Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 26, 1914, Image 1

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__.„Every woman who handles money should have
a checking account.
It will put a safeguard about her funds and
aytematize her money transactions.
It will place at her disposal the advice of men
of training in financial affairs.
The bank has a special department for handling
the accounts of women, and its officers
and [employes give courteous and con­
siderate attention to their requirements.
1 lllamook County Bank.
A. S. Brodhead vs. Arthur J. ■
Carpenter, is a suit filed in the
circuit court to recover $375.00 on a
S, Clark, auctioneer.
wanted Lamb* promissory note.
ader Co.
Those who have used methylene
sp your eye on the Woman’s blue for cows in Tillamook County
give most favorable reports. For
■f Corps.
sale at Clough’s.
e deposit boxes for rent.—Tilla-
Pay your taxes by check. It’s an
t County Bank.
advantage to the tax collector as
adquarters for auto livery.—
well as to the bank and yourself.
Tadley, phone 11W.
Tillamook County Bank.
unK P*K« for sale. Inquire OÍ I
Mrs. H. T. Botts returned last
>rs Price, Wilson river,
week after visiting relatives in the
ice posta for sale. Apply to East for several months. She was
Watt, Tillamook, Ore.
accompanied by her niece.
■ ■ 11» up the Mutual Phone fora
Protect your valuable papers from
‘ L !al *he Tillamook Studio.
the unexpected fire by renting one
marriage license was issued to of our safe deposit boxes. Onlyone
ice Robinson and Effie M. Jordon, dollar per year. Tillamook County
e chickens wanted at the Tilla- Bank.
: Meat Company’s Market, 12c.
The Singer Sewing Machine for
- •
sale on easy terms, at our home
man's Relief Corpsjwill meet piano and music store, Tillamook,
- old I. O. O. F. hall Saturday Ore., A. Lineback, manager Both
tlintioon. -
A dance given on Saturday even­
Jfe t are iu a position to make
longtime farm loans. First ing at the Tillamook Commercial
Club by the Hose Company was a
nal Bank.
srtiT w*y> what is the Woman’s success, the fire fighters having a
'blf Corp going to do on the 12th full house.
3th March?
Judge Bennett, of The Dalles, a
00 days— two 7x11 enlarge- candidate for governor on the free
——• in beautiful folders for $1.00 trade Democratic side of the house,
rJlfa Studio
came in on Monday with Judge
Wm. Galloway.
.nr work does not suit you tell
The Star Theatre will give a bene­
it doea tell your friends. City
fit for the Military Band on Monday
5 ’’ifer Company
evening, as the band needs a little
Ring your chickens to the Tilla- money to help it out in a little
—i Meat Company's Market. We .' financial shortage.
ish 2c. per pound.
Dawson Bros, will meet all trains
nt to buy 21 good cows. fresh with bus, and will handle passen­
ming fresh soon. Write Neal gers and baggage to all parte of the
«r, Tillamook.
city. Call or phone at the Livery
Horsy and a 1 light wagon barn on 2nd Ave East.
afk**e ct>eaP-' Inquire of Chas.
Tango with the band boys at the
Commercial Club on Saturday, for
.rXO» OrP
ATS Webster Holmes came
that night the boys give a dance
it. Miday and left Wednesday in
to with band music. Tango, Tango,
lloHcourt at McMinnville
Tango, on Saturday.
e and lace edging, lc. per
Graded Jersey Calves for sale from
at LaaMr's Variety Store. tested cows as they freshen ; one-
P in and look around.”
half to three-fourth Jersey ; both
hunting. '^ahing andtri sspass sex ; registered sire. Apply to T.
sa can be obtained at the Head­ H. McCormack, R.F.D. No. 1,
er office, printed on cloth
If you have any painting or varn­
““"orney T. B. Handley returned ishing to do, please remember that
^¿California on Tuesday, where we have some paint and varnish
—-°ad been on a visit to his that we are offering at extremely
low prices. King & Smith Co. *
It has been the kick in it that lifts
11 paper ¿remenants, values
fficte. dfifftle roll at a special out the stumps or roots, Du Pont
of 8 ctn, double roll. King * Stumping Powder costs you no
1 Co. jl
more per box than other powders
Artteaaa have leaned the but does more work, hence cheaper
f part vf the Williams build- to use.
