Tillamook Headlight. February IO. I© I -> Advertía b < Rates- -------- t-------- AovurriscJiEXT- 4 10 > r»l Insert «>•. per hoe 5 E-eh »uLee>*uent «neert.-c line Buaieew sod predeggnil card* I CO 1 oxv.vth .................. ......... ' ♦ 1 .V*k»« < Timber Claim» .. 5 I ak .1« per hoe a&ch in«ert-»ri Dieprav adverti^m-m *«lu- h. 50 ao-sotr. ...... . ... .... AU Resolution« o4 Cood* en*. e a nd Ixeige Notire», 5c. per liM Card* Thank*. 5c. per hoe. Notice* Loaf, Strayed S»«Ae*i. etc. minimun rate, ¿k not ex* eed- ing five line*. LniaAL RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. irTiicriT ix mwcL -------- 1 5») Otkg year __ - _ - M I.-.-« si .c'.a» ------------- ________ M Entered ss sacxmdcloaa mail mat ter July, lsee at the post office at Tillamook. Ore, under the ad of March 3 lS'V Cb« CiHamaak Çraùligbt Editorial Snap Shots We have been commended for the position we have taken in boosting patronize home indu* "county will buiM its part of the ern Pacific. in maku.g it* *«m- tnrr rate* to the teryctxr* ha* highway to the Tillamook coot»-, tn>ie a change from previ' u* tv iiu-e. and there it will stop years. Tt’tam-ck City was in-' unless this county impn »es a It eluded in the $4 ' C rate, but it »mill stretch • f four miles is a ci.mparutiveiy small ex- is to be deprived > f this, as < «.»ri­ tn ci tinevti‘-n this county baldi i* the farthest point • eie • will be able to trace! on ‘am with the highway compar»-»! mer rate ticket*. We want to with line targe sums of money raise a word • f protest, for Gari­ other counties are expending- baldi is not the only heac teach in Tt i* varioa-*iy estimated that Tillamook county Lgtrge num- tlie Necarney mountain road 'can be impr • c«i for fJl.fO’ t o V» Netarts ber» of * isitors ami as this cuuM be and th-- beach resorts in the £;i ♦* south part of the County and paid for iu three or four yearly installments this i* the easiest they should not be : - - -. ed against. ai In f ■ t. -. large gt- aud most satisfactory way for passenger autocar arrive 1 here Tillamook county to become last week to handle the summer connected with the Colombia which we rec orc travel to Netarts and Clover­ Highway, dale. Apart frown that, business ! mend and that it be taken in It men and the citizens here feel jhand as sold us p«xsSible. that the railroad company is not I would require a vote of the pet - doing the right thing in dis­ ’pie ti> authorize the County criminating against this city Court to do the work and issue and other heach re*« rts in this the warrant* and we believe county. We hope that the rail­ that the Bay ocean aud Sandlake road will adjust this matter, for roads should be built under the if it goes into effect it will have same *} stem a tendency to interfere w ith the pleasant relations that exist be­ A car of lumber, valued in this tween the railroad, the citizens city at S3!!?. »4. was shipped to and the business men. Chicago last week, and when it reaches there the cost will be As a result of bor improve-i STtio. 71 to the purchaser, the merits at Nehalem, a saw mill.' '"railroad* charging $417 97 f r coating$2&».'/»». w ith a capacity " hauling it across the continent. • A* i: was lumber for silos, this <« With the »well auto passen- i goes toprove that dairymen in ger car running out of Cl >ver- employing about 400 men, cut And it; ; the East have to pay more than dale, a r.ew hotel for that place its tirst log ti >is week is proposed to erect other large double for their lumber for this is urgently demanded. saw mills on the south side of purpose than is paid by dairy­ Nehalem hay because that loca­ men tn this county. The heavy Ue hope the report is true tion is best suite«! for milling rail rates on lumber as soon as tnat an effort is being made to purposes. There were those at the Panama canal is finished r t-organize the I nited Rail wa • » Nehalem who oppose«l bar im­ will be a thing of the past, which with a view of building to Till­ provement- when the matter, will stimutat the lumber indus­ amook City. was tirst taken up. but since try on tnis coast and more lum­ then, no doubt, sentiment have ber will be used iu the East. The large auto passenger car changed in this particular, for There is one thing that is caus­ that is to run between this cit- Nehalem bay would never have ing discussion. President Taft and Cloverdale will be in line become a large lumbering cen­ 1 and the republican party decid- with the many improvements ter had it not been for the im­ e«l that American coasting ves­ that are taking place in Tilla­ provement of the liar. With sels should go through the canal mook. __________ rail and water facilities this is free of chargeand the democra­ now assured. For years a per­ tic platform declared for the ’ . ,We suppose that some of the sistent effort was made to im­ ’ same thing. Now President ao called progressives who de­ prove Tillamook bar. and there Wilson is wanting to charge serted the republican party at were those who oppose«! it on 1 coasting vessels toll because the the last