Tillamook Headlight February 26. 1014. T. BO ALS, M.D., PICTURES FOR THE DOGS. TRUNKS OF ELEPHANTS. Weekly Industrial Review. PHYSICIAN AND SUR g J Oregon development news in line , Surgeon S.P. Co. A Cinematograph 8how Only Interact­ of industries, payrolls and product« ed the Animala In Spota. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Elejibauts are Interesting because i of labor and enterprise. A moving picture show was recent­ 'Prepared by the State Bureau of they have such varied feelings, such a ly gtven in London to determine what Tillamook - effect a cinematograph picture had on wide range of Intelligent appreciation Industries and Statistics.) Doubtless this Is in part due to the ■ Salem. Ore., Feb. 21st.—During the intelligence of animals. A series of motion picture« was reeled off In jxiBBesslou In the trunk of an organ the past week the Supreme court 2 M. kerron ; a darkened room before an audience the development of which has itself has. decided against Labor Com- permitted development of brain power. of prize dugs. First some pictures of miesioner Hoff in his contention PHYSICIAN AND SlRGEf a dog show were run through. The Very great brain (lower could uot have that the eight hour law for public been developed us an uccompaulmeut dogs walked up and had a look at it works applied to all public employ ­ T illamook B lock and turned away, obviously bored and merely of hoofs; bands, however Im­ ment, such as police, firemen, state uninterested. Evidently the subject perfect, were necessary or something Tillamook else that would serve as a partial sub­ employes, etc. Ort was too familiar. The cane of Frank Stettler, pajier They woke up, however, when an stitute for bands. By watching a herd of elephants any box manufacturer at Portland, elephant came splashing into a pool m SARCHET, DOCKS : WAREHOUSE, of water and appeared to be walking one can speedily see the large range of against the Public Welfare Com­ 1 • The .Fashionable FRONT STREET, BETWEEN 2nd A 3rd AVENUE WEST. Into the room. A massive bulldog uses to which the trunk Is put and the mission was argued before the large range of needs and emotlous made a dash for the screen. With his highest court here, and in either Cleaning, Pressing and Rep* head up and ears pricked, he gut which It develojis and satisfies. Dur- case, will be appealed to the Su­ . Ing courtship the bull end cow caress ready to attack, and the whole audi­ preme court of the United States. a Specialty. ence barked and bayed In blood cur­ one another with their trunks. Ele­ A representative of Going and dling discord Pictures of birds also phants are very curious, and the trunks Store in Heins Photograph irritated them, but when other ani­ are used to test every object which Harvey of Marshfield has been mals were shown they quickly recog­ arouses their curiosity. The cow Is spending two weeks at Portland Gallery nized that they were not looking at constantly fondling and guiding the buying merchandise direct from the real thing and in a few seconds calf with her trunk. The trunk Is used the manufacturers, to eliminate to gather every species of food and to middlemen's profits and reduce H. GOYNE, quieted down completely. The general result of the experi­ draw water. It Is used to spurt dust the high cost of living. ment seemed to be that dogs do not or water over the body. It Is used to The Oregon Wcodenware Manu­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. understand still pictures, but that they test rotten and dangerous ground. It facturing Co. has an order for sixty so appreciate motion, though It very Is in constant use to try the wind carloads of buttertubs from the Dry Short Wood $2.00 Load Office: O pposite C ourt ft largely depends upou the nature of as to guard against the approach of Swift Packing Co. the thing moving.