Tillamook Headlight February 12. T. BOALS, M.D., I they will wipe out the liquor j Certainly Columbia and Clat­ traffic,and notwithstanding this sop counties are in the progres­ lUiGAI. ADVERTISEMENTS : jO procrastination and the "dry” sive rank in the good roads i First Insertion, per line . . $ 5 campaigns, government figures movement. The formercounty bagli subsequent insertion, line Business and professional cards, | go to prove that the drink voted to bond for $360,000 and 1 monili................. .... 1 luibit is on the increase. There the count}’ court levied a road Homestead Notice»..................... 5 are those who believe that it is tax amounting to$170,000, while Timber Claims .. ................... 10 (Ml the latter county bonded for l ocale per line each insertion 5 eduction, not prohibition, that $400,000 with a road tax levy of will eventually win. Drinking Display advertisement, an inch, This is a large 56 and eating to excess are two over $100,000. month.............. '........................ All Reeolution» of Condolence and great evils, for it is claimed by amount of money for two coun­ 1-odge Notices, 5c. per line. doctors that ten person die from ties to expend in one year on Cards of Tlianks, 5c. per line. over eating to one from over roads, considering that a con­ Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen, To our way of think­ siderable proportion of it will etc., minimun rate, ¿x . not exceed­ eating. ing there is no difference be­ be used constructing the great ing five lines. tween the gluttonous drinker Columbia Highway through and the gluttonous eater. Both those counties to the sea. We RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. need educating along the lines are glad to see the enthusiasm (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) Ode year......... 1,5o of temperance, for if it is a sin in these and othercounties in a Six months.... 75 to drink to excess it must also desire to be connected with the Three months 50 be a sin to eat to excess. I highway, for they see the bene­ fits that will be derived from it. Entered as second class mail mat­ Thousands of tourists, home Business men and others ap­ ter July, 188s, at the post office at seekers and those wanting to in­ Tillamook, Ore., under the act of peal to the newspapers to vest will use this highway, and March 3, 1879. preach "Patronize home iudus it is no wonder that there is a try,” and they readily do so to desire on the part of the people foster that sentiment and assist to include the county they re- ^illamooh ^tabligbf, as much ns possible in bringing side in connected with the Col more business to the city and to umbia Highway. We hope that merchants. The snap shot man Editorial Snap Shots. felt hot in the collar this week Tillamook county will wake up to the situation and become as when he found that hundreds enthusiastic as other counties. The political pot in Tillamook of dollars of job printing was If they are expetidingenortnous sent to Portland, and exorbitant county is slow in boiling. sums of money on this project, prices paid foraomeof it,which surely this county should be should have been done at the It’s now up to Freddie to in­ home print shops and at less most anxious to connect with it. Get the Columbia Highway sen­ vestigate whether the streets cost. The Portland printers paved with gold in the celestial don’t pay taxes here, nor do you timent. city are o.k. ever find their names on sub- ' f Republicans who have been scription lists, nor do they help The light of other days the to boost the city or county, in fooled the past elections by the unoccupied bank building, No fact, there are printers idle here politicians with some catchy one is, however, shedding cro- because so much job work is slogan can now see what it have culminated in, and it is not to codile tears. sent outside. be wondered at that they want The “Go to church Sunday” The effort to make Oregon to get back now that they plain­ movement i» being tried in sev­ “dry” will be fought out at the ly see the mistake they made in eral cities Try it in Tillamook November election. This is the deserting the party. We expect next Sunday. "Go to church first time in the history of the to see a strong, united repub­ Sunday.” State that an election of this lican party in this count}’ in op­ character will have taken place, position to the democratic party Freddies mouth organ had and, consequently,there is some for placing the dairy, fish and another spasm last week. Say, speculation as to what the re­ lumber industries