The A. F. Coats Lumber Co.’s
and ta converting it into a
saw mill, which was closed down
n T.
vs. E. H. Gary, for two weeks, resumed operations
the circuit court on Saturday, and it is expected that
tn. of $100 on a the mill will have a steady run
throughout the summer, with the
plainers running day and night.
Committee having '
Sale, , dahlia
500 parties at the
------ bulbs, 60c. dozen ;
b. will give another also a feed cutter nearly new ffl.00.
day evening.
* «Apply to D. Billing*».
>p in and book Around-*’
.If the person who exchanged a ladies had a delightful time to-
set of furs from the I. O. O. F, gether and the hostesses served a
lodge by mistake will return them dainty lunch.
to the Headlight office, they will
A K Ca8e hu8 8old seven Over­
confer a favor on the lady who has ]lind auto cars, to Mike Abpanalp,
lost hers.
John Erickson, Andrew Anderson.
The. military band will give a Royal Stillwell, C. I. Clough, Pete
dance on Saturday evening at the Heisel and J. II. Rosenberg. These
Tillamook Commercial Club and as machines are 35 hp. with electiric
it is to help the band out finan­ j lights and starters, five passenger,
cially it is hoped that the citizens nickel and black finished cars, the
' most serviceable and up-to-date
will patronize the dance.
Furniture for sale cheap, bed­ cars ever sold in Tillamook County.
B. F. Jones, of Roseburg, Ore.,
steads, springs and mattresses,
couch, treasure table, chairs, small who is a candidate at the primary
cook stove, oil heater, sewing ma­ election for Congressman for the
chine nearly new, etc Inquire at First District, was in the city on
Nolan house, corner of Fourth Ave. Wednesday making the acquain-
and 6th St. East.
tance of the people. The editor
The A. F. Coats Lumber Co. is made the acquaintance of Mr. Jones
making preparatians to erect a new some years ago at the annual meet­
fire proof dry kiln and shed. The ings of the Oregon Press Associa­
kiln is to be 22 ft. by 100 ft. to hold tion, Mr. Jones thinks his chances
four cars of lumber and the shed of landing the nomination are
will be 132 ft. by 40 ft., to be erected good
north of the present dry kiln.
With a warrant allowing him to
See and hear Josiah and Nancy seize adulterated cheese wherever
Potter at the Christian Church Fri­ it is found, Deputy United States
day night, also be on the look out Marshal Leonard Becker is search­
for Ma Snyder, Mrs. Hummer, Mrs. ing Portland for a shipment of al­
Larkin and Miss Piper. These are leged adulterated cheese from Pala­
a few of the characters among the tine, Ill , by the Lake Zurich Com­
pany. Twenty-eight 30-pound cases
many that will make you laugh.
Herman Hanswith vs. Robert T. were found Wednesday. The cheese
is branded ‘‘whey cheese.” Ac-
Boats, is a suit filed in the circuit
cording to the report of A. I..
court for damages the plaintiff
Knisely, it contains saccharine in­
claiming $5,000, it being alleged
stead of sugar, Fifty cases were
flat plaintiff, who had sustained a
shipped to Portland. The portion
broken arm, that the defendant,
seized is held in cold storage. Suit
who hid been employed to attend
has been tiled against the shippers.
to the injured limb, did not do so
County Judge Homer Mason in­
in a skillful manner.
forms us that he will not be a can­
Don't forget the play “Scenes in
didate at the primary election, as
the Union Depot” that is to be
he contemplates spending a large
given by the Ladies' Aid at the
amount of hie time next year in
Christian Church, Friday evening,
California with hie family.
Feb. 27th, at eight o’clock, p.m.
Mason has made a good county
There are many amusing scenes
judge and is entitled to a great deal
and expressions. Every body come.
of credit for the interest he took in
Admission, adults 25, children
road and bridge work He certainly
10 cents.
has done some good work for
A new tailoring and cleaning es­ the county. . He thinks that Mr.
tablishment was opened last week Hare will make a good county
by R. E. Winans in the building judge, as he is careful and econo­
previously occupied by the Tog- mical, and he retires from the race
gery. Mr. Winans is up-to-date in in his favor.
this kind of business and solicits
Olaf Jorgesen walked off the dock
the patronage of the citizens who
Nehalem on Monday night and
want nobby clothing and pressing I
was drowned. Charles Seaman fell
and cleaning done.
