Tillamook Headlight, December IB, I0i3 The story of Wisconsin heirs dis-> competition could itself impose, 1 methods iu getting the co operation covering a fort uno of 41-.5U0, bu in was less a factor in the railway of thousands of farmers Congress­ The prescient has given the sif-'“1« vaults of an Irish bank, which prot-Iem thar. discrimination and men frvio tlM agricultural districts I frsgista his moral support. He it *,a* been held there for years, has combination, the two things most have usually voted against their least thinks more of them than I e *be liniamen's of an old acquair.- destructive of competition. Coni own judgment cut of deference I tance, and scarcely a change of luiiat.on under government ratings, to the supposed wishes of their dees of the Huerta Government. costume to meet modern ideas of was seen to be much the lesser evil constitute^». It is fortunate that Wall street is trying to find oit drees. of the two. Regulated combination the congressman who is now urg­ whether the ¡tolicy of the admit is - ing the matter may l*e called a Gen Villa, having risen in a few was even admitted to be a (xissible tion is to talk softly and cany a element ia rate.making advantag­ country member, since he lives months from an outlawed bandit to big stick or to talk loudly and wink. the leading military figure of the eous to public interest. What was in a small city of Texas and in The St. Louie girl who does not constitutionalist cause, would make asserted was the necessity of stricter a district which has but one city of _~ _ T> !_.»». bill, it I .»«vr.ns-H know how she will ever be able to an ideal president of Mexico, one supervision, not only to prevent 31,000 population. The accord i ing to the synopsis of it in the die-1 spend a 4150,000 ea»pfr won by a who could be officially recognized discrimination and suppressive lawsuit might get »¿me udvivcfroui as an exemplar of law ami order combination, but such exploita­ patches, would remove both the Andrew Carnegie tions of the investing public as had one foui th of a cent a i>ound tax on and constitutional procedure. The race prejudice of the average I The policeman who has been dis then been clearly shown, and o< uncolored oleomargarine and the Southerner ia aroused when he charged tecauae his statement as which we have since seen more 10 cents a pound tax on the colored. . i It imposes strict governmental * Lear» of any concessions beiug to his physical condition when l.e recent examples. regulations on the manufacture | made to the American Wool Grow* secured a position on the force is Although we must regard the 1 and sale of oleomargarine, among i I era’ Association. said to have materially differed question of presidential primaries President Huerta is in luck in from allega’ions in a suit for dam­ raised in the recent mes­ them teing the provision that it one respect. He does not have to ages for personal injuries filed a sage as academic at thia time, the shall be sold in original packages ; take time from his official duties to month before, can sympathize with contention of Congressman Vol­ bearing labels giving a true state- dedicate a monument or give away the merchant who listed his stock stead of Minnesota that the plan i ment of the nature of tile contents and the name of the maker Severe i a bride. of merchandise to a tax assessor proposed is unconstitutional is penalities are provided for violation I While the people of Hawaii have whom he mistook foi a fire insur­ worth considering The Minnesota of part of the proposed law. There | congressman makes out a strong never heard of Mr. Pinkhum. the ance agent case in quoting the mandatory shou’d be a slight tax for two ; prospective governor they bate How will Farmer Bryan explain reasons. The payment of the cost doubtless read his mother’s adver ' to his puzz'ed fellow agriculturists words of the federal constitution in of supervision and also to insure the creation of the electoral college titements. in Nebraska the prominence of Mrs. It ia subject to The language of the instrument is federal control. The French press warmly praises Bryan in tlie egg boycott in Wash not merely directory, nor does it federal control now, unless designed the conduct of the visiting Amer­ ington? To be sure, a Maryland or shipment, only imply any degree of discretion in for ■ interstate ican marines, who are voted perfect Virginia egg is not a Nebraska Congress to undertake changing through its being taxed under the gentlemen. Criticisms from Naples egg, to which Mr Bryan piesum- the plan in any other way than internal revenue laws. The 15-cent may well be ignored ably would never be disloyal, through submission O. of a counu.u conntitu tax is practically prohibitive, as Perilsps the Mexican Governrrent but farmers are beginning to learn tio a' amendment. The Minnesota -__ ________ ___ the __ annual output of colored oleo | has granted the concession for a that “eggs is eggs,’’ and that the me.i.her is probably correct in hie 1 ' margine margin« is new only 3,000,000 'AfM mile railway to a Belgian syn­ law of supply and demand can not opinion that the Supreme Court I pounds. The uncolored product, dicate merely to test Brand Whit- be trilled with locally without affect would declare unconstitutional any bearing the small tax, is nearly ing the whole country. lcck’s efficiency as a deplomat. federal law making the changes forfy times as great. Secretary Houston of the Depart­ proposed by Mr. Wilson, without a Moving pictures of scenes of good roads day were shown to the ment of Agriculture has Justified previous amendment of the