illanwk luaulioljt * TILLAMOOK, OREGON. MARCH 5, The Saving Habit. People who succeed in saving make a habit of it. The saving habit requires de­ termined cultivation, but when well rooted, grows fast. Its re­ wards are quick and certain You can start the saving habit any time at this bank. The best time is NOW. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $80,500, Tillamook County Bank TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS Keep your eye on the W R. C. . See the snake charmers, March 12-13. Coming ? March 12 13. Notices are posted calling for bide B. S, Clark, auctioneer. to carry mail on the star route be­ . pon't forget March 12-13. tween Tillamook and Cloverdale six Empty sacks wanted—Lamb- times a week. jching o Schrader Co. W. B. Powell has sold hie farm at Ichools a Prairie to Constantina and Registration continues to be sloxv South Konrod Peter, the consideration Tillamook in this county. being $13,100. iation fa- Get your Land Plaster at the Till- Those who have used methylene Feed Co. blue for cows in Tillamook County tor Bible „ , Safe deposit boxes for rent.—Til la- give most favorable reports. For ,mook County Bank. • sale at Clough's, i trainit! Born, on Tuesday, to the wife of A woman wants a position as as­ imilar cWarren Vaughn, a son. sistant cook or general house work Headquarters for auto livery.— in a private family. Apply at the Headlight office. Ed. Hadley, phone 11W. Housekeeping Rooms to Let at Young pigs for sale. Inquire of corner 6tli Avenue East and 9th St. fleers »niOm Price. Wilson river, Enquire on the premises or address jl be urg Ranch for Sale, terms reasonable, Mrs. M. A. Kinney. n S’“™“ -Apply to A. J. Stillwell. Pay your taxes by check. It’s an his A sk Born, on Saturday, to the wife of ' advantage to the tax collector as the mei'lbert Krake, a daughter. iwellastothe bank and yourself. * the c<® pence po8t8 for saje Apply to ( I Tillamook County Bank. Watt, Tillamook, Ore. j For sale, One Mare and 'Buggy rs : Sp<® before o Call up the Mutual Phone fora! |and Harness, and One Two Year , fot Jate at the Tillamook. Studio. | iOld Colt, Major Wetzel. Apply to I W. B. Powell, Tillamook, Ore. on of 1 The Board of County Commis- ! The County Court rejected all the ,ra ioners ia in session this week. . bids for roa J work owing to a slight ng hqu«e A marriage license was issued to | error in the proceedings, and they risii$. T. Dolan and Miss Hazel Wolfe. | are being re-advertised this week. n expt Priscilla club will meet Friday I E. B. Barthrop, owner of the toll f Brot fternoon with Mrs. C. H. Schultz. road at Dolph, was in the city on Wednesday, who told his side of e II Live chickens wanted at the Tilla- the foil road question to the editor. re, ■ ’ in »«ok West Company ’ s Market, 12c. >r, Protect your valuable papers from er pound. • the unexpected fire by renting one We are. in a position to make of our safe deposit boxes. Onlyone SUtllC®me long time farm loans. First dollar per year. Tillamook County , ationai Bank. Bank. * March I . „ i pay ^ea,n f°r Sale. Apply at The Singer Sewing Machine for • uua',e ®ed bnrn, one mile East of the sale on easy terms, at our home aj-s 7 ‘y —J. Warner. piano and music store, Tillamook, after For 60 days—two 7x11 enlarge Ore., A, Lineback, manager Both ients in beautiful folders for $1.(0 phones. I) a «H Monk’s Studio. • The Fairview Birthday Club will Born, on Sunday, to the wife of tm?et at the home of Miss Theresa lamft a son, which died Du.’rer, March 24, who will be as­ iam xtThursday evening. sex ; registered sire. Apply to T. * ----- 4Two Yearling Colts lor Sale, at a H. McCormack. R. F. D. No, 1, aaonable price. A ¡»ply to Guy If you have any painting or varn­ ^ittoon, Fleaiant Valley. ishing to do, please remember that ~0jWM^|Mrg Bros expect to build we have some paint and varnish that we are offering at extremely rherehonse on their water liont low prices. King A Smith Co. * operty in the near future. It has been the kick in it that lifts s'o hunting, fishing and^Tesaptiss I ticea can be obtained at the Head out the stumps or roots. Du Pont Stumping Powder costs you no ht office, printed on cloth more per box than other powders Vall^ ««per remenants, values but does more work, hence cheaper to äset«. « I double roll at a special to use. * ice of Bets Z. double icxi™ roll King * I Orders taken by Edwall, the ñtbC^ ) tailor, in Masonic Building, for X S*' k 8 baj' be given strictly high grade hosiery and un the thrift I Artisans at the Tilla- derwear manufactured by the well- «ok CMBnieri ial Club on T uettday, known World’s Star Mills, "The rch 17th kind that wears.’ r MMflR'S 1 I l rift -.■t ■ VARIETY STORE TiuunmooK. O regon rop in and book Around " 1914. W.R.C. ia wide-a-wake ! , Everybody’s going March 12 13. Your money’s worth, March 12-13. New song and jokes—March 12 13. J Wanted at Stillwell's, apprentices Dept.Gameand FisliWardenl.each for the millinery department, only turned loose 24 pairs Hungarian those need apply who are interested pheasants and 21 pair California in this line and desire a thorough Vaiiey quail on Frank Severance’s training under an expert milliner. place, east of town It i is unlaw- ti years, The United Artisans, to which ful to kill these birds for .ive their friends are invited, will give a He expects to receive shortly 23 basket social next Monday evening Reeves pheasants, 25 < Ilina pheas- at their new hall, which will be the ants and 25 bob white quail. first social feature in their new hall. Henry Plasker returned to the The baseball team will give a big city ou Wednesday from a trip to dance in the Opera House next Sat­ California, accompanied by lr's urday night. The proceeds will be bride and he is receiving congratu­ used to buy new uniforms for this lations and best wishes from his season. Everybody buy a ticket and many friends. The liapply couple were married on the 24th March at help the ball team along. Monterey, Cal. The bride was Miss Married, on Sunday, by Justice of Matilda Eisen, of that place, and a the Peace E. W. Stanley, at hie res­ young lady highly respected. Henry idence, Glenn Apsley to Mies Flor- wears a broad smile on his coun­ ance Donaldson. The young couple tenance since he became a Benedict. reside at Fairview, the bride being We extend our best wishes to the a daughter of C. E. Donaldson. happy couple. And invites the Public to call and make an William Maxwell was subpoenaed A serious accident happened to on the Federal grand jury, which is Lloyd Keyes, step son of Jeff Harns to convene in Portland next Mon­ on Thursday, He was home lielp- inspection of the room and its equipment. day. Thia comes at a bad time for ing on the farm and was carrying Mr. Maxwell, as his herd of cows a box containing five caps and fuse SAFETY SECURITY SERVICE. will be coming in fresh next week. with electric wire attached. It “ SceneB in the Union Depot” seems that he stooped over to pick drew a large audience at the Chris­ something- up and in some way the tian Church on Friday evening, and wires became connected which dis­ afforded a good evening’s amuse­ charged two of the caps, one cap ment. when thia play was present struck him in the breast and tore with many amusing characters well through the ribs and one of his lungs. Dr. Boals thinks he will carried out. pull through. The unfortunate A band of 14 Milk Goats for Sale. young man is about 19years of age. These animals are ideal for rough In the case of Herman Hanswirth I bushy pasture, give milk rich in casine, and their milk makes high vs. Robert T. Boals in which the eat price Swiss cheese. Haven’t plaintiff is suing for $5,000 damages, time to look after them E. E. Kep- the defendant has made answer to The remains were buried Sunday, the complaint. He alleges that the Masons having charge of the Notice to Milk Consumer?. ner, Springfield, Ore. plaintiff while operating and work­ funeral, a number of Masons from Our prices, in advance, 22c. Gal­ The Overland autos shipped in ing about a wood saw received a lon; quarts, in advance, 6c. ; pints, by A. K, Case are fine looking cars very severe cut upon liis left fore­ thia citv attending. in advance, 3 Vic. He says they are the best and arm. and the small bone, known as T illamook D airy . cheapest car on the market for the the ulna, was cut entirely through, The Way of the World. Mutual Phone. money, nnd he can prove it. TI oae which the defendant treated and of our citizens who contemplate did every thing to effect a cure. Here is the play to be offered by the purchasing a machine should see While defendant was treating the Dramatic Club at the Star Theatre 2 Mr, Case. injured limb, plaintiff did not follow nights, Thur, and Frl., March 5th and Grange will meet at Fairview the directions of the defendant by This giving the arm complete rest and 6th. "The Way of the World.” hall, March 12th,and a good program is being prepared, consisting of care, but engaged in certain sports, is a Comedy Diama in 4 acts. This discussions of county affaire, select bowling and other things and also play will make you laugh it will make readings, recitations and a drill by performed laborious work, all of you think. The equal of this play has Road Machinery for Sale Fairview primary school. Come I which aided and tended to prevent and hear the singing and see “ Her his arm from healing and getting a never been attempted here before. good union, for the bone had been This cast has been carefully selected to Uncle’s Boots,” by seven ladies. 