Tillamook Headlight. February 12, 1014 NOTICE plant in Sw J of Nw J, section 30, ChoMing th* Ea«i»r Way. tp 1 south, range 9 west “I thought you were going to invest NOTICE, is hereby given that the F R Beals to Tillamook County your money in stor ks?” County Court of Tillamook County, For Tillamook County, Oregon, Bank. Part of assign of Mtg. Oregon, will receive sealed Bids for “I did think of It.” for the week ending Feb. 11, 1914, furnishing the following amount of fir Assigns $2,100.00 int in “Have you changed your mind?” furnished by the Tillamook Title A $2,100.00 Lumber, to be delivered on ears on sid­ $2,800.00 mtg and chat mtg executed “ Yea. I went into a broker's place A‘"tr,t Co., John Leland llender- ing at Bar View and Ocean Lake, as by B A Knoblock to said Beals on the other day for the purpose of watch­ son, Secv. . No amount of misrepresentation by the required, Ed. Hunt to W. W. Huie. W.D. lot in Tillumook and certain clint ing the market a little while. Have 3 in. x 12 in. x 14 ft. long — 205 M peddlers of alum baking powders, no jug­ you ever been In a broker's office? ” $2,000. Ne Ji of Nw ‘4, section 3, tels. com. Fir. “Tea.” John Day to W G Dwight, war 2 in. x 12 in. x 10 ft. long — 52 M com. gling with chemicals, or pretended analysis, tp 6 south, range 10 west. "Then you know the layout There C. P. Scott to Walter A and Albert ranty deed. $700, lot 5, blk 23 and Is a big blackboard upon one of the Fir. or cooked-up certificates, or falsehoods of 4 in x 4 in - 54 M com. Fir. 8, Goss. W.D. $1.00. E J4 and Se undivided '4 lota 7 and 8, sec 16, walls. At each side of the room there All bids to be filed in the office of Thayer ’ s addition. I any kind, can change the fact that i, section 33 ; Se $ of Nw J. section are tickers. Facing the blackboard are the County Clerk of Tillamook County, 33, tp 14 south, range 10 west (Lin­ John Day to W G. Dwight, mtg, severul rows of chairs, which are oc­ Oregon, on or before 10 o’clock A. M. ' coln Co.); E 4 of Sw } and W 4 of FJO’IO, 27 acres in (Juick D I. C in cupied by men who have bought or Wednesday the 3rd day of March, A. D. . Cx ' sold. They sit there, nervously chew­ I914- County Court reserves the Se Ji, section 17, tp 0 south, range | tp 1 S, range 9 W. right First Bank & Trust Co to E. J. ing their cigars and watching the quo­ to The 10 west, in Tillamook Co. has been found by the offi­ reject any and all bids. By order of Clarence F. Miller to A. H. Miller. and Maggie Starnes, warranty tations as they are written on the the County Court, cial examinations to be of the Rockaway J. C. Holden, blackboard.” Sp. W.D. $10.00. Lots 19, 20, 21, deed. $150, lot 42, blk 58, County Clerk. "What has that to do with your deci ­ Beach. highest leavening efficiency« block 0 and lot 9, block 7, Ocean First Bank A Trust Co, to James sion not to invest?” View. free from alum, and of absolute Chronic Constipation Cured. "After watching these watthers for Elmore Park Co. to John W Kelly. and Minnie Ducham, warra nty awhile and studying their expressions "Five years ago I had the worst deed. $70, lots 9 and 10, sec62, Rock ­ purity and wholesomeness. W.D. $10.00 Lots 41 end .2, bloc k I decided that it would be easier to go case of chronic constipation 1 ever away Beach. knew of, and Chamberlain ’ s Tab ­ ti, Elmore Park. «. on working for the money I'm going to lets cured me," writes S F. Fish, Nehalem Bay Land Co to Davie need.”