Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 29, 1914, Image 4

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    Tillamook Headlight. January 29,
Bank and Trust Co Deed. $10. 00.
County Affairs.
A Poor Place to Sleep.
Lot 2, block si, William's addition
of deed from F. R. i Traveling in Africa is doubtless be-
For Tillamook County, Oregon, to Bay City.
Urals for a «.ounty road, the same I set with more danger than in any
for tlie week ending Jan. 28, 1914,
Articles of Incorporation of First
| other part of the world. Wild beast*.
accepted and ordered filed.
furnished t y the Tillamook Title A German Reformed Congregational
1 wild men. poisonous plants, storms,
In the matter of the petition of
Abstract Co, John Ix-land Hender­ Chun II.
fevers and other sickness combine to
make a formidable array. A recent
to John Ray
son, Secy.
B> ssie William
county road, I’. G. Jackson, county, ! traveler in Gwulliih, a district in north­
Charles J Winton to Winton Tim­ Marble. Satn. Mtg.
surveyor, J. M. Baker and F S Ayer east Africa, encountered a new danger.
Tracy R. Elliott to ( . A. Elliott.
ber Co., <piit claim deed, $1, large
were appo nt-d a board of road, Vegetation Is very luxuriant, and when
body of timber land in Tillamook
section ¡3, viewers, to rn -et at Union echool he pitched camp lie noticed that a
Washington and Yamhill counties. of E i of Se i of Nw
number of dead birds lay on the
hot s ■ Jan. 8 h.
A. B. Hammond to Andrew B. tp 3 north, range 10 west, 21) acres.
In the m. ttir of the petition of C, I ground. Before he had time to com-
Hammond, deed, $10, lot* 1», 10, 15, '
of the dogs,
W. Ross fo o >ening a county road meat on this fact four
1*5 sec 6. tp 2 S, r G W., 164/8 acres. Hoag. Deed of Correction. $1.00.
which bad been smelling around, keel-
C. I.. Wallace to G I Talcott, 20 acres and right of wav ; also 10
ed over and died within five minutes.
Beach, the same was continued.
ft was supposed that they had eaten
mortgage $13<X), Sw j Nw j and N ‘i acres and right of way in section
In the matter of applications for! some poisonous plant, but this idea
85, tp. 1 south, range 10 west.
Sw *4, sec 24, tp 2 N, r 10 W, 120 a.
appointment as sealer of weights ' was
dispelled when three of the na­
Mark T Cox to Eva K and James
who had slept on the ground,
A Johnson satisfaction mortgage. Husband of Tillamook Girl and measures, the same was con- j tives,
were found dead next morning. Then
Nest-ici a Valley Bank to Morrison
Shot While on Duty.
In the matter of the petition of II. i it was discovered that there was a
Mills, part assignment .mortguge, '
stratum of deadly gas covering the
$209.20. ill interest in mortgage exe­
From Wednesday’s Oregonian
cuted by Isaac Hill to David P. Me- ■ With two bill et wounds in his road, it was continued.
inches. The traveler with his troupe
In the matter of the petition of lost no time In getting out of that
body T J Healey, popularly known
W E. Ingalls to Mary E. Barrick, as "Big Tim,” a special watchman W. H. Christensen and others for a vicinity.
deed, $185, lot 16, bk 2, Ocean View. on Portland Heights, lute last night county road, it wus continued
Ruby Mines of Mogok.
T. B. Potter Realty Co to G. G. and returne«! the fir«- of two armed men,
In the matter of the petition of W.
The civilized world knows little of
Eva Seely. Wty Deed. $10.00 Lots shot one of them in the right side P. McClure and others for "Pack
the famous ruby mines of Mogok, in
27 and 28, block 59, Bayocean Park. | and then fell to the pavement in
Trail,” this was also continued.
valley of Burma, whence come near-
R. S. Wise to (), H. Strubud, as­ frontofjohn A. Keating’s residence-
In the matter of designating- the ’ ' jy all the large rubies, for the road
signment mortgage by Geo. I.. Allen 563 Montgomery Drive.
county official papers, the Tilla ’ lies through a forest which is seldom
to R. S. Wise, $600.
