OLD BROAD CREEK CHURCH. COLUMBIA HIGHWAY Real Estate, Etc , Transfer« I Singing at Sight, I never really got it Hiioiighfcfl so us to read musical notation ¡1 ordinary, conventional, civiis^aM The fact remains that if todtfl were suddenly to place before score of “Robin Hood," “lq “Fra Diavolo" I couldn’t for of me tell whether a given nottWi A or G, or whnt key it wag gt| the same time I could sing it com or any unfamiliar piece of mm/? though I should prefer to hear it cd over once on the piano so as started right on the tempo. Th, I brated Mme. Rudersdorff, xrb | one of the finest dramatic and tt' tura singers I ever knew, once d me when I confided to her tills llarity: “Never mind; you are all 1 That's the true method of slngj 'f‘ sight anyway. The best of them really know anything about fl more than that—if they knot | much.”—Henry Clay Baruabee ¡i tlonal Magazine. It I* In Ruins Now, Yet Washington For Tillamook County, Oregon, Once Worshiped There. for the week ending Feb. 4, 1914, Within eight miles from the national furnished by the Tillamook Title A capltol nt Washington is an old church which was built In 1®M. Its parish Abstract Co , John Leland Hender­ was founded even before that A ery son, Secy. few people have ever heard of this old Tillamook County Bank to Mary church, for the simple reason that for SALEM, Or., FeB. 4.—That tlie Kinney, warranty deed, No. i lots the past fifty years the place has been Columbia Highway will be graded 1, 2, 3 A blk. 45 of Thayer's addi­ falling to rack and ruin. ; this year from Portland to tlie sea, tion to Tillamook City. Consider­ it is a famous church, and in the i was tlie announcement made to­ ation $.391). early days it was a well known parish, night by State Highway Engineer F. R. Beals to Lon Kinnaman for it was the first that was founded Bowlby. This, he aa.'d, hud to en et iix , satisfaction of mortgage. near the city of Washington. Of late I years the old families have all moved made possible by the authorization R R. McClay to First National I away, and their children have had in­ of a bond issue of $360,000 by tiie Bank, chattel mortgage. $1000.00 terests elsewhere. They have all for­ voters of Columbia County on live stock. gotten the little old church where their Claud I. Myers to Frank Allander, i ‘'Everything looks fine now for aucestors worshiped. the completion of the highway,” de­ mortgage, consideration $800. All j It was this churth of St. John’s that viated the engineer. k Surveys are of lot 4 in blk. 11, Park addition to George Washington attended on his being mude in Columbia County Tillamook City, Oregon. frequent visits to its side of the river. and two locatiug parties have been James E. Zimmerman to Hettie A few years back those old parishion­ working there for some time Tie Barker et vir, satisfaction of mort ers who could remember their father’s authorities have placed tlie expen gage. stories of having seen Washington row­ diture of the money in the hands N. W. Barker to J H. Perkins, ed by his slaves over from Mount Ver­ Curran’s Mistake. of the state highway commission mortgage, consideration $500.00. non to service there, put on Washing­ It was difficult to subdue the ii ton's pew In the old church a silver and contract for the stretch Lots 4 and 5 in blk. 16, of Miller's spirits of John Philpot Curratq plate as a memorial to him. of the road from the Clatsop addition to Tillamook. The old graveyurd is overgrown with Irish lawyer and wit. Indeed, County line up the river to Rainier Backa Caples toM. Melchior et ux, honeysuckle, but beneath the masses of his most brilliant witticism will be let in a short time, There release of mortgage. of vine there are many famous old I uttered in the staid and sot»» Win. D. Stillwell to Nettie D Kil- will be 32 miles of heavy grading musty asmosphere of the courtnfl Maryland people buried. through Columbia County. Trie borne, warranty deed, considera- On one occasion when Purrs: . old curious The church Itself is a county has levied $170,000 tax for tion $30Q Lot 11 in blk. 1 of Still- structure, it is nearly square and the making an elaborate argument it® road purposes, so thut witti the well Park additon to Tillamook bricks, which are of exceptional 6ize, eery Lord Clare brought a large J bond issue will go a long way to­ City, Oregon. were Imported from England. The foundland dog upon the bench -J! him, and during the »rogress of t:”| Nettie I). Kilbourne to tlie First ward giving the county good roads. hardware was also imported. About $345,000 of the bond issue is National Bank mortgage. Lot 11 There is no chancel at all in the giiment be paid much more atte church. There is a place where the to the dog than to the barrister, 3 to be used on the Columbia High­ in blk 1, of Stillwell Park addition altar should be that is set apart from ually the chancellor lost all regaifl way. Tlie Nehalem and two short to Tillamook City. Oregon, consid­ the church by a small rail. At one even ordinary courtesy. In the crossroads also are to lie unproved.” eration $900.00. time there was a great high pulpit, but important part of the case he tra Wing Lee to E. D. Woodbury, this was taken out by some rector who himself quite aside ami began tt’ - While Mnltnornah, Columbia and deed, consideration $1.00. Lots 5 thought that It was unnecessary.