Tillamook Headlight, December 11. xOl3, « Advertising Rates. T. BOALS, M.D. It was not necessary to what some of our citizens call |so. ' cause that kind of a strife either a “ great victory. ” From a L egal A dvertisements : jo cold-blooded, plutocrat point of for or against the budget at a First Insertion, per line f 5 view it seems to be considered 'time when there was n disposi- Each subsequent insertion, line Business and professional cards, la “great victory." From our |tion to discuss the budget fairly 1 month................................. 1 CO point of view it is unjust and and impartially bv all classes of Homestead Notices................. -¡¡¡I next to robbery to compel tax our citizens. We hope some of Timber Claims ............... 5 1 payers to pay for street improve- the timlier men will use a little Locale per line each insertion | meats in front of ours and other ' more discretiou in this particu- Display advertisement, an inch, month ............................... 50 wealthy citizens’ property, so ' lar in the future, for we do not All Resolutions of Condolence and we intend to protest quite fre­ want to see the least friction IaiJge Notices, 5c per line. quently a ainst that kind of lietween them and the settlers. Cards of Thank«, 5c. per line. The meeting Saturday was open Notices, Lost, Straved or Stolen, injustice. land free to all classes of tax­ etc. minimun rate, 2.V. not exceed­ ipayers to express thi.ir views. ing five lines. “Those horrid men I We Without touching upon the de- to what wish to call attention ’ merits or merits of some of the RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. took place about a year ■ ago in items in the budget, should the (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) and what took place I budget go through’as was rec­ One year....... 1.5o tills city llliu »* no. . JOHN LELAND HENDERSON. Six month».... 75 recently. Directly the women - ommended at the meeting, the SIDNEY E HENDERSON, ; Secretary-Trear. President. Three month* 50 obtained the franchise some of i ’timber men will save a large Attorney-at-Law and Notare our citizens started a “wet" or sum of money. They, with the Public. So that the ' assistance of some of our citi­ Entered as second class mail mat­ “dry" election. ter July, 1888, at the poet office at dear sisters would know how to Tillamook, Ore., under the act of vote correctly, we were inform­ zens, managed to lop off about $9(i, 100 from the budget. The March 3. 1879. ed some women went from timber men claim they pay 85 house to house to impart a lit­ per cent of the taxes, hot we tle instruction, while others jçie ^illainooh will place it at 75 per cent. By went to Mr. Beals’ office for the reducing the budget on Satur­ same purpose. We are wonder­ day the meeting was kind ing what the dear sisters think enough to save the timber men of the pre-election promise that $72,075 and all other classes of (INCORPORATED), was made to the saloon keepers taxpayers $24,025. Lookmg at People as a rule do not use previous to the last city caucus ? it from that standpoint it was a good horse sense when visiting money saver for the timber men persons coming down <.r suffer­ An effort is being made to in­ to put up a tight when they I ing with contagious diseases. duce State Senator R. A. Booth, can get the citizens to help them of Eugene, to become a candi­ out, but it was a piece of gal! BOTH PHONES. TILLAMOOK. ORF. Several of our business men date for United States Senator when an attempt was made by in rendering their accounts this Mr, Booth would he a good W. G. Dwight to vote 100 prox­ i month did so on bill heads man to represent Oregon, for he ies at the meeting, and the tim­ I printed in other towns. This has been prominently identified ber men made the false state­ is how we joshed one of them. with the industrial li'eof Lane ment that the County Court ÍI If the was paying out large sums of We wrote at the bottom of one county and the State. the bill heads when we sent Republican ’ party succeeds in the taxpayers’ money and did Any sane the t heck : “A good job, good nominating Mr. Booth it will not know what/or. workmanship and reasonable have a clean, honorable gentle­ citizen, on sober second thou­ charges, but a poor patronize man at the head of the ticket ? ght, will admit that when the But it is well to ’ask, As Mr. timber men use tactics like home industry bill head." Booth does not reside in Port­ that they are only making a land, will that city knife him or boomerag for themselves. Just to show how unjust the support him if a Portland man meeting was on Saturday, it is on the Democratic ticket ? It From the snap shot man’s agreed to spending $21,000 for is safe to say that Mr. Booth point of view most of the pro- Í ( bridges in Judge Mason’s ami would obtain a strong vote from ceedingsat the