Tillamook Headlight. rOTT'JTV T P VV The lights for the First National THV T*1*, T c Y Hank, in the 1.0 O. F. Building, were fixed on Wednesday, and they give A N Palmer Co — All writing ma­ the bank a bright apfiearance It is terial»,including paper, pens, etc.,at something new in the way of lights , in this city. The electric lights are Clough s. not seen, tmt the lights ore thrown A. J. Stillwell ia giving away the | onto white domes in theceiling, and pattern famous Oregon - R oh « The County Court, after wrestling reflex all over the building silverware Rogers bent uraile. in I ' thia giving a soft, mellow light, with no with the budget for next year’« ex all the newest style moddif. 1 shadows anywhere in the room l>endituree for several weeks, came make one think These cold nights Fairview Birthday Club met to a final decision on Thursday, the of Heating Stoves. Our line i» com­ i j at Trie the home of Mrs. R. Crawford. result of which the budget now car­ plete and our prices are very at­ I December, 10 at one o’clock. A tractive — King A Smith Co. bounteous luuch was given by the ries an expenditure of $257,307.12 Trojan Blasting Powder, leaves Mesdames t rawford, Zweiful and This is a reduction of >109,830 66 in no bad effect after using. <»et Holden, which waa greatly enjoyed the first budget, and about $13,000 literature and prices from the Tilla­ l>y all.Those present were .Mesdamea lower than that agreed upon at the Beater, Crawford, Durrer, Holder. mook Feed Co. See Shrode. Harris, Knight, Maxwell, Marolf, tbe laxPa>er" meeting on Friday. When out Christmas »hoping call Neilson, Rupp. Shields, Stillwell, This means a saving of $79.898.00 to at Jenkin»’ Jewelry Store and in­ Tiilden. Zweiful, Miss Treeie and the timber owners, who pay 75 per spect hi« stock. Everything as ffelena Durrer the guest was Miss cent of the taxes, and $29.932.66 for represented, and price» right. M. Mills. 311 other classes of taxpayers, which Peter Nelson and John A. Nelson We are sorry to announce the ve. L L. Smith and Mary E. Smith, death of Mrs. Margarett S. Collier makes the county tax, outside of is a suit tiled in the Circuit Court, which took place at Woods, Oregon, I State tux, 2% mills lower. which is an action for money. on November 20, 1913 Deceased | Considering everything, the new F R Beals and Clarence Jilden was born in Maine, December 14, ; budget should satisfy everybody, vs. Alva Hevel, Marrion Burria and 1836. She was a resident of Oregon I but there are those who still hold Frank Ekroth ia a suit for foreclo- for 30 years, 23 ot which she resided that the Court should have stuck to Deceased sure of mortgage tiled in the cir in Tillamook County was a faithful wife a kind motTer, the improvements it contemplated, cuit court. a true friend and a consistent Chris­ and those who would have reduced I want to rent large dairy farm tian lady, beloved by her neighbors with everything furnished ; write and a large number of friends who the budget irore than the Court did. giving size of place and amount express their sympathy to the be­ There is one thing, however, about and kind of atock to L. J Holloway, reaved family. the budget that is to be regretted, ' Silverton, Ore. * and that is reducing the money for Guild’s Annual Bazaar. Married, on Monday, at the M E roud work, which will have the pars'mage, in this citv, by the The annual bazaar given by the effect delaying some road work that iiustor. Rev. Weber Mr. A. D .omuien and Miss Irene Alley, Ladies’ Guild of the Presbyterian is necessary. Considering that the Church will be given on Friday, at county has 600 miles of roads to both of Nehalem. the new Guild rooms, when a large Marriage licenses were issued t<> variety of fancy and useful articles maintain, each road district should A. D f.ommen snd Irena Alley, suitable fur Christmas gifts will be have ‘5 i,000. This is none too much both of Nehalem ; and Harley K. cr sale. At six o’clock the ladies if this county expects to keep pace Conover of Wheeler and Gertrud* «ill serve a chicken supper and in with other counties. Bartow of Nehalem, die evening a musical program will The County Court in making the te rendered. This is the formal The First National Bank ha» ipening of the new Guild rooms, levy fully considered and recog­ Leeu delayed getting into its new ind ail are invited to attend. nized the urgent need of altering quarters in the I.O.O.F. building, ladies who will have tables and enlarging the Court House. the bank fixture» having been hek it The the chicken dinner Friday, are up somewhere on the railroad. is follows: Mrs D. A. MacKe enzie, The growth of