Tillamook! Headlight, March 5, lL>l-± I FAIR IN SEPTEMBER. ' The Board Offers Some Special Premiums. There Is no stdbstitete for Royal Baking Fow- der for making the best cake? biscteit an4 pastry# Royal is Ab­ solutely Pure and the only baking powder made from Royal grape cream of tartar# Dealing With a Lunatic. Tn front ot the Chelsea bouse Sir Thomas More had a garden and gate­ house, and. as there was a pleasant view from the summit of the gate­ house. lie used frequently to sit there, accompanied only by bis dog. Here It was that lie was found one afternoon by a wandering maniac, who crept up­ stairs anil saw the feeble old man doz­ ing. "Leap, Tom, leap!" be cried, and at the same time tried to throw him over the battlements. More had not phys­ ical strength enough to resist, but be had the wit to say: “Let us first throw this little dog over.” The man immediately threw down the dog. “Pretty sport,” said the lord chancel­ lor. “Now, go down and bring blm up; then try again." While the madman went down for the dog More made Cast the door be­ hind him and so managed to hold the fort until deliverance came. Garibaldi-Wheeler County Road Hughey Creek Roaij Notice to Contractors, I Notice to Contractors. Sealed bids addressed to the County Court at Tillamook County, Oregon, Sec- for the proposed construction ot ' See !ounty tion ’’C” of Garibaldi-Wheeler County Road in Tillamook, Oregon, from Sta­ tion 177 plus 65 to Station 212 plus G, will be received by the County Coujt of Tillamook County, at its office in Tillamook City on or befote the 20th day of March, 1914, at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. and at such time opened and read. . , , Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check made payable to Tilla­ mook County, for an amount equal to at least 5 per cent of the amount of such bid, which shall be forfeited to the County in ease award is made and the bidder shall refuse, neglect or fail for a period of five days after which the award is made, to enter into a con- tract and file a bond satisfactory to the Court as required by law. The bids are to cover the clearing of the right-of-way and grading ar.d plac­ ing all culverts from Station 177 plus 65 to Station 212 plus 0 of the Gari­ baldi-Wheeler County Road. All work to be completed by June 15th, 1914. Plans and specifications are on file at the office of the County Clerk of Tilia- mook County, Oregon, in Tillamook City. The County Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this 4th day of March, 1014. J. C. HOLDEN, County Clerk. Sealed bids addressed to th, J Court of Tillamook County, (3 for the proposed improvement «!■ Hughey Creek road, in Til County, Oregon, will be recei' the County Court of Tillamook tv, Oregon, at its offi,■■■ ¡n fi , ~ City. Oregon, on or before the 3»—_ of March, 1911. st 10 o’clock J and at that time opened and Each bid shall he accompanied certified check made payable to' mook County, for an amount«« at least 5 per cent of the amoii such bid, which shall be forfeit the County in case an aw ard ii and the bidder shall tail, negl* refuse for a period of five days which the award is made to enter a contract a id file a bond satirfi to the Court as required by law. The bids are to cover the dear:» the rightof way, and excavatiq grading 1702 cubic yards of earth building one concrete an 1 met« vert. Work to be completed in# Plans and specifications are g at the office of the County Cle Tillamook County, Oregon, in mook City. The County Court reserves the I to reject any and ail bids. Dated this 4th day of March, 191J J, C. Hold! County! Disordered Kidneys Cause ■ Misery. With pain and misery bvl sleep disturbing bladder we»| night, tired, nervous ruti-dowj and women everywhere are J know that Foley Kidney Pills J health and strength, and then! action of kidneys and bladder! sale by all druggists. The Tillamook County Fair Board met in the office of the County School Superintendent, Feb 23rd., 1914 at 2:30 P. M. | The meeting wan called to order by President Dunstan, members Kraner and Spalding present. A motion was made and carried that the date of the 1914 County Fair be September 15. 