taxpayers' meet­ I Commissioner Farmer’s dis- the women of the state. ing on Saturday were out of or­ tricts, but in Commissioner der, This may appear a some­ Edner’s district, which pays a As an illustration of getting what untenable and startling large proportion of the taxes, not one cent was allowed, The "stung" when cases are taken position and statement for the first district did not get a square into court the money expended snap shot man to assume and deal Saturday in a stiap judg­ in the Port of Bayocean case is make, but we contend that we published this week. (Jut of are right. Now to prove it. Ia ment decision. $4,052.92 collected, $1,717.37 the first place the County Court Fred R. Heals, the Mayor- was expended, mostly for the was in session to hear argu­ Elect of Tillamook, says that legal services and other fees ments for or against the pro­ the snap shot man ought to be anil work, leaving $2,935.55 to posed budget, and when Russell 1 pure, mild and mature tarred ami feathered and placed be refunded the taxpayers. It Hawkins made a motion to J on a rail and run out of town. is a source of gratification to elect William Maxwell chair- I Make it yellow paint, Freddie, have some of the tax money re­ man he was in contempt of: for that would convert us into funded and that a small army court, and if the snap shot man ' Judge, .... Mr. ’ ...... been County j..-.*.-, a yellow journalist, something of attorneys did not eat up the had '1'his statement will | Hawkins would have been fined that is needed when detectives balance. are employed to in vestigate our be a little, insignificant docu- $50 for butting in where he had Made in business men. Say, Freddie, Imeut compared to the expenses no legal right to do so. There Three how much ought a Tillamook it: the pavement ease. It will is not one word in the law where S»Jf,TIC]|| sAJtnic^ Othet jury award the snap shot man be a ponderous affair after the it says a chairman and secre­ Style» tor flint kind of scandal ? two pending and other damage tary shall be elected to conduct suits have gone through both these gatherings ; and there is Perfect con rts. And, as usual, the peo-1 nothing whatever in the law to Baker Our Christian friend, Bio. A Fuel justify the action of the timber Trombley, was secretary of the pie will have to foot the hills. Saver men in forcing a vote on any or Ministerial Association when a all of the items in the budget. 1 I, CALLON.^ “wet" and “dry” light was A visitor who travels a great Some housewives who display a remurkuble 1 ? ALL COFPI « Q forced onto the city mid he be­ deal over the State of Washing­ If if had been the intention of amount of broad, sound, WEt.t»*VO'M ¡J the legislature to submit the common senso alone Wil GIVE H came flic chief bush whacker for ton was here on business, and other lines, persist in tho YOU BOtLlNG H budget ton vote of the people it the "dry" cause lust year, but the simp shot man was impress- delusion—and it is a de­ WATER / M Boi? lusion—that they arc real­ II Made • Í this year, when the "drvs" were p ed with one remark he made, woukl have given every voter ly practicing economy by NUUeabl« in the county an opportunity to “sold out" to the saloon keep j “You are building a lot of good tiy Ing to get along—to get 7 a od results—out of an old, worn- # do so and not left it to a vote of Charcoal ers, our distinguish friend and roads in Tillamook, hut they are out range merely to eave the Iren, price of a new one. Adding honorable secretary of the Min­ the wrong kind of good roads, those who met at the county Your old rango or stove was put U together with putty and stove bolt3 isterial Association allows the for they require fixing or re­ court house. It was contempt Lila of and probably you can stick n pen­ Ranca “drys” to be bartered and trai- building every year. " Then he of court when J. H. Hawk, the knife in the seams and Joiiits any­ where on it where tho ntove putty has ed for a mess of porridge, 1 foes related the progress the State timber man, made the false crumbled away. When a ranno gets the “dry»" know where they • >f Washington is making in statement that the Court was in that condition, it takes fuel enough to warm ull outdoors in order to got your paying out tax money in large are at ? building hard surfaced roads for even hot enough for baklnr.