Tillamook I Headlight. March 14, i 4 County Court Business < i County Court met in regular session, with the following officers present: The Hon. Homer Mason, Judge, pre­ siding; H. M. Farmer, commissioner; C. R. Edner, commissioner; J. C. Hol­ den, clerk; H. Crenshaw, sheriff; on Wednesday the 4th dav of March, 1914. In the matter of bond of B. L. Beals as tax collector, the United States Fi­ delity and Guaranty Co., of Baltimore, Md., was accepted. Amount $5900. In the matter of the claim of W. E. Noyes for indemnity for cattle slaugh­ tered under order of Henry Nunn, state veterinarian, the following cattle were slaughtered and prices paid. P. B. H. Bull $37; G. H. milch cow $25; G. H. milch cow $25; G. H. milch cow $25; G. H. Milch cow $25; total $137.50. It is ordered that said claim be allow­ ed. In the matter of the petition of L. P. Grayand others for a county road, same is continued. In the matter of the petition of L. S. Miller and otheis for a county road, same ia continued. In the matter of vacation of a por­ tion of the town of Pacific City, same is ordered by court. In the matter of cancellation of taxes upon application of E. H. Gary, court orders same cancelled. In the matter of specifications for a bridge at or near the Kinnaman place over West Beaver Creek, »pecifications are hereby approved and it is ordered that clerk advertise for bids for the same. Geo. II. Edner and Clarence Edner for gateway on property in sections 15, 16, 21 and 22 in township 1, north of range 10 west. It is ordered that U. G. Jackson, F. L. Sappington and F. P. Hobson be appointed as viewers 1 I I i 4 I « General Fund D H Fletcher, mdse ................. E G Anderson, mdse ................. Pacific Telephone Co ................ Glass A Frudhomrne, printing . Glass A Prudhomme, ” W F Baker, stamps.................... W A Williams, indse.................. Gus Goeres, wood....................... A F Coats Lumber Co............. Pacific Telephone Co.............. ... T C Percy, key........................... Alex McNair, mdse.................... R F Zachmann, repairs............. King & Smith, lawn edger...... Tillamook Light Co ................ Tillamook Herald .................... Tillamook Headlight................. Bay City Examiner............ ....... Fraternal Union Cemetery Asn Cloverdale Mercantile Co...... B F Barrett, reporters fee..... E W Knight & Sons, milk ...... W D Gladwill, milk ................. Tillamook Feed Co, mdse......... Tillamook Meat Co, mdse......... J C McClure, expense coroners office ........................................ W N Reddaway, digging grave J C Holden, current expense .. Cloverdale Courier, printing .. J S Lamar, mdse ........................ Glass A Prudhomme, printing .. Glass A Prudhomme, ” Miles Warren, justice court w'k E W Stanley, A F Coats Lumber Co, lumber A K Case, repairs .................... Jaa Christensen boom pole ('has Ray, work on Cloverdale culvert....................................... W B Alderman, supervisors salary ..................................... F L Sappington, supervisors salary .................................... J M Baker, supervisors salary J E Reedv, county veterinarian J C Bewley, truant officer..... T E Epplctt, janitora salary... G R Edner, com. salary............ H M Farmer, com. salary...... Homer Mason, Judge salarv... Expense county clerk’s office... Expense sheriff's office ............. Tax collecting expense ............ Expense school Supt office .... Expense assessor's office........ Road Diat. No. 1. Frank Hobacn, single............. Geo Henspn, hauling . .............. John Lpngly, hauling................. B L«»6. shoveling...................... ^,'Krumlauf, shoveling............. 4 I I ) * ' I Í I I I y I ! I F Htruehy, hauling.................... W F Cane, foreman..................... S D Thompson, shoveling.......... J W Thompson, hauling ............ W H Brobst, removing trees .. L'e Alles, removing trees........ II King, bridge.......................... A Me Ki mon, bridge .................. O Kline, bridge ....... ................... E H Lindsey, removing trees . Ernest Kabbe, shoveling........... Fred Ksblw, hauling................. D C Pervgoy, filling sand ...... Fred Zaddach, foremat) ............ Fr«d Zaddach, foreman............. H L Sappington, bridge . .......... F L Sappington, 181 rods of .... punching, at $2.90 per rod__ Geo Loerpabel, to work on road as tier contract....................... Nehalem Livery and Transfer Co............................ . ............ Geo. W Phelps, merchandise ... Tobi A Anderson, merchandise Nehalem Hay Land Co. mer­ chandise..................................... Total Road Diet. No. 2 C O Grout, bridge, building. ... dredger loading donkey...... _ H C Witt, bridge work, fram­ ing dredger, loading donkey.. Hubert Butler, framing dred­ ger. loading donkey............... W Matnev, helper on bridg«...... Frank Dvoand team driving,.. ........-............................... Lad Zurich,.................................. f'haa Brink................................... A Olds............................................ A Brown ........................„.......... Alvin Blum................................... H Parson ..................................... l'í Carl While .............. ................... LOW» .......... ........................... .. Amo« Vaughn, Supervisor and . t««m...... v.v -Ji«,»-................ Mffi.'ii Darby.............................. T Vaughn ...■................................ E Goodapoed............................. U Wilks...... .................................. E Stark............................ ............. W H Johnson.............................. B Smith .................................. F Blaaer...... ................................ A Holden ................................ W H Johnaon............................. _ R Johnaon ................................... D K Darby................................... E tjirwn Ijirsen. .. .......................... C Mallette __ ___... F Hopkins k * 3.35 5.95 1.50 17.61 18.50 8.00 20.70 7.65 29 40 32.15 50 85 26.23 10.00 31.86 29.8' 47 7g 32.45 15.00 40.00 5.00 8.91 1.96 31.25 3.00 Kribs Bros.. ................~............. J S tenon........................................ O Hopkins................................... A M Austin.................................. A E Heitsman......................... W Tinr.erstet............................... H Olds.......................................... N J Dye........................................ Frank Dye................................... I. Woods....................................... C Dye............................. - J Monahan ................................... H Schlappi.................................. A. Blum........................................ John Blum.................................... John Proctor............................... I Brown......................................... F Brown ............ ...................... . I Quick.................................. ...... A D Lipen................................... A K Case, mdse.......................... Connie Dye, uoom stick............. Tony Dalpaz, lumber............... Claud Houssey, gravel.............. Jeff Harris, on contract for..... clearing right of way............. 150.00 41.90 King A Smith, mdse................... 42.80 Alex McNair, mdse ................... L Nehon, payment of contract.. 75.00 on Burns’ road................... .. Albert Olds, for boulders and... damages for hauling across .. 5.00 place........................................ - G'is Peterson, balance due on.. contract for clearinf right of way........................... ................. 190.00 10.00 Ike Quick, for boulders ............ L Quick, for gravel and bould­ ers ................................................ - 15.00 8.90 Ed Snodgrass, rndse................... C Weagel, excavating contract 131.60 Commercial Stables, livery hire 10.00 Total Road Dist. No. 3 Poy Woods............................. Geo Heilmeyer.................... Fred Lyster .......................... I. J Craven............................. A B Estabrook ................... V F Learned ........................ E G Anderon........................ J T Moon ............................ S D Moon ............................. H Hollett............................... C Hollett............................... II Welsh ................................ M B Beran ........................... J C Trent ............................. Geo Symes ............................. S T Ward ............................. W T Trent .......................... J Heilmeyer ......................... R L Huston............................. F Drebert.............................. L Kelluw................................ E Kellow ................................ Kellow ............................... W Sappington Sappington........................ o U S Edwards u Edwards .............................. H. H HIGLEY, HOUSEKEEPERS For great efforts are being made in this vicinity to sell baking powders of inferior class, made from alum acids and lime phosphates, both undesir­ able to those who require high-grede cream of tartar baking powder to make clean and healthful food. The official Government tests have shown Royal Baking Powder to be a pure, healthful, grape cream of tartar baking powder, of highest strength, and care should be taken to prevent the substitution of any other brand in its place. Royal Baking Powder costs only a fair price per pound, and is cheaper and better at its price than any other baking powder in the world. Nellie Webb ................................ J Lewallen .......................... ....... Fred Lewallen............................ Claud Lane................................... Lucious Lane .............................. Jim Imlah ............... .................. - C Lewallen.................................. I< E Bundy.................................. Will Christensen........................ W A Gage .................................. Will Gage ..................................... W Franklin ................................. Win Redaway ............................. J Redberg .................................. <1 kRedberg ................................. 46.87 26.23 18.75 41.87 26.87 46.87 20.00 32.18 37.50 12.50 5.00 37.75 13.75 26 62 27.60 12.60 9.68 46 24 46.00 17.50 45.00 67.37 41 K .94 51.87 31.87 18.78 Rain or shine, I will sell nt my residence two and one half miles East of Tillamook City, near Fair vi-w Hull, on the 24th ¿lay of March. 1914, the following described per­ sonal property : 14 head high grade Jersey milk cow», from 3 to 6 years old. all bred to my Island Bull, A| ril King, to freshen this spring. 1 Two year old Better. 8 Head yearling Heifers. t high grade Jersey Bull, bred from above mentioned bull, ready (or light service Three head of Horse«. Sale to twgiii at HF 3D a. in. Terms of sale Cash on hand or bankable pnpers. Colonel J W. Hughes, of Forest Grove Auctioneer. M ohkison M ill » Bid» Wanted. 331 Glisoo st., Portland, Ore. Must be Watchful 5.35 King and Peterson Sign with 5.00 Baker City Ball Team. 6.55 12.50 Jimmy Richardson is back from 5.00 Tillamook, but this time it is not 2.26 news of baseball leagues that he 22.20 brings, but of trout, big fat ones, 1.60 and to be had in any number for a 11.60 few hours work on the streams of 84.67 the coast, says the Oregonian. 161 34 Sammy did not cutch fish himself, 8.10 O I.ane .......................................... lie is not an enthusiastic angler. E A Lane ..................................... He leaves the fishing to others that 92.50 I'll Fletcher ............................ is, until the piscatorial prize is John Borbra............................... ready to serve on the table. 84.00 Harlv Curl, wood ....................... "Dutch" Armbruster, ex-big I* R Coulson, on road contract.. leaguer and coast baseball star, 60.00 Andy and Ed Kostic, on road 54.00 did the Tillamook fishing honors contract ................................ 30.00 C C Murphy, launch fare......... (or Richardson, The ex-'Vhite Sox and Beayer pitcher is now engaged 12.92 I) II Fletcher, repairs ............ 56.00 Ira Diamond, lumber................ in business at Tillamook. 54 80 E E Colestock, launch fare...... Richardson did manage to start some baseball in the cheese country 69.00 E B Harthrop, road work........ UM). 