Tillamook Headlight February 5. 1014 Thirty of the 53 cows reacted to both tests and were treated with A I to 1,000 lyseptic solution kills the organisms in from 3 to 5 methylene blue. Half of them received one-half ounce daily on grain or minutes mid on account of their non-corrosive and less poisonous pro­ silage for a peried of thirty days, while to the other half it wus adminis­ perties of lyseptic prove very efficient for washing the animals ANO tered in gelatine capsules for a period of six or seven days, the dosage stable utensils . Lyseptic con'ain soap wl which enhances their value being repeated after a period of four weeks One. a young heifer. No. 28, for this purpose. A 1 per cent solution of ly . septic has been found safe was seen to present ma*ked signs of impending abortion on the second and efficient for these purposes day of the treatment. She aborted a tour and a half months’ calf on the To summarize the present status of this aeries of trials : fifth day of the treatment. It seems probable that this case had proceed­ 1. Methylene blue has been administered in amounts varying from ed too far for a favorable issue with any kind of treatment. Fourteen of the treated reacting cows iu herd No. 1 have calved at 5 to 60 grams to cows in 4 different herds in all of which abortion had full time while the remaining 15 are still under treatment and obaerva been prevalent. 2 To-day (June 30 1913), 8H months after the inception of these tion. trials. 92 cows in all stages of pregnancy have been treated. All of herd no . 2 these had reacted to the agglutination teat showing the probable Seventeen cows in this herd aborted during 1912 four having aborted within two weeks prior to the initial treatment with the methylene blue. presence of the abortion organism. Only one animal of the 92 reactera Twelve of the aborters have been sold out of the herd. Samples of blood to which methylene blue has been fed has thus far absorted, while at were taken from each of the remaining 57 pregnant cows in this herd the present date 56 of them have calved at full term and 35 have not as . and subjected to the agglutination teat. The samples of 30 out of the yet calved. NUMERICAL SUMMARY. ■ | 57 cows produced complete agglutination in dilutions of from 1 to 50 to 1 Herd Herd Herd Herd Total The Tillamook Headlight gives this week an important bulletin that to 500, while one gave only a 1 to 20 reaction. 1 3 4 2 Each OIt of the of great interest to the dairymen of this county, for it gives a remedy 1 *’e 31 reacting animals was given one-half an ounce of the Cows in experimental trials (Readers)......... 3i) 31 23 8 92 methylene blue on the feed daily for 30 consecutive days, So great was , ■ . j , 30 31 23 8 f ‘°^®ous abortion in cows. It was published by the \ ermont Agri- the owner>9 faitti ¡n the treatment that it was fed. though irregularly, Cows receiving me'bylene blue treatment.. 92 Cows receiving methylene blue treatment IturalExperiment Station, and we add also a letter from the author, without the writer’s knowledge to the 26 non readers. calving at full term................ ...................... 14 31 3 8 56 Everyone of the 31 reacting cows treated has calved normally ; and F. A) Rich. As there are only two of these bulletins in the county, * Cows receiving methylene blue treatment all but one of the non-reacters have also calved at full term. d a desire for the information, we reprint it iu full : still carrying their calves ............................ 15 0 15 35 5 HERD NO. 3. Aborted ..................... ........................................... 1 0 0 0 1 Abortion among cattle ranks with bovine tuberculosis at dairy I Abortion appeared in this herd in 1912. Up to the time of applying ourgiQThe discovery of an adequate remedy, one which is safe, LATEST addition to bi A A 1 IN» -a 4 t. .,1 a* t - I • . — 4 I ,, 4 1 . •■ > a I, , I >> I > c,».A ox,4 rxx • tlie methylene blue treatment, 17 cows bad absorted. There then re ­ nple and sure, would be a great boon. As a result of several months’ The writer’s treatment for infectious a lortion in cows ____ ___ as _______ admin- cows in the herd. Their blood was subjected to the al at this Station it is believed that such a remedy has been found in mained 28 - pregnant - istered at present consists iu giving each cow a heaping teaspoonful of '. Positive reactions of from 1 to 50 to 1 to 500 were sthylene blue, an antiseptic dyestuff occasionally used in human medicinal methylene blue, on silage or moistened feed once a day for with .