— die the animal. Curran stopp and 6, blk II, of Lake Lytle. I , Clatsop counties have become quite once. Living Church. Mrs Harriet A. Platt to John W. I enthusiastic over the building of the “Go on, Mr. Curran; go on," 7. — ' - I Stewart, H. O. Triplett to F. L. Loder, mortgage, consideration j Kohl's addition. Columbia Highway, and will ex­ Lord Clare. S. % S, warranty deed, $3300.00. Carrie E. Tobi to Tohl & Ander ­ EXPENSIVE DINING. pend a large amount of money in $137.00. All of tracts twenty five | “I beg a thousand pardons, mj sec. 28, Mortgage. Consideration E. i sec. 29, W. H S. W. having the road go through those and twenty six Strese acres, lving sen. 8en- ------ - — replied the wit. “I took it for gr, 32 N i Ne $, section 32, Nw i Nwi, Prices Soar Sky High at the Hotel des that your lordship was euqiloj 1’ counties, little interest thus far has in northwest quarter of section 13 $3,500. Ditto. Roches Noire*. O. S. Dewey to A. L. Rigelaw. section 33, 320 acres in tp. 2 S, consultation.” been taken in connecting Tillamook tp. 2 S. range 10 W. 10 acres. Trouvllle is In the season one of the range 8 W. $150.00 Consideration Nehalem Harbor Company to J. I Mortgage. county with this important and far most expensive spots in Europe. It reaching enterprise, ft means much W. Nelson, contract of sale, consid- j Lots 9 and 10, block 56, Pacific Physical Energy. Successful Everywhere. contains what is assuredly one of the People everywhere are talking of Study of the blood furnisbet to every county the Columbia High­ eration $160.00. Lots 11 and 12 of addition to Bay City most expensive hotels in Europe. The Articles of Incorporation of the quick and tine results Foley clew to Julius Robert Mayer h way passes through, for it is to be blk. 73, Rowe’s addition to Wheeler, Kidney Pills give in backache, individual who takes his wife and fam­ discovery of that fundamental !i<^| Pioneer Livery Company. made a great tourist highway so Oregon. rheumatism, kidney and bladder ily to the Hotel des Roches Noires for, physics, the law of conservation moc — Curtis to C. A. McGhee. Deed. troubles. You can not take them sny, a month In the high season and that visitors to Oregon can see tlie John C. Lucas to Joseph Turk, scenery, productive and unproduc­ warranty deed, consideration$25CG Undivided interest as heir of Wm. into your system without good re­ does them really well—that is, gives ergy. Mayer observed, while tf Hi tag ns a Ship’s surgeon in the Ed. tive resources of tlie State. Outside All of lota nine and eighteen in Curtis, deceased, in Sw } Se 1 and sults. That is because Foley Kid­ them the best which the house has to ney Pills give to tlie kidneys and offer—when he comes away—if he has that the venous blood of his pa: • Se i Sw J, section 30, tp 3 south, of Multnomah, no county in Oregon iilk 21, Oceanview. bladder just what nature calls for (in the days when blood lettin:— can connect witli the Columbia Wm. Robertscli to Tillamook range 9 west, less 3 tracts sold, 72Vi to heal these weakened and inactive paid his bill—has left a small fortune still in general vogue) was a|iprt<**> behind him. acres. organs. For sale by all druggists Highway with as little expense as County Bank, chattel mortgage. The Idea that an Englishman be- brighter in color than in ordr CS Tillamook county. All that is neces­ $700.00 on live stock cause he is being charged a high price practice in the temperate z ms late sary is tlie improvement of about W. S. Randall to Clara Burge, Is being cheated is absurd. Nowadays this be concluded there was ijjfl four miles of road on the Necarney warranty deed, consideration $100,00. —whatever It used to be once upon a nite relation between the going on In the blood mountain, which will be one of tlie Lota 3 anil 4 of blk. 1, A. A, Mil­ time—an Englishman in a really smart action amount of work or heat fumtelr^H grandest and most attractive spots ler's addition to Tillamook, Ore­ I hotel tn France is looked at askance. on the highway, Hete is a swlendid gon. French people on pleasure bent are the body, and thus, following on ■ much more extravagant than we are. argument point by point, he war »und opportunity for Tillamook county Lloyd C. Smith to F. C. Robinson. They do not seem to care what they led to the conclusion that the toconnect with tlie Columbia High­ Warranty Deed. West of Nw cor. amount of energy of a given spend. way at a small outlay. Everybody of lot. constant, that energy can