—Chicago Record-Herald. Royal Baking Powder is indispensable W. 3. Cone to Henrv Jordan. Brooklyn, Mich. For sale by J. S N Williamson, warranty deed, $200, W.D. $2(D 00. Lots 15 and 18, Base for making finest and most economical food. Lamar. _____________ _ lot 4, blk 4 Necarney City. Mirabeau as an Orator. Line addition to Bay City. The Best Cough Medicine. R E Davis to Josephine Perrauet, No one. not even Talleyrand, could Alta Smith (Sours) to H A "I have usedCiiamberlain'e Cough warranty deed, $10, lots “A and “B,” approach Mirabeau as a speaker, and. Brooks. W.D. $10.00. Lota 7 and Remedy ever since I have been blk 20, Sandlake by the «ea curiously enough, this violent, emo ­ 8, block 10, Park addition to Tilla- keeping house, " says L. C. Hames, Guy Boyd, et ux to David Deland( tional man was, as orator, perfectly of Marbury, Ala. "I consider it Wanted. tnook. Notice one of the best remedies I ever H A Brooks to Alta Smith. W. D. warranty deed, $10, lots 37 and 38. self possessed: Wanted, position as manager^ "During the debate on the disturb­ used. My children have all taken Notice is hereby given that we $10.00. E lot 1 and lots 2 and 1. blk 10, Rockaway Beach. W S Gregory and J J Walter to ances at Marseilles the Right Inter­ it and it works like a charm. For will not be responsible for the assistant, with view of partnenH block 15, Bewley'« addition to Bay colds and whooping cough it is following policies numbered 20241 Peter Erickson and Peter Jackob- rupted his speech with cries of sland­ excellent.” For sale by all dealers. and 20242 from our Tillamook Ore­ in general store, small town City. erer, liar, scoundrel, assassin. He SamuelG Reed and J H Edwards sen, et ux, satisfaction of mtg, stopped for a moment and looked at gon Agency, which are lost or mis­ county, by young man of excel® to Tillamook County. Road Deed, satisfies mtg W 101 on land in eec the excited members who were tie­ Safe for Babies, Effective for placed and unaccounted for, and record and thorough business trJ all liability thereunder, if any, is Ing. Worth investigating. $1 00. Iu sections 29 and 20, tp 3 17, 2 S 10. Grown Ups. spattering him with their vile words: herewith derived the holder or Address H 1, Headlight, TH north, range 10 west, on Neal) Kah- Alta Smith to E P Currey, mtg, 'I ar.i waiting, gentlemen,’ he said, ‘for That’s Foley’s Honey and Tar holders thereof from this date. nie. • $400, E 4. lot 1 and all lots 2 and 4, these amenities to die down.’ Then he Compound. It has the confidence Dated at Till-imook, Oregon, tnook. Oregon. William Psetak and wife to Mar­ blk 15, Bewley’s addition to Bay went on with bls speech at the point of your druggist, who knows it will Feb. 2nd, 1914 give you satisfaction. W. W Nes- Call for County Warrants. Signed, | I where he bad broken off.” tha Psetak, W.D. $1,SCO. (JO. Se i City. emith, Statesboro, Ga., says: "I G ermania F ire I nsurance Co. His face, pitted with smallpox, was A O Jackson to Tillamook County All general fund warrants o-i of Ne li and lot 1, section 0, tp 4 have used Foley’s Honey and Tar of N.Y., ugly, says the author of “Mirabeau,” Compound in my family and have Bank, chattel mtg. south, range 7 west, 80.44 acres. By P er L ee W elty , Special Agent. standing will be paid upon j but bis very ugliness, transformed by sold it in my store and it never W G Dwight to John Day, war­ sentation. «4H Eliza D. Bailey to David and Care of A. H. B irreli . C o , the play of bls countenance, was mar­ fails to cure.” Refuse a substitute. Portland, Oregon. Bessie Im'ah. Sat Mtg. Satisfied ranty deed, T4O0J, 27 acres in Quick velously turned into a source of power. For sale by all druggists. Interest ceases February 2, mtg, recorded book "P,” p 019, Gre., D L C in tp 1 S, range 9 W. B. L BEAU.fr 1 When he shook his “terrible boar's Backache—Rheumatism Vanish Lawrence (> Griffin to W F Halhi- bead” he was terrifying and no mun Land for Sale. on land in sections 11 and 12, tp 4 County Treaaurer^^ Away. well, power of attorney to apply to dared to interrupt him. south, range 10 weat. 110 acres near Salem, suitable for Buying to Save Motley. *• S. Men and women having backache A M Commons to Janies W and purchase 1(X) acres of <) A C R R dairy, $85 per acre, would take Buying Foley’s Honey and Imp Meerschaum and the Turks. Tillamook