Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 01, 1914, Image 2

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    Tillamook Headlight, January 1, 1014
Oregon Agricultural College
The Hillsboro
cut a bigger swartli info the in-1 Taxation is increased because mereiai body.
Sidney E. Henderson, Pres,
Advert!« ng Rates.
■ Surveyor.
conies of dairy farms than here the State tax is h««her. and m
L egal A dvertisements :
1 this connection it is not out of say on this subject, which is
John Lelund Henderson, Sec-
10 tofore.
First Insertion, per line
place to state that the Supreme , worth repeating :
retary Treas., Attomey-at-
E ih Ii siib»e«|iient insertion, line
If the Commercial Club can put
Law, Notrary Public.
Don’t semi to other towns for Court declared the eight hour, the kibosh on the horde of fake ad­
BiiHiness and professional cards.
This will be a notable event in the
Patronize the law valid, which will increase the vertising solicitors who raid Hills­
1 month............... ............
J ro your printing.
expense* of running State insti- i boro almost every month in the year
Homestead Notices...................
“ (X) home newspapers and the home
educational history of Oregon.
Farmers’ Co-operat»» w>H b« the
Timtier Claims
................. 10 (X) print shops, for it is not giving tutions and, ronsequentiy, the it will perform a servil e that alone
will ¡iistify its existence md which leading topic of a stimulating series of
Locals per line each insertion
them a square deal to give work over burdened taxpayers will bi­ will confer a benefit on every busi­ lent urea. The week will be crowded
DMp’avadveitisement, an inch,
Law, Abstracts, Real Estate.
ness mar in the ci y. If the club with d.scussions, and demons rations
month ................................
o® to those who come here ami
cost and deficit next year. We follows the proposed p'an of pro­ in everything that makeafor the wel-
Surveying, Ineuriiuce.
All Resolution» of Condolence and
in everyiumi;
public officials should adopt the simply mention this to show moting an agreement that no mer fare of the farmer and h«ne-maker.
Ixidue Notice», 5c. per line.
Both Phozes.
chant will patronize a plan that has
Cards of Thank». 5c. per line.
golden rule this year and pat­ that it is no other than the sov­ not received the indorsement of the
Notice«* Lost, Slr.«ye«l 01 uuleo, ronize home industry and home ereign will of the people that is ¡-club that is all that w ill be neces­
etc. minimun rate,
not exceed merchants first, last and all trie piling more taxation on the peo­ sary The smooth gentlemen who
« ». a «
s a « *N
January 5 to 30, 1914
inu five lines.
time. That is the way to make ple. The eight hour law was flit into town and clean up a pot of
mouey on a scheme which benefits
The College has spared nu
no effort to
more business. What is most pass under the initiative and no one but themselves well under­
surprising, however, that not­
stands the plan of playing one com­ eotrae in its’history. A very wme
majority of citizens voting for petitor against another, and Smith range of course will be offered in Gen­
One year...........
75 the county do a large amount it, ami it fully demonstrates that is induced to spend money for a eral Agriculture, Horticulure, Ani­
Six mouth«........
50 of free advertising, there are class legislation can be passed worthless advertisement because mal Husbandry, Dairying. Poultry
Three month»...
his competitor, Brown, will be in
those who sene away for their under the Oregon System, even it. The agreement will mean that Keeping, Mechanic Arts, Domestic
Science and Art, Commerce, Forestry
kutered as secondclass mail mat­ printing.
Smith and Brown will see the and Music. Numerous lettures and
ter July, 1888, at the po»< office at
I the people.
Politically, the sov- proposal in its true light and have discussions on FARMERS’ CO-OPER­
On your front porch can be lit
Tillamook, Ore., under the act of
Getting ATION, at home and abroad, will be a
every night until midnight
Be a booster for th«* entire' ereign will of the people dodge nothing to do with it.
March 3, 1879.
and register not over
county this year. T That is the helped «juite a number of office part of the business is that protec­ leading feature. Make this a pleasant
fifty cents per month
There seekers obtain soft jobs, for so tion is necessary. The science of and profitable winter outing. No tu­
right and proper spirit,
on the meter.
ition. Accommodations ressonable.
is nothing to be gained bv petty, many of our citizens imagined advertising is no longer an experi­ Reduced rates on all railroids. For
I sectional strife anil in
T illamook E lectric L ight am
knock­ that the Oregon System would ment. Millions are annually in­ further information address
[F uel C ompany
vested in it, and the returns, when
ing" everything if it does not revolutionize conditions and it
is rightly used, are greater than
W ill S palding , Manager.
Corvallis. Oregon.
benefit this or some other local­ reduce taxation. The proof of anything else in which the busi­
Farmers’ Business Course! by Cor­
ity. The snap shot man will do the pudding
_ is in the eating.