the county and in­ “Sure Milk,” the new cow feed .able No. 1 . Mrs. B. Severance, No. crease in volume of business of the guaranteed to produce more mill 2; Mrs. Miller, No. 3; Mrs. F. C. several offices of county adminis­ for the money than any other feed Baker, No 4 ; Mrs Chas. Thomas, tration, plainly indicate the on the market. Call and wee it No. 5; Mrs. McGhee, No. 6; Mrs. necessity of enlarging the Court Tillamook Feed Co. Fred Poorman, No. 7; Mrs. Alex House, and a great number of our Dawson Bro», will meet all trains McNair, No. 8 ; Mrs John Groat, taxpayers who know the conditions No 9 _______ with bus, and will handle passen­ were satisfied that the proposed gers and baggage to all parts of the Notice to Creditors city Call or phone at the Livery improvement is absolutely neces­ barn on 2nd Ave East. N otice ih H ereby G iven , that sary and that it is only a question High grade shot gun. Will tradi lie undersigned, has been ap- of a very short time when the en for wood, groceries, furniture, rug^ minted administrator of the estate largement of the Court House could tyue writer or unything I can use. >f Fannie B. Wallace, deceased, by What have you? Address P. O. ,lie Count/ Coqrt of Tillamook be no longer postponed. The matter of purchasing a poor Box 176, Tillamook, Ore. • Jounty, Oregon, and all persona .laving claims against »aid estate farm and conducting the same for The pupils of St. Alphonsus Ac- are hereby notified and required to cadeiny will give a comedy on Fri­ present same, with proper vouch­ demonstration purposes and oper­ day evening, to which all are in­ er». duly verified, to the under ating the farm on a paying basis vited, ami hii enjoyable evening’s signed at the office of T. B. Handley was not as important an item as entertainment is promised in Tillamook City, Oregon, within the enlargement of the Court House Owing to the increase of mail at nix months from the date hereof. yet it has many splendid features the Tillamook post office more room Dated December 12tli, 1913. and would be of great benefit to the G W. W ali . m h , will have to be provided to handle Administrator of the estate of county at large and would no doubt the mail, for the parcel post busi- be a splendid investment. The * oi-»» takes up considerable room. | Fannie B. Wallace, deceased. TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS IS 24 MILLS CountyCourt Reduced the Budget $109,830 76. I December 11. 1013. t crease of $82,»8« tobe paid to the »'ate i» about 3* mill* additional tax compared with last year. ROYAL B K 6 P The Budget. Payment of State taxes ...... $71,117 9? Road purposes .................. 103,316.36 For retiring county road warrants ■ ................ County machinery ......... ••• Road Supervisor’» salaries Culverts .......................... ■■■ Registration and electiou Sheriff's office. Sheriff s Salary........ $1.600 Deputy.......... ....... 9*X) Supplies and ex V5 • Clerk’s office. Clerk’s salary ..........I $1 600 9C0 Deputy ....................... LoO Deputy......................... 4,000 00 Supplies and ex .... 900 T reasurer's i office. Treasurer and tax col­ ........ $1,600 lector ........... 900 Deputy......... SCO Deputy 4 mo 300 »wo deputies, 2 mo. 150 One deputy 1 mo. Supplies and ex .... 590 50 3,840 50 Assessor's office. Assessor’s salary .$1,200 900 Deputy................... 150 Extra on tax roll.... Four special field deputies, 2 mo . .. too Supplies aud ex .... 280 3,130 00 Surveyor’s office and 5,000.00 county engineering Court house, janitor salary, wood, lights, telephone 1,800 00 and water................. .. Circuit Court jurors, wit­ 2,000.00 nesses and bailiffs .......... County Court. County Judge’s ■al’y$l,2C0 Commissioners salary, estimated................. 1,920 3,600.00 Traveling expenses . 480 600.00 Justice Court ......................... 300.00 Coroner’s fees, inques’s .. 50.00 Insane ..................................... School Superintendent, 1,400.00 Salary, S10O0 ; exp, $400 165.03 Health officer......................... 1,200.00 Widows' pensions............. 1,500.00 Care ot county poor............. Jail, board of prisoners and supplies......... ...................... Bridges ............................. County Veterinarian ........ Scalp Bounty ....................... Sealer of Weights and Mea­ 600.00 surers ................................ ... 325 00 Exporting County Books.. County Schools, Library and I stitute..................... 45,450.00 County Fair and Exhibits to State Fair........................ 2,000.00 500,00 Official County Printing.. Advertising resources of County................................ . Expert Advisory work .... For Retiring General County Warrants............ 13,042 82 a in owder Is the Housewife's Greatest Help. HAT so tempting to the laggard appetite as a light, flaky, fruit short cake or a delicate hot biscuit? Royal makes the perfect short cake, biscuit and muffin, and improves the flavor and healthfulness of all risen flour­ foods. It renders the biscuit, hot- bread and short cake more di­ gestible and nutritious, at the same time making them more attractive and appetizing. Royal Baking Powder is in­ dispensable for the preparation all the year round of perfect foods. W CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS AT HOME Round Trip Fares VIA THE $357,307.12 The Levy. Co. School Fund . .00300) County Library.. .006020 County Institute. .003010 Scalp bounty .... uuiny persona were STEAM ENGINES, exposed WAGONS, ROC KI Nt) HORSES, I beg to announce that 1 have TRAINS. sc ured tl}r exclusive agency for BALLS, the well known anil popular World’s TOPS • Star tfbsiery mill Underwear, the BLOCKS, kind that wears. Samples will be itft’imittrd for inspection at oltr CHECKERS, TEN PINS, store in Masonic Building.— J. Win. TOY IRONS, Edwuli. • lit RNS. Mrs. E. W. Stanley returned oil TOOL CHESTS, Mo day from u visit with relatives DRUMS, in Arizona. She stopped over int all TUBS forr.ia on her way home to visit BUCKETS, relatives Mia. J. W l.e Tourneau, CANDLES, with her little son. Ilarlon returned C ANDLE HOLDERS, with tier from California for an ex­ DISHES, tended visit. WHEEL BARROWS. The timber men who were in the FOR MEN. city last week to ask for a reduction in taxes were, Russell Hawkins. KNIVES, Wells Gilbert, Geo. B. McLeod. J. RAZORS II. Hawk and E. B. Faulkner. They RAZOR HONES, went away feeling happy, for by RAZOR STRAPS, the budget being reduced they FLY POLES. aavadjITV.Mm. LINK. REEI, If you intend to purchase a new GUN, range tilts tall and winter for the HUNTING COAT. aake of economy and your own TOO! .S. satisfaction, consider the Quick Meal Range They have stisul the FOR LADIES. test in Tillamook County. The) Al.lMlNIM WARE. urr made better now than ever tie- EARTHEN TEA 1*01*3, fore. Price* me the smiie. — King TEA KETTLES, A Smith Co. • KI.KCTRIU IRONS, Thomae F. Butfiin va Nina Bv.ffiiii \ PIECE OF HAMMERED is a divorce suit tiled in the circuit ! BRASS court. These parties were married SCI<3 'RS. in Tillamook County on July 7th, CARVING SETS, 19W, and about the 20th of Decern KNIFE, ’I*' lo'°’ ,b* defendant wilfully LAMPS, ■ tvbrertrd tbe plaintiff and has re- AND NUMEROUS OTHER mairied away from him ever since. ITEMS. There were nu children born as the issue of Tliis marriage. We are sorry to announce the death of Thomas I- Quick, which took p*«ce on Sunday at the home Selections made easy here. of I la parents, Mr. and Mrs Isaac Gold Bond Stamps with each cash Quuk. The deceased liad hern purch ise. suffering with tnherruloai«, which was the cause of his death lie waa 58 years ot age. The remains sere burned >>n Tuesday, a lame num tier of neighbors mid sympathizing friends at’ending the funeral. Visit our Store before you make your selections KING & SMITH GO. in Oregon to California, Washington and Idaho. SALE DATES AND LIMITS CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS:—Between all points in Oregon ; alto from Southern Pacific points to points in Washington and Idaho Dee. 18 to 24» inclusive. Between Oregon and California points Dec 20 to 25 Return limit all points Jan. 5, 1914. NEW YEARS HOLIDAYS : Dec. 27 to Jan. 1, with final return limit Jan. 5, 1914. The New Year Fares apply only between points in Oregon and between Oregon and Cali­ fornia. SUPERIOR TRAIN SERVICE Observation Cars, Dining Car and big, warm all-steel coaches. All trains solidly vestibuled. Call on nearest Southern Pacific Agent for full particulars train schedules, specific fares, etc. GUEST’S NOVELTY store JOHN M. SCOTT General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon. Is Now Located in the New Masonic Building, 2nd Street, With a Fine Line of Notions. ¿V When Selecting Your TOYS -CANDIES-8CHOOL SUPPLIE. Shop Early at Toyland Christmas Presents O Remember Coal, Cement, Lime, Brick, Shingles, Drain Tile, Plaster, Roof Paint, LAMB SCHRADER COMPANY. fl. H- HARRIS, 1) 1) Jewelry, Diamonds and WatchesM) The Jeweler has a Beautiful Line of 1 yfeS: To Select from. I 1 assure you a Square Deal, be it great /. or small. Call and see mO, I take pleasure in / showing my gixxis. A. H. HARRIS, Jeweler and Optician, In Tillamook Drug Co.’s Store, opposite P.O. DOCKS! WARKHM’SK. FRONT STREET, BETWEEN Ind A Srd AVKN{ K WEST w V.