Tillamook Headlight January 1. I9i4. T. BOALS, M.D., radium ore deposits in this country, ~ PLANTS IN SLEEP-T^jj favor placing the entire supply of radium under th* control of the The fact that there are nearly National Government to be used in •ema Taka Their Napa at Night, Oth­ twice as many widows as widowers ers During the Day. connection with a national institu­ in America should be an attractive Clover shuts its leaves before rain tion for the treatment of cancer theme for theorists. and at nigbt, bringing two of its three patients. ____________ leaves face to face and folding the Mr. Taft makes light of the Car­ third over the top. The young blos­ abao incident, it being so trival in C H Waymire in Coos Co. soms are also carefully sheltered by comparison with some of the things inclosing leaves which move forward Dear Headlight: — he had to endure as president. in the evening and wrap them around. While I have been very busy in Senator Root seems to think that There are two plants in the garden undue expansion of credit and in­ Coos County making new acquain­ whose flowers sleep by day—the nigbt flation of thé currency would pro­ tances, and to the beet of my ability blooming stock and Lychnis vesper- doing paetorial work, I still remem­ tiiiH. The former is withered and mote new spreedom. ber you, your city, and the people shriveled In daylight but expands and The father of the new Democratic you visit. I wish you all a Happy exhales a vanilla-like odor at nigbt. currency bill may not be able to New Year. The people of Coos The lychnis is white, and in bright recognize it in the form in which County are just Oregonians, and I sunshine every flower closes and it is to become a law, and maybe like them splendid. Some of them hangs limply down. As the sun sets this Endymion plant he will not want to are 'not stuck on the I. W. W's., Egg prices will drop, we are told, but the great majority, I believe, awakes expectant of the moon. The drooping calyzes raise themselves and as soon as the pulleta begin laying. are geol citizens. slowly expand their flowers It visi­ Mrs. Partington could never under­ There is great need of good roads bly ceases to droop and fade, and the stand the contrary spirit of her in this county. We also are want­ plant, which almost died by day, is hens, which quit laying right when ing some of your cheese makers. adorned anew. Its sister, the red the price of eggs got highest. Any one desiring a job in Coos lychnis, shines by day and is called A Chicago youth has been arrested county will do well to correspond diurna. but this white one has long for misuse of the mails in the sale with Mr. Fred Moser, Gravel Ford, left the beaten ancestral path and has of "Thirteen Ways for Flirting.” Ore. They make a great deal of become vespertina. As It opens small flies appear and It is surprising that any one should butter here. The roads will not visit It. The calyx is of that reddish have such a feeling of insufficiency bear milk hauling, but some way hue which they approve. The sun they get the cream to the factories. dew which attracts flies shows the as to pay for such instruction. The woman who has sued the If you will send me your paper un­ same dull red In its leaves. It is not ansas City Street Railway Com­ til June 1, '14, and post me on the a rarity, but few have seen its blos­ pany for damages because an ac­ doings of the Tillamookers, I will soms opened.—Scotsman. cident that injured her arms inter- thank you, and pay you when I ferred with her "conversational see you, if not broke. Will say that you may all starve powers" is not French. She is under the present administration Air or Moisture In the Tube Will Ren­ merely a deaf mute. der It Unreliable. and I most earnestly advise that When an immigrant stands every Don't expect a barometer to tell you you all get religion, as it suffers other test for admission to this the truth about the weather until you long and is kind. country except the one of literacy, have tested It thoroughly. Two com­ Ycurs as of old, it may be safely concluded that his mon causes for unreliability are air C. H. W aymire . illiteracy is not his fault, but is (•ravel Ford, Ore , December 26, and water mixed with the mercury In the tube. These can be expelled by due to the conditions from which 1913._______ boiling the mercury. he is trying to flee. We are always glad to hear from In order to test a barometer let it That is a shocking story of the our old friend, and not only do we hang for a time in the proper position; Harvard professor who, having wish him a Haj pv New Year, but then gently and with care Incline it so been imide a member of the Public success in his work - -Ed. that the mercury may strike against Utilities Commission in Massa­ the glass tube. If there Is no air with chusetts, has been found out, and Best Cough Medicine for Children. in you will hear a sharp metallic click, “I am very glad to say a few hut if the souud Is dull and muffled it now zdmits that he has been in the employ of corporations paying him words in praise of Chamberlain's Indicates the presence of both air and Cough Remedy’,’ writes Mrs. Lida >833.35 a speech. Such revalations Dewey, Milwaukee, Wis. "I have moisture. The presence of air alone Is may tend to shake the public confi­ used it for years both for my child­ shown by minute bubbles. If at any time the mercury seems to dence in professors as public offic­ ren and myself and it never fails to adhere to the tube, even In the slight- ials which lias of late been one of relieve and cure a cough or cold. No family with children should