Advertising Rates. well to mention that Eugene is to l>e congratulated in having R A. Booth for U.S. Senator and Lawrence T. Harris for Supreme Judge, both of whom we admire for the line records they have made as state legis­ lators and circuit judge. occasional bootlegger and a more serious conception and execution of public duty by the highest state officials. It wants fewer altercations between its Governor and theLegis lature. It wants less frequent pur­ suit of the will-o'-the-wisps of in­ novation and revolution and a more sober appreciation of the responsi­ bilities and duties of public admin istration. It wants less espionage by "inspectors” of this, that and the other thing, for state, county, city, school district and township, and it wants more freedom to work and put by something for a rainy day, and also for next taxpaying time. Isn't it about time the reign of the demagogue and the era of hysteria were over ? Summons Summons. p>T. BO ALS, M d , In the Circuit Court of the State of Department No. 2 in Equity. Oregon for Tillamook County. 14 k ; al A dvertisements : PHYSICIAN. AND Si J In the Circuit Court of the State of Department No 2, 10 Oregon for Tillamook County. First Insertion per line... $ Surgeon S.P. R. H. Wolter and Wilhel-) 5 Each subsequent insertion, line Jackson Powell, . mina Wolter. Plaintiffs, I Business and professional cards, Plaintiff, (I. O. O. F. BM j I vs. > vs 1 month................................... 1 CO William Frances Jones, Aaron Sherman aiid I Tillamook . 5 00 Homestead Notices.................. Defendant. J Jennie 1. Sherman, > Timber Claims .......................... 10 00 the To William Frances Jones, 1 his wife and A. G. I Locals per line each insertion 5 defendant above named. Reynolds and Daieey Display ad vertisement, an inch, lx the N ame of the S tate of M. KERRox V. Reynolds, bis wife, . month ................................. 50 O regon , you are hereby required The dairy industry is receiv­ Defendants. All Resolutions of Condolence and to appear and answer the complaint PHYSICIAN AND gJ I. ing a serious jolt since the new To Aaron Sherman and Jennie Lodge Notices, 5c. per line. Sherman, A. G. Reynolds and filed against you in the above en­ tariff law went into effect, with Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. Daisey V. Reynolds, defendants. titled cause and Court within six Notices, Ixist, Strayed or Stolen, a great slum in the price of but­ T illamook B loc P the N ame of the S tate of weeks from the date of the first pub­ I n etc., minimun rate, 25c. not exceed ter, for the Pacific Coast is now lication of this summons to-wit: O regon : itig five lines. Ai the dumping ground for Kan­ GREETING:—You, Aaron Sherman within six weeks from the 29th day Tillamook nei and Jennie I. Sherman, husband of January, 1914, and if you fail to garoo butter, which means a and wife, A. G. Reynolds and [ so answer, for want thereof, the RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. c’ great financial lose to those en­ Daisey V. Reynolds, husband and plaintiffs will fake a decree against m SARCHKT, (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) gaged in dairying in the United you foreclosing the mortgage des ­ wife, defendants herein, are hereby À- • The ¡Fashion O ieyear........ 1.5o States. California used to en­ I Synopsis of the annual statement required to appear and answer the cribed in plaintiff’s complaint, and of the NEWARK FIRE INSUR 75 Six months__ directing that the lands and pre 50 joy a thriving business in early I ANCE CO., of Newark, in the State complaint filed herein against you, Three months mises described therein, and spring in butter and cheese, but of New Jersey, on the 31st day of on or tiefore the 2nd day of April, covered by said imortgage, to wit : Cleaning, Pressing and:mo December. 