The two men ran up tiie road to a
Headlight and Tillamock j trod by whites. A few Englishmen who
Z. T. Bogard to T. N. atid Stella point opposite St. Helens Court, mook 1_____ „
I live there have laid out a polo ground,
so designated.
Kennedy, satisfaction mortgage
wlier. three young women stopped
.fund between this and the town are the
In the matter of the petition of ; mines. The diggings are slowly eat-
T. N. Kennedy to F. J. Miller, deed them, asking if anyone was shot.
$000, S J Ne J, sec 8, tp 3 N, r 10 W. The men answered by sending school district No, 57 for cancel­ 1 Ing up the village, and tlie main street
Paulus D Newell to Henry Tohl, three shots over the girls heads. lation of taxes, the same was can­ is already half destroyed. The work
goes-on all day and all night, the ruby
deed, $10, tract 52'/* ft by 105 ft ad­ They then jumped down a steep celled.
In the matter of apportioning the I bearing earth being brought up in iron
joining Beaver A Baily’a land.
incline, falling into a deep gulch
county road tax, each of the three trolleys. A few strangers who have
O. A. Lommen to Clarence L. and ending at Canyon Road.
l called nt the mines have been told by
road districts is to have one third
Marie F. Dougliney, satisfaction
Wounded Mate Deserted.
I the officials that they can keep any
The man shot by Healey, who of such taxes.
! ruby thej‘ may And, but no one has
In the matter of advertising for j ever been able to And one yet. The
Clarence L. IJoughney to B. A. gave his name as Louis Stroa, was
Todd, mortgage, $800,20 ucres iti Se found half way up a steep slope at bide for the construction of county I gems are embedded In the.gokl colored
j the base of the canyon, where he roads, the county clerk was to ad­ clay, which stretches along the whole
11 of Sw (i, sec 7, tp 3.N, r 9 W.
Charles W. Mead to Charles Bea­ had been deserted by his compan­ vertise for bids as follows: Gari­ of the valley, and It is only after the
mon, mortguge, $700, lots in town of ion, who had evidently attempted baldi-Wheeler county road, from 'earth has been washed that the rubles
j to drag the man with him in his station 82 to station 114, raising tile i are seen on the tables.—Argonant.
Edward F. Worthington to Mary Hight. Healey- was rushed to St. grade across Ocean Lake and lay­
Made the Journey Quite Cheerful.
| Cone.
Mtg., $2,500.
A strp of Vincint’s Hospital and his wounded ing planks from station 69 plus CO
Mr. Justice Maule once went on cir­
land containing 22 acres in tp 4 victim to Good Samaritan Hospital. to station 176 plus 65; county road
cuit with Judge Coleridge in a part of
south, range 10 west.
Healey told the police that he at lenkins bridge ; Hughey Creek
England where the high sheriff was a
E. was walking along Montgomery improvement of county road ; Gari­ shy anil modest man anil very much
2 Drive on his regular inspection,
llaak. De
baldi-Wheeler county road, from alarmed nt having to entertain his cyn­
•4, when he came upon two men act­ 177 plus 65 to station 212 plus 0 ; ical lordship. Coming home in his
> ■» ing suspiciously near the Keating
Sec. 3, Ne
the road known as the George Loer- conch with the two judges lie thought
I residence.
north, rnn{
it his duty to make conversation for
pnbel road.
I’eter J.
Kaufmann to S.
them. He observed that he hoped
"I asked them what they were
there would be better weather, as the
Finney. Deed. $15.G0. Lots 4 and doing around the house and the “ The Presbyterian Church.
moon had changed.
5, block 26, iiml lots 10 and 11, block smaller man said, ‘Who are you?’
The lecture on “Things Mexican"
“And are you such a fool, Mr. Jones,
20, Rockaway Beach.
I drew rny gun, but before I could in the Guild House will be given
Morita Davidson to John Harter. fire he shut me through the right Thursday evening at 7:45 o'clock, as to imagine that the moon has any
effect on the weather?” said Maule.
Quit Claim Deed. $5.00. Mil roils shoulder.
I fired point blank at instead of Wednesday evening.