—Pearson's Weekly. any foe. Tilla mcok - ■ Or. The Made-in-Oregon movement As one watches the great beasts the trunks continually appear In the air received substantial encourage­ SALT A-PLENTY IN PERU. above them, uncurling, twisting, feel­ ment when 1,SCO,000 brick were used » J. CLAUSSEN, ing each breath of air Now and then in tfie Northwestern Bank Building A Natural Factory That Io Operated a great ear is flapped. Now and then LAWYER at Portland, 500,000 being the cream on an Automatic Plan. the weight of the body is slightly pressed face brick. DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT About a hundred miles north of shift«! from one colossal leg to nn Prairie City has a new flouring OWN YOUR HOME AND PAY FOR IT WITH Lima, near the town of Huacbo, is one other The huge beasts are rnrely en- 2’3 T illamook , B loch of the great curiosities of nature, a tlrely motionless for any length of mill operated by electricity grind- WHAT YOU ARE NOW PAYING FOR RENT Tillamook sal* factory on an automatic plan. time, Nor are they long silent, for ing thirty barrels a day beeides • Or When the tide comes in it Ulis a lot aside from subdued squeaks or growls feed. Let tis tell you you can accomplish this, Amity people voted down a city of shallow basins, and the water is and occasional shrill calls there are 1 J E. REEDY, D.V M., prevented from flowing back into the queer Internal rumblings. Their eyes waterworks proposition recently i "Z" o - cl É sea by closing the gates. The atmos are very bad. fjke the rhino, they can but the matter is to be brought up d phere is so dry that the water evapo­ only see as a very nearsighted tnan in a more practical way. .VETERINARY.* f< rates rapidly and leaves a sediment of sees. At a distance of eighty yards Central Point is considering a 8. salt in an almost pure state, which is or so. when In my dull colored hunting water system with a pump system Both Phones. And desire the aid of borowed money, we ask your scraped up, packed into sack« and clothes. I could walk slowly toward K shipped to market. them or shift my position without fear forcing 400 gallons per minute ' careful consideration of the advantages afforded by Tillamook O r through the mains. Within the coast a little farther the of discovery.—Theodore lioosevelt in our monthly instalment plan of loan rent. Only W. L. Chappell of Oakville will percolation of sea water through the Scribner's Magazine. G. McGEE, M D. establish an up to-date creamery at you pay it to your credit instead of the landlord. porous rocks into jilts and hollows has $1 Pl Medford. caused Immense deposits of salt to ac­ Tile Plan of our Loan is the very best afforded on the market PILGRIMS IN INDIA. m cumulate. The salt Is taken out in The Board of education are plan to-day. Can we not be of service to you like we have been to many i others in Tillamook City. blocks six or eight Inches square and They Travel Packed In Trains Like ning to add a first-class gymnasium PHYSICIAN & SURGÍ ac •old in that form. As soon as the and swimming tank to the Marsh ­ he ROLLIE W. WATSON, Loans. Insurance, Real Sardines In a Box. salt is excavated the water comes in Office : Next door to Si J Of course pilgrims In India usually field high school. Estate, Collections. again and In a year or two has solid! du The Farmers Manufacturing and travel third class, und the best of such TODD HOTEL. Both ’Phones fled and Is ready for the market. Theatre. Wells driven Into the Band disclose accommodations makes no provision Supply Co., of Bandon, are taking strongly imprégnât«! water at a depth for comfort. Most of the carriages are steps to establish a cheese factory. divided Into small cubicles, with long A fifty room annex to the St. of twenty Ave feet, which seems to be R. E. E, DANIELS, a great deal heavier than the sea wa­ narrow wooden benches running along Francis hotel at Albany is being ■ ter, and la drawn off into vats for the two sides There Is no convenience completed. CHIROPRACTOR. PL of any kind, mid the travelers are evaporation. The Eugene Fruit Growers As­ on packed Into ttie compartment like so sociation is extending contracts for Local Office in the Comme many sardines In a tin. Did 8he Keep Her Temper? Ou festive occasions, when Hindus larger acreage of vegetables for the Building. Mr Biles la a very hasty tempered journey by the hundred thousand to cannery. man, but be la also one who keejis bls the sacred spots. It Is a sight worth The Springfield planning mills TILLAMOOK - ORE promises to the very letter. Therefore traveling many miles to see n pilgrim are enlarging the box manufactur­ Mrs. B extracted from him a promise train bound for some shrine on the always to count twenty before he Ganges. When it sto|M at n wayside ing department to employ about R. L. E. HEWITT, speaks If he feels rage coming ujion station scores of Intending passengers twenty more hands OSTEOPATHIC . The Pythian lodge of Aurora is him Last Bunday he rushed into the try to force their way Into the already