Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 01, 1914, Image 6

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Tillamook Headlight. January
Increase of P.O. Business.
Some idaa of the increase of the
biisinee« of the Tillamook Post- ,
office cun ba gathered from the sale ■
of stamps for the month of Decern
ber, compar'd with same month of
the previou*year. In December, 1912,
the «ale* amounted to $709.92. and
for December, 1913, they increased to
$1,150.82, a gain of 1650.70. Part of!
this increase of t usinese was due 1
to the parcels post system, the
Tillainohl' P.O. having done a larg |
business with parcels. Po*lma*te |
Baker and hie atatt had a strenuous
time with the extra amount of busi-
ne«s, and by working late at nights
the holiday mxil was handled with
dispatch, the only inconvenience to
the public was in the extra time it
took to sort the mail after it arrived
in this city.
The water receipt*
considerable the last
Water Commission’s Report
ha« grown
12 month*
Tbe commission was appea ed
to repeatedly by the council to take
up «orne of the city warrant», so
that the city could keep it« war­
rant* « lose to par Since the filing
of tire annual report above men­
tioned, most of the warrant* have
been disposed of at par.
T illamook W ater C ommission .
M. M elchior ,
C. A. M c G hee .
P. W T odd .
Attest :
5,5000 C ari . H aberlach ,
Secreta ry.
4.621 5.
Following is part of the annual
report of the Tillamook Water
Commission a* tiled with the
Common Council on November
10, MMX
____ ________
Amount of money on
hand at filing of last an­
nual reiiort in 1912
$ 3,012.37
Receipts from all sources . ll,0‘iH.6<
Total ....
B,»i">ht cit'/ warrants and
placed in sinking fund
Two mortgages placed in
sinking fund ....................
Itemized expenditures as
per report filed ...............
Money in hands of trea­
surer on November 10,
1913 .....................................
make them so. You cannot take
them into your system without
gcod results ‘oilowing. For sale
by all druggists.
His Stomach Troubles Over
Mr. Dyspeptic, would you not
like to feel that your stomach iron
bles were over, that you could eat
any kind of food you desired with-
out injury? That may seem so un­
likely to you that you do not even
hope f< r an ending of your trouble,
but permit us to assure you that it
is u t altogether impossible.
others can be cured permanently,
and thousands have been, why not
you? John R. Barker, of Battle
Creek, Mich., is one of them
says, “I was troubled with heart­
burn, indigestion, and liver com­
plaint until I used Chamberlain’*
Tablets, then my troubles were
over.” Sold by J. S. Lamar.
S.NFFFEL8, C ol . A. J. Walsh was
badly done up with rheumatism
un«l sent for Foley Kidney Fills
which was the only 1hing that
would cure him. Geo. Potter of
Pontiac, Mo., was down on his back
with kidney and bladder trouble
and Foley Kidney Pills made him
It is a
well and able to work
splendid medicine and
helps. Ju9t try it For sale by all
Do you begin to cough at night,
just when you hope to sleep? Do
you have a tickling throat that keeps
you awake? Justtak“ Koley’s Honey
and Tar Compound It will check
the cough and stop the tickling
sensation at once Does not upset
the stomach, is best for children
and grown persons. For sale by
all druggists.
Invest a Small Portion of Your Earnings Each Month
In the 1 illamook City property that we are now offering.
You will never have cause to regret your move
in this matter.
It is along the right line.
Make selection of your choice of lots and do it as soon as you
read thisj ad.......................................................................................................... .............................. •..........................
We Offer You the Opportunity, It is Yours For the Asking
East End Property
I'oth the above t'Cilitii ps ate now platted into large, choice “Home-Site” Lots. The Prices and the Terms are the BEST
IN THIS Cl 1 \—\oti w ill never ,'ignin have the OPPORTUNITY to bny »oclieapiy on terms that are so REASONABLY
Monthly Payments, Low in Price, Make Selections Early.