00 Beaver Lumber Co, lumber.... and reports Hint the town of Tilla­ 258.33 mook is expecting a successful sea­ 208 33 Total 1578.51 son on the diamond. Armbruster will catch for the 664.81 Tillamook team 83.33 250.00 Field Worker Comes In April. Richardson signed another Tilla­ Prof. II. T. French, of the Oregon mook player for the Baker team of the Western Tri-State. The re­ ttie 34.50 Shite Agricultural College having emit ia Clint King, a deputy in charge the farm management, 31.26 sheriff. 72.50 field studies mid demonstrution King ia a pitcher, infielder or work, «ent the following letter to 26.85 outfielder, He is a right handed Comity Clerk J. C. Holden : 7.50 bats left-handed, is 21 "We have secured the services of thrower and ...................................... 43 50 years of Hge, anil was recommend­ 35.00 Roy C. |onea for Tillamook county ed by Armbruster. GunnsrPeteraon, 15 00 in the farm, field and demonatra another ex-Tillamook star, has also 10.00 lion work. He ia a graduate of the signed a Baker contract. 7.50 University of Vermont, Dairy De The two Tillamook ball players 4.36 partment, and tins had Home five or will go into training at Salem on 5.04 six years of practical experience in the24thof this month. 2 50 dairy work, and has been connected 2.60 with the Agricultural College of To the Voters of Tillamook 2 50 Montana, and haa made good in the 5.00 Department of Dairy Production, County. 3.75 which includes the feeding and 1 hereby announce myself as a 8.75 management of dairy stock along 1.00 the lines which will be useful in candidate for re-nomination on th* 17.60 your section. We could not secure Republican ticket for the office of 15.00 him were it not for the fact that his County Coroner, ut the primary 3.75 wife’s health is such that he is com­ election on May 15th, 1914. pelled to move to the coast or to u Respectfully, W. C, H awk . 524.90 lower altitude such as Tillamook otters. I uni sure he will make n To the Voters of Tillamook valuable man for the work in your 400.00 section. County. "We may not be able to secure his 2.00 I hereby announce that I am a 37.69 services tiefore April 1, for tie can­ 19.22 not leave his present position until candidate for the nomination of someone ia secured to take Ilia place. Sheriff on the Democratic Ticket at "1 will take the matter up with ttie primarie« in May If elected I 3.00 the State Dairy mid Food Commis­ will perform the duties of my office 1336.42 sioner and see if we cannot visit to the beat of my ability without your section at the same time he is fear or fuvor. there.” Respectfully. N. J. M yeks . 96.62 AUCTION SALE 65.61 THE PIONEER BUSINESS AGENT OF THE CITY. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U.S. Land Office at Portland. Or, March 3rd, 1914. N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That James I.angley, whose post-office address is Garabaldi, Tillamook County, Oregon did, on the 21st day oi April, 1913, file in thia office Sworn Statement and Application, No. (13795, to pnrebase the Sw '4 of Se 'i Section 7, Township 2 North, Range 9 West, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions ot the act of June 3. 1878. ami acts umendatory, known a» the " Timber and Stone Law," nt such value as might be fixed by appraise­ ment, and that pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon liave been appraised, file timber estimated 320,OlJU hoard feet I at 20 to 5'J cents per M, and the hind $2.00 ; that said applicant will offer final proof in support of his application and sworn statement on the 28th day of May, 1914, before the Register anil Receiver of the U.S. Land Office, at Portland, Ore. Any person is at liberty to pro­ test this purchase before entry, or initiate a contest at any time be- I fore patent issues, by filing a cor- , roborated affidavit in thia office, | alleging facts which would defeat the eutry. II. F. IT igby , Register. A St. Patrick's ball will be given by tin- United Artisans at the Tilla- I niook Commercial Club on Tuesday ; March 17th. I • • a a • v a « ■ * ■ Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. fl «4 « Law, Abstracts, Real Estate, Surveying, Insurance. Both Phones. ■ TILLAMIXIK . . OREGON. I • » • « • » A O.fcj .