lúaMüiht -T' TILLAMOOK, OREGON Advantages of a Checking Account Checks as Receipts. Before cashing a check, payee payee must must sign sign his name on back in acknowledgment of re- ceipt of the money. All checks which depositor issues are returned to him after being cashed by the moneys paid, and safeguard the depositor against claims for duplicate payments. Checking accounts are always welcome at this bank, subject only to reasonable re­ striction as to minimum average balances. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $80,500, Tillamook County Bank. TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS « Rosenberg Bros, will give you low prices on all kinds of hay and feed in ton lots. • B. S. Clark, auctioneer. If our work does not suit you tell Leave orders for wood with us; if it does tell your friends. City Shrode. Transfer Company • Our feed prices will astonish you. See Rosenberg ’ s for prices on See Shrode. feed and hay. Largest stock in Empty sacks wanted—Lamb- Tillamook County. Schrader Co. Bring your chickens to the Tilla­ Pennies wanted at Tillamook mook Meat Company’s Market We County Bank. pay 12c. per pound. • "Drifted Snow’’ Florur at the Spruce limbs, vine maple, body » Tillamook Feed Co. fir, hemlock and heavy fir slab Safe deposit boxes for rent.—Tilla­ wood for sale. See Shrode. mook County Bank. * The furniture for the I. O. O. F. Hand painted China below cost Lodge and Masonic Temple arrived at Jenkins' while it lasts- here this week from the East. Headquarters for auto livery.— Call and see our emblems, rings, Ed. Hadley, phone 11W. pins, scarf pins, tie clips, cuff links Fence posts for sale. Apply to and watches and fobs, at Jenkins’. . Alex Watt, Tillamook, O Ce. Notice this price on 39 inch Field Call up the Mutual J‘‘bone for a Fence, thirty seven cents (37c.) per rod tor cash.—King & Smith Co. « date at the Tillamook Studio. See the guessing contest in the Watches at the very lo west prices, window of the Tillamook Feed Co. quality considered, at Jenkins'. Glasses fitted. Any kind, any Costs nothingtoguess. SeeShrode. When you are Christmas shop­ Btyle. Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. * Scow for sale, $100 cash. Paul ping don’t forget Lamar's Variety Store. “Drop in and look around.’’ Vermilyea, at Freeman .Slough. Grant Thayer will pay you the Before you buy yotn feed, see Shrode, he will eave yoti money. * highest cash price for your hides, pelts, furs, rubber, sacks, o Id braes A marriage license wan issued to etc. * Albert H. Smith and Altai Hawkins. For sale, Stock of Men's Furnish­ Player Piano for Sale at a bargain. ing and Shoes ; also cash register Can be seen at City Transfer Co.’s —The Toggery, E. J. Claussen, office. assignee. Fine, high grade tuaiatle clocks Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Schultz and at prices that will surprise you at daughters left Thursday to spend Jenkins’. the Holidays with relatives in Aber­ Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ deen, Wash. mook Meat Company’s Me.rket, 12c. The biggest line of fine China­ per pound. / i * ware in the County. Prices right. A. N. Palmer Co.—All wn ting ma­ Lamar's Variety Store, "Drop in terials, including paper, pens, etc.,at and look around.’’ Clough's. The Hotel Tillamook will pay We are iu a position to make best market price in cash for •onie long time farm loans. First dressed turkeys or chickens. Call National Banks or phone the steward. —When out Christmas shoping call What about those photographs #t Jenkins’ Jewelry Store and in­ you have promised this 'Xmas, no spect his stock. Everything better place than Monk's Studio, represented, and prices right. » get your orders in early. • It is the aim of this bank to give the best banking service possible—-and cue do it. It is also our aim to have the best equipment such as Modern Fire Proof Banking Room, Fir« Proof Vault, Burg­ lar Proof Safe. Modern Safe Deposit [Boxes—and cue have them. First National Bank, Tillamook, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. p. Johnson came ( in last week to make a short visit with Mrs. Johnson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Norberg. These cold nights make one think of Heating Stoves. Our line is com- plete and our prices are very at- j tractive.