Iliis propi rti it.ust M()\F, Wi’tite gi\irg you the chimce of a Lite Time, to put vour earning« into investments that I
Let this month be Epoch Making, ir he time thnt is to come. Let this month be the starting point: or the making for
you of Petter Time to c< n e tn Future Years. We will tell you how you can better your FUTURE:
Go out to-day, take a look at ti e pr< perty < Hired yen, make your Selection NOW of a choice of lots in either of these
newly platted Tracts. 1 tiling the month of January we will not make YOU A CONTRACT OR WILL WE DEED TO YOU
......... We wile make a Reservation ot your LOT SELECTION for you and COMMENCING MONDAY, FEBRUARY
2nd, we will GIVE you CONTRACTS OR DEEDS ns you may desire; only a SMALL DEPOSIT will be necessary to reserve
your choke.
Is very chcice We.t.ide property, adjoins the ••Stillwell Tark" School Chikiren. Pl»y Ground-is just 3 blocks from the New High School
Every lot ha* 6 foot sidi w«lk. Nine new Ion es have been built in this tract this year. Why not your», be the Next’
ehoi7 K*,toW*
therT *'
Tillamook City.
Off)« In Todd Motel, Ground Floor, eoth Phon«, Open Every D.y .nd Evening» Until 10:00 O’clock
Rentals and Collections.
eai«l periods of time above speci-
Any and all persons whomsoever
so fishing in violation of this notice
will be prosecuted as by Jaw pro­
S tate B oard of F ish and G ame
C ommissioners .
Bv F loyd BILYEW, Chairman,
By H H CLIFFORD, Secretary.
By G eo . H K elley ,
By C. H. E vans ,
>100 Reward >100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased
to learn that there i» at least one dreaded
disease that science has been able to cure in
all its stages, und that is Catarrh. Hill's
Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment.
HaP’s Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces of the system,
thereby destroying the foundation ot the
disease, and giving the patient strength by
building up the constitution and assisting
nature in doing its work. The proprietors
have so much faith in its curative powers
that they offer One Hnndred Doltars lor anj­
ease that it fails to cure. Send for list ot
Address H. S. CHENEY & CO., Teledo,
Take Ballali Druggists. 75e.
Tk«te Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Building and Mortgage Loans on City Properly
Taxes paid for Non-Residents.
Curious Lak* of Soda In th* Wild* of
East Africa.
It It Confined, So It I* Asserted, t
Likeness to Parents.
Lake Magndl. lu British East Africa.
Is famous for Its vast deposits of soda.
Until recently few people have seen Its
shores, for It Iles In tbe midst of a bar­
ren and waterless district, but the rail­
way that was started a few years ago
by an EngILsb company opens the way
for travelers to this curious natural
phenomenon. A recent visitor describes
It In the London Field:
Ordinarily It looks as if it bad frozen
and as If snow had then fallen upon
it. partially thawed and frozen again. |
Tbe temperature gives the He to this
appearance of roughened ice, for the
beat is extreme and at midday almost
unbearable. Tbe soda burns tbe feet
even through a boot, and tbe sharp,
projecting spikes, which resemble boar
frost will pierce any except tbe thick­
est sole. After the rains there is a
layer of water over tbe greater part of
tbe lake, which turns a lovely pink
color. By moonlight the scene Is weird­
ly beautiful.
Tbe lake contains at least 200,000,000
tons of crystalline substance, composed
almost equally of carbonate and bicar­ I
bonate of soda. Surface and under­
ground streams of saturated soda liq­
uor continually feed it. Tbe present
supply of soda Is enormous, and as
fast as it is removed a new surface,
formed from the “mother liquid” be­
neath. replaces It. Natives have col­
lected soda from the same spot year
after year without making tbe slight­ I
est difference in the abundance of the
There are few subjects on whirl
much “acientlflc" nonsense Is tai
mid written ns on heredity. Not v
much Is known of it as regards plal
less of animals and almost nothing
regards humanity. To read books
heredity, especially those of the I
genic society. Is to read a mass of i
positions and hazardous Induct!
where most of the facts are negat
and only the exceptions are positive
The very meaning of "hereditary}
not understood. If any quality is ti
hereditary then it Is always hen
tary. It never occur« except ns tlie
suit of heredity, mid It is const»
that Is to say. It invariably folli
But there is no quality of which
can be said Thnt genius is not he
tary la known. Even talent is
Nor Is any aptitude. A lawyer's
more often wants to be a soldier <
artist than a lawyer, notwlthstan
the environment, mid it is so with
professions. The exceptions seel
be due to training and Influence, n
hereditary transmission.