1913, made tu the In A.D., 1914, that being six (6) weeks a Specialty. .'H as a result of the new tariff but Entered us second class tnuil mat ' surance Commissioner of the State from the first publication of this Beginning at a stake 1,1 the North _______ _ to ter July, 1888, at the post office at ter is selling for 22c. per pound of Oregon, pursuant to law : summons, and if you fail to appear east corner of the South East *4 of the Tillamook, Ore., under the act of in that state, with every indi­ or answer, plaintiff will apply to the North West Y4 of Sec. 16, Tp. 5 S , Store in Heins Photo sec CAPITAL. March 3, 1879. Court for the relief demanded in the R. 10 west of the Willamette Me­ cation that it will go lower, as E Gallery complaint on file herein to which ridian, in Tillamook County, Ore­ Amount of capital stock great quantities of butter are reference is hereby made and which gon, running westerly 300 feet along paid u p ........................ $500,000.00 from Australia and New -w is made a part hereof, to-wit : for a the south line of the C. Dunn place; (£bt tfjillainooh Ijeabligbt, coining INCOME. sect Zealand. This is what the Pa­ decree of this Court for judgment thence South 450 feet ; thence east »"p H. GOYNE, 300 feet ; thence north 450 feet to against the said defendants Aaron Net premiums received J< cific Dairy Review says : $938,592 93 Sherman, Jennie I. Sherman and A the placed-beginning, containing during the year....... ATTORNEY.AT.UffJ; In former years California enjoy­ Interest, 3.099 acM^of land, more or less, in dividends, and G. Reynolds and against each and ed an extensive early spring trade in ran rents received during all of you for the sum of two ' Tillamoolr County, Oregon, be sold Editorial Snap Shots butter and eggs in British Colum­ 79,596.20 hundred seventy ($270) dollars, by the Sheriff of Tillamook.County, Office: O pposite CocH « bia, but further prospects for this ' the year........................ United States gold coin, with in­ ¡Oregon, in the mannei provided by to C outlet for our butter are apparently Income from other sour­ . ■ ces received during terest at the rate of eight (8) per law, and the proceeds of Buch Bale Tillamook ■ $2,3 Boost for a deep channel from "done for" under the aggressive* the year ........................ 18.89 applied to tile paymenton the sums cent per annum from tfie 29th day 15 a methods that Australia and New J the city to the bay. That is the of December, 1911 ; and for the found due on plaintiff's mortgage, Zealand are employing to push their $1,018 2 further sum of live and.25-100 ($5 25) together with costa and disburse­ most important question that butter in the coast markets. Thus ' Total income J. CLAUSSEN, dollars for taxes paid on said land, ment, Attorney’s fees, and expenses DISBURSEMENTS. confronts this city. a cablegram brings the news that , • LAWYER, with interest thereon at the rate of of sale by the Sheriff and that said the steamer Niagra is on the way i 5 n losses paid during plaintiffs will further take a decree six (6) per cent per annum from the from the antipodes to Vancouver I the year ........................ DEUTSCIIER ADVo-t»^ 409.553,60 the 13th day of February, A.D., against you for the relief demanded The Oregonian sounded the with 1,122,800 pounds of butter in her , Dividends paid during _ lot i 1914 ; together with attorney ’ s fee in plaintiffs complaint. cargo. 213 T illamook ] B u g the year on capital right note when it called for $50 00 and costs to be lound due This summons is published in 09,746.50 stock............................... Sfl economy in state, county, city Those who contended that the herein, with interest thereon at the Headlight, a newspaper of Tillamook Commissions and sala­ and district affairs, the rate of six (6) per cent per an ­ new tariff law would not cut general circulation in Tillamook, ries paid during the and much figure can now see that 312,450.52 num from date of payment by the County, Oregon, for six consecutive year ........................... plaintiff herein ; and for the usual weeks, the first publication thereof REEDY, D.VM. »a?i Taxes, licenses,and fees it knocked the bottom out of the A large number of strangers paid during the year 33,928.10 decree for the sale of said premises, being on the 29th day of January, or so much thereof as may be ne­ 1914, and the last publication there­ B« come to the city daily, and there butter market, with every indi­ Amount of all other ex­ 63,933.88 I cessary to paj'Isaid judgment, with I of on the 12th day of March, ¡914, ¡VETERINARY M«e is every indication that busi cation that it will do the same pires ......... ................... accrued costs, by the sheriff of the ail according to the order of the cont ness will be brisk this summer. thing with the cheese market. $889 612 60 8aid county according to law anil Honorable Homer Mason, County Total expenditures.. Both Phones. - [ the practice of this Court; that the | Judge of said County, made this Ju A--F, I S. _________ proceeds of said sale may be ap- 23rd day of January. 