-and then you run tho risk of burning whatever 1« in the oven. You can soon burn up the price of the best range ever made the main highways. “You peo­ sums and did not know what 1 i a useless waste qj fuel in an old, worn-out stove or range—and that's for. The snap shot man would n : her practical economy nor good management. Will Chairman Maxwell ple in Oregon have no idea ¡have tapped him for $1,000 for If you would practice real economy in your household management, it please qu ite us the law that what a boom the hard surfaced v 11 nny you, tho next time you are in town, to c all f t our store and inquire being a member of the Ananias Ctoaoly luto the perfect baking and rcmarkablo fuel saving qualities of the gave him the authority to dis­ roads have been to Washington. Club and would have given him franchise taxpayers in incorpor­ If your are a good road booster, in charge of the sheriff if he ated cities taking part in the boost for a hard surfaced road failed to pungle up. \V. G. discussion of the rond item in the entire length of Tillamook Dwight was also in contempt of County," was the parting ad ­ the county budget ? In fMlt, court when he assumed the role we have failed to discover any vice he gave the editor, but he 'law that invested him with did not tell us the most impor­ I of dictator for the timber men, and $500 wouldn't have lieen power to supercede the County tant thing connected with it, any too much to tax him for but­ Court. We think some of the and that is how to obtain the ting in like so many political timber men played a good game motley to so. It would take at Outwears Three Ordinary Ranges bosses who attempt to run poli­ of bluff on all of us and they least $iv for we do not think that some of *aj *. "Ii it were no« (or «lie thin the timber men used good judg­ Mocking« and thin soled shoes life. Fit His C.K Exactly. worn bv women the doctor« would The Maa Who Neglects Himself. ment in some things. For in­ probably lie bankrupt. * Wh n you "When father wa* tick about six When his condition points to Some of our citizens, those stance, disinterested |H*rsons on contract u cold do not wait lor it to year» ago he read an advertisement kulney trouble takes an unwise whonre Ituihling little homes in the train heard some of the tim develop into pneumonia but treat it of Chamberlain'« Tablets in the risk. Backache. pain and soreness papers that fit hi« case exactly," once. t lininberlain'« Cough at the city, have n right to lie her men make the remark that Remeily ia intended eaprciollv for writes Mias Margaret Cainuta-ll, of over the kidneys, nervous or dizzy 8,eel’' are sll symptoms highly indignant if they have to as soon as they arrived at Tilla■•foaghi7 »"d'l^ldT’snd’h's^"^a Ft. Smith. Ark " lie |airchased a Four Foot Fir Slabs $3.00 per Cord. Delivered. Dry Short Wood $2.00 Load. A. F. COATS LUMBER CO. Editorial Snap Shots PHYSICIAN ANDSIRGEON. ••Surgeon S. P. Co/. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Tillamook ;s. KERFfON, T illamook B lo < k , Tillamook 1 rT'' 1 1 • SARCHET. The Fashionable Tailor Store in Heins Photographic ] Gallery. i H. GOYNE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office: O pposite C ourt H ouse , Tillamcok .... Oregon. J. CLAUSSEN, . LAWYER, E DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT. 213 T illamook B lock I Tillamook - J W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agent3 Portland, Oregon Great Majestic Malleable and Charcoal Iron JNLAllgC ALEX McNAIR & CO The Range with a Reputation hear part of the expense of the tlKHik thev would tmve to put wide reputation by'it»"c:irv'»"of'»b7-e and ~ I nirmrift nbiitting other pro­ the (iiaaatiatled ilairvmeil to diseases. It ia moat effectual to take For perty owner«* property This work, and, uo doubt, they did i box of them and he has not been sick since. My sister had stomach troul.le and was also benefited bv them.' For sale bj J. S. Lamar. 1 Oregon E. REEDY, D.V M., VETERINARY. Both Phones. Tillamook w whiskey---try proof the new Cyrus Noble. Gregor. Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing a Specialty. Law : Abstracts: Real Estate Surveying ; Insurance. rough, strong, high M. PHYSICIAN JAND SURGEON’ Abstract Company When you tire of Oregon. Oregon. M D. G. McGEE, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office : Next door to Star Theatre R. E. E, DANIELS, CHIROPRACTOR. [ Local Office in the Commercial Building. TILLAMOOK - ORE R. L. E. HEWITT, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OBSTETRICAL SPECIALIST. Both Phones. Residence and Office in Whitehouse Residence, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. ELMER ALLEN (Successor to Dr. Sharp), DENTIST. Commercial Building, LTillamock. QR. JACK OLSEN, DENTIST. ¡(I. O. O. F Bldg.) Tillamook - Oregon ¡ J OIIN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY ; and ; COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW. ] IT illamook B lock , Til mook Oregon. Room No. 261.' H. T1. BOTTS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Complete Set of fAbstractlBook3 io Office. Taxes Paid for Non Residents- ^T illamook B lock , Tillamook . . - • Oregon, Both Phones. QARI. HABERLACH, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. T illamook B kock , Tillamook Oregon C. Ji A WK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Buy City Oregcn. QEOR