of the system. me of VODJilaaa •agfiB»“’ the boy’s death by kill In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you Minister—Why, my little man, what get your mother-inlaw I should think the genuine. It is ta!*en internally and txterW hi" alayer and then exalted the you’d have hen rd enough from her in do you mean? I never lost it. made in Teledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. lame of the unfortunate boy by calliag Testimonial« free. person, without having cared to In- Small Boy—Ob, mother said you had “Sold by I’rnggists Price, 75c. per bottle. »Im “Saint Hugh "—New York So*. duce her to talk Into your phonograph. lost the charm you bad when you were g|Take Hall'« Family Pills for constlfiation. Filkins—Ob. you can’t Imagine the young.—Judge. H Saving Himself. 3pe< lal Health Warning for March. pleasure It gives me to start the ma­ Murphy »v assistant cook on hoard March ia a trying month for the chine going and then shut It off right Alika In Ona Way. »1 "trod*«'* ship bound for India. The very young and for elderly people. In the midst of a sentence.—Puck. "He ’ s quite wealthy and prominent irst moraine be forgot to wash the Croup, bronchial colda, lagrippeand now.” said Mrs. Starvem, “and they pneumonia are to be feared and »Iter oat after breakfast Conae- A Human Habit. » »; ¡nently there were tea leaves on tha say be rose practically from nothing.” avoided. Foley’» Honey and Tar i» “There to one paradoxical thing "Well. well!” remarked Mr. Boarder. a great family medicine that will he soup wben dinner eras whkh we all do " "That's Just what I rose from—at the quickly atop a cough, check the pro- clear himself of blaiae toe of a cold and relieved inflam­ “ What to that?" breakfast table thia morning.”—Lon­ gre»s pectlre messes and aaM ed and congealed air paaaagea. It “ We long for things when v« ■re don Answers. nd any fay laves la ttoa ia aafe, pure and alwaya reliable. know it’s mint"—leaden abort”—Ratti more America.* For sale by all druggiata. That Requires Powerful Hands and Arms. H. H. HIGLEY, Diplomacy. Plain Truth That’s Worth M< ney. Using Foley’s Honey and Tar lor a cough or cold n ay save you both sickness and money F. F Mona­ han, Menomonie, Wis, says: "I am iexposed to al) kinds of weather and I I find Foley’s Honey and Tar Com- Plod the cause of each wrinkle on a ' l>ound always fixes me up in good Indnriry supplies the want of perte: man's face and you will find It was shape when I catch cold or have a patience and diligence Hke rdtk re­ pnt there by worrying over something . bad cough. 1 recommend it gia l- jly.” Refuse sulmtitutee. For sale mo'« monutalna Wiillaa Pea* j ‘hat worrying coold not kelp. I by all druggists. London'« Ownors. Disadvantage. ^gtoh you would paint____ Marins Painter-1 Rut other artists paiot but I’ve ease Txm.lnn s ||fl square inlhn* ere- owned by fndlrldtiato Only 70» people own five seres or more, and J4.U0U own only lb« honars In which Ibey ■re. The Fussy Patron—Why, mercy, this shoe to a fl! The Tired Clerk—Pardon me. madam. you bare it upside down. It to really a »—child's size What a perfect fit!—Cleveland Plain Dealer. LiAJW PLASTER. LAMB-SCIIRADER COMPANY DOCKS ; WAREHOUSE, I FRONT STREET, BETWEEN 2nd A 3rd AVENUE WEST. OWN YOUR HOME AND PAY FOR IT WITH WHAT YOU ARE NOW PAYING FOR RENT Let tis tell you HOW you can Liecoiuplisli this, If “ST ovl "R\X7"sin.t to ZEufy, Or Sxxild. a, Heme, Or Bepay a, ZvCcrtg'ag'e. And desire the aid of borowed money, we ask your careful consideration of the advantages afforded by our monthly instalment plan of loan rent. Only you pay it to your credit instead of the landlord. lhe Plan of our Loan is the very best afforded on the market to-day. Can we not be of service to you like we have been to many others in Tillamook City. ROLI4E W. WATSON, Loans. Insurance, Real Estate, Collections. Both 'Phones TODD HOTEL. Ford THE UNIVERSAL CAR. Buy It Because It s a Better Car. Model I— r— T »I Touring Car f.o.b. Detroit. W V/ Get particulars from ED. HADLEY, Tillamook, Oregon. Made in Thret Othet Sty lag ./ | \ Perfect Baker A Fuel Saver ---------------------- Home honsewlv«?« who ISCA4.LOO . a > d i 3 p ’ a y a remarkable A< L €O»-et* I PLxnvo'P I amount of broad, bound, common wen He along wit L Givr I other lines, persist in tho VOU MOILING I WATIM / I delusion— and it is a de­ F4v lusion—that they are real« Ms Je of MalL.Lh 1 y practicing economy by •nd ti ding to get along-to t - t Charcoal r< ults ou’ of an old. worn- U fro», out range merely to save th© A di les price of a new one. 30» io Your old range or stove wa« put 1 ¡If. of together with putty and stove bolts It an« a and probably you can stick a p< n- « , ' knlfo in the s» urns and Joints any- v. here on It where tho stove putty l»as crumbled away. When a rang© get a in that condition, it takes fuel enough to warm all outdoors in order to g t your oven hot enough for baking—and then you run tho rl*k <4 burning whatever K In tho oven. You cun soon burn up tho price of the b< st i..e>’(, < , cr made II a useless waste of fuel in an old, worn-out stove or range and that’s b- .* her practical economy nor good management. Jf you would practice real economy in your household management, It v II pay you, the next time you are in town, to cell t t our rtor»? anil Inquire closely Into the perfect baking and rcmurkablu fuel suving qualities of the I ' Great Majestic Malleable and DnMrLn» Charcoal Iron Outwear» Three Ordinary Range» ft it th* only rang* mad* entirely of open iron grate—you ran see it. No malieabl* iron and c harcoal iron. Cnar- heat e«c«pea - no cold air gets into coal iron won't ruet like eteel mallaebl* the oven-Rnvai half th© fuel aid iron can’t break, and while the first assures perfect baking. coat of a Great Majestic may be more Movable Copper Reservoir titan som« other range«, it oatware 3 ordinary range*. The reservoir i-. all copper, beat<’rlsS and .houid bo la zv<" Mu bou. FOR SALE BY ALEX McNAIR & CO. I