off at the same time but was able
Just received, a new line of initial to swim out. The tide was running
correspondence fast and no help was at hand. The
cards, all with full gold letters, the I body has not been recovered. The
finest selection ever shown in the man was a native of Denmark, 31
county. No extra charges for your years old and lias a sister living in
initial on each sheet of writing Nebraska. County Attorney Ger-
paper or on each card. Come in soni has decided to prosecute
and let us show you. At Clough's, Robert Carlson, a saloon-keeper for
reliable druggist.
selling beer to Olaf Jorgenson and
The Port .of Nehalem applied to companions while it is alleged they
Major Morrow for the use of the were intoxicated. H. Jorgenson
dredger at this port. It isjiroposed was later drowned and Carlson was
to use the ^dredge for the purpose arrested and released on his on re­
of snagging and clearing the chan­ cognizance.
nel in Nehalem bay. As the Port of
Died, at North Yakima, Wash.,
Tillamook had no money on hand on Sunday, Joseph
to opperate the dredge, it was de- I I father of Attorney A W. Severance
cided to allow the dredge to be and brother of Frank Severance.
taken to Nehalem,
Deceased was born at Carrol, Me.,
The Fairview Birthday Club met in 1832, and at the age of 25 went to
and was entertained at the home of St. Paul, and shortly after to Pierce
Mrs. Wm. Maxwell, Feb. 19. Mrs. | county, Wis. He was married to
Maxwell was assisted by Mrs. G. Lydia Weston and 12 children were
Tinnerstett. The afternoon was born to the union, only four of
spent in their regular work which whom survive. He en'isted in the
consisted of sewing and conversa­ 12th Wisconsin iu 1863 and served
tion, after which a gumptious lunch nnder Sherman. He came to Tilla­
was served, there being twenty mook 18 years ago and moved to
seven members present
North Yakima three years after,
P. H. Dencer, of Bend, Ore., where he has resided since. His
writes: “I understand that there four children A W. and Edward
are calves for sale in your vicinity, Severance and Mrs Myer and Ella
so please hand this letter to some Severance were with him when he
one that has them for sale. We died, all of whom reside in North
want from one to three car loads Yakima.
of calves about three months old
Would like to know the price and “The Way of The World.”
breed. We prefer short horns, Hol­
The Dramatic Club are working
stein and Gallaways.”
hard to get thia play in shape to
The Nehalem Commercial Club offer to the people in the near future.
Tuesday entertained the Wheeler The one now under way is very dif-
Commercial Club at a banquet. J. J. erent from any that the club has
Waters was toastmaster. President attempted in the past, and they all
Rowe, of the Wheeler organization, feel satisfied to work hard in order
spoke on the “Financial Outlook” to present this play in such a way
and County Attorney Gersoni on as to show the delicacy with which
“Road Bonding.” It is probable such playa must be handled. There
the commercial chib will submit a are some new faces in the cast in
resolution urging a road bond issue this | lay es)>ecially select'd for the
to the courts.
many different parte. Watch for
A wedding’took place on Tuesday the date. It will be offered at the
at the Allen House in this city, Star Theatre.
when Rev. D, A. Mac Kenzie, pastor
Later—The Way of The World
of the Presbyterian Church, united will be presented at the Star Thea­
in wedlock Mr. Chester Worthington tre two nights, Thursday and Fri­
of Cloverdale and Miss Merle Webb day. March 5 and 6. This is »great
of Sandlake. Both are estimable . play.
young people and the happy couple
have the beet wishes of their rela­ To Tbc Voters of Tillamook
tives and friends for their future
myself ar a
Mtedames H. Crenshaw and Ira I candidate for nomination
for the
Smith entertained a large number ' office of county surveyor, on the
of ladies at the home of the latter I Rebublican ticket
in this city on Saturday it was of) If nominated and elected 1 shall
all times endeavor to administer
national importance, for it was to at
the office with efficiency, accuracy
meet the presidents of the U.S . and
the only lady to reach the White)
House was Mrs. Haltom
Rons L SiikkVF..
The First National Bank
of Tillamook
Is Now Located in its NEW BANKING ROOM,
And invites the Public to call and make an
inspection of the room and its equipment.
I. O. O. F. Hall Dedicated.
Over 500 persons took part in the
dedication of the new I. O O. F.
