Tillamook: Headlight February I9. 1014, Complaint About Assessment. Lincoln Given Honor. Packers Rule in Meat Summons Notice 3 Department No. •> 2 in Equity. We have received a letter from Notice is hereby given that we "Packers have so firm a grasp on In the The Lincoln memorial celebration Circuit Court of the State of will not be responsible for the I MN '■* Ernest Beelitz, probably written by held in th« Christian church last retail meat dealers that the retail­ Í*. Co. Oregon for Tillamook Cou uty. following policies numbered 2i>241 < -• another person, which he requested à Thursday evening by the Woman’s ers fear to buy beef raised bj- farm­ Jackson Powell, Bldg. I and 20242 from our Tillamook Ore­ IQ the editor to publish. As the letter Relief Corps offered a pleasing pro­ ers," declared Ezra Tuttle, an East­ Plaintiff,. gon Agency, which are lost or mis­ vs placed and unaccounted for, and indulges in personalities, threats gram to the large number of people port farmer, before the New York Aaron Sherman and all liability thereunder, if any, is and insinuations, we decline to in attendance. State Agricultural Society. Jennie I. Sherman, • herewith detiyed the holder or publish it for the reason that it is his wife and A. G. His remark was occasioned by an The meeting opened with the holders thereof from this date. not a fair way to discuss assess­ singing of “ The Star Spangled urgent appeal from James H. Wads­ Reynolds and Daisey Dateil at Tillamook, Oregon, V. Reynolds, his wife, Feb. 2nd, 1914 ment of farm lands. The burden Banner” by the audience. After worth, Jr, former speaker of the Defendants. Signed, of Mr. Beelitz’s letter is that the this a number of vocal and instru­ Legislature, to the small farmer to To Aaron Sherman and Jennie I. 'VRGi G ermania F ire I nsurance C o . assessor increased the assessment mental pieces were furnished by raise beef for the market. Sherman, A. G. Reynolds and of N.Y., on bis farm $1250, which he was Mrs. A. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Koch Daisey V. Reynolds, defendants, By P er I. ee W elty , Special Agent. B loc ¿ "It requires 152 pounds of beef Care of A. 11. B irreli . C o . notf«ware of until he went to the and Miss De Bar. Leland Erwin and per capita to feed the people of this I n ths N ame of the S tate of O regon : Portland, Oregon. tax collector to pay his taxe^. He a male quartet. country,” Wadsworth said, "The GREETING:—You, Aaron Sherman with the problem of buy ng Harness thought he was greviously ini- Recitations were given by Misses Western ranges are passing ami we and Jennie I. Sherman, husband you will find it distinctly advanta­ Notice to Creditors. posed upon and went to the county Alice Perry, Dollie Wingrove. Vera must find a new source of supply and wife, A. G. Reynolds and geous to come and do your select ic cabli I court and asked that the assess­ Rogers, Mrs. Stanley and Billie The small farmer, and especially Daisey V. Reynolds, husband and N otice is H ereby G iven -,—That ing here. You will get the best wife, defendants herein, are hereby been up-1 qualities, the most thorough and ment be reduced, which it refused Stillwell, Mrs. Hart read "Lincoln's the dairyman, is the man to take up wne. uetenilants herein are hereby the undersigned has required to appearand answer the pointed administrator of the estate conscientious workmanship ami be to do. For the information of Mr. this work. ” Gettysburg address ” in a pleasing complaint hied herein against you, |of Charles Burke, deceased, by. charged the most reasonable prices. and Re; Beelitz, the law does not require the manner. Mrs. Jope delivered a "I favor the plan." Mr. Tuttle ?*'* 'tv Court of Tillamook We can supply single or doubl lty. | >1 cm assessor to notify taxpayers of any very interesting address on the said, "blit the question will be how A.D., 1911, that being six (0) weeks County, K Oregon, and all persons Sets or any single article that you from the first publication of this having „ — claims I .:—.