A superficial llkeuess to pal
seems hereditary, but thnt Is all
we can ns.se:t. and that outward
ness by no means infers an im
There Is nothing so
and nothing so fatal as this tend
to attribute to heredity what Is dt
training or want of training. It
cuses supineness In governments
professions.—H. Fielding Hall la
lantlc Monthly.
Thin Cutting.
Pithy Summing Up.
Tbe late Mayor Gaynor of New York,
a« all tbe world knows from Ills letters,
was a subtle critic, and at a luncheon
at the Century club, discussing n novel­
ist who had begun well, but had de­
generated Into the lowest type of "best
seller." Mayor Gaynor said:
"This scribbler’s whole biography
could be put into two questions and
answered thus:
“'How did he commence writingF
“'With a wealth of thought'
" 'And how has lie continued?
'■'With a thought of wealth.’”—
Washington Star.
When Irvin Cobb, the writer, ws
the World he attended a ball g
at the Uulu grounds. The yard
packed. Just before the game H
Stevens, who had the refreshment!,
liege, strolled tiy the press Ixix i
called out to a group of which r
was a member:
"Great crowd, eh. boys? I'll
there's 6.000 more people here
they expected I guess that meal
have to go In and prepare nlioiit
more ham sandwiches."
"Well." remarked Cobb, "that
pretty nearly necessitate the ctitti
another ham. won't It. Harry?"
ery body's
Upsetting the Salt Cup.
In some parts of the world, particu­
larly In Germany. It Is still believed
thnt the upsetting of the aaltcellnr Is
the direct act of Satan—"tbe peace
disturber." And the habit of trying to
avert any catastrophe which may hap­
pen by tossing a little of the salt over
the shoulder la due to the belief that
hr so doing one hits the Invisible Satan
In the eye. which temporarily, at least,
prevents his doing further mischief.
Their Attachment.
"Do animals possess the sentiment
of affection?" asked the school teacher
of the little girl.
“Yrth. nia'nm; almost always.”
“Good." said the teacher, “and now."
turning to a little boy, "tell me what
animal hns the greatest natural fond­
ness for man"
The small boy considered carefully
ami finally answered, "Woman.Ia­
dies' ti ome Journal.
This new platting, is in that tract oí land on the Fast of PA RK
Su"' E"” “
Fir« Insurance in ConflMr.tion Proof Companies.
The bent thing to do with pollti
water is to keep it out of your tn<x
and wait until you can get some pi
water Of course a man might stai
to death In some places following ti
advice, so here Is the next best tit
to do. Disinfect the dangerous wa|
Here is the way to do It.
Dissolve a tea*poonfnl of chloride
lime in a cupful of water, making si
that all lumps are thoroughly brol
up, then add three more cupfuls i
water. Stir the mixture well and allJ
to stand for a few seconds In or«
that any solid particles may settle. I
This mixture, if kept In a I tlcJ
or f J
stoppered bottle, may be used for
or five days, when a new soluf"
should be prepared. Add one teaspi
ful of this milky looking solution
each two gallons of water to be pg]
fled and stir thoroughly In order ti
the weak chlorine solution will cm
in contact with all the bacteria wbl
may be present Allow this to sta
for ten minutes. Tills will give i
proximately one-half part of free eb
rlne to 1,000.000 parts of water a£
will effectually destroy all typhoid aa
colon bacilli or other disease germs I
the water. The water will be with«
taste or odor, and the trace of ft
chlorine will rapidly disappear. T!
method Is one which Is now reco
mended tn the health literature of I
Water so disinfected Is not dang
ous so far as the chloride of liinejP
concerned if allowed to stand for I
or fifteen minutes after applying. 1j
chief danger is that not enough dii
fectant will be applied to render
water safe In all instances.
