Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 19, 1914, Image 1

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drove five miles the other day
to pay a debt, losing half a
day’s time doing so.
Had he been a depositor
with this bank, he would
have mailed his check at an expense of two
cents, and spent his time more profitably.
It’s an extravagance not to be a'bank
depositor, for nothing helps so much to
save time and money as having an account
f excel!
□ess tn
Tillamook County Bank
y 2, 1
Mrs. Andy Nolan returned to her
home in Portland on Saturday after
visiting- her sister, Mrs B. C. Lamb,
S. C|prk, auctioneer.
this city.
and ¡mpty
sacks wanted—Lamb-
“Jackson Powell vs. Aaron Sher-
' trader Co
ie co:
man and wife et al, is a suit filed
Sts a ¡ afe deposit boxes for rent.—Tilla­
in the circuit court to recover $270
ra» ok County Bank.
Jogieadquarters for auto livery.— on a promissary note.
Pay your taxes by check. It’s an
•hial i Hadley, phone 1ÍW.
advantage to the tax collector as
le by ence poets for sale. Apply to well as to the bank and yourself.
x Watt, Tillamook, Ore.
Tillamook County Bank.
—Till up the Mutual Phone fora
A few more calenders left, those
i at the Tillamook Studio.
who have not received one this
g riacilla club will meet with Mrs. year, will please call and get one.
A. Franklin, Friday afternoon, No mail orders filled.—Chas. I.
ve chickens wanted at the Tilla- Clough Co.
>k Meat Company’s Market, 12c.
Fred Robitch of Hemlock, had
the misfortune to injure bis left
e are iu a position to make foot while clearing land last week
e long time farm loans. First and he was brought to tlie city, Dr.
Wendt attending to the injured
onal Bank
S. McClellan, of Montana, an limb.
The Elks at McMinnville have
friend of Frank Long, is in the
changed the date of their circus to
on a visit.
_ _>r 60 days—two 7x11 enlarge- Feb. 27 and 28. Local members of
— its in beautiful folders for $1.00 that order will be interested in the
'onk’s Studio.
Wanted, a person to cut 1,500.000
ouf work does not suit you tell
if it does tell your friends. City feet of lumber at Hemlock. Will
take pay for the timber in lumber.
isfer Company
Apply to W. H. Lavetigood, Hem­
G. Beals left on Friday for lock, Ore.
land, on business, Mrs. Beals
F. W. Christensen has been re­
mpaning him.
employed by the Tillamook County
ing your chickens to the Tilla-
Creamery* Association as inspector
k MeatGompany’s Market. We and grader of |Tillamook cheese
12c. per pound.
factories and cheese.
mt to buy 21 good cows, fresh
Dawson Bros, will meet all trains
>ming fresh soon. Write Neal with bus, and will handle passen­
•er, Tillamook.
gers and baggage to all parts of the
C. Lamb went to Portland on city. Call or phone at the Livery
lay on a business trip and re­ burn on 2nd Ave East.
id on Tuesday.
C. A. Moad has rented part of the
3. W. Stiverson, of Cloverdale, store of the Jones Kundson Furni­
iccepted a position in Attor- ture Co., and will open a cash gro­
dendeMon's office.
cery store. Mr. Moad left this morn­
— Boats reports the birth of a ing to buy hie stock of goods.
___ hter on Monday to the wife of
Graded Jersey Calves for sale from
er Parrazo, of Netarts.
tested cows as they freshen ; one-
:e and lace ed/^ing, lc. per half to three-fourth Jersey ; both
at Lamar's Variety Store, sex ; registered sire. Apply to T.
H. McCormack, F.R.D. No. 1,
p in and look around.”
As we have failed to receive sev­
is Ines Paul, of Hebo, came up
reek for a visit with íñeuds eral of the co-operative reports, we
will have to postpone the publica­
* llamook and Bay City.
J n I-asic and Joe Bennett, alias tion of the annual reports of the
'atria, 1s a suit filed in the cir- cheese industry until next week.
Dr. McGee reports that a daugh­
»nrt to recover $234.45.
hunting, fishing andtresspuss ter was born to the wife of A. L
ea can be obtained at the Hex d- McCarty on last Friday morning,
and on Saturday evening to the
office, printed on cloth
wife of Arnold Gunenwald, a daugh­
> Tillamook Military Band will
a dance at the Commercial
Fire destroyed the home of Albert
on SotMd.iy, Feb. 28th.
