Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 12, 1914, Image 1

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    il lo wk
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to enter
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led in ft
is are o
nty Cle
on, in
The first step in buying or building
a home is the Savings Account.
Everybody should have a home of his
A savings accouut with this bank,
with regular deposits from the income,
will provide the money for the first
payment upon one.
reh, 1911
ery bi
1er we
il n do
ï are
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■ves the
Cause 1
No. 39
The sooner you begin, the sooner you
will live in your own home.
Tillamook County Bank.
B. S. Clark. auctioneer.
A »rood Horse and ah light wa«on
cheap. Inquire
of Chas.
. -
Lundquist, Hebo, Ore.
Two Yearling Colts for Sale, at a
garden reasonable
Apply to Guy
Mattoon, Pleasant Valley.
sacks wanted—Lamb-
Lem Parker vs Wm L Riefen-
rader Co.
berger and wife is a suit to recover
t your Land Plaster at the Till- $325 on a promissory note.
k Feed Co.
| No hunting, fishing and tresspass
Safe deposit boxes for rent.—Tilla-i notices can be obtained attheHead-
100k County Bank.
light office, printed on cloth
Burtt, on Tuesday, to the wife of
Lois O. MacMahonvs. Agnes Reid
Simmons, a Son
and Robert S. Hull is a Bttit filed in
triers for auto livery.— the Circuit Court to quiet title.
y, phone 11W.
J, H. Hicks and Win. Woods, of
Bay City, visited the Rose City this
¡Wi, »oung pigs for sale. Inquire of week
stopping at the Perkins,
out Price, Wilson river.
The ladies’ committee of the Com­
Ranch for Sale, terms reasonable. mercial
club will have another *500'
___ f-Apply to A. J. Stillwell.
party next Thursdav evening.
J. E. Moore and wife of Salem,
William Maxwell returned to the
rpL ere ln the city thi8 week.
city on Tuesday, having been ex­
uCMFence posts for sale. Apply to cused on the Federal Grand jury.
dex Watt, Tillamook, Ore.
300 Geraniums, some very choice
Call up the Mutual Phone fora plants, will be on sale at Clough’s,
te at the Tillamook Studio.
commencing Saturday,come early. •
J. A. Dawson is back from Ten­
Born, on the 8th inst. to the wife cf
nessee where he went last year to
. E. Nunnemaker, a daughter.
visit relatives, the first time in 26
John Wyes has bought a
ton years.
edeftal auto truck from A. K. Case.
S. W. Mcllvaine, of Beaverton,
I A A Wanted a place to work as cook brother
of C. W. Mcllvaine of Bay
t ' r houae
houM work. Apply at this office.
office, City, was in the city on Saturday
pen rl handle knife, Hnder
Undi r
satrrgl pleaee leave at the Headlight
Found on the Bay City road, a
buggy whip, pipe and a pair of
a.n "jG- H- Higgins is in the city from I shoes. Found by Merril Smith, the
■nangtiortian« looking after his beach the rural carrier.
Those who have used methylene
*DF_^W*9**y T-H Tongue,jr., of Hills- blue for cows in Tillamook County
1 X boro, waa in the city Tuesday on give most favorable reports. For
1 sale at Clough's,
Y uaioe».
!assxjifor •*,e 200 acres of Wilasm River | Pay your taxes by check. It's an
user ottom fund. Inquire of Frank advantage to the tax collector as
well as to tlie bank and yourself.
mai reeman.
Tillamook County Bank.
U-ve Chickens wanted at the Tills-
Russell Hawkins, representing
aook Meat Company’s Mauket, 12c.
tlieJWhitney Co., and G. B McLeod,
wr pound
( representing the Hammond Co.,
the extremely low prices on ’ were in the city last week.
y IrassCood-i in our window. King
i Special price of 48 cents for
t Smith Co.
i Tubelar Lanterns, regular retail
Jett Walla.-e has been itr Portland ' price of these 65 cents. Get yours
uying .-'cattle for the Tillamook j today. King & Smith Co.
kaent market.