property for amount up rheumatism, stiff and swollen joints Clara S Bodyfelt. Sat Mtg. Satisfies Co. are honestly glad to know that Compound saves money becakZJ Meerschaum used to be considered to $2000. mtg in book "U,” pg 240, on land Foley Kidney Pills are successful just a few doses stops the cot R osenberg B ros . Screaming Farce at the Guild a mere curiosity by the Turks, who in section 0, tp I south, range 9 and everywhere in driving out these and cold and one bottle lasts a «fe had no other use for It than as a sub ­ House Next Week. ills. That is because Foley Kidney time. It quickly heals raw ok ( section I, tp 4 south, range 10 west. For Sale. stitute for fuller's soap. The story runs Pills are a true medicine and inflamed surfaces, stops tickl^i II Crenshaw to E D Landingham. One and two year old rose bushes quickly effective in all diseases that throat, harsh, rasping cou. acJ The ladies of the Guild will give that the Turkish ambassador at the Bill of Sale $251.53. One Ford "A Show" at the Guild House next Austrian court. In the eighteenth cen­ 25c. and up, also Japanese gold result from weak inactive kidneys croup, hoarseness, bronchial Ha automobile. and urinary irregularities. Forsale la grippe coughs. For sale by enc) banded lily bulbs. Thursday and Friday evenings, tury. was a native of Eski Scheir. by all druggists. druggists. — Frank Beatty to A I) Wick. Chat M rs . C ornforth , Wanting to help his city at a time of mtg. $290.90. On household furni­ admission 25c. for the benefit of great poverty, he took a sample of this charity. For Sale. ture. queer stuff to Vienna, thinking that The play will lie a laughing, side the “Franks,” ns al) foreigners were J H Callahan, Agt to Andy Kleve. Barred Plymouth Rocks, dressed Cont of Sale. $600.00. Lot 3, Wood's splitting farce, The country "Deea- then called, might have some use for or alive, also a trio of Youlouse trick Skule" 30 years j ago. A spec- It. The Germans were quick to see geese. sub-add of lota in McCoy's add to M rs . C ornforth . iul stage will be built for the school its utility for pipe bowls, but declared Buy City that it was good for nothing else. More rooms. All the scholars will be M E Gruber to Ed Hudley. Chat For Sale by Owner. than a century has confirmed this Mtg $545 00. On Ford automobile, dressed in the style of 50 years ago, Judgment, for who has yet discovered the school teacher, an old man, 7 room bungalow, full basement h«rse«, etc. any other use for meerschaum? For Delivered. State Land Board to Anna and grown gray in teaching, the bare pipe making it Is an Ideal raw ma­ on lot 53 by 124, 3 blocks from elec­ foot b'g boy, the girls with tric depot. For terms address P. the Win Roenicke. Deed. $106 40. Lots terial. Here Is a stone which Is easily Dry Short Wood $2.00 Load 2 and 3, section 1, tp 4 south, range pantalets the spelling school, the moulded when wet. and when dry be­ O. box 165, Newberg, Oregon. ohl games, the ‘‘Dunce’’ on the comes hard and resists fire. 11 west, 12.10 acres. Wliy should an American go State Land Board to Anna and Dunce Block, the love sick boy who abroad when lie is a Duke at home? is always hugging the big girls, Between Governors. Wm Roenicke Deed. $32 37. Lot Tiie administration theory seems When the late Senator Bob Taylor I, section 1, tp 4 south, range 11 the "4 twine, ’ "Bubby” and his to lie that a corporation should not proud mother, the old singing mas ­ was governor of Tennessee he received weat, 3 70 acres. I a letter from an inmate of the Mis­ have any children. J J I.ongcor to E A Hess. Cont ter and his "skule” To see the odd nnd funny souri state penitentiary. Ilfs corre­ of Sale. $750.00. West 50 feet of spondent pleaded that ills name. too. "clothes" of the scholars will be lot« 9, 10. II, 12. block fid Central worth twice the price it costs, Come was Taylor; claimed kinship with the add