T'ilîamoolc Head light, December 4, 1013. Not Beyond Help at 87. Wf-en the Colonial Chapter of the Sleep-disturbing bladder weak WATER FED THE FLAMES. Daughters of the American Revolu­ nees, stiffness in joints, Wl.‘. k A writer in the BuHines» Educa­ tion ol Maim finishes the memorial Hop,let. Fight Againit ■ P,culi»r inactive kidney action ami rhe ni tor at Columbia, Ohio, thinks not. tablet t< Benedict Arnold some so I tie pains, are all evidence of k. j, ,‘A. Conflagration at Sea. Here are hit» reason»: trouble Mrs. Mary A. Dem, 47 p ciety should raise monuments to Ju­ When tlie freighter Hardy steamed Walnut St , Taut on Muss., wme - The farmer, as a rule, ort. France, she carried •T have passed my 87th birthday even know, within thousands of and thought I was beyond tfi dollars, the amount of capital he I Between the ultimatums pre­ besides tlie mlueral water In her hold reach of madicine, but Foley Kiort «nd. suspecting that the cargo how can 1 avoid them unless they are named?’’ the fact that he rarely keeps any I By objecting to anything that was shifting, sent a boatswain below asks a housekeeper. accounts worthy of the name, But looks like a naval demonstration in to Investigate. As tbe boatswain en­ tered tlie hold be saw that several this is only secondary reason, The Mexican waters by Great Britain, cases of mineral water bad broken uud Here is one way: take the can oi a low- administration has assumed main one is that the farmer has ’ he priced powder in your hand and read the “I feel it my duty to tell others what that tbe water was swishing about in never got into the habit of looking full responsibility for the protection tbe bold. Then suddenly be saw one Chamberlain's Tablets have done tor ingredient clause upon the back label. The upon his farm and its operations ' foreign citizens and property, of tbe wooden cases marked "sodium" me,” writes Mrs. L. Dunlap, of Oak law requires that if the powder contains alum Grove. Mich. "I have as a financial enterprise, as does which means intervention w Len­ hurst into tlurne. suffered with pains in that fact must be there stated. If you find the business man who operates a ever foreign powers ask for it. Immediately be gave tbe alarm, nnd my back and under ■__ store or a factory. In the pioneer , The women of Bavaria have been tbe crew rushed to tbelr tire stations. one of the ingredients named alum, or sul- my shoulder blade for The captain directed tbe men to play i the given the right to vote on the elec- days, the farm was merely a number of years, phate of aluminum, you have found an alum also with a poor appe­ farmer’s home. Out of its cult! jtion of judges and officers of the tbe hose into the hold. As tbe first baling powder. tite and constipation, "• ‘ • of Commerce, British stream of water struck the burning vated acres, by the hard toil of Chamber I tried all of the rem­ himself and family, he wrested a militants might take note that case there were several explosious as TJiere is another and a better way. You edies that I heard of, package after package within the case living He rarely expected or Bavarian windows are still whole, caught fire. By this time two other and a number of doc­ don’t have to know the names of the alum houses have been burned and tors, but got no relief. thought much about a surplus. 1,0 cases of sodium had broken open, and powders. Use Royal Baking Powder only; Finally a friend told Whatever the farm produced be. not single statesman horsswhipped. | tbelr contents as they came In contact me to try Chamber­ that assures you a cream of tartar powder, I A St. Louis woman has recovered with tbe water from tbe hose burst yond these needs was«so much lain's Stomach and I and the purest and most healthful baking Liver Tablets. I got gained—or wasted, if there was no a judgment for $1500 against a bot­ into flames. a bottle of them and powder beyond question. ’The crew could not believe tbelr market. Such deterioration of tling company for personal injuries they soon helped my plant rarely entered into his cal- received when she was run over by eyes. Tbe more water they poured ou stomach; by their culationa. Until this habit of a team belonging to the company. tbe fire tbe more intense grew tbe con­ gentle action my bow­ suddenly two cases flagration. Then thought is changed radically, and The defense was that she wore a els became