election will want to be account of extra taxation but it British g«>vernment protested. "It” now that they have return­ will not be many years ____ _______ before 'As Tillamook will soon become ed from the backslider's path. they will see great lumbering a great lumbering center, this industries in course <>i erection ,s something that interests thi- We believe it would lea good in this vicinity as a result of the'county, for as soon as the canal idea for the business men of improvement of Tillamook bar. is finished coasting vessels will Tillamook City to takes day off We rejoice that Nehalem bay , *** loading lumber here for East- and pay Wheeler a friendly visit has made such rapid improve- crn ports, and we do not think io the near future That is one ment in »<> sh< rt a time, with a that th^V should be taxed for way to create a pul! together bright future for more indus-' toll. The United States have tries in that neighborhood, and 'expended large sums of money spirit we feel confident that it ¡9 oniv improving rivers and harbors a question of short duration be- ati'l no toll is charged nor does Socialism appears to be on cargos have to pay tariff on ves­ the decline, if the present regis­ fore the same conditions exist sels in the coasting business. in the neighborhood of Tilla ­ tration is anything to judge by. We hope that President Wilson \Ve would recommend that our mook City and bay. will not be success, for we con­ progressive and socialist friends tend that as the United States have a love feast before either A Portland preacher says that furnished the money and built party die a natural death in this pastors anil editors should work the canal, it shouki not be in­ county. __ __ ____ together for the moral uplift of terfered with and dictated to the people. We agree with him With the construction com­ in this particular, butsomehow by a foreign power in regard to If pany, the citizens and the city tliey do not work together as toll and co«nstiiig vessels. all appealing in the pavement they might, probably because England had built the canal case, it must be that none of editors have to view things from with English money it is safe to say that she would not allow them are satisfied with the de­ a non-sectarian standpoint, any intereference from another cision. It takes a lot of tawing while pastors are sectarian. It to satisfy high priced attorneys, is easy enough for editors to country w hat she ought not to do. It looks to us that England don’t it ? work together with pastors who is working a diplomatic bluff in are libera! and broad minded, Carl Haherlacli in some of his and equally' as hard with pastors its protest against free toll for reports says : "It is possible who are narrow in their views American coasting vessels. nnetitor. Hut the British colo­ oftener and pastors would tie a For the past few weeks the nies can thank the democrats little more liberal minded both for throwing down the bars, but could do more for the moral up­ co-operative associations in this progr'-ssives were the main fac­ lift of the people. Editors have county have been holding their tors. for they deserted the party one advantage < ver {»aatnrs. for annual meetings, and for the Abut W4g_fQ[ protection a live new-paper always com­ tirst time in many years new mands a big congregation, nor conditions confront the dairy- do they preach to empty pews, men and the dairy industry of Several million dollars have which is so discouraging to Tillamook County, It has been been voted und counties l«N»deered that attend their efforts. We are glad cheese that the butter market the eight hour law, under the that the Portland pastor raised is the lowest in ten years and dual system of legislation in this that cheese from British colon­ l State, is increasing taxation, the question of editors and pas­ ies is liable to be a sharp com­ tors working together, for there with les^rtind w<-rk done. This petitor with Tillamook cheese, is nv^Very satisfactory from a are pastors who never or rarely and for that reason there is a ever show any disposition to ÿs*b«'- rs v lew point, hut it is little anxiety as to what effect "what the politicians call the want to work with editors. This it is going to have on the price may be on account of editors sovereign will of the | e< pie and of cheese the corning season. It w hich the people so gladly in­ having different views on some things, but that should not keep is fortunate that this county is dorsed in previous elections. them apart, for it is customary' not manufacturing butter and for editors to respect the opin- that it built up a reputation for At the next monthly meeting ions of those who differ with superior quality cheese, other­ wise the effect of the new tariff of the Tillamook Commeretal them in religion, politics. etc. law would have been felt long Club, <»n Feb. ’.