s Tillamook Headlight March-). IQ 14, T. HO ALS, M.D., Summons. Summons the central part of the county Advertising Rates. didates for governor on the Re­ In the Circuit Court of the State of Department No. 2 in Equity. Oregon for Tillamook County. publican ticket. For a number and the dairy industry to have In the Circuit Court of the State of PHYSICIAN. AND SURGE qj * LBGAL ADVER'IISEMENTB : a deep channel to this city than Department No 2, Oregon for Tillamook County. Surgeon S. P. Co. ic First Insertion, per line .... $ 10 of years Oregon have elected anything else. It is and should R. H. Wolter and Wilhel- ) Eac h subsequent insertion, line 5 politicians to this office, and the be made the paramount issue, I Jackson Powell, (I- O. O. F. Bldg.) ' f ." mina Wolter, Plaintiffs, I . Plaintiff. State is receiving bad notoriety Business and professional cards, A vs. > for a county fair, fine buildings, va 1 month................................... 1 00 on account of West using pub­ William Frances Jones, Tillamook ... fl Homestead Notices.................. 5 00 lic money to bring himself into paved streets, good roads, etc , I Aaron Sherman and I Defendant J Jennie 1. Sherman, ) Timber Claims .......................... 10(1) the limelight. But, somehow, are ail insignificant to the im­ To William Frances Jones, the I his wife and A. G, I Locals per line each insertion 5 defendant above named. the people prefer a politician or portance of a deep channel to i Reynolds and Daisey . M. KERRON, ad Display advertisement, an inch, I n the N ame of the S tate of O his wife, | month................. <10 an attorney to a person like Dr. this city. We plead with those i V. Reynolds, O regon , you are hereby required Defendants. J to appear and answer the complaint All Resolutions of Condolence and James Witbvcombe who has de­ who have opposed this improve­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGELI To Aaron Sherman and Jennie I. filed against you in the above en­ Lodge Notices, 5c. per line. voted the best part of his life to ment to give it further consid­ Sherman, A. G. Reynolds and Ct Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. Daiaey V Reynolds, defendants. titled cause and Court within six improving the agricultural re­ eration with a view of getting T illamook B lock 51- Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen, sources of Oregon, giving use­ together and agreeing upon I n the N ame of the S tate of weeks from the date of the first pub­ O| lication of this summons to-wit. etc., minimun rate, 25c. not exceed­ O regon : „ tp ful information to thousands of some plan that is satisfactory ing five lines. G reeting __ : —You, _ «JU, Aaron -»<•*-'>* Sherman — —-I within six weeks from the 29th day Tillamook ... ____________ farmers. Taxpayers complain to all. aud Jennie 1. Sherman, husband o£ January, 1914, and if you fail to ------------------------- -- ----- ,.i.u '»..X. and wife. A. G. Reynolds and so answer, for want thereof, the at this time of year about high ka m OF Si BSt rp TION 10 j plaintiffs will take a decree against m SARCHET, Hard Swim Fatal to Cavill. Daisey V. Reynolds, husband and you taxation, and they are high, but foreclosing the mortgage des­ -I « The .Fashionable l/j (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) wife, defendants herein, are hereby One year......................................... 1.5o as long as they prefer politicians SEATTLE, Wash., March 1.—Arthur required to appear and answer the cribed in plaintiff’s complaint, and appearand Six months............................................ 75 for governor instead of some Cavill, the Australian swimmer who complaint filed herein against you, directing that the lands and pre. Three month».................................. 