_ ness man inves's. And the men
bis best to boost al’parts of the (The labor organizations were who spend the millions and reap respondence without tuition.
I county,especially for good roads not slow to grasp the situation, the reward will tell you that as a
Wrl.otne 1914.
means of publicity no plan equals
for sections which have waited and invoking the initiative and newspaper advertising
Yet we
and see merchants who never patronize
The large number of men who patiently for them while other referendum, introduced
the columns of the newspapers pay­
are out of work is proof that sections of the county have been passed the eight hour law. No ing large sums for space in cards
business is not ns good as it was benefited. There is too much one- an blame them for it, for composed entirely of advertising
¡undeveloped wealth in Tilla­ they knew that a large propor­ and hung on fences, in stables or
this time last year
mook county to think that this tion of the voters, those who placed in any spot where they can lie
can tie concentrated at any one pay little or no taxes, generally got rid of. The price paid would
The currency bill is now law, point.
There are, of course, vote for those things that in­ secure generous space for several
but those who borrow money natural advantages which can­ crease taxation, and the tax­ weeks in a reputable newspaper,
but usually the victim, unmindful
will have to pay the same old not be overlooked. No matter payers receive little considera­ of the fortunes made in the intelli -I
high rates of interest.
which part of the county or tion at the hands of the trans­ gent use of newspaper publicity,
which city push to the front, ient, floating voter.
The sov­ will say that newspaper advertis-
tising does not pay. It would seem
is noth- that his own common sense would
A most anxious question for
| ing more than this, those who show him that even were it true
the dairymen : Will the priceof ty in many ways.
' can command the most votes, that the fake which he patronizes
butter fat taken drop as a re- I
would benefit him, much greater
suit of the new tariff ?
We haven’t been one of those ami in this instance it was the benefits might be expected from a
medium which is circulate! legiti­
who have tried to get something
who pay fa small proportion of mately to people who want it
Those who think that if ii con­ for nothing, and we don't tie-
direct taxation, making it a enough to pay for it, and that if
tract Is let for road work, the live that those who think that
case of class legislation. people will glance at an advertise­
contractor does not have to they are going to get their pave­
ment printed on a card that is hung
System is becom­ in a barn a greater number will
comply witfi the eight hour law ment for nothing should suc­
ceed ill doing so.
Let us illus­ ing unpopularand will be more read it if it appears in the news­
tire mistaken. He does.
paper they pay for.
trate this in another way. A so than it is today. Ixicause the
person is sued for a just debt taxpayers see for themselves
A b there are about one thou­
and he goes to an attorney for that instead of decreasing taxa­
The Northwestern Beekeepers As­
sand voters in Tillamook anil
advice, who advises him to tight tion it is doing the opposite, as sociation plans on malting the bees
Hoquarton precincts, it will be
tlie case. He looses out in the the eight hour law passed under work twelve months in the year.
necessary to create more voting
circuit court and then in the the new fangled system clearly Was this no! accomplished by the
precincts at the next term of the
supreme court, which is proof proves.
Kansan who ciossed the bees with
County Court.
that the attorney gave poor ad­
lightning bugs, so they might work
vice to his client and he had a
Today Tillamook County en­ day and night?
One trouble with taxation is poor case.
But the attorney ters upon a new year, and from
Those who are banding them­
the incfense in the number of gets [iay for his poor job never­ all indications it will be one of
selves together under the name of
organizations that are empow­ theless, and he would feel of­ the most progressive in its his­
“Spugs” will soon learn that the
ered to levy tuxes, viz., for this fended if anyone said lit* was tory, for the county is on the
of useless Christmas pres­
city: The State, County, School not entitled to full pay. It must eve of a great lumbering devel­
ents cannot be prevented.
District, Port, City and Water.
be, then, that it depends upon opment. This was made possi­
American people enjoy useless giv­
Hie kind of job that is not ♦o be ble by the advent of a railroad
ing the same as they enjoy enforced
and the improvement of Tilla­ tipping.
We don't presume to have any [>aid for.
mook and Nehalem bars. The
intelligence, Bro. Trombley, for
The value of the nation’s fourteen
I latter is partly completed, and
we not«* with great satisfaction
It’s too bad tlnit real estate
that our mugwump friend's speculator“ have succeeded in as a result of this the Wheeler principal farm crops for the year
Try the new Cyrus Noble—
cranium is liable to bust at any placing big mortgage plasters Lumber Company has erecteil is placed by the Department of
the numbered bottle—“the soul of the grain.”
time with over production of on dairy farms in this county. a mammoth lumber and plain- Agriculture at $4,940,301,000, an in­
crease of $112 958.000 over that of
blubtier on the brain.