of Tillamook Bro. Trombley, it’s too bad tha t sult will be, although the pro­ county on the free list. But a I you are so badly affected and hibitionists seem to feel confi­ i word of advice is not out of controlled by Freddyism. dent that they will carry the place, and that is, l)o not be state now that women have the I fooled with some passing istn that is devised to deceive the Say, Freddie, how did von suffrage. There is nothing sure (voters. Everyone have the priv­ about this, in fact, we believe "work” the State Land Board ilege to affiliate with either of when you wanted to borrow that the vote in Portland will the parties, and they do this keep the State "wet. ” It is some money on the Elmore when they register, but to reg­ more than likely that there will ranch ? Great scheme, Fred- bean increase in the "dry” ter­ ister and vote as such at the die, wasn't it ? ritory» and it depen Is a great primary election, and then to deal whether Tillamook county knife the ticket for personal or What a contrast. The East will be included in it whether other reasons is not playing fair and Middle West is in the grip the voters have forgotten the , in politics. This is our inter­ of a cold snap. In Tillamook violation of law and bad condi­ pretation of the primary law : the snap ehot man is mowing tions that existed during the If you are a republican, good i his lawn, which is covered with "dry” regime. and true, then register and vote a heavy growth of new grass. with that party. The same re­ Tillamook has two strong mark applies to those who join Talk about honesty anil dis­ banking institutions that are a either of the other parties, for honesty, which head does real credit to the city, which our citi­ neither party likes to have estate sharks come under who, zens have implicit confidence those who are liable to “back­ buying obtained options on pro­ in. Both have strong backing, slide” in their ranks. I perty nt certain prices, dispose and have model, up-to-date of it fit advanced ligures, and bank premises, which are also | If a New York woman routed We want some gunmen with a broom, what then stille'the advance price a credit to the city. and tljr commission in their to commend both banks for the could she not do with a rolling pin? enterprise they have displayed jeajf* The experience of the Pole who in providing elegant quarters, "Progressive is as progressive which is conclusive proof that swallowed pearls for pills shows does,” was Taft’s version oi the tliestockholdershuve great faith that Cleopatra wasted time in dia- progressive party. The pro­ in tlie future growth of the city solving hers. 1 It is to be hoped that the syndi- gressives split up the republican and surrounding country. As party, placing the democratic we look back and remember the cate that leased four large ware- party in power, and this was first liank that was established houses in New York for storing followed by free cattle, free in this city, with its exorbitant beef from Argentina first took the lumber, free milk, free cream, coni missions, its usury, its precaution to find out who controls free tish, free wool, etc. This warrant shaving, its rule or ruin the beef supply in that country. is, as Taft said, what progrès policy financially and political- I i | Following anticigarette legislation sives does. ly, and its stool-pigeons, we feel by the Council of Moultrie, Ga., an glad that those conditions have agitation for ordinances against passed and gone and that we high heels and corsets has begun, have now banking institutions candidates for appointment as in­ that we feel proud of. spectors being especially active. c< Advertising Rates. Gen, Wood takes the sensible The good roads movement in view that an army, however strong Oregon, with so many of the it may be in numbers and field counties already bonded and equipment, is not of much account other preparing to bond, thou­ in a time of war without ammuni­ sands ol men the coming sum­ tion. Even Nepoleon had to use mer will be engaged in road powder. work. This will place a large amount of money in circulation and give employment to those Bro. Trombley, the demo­ who are willing to work. Here cratic fog horn, liaaquit calling in I'illamook county the County the snap shot man a republi­ Court has a limited amount of can ‘'standpatter.” It is not to money w hich will make a good be wondered nt, since his nibs showing, for some excellent can see that the dairy men, the roads and improvements have fishermen and the lumbermen I h - cii made the past few years. got it when* the chicken got the \nd we predict, owing to per­ axe front the democratic party. sistent efforts and the ‘energy Stand pat,Bro.Trombley, stand 'displayed by those whose duty pat, for you are a "free trade ¡it was to look after road work. standpatter,” pure and simple. that at th«* end of the year 1 ill- amook county will have better j roads and better bridges than Say, Bm Dairy men, will Sen­ i the counties which have Ixrnd- ator Chiimlierlain have the gall ed for large amounts. The to nsk y ou to vote for him since ¡County Court should have had he voted for free cattle, free $.