Headlight February 19- sec 19. tp. 2 S.. range 10 W. Potter Chapin Realty to- 0 Arthur Louden, agreement. $600 00- Lot 27, blk. 32, Bayocean Park. I Fvva L. Swauk and J. D. Swank to Mrs. John Answorth. warranty deed. $10.60. I-ota i""1 1L 1,180 lot ’1 blk 15, Sandlake by the sea. Irma M. Vose to J'rs. Jonn Am.- Lota worth, warranty deed, $8CO.OO Lots 33 to 40 including blk. 7, Sandlake The Deestrict Shale.” The play, “The Deeatrict Skule, tri ven at the Guild House, drew a full house thia (Thursday) evening, which will be repeated Friday. The performance was a great hit, csus ing roars of laughter. Republican Candidates. How to Detect the Alum Baking Powder There does not appear to be many “Which are the alum baking powders^ persons who are anxious to run for Low can I avoid them unless they are named? county office«, and from present in dication there will be but few can­ asks a housekeeper. didates in the local primary elec Here is one way: take the can of a low- tiou on the Republican ticket, and priced powder in your hand and read the less on the Democratic ticket, for ingredient clause upon the back label. The voters are going to line up and vote with their respective parties. Judge law requires that if the powder contains alum Homer Mason will be a candidate that fact must be there stated. If you find for re election, who has made a good one of the ingredients named alum, or sul­ judge and taken considerable inter­ phate of aluminum, you have found an alum est in road building, he will rely on baling ponider. his record for support. We under­ stand that A. M. Hare, who made There is another and a better way. You an excellent assessor, has been ask don ’t have to know the names of the alum ed to run foT county judge in the powders. Use Royal Baking Powder only; primary election. He has the mat­ ter under consideration, as it came that assures you a cream of tartar powder, ua a surprise to him. Should Mr. and the purest and most healtliful baking Hare decide to run, this would, no powder beyond question. doubt, leave the race between Judge Mason und Mr. Hare. County Clerk J. C. Holden ia a candidate to suc­ ceed himself, having made good in that position, and we have not heard of anyone who intends to oppose Book " Y,” page 127-8, Jan 9, 1914, him. Sheriff Crenshaw ia desirous Real Estate, Etc,. Transfers. United States of America to of remaining in the sheriff's office, Philip M. Condit. Patent Nw Ji, For Tillamook County, Oregon, which he has filled with credit, but section 9, tp 3 north, range 9 west, Emmet Bales looms up in the hori­ for the week ending Feb. 18, 1914. 16U acre«. zon as an avowed candidate for the furnished by the Tillamook Title A The Elmore Purk Co to W D and sheriffalty. County Commissioner Abstract Co., John Leland Hender­ Grace A Wood. $16.00. lot 25, Farmer, one of the best good roads son, Secy. block 7, Elmore Park. Lawrence O Griffin by attorney I Roxanna Clester, Tracy M. Clester builder in the county, will be a can to()4 C R K Co, $400, to purchase |to Elizabeth Skerawetat. Wty Deed. didate. County Treasurer Bealsund County Surveyor Jackson,both good W V4 of W >/», sec 27, tp 2 S, range $150.00. Lot 19, block 4, Necarney officials, will also becandidates. For 8 W, 160 acres, $2 50. City. Chas Pearson to W F Hallowell, joint representative, the name of Myra L Shannon, James Shannon power of attorney, to apply to pur ­ Attorney T. B. Handley is mention­ to John R Osborn. Wty Deed, $1 chase 160 acres of O and C R R Co ed, who made good in the hist State Lot 40, block 63, Rockaway Beach. Legislature when he filled that posi Chas Pearson by attorney, to O A James W Hester, Eva M Heater, C R R Co, appu >400, N W i N E Ji H A Rumanian, Vadie Kinnamati tion. We have not heard whether Dr. Huwk is'desirous of holding N H N W '« S W Ji N W Ji see 21, to Shute Savings Bank, Hillsboro, tp 3 S, range 7 W, 160 acres, $2 50. Ore. Mtg, $2,000.00. 