3 Dump Carts. sawed in two. Another reason given 4 Fresnos. Just received, a new line of initial by the defendant was plaintiff was please you. 2 Rond Plows, CAST stationary and correspondence thrown from a buggy and violently Shovels, Picks, Saw. cards, all with full gold letters, the to the ground, which tended to re­ Dallas Aldrich, in love with Leta finest selection ever shown in the tard the recovery of the plaintiff. 1 - - - • John Aschim Enquire of E. J. Claussen, Tilla­ county. No extra chargee for your Defendant also stated that his ser­ Herbert Singerly, of N. Y. Stock mook, Oregon. initial on each sheet of writing vices were worth $100; and all that Exchange - - Car) Dawson i paper or op each, GailL Come in plaintiff paid was $20. Ephriam Mosher, owner of Mos­ and let us show you. At Clough'», “I know a certain man,” says reliable druggist. her’s Addition - B. J. McC'owell Bert Walker, in the Sentinel, “who Robert Carlson, a saloon keeper of poses as a good citizen. He breaks Mr. Kendricks, retired banker Nehalem, who was arrested for sell­ no laws, lives morally, pays his - - - - A. L. McCarthy ing liquor to intoxicated persons, honest debts and is never tangled “James,” Kendricks faithful was tried before Recorder Randle up in lawsuits. But lie lives of vallet - Jim Hiner last week,'and was fined $50. On the himself, by himself and for him- recommendation of County Attor­ I selt only. When a ca’l is issued Mrs. Mosher, beta's mother ney M. J. Gersoni the fine was sus­ for volunteers to take hold of the Harriet Walker pended, as be promised to be more car of progress and give a lift, lie Marion Kendricks, of the wo- careful in the future. never answers. When calamity has mens suffrage - ______ Berenice Lucas For Sale, 80 acres, 60 acres of over­ befallen people and charitable hu­ Leta Mosher, the heiress to Mos- flow Bottom Land, unimproved manity tlies to their rescue, he is her Addition - - Grace Holland Very little large timber. Very easily never one of the number. When cleared, on tide water. About 10 monfy is needed to gild the spire SYNOPSIS miles from the mouth of the Siletz of public enterprise, his name is Act I Mosher’s ranch at Denver. river. Small ocean going boats run | never on the list. When he sees by the place. No better soil in the 1 some neighbor stuck in the mud, lie Act II Kendrick’s residence outside In fact, Boston. Tillamook Vaiiey. Address owner, goes around to avoid. were he standing on the shore and Act III Interior of Kendrick's home. L. C. Mowrey, Siletz, Ore. , should observe the ship of state last The Kill Kare Klub met at the ' sinking in the surf never a life line Act IV Kendrick’s lawn. Stylish Shoes That Fit No waits. New and funny pictures, home of Mrs. Albert Plank Feb 19. would he throw. He didn t bore the The new book selected for reading hole in the side of the vessel that between the Acts. This is a great play ; Fashion's best models, sn extrsordlnsry wcnrin^ «lualitv, and. l*»l of all, s “About a maid in Japan,” proved ; lets in the water, so it is none of the best of them all. Admission 35cts. »upciUiive liiliug quality are embodied highly interesting, with the Klub! his concern what hap|>ens. But Children 25cts. Doors open 7:30. Cur- iu members desirous of hearing more were all mankind made of this kind tain rises 8:15. of it read. The hostess served a of clay, have you ever, thought dainty lunch, and all enjoyed a de what would happen ? There would Executor's Not e;, lightful afternoon. be no churches, no hospitals for Shoes for Women the sick, no institutions tor the un- In the County Court of the Ftate of Mat Casey died at the Tillamook Every normal foot enjoy« these «hoes fortunate nor rest rooms for the Oregon lor the County of Tillamook. Sinitaritim on Sunday. He had mil experts test every model upon nctual normal feet. Then, with been sick for several years and had weary. Civilization would roam in