» ■ ~ t ■* 7 — TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS T. BO ALS, M.D., A SAD DEATH Girl from the Golden West Mra. W. C. King is quite sick. Former Tillamook Girl Com­ Here is the show that ia the talk Woik wanted on ranch by two mits Suicide when Reproved of the town, "The Girl from the Golden West,’’ in three acta, to he men. Address Alfred Murolf, by Her Father. I given Friday and Saturday at the R.imeey Hotel, Tillamook, Ore. • The Trask Rivep Literary Society Alsea, Ore., Dec. Hth —At aeven- , Star Theatre, the cast of characters being as follows : met Thursday evening at the old I thirty o’clock this morning, her (Jack Delmore—alias, Garcia the Out­ 1.0.0 F. Hall. A good program mother having just stepped out­ law - - Mr. Jim Hiner was rendered, after which games side for a minute, after writing the I Luke Short—the Sheriff, were indulged in, everyone having following note. Marvel Luwry, aged B. J. McCowell an enjoyable time. 15 years, took Carbolic acid and Clay Allison — the Wells Fargo Detec A change of schedule on the P. died at one o'clock the same after- tive - - . J. Aschini R & N. will take place in the new j noon. "Can’t have privileges other Sam Barton—the Bartender girls have, so goodby, ” year, leaving both ends at 7:30 a m. Hubert Melchior Contrary to expectations of mor­ Tbe change will be made on at­ Bat Smith—the Cowboy, Carl Dawson bid people in cases of thia kind, count of the traiti» hiving to go Wah Chin—the Laundryman, via Oswego, as Fourth street in there is no scandie in connection Howard Wolfe with this case. Portland will be cut off, making Roxey—the Girl, Miss Ann Haldeman The girl had just been reproved the journey ten miles longer. Betsy Berry—In love with Sam The body of Gordon Page was by her father for having once or Miss Harriet Walker twice walked from the school house brought here from Tacoma on White Fawn — an Indian Girl Tuesday for burial. The mother, to the wagon that carries the child­ Miss Vesta Baker ren to and from school, with a boy Mrs. A. D. Page formerly of this SYNOPSIS OF SCENES. Act 1st. The Ranchmens' Rest. citv, accompanied the remains. school-mate. On account of her age, her father did not approve. Time, 9 P. M Mrs. Page is well known here, Act 2nd. Girls’ Cabin. Time-, 11 1*. The deplorable tragedy seems to where she and her son has many M. have been caused by a misunder ­ friends, the son being ill for some Act 3rd. The Rest-one week later. lime. The fuueral was heldWednes standing, her father having spoken Adrniuaion, 35c. Children 23c. No to her in kindness and meant it for day. rewerved Beata, The beet show ever her good. No one can be blamed, A. Linebeck, the piano man, will offered. as parents must reprove their give away a large number of old children and must use their own Hotel Tillamook time song books. Call and get one us long as they last, Mr. Linebeck judgment. The writer has known the family The Hotel Tillamook is offering K will receive thia week a consign­ for a number of years and know us special low winter rates: Meals ment of small musical instruments, her teacher and school mistr.es 35c, each, with lower weekly rates sheet music and folios. He has a know, that her life was clean and for regular board, also board and genuine music store with up to- she was loved by all. room $9 a week up. For ratea in­ date instruments. Buy a first class She was a bright girl, having quire of the Steward. The very best piano for your home, which you graduated from the eighth grade high grade service and cooking, can obtain at the home Piano Store. last June and entered high school with absolute cleanliness in every W. H. Gilmore, Mayor of , Bay in September. department. All rooms with steam City, was sued by A. J. Brault, a Little Marvel was the idol of her heat, electric light, liot and cold merchant tailor of Portland, for parent’s hearts and looked up to as water, bath if desired. $65 .the value of a suit of clothes he a shining example by her brothers Today’s 35c. meals were: had made for him, and the case and sisters. BREAKFAST. was tried before Justice of tl e A Friend. All cereals, bacon, ham, toaste, Peace Stanley on Wednesday, fruits, eggs, cukes, etc , etc. yuite n number of person were up Served from 6 to 9 o’clock. Teacher’s Examination. from Bay City as witnesses, and NOON LUNCH. A teacher’s examination is being after hearing tfie evidence the 12 to 2. belli in this city this week, the Soup: Macaroni A la Italine justice decided that the honorable Relishes : Celery, sweet pickles. mayor of Bay City had not paid for following persons taking the ex­ Fish : Fried Tillamook clams. the suit, and he would have to amination: Entries : New England boiled jessie B. Knauff, Hebo ; II. S. dinner, stewed beef with dumplings, "pungle