1 '.???
other W>b,ltary _°L
j Bay, known as Tillamook River,
and its tributaries, above a point
100 feet below the lowermost por­
tion of the mouth ot Trask River,
all being in Tillimook County,
State of Oregon, to prevent fishing
therein by any means whatever,
except with hook and line, com­
monly called angling, for salmon
fish during the periods of time
hereinafter specified.
Now, T hereeore , N otice
H ereby G iven by said State Board
of Fish and Game Commissioners
that said tributary of Tillamook
Bay, known as Hoquarton Slough,
and its tributaries, above a point
47 degrees
31 minutes
2,013.7 feet from the section cor­
ner common to sections 23, 24, 25
and 26, Township 1 South, Range
10 West of the Willamette Meridian
—this point on said Hoquarton
Slough being more particularly de­
signated by poets erected by the
Master Fish Warden warning the :
public, are ar.d each of them is
hereby closed to fishing of any
kind for salmon fish, except with
hook and line, commonly called
angling, from and alter January
31, 1914 until eaid tributary ot Till­
amook Bay, known as Hoquarton
Slouch, and its trib' taries, above a
point on eaid Hoquarton Slough
47 degrees 31 minutes West 2,013.7
feet from the section corner com­
mon to Sections 23, 24, 25 and '¡Hi,
Township 1 South, Range 10 West
of the Willamette Meridian, is or
aie opened again to salmon fishing
he ein prohibited, as provided for ■
under Section 5316of Lord's Oregon
Laws ; and that said tributary of
Tillamook Bay, known as Tilla­
mook River, and its tributaries,
above a point 100 feet below the
lowermost portion of the mouth of
Stagi the New Year Right
Cheap and Simple Method by Which
May 8e Purified.
KING ADDITION w..< End Property
Trask River, are and each of them
‘ i* hereby closed to fishing of any
KNOW ALL MEN BY THEBE PHEA kind for salmon fish, except with
hook and line, commonly called
evis , That, W hereas , tbe State
angling from and after January
Board of Fi*h and Game Commis­ 31 1914, until said tributary of Tills
sioners of the State of Oregon (a* uiook Bay, known as Tillamook
well a* its pre«leceesors. the Boara River, and its tr.butanee, above a
of Fish Commissioners) has propa-
point IO) feet below the lowermost
gated ami stocked, and is pr pa- portion of the mouth of Trask River,
gating ami stocking the water* of
Tillavook Bay and its tributaries, is or are opened again to salmon
in Tillamook County. State of Ore­ fiehing herein prohibited, as pro-
nm tisn ami
I vided for under Section 5316 of
gon. with salmim
said fish,
Bay Lord’s
; and it is and
ar;ea,fr^uen“efi wYAVe un^wfuiTo fish for, or take
Notice Closing Streams.
tributary of said Tillamook Bay, '
Known al. s Hoouarton
----- ,------
above a
point; !
on Baid Hoquarton Slough 47 de­
grees 31 minutes West 2,013-7 feet
A Difierence in Working Hours. from the section corner common to
23, 24, 25 and 26 of Town­
A man’s working day is 8 hours.
Hi* body organs must work per snip 1 South, Range 10 »Vest of the
tectly 24 hours to keep him fit for Willamette Meridian—thia point on
1 hours work
Weak, sore, inactive said Hoquarton Slough being more
kidneys can not do it. They must particularly designated bv posts
by ».*«
the - Master
Fish W arden
- -------------
b« sound and healthily active dll
all ■ CICV
' “ ; , : and also an-
the time. Foley Kidney Pill* will | ! warning the
me public
674 2.
