Tillamook Headlight February 6. IÖ14, PMENT DATE SET. these truths that have stood FIRST NATIONAL BANK Notice to Creditors. Franchises Turned Down. I through the ages or we will begin IN SPLENDID QUARTERS. N otice is H ereby G iven , th t and Army Members | to decline as a nation. Our eub On Monday evening the city council met in regular session with the follow­ the undersigned, has been ap­ to Assemble Jane 16 to 18. stance is far too precious to wast. pointed administrator of the estate Wishing you a’l good night and Is Located in New I.O.O.F. ing officials present: Mayor, F. R. of Fannie B. Wallace, deceased, by The »3d annual encampment of Bjilding--Is a Credit to Beals ; councilmen, Iamb, Broadhead, the County Court of Tillamook sweet dreams, I am as ever, at State! Grand Army of the Re Keldson and Melchior ; Recorder Todd i County, Oregon, and all persons C. W aymire . the City ofTillamook. - Ort/OhHc will be held at Tillamook having claims against Baid estate and Attorney Botts. Gravel Ford, Coos Co., Ore. are hereby notified and required to ___ line 16, 17 and 18, the council of The Committee on Ways and Means present some, with proper vouch­ On Saturday the First National Bank dminirtra tion has announced, , began moving into its new quarters in was instructed to purchase twelve ers, duly verified, to tile under­ allowing a conference with the CLAM BAKE CLUB WILL the I. O. O. F. Building and now has chairs for the rest room being estab­ signed at the office of T. B. Handley VISIT TILLAMOOK. lorinth Post No. 35, of Tillamook. in Tillamook City, Oregon, within things nicely settled and is doing busi­ lished by Mrs. Stillwell. six months from the date hereof. RGEojhe council first decided to hold The Committee on Health was in ­ ness under more favorable conditions. . Dated December 12th. 1913. lie encampment June 23, 24 and 25, United Artisans Making Pre G. W \V \ 1.1. u E. The new banking rooms are finished structed to provide for the jail and parations for a Big Time. K| ut the earlier date was more con- Administrator of the estate of in genuine African ribbon grain ma­ put its furnishings in proper shape. ,, enient to the Tillamook post and Fannie B. Wallace, deceased. The last issue of the Artisan gave hogany with Verde Antique marble as The Committee on Streets made thé °rtW Wonted. an account of the preparations that a base trimming. The grill work in following report in regard to the fran­ Notice to Creditors. It i* expected that all of the 61 are being made for an excursion to the mahogany fixtures is of brush chises asked for by the Electric Light N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That osts of the state will be repre- this city the coming summer, and bronze and of very neat design, The & Fuel Co. and F. D. Small and D. C. the undersigned has been ap­ Lented at the encampment, which whlch the local lodges will partici- floor is laid in Mueller Mosaic tile and Urie. pointed administrator of the estate ill include the annual gathering ()ate in • In the matter of the application of of Charles Burke, deceased, by harmonizes very nicely with the fix- Repai/the Woman's Relief Corps and A re Y ou a C lam ? F. D. Small and D. C. Urie we made the County Court of Tillamook tures and finishings of the bank. ic Ladies of the Grand Army. Not unless you have joined the The new banking rooms are lighted investigation, and think the interest County’, Oregon, anil all persons art year more than 800 old soldiers I C)"~ Bake'ciub a nd pledged“ yoJr with the Mobrlite indirect lighting of the city and people would be best having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to •ok part in the encampment held loyalty to King Razor. system which was installed by the served if a sufficient Lond were filed present same, with proper vouch ,aPliiq Newberg and more than 1500 W hat I t A ll M eans . West Coast Electric Co., of this city. as a guarantee of good faith of their era, duly verified, to the under­ iaitora were present during the The Clam'Bake Club is an 0880- These lights are of the latest ideas in intention in seeking the franchise. signed at the office of John Leland Henderson, in Tillamook City, ------tree days' gathering. ciation of "live wire" Artisans liv­ lighting systems and have an unusual This statement js not intended to in Oregon, within six months from the ing in or near Portland who have strength. They are the first of their the least cast any reflection upon these date hereof