•dicine. I secured ” ” 23 of the 28. These readers were immediately placed on four or five weeks. The wr iter lias made extensive studies of infectious bovine abortion the methylene blue treatment. Ten grams was fed to each cow on silage After calving, the treatment is resumed for a few days ; and within ring the past fifteen years. These have been pursued more or less night and morning for six consecutive days and after four weeks a few hours after freshening, preferably immediately after expulsion of asmodically, at times being made paramount to other lines of work, interval, the treatment was repeated, the methylene blue being given in afterbirth, the cow's uterus is washed out with a methylene blue solu­ others:subsidiary. The causal organism (Bacillus abortus Bang) gelatin capsules with a balling gun. None of the 28 readers treated have aborted. At the present writing tion. consisting of a heaping teaspoonful of the blue and an ounce of .s isolated many years ago and its identity with tne European form table-salt to the gallon of boiling water. The solution is cooled to about scribed by Bang fully established. After many trials its free growth 8 have calved normally at full term. One cow aborted on April 6, two 105 deg. F., and strict aseptic precautions are observed in its introduc­ ccc n is finally secured and laboratory experiments were carried on in months from date of service, but she had neither been tested or treated, tion into the cow’s uterus (womb). . ups? tail. Material has been gathered during all these years wherefrom since there Beeuied to be some doubt as to her being pregnant. The The stables are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected nnd the dis methylene blue treatment will be contained on the 15 remaining reacting is hoped that a comprehensive bulletin may be prepared in the not infection is repeated after each occurrence of abortion therein. The price, itant future. It is felt, however, that the time is not yet quite ripe for j cows until they calve. calving pen is cleaned and sprayed with mercuric chloride (corrosive herd NO. 4. ¡rand” ch a publication ; but it is fully ripe for a preliminary statement as I sublimate) solution, each time after occupation, and on the return of id tàe one phase—the latest and most important—to which all else is subor- • Thia herd consists of about 25 cows, 10 of winch had aborted within each fresh cow to her stanchion, the platform and trench behind her are a few mouths prior to beginning the experimental treatment with nate, that is to say a possible remedy for the malady. Hence, without sprinkled daily with 1 to 10C0 mercuric (corrosive sublimate) solution for dting for the completion of the larger bulletin, this preliminary state- methylene blue. Samples of blood were obtained from 9 pregnant cows at least ten days, or carbolic compound used according to direction. ?nt issued with a view of decribing a method of treatment devised by in the herd and subjected to the agglutination test. The samples of all The afterbirth is burned or deeply buried and the calf and soiled e writer ; one which has proven almost uniformly successful, which is but one caused complete agglutination up to 1 to 50 At the request of hind parts of the cow are carefully sponged with warm, one percent the owner, the entire 9 pregnant cows were included in the treatment, idily^dministered and apparently entirely free from danger to man lyseptic solution. >1 d beast. To delay its declaration at this time pending the preparation One-half ounce of methylene blue was given to each cow in a gelatin The sheath of the bull is washed with one per cent lyseptic solution, capsule once a day for six days, followed by an interval of four weeks and either this or the abov e described methylene blue solution is in- a complete bulletin would be unjustifiable. It should be understood that this statement as to the application as in herd No. 3. jected into it. Up to the present writing 3 of tlie nine cows have calved at full term, ¡the proposed remedy is a preliminary and not a final one. Further In herds which have been subjected to the complement fixation and d more extensive trials are now in progress at this Station The pro- and tic cases of abortion have occurred in the herd since beginning the agglutination tests, only those animals giving reactions to the same are ___ dure herein suggested, though based on several months’ experience methylene blue treatment. treated ; otherwise every cow in the infected herd is given full treat­ No other form of treatment whatsoever has been employed in any of ment. ____ th a considerable number of cows reacting to the special test which ' Yours very truly, «closes the liklihood of their aborting, may be modified as a result of these herds. The stables have not been disinfected. It has been our F. A. R ich , Veterinarian. purpose to let infected cows, infected stables and methylene blue have it e further inquiry now under way. Yet notwithstanding, it seems per- out to the bitter end dlycerta in that no possible harm can befall if the method is followed in It may here be stated for the benefit of readers who may be anxiotie e manner herein set forth, but that, on the contrary, success is likely , ensue In practically all cases. I to find out in advance whether abortion is likely to appear in their herds Pric.