The system of selling farms nt l itig mills that will soon be in
W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents
the same crops last year. But the
high prices, with little money
Portland, Oregon
The automobile craze may be down and big mortgages, have
large saw mills that will spring the farms was put at $9,000,003,000
responsible, to n certain extent, done much to inflate the price
up from time to time in that of which animal products alone
f.>r flit* scarcity of motley in Ore of land, for those who buy land
part of the county. The im­ amounted to $3.000,000,000.
gon, for it must mean nn enor­
provement of Tillamook bar this
Even the not very thrilling role he
mous amount of money sent much for it. A reaction is sure
year will be a great boom to the plays at a wedding as father of
East for autos, supplies litici
man with a big mortgage in­ central part of the county and bride is being taken from man.
gasoline from this state.
terest to pay will be the victim to Tillamook City, which will a recent wedding in Chicago
and loose what little money he become the center of the him bride’s mother not only gave
We heard a dairyman 811V, hail and years of hard work. her industry in this vicinity,
bride away in a more or less com­
while on his wav home after at­ But the real estnte agent don't the same as it is for the dairy
mon place manner, but she pro­
tending the recent taxpayers' cure a whoop, for he’s made a industry.
We look for many
nounced a benediction over the
meeting at the court house, in big wad and looking after others new enterprise in this city and
newly married pair worthy of a
florae housewives who
refering to certain indivi luals to beguile ami impose upon. It neighlHirhood to be commenced
display a remarkable
bishop. But this was at an "ethical
of broad, bound,
v.'lio had taken an active part will only take n drop of a few this year, so as to I k * in opera­
common sense along
wedding*’—apparently the custom­
id having the budget reduced : cents in the price of butter fat, I tion as soon as the bar is com­
other lines, persist In the
ary religious ceremony ia not re­
delusion—and It Is a de­
"Those fellows were paid by the
lusion—that they are real­
which is liable to do from now pleted. One thing that is of garded with favor by these new
ly practicing economy by
Of course they on, and then those who have great importance to Tillamook
tiylng to eetalong-toget
moralists—where the bride and
we re. ' ’
results—out of an old. worn-
invested in high priced farms City, in fact, it is something bride groom exchanged contracts
out range merely to save the
price of «•
a ill.»»
new UUCi
with little money are immedia­ that the energies of the citizens instead of religious vows.
Your old range or stove was put
.And ni. on«* ever heard \V. G.
should be centered upon, and
tely thrown into a tight place.
together with putty and stovebolts
Dwight raise a word of protest
and probably you can stick a pen­
that is the deepening of the
knife in the teams and Joint« any­
about high taxation when nlsmt
channel from this city to the launched the new British battle
where pn it where the stove putty has
crumbled away. When a ninne sets
$300 was taken out of the school
The parcels post system had bay. We hope the Port of Till­ cruiser, Tiger, known as the “mys­
In that condition, it takes fuel enough
district funds to help pay the its first big rush oil Christmas amook will he able to devise tery ship,” because details of her
to warm all outdoors in order to get your
v?° »*L°& enough for baking—and then you run the risk of burning
little army of high priced at­ and we are glad that the postal some practical plan that this construction were so
13 in the oven. You can soon burn up the price of the best rannoc
it a usek-88 waste of fuel iu an old, worn-out stove or range—aa»
torneys. Not much, tfiev need­ department was equal to the improvement will not lie de­ guarded by the government. It is
practical economy nor good management.
ed the money in their effort to occasion. It proved a strenuous layed, for it is of vital import­ known that she is to develop the
5 ou wou’d practice real economy in your household mansgw
v, Pfly you, the next time you are In town, to call at our store anal
avoid paying tor the pavement time for those in large offices, ance to this city. This is, how­ heretofore unattempted horse-power
ciusely into the perfect baking and remarkable fuel saving Qualities c
and saddle the cost upon the and imposed a large amount of ever, something that our live of 1011,01)0 and is expected to have a
extra work upon postmasters wire citizens should take hol«l speed exceeding the fastest mer
ami those who handled it, but of with a vim. There is much chant'ahip. Her displacement is
We were informed that some of with no extra pay. Those who to encourage those who have 30.1XX) tons, length TtX) feet, beam
the citizen» from the smith end of
90 feet and her battery includes
the county, who were in nttendance opposed parcels post now admit had confidence in and boosted
st the tn * payer»' meeting, held in that it is a success, for it was the county for many years, for eight 13-5 inch guns, twelve 6-inch
Tillamook City recently, hud n re business men who were scared our prediction that Tillamook guns and two 21-inch Bitbmer<ed
monatrnnee against the high tsx and opposed parcels post. Since County will become a second torpedo tubes.
levy in one hand and a road peti-
Postmaster General Burleson's
tion in the other for the purpose of it proved such a success, then- Gray* flartxvris not far distant.