Asa B. Robinson Married. paid an entrance fee of ten cents kind to be installed in the city. Dated January 29th, 1914. gentlemen, but we deem it a safe rule M ary B urke , The entire equipment and fixtures of to follow before granting any franchise W. Displaying his natural cunning and taken a pledge to secure two Administrator of the estate of * I new benefit members by August 1, to any one for any purpose, unless the the bank are of a plain and substantial Charles Burke, deceased. i "pulling the wool over the eyes' Hot; his innocent and trusting friends, 1914, for which »hey will receive make and are up-to-date in every way parties and their ability to promote the Citation. ( ? making out his own marriage p I two transportation coupons from in regard to their construction and ar­ business is well known to the council, I the Supreme Assembly, said cou ­ We requested such a bond in this case rangement. In the County Court of the State of :en*e, Asa Baldwin Robinson, Oregon for the County of l.ane. The arrangement of the new bank and to the present it has been refused. ■—(|unty clerk, better known as just pons to be used to defray trans­ In the matter of the estate and ain, common Ace, __ ” has, without I’’ortation expense of an excursion and all its details are designed with a Hence we report against granting the guardianship of Lola I.atnb, franchise. eming just cause, ’, deserted the (Probab>y bT special train) to the view to giving the customer every fa­ a minor. I haunts i........ . of the «>.„ Razor L’lani on one cility and comfort in the transaction of In the matter of application of the To Preston Marolf, Hattie Marolf, , alm* of baclierlorhood. ^AT. with hut few friends of the con of the famous Tillamook Beaches, his or her business. The ventilation Tillamook Electric Light and Fuel Co. Ethel Holden and Arttinr Marolf, to all whom it may’ concern, and heating is perfect and duriug the we think that the franchise should by and ck . acting parties present, Mr. Rob-1 w'iere a genuine greeting. C lam B ake W ill B e H eld . all means contain a provision whereby day the room has the best of light son and Miss Iva Grace Burton, In the name of the State of Ore­ Also initiation of a class of candi- both for the customer and the officers the city, might, at any time it so de­ gon, you are he:el»y cited and re­ Ortf;Independence, were married at ------- e home of the bride’s mother, dates and other special forma of and employees of the bank. There is sired, purchase the plant at a valua­ quired to appear in the County Court State of Oregon, lor the Coun­ a private room in front for the use of tion to be fixed bv some competent of the re. Elizabeth Burton, in that city, entertain ment. of Lane, at the Court Room there­ Arrangements will be made to the officers in conducting business of a board such as the rail-road commission. ty lesday, Rev. Charles Dunmore of, at Eugene, in the County of Lane, Bciating. Following the cere- have the members of the Tillamook private nature with customers. The This right to purchase we have re­ on the 27th day of February, 1914, at o’clock in the forenoon of that ony, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson left County Assemblies to join the Port­ directors room is a well appointed quested embodied in the franchise, and ten day’, then and there to show cause, land Artisans in the festivities. the company have declined to agree to room located in the rear of the bank. r Portland and are today register- if any’ you have, why an order of The officers of Nehalem, Bay City, The vestibule, finished in mahogany such a provision, hence we report sale should not be made authorizing l at th* Oregon hotel. Oret’Mrs. Robinson, the happy bride, Tillamook and Cloverdale Assem- makes a beautiful entrance, the doors against the granting of said franchise. and empowering the guardian ot In our duties of investigating these said Lola Lamb, a minor, to sell the — . 