T’P' 1 Which pot u| ir mot ime pi tit stai ring tl est thl is wal illa m no lí XXVI. No. 31 « TILLAMOOK, OREGON, A marriage license was issued to Elmer Griffith and Rose Baker. doride ■ Several rigs came in by the South ■eilig sJ route on Thursday evening, bring­ y brota ing passengers. ipfiils ] A. C. U. Berry, of Portland, and mil all«] C. L. Houston, of Astoria, who have The man who keeps his money in the In orti the contract for the Nehalem bar, ettle I bank while he has plentv creates a friend were in the city last week and ow­ n tlgbl in the bank to whom he can turn when he ing to the tie up on the railroad hit I for fJ the ties. solutil has little. teaspoj The three year old daughter of ilutlon I Mrs. Gertrude Sanders, who reside Having confidence in this bank begets i be pd at East Beaver, fell from a chair rder til its confidence in you, and we can’t, any of Tuesday and broke its arm, Dr. vili coa us, get very far on the road to success with- Boals being called to attend to the ria wlii injured limb. to stai out giving and receiving confidence. give * Leo Doerge, the boy who was ac- free chi This bank has fairly earned your confi­ cidently shot and who has been rater ai in Dr. Boals' hospital since then, dence through nearly ten years of square pboid a: was taken to his home on Wednes­ germs dealing and helpful service. day, as he is on the road to recovery e witb« after a close call. e of fi It will appreciate your account. Charles Burke, who was well ear. T known in thia city, where be pre­ w rec« viously resided, died at Cloverdale ire of I on Tuesday. He had been sick for CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $80,500, >t «land about two months, with cancer of if lime] the stomach. He leaves a wife and id for fl family. ying ’M George R. McKimens was in the ugh dia city on Thursday from Nehalem, elider 1 and he informs us that the water was higher in that vicinity than it has been for 25 years, with the tele­ Y. phone wires all out of commission. irted, tjl MOOK JOTTINGS Grant Thayer will pay you the Sheriff Crenshaw has moved his highest cash price for your hides, office to that previously occupied by >. pelts, furs, rubber, sacks, old braes, County Treasurer wllicbjS Hark, auctioneer. Beals, the etc. is t.llS latter moving into the sheriff’s les $2.00 per M. SeeShrode. Not iH Born, to the wife of E. T. Wat­ office, which will give Mr. Beals orders for wood with kins, on Dec. 30, a boy, regulation rds plaB more room now that he is tax col­ notliiegM weight, Dr. McGee, attending phy­ lector. booksgt ed prices will astonish you sician. Four teachers of our public the ■ Ide. For sale, Stock of Men’s Furnish­ school, who have been spending the iss of * wanted—Lamb- ing and Shoes ; also cash register holidays outside and who started IndiiotM ’ sacks —The Toggery, E. J. Claussen, in Sunday, were compelled to re­ e negai] r Co. . [«ositi n is wanted at Tillamook assignee. turn on account of the train being editnryfl Bank. Jennie Juris vs. R. F. Kennedy unable to get here. They arc ity is til and wife is a suit filed in the County Mr. and Mrs. Will, Miss DeBar and ys hen ed Snow” Flour at the Court to recover $80.00 on a Miss Uland. ! as thel >k Feed Co. The Woman's Relief Corpa will COUSlaN Iposit boxes for rent.—Tilla- promissory note. V foliti lunty Bank. Wanted, house work with private meet in I. O. O. F. hall Saturday * which I family'. Have small boy. Wage« barters for auto livery.— no object Address Mrs. C. F. afternoon for installation of officers. not lie* It is requested that all who possi­ ley, phone 11W. ■nt Is I Snyder, Tillamook. bly can, will be present. After in­ »•yers ■ Bddacb was in the city on Call up A. T. Coats Lumber Co. stallation a banquet will be served Idler otti 1 from Nehalem, thstnnl tin Friday,to the wife of for special prices on four foot fir to all members and their families, their slab wood in qualities of ten and • also all G. A.R. men and with * Prison, a daughter, families. • twenty cords. Phene 4-3-W. s see* nice, tit] t W. J. Logus of Clover- Trojan Blasting Powder, leaves The friends and neighbors of Mrs. b in the city last week. no bad effect after using. Get N. A. Wilson gave her a surprise, o pata | the Mutual Phone for a literature and prices from the Tilla­ Wednesday, Dec. 31, at her home on is all I Ie Tillamook Studio. mook Feed Co. SeeShrode. Wilson river. It was her birthday [ward I The next meeting of the Trask and the evening was spent in nn in* I fitted. Any kind, any River Literary Society will be Sat­ games and refreshments served. g s<> I ba ran teed. Dr. Wendt. s teo'l'fli J you buy your feed, aee urday, Jan. 10, at the home of E. W. The crowd stayed long enough to it I» du] Ie will save you money. . Knight, in Sunnv Meade Addition. greet the New Year, everyone hav­ ing a merry time. HR. It] The Board of County Commission­ meats] Ickens wanted at the Tilla- O. A. Lorn men was down from bt Company ’ s Market, 12c. er.'« is in session this week, and be­ lall id ] ing the first session of the new year Nehalem Thursday and although iu a position' to make there ie a good deal of business to the high tides in that part of the r time farm leans. First attend to. I county have done some good to the 1er. 