more reg­ ular. Today I feel like the farmer can be led to take a hobble skirt at the time and that flew Into the air, crushed against the and spread out in overhead beams praising them to all financier’s view of his occupation, this constituted contributory negli­ smaller pieces drop- who suffer as I did, for sheets of fire, tbe How to Get Together. | farming can not be called a busi­ gence. There was a clash of expert ping back only to bounce and dance they have cured me and made my life TEACHERS’ EXAMINATIONS. ness. witnesses, but the preponderance about, hot balls of flame, In tbe half worth living.” The most expensive system of ; Notice is hereby given that the of the testimony appears to have swamped bold. Tlie trouble is that almost all cf County Schoo) Superintendent of Tilla­ distribution in the world may be : the uplifting movements for the been that the hobble skirt is not a I'anic stricken, tbe crew dropped tbe • - ---------- — — mook County, Oregon, will hold the precisely the one in which producer . and consumer deal directly with I benefit of farmers overlook the fact hobble at all, that it permits of hose lines and fled above decks. But #1 regular examination of applicants for . , , w • ■ - ( , .,.. 'that t Ilo / n u uii/'ooauiiil «»»*-> a *■ • is *.» •. already I i - a ,» Z 1 »» utmost freedom of motion and that the captain ordered tbe cargo flutig successful Io farmer state certificates at the court room, each other. Mr. Farmer hauls 100 a business man and that the farmer the plaintiff was exercising the nor­ into the sea and led his men back into pounds of vegetables five miles to a Tillamook City, as follows: mal caution that any well dressed the hold. They succeeded in throwing 'I city market. Mrs. Housewife travels who needs to be coddled cannot be ]l Commencing Wednesday, December five miles to reach the market and redeemed. The farm Bureau does woman would display upon a several of the cases overboard. But as each case bit the waves it rebounded 17, 1913, at 9 o’clock a. m., and con­ carries 40 cents worth home. No not recognize any coddling. We thoroughfare. The presiding judge into tbe air. a flaming ball. tinuing until Saturday, December 20, middleman intervened, Producer1 s have too long considered the farm­ jocularly remarked after the ver The superstitious crew was fast be­ diet was received that the hobble 1913 at 4 o’clock p. m. coming unmanageable, and the captain price and consumer’s price were ers as in a class apart, Living on skirt stood acquitted by his court. Wednesday Forenoon. saw that in any case be must abandon identical. But the actual cost of the soil does not make a ianner. The clash in the Conservation tlie ship He ordered the crew to the Writing, U. S. History, Physiology. getting that 40 cents worth from and a "mutt” is a ‘‘mutt” whether Welnesday Afternoon. farm to kitchen was enormous If he lives in the country' or city, Congress was not unexpected nor boats not one moment too soon, for as Physical Geography, Reading, Com- Mr. Farmerand Mrs. Housewffe hail The answer to this is that farming can future clashes be easily avoided. tlie boats rowed away from the blaz­ I poiition, Methods in Reading, Methods anything in particular to do—if is being put on a business basis The question as to whether con ing bulk several loud explosions came from tbe bold. Then there was one I in Arithmetic. their time were commercially valu and the inefficient will not stand servation shall be in charge of the mighty detonation. Tbe freighter state or of the nation will not Thursday Forenoon. able—the cost would be prohibi­ the test. If the present generation broke in two and plunged out of sight. with the problem of btty'ng Harness down. Advocates of national con- of farmers do not farm on a tive. Arithmetic, Hiitory of Education, The origin of the fire was. of course, you will find it distinctly advanta­ There is nothing in any cost of business basis, they will be merely trol insist that the people of a state iu the sodium. Sodium is a peculiar geous to come and do your select Psychology, Methods in Geography. ing here. You will get tie best Thursday Afternoon. living remedy that sees no farther brushed aside by the more success­ Esau- like, are too prone to sell metal, which oxydizes rapidly when qualities, the most thorough and their birthright a mess of I for ful farmers who are business