48 been a resident of Indepeti ’ I bliea are made honorary officer^ of being so arranged that in leaving or described real estate be­ entering the bank you pass to the franchises we have looked into the following y nee for many years. Accom- the Clam Bake. longing to said minor and situated The Club will probably leave matter of rates and find that the rate right. The fixture has a round corner in the County’ ofTillamook, State of ished and possessing the traits ideal young womanhood, she Portland by epecial train Saturday and the lobby is beautifully trimmed charged here seem to be higher than Oregon, to-wit : Beginning at a point 9.10 chains won the high esteem of the morning and arrive at the beach and furnished in keeping with the rest those of other towns, and especially East of the Northwest corner of sec -od people of that city. For some in the afternoon, returning Sunday of the Dank. An elegant Bettee adorns in those towns owning their own pow­ tion 32, township 1 South of range 9 the lobby and there is also a fine writ­ er plants. When our investigations as West of the Willamette Meridian, gtarne part she was a teacher in the night. M embers of A ssemblies O ut of ing table and chairs for the conven­ to rates are complete we will submit a and running thence Southerly’ on dependence schools. the East line of the tract herein P ortland M ay be C lams . later report in that matter. ience and comfort of the customer. Mr. Robinson, although a resi- allotted to Preston Ma ioli, 28.97 Members of Salem, Oregon City, The committee which was instructed There are three vaults, reinforced nt of Dallas but a few years, is chains to a point 11.Gl chains North Hillsboro, Forest Grove, Corvallis to investigate the sewers asked for • concrete throughout. Two of these of the quarter section line ; thence obably as well and favorably town a* any present county offi- or of any other town or city in Ore­ vaults are on the first floor and one is further time in which to make report. 1 East 2.14 chains, thence north 28.97 The Committee on Ways and Means chains to a point 2.20 cliaius East ot il. He was born in Independence gon or other state may become on a second floor. One of the lower the place of beginning, thenceWest members of the Clam Club, and was instructed to make special provi­ 2.20 vaults is for the use of the bank only, d is, therefore, an Oregonian to chains to the place of beginning, niay take advantage of the excur ­ sion for the keeping of the records, and the other lower vault is for the containing 0.28 acres, more or less. ierciii core, On November 5, 1912, he sion by securing two new benefit Witness, the Hon. Heltnus W. exclusive use of patrons of the safe and to partition off a small room in the is elected to the office of county Judge of the County srk of Polk county on the Demo- members and paying their fare to deposit department of the bank. Front­ corner of the hall where all documents Thompson, Court of the State of Oregon, for the , atic ticket by a substantial ma- to Portland, or they may earn their ing the safe deposit department is a can be securely cared for. County of l.ane. and the Seal of said The matter of the consolidation of Court hereto affixed, this 23rd day ' rity. Genial, faithful, I ___ " with ___ the| __ fare i - the S tate of me good letters from Tillamook I *be membership becc^fts greater vaults were furnished by the Diebold dition was referred to street committee'. O regon , you are hereby required lay. They made me a bit home- | th“n one special train can handle. Safe and Lock Co., and are the very The city attorney was instructed to to appear and answer the complaint The officers of the Clam Bake are latest and best doors that can be ob­ dismiss the case, City vs Ed Laughlin, ' filed against you in the above en­ :k, to here I come. As I have no tained. It is worth one’s while to call upon the defendant paying costs and titled cause and Court within six uuobrk to do I am reading quite a bit as follows: I week* fr„m the date of the first pub King Razor, Dr. H. E. Schlegel. at the bank and eee how these large attorneys fees. -----d naturally the problem of the lication oi this summon* to-wit: Queen "Razor, Dr. E. E. Van Al­ R. B. Hays was appointed to the ' within doors operate, and thereby secure some employed has come up and it’s six week* from the 29th day etine. office of City Recorder, on the recom ­ idea of the great security they afford question we must meet. You, of January, 1914, and it you fail to Chief Co-Hog, Dr. O. A. Hatton. mendation of a petition signed by a ' so answer, tor want thereof, the the contents of the vaults. , the Republicans say, high tar- plaintiffs will take a decree against Lady Little Neck, Mrs. Sophie The second story vault extends large number of tax payers. and big wages ; the Democrats you foreclosing the mortgage des­ King. above the other two vaults and will y, low tariff and cheap food ; the cribed in plaintiff’s complaint, and Duke Hard Shell, Mr. Geo. Kin- be