< against eaid estate may be in need of, changes in valuation except through nations and their great heroes, the small raiser can market his summons, and if you fail to appear are hereby notified and required to lutogra; the Board of Equalization. landing Lincoln as one of the great stock at a fair price. Dealers will or answer, plaintiff will apply to the present same, with proper vouch W,A, Williams* Cc. We have made an investigation heroes of our own nation. The not buy home-grown beet through Court for the relief demanded in the ere, duly verified, to the under- complaint on file herein to which signed at the office of John Leland -------- J to ascertain the facts in this feature of the evening were a short fear that packers will later refuse reference is hereby made a id which Henderson, in Tillamook City. particular instance. We find that personal were a reminiscence given them a supply.” is made a part hereof, to-wit : for a Oregon, within six months from the Mr. Be elitz owns 162 acres on the by Mr, Frank Severance, who had decree of this Court for judgment date hereof. Miami river. On the assessment often seen and heard Mr. Lincoln, Delinquent Tax List of Last Half against the said defendants Aaron Dated January 29th, 1014. Sherman, Jennie I. Sherman and A Payments, 1913. I LAK roll of 1912 his land was assessed and the booster cards with printed M ary B urke , G. Reynolds and against each and Administrator of the estate of at $13.C0 per acre, while six of his program designed by Rev. Jope This advertised list of delinquent all of you for the sum of two . Charles Burke, deceased. :ounr neighbors were assessed at from Colored slide of the hymn taxes for the year of 1913, ia in pur­ hundred seventy ($270) dollars, l ’ nited States gold coin, with in ­ suance of an act of the State Legis ­ $18.00 to $68 00 per acre. (In the "America" furnished by the mana­ Citation. lature which is embodied in Chapter terest at the rate of eight (8) per 1913 assessment roll Mr. Beelitz was ger of the Gem theatre and thrown 275 of the G eneral L aws of the cent per annum from the 29th day In the County Court of the State of assessed at $20 06 per acre, while on the screen by Clifford Jope, 1911 S ession . of December, 1911 ; and for the Oregon for the Count) of Lane. The taxes on the following adver further sum of five and.25-100 ($5 25) In the matter of the estate and his six neighbors were assessed: while the audience sang the song guardianship ot Lola Lamb, One at $21. two at $31, one at $34. concluded the program, and the tised real property, situated in dollars for taxes paid on said land, a minor. Tillamook County, Oregon, became with interest thereon at the rate of one St $45 and the highest at $78 ladies of the W.R.C. wish to thank delinquent on Monday, October 7tli, six (6) per cent pet- annum from the To Preston Marolf. Hattie Marolf, per sere. Mr. Beelitz made a state­ all those who so kindlj- helped to 1913, and are subject to a penalty of the 13th day- of February, A.D., Ethel Holden and Arthur Marolf, ten per cent, and interest at the 1914 ; together with attorney's fee and to till whom it may concern, ment before the county court that make it the success it was. rate of 12 per cent per annum from $50.00 and costs to be found due grec'.in g. he had’refused an offer of $10,000 Monday, April the 7th, 1913, until herein, with interest thereon at In the name of the State of Ore­ for his place. This he also told the they shall have been paid, any day the rate of six (6) per cent per an­ gon, you are hereby cited and re­ Another Crying Evil. editor. He also states that lie has after the expiration of six months num from date of payment by the quired to appear in the t ouuty Court A crusade is being waged by Dr. after the taxes charged against the plaintiff herein ; and for the usual of the State of Oregon, for the Coun­ T $5,000 worth of timber, and a neigh decree for the sale of said premises, ty of Lane, at the Court Room there­ bor, desirous of buying 10 acres of T. H. McClintock of the New York following real property are delin­ or so much thereof as may be ne­ of, at Eugene, in the County of Lane, quent, the Sheriff is authorized Hospital against another evil that is the bottom land for pasture, Mr. ARY.1 upon demand of any person making cessary to pay’said judgment, with on the 27th day of Febraary, 1914, at Beelitz asked $300 per acre. He in­ said to be sapping the vitality of the application, to issue to them a cer­ accrued costs, by the sheriff of the ten o'clock in the forenoon of that ores. forms us, notwithstanding the republic. In the Medical Times the tificate of delinquency, upon pay­ said county according to law and day, then and there to show cause, ment of taxes, penalty, interest and the practice of this Court ; that the if any you have, why an order of above facts, that the place should doctor, with