“Really, Brother Maule,” said Cole­
by 86 ¡rods in Ne corner, section 13, him, not 15 feet away, and saw I
The boys of Professor Moore’s ridge, who was politeness Itself, “you
tp 1 south, range 10 west, 13 acres. hit him. He fired again and dou­ class report a royal good time at
are very hard upon our friend. For
Samuel l.undburg to Nehalem bled me up with n bullet in my their first social in the Guild House my part, I think the moon has consid­
Valley Bank. Mtg. $500.00. Part stomach. They ran on up the Tuesday evening.
erable effect upon it.”
of l.it 5, block 22, Wheeler.
“Then,” said Maule, “you are as
drive, but I felt too sick to pursue
“The Girls Loyal’’ class have now
Elmer II. Gary to Nehalem Valley them,”
great a fool as Jones is." After which,
a regular teacher. If there are any
conversation In the sheriff's carriage
Bank. Mtg. $500 DO.
00. E Vi of Se i,
Groans Heard by Woman.
young girls in the church not en­
section 32, tp 3 north, range 10 west,
Mrs. C. C. Strong, at 501 Mont­ rolled or not attending, now is your languished.
80 acres.
gomery drive, heard groans com­ chance. Come next Sunday with­
Napoleon’s Masterful Mother.
Paul F.
ing from the canyon as she stood out fail.
The relationship between Napoleon
Louise M.
The Church Bible School meets
on her back porch. She notified
Bonaparte and Ills mother, the Mme.
Brighton Development Co. to patrolmen in the vicinity and they on Sunday morning at 10 o'clock.
Mere of Imperial times, was peculiar.
Albert mid Margaret Jackson. Deed. too heard the groans.
and the Bible is studied in every Mme. Letizla. who was thirty-four
$500 06 Lots 36 and 37, block 79,
Day Inspector Hurry J. Strow- class Begin at once if you are not when her famous son was born, had
Brighton Bench.
bridge, of the United States Cus­ already enrolled in some one of the always been complete mistress of her
I household. Even when her son was
J. D. Morris to J. L. D. Long. toms Service, living nt 3 St. Helens many Bible schools in the city.
Preaching services next Sunday i emperor and his word was law. willing
Spel. Wty. $1.00 Lois 11 and 12, Court, heard the who's and went to
at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Morning
block 22, Sandlake-by-the-Seii
the e«lge of the canyon, where tlie theme: "What the church is for.’’ as she might have been in public to
John Carlton to Jay H. and Maud men's trucks were left in the snow. Evening subject:
"How Paul do him honor. In private she Insisted
on the privileges of her motherhood.
I pton. Satisfied Mtg. between th“ He darted into the brush followed handled the small critics.”
Baron Larrey, iu his historical essay,
You are very cordially invited to
| by Patrolman l.auggeson, and after join us in worship.
writes: “One day there was a family
Alpha V, Olson 4<> F. R Beals a couise leading over fallen logs
D onald M ackenzie ,
meeting, and Napoleon gave his moth­
.\ssign. Mtg. $1,015.00. Made by and soft steep ground cume upon
_______ _____ Pastor.
er his hand to kiss, but Mme. Mere
Ralph Ackley^ et ux for $3,000.
.Stroa moaning anil sobbing lying
moved aside the proffered hand. Nn-
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy.
Lon Kinuamiin to F. R. Heals, «m hia side half way up a steep
This remedy has no superior for poleon then took Ids mother’s hand nnjl
Jonas Olson and Alpha \. Olson, bunk Strowbridge says lie heard coughs and colds. It is pleasant kissed it, and she said to him, ’Sire,
Mtg. $1,033.70. 53 aerea off entire u mini talking to him as they ap to take. It contains no opium or you know quite well that in public I
other narcotic. It a vvays cures.
simlfi aide of S
Nw j, aection 7, preached«
For sale by J. S. Lamar.
< must treat you with due respect, be-
i a use I am your subject, but in private
Second Man Not Found.
[ " am your mother.’ ”
ncres a«il<| Clyde Kinnamun
Colds to be Taken Seriously
Stroa spoke only broken English
Intelligent people realize that
\nmi Selin te to Finnin C. Jacobs and Detectiv es Craddock and Ham-
Safe Either Way.
Deed. $10<>).
