Tillamook Headlight. February 5, I8H T. BO ALS, M.D., Notice to Contractors. Th« Crown That Fell. Superstitious folks Bud their belief In Sealed bids addressed to the County omens strengthened by an incident Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, PHYSICIAN AND SURG which occurred at the wedding of the I for the proposed improvement 'f the Surgeon S.P. Co. Empress Eugenie of France many County Road at Jenkins Bridge on Wil­ (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) years ago. After the ceremony the eui son River. ,n Tillamook County. Ore­ peror and his bride entered the coach, gon, will be received by the County ie thut was surmounted by an Imperial Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, Tillamook tib at its office in Tillamook City. Oregon, crown and gilded and adorned with urn on or before the 21st day of February paintings. This coach had been built 1914, at 10 o’clock A. M, and at that for the wedding of Napoleon 1. nud time ooened and read. Each bid shall Q »•». >|lo M. ar.nKUA, KERRON, Marie Louise a number of decades be­ be accompanied by a certified check ’ Ori fore. Just us the conch began to move I made n,acje payable to Tillamook County, for I ________ __' ■_ to __ at ' least 5 per cent —t j PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOHp forward the crown fell from the roof | an amount ; equa( ____ __ of the coach to the ground. The eight * I of the amount of such bid, which shall T illamook B lock , were — ut once hulted. — the crown be forfeited to the County in case an Liorses x. ----- ---------- wus picked up, and In some fushlon or 1 award is made and the bidder shall fail, Tillamook - - . . enii neglect or refuse for a period of five other set in place again. Napoleon days after which the award is made to ----------------------------------------- thrust his head out of the window to enter into a contract and file a surety learn what bad caused the halt, and bond ________ ____ ____ ___ satisfactory to ____ the Court as ___ re- TSARCHET, when informed of the accident by Iquired by law. • The Fashionable T Snt< Count Fleury said that it reminded The bids are to cover the clearing of ill i ------------ him of an anecdote which be would the right of way and excavating and tell him some other time. “But." re- grading about 1219 cubic yards of Cleaning, Pressing and Repair*th I ft marks Fleury In bls memoirs. “1 knew |e«rth and installing necessary culverts, a Specialty. and specifications are on file at it already. A virtually identical acci­ the Plans _____ __ ait oflSce of the County Clerk of Tilla­ dent occurred to the coach at the mar­ mook County, Oregon, in Tillamook iok Store in Heins Photography N riage of Marie Louise.’’ City. Gallery The County Court reserves the right Ancient Game of Football. I to reject any and all bids. ------- - -------- Football is probably the oldest of pated tins 21st day of January l914. h . GOYNE, England’s national games. At Derby a game of football was played as early I 1 ns the third century in commemora­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Dis Notice to Contractors. tion of victory over tlie Roman legion i “P at < heater. The first football list'd in 1 Sealed bids addressed to the County Office : O pposite C ourt h the annual game—still played each I Court of Tillamook County, Oregon for . . . Easter—is said to have been the bead the proposed construction of the Loer- Tillamook - •:ent of a Danish invader. In the Isle of I pabel County Road in Tillamook County — — — — — — — - -------- Purbeek. too. the free quarrymen from Oregon, will be received by the County time immemorial have perpetuated I Court of Tillamook County, Oregon at J. CLAUSSEN, ain, LAWYER, (H their claim to a grant of land by kick- >tam Tdlamook dty . Oregon, on . a t ai f lor before the 21st day of February, Ing a football across it. In the four I wl4 at 10 o’clock A. M., and at that DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT yyit teenth century the game was so popu- I time opened and read. Each bid shall !ar as to call forth an edict forbidding I t>e accompanied by a certified check 213 T illamook J B lock . acti it, on the gi-onnd that it Interfered with made payable to Tillamook County, for MM the practice of more martial exercises. Ian amount equal to at least 5 per cent Tillamook - - . . Oreg jnt In Inter times Shakespeare referred | of tjie^amount of such bid, which shall ——i contemptuously to the game, but per­ be forfeited to the County in case an re. 1 award is made and the bidder shall fail, haps few xvotild be able to turn up E. REEDY, D.V M., neglect or refuse for a period of five lead readily the passage in “Klug Lear” de­ days after which the award is made to ficii scribing "a base football player.”