I For sale, One Mare and Buggy
We are! iu a position to make I and Harness, and One Two Year
Colt, Major Wetzel. Apply to
I ££minT farm loan s. First I Old
W. B. Powell, Tillamook. Ore. .
for Sale.
Smell Te
Protect your valuable papersfrom
the unexpected fire by renting one
be Red ba irn, one mile E.U
11 oil ity -J. Wi
of our safe deposit boxes. Onlyone
lave • —,
dollar per year. Tillamook County
in!apff'or ® days—two 7x11 e-m large- Bank.
»“beautiful folders foT $1.60
The Singer Sewing Machine for
Monk's Studio.
sale on easy terms, at our home
k * Want to buy 21 good cows, fresh piano !« id music store, Tillamook.
fresh soon. Write Neal Ore., A. Lineback, manager Both
work does not suit you toll
For sale, two mares 6 and 7 years
■oe« tell your friends. C ity I old about 1400 pounds each. Horses
• i and harness $450.00. A bargain.
you r chickens to the Till a- Apply to A. K. Case, Tillamook
Company's Market —
W e ■ Oregon.
ir pound.
i Robert Brown, an old resident of
¡stow, of Portland, r.-p- the north end of the county died on
he Pacific State Fire In- . Sunday at Mohler. He was 73 years
, was in the city this p of age and resided in this county
i25 years.
Special price of 88 cfs. for the
itional Bank of Tillamook
jsxxlsp’eed and wife and new Short Globe Lanterns. Regular
nenkrr,tt in a suit filed in price of these $1 25. Just a few of
these, so get one to-day. King A
smith Co.
See Tom Edwards
| D ros. will meet all trains
iritid will handle passen-
R>aggage to all parte of the
hone at the Livery •
ve East.
. graded Jersey Calves for sale from
tee ’ed «owe as they freshen ; one-
three-fourth Jersey j Loth
sex ; registered sire. Apply to T.
” MxCcrmack. R. F.D.
Dan Nicklas vs. S. L. Kathburn, lington, la.. Nov. 8, 1889, moving to
appellant; appealed from Tillamook Oregon when the railway was built
County; suit to recover $242.35 for into Sherman County with a termi­
conversion of personal property nus at Shaniko. Her hueband and
waa affirmed in the Supreme court. two children, Joseph C and Charles
Electric Flat Irons at a special C„ Jr , survive.
Price of $2.98 They are good ones.
The assistants in Tax Collector B.
Have a 10 year guarantee. Regular I.. Beale’ office informed us this
price of of these $3 50 Only six of morning that the boas was as cran­
these irons, Get yours today. King ky as a mule, owing to a bad cold.
& Smith Co.
The editor thinks the boys have not
the tax collector's case
James Christensen received today diagnosed
right. He is cranky and scared to
a registered Jersey bull from the death
that Governor West
herd of J. H. Mills, of Richfield.
Wash. It is seven months old and rvill send Mies Hobbs to Tillamook
and have him arrested by Sheriff
belongs to a class of Jerseys that are Crenshaw
for violating tlie law in
in demand.
not allowing the 3 per cent rebate to
Orders taken by Edwall, the taxpayers. That is what is troubl­
tailor, in Masonic Building, for ing the tax collector, and there is no
strictly high grade hosiery and un­ danger of hie deputies catching the
derwear manufactured by the well- cranky fever.
known World’s Star Mills, "The
L. G. Freeman came .in last week
kind that wears.”
from Corvallis, where he has a
The W. R. C. will meet on Satur­ farm. He is complaining on ac­
day afternoon in the hall over the count of the free trade policy of the
And invites the Public to call and make an
People’s store. The birthday lunch, Democratic party. Mr. Freeman in­
for members whose birthdays oe forms us that his 200 acre farm
cur in March, will be given, so all near Corvallis, although bottom
inspection of the room and its equipment.