PHYSICIAN AND SURGE to erect a two-story brick block ICO back drawing room spluttering with closely pHcked third class carriages by OBSTETRICAL SPECIAU fury and red in the face. Mrs Biles battering down the locked doors or by 100, to cost $15,000. rose and laid a gentle baud on bis even endeavoring to crawl through the •Both Phons The Tidewater mill at Florence stammering lljis. windows over the heads and shoulders has been reconstructed and is pre­ Residence and Office in White Th "M Mary, 1-1-1”- of tlie occupants. The police use their paring to saw'$100.000 worth of logs Residence, “H iih I i , dear," said the sweet wo­ batons freely to drive the Invaders this spring. TILLAMOOK. I man. "Count twenty and conquer away, but usually a few nimiage to The St. Helens Creosoting Co. yourself, and I shall be more proud of evade the constables and secure n foot is tilling large orders of treated pil­ J~^R. ELMER you tbau If you had conquered the hold on the train ing and ties for Manilla and India. I world.” Sometimes the authorities are com A $20,000 central heating plant "Eighteen, nineteen, twenty”— ISu. i ,r to Dr. >har; polled to carry passengers In o|>eu "Now tell me, dear." trucks They plant themselves In the has been installed by the First •Yie DENTIST. “It’s that uew hat of yours that you bottom of these curs mid remain there, National Bank of Dallas paid U guineas for, and the new •erv» exposed to the Inclemencies of the Plans for a $30,000 high school Commercia! Building;, ant's gone out In, and it's raining hard weather. for ten. twenty, thirty, forty for the Fulton Park district Port­ —that's all."— London Express. its boors ut a stretch, one treading on the land, are to be ready by the middle toes of the other—fretful babies cry of March. Too Much Sts In Litsratur«. Ing. men and women grumbling—until J2) r - JACK OLSEN, The German Turnverein of Port­ Jove’ Llteruture la oversexed. If we were the end of the journey Is renebed.- land is completing a big club house to believe the tictionlsts and the play- Wlde World Magazine. er. 4< DENTIST. »nd gymnasium at a cost of about Wrights, sex Is the one morbid, absorb­ On $80,000. ing and exclusive topic of thought and Education and Suicide. (I. O. O. F Bldg.) een c conversation. It la a mlsrepreaeuta Growers in the vicinity of Sher­ me I The American Practitioner declares tlon of fact When God created man that suicide Increasea with education wood received more than $150,000 Tillamook - Oregon lie made him to the likeness of God and civilisation mid adds: "It lias been for their hops recently. ------- ------------------- . Jon Male and female, be created them said that the spread -if the alpha The new cannery erected at Salem , rd tl The revolt against the order of being bet Is coincident with that of self intir- T OILN LELAND iHENDB Y.. by Hunt Bros , of San Francisco and the blurring of natural and Inevi­ tier The savage rarely takes his own 'Chronic Constipation Cured. It is difficult to read all the Mexi ­ •'Five years ago 1 had the ■ worst table distinctions by a would be uew life In Italy. Kiissla nnunty AND In their big tight for a pure water knew of, and Chamberlain's Tab- that somebody is mistaken as to en la surely a melancholy sign of de­ fewest suicides on the continent of Two i ured me.” writes S F. Fish. what Judge Speer would call the < < >1 NSEI.LOR-A 1 LAffr ma cadence tmth intellectual and moral — Euro|s. occur, while In Frnnce and supply Pendleton peo|>le will next lets Brooklyn, Mich. For sale by I. S ‘‘true” facts. of From the Universe. Germany, where the p.-ople are more vote on n forty thousand dollar Lamar. I 1LLAM.IOK Bl K id cot A summary of official returns Tillamook ,- sensitive and refined and where the bond issue . . . dB Intaraatad. standard of education la higher, die BWork has begun on the first sec- I The Kentucky statesman who of the Novmber, 1913, elections, "How otie wishes for a return to percentage Is much Increased." Room No. 261 Red tu-n of th.