—Lon­ enter into a contract and file a surety VETERINARY. ony, don Standard. bond satisfactory to the Court as re­ r Pc quired by law. Both Phones. I at i Chinese Porcelain. I Jh? *?idB are to cover the clearing of . , .. , . , I the right-of-way and grading from a ( ire,; Mrs. The Chinese have a national art in point ^5.8 feet North 29 degrees, 16 Tillamook - — - JB t Hie production of porcelain. Not until I mjnutes East of angle 21 to the line be- the time of Pnlissy and Wedgwood can tween S. A. Himpel and William Toh), G- mcgee , M.D. nee Europe be said to have entered Into I in at angle 38 of the Loerpabel County iahe rivalry with the best works of China. Road. " ide Plans and specifications are on file at But tin enormous difference separates the office of the County Clerk of Tilla ­ PHYSICIAN & SURGEO ’ ’ the work of China and Europe. Chi­ >od i mook County, Oregon, in Tillamook nese work in porcelain represents City. Office : Next door to Statne l ideals, symbolic usages and perhaps The County Court reserves the right dep allegories, which have their counter­ to reject any and all bids. Mr. Theatre. part in the medieval stained glass to Dated this 21st day of January, 1914. _ nt o J. C. Holden be seen in many of the oldest cathe­ obal County Clerk. drals. While these are religious and R. E. E, DANIELS, lOW« attempt to embody in colors on a flat Notice to Contractors, ground regardless of light and shade, ii. : CHIROPRACTOR. but in symbolic colors, incidents in the d is Sealed bids addressed to the County lives of real personages or symbolic Local Office in the Commercia* **** Court at Tillamook County, Oregon, conventions associated with religious is el< for the proposed planting and regrad­ ceremonies or ideas, Chinese decora­ ing of Sectiqn “A” of the Garibaldi- Building. trk c tive art appeals to a sense of beauty in Wheeler County Road, in Tillamook TILLAMOOK - ORE a manner that would have been appre­ County, Oregon, from Station 79 plus 00, to Station 177 plus 65, will be re­ ciated by the ancient Greeks. -------------------------------- -—.—.— ceived by the County Court of Tilla­ R. L. E. HEWITT, >bim mook County, at its office in Tillamook Terminology of the Lie. City, Oregon, on or before the 21st OSTEOPATHIC me I Mr. Lloyd-George, with Celtic direct­ day of February 1914, at the hour of PHYSICIAN AND SURGEO ’ ilk c ness, calls it “a lie.” The Saxon prefers 10 o’clock A. M. and at such time open­ OBSTETRICAL SPECIALIST.^» a periphrasis Mr. Churchill’s “termi­ ed and read. Eachjbid shall be accomp­ Botli Phones. ' nological Inexactitude" has become a anied by a certified check made pay­ . . Ham classic, though Mr. Barry Pain did able to Tillamook County, for an Residence and Office in Wliit»-lh>t 0T gj rather well with "mendacious diathe­ amount equal to at least 5 per cent of amount of such bid, which shall be Residence, ’ sis. 1 The parliamentary evasion is the the forfeited to the County in case award TILLAMOOK, OREGON, most polite. for when “the honorable is made and the bidder shall fail, ne­ member opposite has been grnvely mis­ glect or refuse for a period of five days ELMER ALLEN Wl informed" the compliment implied is after which the award is made, to enter frequently too subtle to carry across into a contract and file a surety lyind (Successor to Dr. Sharp), me g the floor of the house. The "Autocrat" satisfactory to the Court as required defined the lie when he said. “The devil by law. The bids are to cover the rebuilding DENTIST. *«y- has many tools, but a lie is the handle embankment on the South end :k, SO which fits them all.” Mark Twain’s of Smith’s Lake, cleaning of ditches and definition Is equally neat. “A lie,” he trimming the banks from Station 82 to Commercial Building, Tillamocirk to d na said. "Is an abomination unto the Lord, Station 114, raising the grade across emp but a very present help in time of Ocean Lake and laying planks from Station 79 plus 00 to Station 177 pius trouble.’’—London Spectator. quea J ACK OLSEN, 65. , the The plank will be furnished by Tilla­ Gladstone’s Taste In Sermons. and DENTIST. mook Couuty on cars at the nearest Gladstone, who never omitted at­ track siding. y, lox tending service twice every Sunday, (I. O. O. F Bldg.) Plans and specifications are on file at cialis bad his own idea of what a sermon the office of the County Clerk of Tilla­ wroi should be like and the effect it should mook County, Oregon in Tillamook .Tillamook - Oregon mak City. have upon its hearers. Sir Algernon '»ea The County Court reserves the right West records that one morning, com Ing from the Chapel Royal, the G. O. to reject any and all bids. T OIIN LELAND [HENDERSON *“y. J pa tl M. "exclaimed against a very beautiful Dated this 21st day of January 1914. J. C. Holden sermon of Mr. White’s, of the Savoy, ---------- eae cl ATTORNEY County Clerk ‘because,’ he said, •he has excited my lycu AND brain by his quotations and given me my. COUNSELLOR AT-LAW. Notice to Contractors. anything but the rest which Is what gone 1 want and expect to find In church.' ” T illamook B lock , ialog ------------------ — I , Sealed bids addressed to the County A the Oreg* Food For» Po«t. I Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, Tillamook (- I ' 11 be’ "I have a vague but persistent yearn f?r l.he I'r?,Pos®d improvement of the Room No. 261. | ing for something." rm.r.nure.1 the poet c“^ 0£eek road.