16, 17 and 18. the mo- ' Moved by Mr. Kraner and tion carried that the following amounts I at the 1914 Fair. $100.00 Eugenics 100.00 Grange exhibits 40.00 Farm Displays 15.00 Ensilage Corn 200.00 Industrial Dept. These amounts to be divided ani 1 classified as follows: The Earth’s Journey. I EUGENICS DEPT. Our world's journey in space Is a Child over 6 months and under one long one, if we are to accept the con­ clusions of Dr. Turner of the Univer­ year $10.09. sity observatory of Oxford and Profes­ Child over 1 year and under 2, $15, sor H. C. Plummer, royal astronomer $10 and $5. of Ireland. Recent astronomical work Child over 2 years and under 3, $15, suggests that the sun and its planets $10 and $5. form a single unit in a vast system, Child over 3 years and under 4, $15, the stars in which, though separated County Road at Jenkins’ Place $10 and $5. by enormous distances, have a com­ Citation. To the Republican Voters of Notice to Contî-actors. GRANGE EXHIBITS. mon center of gravity, and in response In the County Court of the State of Tillamook County. let prize $40.00 to gravitation all move In unison like Oregon for the County of Lane. Selaed bids addressed to the County 30 00 a stupendous machine. The paths of I hereby announce myself as a In the matter of the estate and 20.00 these stars, instead of being nearly Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, candidate for nomination to the guardianship of Lola Lamb, for the proposed improvement of the office of County Surveyor, on the circular, like those of the planets County 10.00 a minor. Road at Jenkins Bridge on Wil­ Republican ticket, at the coining To Preston Marolf. Hattie Marolf, around the sun, are much like the oscil­ son FARM DISPLAY. River, in Tillamook County,^ Ore­ Republican Primaries Ethel Holden and Arthnr Marolf, lations of a pendulum. The calcula ­ 1st prize $25.00. If nominated and elected. I will and to all whom it may concern, tions show that on this elongated gon, will be received by the County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, 2nd ” 15.00. conduct the affairs of my office to greeting. My Mamma Says at its office in Tillamook City, Oregon, In the name of the State of Ore­ course our sun must travel 400,000,000 on ENSILAGE CORN. i the best of my ability. With my or before the 20th day of March, years before completing a revolution engineering training and experi ­ gon, you are hereby cited and re ­ Its Safe for 100 pounds 1st prize $10.00 ence I feel capable of handling the quired to appear in the County Court and that it passed near the center less 1914, at 10 A. M., and at that time ” pounds 2nd ” 5.00 work connected with the office ; of the State of Oregon, for the Coun­ than a million, perhaps not more than opened and read. Each bid shall be Children” Corn to be taken from field of not eape* tally the road work, which is ty of Lane, at the Court Room there­ 300,000, years ago and is now on the accompanied by a certified check made payable to Tillamook County, for an becoming more important than ever of, at Eugene, in the County of Lane, outward stretch. less than 1-8 of an acre. amount equal to at least 5 per cent of Signed, before on the 27th day of February, 1914, at INDUSTRIAL DEPT. CONTAINS F the amount of such bid, which shall be I’. G. J ackson . ten o ’ clock in the forenoon of that The contests in this department will ' forfeited to the County in case an op“ns Barney Barnato’s Comedy. day, then and there to show cause, include athletic, declaiming, spelling, To the Voters of Tillamook if any you have, why an order of In the journal South Africa the late award is made and the bidder shall sale should not be made authorizing Sutton Vane, the dramatist, once told fail, neglect of refuse for a period of reading, ciphering and drills. County. and empowering the guardian of this story of Barney Barnato: “He was five days after which the award is Motion made and carried that the made to enter into a contract and file I hereby announce myself as can­ said Lola Lamb, a minor, to sell the 1913 premium lisb be adopted as a didate for nomination at the Pri­ following described real estate be­ the best amateur melodramatic actor a bond satisfactory to the Court as re­ ground work for the 1914 premium list, mary held May 15, 1911, as a Repub­ longing to said minor and situated I ever met. A little rough; so Is a dia­ quired by law. The bids are to cover the clearing of and that 1000 lists be printed, publish­ lican for the office of County Judge. in the County of Tillamook, State of mond, but the fire is there. He played Claude Frollo in Victor Hugo's ‘Es­ the right of way and excavating and If nominated and elected it will Oregon, to-wit : ing [of Baid lists to be let to lowest be my endeavor to serve the people Beginning at a point 9.10 chains meralda’ splendidly, 1 playing Quasi­ grading about 1219 cubic yards of earth bidder, bids to be in by March 15th, - of the whole county to the best of East of the Northwest