ilkuniwk TILLAMOOK, OREGON, JANUARY 1, IkaMiflbt Advantages of a Checking Account » jr First National Bank, Tillamook, Oregon. Coal, Cement, Lime, Brick, Shingles, Drain Tile, Plaster, Roof Paint 1 LAMB-SCHRADER COMPANY. * IS 1914 UPON US ! For past patronage we are thankful. AJHHR'S VARIETY STORE TlbUAmOOK, OREGON" rop in and book Around ! 1914. *Ver ?-le ^erchan*a’ Counter on 2nd issue to your friends in the MidJle Ave. E. | West and the East Attorney Frank Holmes and wife The last meeting of the Kill Kare and children, of Salem, spent the Klub for the year 1913 was held at holidays at the homex of Circuit the home of Mrs. Carl Haberlach, Judge Webster Holmes in this city. when a very enjoyable afternoon Collecting Sure Milk,” the new cow feed was spent. After the usual reading Checks. I guaranteed to produce more milk and study hour the hostess provid­ It is the aim of this bank to for the money than any other feed ed an interesting amusement. The In the regular course of business the de­ on the market. Call and see it guests of the hostess were Mrs give the best banking service Tillamook Feed Co. • positor receives checks on many banks. Chester Holden and Mrs. Burge. possible—-and cue do it. Dawson Bros, will meet all trains Following refreshments the Klut It is not necessary for him to present these with bus, and will handle passen­ adjourned until after the holidays, It is also our aim to have checks for payment at the banks on which gers and baggage to all parts of the when it will meet with Mrs. John the best equipment sueh as city. Call or phone at the Livery Lamar on Thursday, Jan 8. drawn, but he may deposit them here, and Modern pine Proof Banking barn on 2nd Ave East . 1 ♦his bank collects them for him without I want to rent a good dairy ranch Installations and Presenta­ Room, Fire Proof Vault, Burg­ charge, and credits them to his account. tions at Masonic Temple. in Tillamook county, close to cheese lar Proof Safe, Modern Safe factory, with or without stock, give On Saturday evening there was a Checks on out-of-town banks may be de­ Deposit .Boxes—and cue have full particulars in first letter. W. H. Stewart, N. Kenova, Ohio, R. 1, joint installation in the new Masonic posited in the same way, and no charge is them. Box 56. • j ■ Temple of the Blue Lodge, Royal made by us for this collection. ! Arch Masons and Eastern Star John Harter was in for a few days Lodges, there being a large atten­ attending to business, and left dance of membersand friends. One Tuesday morning for Portland. He pleasing feature was the presenta­ CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $80,500, expects to spend a few months in tion, by Attorney C. W. Talmage, California before returning to Tilla­ of a life size portrait of Dr. Johnson mook. , to Blue I.odge and Chapter, who Joseph Blattler, who resides on ( was a prominent resident of this Henry Rodgers’ place at Long , city and took great interest in the Prairie, had the misfortune to chop lodge. In making the presentation off one of his toes on Friday and ' jq -Ir. Talmage spoke in high praise Dr. Boals was called to attend the • of Dr. (ohnson. Frank Severence injured foot [ in accepting the portrait, testified There was an enjoyable Christ- to the perfect likeness of the picture mas dance given at the home of who thanked the donor. Mr. Tal­ AMOOK JOTTINGS Married, on Monday, in this city. Jesse Earl Christmas night. A I mage was awarded a vote of thanks — by County Judge Homer Mason, A. large crowd was in attendance and for the portrait. Another pleasant Baumgartner the signing of the Asahel Bush’s Will. I R. Harrington and Cora Hiende. I an oyster supper served, the dance . Clark, auctioneer. codicil. feature connected with the joint See the guessing contest in the I continuing till morning. S alem , Ore., Dec. 30,—In his own installation was the presentation, glee $2.00 per M. SeeShrode. window of the Tillamook Feed Co. R. J. Koch, of Linnlon, Ore., is by Attorney H. T. Botts, in behalf handwriting, on two sheets of fool­ “The Girl From the Golden orders for wood with Costs nothingtoguess. SeeShrode. visiting at the home of hie son, of the Eastern Star, of a past worthy scap paper and one letterhead of West.” Grant Thayer will pay you the I Druggist Koch. Mrs. Koch's matron’s pin to Mrs. Lula Cren­ the bank founded by him, the will Hadley left on Tuesday for highest cish price for your hides, I mother, Mrs. John Dick, and two Will be repeated. The numerous shaw, the retiring Worthy Matron, of the late Asahel Bush, pioneer pelts, furs, rubber, sacks, old brass, I sisters. Misses Ruvenna and Salena for the lively interest and zeal she banker and editor, disposing of an requests to members of the Dra­ feed prices will astonish you. e*c * I