up" for the same. Garibaldi ; Z. Marie Vienna meat loaf, brown gravy. The Woman's Relief Corps met Brmiiall, Roasts : Leg of lamb with jelly. Barnsdale ; Bessie E. in I. O. O. F hall Saturday after Hager, Cold meats: C ’’ ' boiled " ’ ham, ’ Cold Knauff, Hebo; Arline Tilden, Ne ­ noon. The officers and delegates potato salad ; cold roast pork. halem ; -Mrs. Elma Brown, Rocka ­ potato salad. for the ensuing year are: Mrs. Vegetables : Creamed potatoes, Bernice Lucas, president; Mrs. way ; Daisy E. Goodspeed, Tilla­ cold slaw. Lizzie Reynolds, senior vice presi- mook ; Crystal Dunstan, Tillamook ; I Rice custard pudding. ,______ dent ; Mra, Lavina Coates, junior Katherine Loerpabel, Nehalem ; Tea, coffee, milk. Bently Stam. Brighton ; Mrs Mabel vice president ; Mrs. Alice Wolfe, ’ EVENING DINNER. 6 to 8. conductor; Mrs. Stella 1 Perry, R. Terry, Tillamook; Mildred N. Soup: Cream of tomato. chaplain ; Mrs. Linnie Hill treas- Tilden, Nehalem; Mrs. Clara Burge, Bessie Bays, Pacific I Relishes : Dill pickles, cold slaw. urer Delegates, Mrs. Hattie * Fitz- Tillamook; Ida M. Rider, Yellow Fir I Fish : Fried salmon steak, Tilla City ; gerakl, Mra. Alice Wolf, Mrs. Stella inook clams, cracked crab. Mill ; Mrs. Lillian McLaughlin. Entries : Pork sausage, country Perry, Mrs. Roan Williams, , Miss Blaine ; Margaret Bash, Garibaldi ; I gravy, German pot roast with spa- Mary White. Alternates, Miss tfetti, lamb fricassee fricassee with green Ella Tobi, Nehalem ; Mae Holgate, ..... ", lamb Alice Perry, Mrs Lavina Coates, _ . ... Hemlock; Minnie Ripley, Ripley, Gari-1 Gari­ Mrs. Berniie Lucus, Mrs. Anna 1 Roast : Prime roast beef. baldi; Hazel W'orrul Tillamook ; Vegetables : Stewed corn, steamed Billings, Mis. Lizzie Reynolds. Alice Perty, Tillamook; Lydia R. potatoes. Instalution of officers will be held Hot biscuits. Craiue, Heaver ; Earl D. White, Jan. 10. Next meeting December Dessert : Apple or custard pi Tillamook ; Richard Thompson, 27th. Tea, coffee, milk. — X ------------- Tillamook ; Ruth Burge, Tillamook ; I Had^ A^cident to J. Bodyfelt. Mrs. E. A. Thompson, Tillamook; Lucy A. Sowers, Tillamook ; Geor To Whom it May Concern. * ‘fames Bodyfelt met with a serious gin Sowers, Tillamook ; Blanch as, Tillamook; Ruth Sutton | The following blank policies I accident at the Hotel Tillamook on I. m i Tuesday evening. He had been N leskowm ; Sister M. Agnes, Tilla- I numbers 20215, 20216, 20222 20225, wuiting for nu auto to take him ■nook; Mis. If. C. Hanson, Tilla-1 -’0226, 20228 and 20229of the Germania home end in walking around, inook. Fire Insurance Company of New i instead of opening the front door York have been lest or stolen, and Grange Meets. of the cafe, he opened a side door notice is hereby given that the Ger­ which lends to the basement, and mania Fire Insurance Company Fairview Grange will hold a special not knowing that a stairway was assumes no liability under said meeting at the II h II, Saturday evening, t lere he must |have fell backward policies. Any information or the Dec. 20th, at seven o,clock sharp, for mid sti uck his head, causing con­ return of any or all of said policy cussion of the brain, which ren­ the purpose of initiating candidates, all blanks will confer a favor on E. G. members are requested to be present. dered him unconscious. Ilr was Ha le, Manager, Chicago, Illinois, 1 he regulsr meetings continue as usual taken to Dr. lloals* hospital and or Fred S. Penfield, General Agent, grave fears were felt us to whether at 10 A. M, the second Thursday and 322 California Street, San Francisco, he would recover. The laut report 7 P. M. the 4th Saturday in each California. month. is thut he is somewhat better, but J. H. DUNSTAN. Master. he Is not out of danger. Card of Thanks WM. MAXWELL, See Lan I for Sale. Without diacusaing the merits of Confucianism, the moat thoughtful 11(1 acres near Salem, suitable for students in the world agree that dairy, $85 per acre, would take Tillamook property for amount up China does not need a state relig to $20JU. ion. A religion that must lie up­ R osbnhkrg B ros . held by atatute has little vital force. ¿Smooths We wish to thank the kind friends who showed such sympath; toward us on account of OU bereavement, in the death of Gor den Page. M rs . A. D. P aok , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon S. P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) There is no substitute for Royal Baking Pow- - K' E> DANIELS, W. J. Van Schuyver & Go., General Agents Portland, Oregon CHIROPRACTOR. (Local Office in the Commercial Building. Made in Thren Oihet Stylet Perfect Baker A Fuel Saver Some housewives who 15 GALLON display it remarkable all COAPCI» amount of broad, Bound, HLMRVOiR common sense a Ions WILL GIVt other lines, persist In the VOL» WUNC WATER delusion—and it is a de­ lusion—that they are real­ M.d. of ly practicing economy by Malle.bh trying to get along—to get Cb.rco.1 results—out of an old, worn- out range merely to save the Iron, price of a new one. Adding 300? to Your okl range or stove was put _ Ltfeoi together with putty and stove bolts anti probably you can stick a pen­ knife in the seams and joints any­ where on it where the stove putty has crumbled away. When n range gets In that condition, it takes fuel enough to warm all outdoors in order to get your ovt n hot enough for bakin'!