Tillamook Headlight, March 1014 D., ate Transfers., Ete. Gooch, patent, Sw f of Nw % and Garibaldi-Wheeler Countv Road amount of aaid bid, which shall be N w 44 of Sw J, section 9 and Se i of ' forfeited .................. « . in . case award to the County Notice to Contractors. is made and the bidder shall fail, lamook County, Oregon, Ne i and Ne 34 of Se i of section 8, Sealed bids addressed to the County neglect or refuse for a period of five ek ending March 12, 1914, tp 1 south, range 9 west, contain­ ing 160 acres. I Court at Tillamook County, Oregon, days after the award is made, to by the Tillamook Title & County for the proposed construction of Sec­ j enter into a contract and file a bond Emil I.arsen to t_ Tillamook ____ _ Z ___ Jo., John Leland Mender- Bank, chattel mortgage, 75.00 on tion “C’’ of Garibaldi-Wheeler County i satisfactory to the court as required Road in Tillamook, Oregon, from Sta­ by law two cow». The bids are to cover the clearing Amanda L. Donaldson to State Christen Smith and husband to tion 177 plus 65 to Station 212 plus 0, Land Board, mortgage. $2,500, lots Tillamook Countv Bank, wty deed, will be received by the County Court of the right of way, and grubbing 4 and S and Se i of Sw *-4 of section 10.C0, one 15 acre tract and one 4 of Tillamook County, at its office in and all grading and excavation, N, 27, also «tract in Joseph Champion acre tract in lot 37, tp 1 south, range Tillamook City on or before the 20th and placing all culvertsand drains, day of March, 1914, at the hour of 10 . also, for the graveliug of the road , D L.C., tp 1 south, range 9 went, 9west, Vaughn’s D.L.C. o’clock A. M. and at such time opened from station O plus O to station 67 D Stj, contnin in all 163J acres more or George L Hanlin and wife to G and read. plus O, said work to ¡be done ac­ H Ward, mortgage, 200.00, one lot Each bid shall be accompanied by a cording to the plans and specifica­ BlOqt Roscoe Barker to Tillamook Co in Lincoln, now Tillamook. tions on file at the office of the certified check made payable to Tilla­ Bank, chattel mortgage on 34 cows. Chas. Ray and W M Owen to mook County, for an amount equal to County Clerk, of Tillamook County . A mortgage to secure all indebted- Cloverdale Merc Co , certified busi at least 5 per cent of the amount of Oregon. ----- Jnees to bunk. ness name. such bid, which shall be forfeited to “The County Court reserves the T B fotter Realty Co to A M Tillamook County Bank to J A the County in case award is made and right to rejset any and all bids, Crawford. *ity deed, 10.00, lot in Smith and wife, wty deed, 10.00, one the bidder shall refuse, neglect or fail Dated this the 12th day of March, (hicnajBayoc«*« Park. 15 acre and one 4 acre tract in lot for a period of five days after which A D, 1914 By order of the County Court. __ W J Higgins to Mrs S J Mor­ 37, tp 1 south, range 9 west, the award is made, to enter into a con­ J. C. H olden , tract and file a bond satisfactory to the rison, wty deed, 50.00, lot in Tilla- Vaughn's D.L C. County Clerk and |)mook Bench. Simeon Earl to State Land Board, Court as required by law. 1st publication, March 12. 1914. The bids are to cover the clearing of all- Edward F Worthington and wife mortgage, $1,000.00, Se i of Nw J of Last publication, March 23. 1904. _ to E L Worthington, wty deed, Section 4, tp 2 south, range 9 west. the right-of-way and grading and plac­ ing all culverts from Station 177 plus ,750.00, 10 acres more or less in Bonus J Dunn and wife to State 65 to Station 212 plus 0 of the Gari­ Garibaldi-Wheeler County Road . . section 23, t|> I south, r.in-e lo west. Land Board, mortgage, $2,000.00, baldi-Wheeler County Road. All work Notice to Contractor*. ry EL Worthington and wife to Sw 44 of Ne 44 and Se 44 of Nw of to be completed by June 15th, 1914. Neatuccaf Valley Bank, mortgage, tp 5 south, range 10 west, at Meda, X Plans and specifications are on file at Sealed bids addressed to the County $500.00, 10 acres more or less in excepting three tracts sold. the office