Williams, up Wilson river on Tues­
nk and Joe Day of Saganaw,
day. They managed to save a few
, coueiiMjof Mrs. Wm. Powell,
of their
iaiting at her home in this
There was no insurance on the
i Tillamook Hose Company
The performance at the Gem
iv* a Wince and »acial at the T beatre next Monday evening is
nook Commercial Club on ' for* the benefit of the Tillamook
Military Band, Mr. Smith giving
ttet yonr valuable papers from the whole profits of the theatre for
"•expected fire by renting one thal evening to the band.
' safe dtp) ,ait boxes. Only one '
For 00 day«—two 7x11 enlarge­
> Tillamook County I ments in beautiful folders for $1.00
• '•
at Mcnk’a Studio.
p in and Look flround ”
Wall paper remenants, values
up to 25cts. double roll at a special
price of 8 cts. double roll King a
Smith Co.
If you have any painting or varn­
ishing to do, please remember that
we have some paint and varnish
that we are offering at extremely
low prices. King & Smith Co. *
The A. F. Coats Lumber Com­
pany shipped a car of lumber to
Chicago last week, and when it
arrives there it will be worth$765.71,
the railroads
charging $416.97
freight. When the Panama canal
is in operation freight rates on
lumber will be greatly reduced.
The auditors in the case of John
Leland Henderson ve Tillamook
Hotel Company has filed their re­
port. As it will be probably some
time^. next month before Judge
Webster Holmes will return to the
city the case will not be decided
until then.
Ed. Hadley is expecting a car
load of Ford autos from Detroit,
containing eight cars.
He was
handicapped last year, not being
able to obtain enough cars amt
quite a few persons were disap­
pointed. He has more cars ordered,
but he says those who want others
should put in their orders at once,
on account of the great demand for
these machines.
The W.R C. met in regular session
Saturday afternoon.
Three new
candidates were initiated, namely, '
Mrs. Kate Stillwell, Mrs. Alice
Anderaou and Mrs. Mary Maddux,
also two of the G.A.R. veterans,
Mr. Fitzgerald and Mr. Weston,
who were admitted as honorary
members. After the business was
concluded a short program in honor
of George Washington was ren­
dered, followed by the customary
birthday lunch.
A new 23-passenger auto car of
the White make attracted consider­
able curiosity in the city on Satur­
day. It is to make the run be­
tween this city and Cloverdale,
leaving after the arrival of the after­
noon train and to return in time to
catch the passenger train leaving
this city in the morning. The car
will also be used for trips during
the day to Netarts and other points.
Charley Howland ie the owner of
the car which cost $4,500.
Tillamook County, a municipal
corporation of the State of Oregon,
on ,the relation of James Langley
plaintiff, vs. W. J. Stephens and
Henry Wolfe, defendants, is a suit
filed in the circuit court. The ac­
tion iB to recover $996.62 from the
defendants who were sureties on a
bond given by Mead A Son for
$1700, who had taken a contract for
road work. The contractors were
unable to fulfill their contract and
went into voluntary bankruptcy,
there being several sums of money
owing. The plaintiffs now sue for
the amount.
Next Tuesday the new I. O. O. F.
building will be dedicated, with ap­
propriate exercises, followed with a
banquet, and it is estimated that
400 persons will take part in the ded­
ication, This was to have taken
in January, but owing to the tie-up
on the railroad it had to be post­
poned. It is expected that Judge
W.Galloway and JudgeThos. Ryan,
of Salem, and Mrs. Woodman, pre­
sident of the Assembly and other
Grand Ix>dge officers will tie pre­
sent All members of the order are
cordially invited to attend, and del­
egations from the lodges at Bay-
City and Cloverdale will attend.
The Shakespeare Club held its
regular meeting at the home of
Mrs. B. C. Lamb on Friday, After
the business meeting a pleasant
social time was enjoyed before the
guests were invited to the dining
room. It being nearSt. Valentine’s
day the hostess carried out the
idea in her table decorations, lunch­
eon, place cards and favors. Cupid
spoke through the hearts on the
place cards, with many witty little
misquotations. The floral decora­
tions were pink carnations.
vited guests were Mrs. Andy Nolan,
Mrs. Carl Haberlach. Mrs. Emmet
Bales and Mrs. Ira Smith.