160 acres, Sw i down the coroner’s office. May F Drew to The Tillamook of Ne Ji, Se J4 of Nw M, Ne i Sw Ji Creamery, warranty deed, S 15 feet, Sammer Rates on Railroad. more or leBS, of lot 5, blk 4, Drew's and Nw i Se J4, section 18, tp 3 south, range 9. The following letter wan received addition. U.S.A, to John K. Leater. Patent. G E Aldon to W D Cone, infg, 79 27 acres more or less, Sw i of Sw on Thursday in answer to a com­ munication sent by the President $200, lot 4, blk 10, Fuller’s addition Ji, section 7 and Nw J of Nw 14, of the Tillamook Commercial Club to Bay City section 18, tp 1 south, range 9 west. Olive Travis to Tillamook Co in regard to summer beach rates. H D Shackelford to David Martiny. Mr. Fred C. Baker, President Till Bank, mtg, $.100. lots 10 mid 11, blk 1 Wty Deed $10. 80 acres in Sw J of umook Commercial Club, Tilla­ 11, Miller's addition to Tillamook : Sw J section 7, tp 1 south, range 9 mook, Oregon. City. west and Nw J of Nw i, section 18, M y D eas M k B aker , I have Mrs M Garrett by attorney, to _ tp j eou(i)t range 9 west. your letter of February 16th in re­ gard to Hummer beach rates to Till Eugenia Myers, warranty deed, , , loy(J c gmith to j „ Sinjthi umook City. firgt $000, 521-4 feet by 105 fret, Maple w1 00 (ieorge Watt an «niUuvit, N W v4, sec 29, tp 1 confronting us mid tliut we are l illamook City. N, range 6' W. perfectly justified in the action we F 1. Kelly to K C A N I. Ward, T B Potter Realty Co to Lillian propose taking the coming season »ssign mtg. $10.00. assign« mtg ex­ M Lake, warranty deed. $10, lot 3, Very truly yours, ecuted by Sidney E Helliwell unt 1 ' blk 55, Bayocean Park. J ohn M. S cott . w.fe to Clarence Hanneukratt for J’| Waomi E Reynold«, Frank Rey­ nold«. Alice E Anderson, Walter E The preaidant of the Chicago Hut­ $1,400. (XX E C and N I. Ward to Sidney | Anderson to Alfred Reynolds, Vir ter and Egg Board says that the ginia Bell Reynolds, warranty deed. vary bighe«! grade of butter ia aold Hellin, aaisfaction mtg R H Voae mid wife to E C mid $2300. S j of S W '4 of S W i sec 28, bv wholesaler« ut 27| cent« and ahould be «old by retailer« ut 32 L Ward mtg. >*»>. X h N K |. S 1 K tp 2 S, range 9 W, except | acre Ceuta, but becnu«e housewives de- i of N W i nn.l S W i of N E L 1 ,ec »old to School Diet No 12 Tillumcok Lodge No 94 I O O F maud it «nd will net tuke the MC- 10, tp 3 S, range 10 W. Fl C nml N L Ward to Allen Co- to Tillamook City, mtg, $2500. all ond grade—which, by tlie way, hr of lodge real estate in blk 4. Thay »• «n e>|>ert any« ia goral enough jwnhefer, a»»n mtg. $8tx>. Eli Stienium to Frank Alletider, er’s addition town of Lincoln. for un) body the retailer« put the W. II. Woodward to Mrs. C. W. price up higher. Thi« Mensa to di­ a««n mtg, $tXM'. John Pestertield and wife to Tom Isder, warranty deed, >4.00. Lota vide the re«|H>n«ibility between the Ktllow, warranty deed, $3tm S W 44 and 45, blk. 10 Rockaway Beach retailer who runa up Ilia price mid (•« of SEI and S K (4 of S W |, «cc Sebs Olds, Henry Olds, Geo Olds. the houaewite who let« him do it. I. tp 4 S. range 10 W, le»» 2 acres Pearl Olds -J t_ to ; Shiln Savings Bank •old to Geo Body felt mid les» 8 acres Hillaboro Un ----- ­ . mtg. »120004 K J Methodist Minister Recommends reserved mid all that part ol the of g. K *4. «ec. 10 and W. J4 of S. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. W | of S K ) of S K j, sec 1, tp 4 S, I W. I4, sec, II, tp, 2 S.. range 9 W., ’ , - Milnes, range 10 W. lying 011 the W • ide Rci -James v^.L'ula 142.51 acre». __ inheritin'» inw, . widç»; V ’vhnm Ciugli Remedy b«« Ixen a needed of county road, less Ij acres sold to mir b R Miami Lumber Co. to P. R. a ami welcome guest in our home James Bodyfelt, containing S* N. Co.. agreement. $1 00 19. TH acres sere« more or less fut a nituilwr ad years I highly of bank and tide land in sec«. 27 and recommend it to my fellows as l>e Tom Kellow to W (i Dwight, war­ 28 tp. I N. range 10 W. ing « medicine worthy of trial in ranty deed. $1■ «nd K. ¡ i oí of S, _ R recorded j »ec. ls N u( N K vt dons. For «ale t> all dealers married. tor by the sea. I T B. Potter Realty Co. to Esther . Maloney, warranty deed, $10.4*4 I Lots 20 and 21, blk. 66, Bayocean I Park. .. T. B. Potter Realty Co. to Mrs. M. i Stenernagel, warranty deed, $10.00. Lot 27, blk. '4. Bayocean Park. Josephine Gage and W.A. Gage to School Diet. No. 42, warranty deed $33’i. ' i acres more or less in N. E corner, N. W. H of S. W. 