water touches It nnd flames as soon as conscientious workmanship and be i ne is Grammar, Geography, American it­ than mere elimination of some pottage, In their eagerness to see tbe water becomes warm. According charged the most reasonable prices. erator«, Physics, Sfcthods in Language, middleman. Mr. Farmer and Mrs. That is all there is to it a speedy development of their com­ to tbe chemist's classification, it is the We can supply single or double Thesis for Primary Certificate. Housewife may enjoy the trip» to It is said that the native residents munity they are likely to give away second member of tbe nlkali group that Sets or any single article that you market. There may be diversion Friday Forenoon. wrong their includes lithium, potassium, rubidium may be in need of. of the Panama Canal zone do not rights that will in simply getting producer and Theory and Practice, Orthography, children. Opponents of national and caesium. All of these elements consumer together, but there is no , admire the Americans and do not English Literature, Chemistry. have tbe same characteristics as so­ real economy in it. The real job is approve of American methods of control, on the other hand, dwell on dium in greater or less degree. Tbe Friday Afternoon. the red-tape methods of the Circum- They will have to School Law, Geology, Algebra, Civil not so much to eliminate a middle­ sanitation. sodium should have been shipped in man as to devise a system that shall admit, however, that we constructed location Office. It is as natural for hermetically sealed tin cans Inclosed Government. be more economical than his, an i the canal, and that we have kept it a bureau to spin red tape as it is in wooden cases. But tbe rolling of Saturday Forenoon. .fora spider ¿to spin a web. They tbe ship nnd the careless stowing of that involves organization on a clean. Geometry, Botany. point to the fact that while the law the cargo broke open some of these pretty extensive scale. Secretary of Commerce Redfield Saturday Afternoon. Cost of living is not to be materi­ is planning a comprehensive in- permits certain necessary and cases, and tbe sodium, which was not General History, Bookkeeping. You don’t know how much real comfort you ally reduced by simply taking a quiry into the economic principles sensible things application must properly packed, was liberated.—Bos­ can take out of a rainy due astir V““ ‘>*v» Yours Truly, (be made to a bureau 2000 miles ton Herald. worn a market basket in hand. of various industries of the nation. W. S. Buel, away. They say that it is almost TOWER ’S FISH BRAND The first will deal with the cost of County School Supt. Origin of a Famous Hymn. as difficult to get a few limbs of REFLEX SUCKER Applicants for renewal should make Wrestling With the Cost of producing clothing from the raw dead trees in the Colorado forest It seems to be a very solid fact that material to the finished output. Living. The only slicker with the famoae Reflex Edge requisition for blank form in time to reserve for firewood as it is to g^t the poet Cowper, author of the hymn (pat'd) that prevents water from running in have same filled and returned to this "God Moves In a Mysterious Way," at­ at the Front. Made for Haiti CWKP. * I do not let my sympathies run He says that he is not pursuing a pension. colors —black or yellow. any individual for wrong doing, tempted suicide — not only once, but office by the beginning of the examin- away with my judgment in con­ several times. In fact the popular $3.00 Everywhere. For Sale. ation. sidering the cost of things I have but that he is after economic facte hymn referred to was written right W. S. Buel). SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. a mission in life. While sympa­ as a basis for future legislation. I 3 year old colt, wel! broke and after one* f such attempts. The driver A. J. TOWER CO. thizing with the average man who The investigation will extend over gentle for sale cheap by Frank ■»TrwTtO BOSTON whom he bad engaged to take him to Tillamook Fishermen Make is paying increasing prices, still all a period of at least two years in Paul 1 mile south of town. TowerCaaadian 1 ¿naed, the river In which be bad purjiosed Toronto icia order to follow the textile industry the lessons of a life spent in a Little Money. drowning himself. being suspicious of Guarding Against Croup. rtfjWERj business