50 sensible, practical, successful was the first man to swim the Gold­ on or before the 2nd day or April, ■nises described therein, and Cleaning, Pressing and ReP1 dJJ covered by said ^mortgage, to wit : en Gate at San Francisco, and who A.D., 1914, that beinur six (6) weeks person, they are not entitled to a Specialty. Pal Entered as second class mail mat much sympathy. Trie trouble was recognized as the champion from the first publication of this Beginning at a stake in the North­ east corner of the South East !4 of the swimmer of the world from 1895 to summons, and if you fail to appear ter July, lts»S, at the post office at Store in Heins Photograpl «” Tillamook, Ore., under the act of with so many voters they like to 1900, died of exhaustion today soon or answer, plaintiff will apply to the North West Xi of Sec. 16, Tp. 5 S , be tickled by the politicians and after he had been taken from the Court for the relief demanded in the R. 10 west of the Willamette Me­ March 3, 1879. water after an unsuccessful attempt complaint on file herein to which ridian, in Tillamook County, Ore­ Gallery Jt it is not out of place to refer the to swim across the Seattle harbor, a reference is hereby made aud which gon, runnitiit-Westerly 300 feet along ------------- 5te taxpayers to the long list of distance of three miles. al is made a part hereof, to-wit : for a the south line of the C. Dunn place; (filLimooh ^cabligbt, tax eating commissions that Cavill started from the west side decree h . goyne , Fi of this Court for judgment thence South 450 feet ; thence east have come into existence in of the bay and was swimming to­ against the said defendants Aaron 300 feet ; thence north 459 feet to • jai ward a pier at the foot of Spring Sherman, Jennie I. sherman aud A the place of beginning, containing Oregon to make soft jobs for a street, on the central water front. G. Reynolds and against each and 3.099 acres of land, more or less, in attorney - at - law . Q o , lot of politicians. The water was cold and a strong all of you for the sum of two I Tillamook County, Oregon, be sold Editorial Snap Shots wind and adverse currents took him hundred seventy ($270) dollars. by the Sheriff of Tillainook.County, Office: O pposite C ourt h »«« out of his course, so that he swam United States gold coin, with in­ I Oregon, in the manner provided by We hope Bro. Trombley will Bro. Trombley, now a full- fully four miles in the hour and ten terest at the rate of eight (8) per j law, and the proceeds of such eale Tillamook .... Or(J not gain a reputation as a Kan­ fledged, free trade Democrat, minutes he was in the water. He cent per annum from the 29th day ‘applied to the paymenton the sums garoo cheese advocate. says : 'The ranks of the Demo­ was followed by a launch and row­ of December, 1911 ; and for the found due on plaintiff’s mortgage, ------------------------------- ——J« aat boat, which stood by to give assis­ further sum of five and.25-100 ($5 25) together with costs and disburse­ cratic party should be greatly tance. J. CLAUSSEN, ecti dollars for taxes paid on said land, ment, Attorney’s fees, and expenses When Cavill was only 500 yards with interest thereon at the rate of of sale by the Sheriff and that said LAWYER, fl Tillamook County Fair will increased by loyal men who arc- the finish, where a large crowd six (6) per cent per annum from the plaintiffs will further take a decree be held four days, September willing to stand by the party front DEUTSCHER ADVOKATfN had assembled,those in the rowboat 15th to 18th, and from present that stands by the people as a saw him quit the powerful stroke the 13th day of February. A.D., against you for the relief demanded 1914 ; together with attorney's fee in plaintiffs complaint. 213 T illamook J B lock a“f’ indications a large number of whole." Gee, wiz, isn’t that a with which he was swimming and $.50 00 and costs to be found due This summons is published in great spill to fool the people ? I laps into a g “ ntle paddle as if rest- citizens intend to exhibit. The herein, with interest thereon at the Headlight, a newspaper of Tillamook .... ( °d Fair Board is making the pre­ Let us see how the Democratic- ling. When the boatman rowed to the rate of six (6) per cent per an­ general circulation in Tillamook, 7 sc him Cavill grasped the gunwale •-L. miums as general as possible, party stands by the people of ¡and then became unconscious He num from date of payment by the County, Oregon, for six consecutive It placed was picked up and taken to the plaintiff herein ; and for the usual weeks, the first publication thereof Co and we hope there will be a Tillamook County. E. REEDY, D.V M., on the 29th day of January, 'etei on the free list milk, cream, launch, where medical attendance decree for the sale of said premises, being lively contest for the honors. or so much thereof as may be ne- 1914, and the last publication there­ >ort fish, cattle, wool, lumber and a was given him, but he died without cessary to payjeaid judgment, with J of on the 12th day of March, 1914, ; VETERINARY.