- to the detailed discussion as to the use of methylene blue for and what cows may be expected to abort that the agglutination and i pis purtiose, it may be worth while briefly to make clear certain points. complement fixation tests are used as a detective agency to determine are beyond calculation, mounting far into the millions annually. any man who is capable of feeding a cow. There being no provision for OI 3. That the claim that 1 percent of Vermont cows abort annually is state tests of this character, it would seem to be the wisest procedure, in obably an understatement. This means 3,500 less living calves born case one basin his herd a serious epidemic of abortion, to treat the whole nually in Vermont, fully 140,000 pounds less butter made annually, | herd'. This, because of the considerable cost of the chemical, would be a iiO0 cows less serviceable each year and less serviceable in future somewhat costly proposition, yet, on the other hand, assuming that it are. It is entirely safe to say the yearly damage in Vermont is not accomplishes its end, it would be perhaps less so than to permit this i serious malady to gc through tlie herd ; and certainly would be less is than $75,000; and Vermont is but a speck on the map. 4. That studies at this and other institutions in this and other costly than to secure the special tests necessary to separate those who 11 untries have served to prove the bacterial origin of this malady, to are likely from those who are not likely to abort, even though such a w velop means of detecting in advance the cows which will probably course were possible. -ort, and to direct efforts toward the discovery of simple, safe, cheap Several pertinent questions arise: id sure remedies. 1. How does methylene blue do its work? 5. That the only remedies thus far proposed which have been 2. What becomes of it? What is its metabolic destiny? ought to the writer’s attention (other that patent medicines of doubt DOCKS ; WAREHOUSE, 3 How is it administered? 1 efficacy i are: 4. What cows should be dosed? FRONT STREET, BETWEEN 2nd 4 3rd AVENUE WEST. (a) Carbolic acid ; internally. 5. How much is given and how often? (b) Carbolic acid and other antiseptics for vaginal douche. What is its cost? Where may it be obtained? 6. (c) Cultures of bacillus abortus (living or dead.) 7. What effect, if any, has it on stable sanitation? In the writer’s search for a satisfactory remedy several chemicals 1. HOW DOES METHYLENE BLUE DO ITS WORK? A portion of the -ssesaing germicidal powers were used with varying success on the boratory cultures of the organism, including carbolic acid, salicylic dose is absorbed by the blood, appearing therein within 30 minutes. id, boric acid, tnethyleue blue, mercuic chlorid, thymol, lysol. The blood thus laden with the antiseptic chemical pumped to every ■eptic, iodine, iron sulphate, argyrol, ichthyol, formaldehyde, not to organ and tissue in the body for purposes of nourishment, warmth, se­ ,eak of many other similar materials. Many showd marked lethal cretion and excretion; «nd inculenta’ly any abortion organisms existing iwers; several promised success One of these, methylene blue, in the blood or other tissues of the body ¡ire almost of necessity over­ Qt3 ood out prominently and constantly proved more effective than its taken by the bactericidal substance and destroyed. It destroys the abortion organisms in tlie digestive tract, a most im­ Hows (excepting mercuric chlorid which is necessarily out of the ques >n with living animals) especially iu the crucial points of rapiditv and portant consideration, because it is now believed that the digestive tract is the principal avenue of infection. Even the unabsorbed portion of mpleteness of destruction of the organism under laboratory condi- ; >ns. Compared with carbolic acid as a destroyer of the bacillus the chemical thus performs a valuable service in the intestinal tract and lortus the writer found methylene blue to be from 20 to 50 times more likewise in the trench of the infected stable. __ fee tire. It was then tried under stable conditions with very satisfac- 2. W hat becomes of it ? The absorbed portion is principally ex- All of our Funds are Loaned in Oregon, Wash­ ___ ry results, using several cows which reacted to the agglutination test creted by the kidneys and is discharged from the body in the urine, <>n hich indicated that they were harboring the abortion organism. this account and because of its pronounced antiseptic properties, it has ington and Idaho. Thus Building up the in­ It would now seem in order in this preliminary statement, in which' been extensively employed in both man and domesticated animals, to i has already been remarked it is not designed to discuss the nature or j overcome infection of the urinary tract. dustries of the Croat Northwest. vagea of the disease or to describe the causal organism, to outline the I While in the opinion of the writer, the vulva is not the principal yiture and application of the remedy. Methylene blue is a well known, | avenue of infection of cows with the abortion organism, the infection ¿tough not widely used, antiseptic.” Its penetrability and activity have doubtless does obtain by this route in some cases against which, the ng been recognized in bacteriological laboratories. Its use as an in- excreted methylene blue must exert a distinct preventive influence. 