where the cost of things through its naturul stages and ob­ i The best safeguard against croup bis customer's intention, drove him Fishing on lillamook Buy is prnc can be studied at first hand teach*« serve the natural effects of the new is a tzottle of Foley's Honey and around in the closed carriage and ticuliy ended for thia seaacn with W ats » me the necessity of a price in line tariff la.v. Said the secretary: “It Tar Com;o rd in the house. P. finally set him down at his own door. C annot the most unsatisfactory results in R un I n A t E dges with the standards of industry of is our purpose to find out. if possi­ H Ginn MoldJeton, Ga , writes: Stepping out. and finding the old R fflex PDOILC T You » "My children are very susceptible the history of the industry. With our country. Our producers are ble, who makes ti.e profits, who to croup, easily catch cold 1 give familiar scenes, the poet now repent­ r nly one cannery operating and two constantly getting more intelligent get the high wages who get the them Folev'« Honey attd Tar Com­ ant rushed Into the house and Instant­ companies shipping fresh fsh to They are not only studying the low wages, and just what value a pound and in every instance they ly composed the Immortal hymn—"God outside markets, the fishermen have Mores In a Mysterious Way His Won­ beat methods to produce things, man gets when he buys a suit of get prompt relief and are eoon ders to Perform.” — New York Amer- cured. \Ve keep it at home and •carce broken even for the entire clothes or some other garment. It lint are also increasing the output prevent croup." For sale by all lean. a -neon will be u scientific inquiry into the of products that offer the best druggists. The run of Chinooks was very money rewards and decreasing the cost of living, as far as that cost is A Common Center, light in comparison with other sea­ I output of those that insure the affected bv the things we wear.” “It makes no difference how Irregu- sons. Few of the men employed The declared purpose of the ■ least returns. larly objects are arranged, their com- had anything left after paying for Hundreds of thousands of pro­ Wilson adrr.inistretion to gradually . blned Influence at their force ceuter is their gear and the necessary ex­ spherical.” ducers in this country are subject ex'end governmen al flowers of the penses in the work. Many are losets This is a fundamental fact of the to, or ruled by, tbit principle, but Filipinos toward the goal of self-1 for the seiion, The cannery pack entire sidereal structure. Millions they onlv understand it is a bimi-, government and the beginning of of Chinooks amounted to very ness proposition ; they are not ! upon millions of suns and worlds fly­ that policy under the direction of On your front porch can be lit little and the mild cure pack was ing in all directions as bees In a swnrtn the new governor of the Pnilif.' every night until midnight Wery light. Silversidea were late iti thinker,, and lacking the original or moving In cosmic streams nnd as anil register not over thought, they look to others for the pines, Harrison, was the target cf coming and dragged along until current of stars, act by means of uni­ fifty cents *|>er month former President Taft in his ad-1 versal gravitation precisely as though now, but the aggregate run of these aolving of the tid lie of the high on the meter. coat < f living, not knowing that dress before the Brooklyn Institute* they were all condensed Into a gigan­ flah was far less than in the past thej have the key themselves ; acd of Arts and Sciences Wednesday. T illamook E lectric L ight AND tic globe at their common center of A few Hundred pounds each day Babies will grow and while they F ull C ompany wiien they come to life and think Taft intimated plainly that to turn gravity.—Edgar Lucien Larkin in New I wus all the best men on the bay are growing, you should have them W ill S palding , Manager, York American. for themselves the recital of their these island, loose would be to turn could secure. photographed often erougli to keep The pack of chums at the Oregon own actual experiences as produc- them over to an oligarchy of a record of each interesting stage er, for n generation v-„; will enlighten el iquent orators, who have no real She Knew All Right. Fisheries Company luis been very the world and let it know the reason conception of civil and individual ''Madam,” half a dozen men hastened of their childhood. You will prixe good, although the fish have come to assure her. "•.