* one number of other things and regaining consciousness. accrued costs, by the sheriff of the I all according to the order of the >2« The physician who attendedCavill said county according to law and I Honorable Homer Mason, County One of oar citizens want to lowered the tariff on butter and Both Phones. Nel know the reason why men are cheese, and, in consequence, all said the swimmer virtually was fro­ the practice of this Court ; that the I Judge of said County, made this zen to death "His skin was like red employed every day to scour tip kinds of agricultural products ice," said the physician, "and his proceeds of said sale may be ap­ 23rd day of January. 1914. 0>nI Tillamook (SD.) I van G. M artin , the tilth and muss on the paved are being dumped into the circulation was retarded that hie plied in payment of the amount J°» due to the plaintiff, and ttiat you. C arey F M artin , (SD.) streets and notin other parts of United States from foreign heatt stopped,* ’ The temperature said defendants, and each and all of 'alti Attorneys for Plaintiffs, _ the city, This is a question for countries, which compete with of the water was 46 degrees above you, and all persons claiming G. McGEE, M I* 60;C under you or either of you, sub­ Freddie to answer. And by the and lower the price of the home zero Cavill was 34 years old He was sequent to the execution of the Synopsis of the annual statement Mai way who is responsible for the product. For an illustration, born in London and during the last mortgaged sued on and agains of the FIRE ASSOCIATION OF cliips left on the planked street the new tariff knocked the bot­ five years had made his home at said premises, either as purchasers, ; PHILADELPHIA, in the State of PHYSICIAN & SURGgii Portland, Ore. He held 36 medals Pennsylvannia, on the 31st day of across the slough, Freddie ? tom out of the price of butter for life saving and had established encumbrancers or otherwise, in- j December. 1913, made to the In­ Office : Next door toSj'"! eluding the incohate dower interest and eggs and demoralized the many swimming records. One of of you the said Daisey V. Reynolds, I surance Commissioner of the State It will be noticed that the Fair market, and it is more than pro­ his noted feats on the Pacific Coast may be barred and foreclosed of all , of Oregon, pursuant to law : Theatre. ™hy Board has designated the name bable that the cheese market was swimming the Tillamook, Ore., right, claim or equity or redemp-' CAPITAL. bar with his hands nnd feet tied. He tion in the said premises and every ed. "Cheesarians” for the march­ will encounter the same experi­ was the originator of the "crawl" m , Amount of capital stock part thereof ; and that the said ing club at the county fair, nt ence the coming year. With stroke in swimming. R. E. E, DANIELS, $750,000 00 plaintiff may have judgment and ; paid up ........................ the request of the Commercial these conditions confronting execution against the ,said defen­ income . " Club. Will some of our enter­ them, we cannot understand dants Aaron Sherman and his wife ' BOULDER CREEK CHIROPRACTOR Tho Jennie I. Sherman and A. G. Rev. j Net premiums received prising dry goods merchants how a dairyman can affiliate and isim Mrs. Ella Krake went to Tillamook nolds and each of you, for any, during the year......... $4,258,128.98 dress up a model "Clieesnrian" support the Democratic party Local Office in the CoiiizJwjt Monday to care for her little new deficiency which may remain after Interest, dividends, and as planned by the board ? And when their products are placed granddaughter, who arrived at applying all the proceeds of the rhoi rents received during Building. IH do not forgetone for the ladies, on the free list and the big man­ Albert Krake’sSaturday year........................ 402,161.81 sale of said premises properly ap-1 •'the 1 ctioi from other sour­ for they should take an active ufacturers are given protection. Mrs. H. A, Chopard spent several plicable to the satisfaction of said Income TILLAMOOK. - ces received during part in the marching club. It is plain that the Democratic days last week with relatives and judgment ; that the plaintiff, or any the year ........................ 