coneti- Oregon Agricultural College inmates of the Missouri Peniten­ the wisdom of his appointment by tutioil by the states striking out the tiary Thanksgiving. It was net conducting an inquiry into the mandatory words now there in the neci ssary to allow pictures of the needs of the women on the farm. ordination of the electoral college, This is the one subject Hint this a majority of the votes in which are lings. December 8 to 13, 1913 Secretary Garrison of the War enterprising department has here- necessary for legal qualification of a Department wants hie share of that tofore ignored. There is none more president or vice president. This will be a notable event in the new revenue from the income tax. important to the success of the stay- educational history of Oregon. Make Reduce the Oleo Tax. He asks an appropriation for the on the farm movement, Farmers’ Co-operation will be the army of $10,CO0,(XU in excess of that farm life attractive to the women Representative Buchanan. of leading topic of a stimulating series of folks and the great problem is lectures. The week will be crowded of lust year. Brenham, Tex., has introduced a with discussions, and demonstrations solved Ex-President Mellen struck a bill in the House of Representatives in everything that makes for the wel­ happy sveruge in limiting a man’s We have doubted the charge which is likely to arcure a contro­ fare of the farmer and home-maker. earning power to $25.000 a year. made by the Sioux Indians who are versy in which the ire of the united WINTER SHORT COURSE Half of the money earners believe ’ protesting against die making of dairy interests will be displayed. the figure to be too low and the an alleged Wounded Knee battle One novelty in the bill may not January 5 to 30, 1914 other half uro convinced that it is 1 picture a historical record of the bear eecrutiny. It prescribes pen­ The College has spared no effort to too high. War Department, that Gen, Miles alties for consumers that know­ make this the most complete short A microscopic student of Gray’s and Wi liatn Cody actually posed ingly buy misbranded oleo. This course in its history. A very wide Elegy professes to have found two with the Indians and troopers for would be practically impossible of range of course will be offered in Gen­ eral Agriculture, Horticulture, Ani­ mistakes in grammer in a single the making of the picture. Of enforcement because of the diffi­ mal Husbandry, Dairying, Poultry course, there is no denying that culty of proof. And there ia a stanza. But Mr. Gray dashed the Keeping, Mechanic Arts, Domestic poem off in seven years and gram­ figures greatly resembling those of question as to its constitutionality. Science and Art, Commerce, Forestry, the two men are to be seen in the The cities and states may protect and Music. Numerous lectures and marians should be charitable. picture as taken and made. We persons who eat at restaurants, discussions on FARMERS’ CO-OPER­ The arrival of corn from Argin. had, however, presumed until lately hotels and boarding houses by re­ ATION, at home and abroad, will be a tins will supply the Southern mar­ that other men, dressed in proper quiring that where oleomargarine leading feature. Make this a pleasant and profitable winter outing. No tu­ ket, but by seme sort of arrange- costume, had impersonated both is served instead of butter a sign ition. Accommodations reasonable. ' msnt the consumer is not to bene- the general and the famous scout to that effect be displayed by the Reduced rates on all railroads. For further information address fit The American farmer will While the Hepburn law was landlord or caterer. H. M. TENNANT, Registrar, soon be demanding something be- under consideration in Congress For years the dairy interests have Corvallis, Oregon. Bides a better credit system if this the nic uptlliuil wnr CAjJlLSaCU IIIUI IVOIC opinion was expressed that resisted the repeal of this tax, and Farmers’ Business Courses by Cor­ keeps up. rates, witbin the limitations which they r have succeeded by alarmist respondence without tuition. Passing Remarks. FARMERS’ WEEK Four Foot Fir Slabs $3.00 per Cord. Delivered. Dry Short Wood $2.00 Load. A. F. COATS LUMBER CO CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS AT HOME Low Round Trip Fares VIA THE A> M/ suN set (OGDENiSHASTAl I ROUTES / The Exposition Line, 1915 Between all Points in Oregon, also from Points in Oregon to California, Washington and Idaho SALE DATES AND LIMITS CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS Between all points in Oregon ; ako froru Southern Pacific points to points in Washington and Idaho Dec. 18 to 24 inclusive. Between Oregon and California points Dec. 20 to 25. Return limit all points J an. 5, 1914. NEW YEARS HOLIDAYS : -Dec. 27 to Jan. 1, with final return limit Jan. 5, 1914. The New Year Fares apply only between points in Oregon and between Oregon and Cali- fornia. SUPERIOR TRAIN SERVICE Observation Cars, Dining Car and big, warm all-steel coaches. All trains solidly vestibuled. Call on nearest Southern Pacific Agent for full particulars train schedules, specific fares, etc. i JOHN M. SCOTT General Passenger Agent. Portland, Oregon. YOU BELIEVE THAT ! WHEELER, & OREGON, Ï /ia Besses ssesseeeseeeeeeeeeseseBSs Tlie Manufacturing City on NEHALEM BAY is B ound to G row and that INVEST- MENT in W heelen Property will be Profitable. ACK UP YOUR JUDGMENT WITH YOUR MONEY. You mill make money by Investing in UJHEELiER. For information regarding Wheeler, write to NEHALEM HARBOR CO., WHEELER, OREGON Portland Office : Tillamook Office : 327 FAILING BUILDING. Care of F. R. BEALS.