Hall in this city on Tuesday, in the
new building recently erected by
the local lodge at a cost of $30,000,
which is one cf the new substantial
structures in Tillamook City. The
lodge room and other rooms are
amongst the finest in the state.
Large delegations of Odd Fellows
anil Rebekahs from all parts of
the county attended the dedication.
Circuit Judge W. Galloway, deputy
grand master of the Grand Lodge
of Oregon, conducted the dedicatory
service according to the ritual of
the order, assisted by Grand Mar­
shall R. T. Monk and Grand Her­
alds J. C. Holden, IL Crenshaw,
John Ascfilm and R. L Shreve,
which was nicely carried out
Appropriate addresses were made
by Judge Galloway and Attorney
H. T. Botts, after which a banquet
was served in the dining hall to
over 560 persons.
A great deal of credit is due the
committee who attended to the ar­
rangements especially to the Re­
Death of E. H. Virgel.
His duties were to look after the
property of the Mead estate, which
was being cared for by the bank.
After his connection with the bank
was severed Mr. Virgel devoted his
time to looking after his own inter­
ests. His estate is estimated to be
worth above $100,000.
Three years ago he was stricken
with paralysis. His recovery at the
time was considered impossible,
but he finally recovered from the
He had another attack
ubout a year ago, but it was not
serious. The message announcing
his death contained no details. He
is survived by his wife, Mrs. Car­
oline A. Virgel, 324 East Thirteenth
street North, Holladay Addition.
He has a brother in Maine and a
sister in Massnchuetts. He has no
children. The funeral will be ar­
ranged on the arrival of the body
from Woods, which is 32 miles from
Tillamook City Mr. Virgel passed
much time at Woods and became
much interested in’ good roads in
Tillamook County, especially in u
road leading to I’ortlund.—Oregon­
Piano Recital on Monday.
A piano recital will be siven by
the pupils of Mrs. Edwin E. Koch
nt the Christian Church on Monday
evening. They will be assisted by
Miss De Barr, violin and Mr. E. E.
Koch, cello. Following is the pro­
Second Duet . . Mrs, Crosby-Adams
Wanda Haltom.
Third Duet . Mrs. Crosby Adnms
Pauline Lamar.
First Waltz........................... Matthews
Ramona Haltom.
Fifth Duet.
Mrs Crosby Adnms.
Enos Currey.
March ......................................... Kimball
Marie Nielson.
Trio: Bercense-de Joeelyn .Goddard
Miss De Barr, Mr. and Mrs. Koch.
Hungarian Dance
Miss Todd.
Up-to-Date March (duet).. .Geibel
Denna Currey.
Spring Song .................. Mendelssohn
Miss Wheeler.
Carallina Rusticana ......... Mascagni
Clifford Jope.
Italian Overture ................. Rossini
Mias Todd’and Mrs. Koch.
Trio : Woodland Sketches. .Luders
Miss De Barr, Mr. and Mrs. Koch.
Programs can be obtained from the
students or at the Tillamook Drug
E. II. Virgel, a well-known
pioneer and capitalist of Borland,
died at Woods, Tillamook County,
Friday afternoon at 4 o’clock. His
death was unexpected, although he
was not in robust health. Mr. Vir­
gel started for Woods last Wednes­
day alone over the protest of his
wife, but he was in the best of
spirits and felt able to make the
trip. A message was received by
Mrs. Virgel, his wife, annoutn ing
the death of her husband, and she
started for Woods yesterday morn
ing, and will bring the body to
Portland for interment.
Mr. Virgel was a pioneer miner.
He was 85 years of age. He was
in California in the early 80s, where
he engaged in mining for several
years before coming to Oregon.
While prospecting on the Fraser
River with a partner he accidently
found a gold nugget, which was
the foundation of the fortune he ac­
cumulated. This nugget was the
second largest ever found on the
Pacific Const.
Under existing conditions there
He came to Portland in 1861. For
27 years he was employed by Ladd is greater temptation to rob a groc­
& Tilton, bankers and W. S. Ladd. ery store than a bank.
Here’s One Thing
Watch the paper« for,
Soon you shall see
What a jolly good time
For all it will he.
You Cannot Afford to Miss.
W< cannot write or tell you all,
But he on hand at the old Skating Hall.
MARCH 12 13, 1914.
Woman’s Relief Corps