Tillamook FAKED PAINTINGS Headliglit, February Delinquent Tax List of Last Half Payments 1913. PUZZLED THE DRIVER. I Summons 20, IÖ14. Notice to Creditors. I N otice is H ereby G iven ,— That Department No. 2 in Equity. Now Hs Belisvos tho Policeman Is a been ap­ Tliis advertised list of delinquent In the Circuit Court of the State of the undersigned lias X Real Mind Reader. Oregon for Tillamook County. pointed administrator of the estate taxes for the year of 1913, is iti pur­ IJ of Charles Hurke, deceased, by A certain truckman iu the habit of suance of an act of the State Legis­ Jackson Powell, — the County Court of Tillamook Plaintiff. I using the new Manhattan bridge on bis lature which is embodied in Chapter County, Oregon, anil all persons Imitations and Forgeries of the morning trip to Brooklyn has abandon­ 275 of the G eneral L aws of ihe vs ? having claims against said estate Aaron Sherman and I 1911 S ession . ed that route because el superstition. Works of Old Masters. are hereby notified and required to Jeunie I. Sherman, }■ Ths taxes on the following adver Several days ago while the truckman present same with proper vouch­ his wife and A. G, | real property, situated in j was taking a load of chicken crates to tised ers, duly verified, to the uader- Reynolds and Daieey I Tillamook County. Oregon, became ! signed n't the office of John Leland his wife, I SHARP TRICKS OF THE TRADE. Brooklyn a tine cap flopped down be- delinquent on Monday, October 7th, V. Reynolds, Henderson, in Tillamook City, Defendants. j fore him just as his team had passed 1913, and are subject to a penally of 1 i under the Manhattan tower. He look ten per cent, and interest at the To Aaron Sherman and Jennie I. [Oregon, within six months from the i Sherman, A. G. Reynolds and I date hereof. Spscialiat» who Are Real Artiete In ed around, and, seeing that none of tbe rate of 12 per cent per annum from Daisey V. Reynolds, defendants. j Dated January 29th. 1914. Showing Antique Effects—The Split I teamsters ahead of him or behind him Monday, April the 7tli, 1913, until j I n ths N ame of the S tate of M ary B urke , they shall have been paid, any day Panel Deception and an Ingenious i was bareheaded, be picked up the cap after the expiration of six months Administrator of the estate of . O regon : bis and put it under the cuslilou of Char!«» Burke, deceased. G reeting : —You, Aaron Sherman Swindling Scheme That Failed. with the problem buy ng Harness after the taxes charged against the seat. you will find it distinctly advanta­ following real property are delin­ and Jennie I. Sherman, husband Citation. ! and wife, A. G. Reynolds and In addition to a considerable mass of hail Now, it chanced that the cap geous to come and do your select quent, the Sheriff is authorized i I historical information concerning meth­ been blown from tbe head of one of upon demand of any person making i 1 Daiaey V. Reynolds, husband ami In the County Court of the State of ing here. You will get the beet j wife, defendants herein, are hereby qualities, the most thorough and ods employed In producing pictorial tbe engineers of tbe bridge department application, tn issue to them a cer­ Oregon for the County of Laue. conscientious workmanship and be works of art. M. Moreau-Vautbier's j who was high up in the tower at the tificate of delinquency, upon pay­ required to appear and answer the In the matter of the estate and j complaint filed herein against you, charged the most reasonable prices. 'Technique of Painting” presents much | time. On reaching the tower base he ment of taxes, penalty, interest and guardianship of Lola Lamb, i on or before tlie 2nd day of April, We can supply single or iloutd new and interesting matter concerning called up the policeman at the Brook- cost of advertising. Certificates of A.D., 1914, that being six (6) weeks a minor. Sets or any single article that you delinquency* shall bear interest To Preston Marolf, ILittie Marolf, devices of imitation picture faking— [ lyn approach on the telephone, describ- from may be iti need of. the date of issuance until re­ l from the first publication of this "trnquage.” ns the French art world l ed tbe teamster aud his wagon and deemed at the rate of fifteen per summons, and if you fail to appear Ethel Holden anil Artlmr Marolf, and to all whom it may concern, W.A, Williams & Cc. or answer, plaintitt will apply to the calls It— and systematic, deliberate. told how he had lost his cap. cent per annum. Court for the relief demanded in the greeting. Bkillful forgery that have In reccat As the long tile of trucks passed by I. —C H. Maginnis, S of Ne In the name of the State of Ore ­ complaint oti file herein to which 1 and N J of Se J. section years rendered extra hazardous tbe the policeman the latter baited the reference is hereby made a*id which gon, you are hereby cited und re­ 22, tp 1 north, range 9 west, purchase of auy picture by a recog­ thieving driver, saying: “I’ll trouble is made a part hereof, to-wit : for a quired to appear in the County Court containing 160 acres ............ $2.125 nized master who has joined the great you to hand over that cap you picked decree of thia Court for judgment of the State of Oregon, for the Coun­ — J. P. Maginnis, Se . ’ 4 of Nw 2. majority. up on tbe Manuatt»1" side. It's a black , against the said defendants Aaron ty of Lane, at the Court Room there­ 11, Ne *4 of Sw >4 and \V Vi of Many of these tricks require great and white check, and you've got it . Sherman, Jennie 1. Sherman and \ of. at Eugene, in the County ot Lane, Se i, section 25, tp 1 north, skill and knowledge—enough, in all right there under your seat." G. Reynolds and against each and on the 27th day of February, 1914. at range 9 west, containing 160 ten o’clock in the forenoon of that tr» m seeming, to enable tbe forgers to be­ Amazed and frightened at the cop's acres ........................................ 2& 25 all of you for the sum of two day, then and there to show cause, hundred seventy ($270) dollars, come recognized artists of the first demand, the driver pulled out his hid­ 3. — E F. Mareene, Sw i of Ne United States gold coin, witli in- if any you have, why an order of * • Ibi class. U, W 1/2 of Se J and Se J of \ den find aud tossed it to him. "Here terest at the rate of eight (8) per i sale should not be made authorizing milk.; If an old canvas can be found—and you are,’’ he said. “You're a mind Sw *4, section 8, tp 1 north, cent per annum from the 29th day and empowering the guardian of veraz» there are many thousands in Europe— range 10 west, containing said Lola Lamb, a minor, to sell the ill w the production of a Titian or Correggio reader or one of them guys what can 160 acres ................................. 28.00 of December, 1911 ; and for the following described real estate tie­ see around corners.”—New York Trib­ 4. —S. H. Rotherniel, Nw U of further sum of five and.25-100 ($5 25) milk.), or Veronese is easy. The worthless pic­ une. dollars for taxes paid on said land, longing to said minor and situated red. Nw 14, section 8, tp 3 north, with interest thereon at the rate of in the County of Tillamook, State of 22 J ture is painted over or cleared off or— range 7 west, containing 40 six (6) per cent per annum from the Oregon, to wit : acres ........................................ eese, 1 the latest fashion—provided with a 7. «5 MASSENET’S HOBBY. Beginning at a point 9.19 chains the 13th day of February, A.D., new canvas face on which a fine for­ 5. —Walburga Jacob, Sw *4, 1914 ; together with attorney’s fee East of the Northwest corner of see less Tract sold, section 15, I for », gery has been painted. $50 00 arid costs to be iotind due tion 32, township 1 South of range 9 tp 1 south, range 9 west, charmi Varnish tinted with bitumen gives I A Story of the Composer and His Dear West of the Willamette Meridian, Friend, the Bookbinder. containing 100 acres............ 32.20 herein, with interest thereon at and unt oí , appearance of age; licorice juice, nshes .running thence Southerly on the rate of six (6) per cent per an­ milk. Í steeped in water and lampblack are In the recollections of Massenet a 6. —Walburga Jacob, Ne i of num from date of payment by the the East line of the tract herein Nw Vi, section 22, tp 1 south, story is told, says the Hamburger allotted to Preston Marolf. 28.97 plaintiff herein ; and for the usual range 9 west, containing 40 vere fw used to Imitate the dirt of time. There Nachrichten, illustrating the compos­ chains to a point it.ill chains North decree for the sale of said premises, are specialists in fly stains, clumsy re- , acres. Tract No 222, section : dfd: or so much thereof as may be ne­ of the quarter section line ; thence 22, tp 1 south, range 9 west, any. ' touching designed to euiphasize age by er's passionate adnil **’tion for beauti­ cessary to pay’aaid judgment, with East 2.14 chains, thence north 28 97 ful bindings Not a week passed with ­ containing 20 acres ............ 71 40 contrast, and in signatures — a select i) ■ accrued costs, by the sheriff of the chains to a point 2.29 chains East of out a visit from him to bis bookbinder 7 — C. H. Maginnis, Sw !4, class, these latter, who call themselves b. it » said county according to law and the place of beginning, thenceWest section 14, tp 2 south, range when he brought a new book or a new or nu monogramists. the practice of this Court ; that the 2 20chaitis to the place of beginning, 9 west, containing 149 49-100 edition to be bound. In the course of to pay They know the manner of each great (1.28 acres, more or less. 13.47 proceeds of said sale may be ap­ containing acres ....................................... Witness, the Hon. llelmus W. ' w,i painter, the way lie signed his pictures time lie and his bookbiuder became the 8. — plied in payment of the amount Marie House, Se J, section due to the plaintiff, and that you, Thompson, Judge of the County and the place and color used. Some- best of friends, and when Massenet ar­ 10, tp 2 south, range 10 west, of the State of Oregon, for the times the name is cunningly concealed rived the talk was at first of every- containing 160 acres .. . .. 