Tillamook Headlight, March 6, 1914 T addition to Bay City, also lota in worked as lumberjack, farmed the rich Pacific add to Bay City. valley lands, run an “armstrong” mow­ L’RGE qj *'or Tillhmook County, Oregon, ing machine on the fertile bottoms First Bank and Trust Co to J where the timothy, red top clover and CQ for the week ending March 5, 1914, Mitchell, deed, 60.00, lot in Rocka­ TO THE VOTERS OF THE FIRST tide grass grow six feet high; having furniabed by the Tillamook Title A way Beach. walked nearly every mile of the west C P Haberstiek to C E McAlpin, CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. Abstract Co., John Leland Hender­ line of seven of our counties that bord­ chattel mortgage, 38.50 on horse. son, Sec. er and stretch along the Pacific- Ocean j Bay City Land Co and First Bank ' °"t D L Shrode and wife to H W Hundreds of people living in every for three hundred miles, from Clatsop and Trust Co to W M Siegment, county in the first Congressional Dis­ to Curry, pulled stroke oar in a fishing ------ Ir”‘t!mate4u Repa.deed, 10.00, part lotB in Sea View way Beach. Being a stranger to many of you. at able t<> entertain you in the latest Park. the risk of being called an egotist, I style, but you will be as welcome as Frank A Rowe and wife to J F th» flowers in springtime, and if 1 only Brighton Development Co to Bradley, deed, $500.00, tract of land 1 am going to tell you something about have a tent on the Capitol grounds, Jennie Chambleee, deed, 150.00. lot in myself in order that you may be able Wheeler. tograpbi-» Brighton Beach. to form an opinion as to whether I am the latch string will be on the outside, State Ladd Board to H A Kir 1a- as well qualified for the position as and there will be no sign “keep off the James C Howard to David O man, $1000.00, releases mortgage other candidates who are seeking the grass.” Stevenson, deed, 10.00, lots in Sand ex by H A Kinnaman, Sincerely yours, offic». Mike by-the-Sea B. F. JONES. Eugene Myers to Equitable Sav­ First, in order not to try to deceive First Bank and Trust Co to F A ings and Loan Association, mort­ you, must say that I have as many Jans, deed, 20.00. gage, lot across street south from faults as the average man, and when Martha Peetak to J Baumgartner, Maple Grove addition to Tillamook. the campaign begins to warm up the -LAK nortgage, 6 00. Se i of Ne i and lot fellows will tell you all about Andrew Zurcher to James Laugh- 'other 1 , section 6. tp 4 south, range 7 From first evidence I have ley. deed, $600.00, eight acres in the them. Dry Short Wood $2.00 Load. i V rt H*e8L containing 80.44 acres. q ... 1 KT... 1/ •» 1 Iparnp Sw i Nw J4, section 2, tp 1 north, learned that I first opened my eyes in a Notorial Commission of D S Boy- range 10 west. ■J modest dwelling on a farm near Lawr­ ■ Ot-kin. Douglas County, Kansas, more Henry Adams to Hans Z Hansen, ence, than a half century ago. My father _____ Eliza Jane Ranous to her children, power of attorney. died when I was eight years old, and ast will and testament, land in CN Johnson to Hans Z Hansen I came to Oregon with my mother in ection 4, tp 5 south, range 10. i power of attorney. 1870, and settled upon a homestead in , Sanrue) F Lucas to Elmer Trout- U G Jackson to Hans Z Hansen, the Yaquina Bay country. Two years aan, deed. 10.00, W i Ne 1 and E J later my mother died, and 1 worked AOKA’fNw 44, section 31, tp 3 south, power of attorney. Alfred Larson to Paul Erickson, for ranchers and farmers until I was OWN YOUR HOME AND PAY FOR IT WITH ange 8 west, containing 160 acres. eighteen, going to the public schools W B Powell to Constantine Peter deed, $10,000.00, S 44 of Alfred Lar­ during the winter months. WHAT YOU ARE NOW PAYING FOR RENT .nd Konrad Peter, deed, $13,100.00, sen. 46.18 acre tract. From 1876 to 1893, I worked ’in the Arthur Lippin to JAlbert Olds, logging 7 acres, sections 8 and 17 and Harris camps, on the stock range and chattel mortgage, [$550.00, on 16 1 at steamboating. J. L.C., tp 2 south, range 9 west. Let us tell you HOW you can accomplish this, From 1893 to 1898, Constantin a Peter and Konrad cows. | was county clerk of Lincoln County, M.» Thornes Coates and wife to Theo during which time 1 studied law and with the problem of buying Harness eter to W B Powell and wife, lortgage, $12,100.00, 