—King 4 Smith Co. • Trojau Blasting Powder, leaves no bad effect after using. Get ! literature and prices from the Tilla- mook Feed Co. See Shrode. I Call up A. T. Coats Lumber Co. I for special prices on four foot fir slab wood in qualities of ten and twenty cords. Phene 4-3-W. I want to rent large dairy farm with everything furnished ; write giving size of place and amount and kind of stock to L. J Holloway, j Silverton, Ore. • Sure Milk,” the new cow feed guaranteed to produce more milk for the money than any other feed on the market. Call and see it. Tillamook Feed Co. • The weather keeps fine for Christmas trading, the usual rain and wind storm about this time of the year having failed to make its appearance. Dawson Bros, will meet'all trains with bus, and will handle passen­ gers and baggage to all parts of the city. Call or phone at the Livery ' barn on 2nd Ave East. A Savings Deposit of $1.00 or . more makes an excellent Xmas present A Little Steel Bank turn I ished free with each account at Tillamook County Bank. High grade shot gun. Will trade for wood, groceries, furniture, rugs, type writer or anything I can use. What have you? Address P. O. Box 170, Tillamook, Ore. Carl Haberlach returned Satur- i day from a trip outside. He read a paper before the short course at the Agricultural College on “the mar­ keting of dairy products.” The post office is doing a big business in Christmas parcels, sendingout six to eight sacks daily. One of the articles which came by parcel post this week was a saddle. Mrs. G. W Kiger left for Port­ land on Tuesday, where she will rest for a few weeks previous to go­ ing to California. Mrs. Kiger has been sick with inflammatory rheu­ matism. What would please your wife more than a setof community silver­ ware, the beet plated ware • on the market. We also carry a fine line of cut glass and Sterling deposit ware. Jenkins'. Rev. R. Y. Blalock was in the city on Thursday and reported that he and Bro. Miller had held a suc­ cessful religious meeting at the Baptist Church, near Cloverdale and that six persons had been baptized. The funeral of Mrs JDella Dundas, of Portland, took place at the Odd Fellows cemetery. Deceased was only 30 years of age and lea ves a small family of three children, chronic heart trouble being the cause of death. The levy for Tillamook City is :t5 mills made up as follow : School....... ............ 5 mills County.................... 14 I Port of Tillamook. 2 f Library.................. 1 ff Water........ ........... 2 »» General.................. 4 • » Roads.................... 7 »» The sale of work and chicken supper given by the I-adies' Guild of the Presbyterian Church, in the new Guild rooms, was a success in I every particular. The ladies have done a great deal of work the past i year and have had many pleasant meetings. I beg to announce that I have secured the exclusive agency for the well known and popular World’s Star Hosiery and Underwear, the kind that wears. Samples will be submitted for inspection at our store in Masonic Building. J. Ik m. Edwall. * Drs. Lowe and Turner, eye spec­ ialists of Portland. Ore., will be at the Hotel Tillamook Monday, Tues­ day and Wednesday. December •U», 3Wh and 31st Don't fail to consult them about your eyes and glass-». Examination free. The Waal Coast Electric Supply Co. have just installed the electric fixtures m the new First National Bank. The fixtures are the best ever seen rillar»oo* T,li' lighting from these Mohrlite fix­ tures is indirect and casts no shad dowa, is soft and very efficient. . If you intend to| purchase a new range this fall »"d winter for the Mke of economy an-l your own <.