members please be present.
land, was not very- profilable last
sent 50 boxes of choice
Charles Kunze lost one of his year. He
to the cannery, which cost
choice Holstein cows on Tuesday, apples
37c. to pick, wrap and box, f< r
which was worth $5(X). It was him
which he received 5c. per box. con­
thought that the animal died from sequently
he Jost the apples and
lockjaw, but it waa ascertained that was out 32c.
a box as well. He
it was milk fever that caused its
says if it wasn’t for his Tillamook
farm he does not know what he
We are professional photograp- would have done.
hers.| trained to and experienced
Kinney vs George Kinney
in the art. Satisfaction guaranteed is Minnie
a divorce suit filed in the Circi.it
on all work. Our prices are and Court.
These parties were married
will always be as, low as any We in Denver,
Col., on the Sth August,
solicit your patronage.—Tillamook 1926. The grounds
upon which the
divorce is sought is the cruel and
A band of 14 Milk Goats for Sale. inhuman mantierof defendant, who New Postmaster in Charge
These animals are ideal for rough while grossly intoxicated struck and
bushy pasture, give milk rich in beat the plaintiff without cause,
P. W. Todd, who waa recently ap­ Road Machinery for Sale
casine, and their milk makes high­ driving her away from their apart­ pointed postmaster, received his
est price Swiss cheese.
Haven’t ments in Tillamook City.
De­ commission on Friday and took
3 Pump Carta.
time to look after them E. E. Kep- fendant had also threatened to kill charge of the office on Sunday,
•I Ere«nos.
ner, Springfield, Ore.
the plaintiff and fearing great relieving Walter F. Baker, who
2 Road Plows,
made good as postmater anil made
Shovels, Picks, Saw.
For legal advice consult a lawyer.
many friends by his courteous
For medical advice consult a doctor,
manner and the satisfaction with Enquire of E. J. Claussen, lilla
For photos consult professional
which he ran the office.
■nook, Oregon.
photographers. Every man to his Coffey.
The business of the Tillamook
trade. We make everything in
Commissioner II. M. Farmer has
photography and guarantee to decided that he will not be a can­
satisfy.—Tillamook Studio.
didate for re-election at the primary ing Mr. Baker's tenure of office. In
Mr. Farmer finds that, no the four years there was an increase
Quite a number of persons were election.
hard county officials in business of about $1,009 every year
out to witness the parade this after­
do the right and and he was instrumental in having
noon for the G.A,R. fair at the
the first free rural delivery and the
skaring rink this (Thursday) and square thing by the people, there first postal savings bank establish­
Friday enenings
The parade waa are those who unjustly criticise, and ed in the county. The end of the
that reason he does not want the
of a burlesque character and had | ' for
position again. Mr. Farmersaye he present month, which is the fiscal
several amusing features-
win place the
year, will
office in the
[ can retire with the consciousness of |jvat,
Married, on Friday evening, at serving the people faithfully and I second class in July, •, which will in-
, of the
the home of Joa, Dclsman, in thia , with the ! satisfaction of having crease the salary
city, A. T. Dolan and Miss Hazel accomplished many good improve­ to $2,000 per annum ami give him
Wolfe, the Rev. R. E. Jope perform­ ments in his district, the road and additional money for clerk hire. Aa
ing the ceremony. Both are young bridge improvements being of a soon ns this takes place it will be
persons well known in the city and substantial character and a great “free" for everybody to aspire to
their friends extend to them their benefit to the South part of tliecoun- the post mastership, ns a change of
best wishes and congratulations.
ty. The names of Will Christensen a poet office from one class to ano­
W. M. Owens have been men­ ther causes a vacancy in the post
For Sale, 80 acres, 60 acres of over­ and
Stylish Shoes That Fit
as probable candidates for mastership. With another increase
flow Bottom I.and, unimproved. | county commissioner.