—and then you run the risk of burning whatever 1< In the oven. You can soon burn up the price of the best range ever made 1 i a useless waste of fuel in an old, worn-out stove or range—and that’s ll’ier practical economy nor good management. if you wou'd practice real economy in your household management, ft v ’ ! nay you, the next time you are in town, to call at our store and inquire c losely into the perfect baking and remarkable fuel saving qualities of the Great Majestic Malleable and 1*»M Charcoal Iron ItAllgC cost of a Great Majestic may be more than some other rauy«», it outteoars 3 ORE - TILLAMOOK E. HEWITT, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OBSTETRICAL SPECIALIST. Both Phonee. Residence and Office in Whitehouse Residence, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. D R. L. R. ELMER ALLEN (Successor to Dr. Sharp), DENTIST. Commercial Building, Tillamock. £JR. JACK OLSEN, DENTIST. [(I. O. O. F Bldg.) Tillamook - Oregon LELAND HENDERSON JOHN ATTORNEY 3 nd ; COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW. open Iron grate—you can see it. No heat escapes — no cold air gets Into the oven - saves half the fuel and assures perfect baking. T illamook [B lock , Tillamook |- - - Oregon, Room No. 261.| Movable Copper Reservoir The reservoir Is all eowxr, heated like a tea kettle through copper pock­ et (stamped from one piece of copper) Half The Fuel setting against left band lining of Are box. It boils 15 gallons of water In a The Majestic is put together with jiffy and, by turning lever, the frame— rivets (not bolts and stove putty) reservoir—moves away from fire. making it absolutely air tight, like an and This feature Is patented and can b« engine boiler. The Joints and teams used only on the Majestic. will remain air tight forever as neither Ask us to shoes you tho greatest expansion nor contraction can affect improvement ever put into a range — or open them. makes Majestic 300% stronger utherv - ordinary ranges. other ranges are ureakeet. Other Exclusive Features T. BOTTS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW'.’ Complete Set of lAbstractJBooks in Office. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. T illamook B lock , Tillamook ... - Both Phones. Oregon! ALEX McNAIR & CO. i IRONING WORRIES ARI. HABERLACH, ■J Tile Ranée with a Reputation $3.25 to $4.25. GUARANTEED FOR EVER. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW T illamook B eock , Tillamook WEST COAST ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO ' The Electric Store Drop in and book Around B lock Tillamook FOR SALE BY OREGON Oregon Get this idea of rough, high­ proof, strong whiskey out of your head—or it will get you—play the devil with J. your nerves ruin your digestion. Why punish yourself? PHYSICIAN In addition. It Is lined with pure It’s the best range at any pries, •sbe.lu. bu.nl, covered with an and should be in your kitchen. TILiURmOOR. GOYNE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Pure Asbestos Lining ’ bAMAR’S VARIETY STORE Oregon. • T H. ft i« the only range made entirely of malleable iron and charcoal iron. Char­ coal iron won *t rust like steel—mallaeble iron can't break, and while the first Cured of Liver Ccmplaint. “I was suffering with liver com pluint," says Iva Smith of Point Blank, Texas. " and decided to try a 25c. box of Chamberlain's Tablets ■mil am happy to say that I am com­ pletely cured and can re.-ommend them to every one." For sale by J. S. Lamar. KER RON, PHYSICIAN/AND SURGEON] Outwears Three Ordinary Ranges R ay P age . Oregon. i: : Sidney K. Henderson, Pres,, Surveyor. John I-eland Henderson, Sec­ retary Treas,, Attoiney-at- I.«w, Notrary Public. Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. Law, Abstract», Real Estate. Surveying, Insurance. Both I* honen. T1IXAMOUK I I A 15 Watt Mazda Lamp On your front porch can be lit every right until midnight and register not over fifty cents per month on the meter. Oregon, e »AWK. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Bay City Oregor. QfEORGK WILLETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, T tllamook E lectric L ight and T illamook C ommercial B uilding . F vkl C ompany W ill SPALDING, Manager. Oregon. Tillamook