Tillamook Headliglit, January 1, 1014. it would have been if the limit had any gain to the government and Rodman-Wauamaker investigation , been left at 33'u per cent without will have disastrous financial re­ of the status of American Indians, land currency legislation the depietioil taK. sults. Although Secretary McAdoo says that the Indians are fast dy In si de red and thoroughly j This co-operation amonga' sera, prided himself on having solved all ing from “starvation, pestilence [as this now finally en- tors of all parties has served to make the puzzles of interpretation of the and neglect of the white man. »t ¡law offers hope of meet- a vastly better and stronger bill law, his recent issue of revised He thinks his investigations will kectations of those who than first left to the House, where regulations is a confession that he result in the Indian becoming less |hat such a pronounced such cooperation was made im- has had no better luck with its be­ suspicious of the white man, aud It was necessary. While possible through caucus control of wildering complexities than divers the white man giving him less ^w is revolutionary in its ' the committee and the House itself, I other persons who have sought to cause tor suspicion, and the dying [from old and sell-settled [ Again, in the conference committee comprehend them. off may be checked. Undoubtedly I banking and of currency of the two houses, additional The Mexican constitutionalists Jin 8O,ne localities, where the pol- may not fairly be con changes, all iu the line of erecting must have commeuded themselves !1C? ba8 been ,o coddle the Indians n advance, as being rev new safeguards against manipula­ to Prohibition party sentiment in ; and endeavor to maintain them in ’ iu the sense of destruc- tion through absolute control, were ... • .... ... , ^tribal relations aud in idleness at i It was a Democrat, ay reed upon aud are now incorpor-1thl8 country by the action of their 1 military officials at at Juarez. Juarez. We do “’“ary officials * ! «overn,nent expense, there lias eed of Missouri, who, dur­ ated in the law. While it is true » not refer, ot course, to the action of i been a discreaae in numbers, as progress of the debate, i that nothing upon which the presi- not refer, of course, to the action of 1 as at times pestilent.al via.ta- «fending his demand for dent most strenuously insisted has executing all of the soldiers of the ---- ...--------- 1 who fell inio their p10118* such aa the white man once ne and fuller discussion: been left out, it is equally true that K°vernment taking no prisoners and ihad before he began living in a 1 that is before us contem- during the long and earnest dis-i hands, cussion, while the problem was be- recognizing none of the rules of sanitary way and used disease pre 1 it must be considered if, ventive methode. But as a whole, llution at least a radical ing viewed from every angle and civilized warfare. The action we the census shows the Indian is have in mind is that of issuing an efforts made to foresee every con- I our financial system. I fairly persistent, especially sowhen re that plan can be worked ■ tingency and provide against every order that anybody found running the Indian is made an independent md worked out safely to the emergency, many salutary amend­ a saloon, or selling or giving away and self-supporting member of the in any quanity large or small, any advantage of our country; ments and saving clauses were put community. must be agreed that so im- in. We congratulate the country intoxicating liquor, shall be court- martialed and immediately placed It has remaided for Gen. Villa, of upon the passage of the law with ­ nt » departure from the prea- recent military demands the exercise of out the delay recently threatened against a wall and filled with lead. Mexico, whose prowess has obscured the reputa­ t degree of care, prudence and against which we have pro­ The pronouncement in Postmas­ tested. We congratulate it more ter General Burleson’s annual re­ tion he long bore as the most dar­ ought.” ta to prevent percipitate upon the fact that there was a dis­ port for government ownership and ing and resourceful bandit that successful, at least in appearance of party lines, thirty­ operation of the telegraph and tele­ ever defied President Diaz, to de­ , where nearly all of the seven Republicans aud a number phone has attracted wide attention vise a system of emergency cur­ Amendments to the bill as of Progressives having voted with and will promote great discussion, rency which has promptly relieved m the House, and which the Democrates for final passage. although the report was discounted the stringency of Chihuahua. For corporated in the law, The country will await with interest by rumors of its nature. Mr. Bur­ some time he has had in his posses­ . Something in the line and anxiety the announcement of leson does not make a specific re­ sion Luiz Terrazas, son of the He has been and currency legisla- the president’s a .lection of men who commendation, but promises to do richest Mexican. been demanded of this are to exercise the vast powers of so if the preliminary report of a threatening to kill his captive, and Thia demand was not the Federal Reserve Board. With committee appointed last June to the father has been making pathetic 1 in the Baltimore platform full faith in his integrity", and a investigate the subject justifies appeals to the United States to save hie boy. There was talk of a ran­ clearly than in the national hope that his judgment will not such action. Whether the presi­ bliean platform, and the Pro- fail in such a crisis, it turns to the dent, as “spokesman of an organic som, but the difficulties of trans­ ive Republican platform new year resolved on making the body, will feel justified in breaking mitting the same to Villa and the •d at Chicago. The question best of an experiment which, if it the rule he refused to violate for the probability that it would be fol­ ne of method, or of de­ succeeds, will give the Wilson ad- woman suffrage advocates isa ques­ lowed by another demand from that opposition to the bill ministration a high place in our tion. The "Baltimore charter of slippery leader, placed that out of Then the brilliant r long around the enorm • history.