used for the storing of old records Old Age. cialists say the profit system is directing that the lands and pre near. Old age as it comes in the orderly ■ mses described therein, and of the bank. wrong, let every man have all of nature is a beautiful covered by Baid mortgage, to wit : Lord High Tide, Dr. G. C. Esliel- makes ; the I. W. W.'s say more The officers and directors of the bank process and majestic thing. It stands for Beginning at a stake iri the North man. ---- tges, to work ; U. S. Prohibition- are to be especially commended for the experience, knowledge, wisdom. east corner ot the South East 11 ol the Lord High Executioner, Mr. Geo. KS01* out saloons. Per­ good taste and judgment displayed and That is old age as it should be, but North West '/i of Sec. 16, I'p. 53, E. Hemstock. ps there is some truth in all results obtained in securing the new old an it often is means poor diges­ R. 10 west of the Willamette Me­ tion, torpid bowels, a sluggish ridian, in Tillamook County, Ore­ Lady Tidal Wave, Mrs. Jennie ese claims, but, sir, I feel sure the location and equipping the bank. liver and a general feeling of ill gon. running westerly 31) I leet along E. Smith. ly cure is to quit recruiting the Too much praise cannot be given Mr. health, despondency and misery. the south line of the C. Dunn place; H onarary O fficers . my. These ramblers will soon Tait the president of the bank, who This in almost every instance is thence South 45) feet ; thence east All officer* of Tillamook Asaem- wholly unnecessary. OneofCham­ 300 feet ; thence north 45J feet to gone if they are not recruited. If has given a great deal cf time and at­ berlain’* Tablets taken immediately the place of beginning, containing is logic, is good, we must find|bHe8’ tention to the construction and ar­ after supper will improve the di­ 3.090 acres of land, more or less, in E mblem . egoit the cauke. Remove it and all rangement of the new bank. Mr. Tait gestion, tone up the liver anil regu­ Tillamook County, Oregon, be sold The official emblem of this Club 11 be well. Jesus in discribing a The feeling of by the Sheriff of Iillamook County, has made the banking business a life late the bowels. __ imp says "he wasted bis sub- shall be a clam with the wo.rds study, and is beyond question a man despondency will give way to one Oregon, in the manner provided by of hope and good cheer. For sale law, and the proceeds of such sale ance ini rietous living," and the "Are you a clam?’’ thereon, well fitted to occupy the posi­ by all dealers. applied to the psymenton the sums P atrons A nd P atronesses imps of our time have done this found due on plaintiff’s mortgage, tion he now holds. While he is courte­ All Master Artisans of Portland lis man’s substance consisted of together with costs and disburse- ous and ever resdy to assist the patrons Notice to Contractors Assemblies ment, Attorney's fees, and expenses least three things:—His time ; of his bank or the community in gen ­ of sale by the Sheriff and that said Send your application to Mrs. k-• means; hie opportunities. To eral, at the same time he is conserva­ plaintiff* will further take a decree Sealed Bids addressed to the County ist these things brings men to Sophie E. King, 521 Beck Bld« , tive in all his dealings and is indeed a Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, against you for the relief demanded Portland, Ore. it.«. under any government under safe man to be at the head of such an for the proposed co istruction of Sec­ in plaintiffs' complaint- this summon* is published in tion “C’’of Garibaldi- Wheeler County e sun. To improve these makes Methodist Minister Recommend* institution. Mr. Tait has absolute Road in Tillamook County, Ooegon, the Headlight, a newspaper of so • Mccees, independent and control of the bank, being its principal from Station 177 plus 65 to Station 212 general circulation in Tillamook, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. g»l PPy- ío turn the young into plus O, will be receiver! hy the County County, Oregon, for six consecutive Rev. James A. Lewis, Milaca, stockholder. cceMini channels of life the Minn., of Tillamook County, Oregon, at weeks, the first publication thereof writes: “Chamberlain's President Tait is ably assisted in the Court its office in Tillamook City, Oregon, on being on the 29tli day of January, "nts should become Christians Cough Remedy has been a needed active management of the bank by or before the 21st day