Outwears Three Ordinary Ranges
getting signers. Think of it ! Isn't are those who want tfeg mjfern- Let everybody ty>»st and help annual report contained the ex-J
this a combination of your whis- ment tojake ur«r the telegraph bring thia about. \
of open iron grate—you can
pected declaration in favor of the
heat escapes — no cold air g
kefii ’ Nehalem Valley Keiairter.
nmj-fefephone business.
------- ... -X---
coat .ran voa t ru.t /,*«
"tL the oven — saves half too **
government acquiring ownership
iroa COM « Ar.«*, and while th"
We wnntt^Ofarp’^’jiImporter is altogether a different under
assures per/ect baking.
Mil of a Great Majestic nia»h.>
Tillamook business men have of all telegraph and telephone fa-'
than eome other range»,',
™ 2
Movable Copper Rese
tluit a large number of those taking ami of far greater magni­ been "stung” the snttkns
ordinary rang...
««uwor. J
busi- cilities of the nation. His investi-'
The reservoir Is oil copper.]
who attended the meeting from tude, to say nothing of the en­ ties» men i«i other towns by ad­ Ration of the subject gave him
a tea kettle through com
et (stamped from one piece«»]
the south purl of the county ormous expen: e ami «lebt that vertising fakirs, who make a estimate «>f $000.000,030 as
setting again«t left hand >
box. It bolls 15 gall ons oTJ!
were in favor of the court's it would plung«* the country in­ big wail and then skip out. It amount necessary to actpiire
Th» Mo/c.tic I. pat tne.th..
JfflTy and. by turning Ivscr.iajj
rivet« (not bolt« ind
bmlget for road work.
It is true that England so often occur* that business wire systems in existence, and the
and reservoir—moves awsj
making It absolutely n|r ti.hL
engine boiler. The JointiIn« .«„i Thia feature la patented
took «»ver the telegraph busi­ m«*u will pationize advertising money could be raise«! through
used only on the
Will remain air tight forever „
ness many «ears ago and before fakirs but will not pntmnige bond issue charged against the
A th
to ehow yea »
expansion nor contracUoacM Jiiis
Ti le System iti thi» county «il
improvement ever pat into •
I or open them.
“ “
th«* telephnn«* was invented but the home newspapers, which is postal service as a whole. Kates
maitee Ma/eetc
buyiug high pticed «Liirv furiti» the latter business has become
other range» are weakest.
Pure As best ox
th«* cheapest and best medium would t>e based on actual cost. *
w itli lini littlr mourv down ami
Other Exclusive Fe
so enormous and extensive in
In addition.
I. lined
note» uud uiortgage» t<> malie this country, we think that the | of advertising. There is no de­ plus interest charge» and the sink- ’
board, It cov.r
’4 .10
It*» the be»! r»r :e ••
should be in year kitol
up thè I mi lance is not only a
wisest course lor the govern* the advertising fakir will come study of the purpo««»» of the postal
burden •poti illuse wlm tuke thè iih * ii ' to «1«» is to let it alone.
Hint go as heretofore mid btisi service leads him to the belief that
ri k. but witli a «levili.e in thè
Th«* iNietmaster-General is a«l-
price of clievs«* it will be «liffi. vocatbig ownership «»( tel«*- u«-ss men will continue to bite. the govern incut should have CW-I
There is one way to deal witfi tr«»l of all the means of comniumca-1
cult hirtheui t«i niivt tlieir «itili
phone and telegraph lines, and advertising fakirs, which some
twn. He points to the guvrrnir.ent
gatinns. Interest and tnxea mi
it was not tong since that Mr. of the progressive towns have slicee*a with the parcels post a»
higli prk'vd l imi, now timi it i»
iliynn adv«>CHte<l government adopted, and that is for business
evident« «4 the practicability of the
lo be asse «se«) it» fui^vaine.will
ow uership of railroads.
men to refer them to some com- scheme.
Tillamook Title and
Abstract Co.
A 15 Watt Mazda
^illnmooh Ijrabligbt
Editorial Snap Shots
Four Foot Fir Slabs
$3.00 per ' Cord.
Dry Short Wood $2.00 Load.
Any time any whiskey tastes
so rough and strong it makes
you shake your head and saj|
“bur-r” let it alone.
Never put anything int
your stomach your palat
That’s why nature gave yo
a palate.
Great Majes
OwcoalírJSÍ Rang«
The Range with a Reputa'