57 acres, sec­ Steinhilber, mortgage, $400 00, lots was admitted to practice in 1897, since you will find it distinctly advanta­ which time I have teen in the active geous to come and do your select RY.' one 18 and ¡7 and Harris D.L.C., in Thayer's addition. ing here. You will get the best > 2 south, range 9 west. J D Morris to Margaret E Vessey practice. qualities, the most thorough and Represented Polk and Lincoln Coun ­ and F E Melvin, part release mort ­ Nellie M Dorman and liusbaud _ iee. to Atid desire the aid of borowed money, we ask your e ties in the Legislature three terms conscientious workmanship and be red A Barrows, deed, 40.00, lot in gage. charged the most reasonable prices. („•nhattan Beach. Randolph Lamb to J R Lamb, bill Appointed Register of the United We can supply single or doubl careful consideration of the advantages afforded by Land Office at Roseburg bv Joseph Aufdermaner and wife to of sale on engine, lathe and tools, States Sets or any single article that you our monthly instalment plan of loan rent. Only President Taft December 18, 1909, alter Carlisle and wife, deed, 10 00. may be in need of. serving four years. you pay it to your credit instead of the landlord. M.D 00,00, two • acre tract in section 25, Nehalem Harbor Co to T A While a member of the Legislature > 5 south, range 11 west. Gathers, deed, 100.00, lot in Wheeler. in 1903, 1 introduced what was known Tlie Plan of our Loan ¡ h the very beat afforded on the market to-day. Can we not be of service to you like we have been to many Mary L Beard and husband to Scott Bozorth and wife to David as the car shortage or demurrage bill. others in Tillamook City. cTTnrFdia L Ellis, deed, 10.00, lot in H Gatnane, deed, $420.00, lot in It was defeated, and in 1907 I again bUKl lneet Beach. Oceanlake Park. introduced it, and being a member of ROELIE W. WATSON, Loans. Insurance, Real . Fii»t Bank and Trust Co to An- Heirs to Gist estate to Ivan E the Committee On Railroads, got it in­ Estate, Collections. 1 ny Cavoli, deed, 1.00, lota in Rock- Gist, quit claim. 1.00. corporated in the Railroad Commission vay Beach. At this TODD HOTEL. Both 'Phonea Heir to Gist estate to , George A Bill, which became a law. same session 1 introduced and secured Chalea H Curtis to C. A McGhee, Glick, quit claim, 1.00. the passage of a law providing for the ied, 1.00, Sw- i of Se J4 and Se 44 of Heirs of Gist estate to Forre3t M Directors,’ Parent-Teachers’ meetings. v i, section 30, tp 3 south, range Gist, quit claim, 1.00. I also at the same session introduced «rent, less tract sold, containing I.S, Randolph Lamb and wife to JR J the Jones Free Locks Bill, which be­ 25 acres. L__deed. *' of Se J4> came a law, appropriating $300,000, Lamb, deed, 16.00, U Ne 4( JTOR Thos Coatee and wife, assume S 44 of Se i of section 11 and Nw j contingent upon the Government ap­ isinesa name cf Tillamook Ab- of Sw J,* section 12, tp 3 south range propriating a like sum, for the purpose Cou.^r“ct Co-, general abstracting. 10 west, containing 160 acres ; also of building new, or purchasing the old Thomas W Morgan to Amelia N J of lots 1 and 2, block 1, Tilla- locks at Oregon City, and the operat­ 1IIE UNIVERSAL CAR. iggins, deed, $300.00, Sw Ji Se >4, rnook.i ing of the same free to the people by I ction 27, tp lsouth, range 10 west, The Nehalem Co. to Samuel the Government. The Government - Ofc ntaining 40 acres more or less, Lundberg, deed. $500.00, lot in having failed to appropriate any money for that purpose, at the 1909 ___Mrs L H Peters to F A West, deed, Wheeler. 00, lot in Tohl’s add to Nehalem Nehalem Harbor Co to Samuel session I again introduced a bill con­ TT, fy. Lundberg, deed, $500.00. part of lot tinuing the said appropriation of $300,- 000 for another two years, contingent ' ! P D Hauer to E C Lock wood. in Wheeler. SVHjrtgage, »500.00. north 33t3 feet of Marion P Lindaley and wife to upon the Government making a like appropriation to purchase^ the locks. PEClJ®^ block 48, Bayocean. F L Stewart, quit claim. 