‘I. some interest­ before this. Those in a position ing subjects will be discussed. That is going it some. _ It _ is to know market conditions, w ith Farm credits is one. Although it is a little premature, the idea pri>|M»aed totamd Marion coun­ hundreds of tons of dairy pro­ for road improve­ ducts being dumped into the is to devise some plan w herein ty for ments, which is ¡mother county United States from foreign fiirtners fiiii borrow money .it a low rate of interest to clear that w ill I m - connected with the countries, it will knock the We price of the cheese market, - for koi i»grvi>t!y needed great Columbia Higliwav m Bniimiaik. LFPhus«- there is arc wondering when Tillamook then- is somewhat of a relative su much idle, unproductive tan»! County will become enthusia­ value in butter and cheese, and *n th«- county. The lognnberrt stic over and want to connect forthat reason the outlook for industry, the Couuty Fair, and w ith this great project that will cheese prices remaining good is the G.A.R. encampment in this l*oo»t every county it (Kisses not as bright as it would have Tillamook county been had the republian the coming summer will be through. tariff taken upand discussed. Apart must connect with the C'olum remained. from the discussions, the enter bin Highway and we believe it An earthquake »eciue to be a tmnnirnt committee will have would I m - a good thing to give a few stunts anil refreshments the County Court authority to hard thing to dodge do the necessary work on the' A - --,______ giri ha» captar. «I - a husband Nicnrnev mountain road tn con 1? writing her name co an egg, W « understand that the South ucct with Clatsop couuty. That worki’nf «n unus»al kind of shell gauie. PHYSICIAN AND Sf Surgeon S. P. Co. (L U. O, F. Bldg.) I “Stronger Than The Law Tillamook yxje ' ' ** JATO, M. KERRON PHYSICIAN ANDSIRGI T illamook B uxx I . Tillamook . -. » .*.*«"• V. l . 1 -o SARCHET. The Fashionable T • □ce­ Cleaning. Pressing aud Rft a Specialty. :e a dire c Je heavy -a be eq -lievi b7 er. Stere in Heins PhotcgraJ Gallery ■ - H. GOYNE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW O pposite C ourt Office: 1 Tillamook J. CLAUSSEN, . LAW YER, E “Star Brand Shoes Are Better ” DEUTSCHER ADVOK. 2!3 TILLAMOOK j B loc I THE POPULAR PRICED CLOTHIER. Tillamook J - - - - I E. REEDY, D.V M., ¿VETERINARY,' -- - - - ■ I ___ 1 Both Phone». Tillamook \\ strong whiskey Burns your mouth, ^-3« yomvhenyou swallow it---------- wiiat vyill it do to the delicate lining of your stomach yr**8 oble — mild and pure W. J. V an Schuyver & Co., General Agents Portland, Oregon fhJe «I Thrct Oti.et MI * G. McGEE, T » b tt B fc al n< PHYSICIAN & SUR th C< th Office : Next door tc jla Theatre. va asi thi I as CHIROPRACTOR b« is Local Office in the C oœ. ,ar E- E DANIELS, Building. J" • 01 the the R. I. E. HEWITT, wh OSTEOPATHIC] w<” PHYSICIAN AND Sil *er< OBSTETRICAL SPEC! Mr- TILLAMOOK D Both Pho- Residence and Office in Wu the Residence, i Off! TILLAMOOK, OR£ ing ing ELMER ALLEN noti Ai na® com ï mut DENTIST. Commercial Bnildin. him IV .-feet Baker A Fuel Saver I E o s»« Loa«ewiT ef who dinLy a remarkable amouGt (A broad, bo and, common « en «e along rhtr line«, persist In the ’ îasicn—and it 1$ a de- J .Sion—that they are real­ ly practicing economy by t... L»g to gctaloag-to get r—*¿1:-»—out of p.a old. worn- Oa-taJ run«e merely to eave the -e». price of * new one. US-t Your old range or stove was put lev u toge:her with putty and stovebolts L¿» ci end probably you can stick a pen- fe in the seams end Jo Ln 13 any- v nn it where the stove putty has - ni J away. When a range gets m ! at c ondition, it take« fuel enough t » warm a.*i o t enr .gh for baking-and then you run the ri*k of tumlrg whatever 4 in th*» oven, toa can soou burn ep the price of the best range ever made 11 a □-« >*s waste of fuel in an old. worn-out stove ©r ranae—and L- • r practical economy nor good management. if you would practice real economy in your household manag*»m*»nt it * I pay you. the n*xt time yon are in town, to call ft our *t«re and induira c.^scly iuio Lae pwrfeel baking and rtmarkab.e fuel saving qaautie« <4 tbg Great Majestic Malleable and Charcoal Iron Outwears Three Ordinary Ranges u «A* aafr rax« iwag* mint? *f tribit cAamat ,rM. Char- taal «rax wm ’» ru,f M, M«./ - araUarbir trea ear t brrab. »r.d while ISe flrvl open iron crate—you can n. No neat e«ospes — no cold air gets Into I OT*n - «vi tall Ue luel and mar be more assures perfect baking. eon ot a G««al t.i»n some » ther nuxes, it cetveurij Half The Fuel Tbe Haintit Is rat toc-ther With (not bolts and stove putty) It absolulffily air tutm. like an eitaclne boiler. The Joints and seams win remain air t»«Eht f '»rvrer as neltbsr ^^PtAnsion nor coutrxUoQ «“An affect or vpaa them. Pure Asbexto* I _ining Movable Copper Reservoir The reservoir f, all ctaarr. heated • tea kettle throush c«',pper pock­ et stamped from one piece o! copper) eetuas ac»tnsl left hand lining ot Sre ¡¡U*- boils lj gallons ot water la ■ Jiffy and. by turning lever, the frame— mid reservoir-moves airay from Ore. Title feature I* patented and can be used only on the »« uuik . 4,‘ r- 'ha rraat,, tatanrr^aat ever aat anta a ranee- •r-aba, Mrraatia 3