The Kill Kare Klub met at the
home of Mrs. Mason on February
Sth, 1914, with eleven members
present. The afternoon was »pent
in seeing a game in which
Mrs. Christensen
ability in dart throwing, Mrs
Christensen receiving the prize
Mrs.' Manon deserves much credit
in the novel and original place
< ar4* provided. After much hunt­
ing every one finally »acceded in I
finding her own card, and were
■uted to a very dainty lunch. The
guest of the afternoon was Mrs
Franklin. Every one went away
pleased to have been there.
It has been the kick in it that lifts
out the stumps or roots. Du Pont
Stumping Powder costs you no
more per box than other powders
but does more work, hence cheaper
to use.
Tillamook Commercial Club.
On Monday evening, February
23, at 8:00 p.m., matters of interest
to the entire county will be dis
cussed at the Tillamook Commer­
cial Club. The following subjects
have been arranged for:
‘ ‘Loganberries” —discussion led
by.Chas. Kunze and Col. Geo. Hen­
‘‘Rural Credit”—led by W. G.
“The G. A. R. Encampment” —
led by Chas. Reyuolds and Frank
“The State and the County Fairs '
—led by John H. Dunstan.
These will be the first of a series
of discussions on practical matters
planned for future meetings of the
A smoker and a short musical
program have been provided for
after the meeting.
Members are invited to attend.
F. C. B aker , President.
E. J. C laussen , Secretary.
The First National Bank
of Tillamook
Is Now Located in its NEW BANKING ROOM,
Anti invites the Public to call and make an
inspection of the room and its equipment.
” Save your Silver Certificates,” we are giving away Oregon State Silver­
ware, every home should start a collection. Purchases amounting to $1.00
or over sent prepaid to any point in Tillamook County.
Butterick fashion publication and patterns for March now ready, fashion
sheet mailed free upon request.
After Inventory, Clean Up Rummage Sales,
Commencing SATURDAY MORNING, Feb. 21st,
continuing for One Week.
Sensational Price. Reductions will be the rule throughout all departments. All
remnants, broken lines, odds and ends, small lots, mussed goods, etc., to be
closed out regardless of cost making incomparable money saving opportunities.
STILLWELL’S, I.O.O.F. Bld.,Tillamook,Or.
SATURDAY, February 21st,
We guarantee each box to contain merchandise worth 38c. Many will
amount to in value as high as $2.50. This is to introduce thoroughly our
Rummage Sale and to superinduce your coming to the best bargain event of the
decade. Come and join the happy, merry, crowd. You are sure to get your
money’s worth or five or six times more.
Great i Price Clean-up of Women’s Suits and Coats.
Stunning new cutaways showing mid-winters’ smartest models. Medium weight
fancy worsteds so much in demand right now.
Children’s and Young Ladies’ Coats»
In many instances at less than i, novelty worsted materials, nobby cutaway
and straight line models.
Young LADIES’ COATS from $1.98 up. CHILDREN’S COATS from $1.75 up
Infants’ bear skin aud worsted Coats 50c. up.
Fancy Percale Wrappers, 50c.
Children’s Fleeced Sleeping Garment, 49c.
Women’s Fancy Wool Skirts to $5.00 values, $1.48.
50c. for Leather $1 25 String Bags.
Women’s Knit Underwear, all sizes, 25c.
33c. for Fancy Tussah and Buddah, 75c. Silks.
19c. For white brocaded Suitings, selling at 40c.
$2..'18 for beautiful $5-00 I land Bags.
29c. for wool eiderdown, selling at 00c.
Broken lines of infants, boys, girls and women Shoes.
Dainty house dresses in odd sizes and broken lines.
Dress and tailored waists, get the deep Rummage Cut.
Sweaters for men, women and children's Tremendous Rummage Reductions.
Remnants !
Remnants ! ! Remnants !! !
The ends of our choicest piece goods gathered in our rummage nook at
alxnit i former selling price. Hundreds of other articles |you will need sooner
or later displayed on “ Rummage Sale Tables” at enormous reductions. We
urge economical buyers to attend the sale daily. When one lot is closed
out we will have ready others to take their place, which will lie just as great
if not greater bargains. Come to the ” Rummage Sale.”