100. Since that time the Government has ap­ „. Anton Plasker to Elmer P. Ogg, J. H Hicks and others filed propriated this sum and has taken the Model 1 lu ed., $150.00, a tract of land in article of incorporation of Tilla- locks over, and navigation on* the Touring in Wbiynes D.L.C. mook Bay Construction Co. Willamette River is now free to all. f. o.L. Detroit. The Nehah-m Co to Ja ames F. Bay City Land Co and First Bank At the 1907 session I introduced a res­ :e, <)REry«Bey, quit claim, 10 00, I, lot in and Trust Co to W P Ringle, deed, olution to provide for the amending of I _J»eeler.| 75.00, lot in Bay View addition to the Constitution to allow women the Get particulars (rom ED. HADLEY, Tillamook, Oregon. right of suffrage. It passed the fames F Bradley to Jewel C Bay City. House, but received only seven votes .h,.\ ctor, mortgage, $375.e5, tract of W S Walton to Wm H Woodard, in the Senate. However, since that id, part of lot in Wheeler. deed, 1.00, lot in Neskowin. • SI i K Parker filed Notorial Coin- Gottfried Fassbrand to I C Quick, time the progressive voters of Oregon ssion. chattel mortgage, $200.00, livestock. have voted to allow our motherB, wives daughters and sisters the right of equal I- Arnold Affolter to John A, Fred Heirs to ¿Gist estate to Archie C suffrage, and another stake has been T and Lee Affolter, 10.00. W 44 of Gist, quit claim. set along the line of good government. X. section 5, E ’4 of Se f, section Heirs to Gist estate to Cecil F During the 1909 session I introduced Babies will grow and while they tp 6 south, range 10 west, Gist, quit claim. a bill which became a law, repealing are growing, you should have them lenry Diehl to R T Boats, assn, Maggie Butrick to John Sheets, a former act of the legislature grant­ irtgage ing to the Willame’te Valley and photographed often enough to keep deed, 10 00, lot in Thayer’s add. i, Charles I Seamon and wife to S M Batterson to L S Miller eat. Coast Railroad Company all the tide u record of each interesting stage and overflowed lands on the Alsea, of their childhood. You will prize srles W Mead, deed, $1000.00. lots mortgage T. Wheeler. At the W B Cook to L S Miller, sat Siletz and Yaquina Bays. same session I introduced a bill appro­ the collection of baby's pictures T B Potter Realty Co to Felix A mortgage. more and more as the'years go !ldg. ng, deed, 10.00, lot in Bayocean L S Miller and wife to William G priating »100,000 to pay the Indian War Carrroll. deed, 10.00, undivided 44 veterans’ claims, due for use and loss Monk's Studio. of horses in the Indian wars of Oregon, OrK^ T Gerrisli to Frances Borwards, interest in lots 4, 5, 6 and Nw 44 a debt contracted by the Oregon Ter­ Se 44, section 34 and lot 6. section ritory and standing unpaid for over __ -Hi. mortgage. $400.00. JoydCSmith to Leveritt J Tolls, 35, tp 3 north, range 9 west, less fifty years. This bill passed the House llt-'ed, 50.00, lot in first addition to tract sold. but was killed in the Senate, but a L S Miller and wife and William similiar bill became a law in the ses­ r Vie-v. G Carroll to S M Batterson, mort ­ 1 imtnx Hays to A E Nolan, assn, sion of 1913. gage, $3000.00, lots 4, 5 and 6 and In 1908, upon my own motion and at irtgage, 10.00. Nw >4 of Se i, section 34 and lot 6, my own cost, I commc: eed suits against R Nolan to C M Hurlburt and section 35, tp 3 north, less tract the Wells Fargo and Pacific Express fe, aat mortgage. On your front porch can be lit sold. Companies of Oregon for a reduction every night until midnight ¡LOB* S Snelling to Jones Knudson Roscoe Barker to Tillamook Co. of express rates. Both these suits and register not over imiture J Cu, assn., mortgage, Bank, chattel mortgage, $575 00 and were decided in favor of the ship­ fifty cents per month ■5.0ft 75 per cent of milk, cows. pers, and a reduction of twenty per on the meter. 261. [-8 Haya to L Hiner, chat mtg,, Schnabel InvestmentCoto Robert cent was made in the Oregon rates. (6.25, on fish boat. During my term as Register of the Carruthers, quit claim. T illamook E lectric L icht and ” S. A. to John A Caples. Patent. Frank Strichler and wife to I.and Office I worked for the revision bFuKL C ompany 1 of Nw and N j Sw f. section Edward W Grievish and Nannie M of the public land laws in the interests W ill S faldino , Manager. of the bona fide homesteaders wlx> tp 2 »ort li. range 10 west, 160 Nelson, deed, 10.00, Se Vt of Nw 44, T I - rea. Sw i of Ne i and lots 2 and 3, section were seeking to settle tbe wild lands of rgdP’S.A. to Blanche A. McNair, 3, tp 5 south, range 10 west, 160.64 Oregon. I