1914. raou Tillamook ■ Bro. Effenberger iintertook to What is the matter, anyway, , plied in payment of the amount (SD.) ----------- " I van G. M artin , Value of real estate lot ii with the Progressive party in read the riot act ami breathed i owned (market value) —------- due to the plaintiff, and that you, (SD.) C arey F M artin , 150,000.00 ■ F said defendants, and each and all of Attorneys for Plaintiffs. this county ? Peradventure vengeance upon political candi­ Value of stocks and bonds G. McGEE, MOtto owned (market value) 1 033.189 41 you, and all persons claiming their political god has gone on dates who would not promise to wty i under you or either of you, sub ­ Loans on mortgages a journey to a foreign country give the Nelialemites what new A and collateral, etc ... 508,250,00 sequent to the execution of the To the Voters of Tillamook and does not know that a frost roads and bridges they demand. Cash in banks and on mortgaged sued on and agains PHYSICIAN & srsgoS County. Hold your wool, Bro., ami do has overtaken his followers. ban«!............................... 136,788.72 said premises, either as purchasers, encumbrancers or otherwise, in­ I hereby announce myself as a Office : Next door tacrii not go off half coekeil. In the Phila.Fire Underwriters Assn. Deposit............. 100.00 cluding the incohate dower interest candidate for the office of County first place, pre-election prom­ of you thesaid Daisey V. Reynolds, j Clerk, . for re-election, subject to the Premiums in course of Tillamook county has enjoyed ises savors of boss rule, and as Theatre, may be barred and foreclosed of all . Republican Primaries to be held collection written since a splendid winter with beauti­ road district No. 1 is receiving right, claim or equity or redetnp- May 1914, September 30, 1913 .... 156,053.18 feacff ful Spring weather at the pre­ tion in the said premises and every i Very respectfully, one third of the road fund we do Due from other com­ sent time. But what a con­ part thereof ; and that the said i J, C. H olden . panies on losses al ­ QR. E. E, DANIELS, £ ™ not see that anyone can com­ <■ l l 1 14 lllcaj llVlg, llll. I 1 I Cl and' II VI | _ may I1C1VX, have J judgment . —-------------- — ready paid.................... trast to the severe Winter in the 8,857.47 plaintiff plain if- the money will not do Interest and rents due execution against tlie .said defen- To the Voters of Tillamook East. Take everything into CHIROPRACTOltoSjl all tile improvements demand­ and accrued ................. 16,653.99 dants Aaron Sherman and his wife County. consideration and it is hard to Jennie I Sherman and A. G. Rey­ ed, The same conditions exist Local Office in the ■ ,S8? beat Tillamook weather. Total assets ...................$2,009,892.77 nolds and each of you, for any I I hereby announce myself as a i n tile other two road districts Mil Total assets admitted deficiency which may remain after candidate for re-election to the where people are demanding Building, ¡gru . , . , . J . . . .. all ...V. $2 009 892.77 . . applying the ............ proceeds ... in Oregon of .... the . j ........ office v. of .......J County IK.,... Treasurer, of Till- The taxpayers who voted for roads ami cannot obtain them sale of said premises properly ap- mook County, Oregon, ~ .. , subject to LIABILITIES. TILLAMOOK - »out! Oregon’s new ftmgled, dual sys­ for lack of funds. Let us give Gross claims for losses plicable to the satisfaction of said the Republican Prim; Primaries to be icrea judgment ; that the plaintiff, or any held May 15th, 1914. tem of legislation and the other one or two illustrations. The unpaid........................... ‘ Mit 49L1" other parties to this suit may be­ L. B eaus . B. systems that helped to increase Bavoeean people are paying Amount of unearned R. I.. E. HEWITT, »an, come purchaser or purchasers at premiums on all out­ taxation, should be* the last to taxes to the amount of about OSTEOPATHIC Rot 7-7 nao 8,de •' t * ,at ** ,e Sheriff of Tilla- To the Voters of Tillamook standing risks ......... 