a formidable array of cost of advertising. Certificates of proceeds of said sale may be ap­ sale should not be made authorizing not ,be assessed for more than statistics and scientific argument, at­ lelinquencys shall bear interest plied in payment of the amount and empowering the guardian of ------ I $3,000. His taxes last year on land tacks the insidious habit of chew­ from the date of issuance until re­ due to the plaintiff, and that you, said Lola l.amb, a minor, to sell the E, M tâ were $64.13 and this year on land ing gum. He does not assail it on deemed at the rate of fifteen per said defendants, and each ami all of following described real estate be­ cent per annum. you, and all persons claiming longing to said minor and situated they are $103 26, but he fails to take the ground that it brings an ab­ 1. —C H. Maginnis, S Vi of Ne under you or either of you. sub in the County of Tillamook, State of into consideration that the State and normal development of the muscles sequent to the execution of the Oregon, to-wit : i and N J of Se i. section mortgaged sued on and again« SUR County and special levies are higher of the jaw or that it injures the eyes 22, tp 1 north, range 9 west, Beginning at a point 9.10 chains containing 160 acres............. $2.125 said premises, either as purchasers, East of the Northwest corner of see Such charges than last year. As the assessor will —of the chewers. 2. — J. P. Maginnis, Se of Nw encumbrancers or otherwise, in ­ tion 32, township 1 South of range 9 ,oor to have to assess property at its full have been made in the past with­ 14, Ne '/* of Sw H and W ’A of cluding the incohate dower interest West of the Willamette Meridian, Babies will grow and while^they value this year, and as Mr. Beelitz out effect. The chewing of gum has Se i, section 25, tp 1 north, of you the said Daisey V. Reynolds, and running thence Southerly on are growing, you should have them re. range 9 west, containing 160 may be barred and foreclosed of all the East line of the- tract herein was offered $10,000 for the farm, the persisted until the market value of acres .......................................... 26.25 right, claim or equity or redemp­ allotted to Preston Marolf, 28.97 photographed often enough to keep - assessor will have to assess it at chewing gum sold each year in the 3. —E F. Marcene, Sw i of Ne tion in the said premises and every chains to a point 11.61 chains North a record of each interesting stage that figure, and with the same levy L'nited States reaches the stupend­ 14, W 14 of Se i and Se i of part thereof ; and that the said of the quarter section line ; thence of their childhood. You will prize ELS, This is as this year, Mr. Beelitz's taxes will ous sum of $31,000,000. Sw 14, section 8, tp 1 north, plaintiff may have judgment and East 2.14 chains, thence north 28 97 the collection of baby’s pictures $9,003,000 more than the federal ap ­ range 10 west, containing execution against the fsaid defen­ chains to ti point 2.20 chains East of tCTOR be increased to $280 00. Mr. Beelitz more and more as the'yenrs go by is io the same predicament as a propriation for highways which 4. 160 acres .................... .............. 28.00 dants Aaron Sherman and his wife the place of beginning, thenceWest Monk’s Studio. — S. H. Rothermel, Nw 14 of Jennie I. Sherman and A. G. Key- 2 20 chains to the place of beginning, e Conn large number of persons who own Gov. Major insists that every- repre­ Nw 14, section 8, tp 3 north, nolds and each of you, for any containing 0.28 acres, more or less. farms, for having listed or bought sentative and senator who would range 7 west, containing 40 deficiency which may remain after Witness, the Hon. lleliniis W. K- acres................. ...................... 7.75 applying all the proceeds of the Thompson, Judge of the County their property at high valuations, retain their tenure of office must 5. — Walburga Jacob, Sw sale of said premises properly ap support. It would build a battle Court of the State of Oregon, for the 01 they will have to give the assessor less Tract sold, section 15, plicable to the satisfaction of said County of Lane, an<| the Seal of said those figures or commit perjury ship, several submarines and some tp 1 south, range 9 west, judgment ; that the plaintiff, or any Court hereto affixed, this 23rd day when they say their farms are only tenders. containing 100 acres............. 