*iO,(M)0 more this year and could milk free cream, free fish, free have expended it to good ad­ liet, etc. tiet your knife vantage in districts which need ly, l*i •'.'ToOa»s|np|»ed Till letter roads. Taking the road mnook county in the face when work for a number of years and lie voted topi,ice the industries of the county can congratulate this county on the free list, and itself on substantial improve- Senator lame did the same It I meats hi ah parts of the county, is well to mention that every i With other counties making republican senator and eon rapid progress in road building, gresainan from Oregon have this county must be «•' wide n nted to pr< t -et dim v in. d wake and progressive as usual, ‘er agiuiiltiir d indii-ti for there is a bright future for Tillamook county, from an in­ irohiliitioniwt* bin e tiren dustrial and tourist and sum­ ■ for o « ■ -, H- th. i mer travel points of view. I Prof. H. J. Davenport is an indul­ gent critic. He says women spend too much money trying to "show off,” but he states it more us a passing fact than us implying cen­ sure. He is rather inclined to censure men for it. ruther than the women. Originally the men did the showing off and the women were the providers and workers, more workers than providers in a larger sense. Man hustled about and hunted game, also his fellow­ man, who was in primitive times considered a legitimate addition to the family larder. Having done the show off part of providing, the men left all the work of preparing food for the family to the women including the building of the fam­ ily habitation, the dressing of skins for the family clothing, und the • fabrication of everything used ex | cept the weapons of the hunter and fighter, which lordly man con- sidered not too mean for him to touay himself with. It was a part of hia showing off. Those who have seen Indians fish for salmon can understand thia, The handles the sjtenr and net in actual catching ol the fisli. once impaled or impoumled. further handling oi the fish is menial a labor for him. nn< smokes wlufe the aqua* works. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon S. P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Stronger Than Law 1'illamook 50U0 \ L£>TMER\ COUfnfR' n SOLt I fathem COUMTWi • < »reget _ roa' " 16.11 S M. KERRON, In • of J PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOX coul G. J T illamook B lock , SOLI ILAWCR Utili w Bri nA Thia Ad ver- tiaeatent With You Tillamook k . j < »regot ^"'h .... SOUP OATMCR 301X5 All the money in the world could not produce a more com- fcrtable or durable heavy work tlioe. It cannot be equaled by a:.y other manufacturer. SARCHET, S B The Fashior-bie Tailft,4g J T j\ ft ANY laws have been broken, but this famous work shoe has never been broken by even the hardest wear— that’s why we call it the “Stronger-Than-The-Law ” shoe. . Joni Cleauitig, Pressing and Repairin; L H I a Specialty. It is comfortable and good looking—the etrongeetauu longest wearing sboo known. Beware of imitations. No other work shoo in its class is “just as good." A J Store in Heins Photographic J® 1 Gallery I ■Stronger- Than-The-Law" shoes are made in regular heights and high cuts. Men's, Boys' and Youths’ at $2.50 to $6.G0. Also for Women, Misses and Chil« Take a knife and cut it to pieces if you dron nt $1.50 to $2.75. wish. and you will find it honestly mado of /-God leather, through and through. No These and other "Star Brand" shoes— tuuetitutes fur leather are ever used. over 750 styles—are sold by 20,000 good u.'.rchr.n -. Como to our store and see a The uppers are made of Chrome Tanned •‘Stronger ruan-Tbc-Law" shoe cut up so Leather—os nearly waler-pnjol as leather you can sec just how it is made. can be made. The counters, heele and Don’t buy shoddy shoes at any price. double solus are of tire hneet sole leather. The "Stronger-Than-Tho-La w"Bhceiapub A! way, insist upon having "Star Brand” to-ethereo it won't rip. It will keep your eones with the name on the sole and Cue “Star” on the heel. feet dry and give you double wear. _______ ■ Thee E W 1 Hot^ g ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. O pposite Office: C ourt Till» Tillamook .... Oregoijj ‘v ---------------------------------------------------- 17 J. £L. I “Star Brand Shoes Are Better ’* jl OG Fred KinH Alex CLAUSSEN, LAWYER, DEUTSCHER THE POPULAR PRICED CLOTHIER. _ ___________ Tills Mile H. GOYNE, ADVOKAT. 