of $1,500 in the receipts of the office,
Fashion’-»best models, an extraordinary
Very little large timber. Veryeasily .
this will give Tillamook City a tree
wca'in-4 «inalit*. and, tieat of all. •
cleared, on tide water. About 10 . Attorney T. B. Handley will be a delivery. The growth of business
aupciiadv«; liitiuj quality are embodied
miles from the mouth of the Siletz candidate for joint representative at the post office is a true index of
river. Small ocean going boats run for Tillamook and Yamhill counties, the growth of the city, and the
by the place. No better soil in the at the primary election, on the re-1 showiug made at theTillamook post
Tillamook Valley. Address owner, publican ticket, a position which he office during the past four years is
L. C. Mowrey, Siletz, Ore.
held in the last state legislature, highly gratifying, and was a sur­
Shoes for Women
his constitutents being well satis prise to the postal department at
A. F. Coats was a visitor to this tied
TJvt rv normal foot enjoy» these «hoe«
his record, for it is said ol \\ ■•hington, for flu- postmasterwaa
because our expert« test every model
city the first of this week from him with
upon actual normal feet. Then, with
that he was one of the hardest called upon several times to explain
Aberdeen. Wash. He ¡ b interested worked
tne finest materin!« and cverlaatinf cau-
of the legislature, to them the reason that the receipts
in the A. F. Coats Lumber Co., and and in members
ti >:i. they make upnhoca that hold their
For more than
came in to decide on some contem­ Governer West wanted to appoint
Unity »rar*, thia tie wire to excel ha«
plated improvements in the saw him county attorney, but as there
gained for ns n ii.it ion a I reputation for
engage in newspaper work in
mill and to confer with the Electric
perfect fit n id lasting wear.
a question raised whether the Illis city, and put hi a typesetting
“For women with eenaitixo feet,*
Light Co. with a view to moving the was
recommend one of our specialtiee-”the
light plant alongside the saw mill.
to a ¡lucrative office created by the
Dr. Edison Cushion Shoe
The committees of Corinth Post, legislature in which took part, Mt.
Circuit Court.
Woman’s Relief Corps and the Handley) decided he did not want
In ad 111 1 n t » its correct atvle the in-
s-let > wool felt make« this* the eaeieat
Tillamook Commercial Club having the office of county attorney with a
biAgiq Webster Holmes held
eboo for women.'*
in charge the management of the “cloud” hanging over it, and so in­ circuit rnisi on ruesday when lie
U'z ft Dann Co. Shoe« are »old at $1.59
G. A.R. encampment that is to be formed the governor.
I i $'>.O ». Dr. rdi on C«sKi”n Shoo« ar«
held in thia city iu June, met at the
«need U $1 00. II SO a«4 IS 00.
Becka t'aples va. Frank Long. Sr,
club rooms and organized on Satur­
returned to the city on eta! was a Hint to recover money,
day evening, when Frank Severance Holmes
Monday and Miss Ruth on Tues and a judgment against the de­
was elected chairman ; Mrs. S. W. day.
Holmes will be a can fendant« for $561.71 was rendered.
Anthes, secretary ;
and C.
E didate Judge
at the primary election in
Reynolds, treasurer.
The com­
Montgomery Turner vs A. H.
May on the democratic ticket for Rugar
mittee will meet again next Satur­ the
et el which was a suit to re
day night.
made a rule since lie has been on | cover $15,909, a judgment was en­
That Tillamook County is the the bench to decide cases when they tered in tutor of plaintiff.
most healthful spot in the world is are tried, and not take them under | In the <ase of the Hotel Tilla­
iudicated by tlie February vital advisement for several months mook. the judge granted ten days
statistics received by Dr. Calvin S. This is one of the important planks in which to amend the complaint
White, secretary of the State Board in his platform, and it is a good one, and ten day to reply to tlie same.
of Health. With a population given for cases drag too loqg in the courts
as 6266 by the 1910 census, and without judges prolonging them.
probably far in excess of that now, [ We give below Judge Holmes' plat |
only one death was recorded during .form : "If I am nominated and:
the month. It was due to accident­ elected 1 will, during my term of
al drowning.