- £*111 diti ’ t Elwood Creamery Co. wishes to receive bids for hauling cheese to Tillamook Wharf and train Leave bids at Curl Il allertiteli» office ou T illamook K ibctvic L ight ani » or tiefore March 15. 1914. kFVKL C ompany KLWtXM» CKKANKMY Co. ’LL SFALDINO, Minister. Tillamook I Baker’s Bre Solci at All Grocer! ii (i Take advant^n of the new ParB j Post rates as«« have us send^ Drugs or ajh” thing in our i Get mail order ceive the same*«»* tention as th « would person»;H and if any Um' you receive a Ran thing which ap ( not perfectly ;r»r isfactory we ■. gladly refujp“ your money, Wat exchange gwh°' at • CLOUGH’S ie™ RELIABLE DRL’GfDot DOCKS ; WAREHOUSE, FRONT STREET, BETWEEN 2nd A 3rd AVENUE WES S U1JÍ1’ .t u Un sight, Unseen” IÍ J Great Majestic Malleable and Charcoal Iron ®>r peri fa. Takes but half the fed' in cthtr ranges far perfect bakmT- . AH Copper Reaavoir—A;aiae de livered by August 15. 1914, and bal ance by October 15, 1914. Leave bids at Carl Hatierlacli s office, Tillamook, Ore. Company reservea right to reject any or nil bids. All bids to be in by .'lurch 25 1914 M aple L eaf C kkaneky A ss ’ n . My Record is my Reference,-Over 61 years in Oregon. Anything that you buy of me I will see that you get a clean bill of sale. I ' will 11 rent ‘ you a bouse or store or rooms in any part of the city. $1,000 Buys a 16 Room Lodging ________ st, near 14th House on , Morrison Rent street. . E — $50 . per month. This can’t be beat for the money. $350 Buys 12 Room Lodging House, all housekeeping rooms. Rent $35 on Hall street, near Park street Good income, $450 Buys 12 Room Lodging on Yamhill street near 14th street, Rent $45 per month, income $88 per month, with a few living rooms, nice place. $300 Buys 10 Room Lodging House on Front st, near saw mills and $35 per foundery. Rent on! bargain, month. This is surel ing House $900 Buys 10 Room "near Jacksorf on Sixth s oarders. This is street, a goo this 40 Room Apirt- $3,500 $ e. All modern Rent meiit I $225 per month, good income on North 19th street, near Northrup street, This is a high class family apartment House, if you want something good. $800 BTiys 1! Room Lodging House . on Everett street, near 20th street Rent $40 per month, large yard, some trees, nice family place. $2,000 takes this 26 room boarding house on I.ownsdale street, near Alder street, with 18 bonders. Rent only $75 per month. $506 Buys a swell 15 Room Board­ ing house, on Third street, near College street. Rent $45 month. A Bargain, 17 Room Lodging on Mill street, near 11th street, very cheap, income $170 per month. Rent $75 per month, modern, some housekeeping rooms,furnace heat. This is a snap. $450, 11 Room Flat, on 5th street, near Main st. Rent$35 per month. This is a money maker. $1,700Buys 43 Room Hotel on Ruset street, near Abiner ave., close to car shops, good business restau­ I rant seats 50. Rent $95 per month. 1 Don t miss this bargain. $550—11 Room Boarding House on North 16th street, near Evering street, modern swell place, cheap rent. $8,000 takes this swell 55 Room Boarding House on Third street, near Montgomery street, cheap rent, steam heat, Hot and cold water, this is a palace. Income $1.200 per month. $1,500 Buys 24 Lodging House on Park street, near Taylor street. Rent $100 per month, income $205 per month. This is a good bay. $1,000 Buys a swell Confectionery store on 4th street, near Salmon st. Rent only $45 per month. This is a palace and a money maker. Trouble in family is cause of sale. Write to me about this. Notice Get That Name in your nund—memoria« ÍT**?.1*,•reTr *>'»’ y°n buy whukey and you will alway» yet the beet. ORD» FROM < E F. L aughun The n- rvoir is ell copper w t h«8 • tea kettle through a copper P*> starved from one p cf copper, •TBiast left hand lining of urc VxX 15 jrallaBs of water in 1». *<*7 m 'incrJa and is iruitaatly moved from the firn, AA U, T. Skew Tea TV GrrW-t Ever Fat la a 8«* tncr-aaina th. etrmtrth and w«sr Uriel MarrHic more than SOOs *<■ where other ranrv* are weakest—! to inquire about thia teatwu. FOR SALE BY ALEX McNAIR co .