27.00 said defendants, and each and fill of Court you, and all persons claiming County of Lane, and the Seal of said 4 fttn" under a layer of dirt or paint so that thing on earth exeept the real object 9. —O. A Graham, E i of W J under you or either of you, sub­ Court hereto affixed, tins 23r.l day section 20, tp 3 south range tew f the buyer of this particular “old mas- of bls visit. 1914, 7 west, containing 160 acres. 3.45 sequent to the execution of the of January, “Look here!” Massenet would say »odtsi ter” may bnve the pleasure of discover­ [Seal | Attest: mortgaged sued on and agains eventually, giving the man the volume 10. —M. C. Aaron, S J of Sw i, ing It for himself. S. M. RUSSELL, Clerk. said premises, either as purchasers, section 5, tp 3 south, range e for I Tbe author gives the names of sev­ to be bound. 9 west containing 80 acres . 7.47 encumbrancers or otherwise, in­ .22 to eral painters who find a ready road to "Splendid!” replied the bookbinder, cluding the incohate dower interest Babies will grow and] while'[they Summons. 1913 n wealth In multiplying for foreign mar­ and then for bis customer and friend II. —Ixivina Ccates, lot 2. block 7, Garibaldi................ ......... 1.28 of you the said Daisey V. Reynolds, In the Circuit Court of the State tire growing, you should have them ory J ket) tbe Rousseaus, Dlazs, Corots. be would devise some fresh wonder in may be barred and foreclosed of all 12 —D. M. Smith, lot 2, block photographed often enough to keep es onk< Oregon for Tillamook County. Danblgneys and Courbets and the-like. the art of binding. 14, Bay City ............................ 1.43 right, claim or equity or redemp­ Department No 2, a record of each interesting* stage tion in the said premises and every One morning Massenet suddenly 13. —John McNerny, lot 4, block Without which no home of luxury is H. Wolter and Williel- i of their ehildlioeJ. You will prize 14, Bay City............................. 1.43 part thereof ; and that the said R. mina ?ami deemed complete. learned that his friend was giving up Wolter, Plaintiffs, | plaintiff may have judgment and 14. — M. B. Bozorth, lots 1 the collection of baby's pictures 1Jt .». UnOnbbed studies by famous artists business. He hurried to his shop. vs. > execution agaiust the [said defen ­ and 2, block 59, Central add. more and more as the'years go by William Frances Jones, Mot* •°,eing Grove, Mien. “I have spite the dealer's protestations. of Oregon, the place where Oregon, in the manner provided by Don’t You Believe it. my grandmother s busband, 1 am my suffered with pains in law, and the proceeds of such sale all by said suit is .low pending, When the traveler got home be took own grandfather — National Monthly. Some say that chronic constipa my back an Cough Remedy has been a needed anil 2d Ave. E. Z spend an evening with us. Lucas County. i B welcome guest in our home fat I qnlre In tbe realm of blgh priced art. Mrs. Greene—It's very kind of you, and Frank J Cheney makes oath that he is NOTICE for a number of years. I highly senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cl Cheney but ys>u must really excuse us. You recommend it to my fellows as be Co., doing busines*« in the City v c .,t To t •" > ABv*rt«ng Pays 100 Per Cent. NOTICE, is hereby given that the Ac s >. we're never been in the place be­ ing a medicine worthy of trial in ledo, County and State aforsai1 works like a charm. For 1914. il’’ sHtbottfe other " The County Court reserves the right WHISKEY "How did you come out of that deal colds and whoopiDg Cough it is ^^^0ht pass for passion In Boston, excellent." For sale by ill dealer-. to reject any and all bide. By order of fin Wall atr-etT' In 30 years Its equal hasn’t the County Court, each other with their eye | “I got several thousand dollars' teen found. J. C. Holden, ."—Washington Herald. I worth , of experience. But tbe price Safe for Bebie«, Effective for County Clerk. *»i; i . auuhl M ’ [on experience has gone away off. with TliLitiiofib-. ( )rw. Grown Ups. lt Must Be So. Buying to Save Money. no — •weans where tbe water is more have used Foley’s Hooey and Tar I inflamed surfaces, stops tickling item three mile« deep, ten where it ex Compound in my family and have | thri.st, harsh, rasping coughs. lope. feor. fsith-thrae make 1 c.»-d* four miles and four where tbe •old it in my store and it never | croup hoarseness, bronchial and ' fails to c;:rg." Refuse a substitute. these are Its signs and not* tra to rrls further than hie ruffes down. Ila grii»pe coughs. For sale by nil .Fur sale by all druggists. druFgtete. »cter — Robert Browning. d F Tillamook Baker’s Bread Sold at All Grocers A 15 Watt Mazda Lamp Made My Life Worth Living I YOÜH I. W. HARPER I ■