Lots 2. Ó. 4, 5, (1, luetsley were unable to gain any common colds should be treated
promptly If there is sneezing and
A fanner In a cyclone district was
blo« k <>, Sandl.ike bv tl.e Seil.
information other than his name chilliness with hoHtaenesa, tickling building a superb stone wall’. He war I
\<lumC Slielerto Eber II. Rhodes. which he scribbled on paper when throat
building the wall standi and solid. Ave
Dee.l $10 0) Ne f Ne j, See. 34. place«! in an ambulance.
Great promptly the use of Foley’s Honey- feet across tlie base and four feet high.
on«! Tar Compound. It is effective,
\v ) Xw t and Sy ■* Nw j. se timi difficulty was experienced in getting pleasant to take, checks a cold, and A stmnger stopped his horse and said
35. tp 4 sonili, ränge 10 west, ItÜ) Stroa to the ambulance nt Canyon stops the cough which Causes loss to the farmer:
of sleep and lowers the vital resist
"You’re taking a lot of trouble with
tbnt wall.”
John II Slieler to Elierll. Rhodes.
Captain Jenkin» and Captain ance. For aide bv all druggists
“You bet," the farmer answered.
Deed. $lo ;). N j Sw j. W | Se J, Baty assigned every available pa­
Ilia Stomach Trouble« Over
Mr. Dyspeptic, would you not "I’m putting her here to stay.”
s •-tien r>, tp 4 soutli, ränge 10 west, trolmen and «letretive to the search
•AVbat's the good of that?" sneered
16 1 aerVM.
of the canyon. At nn early hour HIM to feel that your stomach trou­
bles were over, that you could eat the stranger. "A cyclone’ll come along
R Smith to F. S. Stanley. Deed. Illis morning no trace of the aecond any kind of food you desired with­
■ nd she’ll blow over Just tlie same."
$1 <»• l ndivided l, int. in KOUueres man had been found. The police out injury? That may seem so un­
"Well, let her.” said the fanner.
in tp3 nortli. rouge 7 west
are working with a good descrip­ likely to you that you «Io not even ••She’ll be a foot higher if she does.”—
I. B. Potter Reulty Co. to Marthe tion and are in possession of the
tint permit ue to assure you that it Minneapolis Journal.
A Sunden
Dee«l, $10.00.
Lot I. second man's lint.
is net altogether impossible.
block 21. Bayocean Park.
John A. Keating, in front of others can be curetl permanently, ‘
Literary Note.
Gust Koniatis tj Edward Staaek. whose house the shooting of Healey and thousands have been, why not' “Mabel thinks of becoming an au­
you? John R Barker, of Battle,
Mtg. $650 06 On live »lock.
I took place, is vice-president of the Creek. Mich., ia one of them
He thor. and this morning she asked me
Brighton 1 Development Co. to Lumbermens National Bank.
It say». "I was troubled with heart which school of literature I would rec­
Mary Antes. Dee<|. $300,00.
Lola was this house that Henley believes burn, indigestion, and liver com- ' ommend.”
45 u nd tt>, block 73, Briglion Beucli. the men were planning to rob.
"What did you tell her?”
plaint until I used Chamberlain’s
Tablets, then my troubles were
”1 told her I only knew of two kinds,
Hay < itv Land Co. mid First Bank
T. J. Henley married Miss Delia over.’ Sold by J. S I.amar.
the kind hat uses ’thru’ and the kind
mid l i ust Co. to Francis K. Aline.
that doesu’t "-Cleveland Plain Dealer.
about eil montlia since.and
$.1)0 tM). Lots 11 mid 12,
'*rr Ur
• •loch 21. Bay \ icw addition to Bay thia morn in g John Pinsker and
l Mias Mirnie Pinsker left for Port
Lett We Forget.
Small Arthur—Mamma. I hurt my
I lie Nehalem Co. to School Dis­
Anger. Please tie u rag on It. Mamma
trict No. < m Deed. $500.06 Lots
(after an exaiiihiatlon)-It isn’t Injured
IX> you liegin to cough at night,
4. 5. ft. 7 s. t*. block 38, Wheeler.
tust when you hope to sleep? Do
enough to need tying up. dear. Small
Nehalem Harbor Co to School you have u tickling throat that keeps
Arthur-Well, tie a mg on It anyway
you awake? J net take Foley's Honey
District No. 48.