of the County Clerk of Tilla­ at Tillamook County, Oregon, section 23^ tp 4 south, range 10 west. Sand Li ' i.ake Cranberry Co to H C mook County, Oregon, in Tillamook Court the proposed planking and regrad­ Myers, NJ' John Fox, Chas. Fox and wife to “ ’ s and HE Warren. City. The County Court reserves the for ing of Section “A” of the Garibaldi- D J Dunn, wty deed, 420.00, a tract wty deed, $3, ract of land right to reject any and all bids. Dated Wheeler County Road in Tillamook AT-Ljiof land in section 9, tp 5 south, containing 1544 a w 34 of Nw this 4th day of March, 1014. County, Oregon from Station 79 plus range lOwest, containing 4.21 acres. i, section 20, tp 3 , range 10 J. C. HOLDEN, tj Station 177 plus 65, will be re­ ____________ County Clerk. 00, Coutu Edward F Worthington and wife west ceived by the County Court of Tilla- Bay City Land Co a d First Bank to George W Worthington wty deed. mooV County at its office in Tillamook County Road at Jenkins’ Place fc2.50Q.00; a tract of land in sections and Trust Co. to Edward Base, wty City, Oregon, on or before the 20th Notice to Contractors. 15 and 22. tp 4 south, range 10 deed, $700.00, lots in Central a"'d to day of March, 1914 at the hour of 10 I —-West, containing 40 acres and 3 town of Bay City. o'clock A. M , and at such time shall Selaed bids addressed to the County T B Potter Realty Co. to Andy G Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, be opened and read. y acres more or less. ■g Nehalem Lodge No 199, Fraternal Larson, wty deed, 10.00, lot in Bay • for the proposed improvement of the Each bid shall be accompanied by cer­ ocean Park. Union of America Cemetery A sb ' u County Road at Jenkins Bridge on Wil­ tified check made payable to Tillamook Carl Pucciano to Nicolo Ripo, son IDVO e I Tillamook County, deed, 15.00, River, in Tillamook County, Ore­ County, for an amount equal to at wty deed, 50.00, Jots ' ~ ‘ in Rockaway lot in F.U. A. Cemetery. gon, will be received by the County least 5 per cent of the amount of such Beach. KJ Bio GF Buck to Tillamook County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, bid, which shall be forfeited to the Robert Painter to W G _ _ Dwight, - , at its office in Tillamook City, Oregon, County in case award is made and the Bank, chattel mortgage, $200.0C, 1 portable gasoline wood saw outfit deed, $1,500.00, his undivided J in­ on or before the 20th day of March, bidder shall fail, neglect or refuse for terest in Ne i of Sw 44 and W Vi of 1914, at 10 A. M., and at that time a period of five days after the award is and horaee. made, to enter into a contract and file of Sw J section 14 and Se i of Se i of Olympia Beer Co. to W B Harris, section 15, tp 1 north, range 10 west, opened and read. Each bid shall be a bond satisfactory to the Court as re­ accompanied by a certified check made V M. aat mortgage. less three tracts. payable to Tillamook County, for an quired by law. Bay City Land Co to Frank J The bids are to cover the rebuilding amount equal to at least 5 per cent of Herman Farmer to Joanna Far ­ ¿pyMueller, assigns to W B Harris, mer, wty deed, all that part of K 44 the amount of such bid, which shall be of embankment on the south end of contract; $400.00, lots in Pacific add of Ne i and Ne j of Se 44. section 1, forfeited to the County in case an Smith’s Lake, cleaning of ditches and one». ,o City, „ 4 south, . range 10 west, ___, lying _ „__ tp on award is made and the bidder shall trimming the banks from^Station 82 to Julia E Ridemour vs G W Ride- west of Big Nestucca River, con-, fail, neglect of refuse for a period of Station 114, raising the grade across mour, divorce, decree for plaintiff, taining 95 acres more or less. five days, after which the award ■ i_ is Ocean Lake and; laying planks from Station 79 plus 09 to Station 177 plus ' lot in Bay City. Chas T Blum and Minnie B Blum made to enter into a contract and file 65. Also for grading and trimming as '■ F J Gattrell to Harry H Hamilton, to State Land Board, mortgage, a bond satisfactory