^«n^TniBmook "”P ■ a nee -n constant yearning for something. I »he County Court of Tillamook Coun- imp« know not what ty, Oregon, at Its office in Tillamook HT. BOTTS, . lia nu "Mnylie It’s tripe," suggested the I City, Oregon, on or before the 21st ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. leaat sympathetic landlady. "We haven’t had day of February 1914, at 10 o’clock A. any In a long time."—Washington Her- ??• 8nd at that time opened and read. Complete Set of ¿Abstract Books a mea I Each bid snail be accompanied bv a Office. »•< »hi I I certified check made payable to Tilla- u.,.. _ .___________ Imook County, for an amount equal to Taxes Paid for Non Residente-’*** un M.htary GymnnU at least 5 cent of the amountqof Japanese soldiers r are nearly - T illamook B lock , ell I bid, which shall be forfeited to the gymnasts and every barrack has a County incase an award is made and the ■ PPr- gymnasium. So well trained are they bidder shall fail, neglect or refuse for Both Phones.| cceaal that In leas than half a minute they a period of five days after which the can scale a wall fourteen feet high by award is made to enter into a contract id giv simply leaping on each other's shoul­ and file a surety bond satisfactoy to QARL haberlach , ders. one man sustaining two or three the Court as required by law. The bids are to cover the clearing others. lie WVI of the right of way, and excavating ATTORNEY-AT LAW. 9» gm and grading 1702 cubic yards of earth T«k»cop«s and Forest Firs*. and building one concrete and metal led up T illamook B eock , Forest officers have found that high culvert. id the Plans and specifications are on file at power telescopes are not always satis- « >• gu*- I* Tillamook factcory in fire lookout work. In some the office of the County Clerk of Tilla­ lut a mook County, Oregon, in Tillamook localities heat vibrations In the atmos­ City. latry, phere are so magnified by the glass iht County Court reserves the right C. HAWK, that clearer vision can be had with the to reject any and all bide. bids. I____ unaided eyes. Dated this 21st day of January, 1914 i To Be Sold at Public Auction Mi ir I n Hat» The Entire Stock of Collar» MlO4, section 22, tp 1 south, ers to contribute charity to em­ range 9 west, containing 40 teria that swept tlie country a few ployes. A partial solution would acres TractJNo. 222, section months ago during the inqury into be the increasing of efficiency 22, tp 1 south, range 9 west, the wages paid girls in the stores containing 20 acres............. 71 40 among employes and such u read­ of the various cities, is the sane justment as would better distribute 7 —C, H. Muginuie, Sw >4, statement ot Miss Lois C01 nitirtli, section 14, tp 2 south, range the wageworkers. Some pursuits 9 west, containing 149 49-100 investigator for the Board of Public \ are crowded while others clamor acres ......................................... 13 47 Welfare at Kansas City, tliat moral 8 —Marie House, Se i, section for workers. The statistics of Chi ity should not figure in the demand 10, tp 2 south, range 10 west, for wages. She says that when the cago delinquents showed the great- containing 100 acres........... 27.60 ! eat number, even twenty times that 9 —O. A Graham, E i of W j demand line such a basis it casts section 20, tp 3 south range unfounded reflections on working of former clerks, had formerly been 7 west, containing 160 acres. 3.45 girls, She gives it ns her conclu- domestic servants. The domestic 10. — M. C. Aaron, S i of Sw j. servant ie sure of a living, but the R(on that wages count little in the section 5, tp 3 south, range 9 west containing 80 acres . 7.47 morals of girls who work, her in 1 life is not attractive. For thia fact is a division of responsibility 11. —Lavina Coates, lot 2, block vestigstions showing not one tenth 1 then ' 7, Garibaldi............................... of the girls who get into trouble j between employer and employe, 12. —D. M. Smith, lot 2, block are w«.rking girls or were working and the financial aspect of it is the 14, Bay City.............................. 1 43 girls ut the time their delinquency least significant. All the complex­ 13 John MiNerny, lot 4, block 14, Bay City................................ 1.43 ities of human nature enter into began. 14. —M. H. Bozorth. lots 1 the problem. It can not be solved Recent investigations of cases of and 2, block 59. Central add. Bay City ..................... ........... 1 43 delinquency among women in by passing a law. 15. —I.. M. Bozorth. lots 13 to Chicago support Mina Corntortli s Tax List of Last Half 16, including block 66, Ceti conclusions. The gathering of Delinquent trel add. Bay City ............... Payments, 1913. 