'vsl Bank. .Mr. and Mrs. John J. Weber and bottom lands, some damage was done. On the Batterson place the ball d erg Bros, will give you family returned on the train Fri­ yard] water came into the barn, and the I on all kindli of hay and day from the holiday’s visit which ime Hi cows had to be driven on top of the they spent with their parents in B lots. liment hay which will be destroyed. s hot _ ..fork does not suit you tell Garibaldi. The marriage of Mr. Preston Wil­ rillet« it «foes tell your friends. City Attorney J. L. Henderson returned {«¡■ompany • on Saturday from Portland, where liams and Miss Eleanor Grace Man­ i? Ill he had gone on account of the ill­ kins took place Dec. 20th, at the here RMBenberg’s for prices on ness of a daughter who had under­ Baptist parsonage, Montavilla, Port­ mean md liny. Largest stock in gone an operation. land. Rev. H. T. Cash performed nlioiit iq|MCounty. “Sure Milk,” the new cow feed the ceremony. Mrs. Paihler, sister Ej*ir chickens to the Tilla- of the bride, was the bridesmaid for l^^BCompany's M arket We guaranteed to produce more milk the occasion while Mr. Paihler acted for the money than any other feed pound. on the market. Call and see it as best man. The hest wishes of —^handkerchief (rith center Tillamook Feed Co. * . a large circle of friends accompany rtMlng. Finder please leave the happy couple. They will make Dawson Bros, will meet all trains dMat office. their home in Tillamook. • '«(■Mrs. P. C. Bates and with bus, and will handle passen- I The members of the Nazarene gers and baggage to all parts of the >f fkirtland, were registered city. Call or phone at the Livery Church gave a bounteous dinner Tillamook. I at the church on New Year’s day. barn on 2nd Ave East «•■Bpid Mrs. G'roat returned ‘ Many others took part, helping the County Assessor Johnson will Friday after spending church in donations. The dinner have .the tax rolls finished by the I irMBfe in Portland. was free and everyone was welcome, ^fllj^Look Co«r,mercial Club end of this week and will turn them whether they furnished anything *LSmo'ter next Tuesday over to County Treasurer Beals, or not A special invitation was the tax collector, on Monday. given to the poor and also strangers. ■ A a Pro’gram. I want to rent a good dairy ranch The meal was equal in quality to limbs, vi ne maple, body Jmlock an d heavy fir slab in Tillamook county, close to cheese any banquet, nearly everything in factory, with or without stock, give the way of eatibiea being aerved. * BN«' 8 ee Shrode. full particular* in first letter. W. After all had partaken, there was 0 shing and tresspass H. Stewart, N. Kenova, Ohio, R. 1, atlll a large supply of food left. cwdSbe obtained at the Head- Box 5ft • On Friday Misses Hariett and °teecial Hssessment dis. tion $10.00, let 7, blk 43, Bayocean cision ie not exempt from the in­ Chaffee, V. G. ; Phoebe Snodgrass, come tax. Bui the spirit of it i p- Recording Sec ; Mae Maddux, : Park. M. F. Babitte to Tillamook Feed h ilds the suspension of the de­ Fian. Sec. ; Georgia Sowers, Ward. ; Co., consideration $103.00, chat, cision by the secretary of the treas­ Bernice Lucas, Conductor ; Grace mortg., team of horses. ury. Jackson, O. G. ; Frank Severance, ; | d . e Dawson et al, to T. R. S.NFFFELB, C ol . A. J. Walsh was R. S. N. G. ; Alice Wolf, L. S NG.; ! Wilson, mortagge, consideration badly done up with rheumatism Mabie Davis, R. S V. G. ; Zella $1500.00, 110 ft. by 125 ft, S. of blk. and sent for Foley Kidney Fill* Condit, L. S. V. G. ; Sarah Warnick, 8, Lincoln, (now Tillamook.) which was the only thing flat would cure him. Geo. Potter of Chap. After the business of the Grand Leader, certificate of busi­ Pontiac, Mo., was down on his back lodge was disposed of, the male ness name, Louis Labowitch is with kidney and bladder trouble members gave the ladies a surprise and Foley Kidney Pills made him in the way of a delicious lunch, owner of General Mdse. Store. It ie a Lottie M. Hunt to W. E. Noyes, well and able to work. which was enjoyed by all. splendid medicine and always part assign of mortgage, consider­ helps. Just try it For sale by all Owing to the tie up on the rail­ ation $1658.09, assigns her interest duggiats. road, it was decided to postpone the dedication of the new I. O. O F. bnilding until some future date, as it is impossible for the Grand laidge » officers and others to be here. An I nouncements will be made later when the building wilf be dedicated Land for Sale. 110 acre* near Salem, suitable for dairy, $■<> per acre, would take Tillamcok property for amciint up to f 2000. RrmBNHF.wo Bai*. Notice OREGON in and book Around” 1 Kasper Zweifel is now successor to R. R. Rotierts, in Tillsmook county. AH accounts owing the J. R. Watkins Medkal Co. are pay­ able to Kasper Zweifel. R R. R orevta . K asper Z weifel . Coal, Cement, Lime, Brick, Shingles, Drain Tile, Plaster, Boot Paint LAMB-SCHRADER COMPANY. DOCKS t WAREHOUSE, FRONT STREET, BETWEEN înd A Brd AVEMUE WEST * I J ; 1 ** t J • & I