757 :w 87 complain about high taxation. $7,f Se the at the high watermark and that year................ . . . . . DENTIST, if Se und double in population. 21,249.25 conscience, I self as a candidate on the Repub­ the taxpayers have just cause Premiums returned dur­ louth | This summons will be served on lican ticket for county sheriff for ing the year................ Commercial Building, here» to complai n. 4.855.56 I0» by publication thereof for not the coming primary election. Losses paid during the less than six successive weeks in One taxpayer claim* that lie If nominated and elected will _____ year ................ .............. 3 416.61 tbe "Tillamook Headlight, "a news- ' attend to my duties as required by is entitled to 3 per cent, rebate, luff ’ There ia more or less com­ Losses incurred during | paper of general circulation law, to the best of my ability, with­ ns the present tux law is uncon­ I the year ......... . 3,962.29 published in the Citv of Tilla- i out fear or favor to none. R. JACK OLSEN, ¿iech plaint, not only in this county, stitutional. That is enough to . mook, County of Tillamook, State Total amount of risks _____ E mmett M B ales . if lan jar county officials who prepar­ but in other counties,on nccount I of Oregon, the place where outstanding in Ore­ DENTIST. O, tp of high taxntion, mid it is not at j said suit is now pending, all by gon, December 31, ed the rolls. Will someone To the Republican Voters of W ( 1913............................. all surprising, for there is not 678,293 00 order of the Hoti Homer Mason inform Governor West that the (I. O. O. F Bldg rty d Tillamook County. Judge of the County Court of »aid the same economy used in pub­ NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CCb iwi< county officials are violating the County and State, in the absence of I hereby announce myself as a By E. J. B aynes , President law mid get him to call out the lic affairs aa in private. Yet the the Circuit Judge of the above en­ Tillamook Orr;ci**ft f Statutory general agent and at­ titled court, which said order ia candidate for nomination to the taxpayer» are to blame for this, militia, deciare mnrtifil law mid for service : J. F. R Web­ dated the 16th day of February, 1914. office of County Surveyor, on the for they have taken tip with torney ber. | arrest every tax collector in the | The property herein referred tocon- Republican ticket, at the coming J OIIN LELAND [HEM? moat every ism that came along, Resident Agent at Tillamook, sists of all those certain lots or par­ Republican Primaries, state, for if it ia right and pro­ with taxntion increasing every Oregon : A. C. Everson. If nominated and elected, I will per to arrest saloon keepers for cels of land situate in the County ATTORNEY ' of Tillamook and State of Oregon, conduct the affairs of my office to violating the law, county ofti year. In recent years there was I the Oregon system agitation, Chronic Stomach Trouble Cured. and more particularly described as the best of my ability. With my AND cials who do likewise should be There is nothing more discourHg- follows. Lot number one (1) and engineering training and experi­ Statement No. 1 ruction anti­ CO U NSELLOR AT UHM arrested also. Here is another ence I feel capable of handling the ing than a chronic disorder of the lot number two (2) in bloc* number *anire nplendid opportunity for the assembly agitation, and tbe sov­ stomach. Is it not surprising that six (6) of Norton's addition to Tilla­ worn connected with tbe office • T illamook B loci ; governor to play spectacular ereign rule of the people advo­ many sutler for years with such an mook City, Oregon, as per the re­ especially the road work, which is - . lamin becoming more important than ever Tillamook - p!