be est degree, and the convex surface as­ the most beautiful manifestations without it as it givesnlmost immed­ sumes a more flattened form It is safe of our public life. iate relief in cases ofcroup.” Cham­ to conclude that either air or moisture berlain's Cough Remedy is pleas ­ If all work and no play makes Is present, in any of these cases the ant and safe to take, which is of Jack a dull boy. Prof. Steiner lays great importance when a medicine Instrument should be put Into expert the converse is also true, that all must be given to young children. hands for rectification. There are several kinds of barom­ play and no work makes Jack a For sale by J. S Lamar. eters The ordinary “weather glass” lazy shirk, Dull boys who do things Colds to be Taken Seriously lu common use is more or less unre­ are better than bright boys who Intelligent people realize that liable aud is easily made more so by lazy iu the world's work, "Let us, common colds should be treated careless handling, lu fact, any barom­ then be up and doing," as one of promptly. If there is sneezing and eter must be treated with great re­ America's great poets has said, chilliness with hoarseness, tickling spect In order to retuin its usefulness. throat and coughing. begin and teach our boys to work, as we promptly the use of Foley’s Honey — Harper's Weekly. do now, and not answer too freely and Tar Compound. It is effective, the call of the wild, as we did pleasant to take, cheeks a cohl, and Ths First False Teeth. Until little more than a century ago when of their age. By doing as we stops the cough which causes lose of sleep and lowers the vital resist humanity hud to rub along without ad vise, and not as we did, they auce. For sale by all druggists false teeth, of which nowadays one may finally amount to more than flrm aloue claims to sell over 12,000,- we do. Chronic Constipation Cured. 000 a year. The first successful maker "Five years ago I had the worst The director of the United States case of chronic constipation I ever was Glussepangelo Fonzi, an Italian Geological Survey coinplains be­ knew of, and Chamberlain's Tab­ dentist, who started practice in Paris cause private employers offer so lets c ured me,* ' writes S. F. (Fish, lu 1796 aud. thanks to bis skillful much higher salaries than the Brooklyn, Mich. For sale by J. S. treatment of Lucien Bouaparte. soon • made his way. After years of experi­ government pays (lint they are get Lamar.__________ ment he discovered the substance ting many of the best subordinates from which artificial teeth are made to quit the government service, He uud received the gold medal of the suggests an increase in govern French Academy of Science. One of ment pay. This may be .wise and the earliest persons tilted with false just, but the fuel that service un­ teeth was the empress of Itussia. Aft­ der the government has been the er Waterloo Fotizl migrated to Lon­ means ot attracting the attention don aud tbeu to .Madrid, where Ferdl of private employers to individuals nand VII. rewarded him with a yearly (■enslou of 1.000 ducats for a set of should not be overlooked. The false teeth. highest salaries have often been paid to men who were compara Hunan Derelicts. lively unknown until their services This is the luvariable history of such for the government gave them great cases Let au unidentified body of a prestige. man or womau. young or old. be dis­ Kaiser Wilheim'.a opinion, ex­ covered. and from all directions will pressed in what wan almost official If you are thinkingof buying couie lu<|ulries disclosing the fnct that form, thut a mustache is a badge of a good Harness, liorse](eovers, many persons have disappeared from masculinity and must be worn by the knowledge of tbelr friends. Trag­ fighting men, is having earlier halters, or anything in the^har- edies and heartaches are thus uncov­ than might have lieen expected, an ness line it will pay you to see ered. for the mere act of Inquiry proves that aome one in each case has effect which could not but be fore me. suffered anxiety over the missing one seen. In New York the new rage I also carry the famous Shar­ and line feared evil hapia-uinga. Crime, for mustaches han driven the boss shame, melancholy, dis,uutent. unhap­ l arberetoa protest. They blame the key’s collar. piness. desire fur adventure, are among kaiser, and no doubt rightly, (or the causes that lend to the disappear­ the new fad among men who have ances.—lndinuapelis Star. loag been clean shaven. And their protest against the swiftly uncoin TILLAMOOK, ORE. Jim's Advantage. ing fashion is flint four minutes A prominent state official In a moon more of time is needed to shave, tain region reined In his horse one but tastefully and artlsu.ally, around afternoon and Inquire«! of a barefooted woman working In the field. “Madam, the corners of a mustache, than is can you tell me how much farther It is needed in the clean shaving of an to Johnson's Corners?" upper lip. The woman leaned on her boe and At last there appears to be an pondered gravely. "No." she said final authoritative announcement of ly. “I can't My eon, Jim, could tell |>ermanent cures of virulent cancer you. though Jim's heeu aroun'. Hex l by the use of radium It was made got shoes."—Everybody’s. by Dr. Howard A. Kelly, the noted I surgeon of Johns Hopkins 1'niver A Deduction. •Ity, supplemented by the state­ Personally we do not pretend to be If yon buy • two-year- much of a hand at reading character, ment ot Dr Robert Abbe of New but when we see a young man carry­ York, before a group* of medical Kuaranteed Bottle. ing a pair of kid gloves in one band men in the College of Physicians »$2.00 or more. and a cane In the other we know he at Philadelphia on Monday last. tent looklug for a plowing Job.