In the matter of the / jungles and the strongest would fin t in it»-f i ils nmi everlasting cau- estate of Matthew tried different treatments with the ti > i. they make up shoes that hold their Casey, deceased. ) hope of regaining his health, but rule He is not a good citizen but s’l I! <• in lriinitclv. For more than N otice is H ereby G iven ,— By without success, for he grew gradu­ gets mad if you say so.” thiil/ years, this desire to excel ha« giif cd iorusn national reputation for the undersigned, Dennis A Brown, ally worse. He suffered with chronic t criccl fit mid lasting wear. Executor of the Estate of Matthew liver trouble. The remains were *Tor women with sensitive feet,” we Casey, deceased, to the creditors reco nmend one of our specialties—the taken to Portland on Friday and Miles Warren Dead and to el! persons having claims they will be buried there. Dr. Edison Cushion Shoe Justice of the Peace Miles Warren, against said deceased, to exhibit Five county farn: assistants were them with the necessary vouchers In »it till n I t Ils corrK t styl*. th» la- recently appointed by Prof. If. T. long a resident of this county, died within six months from the first ».->!« <•< w.»;l frit male»« this "ths sssisst French, of the Oregon Agricultural at his home at Bay City Wednes­ publication of this notice to said shoo fur women." College, to have charge of demon­ day night of heart disease. He had Dennis A. Brown, at Tillamook U>l A D-e-> Ce. She« m e»U st II IS stration work in five of the twelve I. Ii.01. Dr. EeiiM CrnM.n Slwee era County Bank, in the City of Tilla­ pried el it.03, M SO »ad 15 00. counties that have made provision j been sick for some time, but none mook, County of Tillamook, State for maintaining them the coming of hie friends considered his con­ of Oregon. summer, and amongst the appoint­ dition serious'and he appeared on This notice is published by order ments is that of Roy C. Jones, who the streets of the city nearly every of the Honorable Homer Mason, will have charge of the demonstra­ Judge of the County Court within FOR SALE BY day until Tuesday. tion work in Tillamook county. and for the County of Tillamook. He retired about 11 o’clock. When State of (Iregon The February meeting of the Date of first publication, March Swastika Club was held at the home Mrs. Warren entered the room she 5th, 1911. Date of last publication, of Mrs. B. D. Lamar. It being the found him lying on the bed dead. annual business meeting, the fol­ JudgejWarren was a prominent fig­ April 2nd, 1914. D ennis A. B rown . lowing officers were elected for the ure in the history of this county. Executor of the catate of ensuing year : President. Mr». E. Matthew Casey, T. Haltom ; vice-president, Mrs He was born at Hillsdale, Mich. deceased. On reaching his Zella Harrison ; secretary. Mrs. R. March 4, 1843. B, Hays. The guests of the after­ majority he went to Atchison noon were : Mesdames Clough. County, Mo., and there married Crenshaw, Campbell and Brodhead Miss Eliza Hull. They moved to There wan a large attendance at Stockton, Cal , in 1847, where they the Christian Ihurch to hear the musical recital given by Mrs, E. E. resided for a short time, leaving Koch’s pupils Monday evening. there for Humbolt County, where They did exceedingly well and they resided sever years. While deserxe great credit, the audience there he was engaged in mining. being well pleased The (lerformers In 1882 he moved with Ilia family were Wanda Haltom, Pauline La­ mar, Ramona Haltom, EnosCurrey to Tillamook County and resided at the Mane Neilsen, Mieses Todd anil for a while at what was then called W.ieeler. Miss I)e Harr and Mr, and IKilchis, a short distance from the Mrs E. E. Koch present site of Bay City. He lisa Miss Kirkwood, who will have aince lived here and had been en­ entire charge of the millinery gaged in business until about aix department _ r__ at A. J. Stillwell’s, Popular Weave«, include Brown«, Gray« and Green« arrived in Tillamook the first of the months ago. when he retired. in mottled effect« ; Scotch Mixture«, Pin Stripenand lie is survived by a widow and week: Miss Kirkwood was with Hoffman in Portland, and other ' three sons : Harry E., Bay City ; Pencil Strijie«, with the «tapie Blue Serge« «till hold­ distinctive millinery stores. ' The Joseph IL, Astoria - Frank A., ing their own a« favorite« with well O «elect pattern«. calling to fnt constantly for several member of the Masons awl the seasons and from all indications