"<> I won’t forget which Anger it Is that
10, block SB, Wheeler.
the cough ami stop the tickling
The Nehalem Co. to Charlea W. sensation at once. Dees not upset
Mead. Deed. $10 Uli I‘art oí lota the stomach, is beat tor children
A Fair Inferance.
"Doea your son Intend to take a f:>!|
M and 9. 2 and 10, block 32. Wheeler ami grown (x-raon*. For sale by
all druggists.
course In college?”
Nwlialem Harbor Co. to ‘'Itarlea
“It looks that way. His liquor bill
VI Mead.
Deed. $10 06. Part lot
SttCFFKlM, Cot-
for the first
month «as over $30.”—
1, block x!. Wheeler.
badly «lone up with rheumatism
diaries Simmon to Charles
aid »ent for Lolejr Kidney Pille
which was the only thing that
Mead Part Release. $-.ik>0u
would cu«e him Geo. Potter of
Icaaes Ituit part lot 7. Ido« k U
Pontiac, Mo. vv
What did you see in the Grand
do» n on hi* back
Gr Backache.
wiili kidney ..............
and bladder trouble
canyon that most Impress«*«] you?”
ami Folev Kidney Pii?» "ma«ie him
“A mighty i-r, tty girl a»trt«ie a brown
well and able to work
It ta a
Kidneys »4
mill». -Chicago Record-Herald.
splendid medicine and
, Bladder.
helps Just try it For sale to all I
For «ale by all «iruggists.
If you «««Id create somethin» you
muât fa* something -Goetlw
Real Estate, Etc , Transfers.
No Substitutes
ETURN to the grocer all sub
stitutes sent you for Royal Bak-
k ing Powder There is no sub­
stitute for ROYAL. Royal is a pure,
cream of tartar baking powder, and
healthful. Powders offered as sub­
stitutes are made from alum.
Best Cough Medicine for Children.
A 15 Watt Mazda
“I am very glad to say a few
words in praise of Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy’,’ writes Mrs. I.ida
Dewey, Milwaukee, Wie. “I have
used it for years both for my child­
ren and myself and it never fails to
relieve and cure a cough or cold.
On your front porch can be!,
No family with children should be
every night until midnight'
without it as it givesalmost immed­
anil register not over
iate relief in cases of croup. ” Cham­
fifty cents per month
berlain’s Cough Remedy is pleas­
on the meter.
ant and safe to take, which is of
great importance when a medicine T illamook E lectric L ight Í
must be given to young children
|F ukl C ompany
For sale by J. S Lamar.
W ill S palding , Manager.
All of our Funds arc Loaned in Oregon, Wash&]
ington and Idaho. Thus Building up the in­ . S.
dustries of the Great Northwest.
>k i
k o
-• at
Condensed Statement, Close of Business
December 31st, 1913.
Real Estate Loans .. $2,703,928.07
Loans on Association
Stock .........................
Real Estate (Reserve
Fund ...
Taxes and Insurance
Furniture and Fix­
Cash on Hand..............
$2,600 !-'!<nty
Li vestment Fund
Due on Loans Closed
Maturity Dividend
Fund .........................
'«. .
Reserve Fund and
213.4431 vi
$2,834.752.lv« <
Certificates matured and
paid since Jan. 1, 1909,
Real estate loans inad«!
during year ending D(- c
ceni her 20, 1913,
In force Dec. 31,
Paid to Shareholders
since organization.
linted among 52 citie
and towns in Orej£0i|B
Washington and IdahdHg
If it
Chas. E. Ladd, President.
Theodore B. Wilcox, Vice-President.
Edward Cookingluim, Vice-President.
F. McKercher, Secretary.
M. M. Johnson, Assistant Secretary.
C- W. Hayhurst, Assistant Seer* _ 12c.
H M Cake. Attorney.
■ C
Richard R. Huge, Director.
S. M. Meara, Director.
Walter Mackay, Di rector.
©•t <
ROLLIE WATSON, Resident Agen>'“
todd - hotel - bü \ lding
Buy It Because
s a Better Car
’ $550
f. o.b. Detroit.
Get particulars from ED. HADLEY, Tillamook, Oregon.
. ft
it for
ley ▼