—Qal , The announcement was made more vesfoa News. impressive by the showing ot tan tern slides ot various cases treated Only a Bluffer. W hv buy m Hot Water and enred in this manner. The “He save bo's boos—likes to show Hottie anti take the rieh cures were made not by direct bls wife that bee clothed In aatbor or getting old stock, when application, hut hv the use of the ity." ■ rays from the radium paetidee. we will stand back of our “AM I esn say Is that he's a pretty But he admitted that at present poor dresser ''-Town Tuple«. liooda ? there was not enough radium in existence to go around to all suffer Around the Circle. era from the disease. Dr. Kelly "In my time.' declared grandma, msds it known that tie and Alfred C. I. CLOUGII CO. “girls were more modeet " "I know." mid the flippant girt. "It I. Du Pout, the man who has ac was a f»d oore Wo may get back to mrc^Huer.hip ot «11 the known It"- K omm CU j Jewraat Passing Remarks. TEST YOUR BAROMETER. Tillamook Baker’s Bread Sold at All Grocers. Bechtel's Harness Shop h -ss-i-SS-i-ss-: SS-i-SS-:® ') 35c. for any old ? J) I Hot Water •> Bottle I I I I ; BARGAINS In Newspapers. PREMIUMS j Weekly Oregonian and Tillamook Headlight. with PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Surgeon S.P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Tillmnook • HERRON, S. "• PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Tillamook • and Valuable Premiums. Premium List: « SARCHET, The Fashionable Tailor Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing a Specialty. Store in Heins Photographic Gallery. rp H. GOYNE, ATTORNEY-AJ-LAW. Office : O pposite C ou k t H ouse , . J. CLAUSSEN, . LAWYER, DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT. 213 T illamook B lock Tillamook - Both Phones. $2.00 Tillamook Office : Next door to Star Theatre $2.25 R. E. E, DANIELS, CHIROPRACTOR. Local Office in* the Commercial Building. $2.25 The Lasher Silver Set, six knives, six forks, six tea spoons, manufactured of solid white metal. Retails at $3.50. With the Weekly Oregonian and Tillamook Headlight, for one year - -................................................ $3.25 Offer No. 5. TILLAMOOK. - ORE L. E. HEWITT, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OBSTETRICAL SPECIALIST. Both Phones. Residence and Office in Whitehouse Residence, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. ELMER ALLEN (Successor to Dr. Sharp), DENTIST. $2.00 Commercial Building, Tillamock. Offer No. 6. A set of six Beautifully Decorated French Gray Finish Silver Tea Spoons. They are of beautiful design and will last a lifetime. Retails at $2.50. With the Weekly Ore­ gonian and Tillamook Headlight, for one year............................................... - J~^R- JACK OLSEN, DENTIST. (I. O. O. F Bldg.) Tillamook - Oregon $2.25 JOHN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY Offer No. 7. The Housekeeper’s Delight. The Eureka Shears. A complete set that no family can afford to be without. Regular price for set $3.00. With the Weekly Oregonian and Tillamook Headlight, for one year - M D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Offer No. 4. Set of Beauty Pins. This set consists of three clasp pins one and one haif inches long, gold filled. With the Weekly Oregonian and Tillamook Headlight, for one year - Oregon. G- MCGEE, Offer No. 3. The Dandy Needle Book, leatherette covers, 142 useful articles. Retails at $1.00. With the Weekly Oregonian and Tillamook Headlight, for one year - Oregon VETERINARY. Offer No. 2. The Hawkeye Wrench, the handiest wrench ever manufactured. You cannot afford to be without it. Regular price $i.50, with the Weekly Oregonian and Tillamook Headlight, for one year . . . - E. REEDY, D.V M., The Oregonian’s Census Atlas of the North- - . Oregon. E Mi west, size 19x25, 24 pages, regular price 25 m $2.50, with the Weekly Oregonian and Till- gfe atnook Headlight, for one year . _ J Offer No. 1. • Oregon. T Tillamook - An Exceptionally Fine Line of Useful Oregon. : and ; COUNSELLOR AT-LAW. T illamook B lock , Tillamook [■ Oregon. Room No. 261.' $2.50 T. BOTTS, Offer No. 8. An exceptionally fine 34 piece Dinner Set. This splendid set is from the famous pot­ teries of Knowles, Taylor & Knowles, East Liverpool. Ohio. It is of American white porcelain ware artistically decorated with the all gold design. This set retails at any store for 17.00. Every housewife will be proud to display them on her table. The set consists of the following pieces • Six full sized Dinner Plates, Six full sized Soup Plates. Six full sized Cups, Six 7*> inch Bread and Butter Plates. Six full sized Saucers, One Cream Pitcher. One deep. 9 inch Vegetable Dish, One deep Gravy Bowl. . One regulation size Meat Platter. With the Weekly Oregonian and the Tilla­ mook Headlight, for one year - - - $5 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Complete Set of [Abstract Books in Office. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. T illamook B lock , Tillamook . . . . Oregon, Both Phones.] QARL HABERLACH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW T illamook B kock , Tillamook Oregon a HAWK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. B«y City .... Oregor. Offer No. 9. The Success Kitchen Set. one bread knife, one butcher knife, one paring knife, with the Weekly Oregonian and Tillamook Headlight, for one year - QEORGE WILLETT, A TTORNEY-AT-LAW1 T illamook C ohmbkcial B vildixo , TUlaaMMk ... Qreaaa