neitte^^B I remember dining once at Tronvllle in the county should help boost H. A. I’arkison to Sarah E. Paki- when a basket of nectarines was offer­ created nor destroyed, but oilt ■ p for the Columbia Highway to go son. Warranty Deed. Considers-1 ed by the head waiter. They were verted from one form into ¡inotti'We ----------------------- through Tillamook County, for it is t ion $10.00. I.ot 20, in bock 51, 1 quite nice nectarines, but that head by far the most important piece of < Iceanlake Park. When Vapor Is Dry. tatioi waiter wanted 25 francs apiece, Five road work that could be undertaken Nehalem Bay Land Company to A popular misconception L tht'afl dollars for two or three mouthfuls today. True it is that the other road Esther S. A examler. Warranty seemed to me too much, but those nec­ position thi t aqueous v apor ani ,w p( at Nehalem connecting Clatsop Deed Consideration $200.00. Lot tarines all went There was scarcely wet. They ,ir.. ;H t heniselve- Model a Frenchman in the room who did not become wet only when they t^^M could be used, but thia does not 17, of block 19, Necarney City. Touring State ~ Lund Board to Frank M. treat himself to one. At the next table water. So dry is aqueous vapW ” >iB have tlie grand scenic beauty mid f. o. b. Detroit. to mine was a man with his wife and will dry any moist object that It «nen inspiring panorama of tin Necar­ W likely. Satisfaction of mortgage. his daughter. They had three apiece, in contact with. Superheated feadl Frank M. Wakely tn Martha E. ney mountain road. Get particulars from El). HADLEY, Tillaincok, Oregon, $15 for dessert as a windup to an ex­ before it condenses, is a dry P por Alley, Mortgage. Consideration tremely expensive dlnnerl — Richard feels wet if the temperature Methodist Minister Recommends $250.00, 42.80 acres, more or less. hand is sufficient to melt it: iskn^^E Marsh In Strand Magazine. J. C. Johnson mid George Smith Chamberlain's Cough R-medy. dry. Another misconception Is Rev. Junies A. Lewie, Milaca, to J. E. Pettycrew. Assignment of the air can be either moist ord Changing Lead to Gold. Minn , writes: ’Chnmberhiiti's Mortgage. Consideration $750.00. is condensed aqueous vapor in t Professor Soddy makes the assertion Cuugli Remedy has been n needed J. E. Pettycrew to William Psetak boldly that it is only a question of ap­ that is moist, ami it would be n sek iiik I welcome guest in our home plication to change lead into gold, lie there were no air. A given tor a number <>t years. 1 highly Satisfaction of Mortgage. $750.(X>. G. W. Burgees to J E. Pettycrew. recommend it to my fellows as be­ says that while now we can only work nqueous vapor confined in a M ’ ing n medicine worthy of trial in Mortgage. Consideration $500.00. with electricity at 100,000 volts it is space will lie wet or dry a ton '• ciises of colds, coughs mid croup ” 1 1 5 acres, more or less. only a matter of perfecting the method the temperature. At 32 degrees. Give Chamberlluin’s Cough Reni Frank lllingsworth to Frank to be able to work at ten times that stance. It might be partially ■ "»9^ edv u trial and we are confident you voltage when the baser metals can be and consequently wet. while atu will lind it very effectual and con Forsbloin. Quit Claim Deed. Con- changed into the more precious. In gre< a. owing to expansion, It Untie to use it as occasion requires sideration $1.00. That portion of for years to come, us many others Sw i of Sw »4 of section 14, tp 1 other words, electricity, when brought dry. have done. For sale by nil dealers to Its highest efficiency and application, north, range 10 west W.M., lying The First Ironclad. too is the real philosopher's stone for between county road and Miami The French were the first pwigy Don't Y om Believe it. which the alchemists of the middle river. Some say tliAt chronic constipu- ages searched so long.—New York apply in a practical shape thekS Frank Korsblom to F. R Beals. reviving the use of armor on th* Iron cannot he cured. Don’t you World. believe it. Cliuiiibei Inin's I'ulilets Warranty Deed. As a box e. Con of ships. They constructed five I have < urcd others why not you sideration $29 00. Ing butteries clad with four inck New One on Him. Give llieii^ii trial They cost only Politics was at the boiling point in Iron. Of these the first was di­ Wm. D. Stillwell to Tillamook a quarter. For sale by ull denlera .- _ the negro ward, and the lemon colored nante. mounting sixteen guns. 8 >rnia City. Deed. Cmisideiation $1.00 ON henchman undertook to air bls supe­ launched at Brest in 1855. Tb ill re Chronic Constipation Cured. l> E. Dawson to Chas. Samuels ' V*'«’ years ago I had the worst and Chas. Lester. rior knowledge in the argument with ironclad warship proper was No Bill of Sale ■ ose of « tironic conatipation I ever the ebon hued brother. “Yes. sub.” he Gioire, launched hi November ‘ Considerution $1000 OJ, i a iuterest in a