corner of sec­ modo, the hunchback, with him. Iu and installing necessary culverts. said lists to contain 36 pages and cover, my ability. I am in favor of good tion 32. township 1 South of range 9 the great scene on the parapets the Work to be completed in 60 days. Plans and specificaiions are on file roads and believe that they should West of the Willamette Meridian, hunchback tries to throw the monk 5J x 8 inches. at the office of the County Clerk of Motion made and carried that an be constructed with regard to the and running thence Southerly on (Frollo) into the street. Mr. Barnato Tillamook County, Oregon, in Tilla­ future.needs. It will be my policy East line of the tract herein official invitation be extended to the if elected to use strict economy in the allotted to Preston M a rol f, 28.97 resisted vigorously. He seized me by mook City. my hump, which came off in his hand. The County Court reserves the right Ji Portland Rosarians and the Salem the expenditure of the public f»inds chains to a point 11.61 chains North Sfom J of the county. A. M. H are . of the quarter section line ; thence It waa a sponge bag stuffed with va­ to reject any and all bids. Cherriam to attend our next Fair. East 2.14 chains, thence north 28 97 rious articles. He shook bls fist at me Dated this 4th day of March 1914. „ ■Sold by all druggists. Ra Motion made and carried that the J. C. Holden. To The Voters of Tillamook chains to a point 2.20 chains East of and then, with a quiet smile, threw the _Ap price of admission be; General Admis- i Connty Clerk. the place of beginning, thenceWest hump from the cathedral roof. Look­ County. aion 25c; Exhibitor, season ticket, 50c; ' 2 20 chains to the place of beginning, ing over, lie exclaimed: 'Good heav­ containing 6.28 acres, more or less. Wife of Exhibitor, season ticket, 50c. 1 hereby announce myself as n Loerpabel County Road Witness, the Hon. Helmus W. ens! I have killed a policeman!' Tre­ Motion made and carried that the candidate for nomination for the mendous round of applause from the Notice to Contractors. Thompson, Judge of the County following space for ahvertising be let office of county surveyor, on the Court of the State of Oregon, for the audience.” Rebublican ticket. to the highest bidder, bids to be in by If nominated and elected I shall County of Lane, and the Seal of said Sealed bids addressed to the County the 1st of April; Armies of Animals. at all times endeavor to administer Court hereto affixed, this 23rd day the office with efficiency, accuracy of January, 1914. Some Idea of the vast numbers of Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, Inside of front cover. the proposed construction of the [Seal] Attest: and economy. animals that Africa used to support for Inside of back cover Loerpabel County Road in Tillamook S. M. R ussell , Clerk. Respectfully, If aliy, can be gained from a passage in W. County, Oregon, will be received by Outside of back cover. Russ Ross !.. L. S1IREVE. Scully’s reminiscences. It was Mr. the County Court of Tillamook County, Tops reading matter 10 pages. The Mothers' Favorite. Scully's good fortune in 1892 to wit­ Oregon, at its office in Tillamook City, Bids Wanted. Tops reading matter 10 pages. A cough medicine for children ness the last great trek of springboks Oregon, Yas Suh, on or before the 20th day of should he harmless. It should be Bottoms reading matter 10 pages. Elwood Creamery Co. wishes -to from east to west of the Bushmanland March, 1914, at 10 o’clock A. M., and pleasant to take. It should be Boss Bottoms reading matter 10 pages. I receive bids for hauling cheese to effectual. Chamberlain's Cough desert—a trek on a scale such as no at that time opened and read. Each it s de sanflH Motions mnde and carried that the Tillamook Wharf and train. Leave Remedy is all of this and is the man will ever see ngain. Fencing, the bid shall be accompanied by a certified bids at Carl Haberlach's office on check made payable to Tillamook Coun­ ole whiskey,« following superintendents be appointed. or mothers' favorite everywhere. For increase of population and the distrib­ ty, before March 15, 1914. for an amount equal to at least 5 Time doan neb G. sale by till dealers. Dr. J. E. Reedy, Live stock, ution of arms have almost exterminat­ per cent of the amount of such bid, E lwood C reamery C o . seem to change F. W. ChriBtensen, Cheese and milk. ed the once innumerable host. He which shall be forfeited to the County OLD W. C. King, Flowers. says, “I have stood on an eminence in case an award is made and the bid­ some twenty feet