30,249.83 other parties to this suit may be­ ------------------------- Jlrs party is not standing by the friends at Hebo, come purchaser or purchasers at . E. HEWITT, t'y’ 1 Our cheesemaker, D. H. McIntyre said sale ; that the Sheriff of Tilla­ Total income ............. We suppose it is going to be farmer, but Bro. Trombley says and wife, arrived from Rainier last mook County execute and deliver to OSTEOPATHIC p D it stands by the people. Then, a case of "Show Me" with the _________ DISBURSEMENTS. week, and the factory opened for the purchaser or purchasers, pro PHYSICIAN AND SVRartgi Grange exhibits at the county according to his own logic the business on Monday. per certificates of sale for said • Net lossee paid during OBSTETRICAL SPECHI 83, dairymen of Tillamook county the year ........................ $2,265,771.32 fair as [to which Grange will Alex. Johnson has been sick for premises, and after the period for '. paid during Both. Ph« carry off the honors. Fairview are not classed amongst the peo­ several days, and as he was almost redemption required by law, that i Dividends the year on capital Grange has some live wires ple, for the farmer and the helpless, the Oddfellows' loiige of he execute the necessary Sheriff’s ! stock................................ Residence and Office in Wl:»yne 300,000.00 deed or deed therefor; that the1 when it comes to preparing and dairy intererts of the country Beaver have taken him there for purchaser or purchasers at said J Commissions and sala­ Residence, The medical treatment. The plfyeician ries paid during the arranging a display, and so have have been thrown overboard by who visited him Sunday pronounc­ sale may be let into the immediate TILLAMOOK, OR) »dje year .............................. Is that 1,314,500.00 tlie Nehalem and Nestucca the Democratic party. ed the disease to be creeping para possession of the premises herein ; Taxes, licenses.and fees and that the plaintiff may have Granges. The prizes are worth standing by the people, Uro. lysis. paid during the year. 100,159.92 T~NR. ELMER ALLEN such other and further relief in the striving for, but the honor of Trombley ? Norman Chopard came home from premises as to said Court may Amount of all other ex­ *d, p pires ................................ i Hebo Monday, i after ___ visiting __ ___ „ his seem meet with equity and good 419,544.10 currying them off will cause the (Successor to Dr. Shi,» grandparents since lust Friday. conscience, greatest rejoicing. The progressive citizens nt Total expenditures This summons will be served on DENTIST. A large crowd attended Grange at Nelmlein nre wide iiwnke to the you by publication thereof for not AS8KTS. the Manrarell hall, last Saturday, Commercial Building, I One of our citizens, who was future development of that part and a very enjoyable social time less than six successive weeks in Having heen was sjient and an excellent dinner the "Tillamook Headlight,’’a news­ Value of real estate a little inquisitive, wanted to of the county. tp6i I owned (market value. paper of general circulation know how much money the successful in har improvements served by the ladies. Mrs. Millie published in the City of Tilla­ Value of stocks 4 bonds and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. JACK OLSEN, owned (market value) editor made for writing up mid the Port of Nehnlem is now i Sappington 3harl Worthington, of Cloverdale Grange, mook. County of Tillamook, State Iaians on mortgages 5,010 232.00 Oregon, the place where publishing the interesting nc turning attention to the im­ were among the visitors Five more of xrlea i DENTIST. and collateral, etc ... said suit is now pending, all by Whe count of the dairy industry in provement of the hay, and will members were taken in. Cash in banks and on order of the Hon Homer Mason TB F this county last year. Nix. It use the dredge at this port for Born, at the C. N. Johnson home, Judge of the County Court of eaid hand................................ (I. O. O. F Bldg. 499 004.74 S'd was gotten up to advertise the that purpose. Asa result of the to Mr and Mrs. Fred Nash, a 101b. County and State, in the absence of Premiums in course of improvement a saw mill cost ­ I boy Monday morning Dr. Boals collection written since the Circuit Judge of the above en­ county and boost Tillamook's Tillamook Orr« f r G was the attending physician. Con- titled court, which said order ie September 30, 1913 ..... 659,179.95 famous cheese, mid we do not ing $500,1)00 cut its first log last i ! gratulations — *n. ■ are in order. Interest and rents due dated the 16th day of February, 1914. know of any literary matter that week and other large tiinheri and accrued ................. The property herein referred tocon- 110,837.69 owners are contemplating the I Ray Krake, who lost his 22 rifle LELAND the Fair Board could use to !x*t under rather peculiar circumstances sists of all those certain lots or par­ r Vi« Total assets admitted ter advantage in advertising the erection of saw mills e«|ually as I a short time ago, recovered it Sun­ cels of land situate in the County ATTORNEY jVJ These facts ought to day ............. ......... ..... ' »regon ................ >9. l.’.l sus ;i; comity than printing it incircu large. in a manner as odd as its dis- of Tillamook and State of Oregon, more particularly described as _ __________ LIABILITIES." AND >rtgaj ¡ar form. So tunny persons, it arouse the citizens here, for in ' nppeiirance.and no questions asked and follows: Lot number one (1) and ' < ’ > X-El.l.i >R .1 seems, want to divert the $1(W stead of the dredgi-r being taken or answered. Gross claims for losses lot number two (2) in bloct number fe, aa‘ unpaid ............................ $354,820 23 that was appropriated for ad to Nehalem it should, if the I Mrs, L. D. Krake anti daughter, six (6) of Norton's addition to Tilla­ T illamook B locìj g s i Nettie, visited Mesdames Mi Is, Mar mook City, Oregon, as per the re- Amount of unearned vertising for other purposes, if citizens were alive to the situa­ garell and Chopard Saturday and corded plat. premiums on all out­ Tillamook - - - they succeed there will lx- little tion, be deepening the channel i Sunday last. k 5.00. standing risks ........... 5,445,437 31 | Ti e date of the first publication money left to pay for live mid iHdween this city and the bay. All other liabilities .... Room No. 261. Hfa Mrs. E. K. Roland came down J*''** «»'“JHon«)the 19Ui day ’ of 45,679.81 „i Ä25| < up-to date advertising that the But there is no money availa­ from Blaine on Monday to welcome February, 1914. The date of the last ' Total liabilities exclu­ ble for this purpose and the .her first grandchild, Mr. Nash. jr. publication is the 2nd day cf April. editor compiled last week. Pj T. BOTTS, /of N, sive of capita) stock 1914, channel is tilling up, while the John Borba and wife, of Battle' _°J , ............................... $5,845, M3.32 J ohn L eland H enderson , freight vessels are experiencing Lake,passed through our neighbor | ATTORNEY-AT I rva* Total premiums in Taking everything into eon some difficulty ill reaching this llllllil Attorney for plaintiff, Most.!-»»- .... . ) ' hood on Monday on their --- wny'to force December 31, New Hank Building, cor. 3d St. sidenition, the dairy industry in city. Should the vessels Complete Set of Abstract^«S.A, .,> Tillamook Mrs Borba stop Tdlamcok Mrs has P ■ been ■ 1813.................... $7,502,742.71 and 2d Ave. E. tent Tillamook County last year was calling nt this city the coming ' Xt *kk' bU‘ *' ’°me be“er pre' j < Offlce rib. n I l ~I\ES3 IX OREGON FOR THEYEAR. highly satisfactory, and it is not summer it will greatly increase Taxes Paid for Non-Blfl« Disordered Kidneys Cause Much Total risks written dur out of place to commend and the cost of shipping cheese, The with Ladies' Aid met last Wednes- " e ,day Mrs. R. Y. I"_; ” ” ’ I . Misery. ing the year .... T illamook 1 ie*‘?