3 MF J C F Tiija Clovi OrfiNeha 213 T illamook ] B lock Tillamook J Bartl A Ff( E. REEDY, D.V M„ lese . facil I W <* ^VETERINARY/ have three sworn enemies the drunkard, the heavy drinker, and the man who craves rough, strong, high-proof whiskey. Cyrus Noble —mild —pure W. J. Van Schuyver & Go., General Agents Portland, Oregon Both Phones. Siasi Tillamook G. McGEE, ii Siasi M D. lx Ul PHYSICIAN SURGEO & Siasi Office : Next door to Star in fc 8' £ - W Theatre R. K. E, DANIELS, Seo V Glint A’ D i Local Office in the Conmierc®ay i CHIROPRACTOR. Building. 3D( ORE * K < Sonin ------------------------------- ———.— TILLAMOOK - R. L. CD E. HEWITT, Beall OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGED FC OBSTETRICAL SPECIALE be D Erase Both Phones. yej8o Residence and Office in Whip Henrj Residence, A,ex ‘ TILLAMOOK, OREGO ------------ ------------- ----------------- DW< ELMER SeoE BA J ALLEN (Successor to Dr. Sharp p MAJESTIC Modc in Three Othet Style* Some housewlv lusion—that they are real­ M-k o' ly practicing economy by Malkeldr tiytng to gctalong—to get ■od results—out ot an old. worn- Char.oa* out range merely to save tlie Iron, pr!~e o! a new one. Addin« Your old range or stove was ,__ 30.) to together with putty and stovebolts Life of and probably you can stick a pen­ Bl »e knife In the seams and Joints any­ where on It where the stove putty has r rumbled away. When a range gets In that condition. It takes fuel enough to warm all outdoors In order to get your • 1 hot enough for baklng-and then you run the rl«k of burning whatever H In !!>« oven. You can soon burn up the price of the best range ever made I i a ii-i less waste of fuel In an old, worn-out stove or range—and that's u- nher practical economy nor good management. If J OU would practice real economy In your household management. It ’ II nay you, the i.ext time you are In town, to call nt our store and Inquire ‘. uely lulu the perfect baking and retuarkaolo fuel saving qualities of the Malleable and D q *. AÄ Charcoal Iron llilllgf? jj X7 * Till*$f yybj DENTIST. Commercia! Building, llva ( Perfect Baker A Fuel Saver Great Majestic 1 A ? Ed Br Carl V RDF DENTIST. HHai H C V [H. O. O. F Bldff.) Herbe E M F ^Tillamook - Oregon C DG jack OLSEN, T OIIN J W S I LELAND ¿HENDKGeoJ KA I 1 ATTORNEY J Ebb AND UGJ COUNSELLOR-ATLAI_ J C Bt T illamook B lock , w BI Tillamook J E R< Room No. 261 | JC H T. BOTTS, ATTORNEY-AT 1 AVuin" Complete Set of [Abstract »’CA J Office. Taxes Laid for Non i T illamook B u k Tillamook ... RL3I B I. Bi J°h“ - Oio Both Phones-I Outwears Three Ordinary Ranges Í J; ft is th* only range mads entirely of malleable iron and charcoal iron. Char- c->al iron won’t rust like steel- mallaeble iron can’t break, and while the first cost of a Great Majestic may be more than s me other ranges, it oatuteare 3 ordinary ranges. open Iron grate—you can see It. No heat escapes — no cold air gets Into the oven — saves half the fuel and assures perfect baking. Movable Copper Reservoir The reservoir Is off copper, heated like a tea kettle through copper pock­ et (stamped from one piece of copper) Half The Fuel setting against left hand Ikllng <4 Are The Maieetic 1$ put together with box. 'll boils 15 gallons of water In • rfvota <»ioi bolts and stove putty) Jiffy and, by turning lever, the frame— i it absolutely air tight, like an and reservoir—moves away from fire. engine boiler. The Joints and »earns This feature is patented and can ba v ill remain air tight forever ns neitht c used only on the Mc. Ath te «Ao« yoe lAe rrwm expansion nor contraction can atTect or upeu them. fmproeeswvar ever pa' mle e renge — matte* Maiaetie *tron**T vAerr other renew nre arvaAval. Pure Asbestos Lining Tn addition, it is lined with pure asbestos board, covvrvd with an Other Exclusive Features It's the beet rance at any prlos and should be In jver kitchen. for sale by QARL HABKRLACH, W S IAllie ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Mrs. T illamook B eoc K. H Tillamook w. C. HAWK, G R H H TE E A Will GW PHYSICIAN AND St Bay City ALEX McNAIR & CO. QSORGE WILLETT, * 4 tèe with a Reputation * ATTORNEY-AT-L»1 T T illamook C ommekc ml Ï Tillamook - L$