high, far out on the der shall fail, neglect or refuse for a Mrs. D. Billings, Domestic cooking. Made in plains, and seen the absolutely level period of five days after which the Mrs. J. II. Dunstan, Eugenics. Threa award is made to enter into a contract urin Othel surface as far as the eye could reach and WHISKEY Mrs. Henry Crenshaw, Needle file a bond satisfactory to the Style» covered with resting springboks, while Court as required by law. Fancy work, I ’member, well, ole Massa from over tlie eastern horizon the ris­ The bids are to cover the clearing of i wouldn’t evah let me use Mrs. D. I.. Shrode, painting a else ior hit, mawmn u ma ing columns of dust told of fresh hosts the right of way and grading from a Perfect photography. point 45.8 feet North 29 degrees. 16 Baker advancing." . LAUG 11 ¡IN. Frank Severance, officer of day minutes East of angle 21 to the line A Fuel Tillamook, Orc. chairman of the program committM. Saver between S. A. Himpel and William Shoe« and Nerves. In response to a request made by the Toh), in at angle 38 of the Loerpabel Travelers say that the reason why County Road. Work to be completed in Tillamook Commercial Club, the Fair Rom»» housewtv who 15 CALLON nervous people don't exist in China is 60 days. display n rviiuirkiiblt) ALL COPPCÄ Board recommends that the name amount ot broad, wound, mwayow because it is there the custom to wear Plans and specifications are on file at common boiiso along Tillamook Cheeaariana be adopted for wit L Give soft shoes. There is no doubt that hard the office of the County Clerk of Tilla­ other lines, persist in the YOU (IOILINC WATCH deluRlon—and it I m a do- a Marching Club, and that the suits soled, creaking footgear is responsible mook County, Oregon, in Tillamook hmlon that they are real­ Made of for said Club be white duck with a ly practicing economy by for much nervous wear and tear as City. Maü«ab!e County Court reserves the right tiding to get along —to get and cheese on each arm, green necktie, well ns much physical fatigue in west­ to The rt. ultB—out ot tin old, worn- Cha recai reject any and all bids. out range merely to eave the white hat with green band, tan shoes, ern lands. Tired feet and tired nerves Irta, Dated this 4th day of March, 1914. pri *e of a new one. Addin« will find solace in a warm foot bath triplet eheese cloth cover for hat. Your old range or stove wna put J. C. Holden, Jtì.K to together with putty and stove bolts with a handful of sea salt in it. Move W. L. Campbell. County Clerk. and probably you can sth k a pen­ the feet about or keep them still as knife in the aeuina and Joint,i any­ Asa't. Secretary. where on it where the stove putty has "I feel it my duty to tell oti best pleases you ns long ns the water Garibaldi-Wheeler County Road crumbled away. When a range gets Chamberlain’s Tablets have i is pleasantly warm; then dry them in that condition, it tuke.4 fuel enough me,” writes Mrs. L. Dtinlap-J To the Voters of Tillamook to warm ail outdoors in order to get jour Notice to Contractors. with a rough towel and put on a fresh Grove, IT oven hot enough for baking-and then you run the risk of burning whatever County. pair of stockings.—Dundee Advertiser. K in the oven. You cun soon burn up the price of the best range ever made guttered wiiij i l a iKelens waste of fuel In an old, worn-out stove or range -and that’s Sealed bids addressed to the County I hereby announce myself as a my back R 'ar n-’lther practical economy m»r good management. il.ler^^H Court at Tillamook County, Oregon, < lyMtldnte for the office of County It you would practice real economy in yov- household management it my- shouHw ’ Bread of Persia. will pay you, the next lime > ou are in town, to call » t our store and inauira ' for the proposed planking and regrad- .t’lerk, for re election, subject to the Hl ' loam 1 ‘ ersiau native bread differs little < 4u»vly into the perfect baking and rviuurkablo fuel saving qualities of the Republican Primaries to be held ling of Section “A” of the Garibaldi- also with from that used a thousand years ago. |Wheeler County Road in Tillamook May 1914. tit»» an i c< The Persian oven is built of smooth .County, Oregon from Station 79 plus I tri. .1 di' IL-1* Very respectfully, masonry work In the ground, usually ,00, tj Station 177 plus 65, will be re­ J. C. liol.DKN. edies that IJ^^H about the size of a barrel, and many ceived by the County Court of Tilla- and a Brin 7b the Voters of Tillamook of those uow iu use have been used ; mook County at its office in Tillamook I L' I City, Oregon, on or before the 