- 1 ■ncific Highway from would regulate by law the amount I made by the New York Tribune, the good old times when all hooka Medford to Central' Point—concrete of cloth in a skirt overlooks regu­ shows the Democrats lost 100,000 were bound In full morocco or russia!” How the End Will Come. lating the material. with a granitoid surface. votes over November, 1912, the Re­ said a visitor at a famous library The professor of natural phenomena T. BOTTS, Marion county i« awakening from Soldiers wounded in Mexican bat­ publicans gained 200,000. and the "You're a collector, I can see.” said had acqulr«l a gasoline car. the sleep of ages and will vote on Progressives lost 450,000 tle« have quite a choice cf possible th« llbrariau, who was displaying bls "The day Is coming." be said to bls ATTORNEY-ATI.AW treasures class a few weeks later, “when the tire an 4850,01k) good roads bond issue. happenings. They may be left to Complete Set of Abstract "No, sir," replied the enthusiast. will sag and punctures pierce the In die, may be tackled by coyotes or Office. "I'm a leather merchant!"— Loudotr tier tube and the casing bllstcr-and John D. Rockefellow predicts an may be bayoneted by the enemy. Telegraph. then this old earth of ours will have a early spring Mr. Rockefellow is This adds somewhat to the hazards Taxes Paid for Non Res blowout that may shake the dog star not in the coal business. of war as conducted in modern T illamook B lock , SWM from Its kennel and hurl the dipper Well Described. Tillamook .... oJRMH The suspicion with which confes. times. “Those Chinese characters are pecul­ to kingdom comer—Cleveland Plain tOtMW •ions arc received upsets the old Both Phones. iar.” said the man who was Mandine Dealer. in front of a laundry theory that a man will not lie on •verag Impossible. ce for "Yea," replied hla friend. "Cbluese la himself. ce for Ex« - What ridiculous. Impossible the only language I know of that looks QARL HABERLACH There apjieurs to be something Havelt! of cli exactly like it sound*”— Washington things these fnshlon pin tea ar»! Mrs k. A Kxe—I know they used to be. hot to like an admission of a change in Star ATTORNEY-AT I AW. ■ ”"r, a day many of I hem are engraved from Mr W ilson's Mexican policy in all Its Routs. photograph«. Kie Well, this oneeaa’t of the dispatches from Washington T illamook B eock , "Why dou't you get some label« on t>e Here are two women going In op covering his conference on Monday k your sull caso to show wber« It's ixislte direction«, both with brand new with the Senate Committee on For­ Tillamook *. 1 boon'" gowns on and neither looking back •! eign Relation«. This ia so de- The Best Mediane Made Sfi —pawnbroker-» dou't furnish la the other - Boston Transcript cidedly in the nature of importent 'N ICdaeyind BladdwtouMes' KsuiMs’Clty Journal. news that it calls for comment. ...... ........... C. HAWK. I Psrsntsl Effort The dispatches agree in the state m ■ nglaad's B.g Min« Read. "What are you working so tard ment that, having tieeome "con- Tb« longest underground thorough­ forr PHYSICIAN AND St RG fare In Great Britain la lu central Der­ "I want to provide for my boy a fn vinced that the agitation in Eng byshire. where you can walk seven tore." rvt’lled Farmer CorntoeaM "I land and France for action by those Bay City mile« upon a road connecting several want to lay by enough wealth so ttat governments for protection of Ku- coal iu I iim I can leave Josh thia farm for « gvir ro|.enn interests in Mexico must bs cunr»«."-Washington Star. met by the United States with some ■ us.r»»» ef ■ Jury. action that will (one a conclusion QBORGE WILLETT Backache. Willie Paw. what I« • jury? Paw Education la all paint It low not of the present situation m Mexico. Rheumatism. -A body of men organised to And out • Iter the nature of the wood that is Mr. W ilson has decided that lifting Kidney« ud who baa the beat lawyer, my son.— ander It. It only Improve« Its appear ATTORNEY Ax..LAf CLOUGH’S ra of the emlmnro on tirtr« and ainmu VUM-timati Euquirur Bladder. • *w • llttl« -Stanhope. W RELIABLE DRUGGIST A nition the one step that can T illamook C omme hasten the downfall of Huerta. ■ i Sold by all diuggista. • • Tillamook . They Ssrvs Many Purposes and Taka i tha Place of Hands. IaflND PURSTER. LAMB-SCHRADER COMPANY Four Foot Fir Slabs $3.00 per Cord. Delivered. A. F. COATS LUMBER CO HOW If Want to Buy, Ox ZBviilcl a Hoxxxo, Ox a. Ivlcxtg'og'e. D FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS ’ » Take advantage w of the new Parcel S Post rates and B i have us send you A [,') Drugs or any- ■ ♦3 thing in our line, @ M mail order re- ... ceive the same at- ft) ceivethesameat- fi) ty M tention as you I <• k would personally [.{ and if any time ■; Xou receive any- |!l (•) thing which is V x not perfectly sat- W M isfactory we will V & gladly refundí» CT your money, or ■ exchange goods, n