1 Pert,na' antiseptic inhuman medicine is thoroughly established. The Thus it would seem to serve to a considerable extent Hie purpose of .ghest purity medicinal grade is best adapted to internal use, since it antiseptic vaginal injections so extensively employed empl in cornbutting guaranteed to be free from zinc and arsenic ; and only this medicinal infectious abortion. The manure is colored by the ’ • unabsorbed portion g r»de should be used. Do not confound methyl blue, which is an utterly of the methylene blue which, of course, stains the contents of tlie sev- 240-242 STARK STREET, era! stomachs and intestines. liferent thing. J The application of methylene blue in the laboratory in the destruc- A distinct blue is only noted in the urine fr ini 2 to 0 hours after ex­ PORTLAND, OREGON. Otl of the abortion organism and the rapidity and completeness with treme doses of methylene blue have been gi en. Ordinary amounts hich its deadly work is accomplished may be seen from the following color the urine green. On standing in closed jars the green color disap Condensed Statement, Close of Business pears, first from the bottom and last from the top. The original color ccerpt from laboratory note books. is quickly restored by aeration either by continued pouring or an air F riHHF EFFECT OF METHYLENE BLUE—TABLE I. December 31st, 1913. Strength used Time exposure Result blast. Date its i 1 tc 3 min. .. 1: 1,000 no growth ■ttober 2, 1912.... Careful and repeated observations made with the colorimeter and LIABILITIES 1 to 5 min. .. 1: 2,000 assets otherwise show that: .. 1: 4.000 4 to 8 min. »• Investment Fund .. $2,000.989.34 The intensity of the color in the urine increases with the dose. a. Real Batate Loans . $2,703,928 07 30 min. .. 1: 5,000 •» b. The maximum color is obtained from 3 to 10 hours after dosage. Due on Ixiana Closed 21,420 21 Ixianson Association 1 hour .. 1: 6,000 I » c The specific gravity of the urine is reduced in some cases. 73,295.13 Stock ......... Maturity Dividend 2 hours .. 1: 8,000 »» Individual animals vary in their ability to absorb and eliminate ti­ Real Estate (Reserve hours 1:10,000 Fund ........................ 58,892.02 » • *............... ’ . * ’ av4 wvz v» 3 uvui o , t 50,085.87 Fund ............... November 30, 1912 the specific bactericidal effect of methylene blue the material. After determining Reserve Fund and e. About 4 days ce?ms necessary for the complete elimination of a Taxes and Insurance pon the ■v> abortion organism in the laboratory, the writer tried divers ex- 9,996.11 Surplus..................... 213,443.32 Advanced................. •erimeats with the chemical upon different cows in the Experiment medium dose. f. There seems reason to believe that a cumulative effect occurs Furniture and Fix arm herd, in order to ascertain the effect upon the animals and their doses are given night and morning for a period of a week. 2,709.72 ^¿»roducte, a nd to determine the proper dose of the medicine and the bebt when $2, «94,752,89 g When 20 grams (84 oz ) are administered daily for 7 days, within 57,707.99 Cash on Hand . ............ ray to administer it. 14 hours from the first dosage the methylene blue content of the blood vresi The powder was fed in the grain, and upon the silage, and saline so- $2,«94,752. «9 utions th ereof were injected under the skin, into the gravid uterus and exceeds the effective strength of the fluid which in the laboratory tests 'J nto the jugular vein. It has been fed in small doses and in mammoth was found sufficient to kill the abortion organism. 3. How 18 IT administered ? During early trials it was mixed with , loaes, fed occassionally, intermittentlj. constantly, fed to cows that re- Certificates matured and Real estate loans made - m icted to the special test and to those which did not fed to young and to either the grain or silage ration. During later trials it was given in Skid, to iick and to well, tocows of alt breeds and of no breed, to calves, capsule introduced into the throat with a balling gun. This is the during year ending De­ paid since Jan. 1, 1000, • vSnfcj •Jeers to human beings. No ill effects whatever have followed the preferable way of administering the remedy as the exact amount given cember 20, 1013, ise eveti cf several times the necessary amount continued beyond the can easily be controlled and all chances of loss in manger and through k