32.20 other parties to this suit may be­ of January, 1911. ITT, But Dr. McClintock does tint 6. —Walburga Jacob, Ne } of come purchaser or purchasers at worth half what they have been of­ |S?al| Attest: ITHIC Nw 14, section 22, tp 1 south, said sale ; that the Sheriff of Tilla stress the financial aspect of the S. M. R ussell , Clerk. fered ,for them. It seems to us that range 9 west, containing 40 niook County execute and deliver to ) SV».. Mr. Beelitz furnished the county of subject. He takes issue with the acres. Tract No. 222, section the purchaser or purchasers, pro SPEC. Summons claim that chewing gum aids diges ­ 22, tp 1 south, range 9 west, per certificates of sale for said | ficials with the best kind of evidence h Pho: > Ito assess his farm for $10,000, for tion. He admits that it stimulates containing 20 acres............. 71 40 premises, and after the period' for In the Circuit Court of the State of 7 —C. H. Maginnis, Sw 14, redemption required by law, that Oregon for Tillamook County. »ini' the osly way to ascertain the value the secretion of saliva, but argues section 14, tp 2 south, range he execute the necessary Sheriff’s Department No 2, that the saliva is not needed in ice, of farms is what persons are will­ 9 west, containing 149 49-100 deed or deed therefor ; that thr R. IL Wolter ami Williel-| '1' ii . lamook E lectric L ight ani » OBH ing to pay for them and those be­ digestion at the exact time when acres ......................................... 13.47 purchaser or purchasers at said .F uel C ompany mina Wolter, Plaintiffs, i sale may be let into the immediate I ing Bold at inflated figures with the gum is usually chewed. But 8 —Marie House, Se i. section W ill S i - alihng , Manager. , v,‘ > 10, tp 2 south, range 10 west, possession of the premises herein ; William France.» chewing gum is not merely useless, Jones, LEX notes and mortgages. containing 160 acres ........... 27.00 and that the plaintiff may have 1 »efendant. J Ao Mr. Beelitz's land ia only as- in his opinion, but positively bane­ 9—O. A Graham, E J of W i such other and further relief in the To William Frances Jones, the section 20, tp 3 south range premises as to said Court may Sh*. aeçaed at $20 per acre, he, surely ful, since the gum itself is purified defendant above named 7 west, containing 160 acres. 3.43 seem meet with equity and good I n the N ame of the S tate of has no grounds upon which to of all impurities, which impurities ST. 10. —M. C. Aaron, S i of Sw J, conscience, are swallowed by the chewers. As O regon , you are hereby required complain ; in fact, by talking too section 5, tp 3 south, range This summons will i»e served on to appear and answer the complaint ag. I: much it acts like a boomcrag on soon as the gum is thoroughly 9 west containing 80 acres you by publication thereof for not filed against you in the above en purified it is thrown away, so no 11. —Lavina Coates, lot 2, block less than six successive weeks in titled cause anil Court within six him. ________________ good has been accomplished. That 7, Garibaldi............................... the "Tillamook Headlight, "a news­ weeks fre ill the date of the first pub­ “I feel it my duty to tell others what paper of general circulation lication of this summons tu-wit: Chamberlain's Tablets have done for there are impurities Dr McClintock 12—D. M. Smith, lot 2, block ... Re-Electing a Partisan. 14. Bay City ... ...................... 1.43 published in the Citv of Tilla within six weeks from the 29th day writes Mrs. L. _ Dunlap, unlup, of Oak ; n . offers simple proof. He says that 13. —John McNerny, lot 4, block niook. County of Tillamook, State of January, 1914, and if yon fail to Grove, Mien. “I have (Oregonian). one may take a piece of gum, wash 14, Bay City......... ................... 1.43 of Oregon, the place where sutler»«! with nuins in so answer, for want thereof, the ST. Say, Brother Dairymen, will Sena­ off the sugar and hold the piece to 14. -M. B. Bozorth, lots 1 said suit is now pending, all by plaintiffs will take a decree against my back and under tor Chamberlain have the gall to and 2, block 59, Central add. order of the Hon Homer Mason lay shoulder blade for the sunlight and invariably see you foreclosing the mortgage des­ Bldg ask you to vote for him since he Bay City ................................... 