prepared and had introduced in the Senate and House of the United tent Str 44 Sw J, section 5, tj 2 acres mere or less. States a bill providing for an annual rtb, range 9 west, 40 acres. H S Hewitt and wife to Lloyd six months leave of absence, for the pi a B and Lore J Redberg and Smith quit claim, 10.00. purpose of giving the homesteader an fee to 8 j Etzwiles. deed, 75 00, a W IA Wise and wife to Lloyd opportunity to earn money with which •x Take advantage H ct of land on Sw corner lot 15, Smith, mortgage. $430,00, lota in to live on while improving his home­ of the new Parcel S :tion 6, tp 5 south, range 10 west. Barview. stead, and to allow those who had V G B Nunn and wife, VL Johnson, children of school age an opportunity (ll »■■W&W'ard to I.Symes, Post rates and IftMall that i of W i J R Arnold to Frank A Rowe, deed, to send them to school. This resulted have us send you ft Kj^Bection 25, tp 5 south. $450.(0. part of lots 5 and 6, block in the five months leave of absence law. »ge 10 West lying and being 5J Wheeler. If elected I shall stand squarely and or any- Tillamook County Bank to R A fearlessly for legislation in the inter- [j] Drugs at of oldrcounty road, containing Jones, deed. 1.00, Nw t4 of Sw j and esta of all the people, for the improve­ “ thing in our line, acre motte or leas. purc, mild and mature •k'j E McAlpin to Jack Williams, Sw '4 of Nw W, section I, Si of Ne ment of our rivers and harbors, for the fi) mail order >4. W i of Sw J. section 2, N J of Se deepening of the Willamette River that re- in. of dmtt. mortgage. ’« Sw f of Ne J. S * of Nw }. Nw f W. J. Van Schuyvcr & Co., General Agents 11 i L Barry to A J Knightly, deed, of Sw I4, sec tion 3, tp 4 south, range it may be navigable from Portland to * ceive the same at- [fl Eugene at all aeaaons of the year, for ^otin Rockaway Beach. 8 west. more and better roads, for the amend­ tention as you Portland, Oregon : c re to Nelson Wilcox, W C King and wife to Mary M ing of and enacting of our public land would personally H J500.00, lot in View Park, Moahier. deed. $1,000.00. lota 1 and i laws to conform to present conditions, »-4 *• V rv »na - ■ U1J 1_L yj JjL itcher to G W Byer. Jr. 2, block 1, King's addition to Tilla­ and for the surveying and classi­ ra (ALIVl and 11 if OV1AJT any time —i------- ------ ---------- fying of the lands in 00« forest reserves •jf — extention of time for mook. ________________ Truth That’» Worth Money. you receive any- B Beware of Ointments for Plain that the vast area of grazing and »1,600 00. Using Foley's Honey and Tar for Catarrh That Contain (!) thing which is agricultural lands may be opened to X The Forty Year Teat a cough or coltl may eave you both G Bailey to Equitable Mercury An article must have exceptional settlement. hi . km m and money I-'. F Mona . not perfectly sat- a Ind Loan Association, A* mercury will nurrly newtr^y the ten* If the government shall finally win JanOO. lot in Stillwell's merit to survive for a period of of smell and completely «leranx*- the whole hs.n, Menomonie, Wis, soya: “I am the suit now pen-ling against tne Ore- B isfactory we will : »rutf-ni when rnterintr it through the exposed to all kinds of wrHtbF0ao*e t»»rr you Paving lived forty-three years in stand why it is a favorite after a get the genuine. It »• taken internally and luind Co and First Bank period of more than forty year*. It Oregon, being acquainted with the con- Change in Water Collection. RELIABLE DRUGGIST m/ide InTflf •». Ohio, by I* J Cheney Ar Co. o to Ernest Schindle» not only gives relief—it cures. For d-tions in every county of ths district Tretimoalala free Water rents are now due and pay­ Mold l»4 Driiggtats I ’ rtre 7,*»r. per bottle lot in First Water Front sale by all dealer» ! and with many jf the people, Laving Take ilaU'i Family l'tHa for coustipuUox. able to the Collet lor at City Hall 4 ate Transfers., Etc. bflflD PURSTER L A M B-SC II RADER COM PA N Y. Four Foot Fir Slabs $3.00 per Cord. Delivered. A. F. COATS LUMBER CO ? HARNESS If Vou '”\X7"a,rxt to ^1x57-, Or Euild. a EZcme, Or ISepasr a IZIcxtg'ag'e- W.A, Williams & Co. Tillamook Baker’s Bread Sold at All Grocers Ford It Because It’s a Better Car. * $550 A 15 Watt Mazda Lamp W h e n you tire of rough, strong, high proof whiskey—try (¡J W [J Í e J the new Cyrus Noble.