to Bay City. governor ami begged him to use bls in­ and laugh, shout with fun, help a fluence with Governor Francis of Mis­ Firat Bank and Trust Co to Win I la$ie«. Wty Deed. $175.00. Lot good cause, come ohl and young, souri to obtain a pardon. A short time see the difference between the old afterward Governor Francis received II, block 55, Rockuway Brach. Win F ThoniuM tu E R TI ioiipih "ekule” and our modern school, tiie following letter from Governor Wty Deed. $10.00. Lot 10, block 3, If you miss it you will regret it. Bob: My Dear Governor Francis—You've got Doors open 7:30 p. m. ' Skule" be- Bayocenti Park a fellow over there In your penitentiary I. Dachtelberg to Firn! National gins at 8. named Taylor, who says he's kin to me All under the management of and wants me to help him get out. I wish. Bank. Chat Mtg. Sl.TO.Ol*. Tenni Judge Cal Worrall which is a guar If you see your way clear toward doing It. of liorses, wugon. etc. you would turn him loose, and If any of antee of its success. your kinfolks ever get In my pen I'll re­ A Rumsey to Wm G Tait, Trustee. turn the favor. The teacher and scholars are: Mtg. $1,000.00 Lot 4, block 5, Park —New York Post. The old teacher, 11 surprise, guess aeedily discovering his mis­ are growing, you should have them Boa . good boy. see his new shoes "X,” of Nehalem Bay l'atk take. however, he stepped softly down photographed often enough to keep hter Mrs. Honeysuckle Mrs. C W Miller. the aisle and requested the collector J H Edward« to Bertha C Bohl- a record of each interesting stage mother of the "Four to give him back the coin, which re­ of their childhood. You will prize man. Wty l>eed. $10.00. Lot 2, ' She’s the Twins and Bubby." quest was politely but firmly refused. the collection of baby’s pictures block (X Classic Ridge Beuch. English Boy... T. J. Snrchet. “SAFETY FIRST” OUR MOTTO I»r. lack Olson. A shade of disappointment flitted o'er more and more as the^ ears go by­ J H Edwards to Bertha C BoliL Irish Boy.... the northerner's face ns he walked man. Wty Deed Dr, Cook. $10 (NX Lot 3. Dutch Boy ... Monk's Studio I he "Dunce" Alex Watts. slowly back to his pew. “Awed,” he block 3. Classic Ridge Beach ON " Smart Aleck," w H. Hoskins, said, "it's a loss, but there's some sms' J II Edwards to Julia C La Barre Stuttering (iirl . Mr«. I. . E. Hewitt. consolation In reflectin' It’s a bad one. Wty Deed. $1&00 Lot 4, block 21, Lisping Girl Mrs U Jackson " It might have got me into trouble any­ Chewing Gun Girl 1 - — — - Mall Gazette. Who Like the where elae." Classic Ridge Beach. Pall Teacher . ___ ... Mrs 1). I.. Schrode. Ella May llutchison to P D Singing Teacher C. I. Clough' OF THE Canstri etivsly “She.*’ Hance Wty Deed. $1een wasted.” s^haell'a addition to Tillamook I’WT'rrect deed oi August 24, 1912, Fred Christenson and Ward Barrett. THE CALIFORNIA AND SAN FRANCISCO FX ppfxî «; Treasurer School "Deeatrick,” Trains with Standard Touri«r .¿i rù tXPRESS R«al Proof. ..4 Herbert V Alley to State Land wrvice that will plea^ Cha,r C,rs ,nd dining I Johnny—Tommy Brown's mother l«O«r.! Mtg. $aao.oo. e 4 ot w t M G Tate. go to Sunday school, Stage car|H-nter. Emmett Bales 1 , ms ken hln> f~ of Nw I and Ne 1 of 8w j. section Is Mainma—Why do yon say she make« m2 °." S P- •"« '« »-Im outline School eu{>er weat. a ma r. | I him go? Johnny—Reca use he goes- P. quote fere, and furnish outing literature on J II Dawaon and Saiuua-la A Lister. doesn t that prove It? — Pock High School professor. E C Ever- Hill of Sale. $2091X00. All livery ualifornia’s famous resorts. fcr Backache, •on business and outfit, Livary Stable. Bullfights |n Private. Rheumatism. Tillamook Private bullfights are ecvastonally Dr McGee reports the birth of « Kidneys «nd « <> A Schult* to A F Coats Lumber given by the very rU-h |>eo|>le In Mad to Mr. and Mrs Jss K . Dean -, Bladder. ^j$ltto> Lot adjoining Saw Milj' ( ri