jeceaMfty lecMMfy length of time. Indeed, methylene blue was fed to 4 healthy refusal to eat the food are eliminated. xorbitant amounts and for 16 consecutive days They liked it, 4. W hat cows should be dosed ? Readers should certainly re­ Che*? ased in weight, their appetites were if anything sharpened and ceive the treatment, but in our judgment, as has already lieen stated, In force Dec. 31, 1913, yields were entirely normal. No stress is laid on these occur- it is often well to treat the entire herd wherein abortion has occurred or Paid to Shareholders o claim is made that this material is a wonder working feed or is occurring. The added expense seems to be the only reason for omit­ y eoc <2,703,928.07 distri­ ference is made to them simply to emphasize the harmlessness ting any animals that have been exposed to infection. onic, since organization. buted among 52 cities ledy. When thus fed in extraordinary amounts, several times >f the 5. How much is given and now often ? The opinion of the writer believe is needed to accomplish the desired end, in a few cases to date is that the treatment should begin early in pregnancy ; that lOto and towns in Oregon, has been slightly tinged. This color does notappear in thebut- 15 grains (H to Vi oz ) doses should be given night and morning for 7 Washington and Idaho. n the taste of the milk altered. No harm can come from the use days, and that after a 4 weeks' interval the treatment should be repeated ____ milk, since methylene blue is freely given by medical practition- for another 7 days and continued at 4 week intervals during the period tootiseptic of the human urinary tract. Furthermore, there is of gestation. of giving a dosage sufficient to be manifested in the milk. 6. W hat is the cost ? W here obtained ? The approximate coat OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. s been given in 4 neighboring herds in which abor’ion has been less prevalent, to 92 which have shown evidence of the presence of the methylene blue (medicinal) is $2.50 per pound. Each gram costs Chao. E. Ladd, President. Ranism. The results of the treatment appear in the final nu- about a half cent, making the daily dosage to coat about 10c and each week's treatment cost about 70c. per cow. The material can lie obtained Theodore H. Wilcox, Vice-President. teummary. The medicinal, not the Iniarizing the results to date at this paint it nny be said that of CHAS I. CLOUGH Tillamook, Oregon Edward Cookingham, Vice-President. se blue was first used by the writer for the treatment of infec- commercial grade, should be used. F. McKercher, Secretary. 7. W hat effect has it on stable sanitation ? Being a powerful Srtion in cows on Ort. 15, 1912. since which time it has been in M. M. Johnson, Assistant Secretary. onatant use in four herds selected for a preliminary test of the antiseptic its use tends to improve stable conditions If it gets-as it C W. llayburat, Assistant Secretjry. r does when it is fed with the grain ration—on the ‘muzzles of the cows, It tinging them sky blue and coloring the manners, so much the better HERD NO 1. II M. ( ¡ike, Attorney. herd was selected because seven cases of abortion had occurred from the standpoint of the health of the herd. Richard R. Huge, Director. No claim is made that feeding methylene blue to cows confers rithm a few months previous to the treatment and occasional S. M. Meara, Director. • had happened for two or three years. To make the interpreta­ iiuinunity ; hence it is important that the stablew and everything con Walter Mackay, Director. le results of the treatment more clear, it was deemed beat to tamed therein shou'd lie rid of the mfe< Don as »{icedily »« possib.e. glutinatroo and complement tixation tests of the blood of the To thia end it la recommended that the stables lie thoroughly disinfected t animals io this herd and to treat only those giv.ng reac tions to with mercuric chloride, carbolic compound, lyseptic. or other reliable hear testa. After testing the blood of the 53 animals in this herd, germicide. The writer found in laboratory trials, that 1 part of mercuric chlorid und that the results of the two tests agreed except in ccws Ni. 8 9. The blood of the former reacted to the agglutination but not in 10.099 parts of water destroys the bacillus atxirtus in from 1 to 3 TODD-IIOTEL-BUILDING. ■rplement fixation test, while that of the latter rented only t > minutes. This is one of moat reliable substances for STABLE DISIN­ ¡dement fixation test. These two cows were not treated and b th FECTION and for thia purpose should be used in the proportion of 1 to 1,000 parts of water. INFECTIOUS ortion in cows . lethylene Blue is the Remedy --Valuable Bulletin by Ver­ mont Experiment Station. I a land PLASTER. ge! LAMB-SC1IRADER COMPANY. I KEEP-YOUR- MONEY-AT- HOME. EQUITABLE-SAVINGSLOAN ASSOCIATION, t M;: $1,086,779.44 $921,990.00 $3,800,000.00 ROLLIE WATSON, Resident Agent.