2.28 atntiatics on the subject is attended 16. —Thomas Coates, lots 7 and This advertised list of delinquent 8, block 18, Thayer's add. with difficulties, for the delinquent taxes for the year of 1913, is in pur­ Tillamook City .. ................... 1237 naturally seeks to deal as leniently suance of an act of the State I.egia- 17 —I.. J. Lamb, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, with henelf as possible. But even lature which is embodied in Chapter 5. 6. block 9, Miller’s add. when the statements of delinquents 275 of the G eneral L aws of tiik Tillamook City...................... 4.95 1911 S ession . 18.—F. L. Sappington, lots 3 are accepted without investigation Ths taxes on the following adver­ and 4, block 12, Stillwell's of antecedents, the percentage of tised real property, situated in add Tillamook City ............. 9 24 immorality traceable to lack of a Tillamook County, Oregon, became H. C renshaw , living wage is extremely small. delinquent on Monday, October 7th, Sheriff and Tax Collector of Love of finery and rich living is a 1913, and are subject to a penalty of Tillamook County. Oregon. ten per cent, and interest at the Dated this 3rd day of Feb., 1913. far more prolific Cause of immoral­ rate of 12 per cent per annum from ity. llaaty and early < marriages, | Monday, April the 7th, 1913, until ••---- ------- . have H'ey shall have been paid, any day Safe for Babies, Effective for with speedy aeparations, made the descent enay anti swift to after the expiration of six months Grown Ups. after the taxes charged against the many yoimy wmnrn. The number following real property are delin­ That’s Foley’s Honey and Tar o( Kiria who have irone to the cities quent, the Sheriff is' authorized Compound. It lias the confidence from villages and rural communit­ upon demand of any person making of your druggist, who knows it will application, to issue to them n cer­ give you satisfaction. W. W Nes- ies to hide their disgrace and save tificate of delinquency, upon pay­ emith, Statesboro. Gn., savs: • 1 their parents from embarrassment ment of taxes, penalty, interest and have used Foley's Honey and Tar must be large. The cities have thia cost of advertising. Certificates of Compound in my family and have supply added to their own normal delinquency's shall bear interest sold it in my store and it never from the date of issuance until re­ fails to cure.” Refuse a substitute. production of erring girls, proba­ deemed at the rate of fifteen per For »ale by all druggist». bly larger because of the »qqiortim cent per annum. itiea in the city to elude the vig­ 1 -C II. Maginnis. S i, of Ne Backache-Rheumatism Vanish i and N j of Se j. section ilance of parents and neighbors Away. 22. tp 1 north, range 9 west The question of wages economic <, . ,Ne" «fomen having backache containing 160 acres and the assumption that a low 2.—J I’. Maginnis. Se 4 of Nw ». rheumntiain, stiff and swollen joints ¿•rCi h2nÌ*»,y Kb«d Io know that wage to girls implies immorality is '». Ns >, of Sw >, and \\ '»of , holey Kidnty P.||« are ,Ucce»etul Se j. section 25. tp 1 north, 11 gross »injustice to thousands of ' Tl'e[e. driving out these range 9 west, containing Irti xAiking'gtrfa oTaYloHesa character. U ¿ ii rhi,‘ '• Foley Kidney acres ....... .... ............... Two reasons for low wages are sn a —K F Marcere. j \e .6.25 lills are a true medicine and perficially obvious Many girls quitkly effettive in all disease«that '». W of Se i and Se J of result from weak inactive kidneya work for pin money and live at sw I,, section ». tp I north, and urinary irregularities. Forcale range III west, containing home, while nmn) others ate not by all druggists. KM) acte- ’ 2 8 00 efficient The suggestion of a min 4. S II. Rothermel, Nw i, of iinuni wage by statutory compul­ Land for Bale Nw '». section 8, tp 3 no’th. sion offers no |»anarea. aside from range Î west, containing 49 .. . I ’ 0 “ Cl x* "’’««■ Salem, suitable for aerea . ........................ the legal diMcultiea. The ineftl r n0’’ ‘*r ,cr* cient employes would not l>e p«id 5 - Wniburgn Jacob. Sw Io * pro,*rty for ««»ownt up less Tract sold, section IN mure than tbe4r services are really Ip 1 south, range V west. R osenberg B ros . • ■ ■ T Week wear Underwear J. C. Holden County Clerk. Cigar Box»». The construction of a cigar box may Successful Every where. seem to be a very simple matter to the People everywhere are talking ’•»««« without good re man establishes others; wishing to en- ’ Foley K k I- large himself, he eularges others -Con- • ITm' ’ “V0 1° .,hC »'id hx-iun * xuwr^-x.ou bladder juat what nature calls for to heal these weakened and inactive | organs. For sale by all druggists I II’ - I' I \\ \xi- -I !<■ Bay City ok ' ent wild Orcgov^^H affoaat --------- Q^EORGE WILLETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW » wild. T illamook C ommercial B cilpi W r wr w Tillamook • J