'i, sec. 33, tp. 4 S. range 19 W. Marion Doty and Bettie Doty to School District No. 42. W.D. $50.00 A piece of laud in the Se corner of lot 2, section 33, tp 4 south, range 10 west. C J. Crook and Lottie L. Crook toE. G. Anderson and Ida Anderson. \\ ty Deed. $1- J acre more of less in Sw i, section 7, tp 3 south, range 9 west. Adinr. of Estate to J W Hellen- brand. Probate proceedings of the estate of Wallace Yates, deceased, by the county court of Polk county, Oregon. 5 acres of north end of lot 25, section 6, tp 5 south, range 10 west, J W Hellenbrand. Consid. $250.00. Otto W Nelson to Margaret E. Vessey and F E Melvin. Part Rel. of Mtg. $30.00. Lots “ B” 16 and 17, block 15, Sand Lake-by-the-Sea. Miller Murdock to Margaret E Vessey A F E Melvin. Part Rel. Releases lots 33 to 40 inclu, block 7, Sand Lake-by-the-Sea II. A. Brooks to E. S. Snelling, mtg.. $175 00. Lots 7 and 8, blk. 10, Park addition to Tillamook City. L. S. Johnson to C. E. McAlpin, chattel mtg., $100 00. Horses, etc. I.. S. Johnson to C. E. McAlpin, chattel mtg., $100.00. Cows, etc. United States of America to New­ ton O. Davidson, patent, cash. W. J. S. E. 'A, S. E. M of S. E i and N, E. J4 of S. W. Ji, sec. 2, tp. 2 S., range 9 W, 160 acres. United States to Newton O Dav-, idson, patent, cash, 160 acres, N E Ji sec 22, tp 2 N, range.10 W. Joseph Patrlz to Leona Currey, warranty deed, $10.00, S W 'i of S W Ji of sec 17, tp 1 S, range 9 W. E P Currey and Leona Currey to Sollie Smith, warranty deed,lot 4, blk 1, H F Goodspeed’s addition to Till­ amook Citv. $10. Don’t You Believe it. Some say that chronic constipa­ tion cannot be cured. Don’t you believe it. Chamberlain’s Tablets have cured others—why not you? Give them a trial. They cost only a quarter. For sale by all dealers, Successful Everywhere. People everywhere are talking of the quick and tine results Foley Kidney’ Pills give in backache, rheumatism, kidney and bladder troubles. You can not take them into your system without good re­ sults. That is because Foley Kid­ ney Pills give to the kidneys and bladder just whut nature calls for to heal these weakened and inactive organs. For sale by all druggists. F of Take advantage Ê the new Parcel üflfiO PLASTER LA M B-SCHRADER COM PA N Y. DOCKS ; WAREHOUSE, FRONT STREET, BETWEEN 2nd A 3rd AVENUE WEST. It Four Foot Fir Slabs it $3.00 per Cord n Delivered. Dry Short Wood $2.00 Load. A. F. COATS LUMBER CO. “SAFETY FIRST” OUR MOTTO ON SHASTA ROUTE TRAINS. OF THE a s. ■pi ■G ■ s The Exposition Line—1915 H e< tC ad- Ta un And now is the time to see California; to I've outdoors Pi and enjoy the sunshine, flowers and summer sports. It >cg 13 blip juu is a a trip you baniiub cannot anuiu afford to iiuoo miss iu Q mm THREE FINE TRAINS DAIU:” 3 including Shasta Limited THE train of modern_[service with all steel up-to-the-minute equipment. ec ;M THE CALIFORNIA AND SAN FRANCISCO EXPRESS Trains with Standard, Tourist and Chair Cars and dining OU service that will please. UM s ol Call on nearest S. P. Agent and let him outlint-m trip, quote fares and furnish outing literature!iu California’s famous resorts. John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------—-«ii ____________________________________ > OWN YOUR HOME AND PAY FOR TT WHAT YOU ARE NOW PAYING FOR E5w ------------------------- - ------------------------------------------- -- Let us tell you HOW you can accomplishfc. nt If “Z" ovl “^77‘a.rxt to JSxxsr, mit Ox ZB vli I g L a, Home, •er. H Post rates and I M W have us send you i Ox ZSepei-y a, n\zZcxt_ I'i Drugs or any-' And desire the aid of borowed money, we ask® M tninj thing in our line, j careful consideration of the advantages affoit {{) mail 1 order re­ our monthly instalment plan of loan rent, indi X ceive the same at- I you pay it to your credit instead of the landlord landlor-coy til v uuc ocv U tention as The Plan of our Loan is the very best afforded on tbtlM day. Can we not be of service to you like we have bi-eotqH would personally | to others in Tillamook City. . and if any time ROLLIB W. WATSON, Loans. Insurance.^ you receive any- Estate, Collections. *• c U thing which is TODD HOTEL. Both 'Phones offi >• not perfectly sat- "orn y isfactory we will £ gladly refund IU your money, or exchange goods, 8) at 4----------- ---------- I Ford CLOUGH’S (!) UNIVERSAL CAR RELIABLE DRUGGIST. It Because Better Cai I f 7 Model Touring f o.b. Detroit. FOLEYS HONEY TAR, For Coughs and Colds Sold by all druggists.