—Globe Democrat. faith did not favor government the question. for control of banking ownership of telegraph and tele­ j plan was born in the brain of the j bandit. By threats he has Min­ cy with which it clothes Art Young, the noted cartoonist phone, but on the contrary, insisted pelled the young man to sign a •ntral Federal Reserve Board. on strict governmental regulation. of Life and other papers, and Max number of checks and, according ■ been found impossible to Eastman, editor of the Socialist il­ Rev. Mr. Kelley’, of Cincinnati, is to the dispatches, these checks are any amendment of that part lustrated magazine, the Masses, an original and darirg experimen- , passing current t as legal tender. measure, or any other part have been indicted at New York on ter, ! He is , providing _ free lunch in'While a semi savage there is noth which the president has in- the charge of having libeled the his church from 7:30 to 8:30 every j ing about Villa’s record to warrant l is vital. But during the dis- Associated Press inconnection with night, his purpose being to attract the suspicion that he might be jn the system, as origin- a picture in the Masses which por­ men who can not be induced to guilty of the folly of killing the proposed, has been forti- trayed the great news gathering or­ come to church in any other way. goose that lays golden eggs. Young at , many pointe, in deal- ganization in the act of poisoning The boldness of his plan is not in Terrazas’ life is safe unless he with the accumulation, the the source of public news fact by the providing of a feed with a talk. gets writer’s cramp. tion, and the counting of re­ pouring into the reservoir from a It is in having the feed precede the funds, all tending toward a bottle labeled "lies.” talk, in the order of exercises. The il limitation of any possible It has taken but a little over a plan of S. Eads How, in the Locust To Whom it May Concern : of -the great powers lodged > controlling body at Washing. mouth’s trial to show that the.re­ street headquarters was to have the The following blank policies Onfcof the amendments latest quirements for collection of the in ■ talking precede the eating. The numbers 20215, 20216, 20222, 20225, come tax through "deduction at talking was often of a sort to make 20226, 20228 and 20229 of the Germania adopted is partly in the line ?re, Insurance ^Company^ of New that offered by Senator Root the source” are obnoxious. Not this necessary, but at last members b York have been lost or stolen, and a the discussion, proposing a only has it imposed the expense of of the Welfare Brotherhood mur­ notice is hereby given that the Ger­ tated tax against depletion of collecting the tax on banks and mured that they were paying too mania Fire Insurance Company ree below a designated limit. , trust companies, without compen- high a price in advance for the assumes no liability under said Any information or the itpit named by Senator Root 8ation- but tbe foreign market for meals. Mr. How resolutely refus­ policies. return of any or all of said policy O-per cent. As fixed in the'Alnerica securities is being de- ing to serve the lunch first, the at­ blanks will confer a favor on E. G. is 40 per cent, at which fig- moralized. Foreign investors have tendance dropped off and the head­ Ha le, Manager, Chicago, Illinois, or Fred S. Penfield, General Agent inder the taxing clause, the begun to dump such securities on quarters was abandoned. 322 California Street, San Francisco’ uard is much stronger than the market. This does not briug Dr. Joseph Dixon, leader of the California. a Great Change. Notice to Creditors. S' N otice is H ereby G iven , that the undersigned, has been ap­ Í. pointed administrator cf the estate of Fannie B. Wallace, deceased, by the County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified aud required to present same, with proper vouch­ ers. duly verified, to the under­ signed at the office of T. B. Handley in Tillamook City, Oregon, within six months from the date k^reof. Dated December 12th, 1913. SQ2 G W. W allace , Administrator of the estate of i with the problem of buying Harness Fannie B. Wallace, deceased. I you will find it distinctly advanta* . geoue to come and do your select- ! ing here. You will get the best qualities, the most thorough and conscientious workmanship and be charged the most reasonable prices. | We can supply single or double Sets or any single article that you may be in need of. f HARNESS W. A, Williams A Co. Babies will grow and while they are growing, you should have them photographed often enough to keep a record of each interesting stage of their childhood. You will prize the collection of baby’s pictures more and more as the years go by Monk’s Studio. "I feel it my duty to tell others what Chamberlain's Tablets have done for me,” writes Mrs. L. Dunlap, of Oak Grove. Mich. "I have suffered with pains in my back and under my shoulder blade for I a number of years, also with a poor appe­ tite and constipation. I tried all of the rem­ edies that I heard of, • and a number of doc­ tors, but got no relief. Finally a friend told me to try Chamber­ lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. I got a bottle of them and they soon helped my stomach; by their gentle action my bow­ els became more reg­ ular. Today I feel like praising them to all who suffer asldid. for they have cured me aud made my lifu worth living ” ’Here W, Have ft!' W A V*The Best Medicm. Made far Kidney a nd Bladder Troubles" FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Backache, Rheumatism. Kidneys *"d Bladder. For Male by all Drnggiate. a YOU BELIEVE THAT ! WHEELER, OREGON, I ®@®8®®®®®®®a®@8®®®®®®@S®®®®i?®®®®®S®®®©S®©®®SS©©©®£©S'<0 » ’-Sb i I ■ The Manufacturing City on NEHALEM BAY is B ound to G row and that INVEST- MENT in W heelen Property will be Profitable. BACK UP YOUR JUDGMENT WITH YOUR MONEY. You oiill make money by Investing in CUHEEÜER. « For information regarding Wheeler, write to NEHALEM HARBOR CO., WHEELER, OREGON. Tillamook Office : Portland Office : Care of F. R. BEALS. 327 FAILING BUILDING.