Dick, are also in from Portland. estate valued at $2,000,000, was matic Club, by a number of people had taken in the Chapter. unable to see the play when last I Justice of the Peace Stanley fined rode. filed for probate today. The Oregon Fisheries Co. is mak- The installations were as follows : Asahel N. Bush, a son, who is in piesented, has caused the club to wanted—Lamb- G. A. Jones $5.00 for assault and I ing arrangements to can clams, ty sacks Blue Lodge—R. T. Boats, W.M. ; battery upon C. C. Byers, of Rock- I which will give plenty of work for E. D. Severance S W. ; C.I. Clough, active charge of the Ladd & Bush again repeat the performance. It er Co. I, clam diggers as well as the starting 1 J-W. ; Thos. Coatee, treas. ; C. E. Bank of this city, is to get almost will be offered at the Star Theatre ies wanted at Tillamook away, 2 nights, Friday and Saturday, Jan­ For sale, Stock of Men’s Furnish-1 of another industry, The Oregon Trombley, sec. ; Elbert E. Ginn, two-thirds of the estate, Miss Sally Bank, uary 9th and 10th In order to give Bush, a daugher, having a one- fted Snow” Flour at the ing and Shoes ; also cash register Fisheries Co. cannery is located on S. D. ; E. J. Reedy, S. D. ; E J. Schil­ everyone a chance to see this play third interest and the homestead in ling, S.S. ; R. N. Henkle, J. S. ; M. ook Feed Co. —The Toggery, E. J. Claussen, Tillamook Bay. this city. Mrs. Estella Bush Thayer, thia itre, they may reserve their deposit boxes for rent.—Tilla- assignee. Married, on Christmas day, at the V Stillwell, tyler. The installing another daughter, is to get $2500 seats one week in advance at the officers were H. T. Botts and Frank ounty Bank. • A New Year’s dance was given at home of the bride’s parents, Mr. annually, and a fund of $3000 an­ box office, no extra charge will be Severance. quarters for auto livery.— the Tillamook Commercial Club and Mrs. W. A Olsen in this city, attached. The office will be open Johnson Chapter of Royal Arch nually is provided for the main­ every day from 3 to 5 and < to 9 on Wednesday evening, which was I Edward Womelsdorf and Miss Eva dley, phone 11W. tenance of Mies Eugenia Bush an well attended. I Olson, the ceremony being per- Masons—C.W.Talmage, high priest; riscilla club will meet Jan. invalid. It is reported that Mrs. and tickets bought in advance E. R. Hall, of Hubbard, has been formed by Rev. W. J. Weber, pas- Geo. R. Edmunds, king; E. D. Sev­ Thayer was provided for addition­ will be held until ten minutes before Mrs. C. W. Miller. erance, scribe ; Carl Haberlach, looking over the county, and will in I ‘or of the M E. Church, the curtain time. The prices will poets for sale. Apply to H. T. ally in separate gifts made after all probability buy land in the south I It is expected that the new saw sec. ; C. I. Clough, treas. be the same, ”25 and 35.” A num­ the will was drawn. att, Tillamook, Ore. part of the county. I mill of the Wheeler Lumber Com- Botts and Frank Severance were the ber of specialities will be presented The will was executed July 20, installing officers. p the Mutual Phone for a in the play, and new pictures be­ Howard, Drew, superintendent of pany at Wheeler will be ready for Silver Wave of the Eastern Star— 1889, and a codicil, relating to the the Tillamook Studio. schools at Alhena, and Miss Grace | operation in a few weeks, but it may Zoe I. Smith, W.M. ; Carl Haber­ annuity for maintenance of Miss tween the acts. Remember there y Guertzell, of Portland, Whitehouse, were in spending the I be the 1st March before the mill is are no waits. A continuous show. lach, W.P. ; Zola M. Shrode A.M.; Eugene Bush, was added Novem­ ng the Misses Gaylord. Don’t fail to see it this time. Star I running full blast, when a large A. H. Gaylord, sec. ; E. Christmas holidays. J. Claus- ber 13, 1905. S. A. Sanford and Theatre. Doors open at 7:30. Cer­ fitted. Any kind, any Mr. and Mrs. Max A. Schultz en I number of men will be employed. sen, treas. ; Lola Reedy, conduct- Claud Gatch witnessed the signing uaranteed. Dr. Wemdt. • tertained Mr. and Mrs. O. A. I The heavy sea on Wednesday was ress ; Theresa Gaylord, associate of the will, and Claud Gatch and J. tain at 8:15. you buy yonr feed, see Schultz ami Mrs. . William Dutcher I tl>e cause of the train being delayed conductress ; Harriett Sarcbet, he will save you money. . on New Year’s day. I that evening, the Garibaldi beach chaplain ; Lula Crenshaw, Adah ; lage license was issued to The annual meeting of the stock- beinE aweP‘ with hl“re wavea that Jessie Plank, Ruth ; Blanche Mc­ errington and Cora Hiende. holders of the Liberal Horse Com- cauBed ‘he railroad trouble again at Nair, Esther ; Ethel Gaylord, Mar­ Snodgrass is confined at pany will take place in this city on E,more Park- A ,ar»