A case of measels office, continue to discharge the
was the only contagious disease. duties of Circuit Judge in the same
Ten births were recorded in the manner as 1 have during the term
of my appointment by the gover­
It is this and this alone that makes millinery an art. Our Hats
viz., Give the people and liti­
Lew A. Cates, a newspaper man, nor,
demonstrate that we Imve successfully solved the problem of selling
and Mrs. Cste,s are visiting the lat­
which I am capable ; render high class millinery and at a very reasonable price.
ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. of
decisions; see that all have
Craig, at Bay City. They were here }>rompt
HILMA JOHNSON spent all of February in gathering first hand
air trials, without favor or partial­
four years ago, and when Mr. Cetes ity,
and maintain the dignity of the style information and assembling a stock of beautiful trimmed Ha 's and
visited the city again this week he
Present incumbent ; give Millinery Merchandise that will make HILMA JOHNSON’S Millinery
was greatly surprised at the sub­ court.
nty best efforts; protect interests of
stantial improvements in the city. litigants
the talk of Tillamook this coming season.
; prompt decisions.”
Ms. Cates went from here to Cottage
Grove when he was a prime mover
for the division of Lane County,
but which lost out. He recently Demands 3 Per Cent Rebate
sold out hie newspaper at Coquill
on His Taxes.
City and is looking for a new
Attorney I.. M. Travis, of Eugene,
in paying his taxes, has entered a
I^et week there waa considerable protest claiming that the law ia
increase in the registration, but unconstitutional He says: “I wish
women are not registering very to further inform you that Circuit
fast as the ratio is three men to one Judge Henry E, McGinn in his de
vision handed down March 7, 1914
Men. Women Total. decided that the tax law passed by
at the
Republican .. 3M
. 118 .. »r2 the legislature of 1913 is unconstf
Democrats ... 136 .r 38
174 tutional for the reason that the law
Prohibitionists 18
41 ..
has never been submitted to the
27 voters st a general e'ection, and
Socialists .... 21
8 that, therefor, the cl«1 law is still in
Progressive .
50 effect. Under the provision of the
o'd law I am entitled to a rebate of
Popular Weave», include Brown», Gray» and (»reen»
three tier cunt when taxes are paid
828 on or nefore the 15th day of Match
in mottled effect« ; Scotch Mixture», Pin Stripeuand
Mrs. Charles c. Follett, wife of a 1914 Therefor 1 am paying this
Pencil Strip« q, with the »tuple Blue Series »tilt hold­
inder protest go
ao far aa the payment
pioneer locomotive engineer for the under
their own a» favorite» with well dreraed men.
Pacific Railroad A Navigation Com­
pany, while at h party at llil s1«oro. claim a rebate of 3 !• eV cent on
Whatever your fancy may lie, ôtX) »elect pattern«.
Ore., Saturday night, waa stricken (123 J> in the sum of $3 69. I have
Ladies’ and Gcnt.’s French Dry Cleaning a Specialty.
bv paralysis and died next morning no doubt but that Judge McGinn's
Mrs. Follett a maiden name was decision will be a ffirmed, and ii|M>n
Geneva C. )ohn*<>n She waa tsirn the affirmation thereof will nek you
Free Delivery
in New Or le at. •. March 15, IWIU. anil kindly to send me the rebate in the
Phone law.
was married to .Mr. Follett, at Bur- «uni of $3 69."
The First National Bank
of Tillamook
Is Now Located in its NEW BANKING ROOM,
U tz SO unn C o
A. A. Pennington
Millinery a Matter of Brains
Style—Creative Ability
The Fabrics of the Moment
For Spring,
Drop it> and book Around