"Beeidea city warrant« on hand at
filing of annual report,, there wa»
Gift to Jonathan Bourne. Jr. i $14,500.00 in «inking fund, of which
I $7,500.00 1* bearing 8 per cent ano
Tillamook County friends of Ex-Sen­ $7,OOO.CO bear« six per cent
ator Bourne, lately sent to him, at loam made lately have been for 8
Washington, a solid gold plate three per cent interest.
inches wide and five inches long as a
The city has been bonded foi
token of appreciation for the splend"1 $45,000.00, bearing six per cent in-
services rendered this locali»/, during . tereet.
incumbency as U. S. Senator from
The two mills levied for water pur-
Oregon. The following worts were en­ I poses will bring in approximately
grave! upon the plate:
I $1,300,00. Formerly the city paid a
“To Jonathan Bourne Jr., this twen­
certain hydrant tax. It ha« been
ty-fifth day of December, 1913, is giv­
the policy of the water commission
en this lasting token of appreciation of i
to levy a small tax to help <?efray­
the loyal, intelligent and indefatigue-
current expenses and pay part ot
able efforts by him in behalf of his
the in’erest on the bonds, as other­
country and particularly in developing
wise non resident land speculators
and upbuilding the wonderful State of
would not help any toward paying
Oregon and her resources.” “Present­
coet of water system. It has not
ed by:
seemed just to the commission that
Citizens of Wheeler and Nehalem,
local water consumers should pay
By Citizens of Bay City,
the entire cost of the system, when
By Citizens of Tillamook.”
the fact ot pipes being laid adjacent
The gift was sent him in a beautiful
to speculatively held lands helps
card case upon which his name was I
the value and sale of such land.
engraved in gold. It is valued at $180.
From personal observation and
from expert advice give , the com­
Land for Sale.
mission feel« that it is going to be
110 acres near Salem, suitable for only a short term of years before
dairy, $85 per acre, would take the present system will have to lie
Tillamook property for uinount up replaced, and it is also going to be
to $2600
i necessary to supplement tlie pre
R osen he eg H eos .
I sent pipe line with an additional
I pip? of larger dimensions The pre-
| sent system will be on the scrap
Kasper Zweifel is now successor
to R R. Roberta, in Tillurnook heap long before the bonds mature,
____ ~ the ntid it has seemed that the city
All ________
accounts owing
J. R Watkins Medical Co. are pay- *houl<l have enough money on hand 1
ub e to Kasper Zweifel.
.' to pay for the present system by
R R R oberts .
the time it is worn out, even if
K asper Z weifel .
Tilhiuiook, Ore., July 23rd, 1913. | water rates are rather high .
Bird* and Cyelon«*.
beet. «uemrated thnt
Green Liquid Soap.
Green liquid soap, which Is re
mended by skin specialists for
skins or for those which hnr»
pores extended, cun be made at I
Take equal pnrts of glycerin, t
alcohol and green cnstile soap I
the soap Into the water and stir
the fire until the mixture is so
Add the glycerin and lastly, aft«
kettle Is removed from the tire
Add a tableapoonful «1
de cologne. If p-rfume is desired
Antiquity of Leather.
Leather was early known in I
and Greece and thongs of mat
fared hides were used for rope
ness and the like by ancient u
The Gordian knot was made of I
A leather caunon was
at Edinburgh, fired three t1n>4
found useful in 1778. — Kansal
Hia Job.
habitually make use of storms In trav­
eling from one part of their range to
»pother It Is |.oln1ed out that If a bird
«•annot find a shelter ft must l»e more
eunifortnble on the wing than on th*
rnmnd during a storm, heoaose In the
flrnwt gale II file* In a morins me­
tllnm. like a swimmer in a «trvogly
fiop.ng river - Harper's Weekly.
N* Ue* F*r On*.
"What Itinerary dl l you take on your
Eunqienn trip?”
"John wmildn t let me take one st
V«m eee. he’s rruowd the ore*«
N-fore. met he m W It wm tool rati to
Hit »»r trunk with a tut »r thing* we'd
uev«« uw.'- Detroit Free I'teaa.
Hall-What are you doing
Gall—Oh. I'm making a house ta
canvass to ascertain why peopM
want to buy a new patent f
wringer.—Chicago New*.
Dad's Escute.
"I’npn. why don’t yon dress I
as other men do?"
"Because, pet. you Insist on d
better than any other girl does
<-agu Tribune.
Two Husband*.
The foolish husband «ars. "I
tbia or that.” *
The trtae hu«lrtnd «ar«. "S'i
- Louis» Tie Courier Journal.