- 12.997,007,00 ** ~ “ Blalock, the congratulate the dairymen on wish we could impress i ct of , With pain and misery by day, Gross premiums re- occasion being her birthday, Tillamook - - • :tion their success, with the same our citizens in this vicinity upon sleep disturbing bladder weakness reived during the| the Both Phone» am •' I We understand that Mrs Anna night, tired, nervous run-down men compliments paid the directors importance of i year................................ 60,372 12 the Ebbesen has sold her improvements and women everywhere are glail to Premiums returned dur­ ________ of the co-operative factories and channel between improving thi s city mid on her homestead to Chris Erdt know that Foley Kidney Pills restore ing the year................. those who have been inetru- | the Ixiy. , S.,,i"ly^m * 5Pla 13,691 97 .n£"n '“.‘I. Rn>ort says that Mr Blackburn is health and strength, and the regular Losses paid during the mental in bringing the year s devised whereby the different looking for s ranch to arl haberlach Tof year ................................ action of kidneys and bladder. For 33,800.99 business to such u tiuancial suc­ interests can get together and •*’•*• M^r. Margaret! has > rent, and sale by a!) druggists. acre Ixiases incurred during ------ ------- —J employed ATTORNEY.AT M- K the year ...................... cess. In this connection, the agree on some plan. The im-L Oscar Johnson take his place 35,736.61 ' _~y to ------ —— I -- ----------------- names of Carl Haberlach ami Chronic Stymach Trouble Cured. Total amount of riskc provement can lx> made with­ T illamook outstanding in Ore­ . ­ I There is nothing more discourag­ F. \\ . Christensen, the former Just Right for Backache and Rheu out Ixmding, for if ii limited gon, December 31, for keeping the price of cheese amount of money ing than ■ chronic disorder of the matism. 1913.......................... J. 4.272,715.00 Tillamook Foley Kidney Pills are so thor­ stomach. Is it not surprising that nt ii good stiff figure, mid the every year, in a few was used years the many sutler for years with such an By E. I rvin , President. oughly effective for backache men- hitter supervising the make mid 'channel would lx* cure is . Statutory deepened m attain, swollen, aching joints, kui , «ailment , , when ......... a permanent i ■■■aiivin oure ------ , * general agent and at- the grade of cheese. Both and there would be — service ---- ’ • : p i y * >or c* hawk , ney and blad.ler ailments that they I within their reach and may be had ,orne — no more lire to tie comineuded, for they Msyer, Sherlock Bldg . Portland! A. | ,ora About one year ago," 101 s, ’ erlock 1 are lecoinmended everywhere ‘ trouble iilxiut vessels reaching Oregon. Anve made good, with even laxly A. lettards, McGrew, Nebr . says • Wakelee. Mich., this city, \\ ¡th tin* prospect of Resident Agent at Tillamook, " Package of Chamber feeling satisfied with the year’*1 free trade reducing the price of 'My druggist recomtnende«! Foley \ PHYSICIAN AND. St using them Kidney Pills for |«nins in inv back Iain's “,n " Tablets, anil since — -—*• ----- Oregon : J. S. Stephens. work. And in this connection cheese and the prospect of hav­ and before I finished one bottle niy I have felt perfectly well. 1 had - ————— it is only right that the elit es« old trouble entirely disappeared/ , previously use«! nny number of I Special Health Warning for March. Bay City ¡different medicines, but none of makers at the different factories ing to pa> mon* for shipping it, ror sale by all drugfiats. Marell is a trying month for the may, probably, have the effect them were of any lasting benefit." 1 should receive a word of praise. very young and for elderly people of bringing alxiut a liappv sohi I For sale by all dealers The Mothers Favorite. tor it ia the superior, high grade Cro-ip bronchial colds, )agrippean•'<« «"<1 Give ej and congested air passages. It and gentle in effect. effect, are « whole raft of can- i essary fur the commercial life of Mie t>) all dealers, j , then a trial. trial. For sale by al) dealars is safe, pure and always reliable. Tillamook • . ^ror sale by all druggists. ■M I T E J. w D JO,,N C I__ I • vest