«iartion consider the Quick I VeLI Kan«"’ They h-veî »tcssl the test m Tiil«n’’o,’k 1 ouo,5r They '" made better n.,w U”.” ever £ „re rri-'s ate the same-Ong A Smith Co. 1913 “Snooping around for Santa Claus," wonder, if what that noise was, guess 1’11 ’’beat” it. Come to-morrow and every Yuletide day and select practical things for the Kiddies at Santa Claus’ Headquarters, make yours the happiest youngsters in the world at little cost A Host of Beautiful Dolls representing all nations, some “ holler" for papa and mamma, others. Just want a home, you’ll love their winning different ex- pression. Priced from 25c. to >4.98. A HOLIDAY SALE OF 17 STRICTLY-NEW, Fash ionable, Merchandise that Will Eclipse Your Fondest Expectations 65c. Pr. Men's Pure Silk Sox - Women's Pure Silk Hose, 69c. Pr. Children’s line Lisle Hose, 17c. Pr. Women’s fine Lisle Hose, 25c. Pr. Women’s Imported Capeskin Gloves, >1.25 Pr Women’s French Kid Gloves, Pr., guaranteed and fited. >1.25 IF IN DOUBT as to what to pur­ chase, buy one of our Christinas certificates, a convenient Gift for any amount-good any time. The Snap and Crack of the Whip is in the Air. Is it old Chris Crin­ gles ? Nay, his are sunshine at Christmas tide with a halo of happi ness forchiklren, peace on earth, good will to Tillamook County. Eruptiorious Volcanoes are prone to isolate a city-less to mention a shop. Their wares are thrown broadcast in known quantities and the havoc is priceless- an old Saw once said, an advertisement without a price is like a wheel without a spoke—unreliable, and fish never bite during thunder storms. REMARKABLE SALE Christmas Handkerchiefs Greatest Varieties, Largest Quantities, Finest Qualities-Lowest Prices. Medalion Embroidered Hemstitch 1 landkerchief, 3c. Women's Neatly Embroidered IJandkerchiefs, 7c. Women’s dainly embroidered Baby Lace effects, 15c. Pure Irish linen Embroidered Handkerchiefs, 25c. Pure Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, daintly Hemstitch, 12ic Gretchen Styles Imported German Linen, 37c. Men’s fine all Linen Hemstitch I landkerchiefs, 12ic. Men’s new style initial Handkerchiefs - - - 25c. Men’s fine Irish Linen hemstitch handkerchiefs, 35c A HOLIDAY SALE WHICH WILL CROWN OUR GREATEST EFFORT. Women's and Misses Suits $18 to $22—Vallies at >11 50 to >14.95. Women's and Junior Coats, $12.50 to $22,50 -at >8 to >16.85. A new and more emphatic adjective than one will I [IIS MiUnnillg InOCCl find in the dictionary is necessary to give proper f Tur DrilvrUTAD cmphosiB tothis sale, anti every garment dcpendaple. ifOin 1 HE 1/LLlNLAluK N ote —When alteration are necessary it is done free of charge by an expert tailoress. T1; Qhinnina M nd til Tlxe Truth. Everv statement in our advertisements is absolutely the truth. At times, however, possably, a typographical error may occur. In starting this store, the one great and good feature was-—not to exaggerate or misslead the public, and that our talk throughthe papers are as a bond of truth—actually depend­ able. It costs some to advertise-—deception (like Judas) is the route to down­ ward progress and resjiect. We request you at any time misstatements occur to give tis on opportunity to prove that you are wrong.—STILLWELL’S._____ BLANKETS, COMFORTS and BED SPREADS in a Christmas Sale. Sensible and practical housewives will appreciate these < elegant bed cover­ ings. Extra line, full size, Cotton Special, |1.29 Pr. Blankets. - - Full size health Wool, Red Cross Blankets . , , Special, >4.95 Genuine Oregon i Wool Blankets, woven from the long staple wool, Silk bound, $6.98 to $11.65 I’r. Sateen Bordered Comforts, Fancy Stitched, beautiful pattern, 12.39. Other Comforts from $1.48 to $4.95. White Satin and Marsailles Bed Spreda, nt OHc.. $I.4H, $2.2», up to $6.00. The greatest variety of tine finished Beil Spreads shown in the city, scolloped, fringed or plain hemmed in handsome new and attractive designs. One Special Sale this Week-Crowded Out of thia Advertisement. Men'» Neckwear, Umbrellas, Toilet Sets, Gloves, Ladies and Children’s L’nderwenr, tine Cashmere hose for children, muslin wear, toys, Christmas tree decorations, youletide ribbons, tattle linens, pillow tops, fancy towels, fancy embroidered pillow slips, dress goods, silks, table sets, jewelry, ladies neckwear, ladies waists, pattern veils, outing Hatinel gowns, In f,infs wear mid hundreds of practical ap preciative gifts. Stillwell’ THE QUALITY STORE. Tillamook, Orc.