20th for a century. The dough is formed County. | me try Into thin sheets about a foot long and day of March, 1914 at the hour of 10 1 hereby announce myself us n | o’clock A. M, and at such time shall! Iain's '-toi Ji J two feet wide and,slapped against the candidate for re-election to the be opened and read. Liver side of the oven. It bakes in a few Each bid shall be accompanied by cer­ office of County Treasurer, of Till a bottle »JjS* minutes and is set out to cool. mook County. Oregon, subject to tified check made payable to Tillamook they - a Outwears Three Ordinary Ranges the Republican Primaries to le County, for an amount equal to at stomach; First lol I May 15th. lull tango made entirely of open iron grate—you ran see it. No Long Headed. least 5 per cent of the amount of such ! genti- .MtiWjb D malleable tron and charcoal iron. Char- B. I. H eals . “•»* escapes — no cold air sets Into “What will you do with the $20.000 bid, which shall be forfeited to the <-ls I -'rank eval iron • mm »*! met hke steel mallueble the oven - saves halt the fuel and iron ten t break. And while th* flr»t assures perfect baking. If you get a verdict in your breach of County in case award is made and the cost of a Great Ma)«»tl0 nmy be mora .bidder shall fail, neglect or refuse for To the Voters of Tillamook promise suit?” Movable Copper Reservoir than tome other rau«te*. it outuieare J 1 a period of five days after the award is who suffers- - _ ordinary ranges. County. The reservoir Is • // com »,. heat. <1 “ I guess." said the dear girl. “ I ’ ll (made, to enter into a contract and file they have cared me an I llkt* h tea kettle through copper pork- marry the lawyer. It's such an awful rt (stamped from one piece of copper) I hereby nnuotinee myself .is a I , a bond satisfactory to the Court as re- ! worth living ’ Half The Fuel settiug ugnlnnt left hand lining of Are lot of money to let get out of one's quired by law. candidate fur re election to the The la put together wtlh hot. It bolls 15 gallons of water In ■ The bids are to cover the rebuilding hands.’’—Puck. office of County Sheriffof Tillomooli tivt'tA (not Dolta and tioxe putty) JltTy and. by turning lever, the frame— County, Oregon, «object to the Re re^ervolr-movcs away from Are. nisktns It abaoluiely air tighl, like an of embankment on the south end of boiler. The joints and s.ania I Us feature Is patented and can ba publican choice in the Primaries Smith's Lake, cleaning of ditches and Bohemia's Coal Mines. »III remain sir Until i r. v» r a- n. lth. ,- Vied only on the Majestic. to be heTd Muy 15th, 1914 the banks from Station 82 to 9 A b A «• f« »Aow xmi (fa greater »'rt—nalon m»r cuutracuuu can atTevt The lowest human habitation is said trimming Sidney E. Henderscn, •mgir^eeenent ewr r«f into « range- or open them. II. C mnbh iw . Station 114, raising the grade across to be that of the coal miners in Bo­ I Ocean Lake and laying planks from Surveyor. WA »r raass. are wwaAsM. Pure Asbestos Lining hemia. some of whom make their ¡station 79 plus 00 to Station 177 plus To the Voters of Tillamouk. John Leland HendersM Other Exclusive Feature« dwellings nt a point over 2.000 feet be ­ 65, Also for grading and trimming as tn n.tdltlon. it 1« lined with pure retary Trea»., Att>* s lha best nn«e at any prlaw Having been urged by so many of asueatoa board, voters with an and it should low the I tvel of the sea. above and covering road bed with clay ba in Uu-baa. " my y friend« friends I hereby announcr announce tnv inv Law, Notrary Public. and stone, according to plans and speci­ -elf If i «e a candidate on the Reput» FOR SALK BY fications. All work to be completed Voting. licnn ticket .7 for count* . — ~ ttcîxt . , k i hî ....... . e i ft tor bv June 15, 1914. Tillamook Title the coming primary election. ALEX McNAIR & CO "Do y< u In-lleve that women ought to .. l’la~8 and ’Purifications are on file at If nominated and elected vote?” Abstract CO- the office of the County Clerk of Tills- ‘ attend to my duties as n “Sure' And. wbat's more. I think mook County. Oregon, in Tillamook law, to the beat ot uiy al Law, Abstracts, Re il W men might to too."-Detroit Free Press City. out fear or favor to none The County reserves the right to re ­ Surveying, Inaursri E mmett M BAUM Silver is of less value than gold, gold ject any and all bids. Dated this 4th Both Phor.es . J day of .March, 1914. grade show. Murch 12 1A tbau ' irtue - Horace. TILLAMOOK . . ogfk J. C. HOLDEN, O I.W, HARPER Made My Life Worth Li^ 7- ns Great Majestic Malleable and Charcoal Iron *1,321^0 « ■ * County Clerk,