1.43 Judge of the County Court of said a nmiilier of years, cribed in plaintiff's complaint, and voted for free cattle, free milk, free particles of dirt. He accounts for 15. — L. M. Bozorth, lots 13 to County and State, in the absence of directing that the lands mid pre also with a poor appe cream, free fish, free lumber, etc the fact by- stating that the basis is 16. including block 66, Cen­ the Circuit Judge of the above en inises described tit« and constipation. therein, and Get your knife ready boys, for lie chicle gum, collected in Mexico and tral add. Bay City ............... 2.28 titled court, which said order is covered by said mortgage, to wit : I tried all of the rem­ Jalapped Tillamook County in the 16. —Thomas Coates, lots 7 and dated the 16th day of February, 1914. Beginning at a stake in the North edies that I heard of, face when he voted to place the in- other tropical countries. He says 8, block 18, Thayer’s add. The property herein referred to con­ east corner of tfie South East 1 ( of the and a number of doc­ dustnes of this county on the free that the native gatherers are not Tillamook City ........................ 12.37 sists of all those certain lots or par­ North West * i of Sec. lit, Tp. 5 S , tors, but got no relief. llist, and Senator I.anedidthe same. overclean or extremely careful and 17 —L. J. Lamb, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, cels of land situate in the County R. 10 west of tfie Willamette Me­ Finally s friend told eal to some enterprising and urinary irregularities. For sale general circulation ■ Tillamook, furnishing the following amount of hr County, Oregon, or six consecutive be no nonpartisan flummery and New York weekly and we may soon by all druggists. Lumber, to be delivered on cars on sid­ seeks, the first publication thereof flap-doodle this time. It is the real see the country thoroughly aroused ing at Bar View and Ocean Lake, as being on tin' 29th day of January, Old Age by a campaign to swat the chewing 1914, and the last publication there \ca thing. Old age as it comes in the orderly required, Does the State of Oregon, notni- gum menace. 3 in. x 12 in. X 14 ft. long 205 M of on the 12th day of March, 1911, process of nature is a beautiful all according to the order of the T-l nally Republican by a heavy ma­ and majestic thing ft stands for com. Fir. 2 in. x 12 in. X 10 ft. long 52 M com. Honorable Homer Mason, County experience, knowledge, wisdom. The Best Cough Medicine. jority, W.mt to elect a Democratic Judge of said Count), made this “I have ueedChamberlain'e Cough Th.it is old age as it should be but Fir. Senatorf thia Fall ? Does it propose 23rd day of January 1914. 4 in x 4 in — 54 M com. Fir. old as it often is means |»uor diges­ Remedy ever wince I have been to re-elect a Senator, elected as a (so.) I van G. M aw in All bids to be filed in the office of keeping house,” says L. C. Hames, tion, torpid bowels a sluggish len.j C arey F M ari in , non partisan, who in the supreme of Marbury, Ala. ‘T consider it liver and a general feeling of ill the County Cleric of 7 illamook County. — test was only a knee-l»ending parti- one of the beat remedies I ever health, despondency and misery. Oregon, on or before 10 o'clock A. M This in almost every instance is Wednesday the 3rd day of March, A. D. ssn Tilt non-partisanship was the used. My children have all taken wholly unnecessary. Oneof Chant- 1914. it and it works like a charm. For motive for electing Mr. Cbp.mber- colds The County Court reserves the right and whooping cough it is lierlain's Tablets taken immediately laiii thi state made a mistake. If excellent.” For sale by all dealers. after supfier will improve the di to reject any and all bids. By order of < f all men who appreciate a th« County Court, gent ion. v>ne up the liver and regn < partiaknsb ip — Democratic partisan­ line—old—mellow whiskey J. C. Holden, late the bowel* The feeling of ship—«« to tie the motive, it will Safe for Babies. Effect ire for despondency will give way to one County Clerk. OLD have Bchance to repair its mistake, of hope and good cheer. For sal* Grown Ups. Buying to Save Money. by all dealers orto |te( "»t it, in the coming Cham- Thai's Foley's Honey and Tar Buying Foley’s Honey and Tar — 'bjriaia campaign. Compound. It has the confidence What would the Juvenile Court WHISKEY of jour druggist, who knows it will do to a 14 year old wife who de Compound saves money bee ause just a few doses stops the rotigli rot half a century It baa lad give you satisfaction. W. W Nes- verted her huabard. onic Constipation Cu'ed. and col