«,. politics. It was Attorney I,. M. cates, and notwithstanding that ailment when a permanent cure is corded Signed, »11 E The date of the first publication ' before. within their reach and may be had , it was predicted that these fads Room No. 261. lecttQi Travis, of Eugene, who inform ________ U. G. J ackson . fora tritle. •• About oneyear ago,” of this summons is the 19th day of i would be a political salvation ---------------- ------------------- — ed Tax Collector B. I,. Beals 1’. H. Beck, of Wakelee. Mich.. February. 1914. The date of the last tn the |>c(>ple .of Oregon, they says 'I twilight a package of Chamber publication is the 2nd day cf April, To the Voters of Tillamook that he was violating the law T. BOTTS, have not panned out that way'. Iain's Tablets, and since using them 14)14, I County. whocontend that Judge McGinn I have felt perfectly well. 1 had J ohn L eland H enderson , had decided that the law is un­ Increase in taxation is the tiest previously used any number of I hereby announec myself as can­ ATTORNEY-\ T I lota in x. Attorney for plaintiff, constitutional. So the way to proof of this, with a large in­ different medicines, ' but none of New Bank Building, cor. 3d St didate »or nomination at tbe Pri- Complete Set of Abstract i Wai' crease of expensive commis ­ ' mary held May 15, 1914. as a Repub­ obtain the 3 per cent, should the them were of anv lasting benefit." and 2d Ave. E, lican for the office of County Judge. otliic NattM lotver court be affirmed, is to sions and extravagant expendi­ For stile by all dealers. If nominated and elected it will tures of State funds. There is Taxes Paid for Non Re$$ and Executor's Notice. enter n protest when taxpay­ be my endeavor to serve the people ,tmt much hope of relief for the T illamook I' ixxt BH ers pay their taxes. I Chamberlain's Tablets for Con­ of the whole county to the best of . taxpayers as long as they take In the County Court of the State of [, my ability. I am in favor of good stipation. Tillamook ■ - • S4, ae , up this or that ism, only do drop 1 For constipation. Chamberlain s , Oregon for the County of Tillamook. roads and believe that they should Both Phones In the matter of the i i Tablet» are excellent. Easy to take, It is with n grent deni of plea­ it to take up with some few fad. l»e constructed with regard to the 11 80® estate of Matthew '■ Give I Tt?rW!f the County Court within Ross L S hreve confidence of the people for his ¡»nil for the County of Tillamook. 1 --------- The state wants a rest It wants fairness and upright manner in more Ii wants real efficiency and ' I Plain Truth That's Worth M ney. State of Oregon Just Right for Backache and Rheu- Bay City matiam. Date of first publication, March administering justice since he iigiil economy in public affairs. It I . I sing Foley's Honey and Tar for FoUy Kidney Pill» are Bo thor n cough or cold may save you lx>th Date of last publication. presided in the circuit court. wants fearer anpr ipriation» for use sickness and money F. F Mona­ '^b April 2nd, 1914. oughly effective for backache rheu. leas board» and superfluous l omniis We hope the people will sup »ions. It want» no more ventures I han, Menomonie, Uie, says: "I am D ennis A. B rown Inev’u^I »*7*11*"1 ac1h,ntr kid Q^EORGK WILLETT, port Judge Harris, for lie is a into hazanloiu Im.i.n irrigation weather and ' Executor of the estate of nej and bladder ailments that thev Matthew Casey, cl-an, upright gentleman, and and other enterprises It wants less i . I hnd holey'• Honey and Tar Com ! cv*rywhere \ |M>und always Axe» lip in | ATTORNEY-AT LÀ A- kffonl». McGrew. Nebr . say» j deceased. liis presence on the Supreme l‘eep hole government and moie | »hape when I catch cold or have a • orderly nml outright enforcement of I i recommended Folev Bench would add honor mid law. It want» leas uproar about .bid | K.dney All. f or lmitl8 in my TlLf-AMOOK COM MERCi.vfc cough. I recommend it glad­ Change in Water Collection. ! Refuse substitute». por sale ability to that court. It may be Pie capture and puiiietiiueut of an i ly. 1 1 fin '" h ed one Ixittle my I are now — due und tmv- old trouble entirely disap(>eared " Tillamook • by all druggist». ,, \\ »1er . . rents „-------------- ¡ill? Î4À t fl I WcLxs ■■ * E J.E I D D C able to the Collector at City Hall For »ale by all druggists. vä J