‘Jj Is the smoking the collection of baby’s pictures for the higher cost of things. liberty. Alao he said that our with­ slowly and straggled along during more and rrcre as the years go by When meat become, so high that drawal would mean the beginning the entire season. Steelheads are 1 know It,” she said. -a’mly seating Monk's Studio. farmers will not have such a great of a relentleaa war lielween the slow in coining in this year, A few herself, "but 1 am sure tbs urn tn here incentive to produce other food- Moroa and the Filipinos In a pre­ have been taken thus fur. Not are more polite than they In the stuffs, they will come back to vious address by Mr. Taft at Potts­ If you are thinking if buying enough have tieen caught to war­ Cattle car ahead I couldn't get a at all ■ uising in states like New town on the 15th. he spoke on what a good Harness, horse covers, rant the buyers to fix a definite Jersey, in there. I don't mind the clgtavs ei­ that bus practically given a president of the United States can ther They're better than my husband halters, or anything in the har­ price, although some are quoting it up, Iwcauae other products of do and can not do, msking a plea smokes.” 4 cents to the fishermen farms returned or return more for more civil service reform to No further objection was offered, and ness line it will pay you to see A peculiar condition has existed money.—Original Thinker in Phila­ lighten the burdens of the executive. she kept her sent-Chicago Tribune. me. if you want the finest thia season in the run of fish. delphia Record. He was convinced that all of the old, mellow whiskey, order There was no great division ba. I also carry the famous Shar­ offices except a few including cabi­ No Chanco For Leopard. G korgktown , T exas . J. A. Kim- tween the coming of the various OLD key ’s collar. net ministers and federal judges Willie—Mother, the Sunday school , ’*; ! ‘‘For several years past kinds of salmon as in the past, but ' V.r?' **•'. teacher says we should all of us try to Foley'» Honey and Tar Coni|H.>iind should be filled under the civil str- all »anet.es have straggled along |la. t>een my household remedy for vice rules, thus taking a great and be as spotless ns we can Mother—Or at iff «»tn« auitia I time hhm ka tlie local ___ *> coughs. . . . • t t tlie At cau all eohla. nnil . . lung trou- unreasonable burden off the should­ WHISKEY talnly. Willie; that's right. Willie, nery all four hinda of tish have Ire- ' bies It ha» given periuanen relief ers of the president. after a pause, and thoughtfully-Then In SO yean its equal hasn't TILLAMOOK, ORE- ■pWiilly fW-en t.ikVvt from the pick­ in » number of ca»e» ol obstinate lm glad I'm not a leopard. -Ubk-ago been found. Couglis und colii«.'' Contuins no Record Herald. up boat in the »ame hoist box And c.piates. B- F LAUGHLIN, Reluse subatit ute« Kor The Maa Who Neglects Himself. THtamooV. Or-' nil »ere really in good condition - «al« by all druggiats. When his condition points to Sh« Hit It bright unit fresh looking. kidney trouble lakes an unwise Mr Gnaggs—Madam, you will have Mr Taggart, who has just recap­ risk. Backache, pain anil soreri’ss to economise. You are very estrai i The American Federation of La­ tured Indianspolia, has refused nn over the kidneys, nervous or ditay «■nt Mrs. Gnaggu—Dear me! Mr siwlls, poor sleep, are all symptoms bor «hows wisdom in declaring offer of ♦A.W.tUO for his French that will disappear with the regular Gnaggs-l quite agree with yon -Phil that the time in not ripe for the Link Springs resort Mr. Murphy use of Foley Kidney Pitta. Thev •delpbln Record. formation ol it political labor party. is having Doubles galore, tut Mr. put the kidneys unit bladder tn a Labor aeema to l«e getting nil the Tuggatt seems to la* residing on clean, strong and healthv condition. A Mend Is one of life, best blew, For sale by all druggists. the sti vet called Ea»v. 'ngs To be a Mend la lo tie lifted « legislation it want* now. pitti« way toward beateti each day. Is Farming a Business. How to Detect the Alum Baking Powder Made My Life Worth Living Sv HARNESS! W,A, Williams it Cc. KEEPS OUT ALL THE RAIN A 15 Watt Mazda Lamp I. W. HARPER Bechtel’s Harness Shop Tillamook Baker’s Bread I Sold at All Grocers