to the Court as re­ above and covering road bed with clay E, .'IOtto W Melschan. Fred W Herman, 600.00, Se 14 of Se 14 and section 20, quired by law. The bids are to cover the clearing of and stone, according to plans and speci­ wty deed, $625.00, lots in Manhattan. tp 4 south, range 10 west, contain­ the right of way and excavating and fications. All work to be completed A L Applewhite and wife to ing 40 acres. grading about 1219 cubic yards of earth bv June 15, 1914. - -...Edward Edward F W Worthington, orthington, mortgage, T B Potter Realty Co to William and installing necessary culverts. Plans and specifications are on file at 1800.00, a tract of land in section 21. I Kocar, wty deed, 10.00, lot in Bay­ the office of the County Clerk of Tilla­ Work to be completed in 60 days. tp 4 south, range 10, containing 5 ocean Park. I Plans and specifications are on file mook County, Oregon, in Tillamook 00T icres more or leas. Edward Stasek to Ethelda Ogg, at the office of the County Clerk of City. George W Worthington and wife wty deed, 10.00, a tract containing Tillamook County, Oregon, in Tilla- The County reserves the right to re­ re. :o Edward F. Worthington, mort- 4.16 acres more or less, section 29, mook City. ject any and all bids. Datea this 4th ___ rage, $2,40C 00, a tract of land in tp 1 south, range 9 west. f ThefCounty Court reserves the right day of March, 1914. «ectioffBlfi and 22, tp 4 south, range J. C. HOLDEN. Edward Stasek to Jefferson Ogg, to reject any and all bids. urj 10 west, containing 40 acres and 3 wty deed, 10.00, a tract in Sw __________ County Clerk. of Datedjthis 4th day of March 1914. teres more or lees. Nw section 32, tp 1 south, range | J- C. Holden, Necarney Mountain County rTnJP R Beale and John Larsen to 9 west, containing 2.50 acres more or . Connty Clerk. Road. >hute Savings Bank, Hillsboro, Ore., c tee’n of mortgage. F R Beals to John Larsen, partial | Notice To Bidders, Notice to Contractors. Miss Martha Psetak to J Baum- ass’n of mortgage, 3,250 00. I Sealed proposals will be received Sealed bids addressed to the County Se of I County Court to Vacation of LT, jarner, mortgage, r-. — - $100.00, - part at the office of the Couuty Clerk of Court at Tillamook County, Oregon, Qe X and Jot 1 of section 6, of Pacific City. , Tillamook County, Oregon, for the for the proposed construction of the . titouth, range 7, containing 80 44 construction of a fifty-foot (50) Steel Necarney Mountain County Road, ■crea. Hughey Creek Road. I Bridge, or a fifty-foot (50) re-inforc­ from Station 111 plus 95 to Station "IMisa Martha Paelak to M T Moi- ed Concrete Bridge, over West 140 plus 32, will be received by the Notice to Contractors, ITT, iau, wty Meed, 10.00, as above. Beaver Creek, near the Kinnaman County Court of Tillamook County THIl Robert R Peters to L A and Sallie Sealed bids addressed to the County place, up to 10 o’clock A. M. on the at its office in Tillamook City, Ore­ Sir' Edgar, release of mortgage. I Court of Tillamook County, Oregon. 27th day of March, 1914, in accord­ gon, on or before the 27th day of PFXIhSPioneer Livery Co to Tillamook for the proposed improvement of the ance with the plans and specifica­ March, 1914, at the hour of 1 o'clock „ bounty Bank, chattel mortgage, Hughey Creek road, in Tillamook tions on file in the office of the P.M., and at such time shall be I'1 T880l®0, 1 Ford Automobile, No 296,- County. Oregon, will be received by County Clerk, at the Court House, opened and read. the County Court of Tillamook, Coun­ at Tillamook Oregon. Each bid shall be accompanied inVl|B ty, Oregon, at its office in Tillamook Each bidder shall deposit with liis by certified check made payable to ■e George I.uatka to West Day, City, Oregon, on or before the 20th day proposal a certified check in the Tillamook County, for -an amount battel mortgage, $950.00, on 34 of March, 1914. st 10 o’clock A. M. sum of five per cent (5 per cent) of equal to at least 5 per cent of the 'Kt'.O«ra. f and at that time opened and read. the amount of