of February, 1914, and the-last publication there id give the early training for a and welcome guest in our home Cashier W. J. Rieehers, an able and 1914, at 10 o’clock in the A. M and at of on the 12th day of March, 1914, . laudation for a successful life, for a number of years. I highly recommend it to my fellows as be­ experienced banker. Mr. Riecbers has that time opened and read. Each bid all according to the order of the. li* would l>e easier if the saloons ing a medicine worthy of trial in been with the bank since early shall be accompanied by a certified Honorable Homer Mason, County check made payable to Tillamook Judge of said County, unde lilis ■re gone and our cities were not cases of colds, coughs and croup " last summer and has made many friends County, for an amount equal to at 23rd day of January 1914. ied up With so many things to Give Chamberllain’s Cough Rem­ during that time. He speaks, reads least 5 per cent of the amount of such I van G. M artin (BD.) id the young into idleness and edy a trial and we are confident you C arey F M artin , (RD.) will find it very effectual and con­ and writes German fluently and is al­ bid, which «hall be forfeited to the p ». If ^ur news papers would tinue Attorneys for Plaintiffs. County tn case award is made and the to use it as occasion requires ways courteous to the public. bidder shall fail, neglect or refuse for a _.ful • f«* scripture texts on in- for years to come, as many o-thers Thia bank has joined the FEDERAL period of five days after which the i •rtry, ^ccnomy, Godliness and have done. For sale by all deader*. RESERVE BANK SYSTEM which award is made to enter into a contract StA Mini * it would be real news. will permit it to handle farm loans and and file a surety bond satisfactory to Don't You Believe it. hr r PS I are few who read the the Court as require 1 by law. Some say that chrontr constipa­ be in a position to take care of all of I more 20 years of life The bids are to cover the cl< aring of ' cannot be cured. Don’t you its customers at all times. the right-of-way and grading and it Igood home and in school tion believe it Chamberlr.in's Tablets Tn* First National is entering upon placing all culverts from Station 177 ►pare the young man or have cured others—-why not you? ‘he new year under the mosi favorable plus 65 to Station 212 plus (*. of tbe 1usefulness 4ft years of Give them a trial. They coat only County Road. circumstance* and its many friends Garibsldi-Wheeler me Plan* and specifications are on file at. I industry with frugality a quarter. For sale by all dealers. l net* directly up-»II to reject anv and all bid*. e«»u* aarfaeca the » (you will, over politics, knew of, and Chnmberlain'a Tab­ Uattmoniai* irt-r < ured me. ' write* S F. F ’ ' .No hunting, fishing and tresspan* Dated thi* 21*t day of January. 1914. bish, F J CII I.NEY A- CO., Trde io, O. ■id pleasure, but remem- let* Brooklyn, Mich. For sale t v f 1. S not/cew can be obtained at the Head­ J. C. Holden, Mok! br all I»ruggiM a 75c jtn ■ have to come back to Lamar. Take HaUa Family Fill» for cunalip«Uun light office, printed on cloth , , County Clerk. s, I ♦1 W 1 w with the problem of buy ng Harnesa you will find it distinctly advanta­ geous to come and do your select iug here. You will get the best qualities, the most thorough and conscientious workmaaship and be charged the most reasonable prices. We can supply single or doubl Sets or any single article that you may be in need of. W.A, Williams & Cc . x Frevent Trouble [•J with your Cows jij; by using our ! (!) Carbolic --------- f|i x Freely in and i w around Barns. F (•j Come in and let ■$> : us give you full H instruction how || to use the same I c I. CLOUGH CO •» DRUGGIST. Tillamook Baker’s Bread Sold at All Grocers If you are thhikingof buying a good Harness, horse covers, halters, or anything in the har­ ness line it will pay you to see me. I also carry the fatuous Shar« ■y’s collar. Bechtel’s Harness Shop TILLXMOOK, ORE. Made My Life Worth Living "I feel it my nrr, also with a poor appe­ tite and constipation. I tried all of the rem- edii’s that I heiird of, and a numlxir of doc­ tors. but got no relief. Finally a friend told me to try Chamber- lain'* Stomach and Liver Tablets. 1 got a bittie of them and they soon helped my stomai h; by their gmtl* action my bow­ el* txxMime more reg­ ular. Today I feel like praising them to all who suffer as I did. for th- y I imvh cured me and made my life worth living. *