his bid. amount of such bid, which shall be B W Booth to A W Bunn, chattel Each bid shall be accompanied by a The right is reserved to reject any forfeited to the county in case •EN nortgage, 100.00, team of horses. , certified check made payable to lilla- and all bids or reward the contract, award is made and flic bidder shall Albert Darby and wife to Robert mook County, for an amount equal to as may be to the best interests of fail, neglect or refuse for a period ■ Sluf Pete re, mortgage, $6,000.00. Sw % at least 5 per cent of the amount of Tillamook Couuty. of five days after the award is By order of the County Court. >f Se i and 10 acres off south side such bid, which shall be forfeited to made, to enter into a contract and J. C. H olden r. >t Se X of Se 44 of section 6, tp 2 the County in case an award is made f file a bond satisfactory to the Court County Clerk. iouth, range 9 west, containing 50 and the bidder shall tail, neglect or | as required by law, refuse for a period of five days after First publication March 12". L Ticres more or less. The bids are to cover the clearing of the right of way, grubbing, grad­ Susie E Hoevet to W H Purdin which the award is made to enter into Last publication March 26. a contract and file a bond satisfactory , ing and excavation, placing all ind wife, sat. mortgage, $750.00, to the Court as required by law. metal culverts and drains and A. O. Foland County Road, digging W H Purdin and wife to W J The bids are to cover the clearing of | all ditches according to the f, iiechera, wty deed, $1200.00, a tract the rightof way, and excavating and plans ami specifications oil file Notice to Contractors. >f land in Nw i and Sw L section grading 1702 cubic yards of earth and I at the office of the County Clerk, of r. 0, tp 1 south, range 9 west. building one concrete and metal cul-' Sealed bids addressed to the Tillamook County, Oregon. W G Dwight to Maggie Butrick, vert. Work to be completed in 60 days. County Court nt Tillamook County, The County, Court reserve the ldy. vty deed, 10 00. a tract of land in Plans and specifications are on Li­ ' Oregon, for the proposed improve- right to reject any and all bids. >w J of Se H and Se i of Sw J, aec- at the office of the County Clerk “ of -' ment of the A. O. Foland County Dated this 12th day of March, Road, from Station 79 plus 80 East- )lTi.den 1, ip 4 south, range 10 west. Tillamook County, Oregon, in Tilla­ , I erly A.D . 1914. to the south end of the bridge First Bank and Trust Co to James mook City. By order of the County Court, station 133 plus 61, will be re­ The County Court reserves the right ' at ---- Maginn, arty deed, $5000.00, let in J. C. H olden , ceived by the county court of Tilla ­ lo reject any and all bids. [E^ffifiiams add to Bay City. County Clerk. mook County at its office in Tilla- First publication March 12th, 1914. Turner State Bank to William G. Dated this 4th day of March, 1914. I mook City, Oregon, on or before the : J, C. Hblden, Last publication March 26th, 1914. ¡Y Dwight, eat mortgage. day of April. 1914, at the hour _ _________ County Clerk. 1st of 10 o'clock A. M , and at such Marion Edee and wife to Benja- time shall be opened and read. Loerpabel County Road nin F Pennington, wty deed, 10 00, Pacific City County Road Each bid shall be accompanied TLite H of Ne J, section 32, tp 3 north, Notice to Contractors. by a certified check made payable a st, containing 40 acres. Notice to Contractors. Sealed bids addressed to the j0CI Gary and wife to Ben­ 1 Sealed bids addressed to the County to Tillamook County, for an amount equal to at least 5 per cent ot the County Court at Tillamook County, iamin F Pen nington, wty deed, 10.00, <>>urt of Tillamook County, Oregon, ... . . - amount of such bid, which shall be ftregon, for the improvement of the ill E Hof Se and Sw' i of Se t of for the proposed . construction of . •• the R±r*?n ‘ forfeited to theCounty in case award 5L paction 32, tp 3 north, range 10 west. Loerpabel County Road R^ad in ln Tillamook Ti.lamook . made antj the bidder shall fail, Pacific City County Road, from Station G plus 0 at the rock grade to —szeept Sw i of Sw 44 of Se *4, section I neglect or refuse fora period of Section 43 plus tit) at Woods Ferry Q, tp 3 non' lb, range 10 west, the County Court of lillamookCounty, d „fter the award is made. into a contract apd fi| a Landing, also from Woods Ferry Marion E‘ by a certified check made payable I and lot 26. section 5, t|> to Tillamook County, for an amount period of five days after which the (range 11 west. award is made to enter into a contract' r,™t £ rej£t aEy and al) bid8. equal to a least 5 per cent of the er Realty Co to Thos. H and a ^„,1 gatisfactory to the amount of such bid, which shall be Dated this the 12th day of March, forfeited to the County in case deed, 10.00 lot in Bay- cfJUrt as required by law. A. D. 1914. award is made and the bidder shah | The bids ara to cover the clearing of By order of the County Couri. fail, neglect or refuse for a period urry and hueband to the right of way and grading from a J C. H olden , of five days after the award is tnuela, wty deed, 1000, point 45.8 feet North 29 degrees. 16 County Clerk. made, to enter into a contract and i. section 17. tp 1 south. minutes East of angle 21 to the line 1st publication, March 12. 1914. file a bond satisfactory to the Court teat between S. A. Himpel and William Last publication March 26, 1914. as required by law. lurry to Charles Samuels, • Tobi, in at angle 38 of the Loerpabel The bids are to cover the clear­ teas' n mortgage executed County Road. Work to be completed in Hebo-Cloverdale County Road ing of the right of way, grubbing, Baskina and wife to Leora 60 days. grading and excavation, and plac­ | Plans and specifications are on file at Secure $6.300 Notice to Contractors office of the County Clerk of Tilla­ Sealed bids addressed to the ing all culverts and drains [Stillwell to Edward H Nye, the for graveling of said road mook County, Oregon, in Tillamook L $250.00. lot in Stillwell City. County Court at Tillamook County Sts. ii plus 0 tp Sta. 43 plus [to city of Tillamook, Oregcn. for the improvement of the Woods Ferry Landing, also The County Court reserves the right ’ Hebo Cloverdale County Road from Woods Ferry Landing to Sta. 31 tunsell and wife to Ida L p, reject ai y and ail bids. station 0 plus M6 of the section built [wtv deed. $450.00. lot in Dated this -sen day of March, 1914. plus 29 at Pacific City by Aratill, in 1913. Easterly t»> tlie ¡Park. All work to lie done according J. C. Holden, West end of the Three Rivers bridge I to the plans and ape iti< ationa County Clerk. «wards and wife to T J t at Hebo, will lie received by the on file at the office of the County [wty deed. 1 00. blocks in Disordered Kidneys Cause Muck County Court of Tillamook County Clerk, of Tillamook County. Oregon Idge Beach. at its office in Tillamook City Ore Misery. The County Court reserve the Bunn and H J Hunn to gon. od or before the 1st day of right to reject any and all bids With pain and misery I Daniela and wife, wty sleep April. 1914. at the hour cf 10 o Dated ’clock thia the 12th day of March, disturbing bladder weakness reaaneaa. ---- 15.00, lot in Rockaway night, _ _ _ _________________________ tired, nervous run-down men ' A M . and at ’.nh time shall be A.D 1914. and women everywhere are glad to opened and read. By order of the County Court, (Awards and wife to la-athe know that Foley Kidney Ptlla restore ' Ea-h bid shall be accomjianird J. C. HoLDKN, rd, wty deed. 10.00, lot in health and strength, and the regular by a certified check made payable County Clerk. ridge Beach. j action of kidneys and bladder. For to Tillamook County, foranammml First publication March 12th, 1914. equal to at least 6 per cent ot the I America to Henry W. ' sale by all druggists. Last publtcation March Aith, 1914. I Eugene Atkinson Connty Road Beware of Ointment« for Notice to Contractors. Catarrh That Contain Sealed bids add-eased to the Mercury County Court at Tillamook County, As mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely the whole Oregon, for the Planking or grave­ system when entering derungc it through the ling of Section "A” of the Eugene mucous surfaces. Such articles should Atkinson, County Road, from never be used except on prescriptions from physicians, as the damage they Station 0 plus 0 to Station 42 plus reputable will du is ten fold to the good you can pos­ 87, will be received by the County sibly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh Court of Tillamooa County at its Cure manufactured by E J. Cheney & Co., O., contains no mercury, aud is office in Tillamook City, Oregon, Teledo, taken iuternally. acting directly upon the on or before the 1st day of April, blood and mucous surfaces of the system. 1914, atthe hour of 10 o’clock A.M., In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you the genuine. It is taken internally and and at such time shall be opened get made in Teledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. and read. Testimonials free. Each bid shall be accompanied Sold by Druggists. Price, 75c. per bottie. by certified check made payable to Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation, Tillamook County, for an amount Special Health Warning for March. equal to at least 5 per cent of the March is a trying month for the amount of iiu li bid, which shall be forfeited to the Comity in case very young and for elderly people. award is made and the bidder shall Croup, bronchial colds, lagrippeand fail, neglect or refuse for a period pneumonia are to be feared and ot five days after the award is made, avoided. Foley’s Honey and Tar is to enter into a contract and file a a great family medicine that will Bond satisfactory to the Court as quickly stop a cough, check the pro­ gress of a cold and relieved inflam­ required by law The bids are to cover the clearing ed and congested air passages. It of the right of way, grubbing and is safe, pure and always reliable. excavating the same, building all For sale by all druggists. necessary bridges and placing all The Mothers' Favorite. culverts and drains according to A cough medicine for children the plans and specifications on file at the office of the County Clerk, shauld he harmless, It should be pleasant to take. It should be of Tillamook County, Oregon. L Chamberlain's Cough The County Court reserve the effectual. Remedy is all of this and is the right toreject any and all bids. Dated this the 12th day ot March, mothers’ favorite everywhere, For sale by all dealers. V D., 1914. By order of the County Court, A St. Patrick’s ball will be given J. C. H olden , by the United Artisans at the Tilla­ County Clerk. First publication March 12th, 1914. mook Commercial Club on Tuesday, Last publication March 26th 1914. I Flarch 17th. Four Foot Fir Slabs $3.00 per Cord. Delivered. Dry Short Wood $2,00 Load. A. F. COATS LUMBER CO OWN YOUR HOME AND PAY FOR IT WITH WHAT YOU ARE NOW PAYING FOR RENT. Let us tell you HOW you can accomplish this, If ^77'cm.t to Exx3r, Or Euild. a Heme, Or ZBepeisr o ZxzCortg'sig'©- Atid desire the aid of borowed money, we ask your careful consideration of the advantages afforded by our monthly instalment plan of loan rent. Only you pay it to your credit instead of the landlord. The Plan of our Loan is the very best afforded on the market to-day. Can we not be of service to you like we have been to many others in Tillamook City. ROLLIE W. WATSON, Loans. Insurance, Real Estate, Collections. TODD HOTEL. Both 'Phones Ford THE UNIVERSAL CAR. It Because It’s a Better Car Model •’ $550 Touring f.o.b. Detroit. J/B (.let particulars from ED. IIADI.EY, Tillamook, Oregon. Get this idea of rough, high­ proof, strong whiskey out of your head—or it will get you—play the devil with your nerves ruin your digestion. Why punish yourself? Cyrux Noble, pure, old and palatable— Bottled at drinking strength. Sold everywhere and costs no more than any other good whiskey. W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agesta Portland, Oregon