PEDAGOGUE SCORES THE EDITOR. Here‘^h,itU,e " f°r ",e Coa"‘y fri. “« educational idea, from different states as well as for­ eign countries. or .,he te“^her8 of Tillamook County who.met Nov 12 13-14 in yoilr were all mere than well repaid & the next twenty year®, or more if for nn unarrupulou* editor to use who pay big taxes, who do four or j Administratrix * Notice. you wish, what kind of young* peo such criticism is certainly a climax five hours really hard work before ! pie do you euppoae you would find? One of the Causes Why Tax­ not acceptable. How well do you suppose they If the idea was for ‘'shop" we our correspondent commences a In the County Court of the State of ation is Continually on could manipulate p liticai and do­ would be unloyal to our work an* comparatively easy and short day's Oregon for Tillamook County. the Increase. mestic affairs? Would you want profession no more nor less than In the mutter of the estate J work in the school, and they have to . to see thia, and are you willing school keepers or time keepers. All of Gordon Dugger, de-> mieni 3,1,1 energy I Nehalem, Ore., Nov. 23, 1913. »pent. Iney wi 1 teach a much1 | to 'et your children grow up in of the teachers hold official receipts pump a lot of cows after the "pro- ’ reused. Editor Tillamook Headlignt, Tilla­ aril^nH '°O1' h“VC “lure ,a‘erest such ignorance, each become an of at least 16 hours attendance feasor" has donned his duds to take ‘ N otick is H hkkuy G iven ,—That ignoramus ? mook, Ore. nu rJr ‘,lll?la8m 1 Pupils will leam signed by the County Sup’t , while sixteen hours of recreation and rest 11æ_}1_,!.ll';r1'“K,1?d 1 have been ap­ It ,y®u. don’t see the ’ Sense nor many attended IS hours, the great­ pointed administratrix'of the aliove Dear Mr. Editor: more and faster, have a better and 52 hours thrown in between Logic ’ in your statement, and the Reading your valuable paper of f mo/e wiU make up for all tax is so strenuous, why don't you est possible attendance, thia ob­ Friday afternoon and Monday morn named eatate, by the above named Court, and all persons having last week’s issue, and in one of your ■ time lost by the teachers attend­ viates the idea of ‘ shop" talk. go one step farther in your argu editorial* you *eein to be misin­ ance* at County Institute This county has up-to-date teach­ iug this precaution being taken to Cl lima against said estate are here­ formed or not well up on educa­ Doctors, lawyers, ministers. 1 nient and say ‘You don’t see anv ers. possessed with knowledge, ward off any likelihood of teachers by required to present the same, duly verified, with proper vouchers tional affair*, and particularly dairymen, fruit growers, farmers Sense nor Logic’’ in teachers work skill and ability ; still more they dying from hard work. Now with undersigned, at the office qf along the teaching line and pro­ commercial men and others have nor the school and close all out?1 possess adaptability. They are regard to teachers institutes. We , to the jt, Handley^ ., in Tillamook Ctty, fession, as you say “There is no institutes, benefiting them in their ' Then you know there will be no I giving the people what they want— “ within six months from sense nor logic in closing up the work. \\ e are instructing boys and bother whatever of tax. There is better schools every year. If you want to say we have no objection to Oregon, the date hereof. entire schools of the county at the girls in things, which will help I just as much argument in that as, doubt this visit them and find out. teachers bolding them at their own , tax payers’ expense, while the them to make their living more ad-1' what you did say, which has no In all probability you may not have expense and in their own time—not ' Dated November 20th, 1913. A lma P ierson , foundation whatever, unjustifiable been inside of our schools for many teacher* talk shop.” vantageously and to be a better' at the expense of the taxpayers, for Administratrix of the Eatate Evidently you have never taken citizen of the state, for this we are to the schools and a hinderance to years, as your sentiment indicates. while the teachers are talking shop Gordon Dugger, deceased. the education of the state, while I «liil not go to the county insti­ any part in school work (as teacher,) paid from public funds. We give a ■ the quicker such is stamped out ' tute to talk "shop. ’ I have higher the entire school population is left i only getting your own individual just consideration. better The educational de­ ideals than that. If your compli­ in idleness and the restless to get schooling in what ever schools that By these county institutes, the the Oregon Agricultural College partment of the state has suffered ment you gave us is the best you may have beei, which I hope has schools, pupils, parents, friends long into mischief. The taxpayers pay ! been from some College or Univer­ and every one else is benefited sev- state. enough from the evil* in the have I have an opinion of you. As out enormous sums of money for for my part I feel highly insulted sity and that from the Department eral times over, which nosaneman, Take the teachers and their work of Journalism, or you would not who understands, thoroughly ed­ out of a state, and you will have a end slandered I don’t know wliat higher education and to prepare have made the erroneous and sar­ ucational affairs, and especially queer *et of citizens in a short time. you think but I think you think persons tor teaching, and we take December 8 to 13, 1913 castic remark you did about the along the line of teaching profes­ For e.g Mexico and China. China mud and care less by showing your the stand that when teachers do ac­ disinterest. teacher* of Tillamook County, who sion will attempt to deny. cept positions they should be the country having had no free C has L. H olway . This will be a notable event in the The demand for the closing of all public schools for over three hun­ met in your city the 12th, 13th, and competent todo so and not require** 14th of thia month for the sole pur schools, and the atttendance of all dred years, since 1648. What was educational history of Oregon. pose of educational advancement. teachers to the County Institute is the result of Mankind there? It would be a good idea for our score of instructors to run all over Farmers’ Co-operation will be the Now my kind friend, in explana­ a common cause viz: The Public From all the improvement in correspondent to be brief and con­ the state to give them a little more leading topic of a stimulating series of tion to the "Sense and Logic" of Schools and The Boys and Girls, buildings over the state, extension coaching. Another thing, the in­ lectures. The week will be crowded teacher*’ institute* is this — We whom the teachers teach, and not of courses of study, interest of pub­ fine himselAo the point. It is not meet for educational instructions,— to ta k "shop,” as you have said lic for education ; any sane man our purpose to answer this long- structors from the State Vniveisity, with discussions, and demonstration* the general idea ; that we may get hastily, urjustly, unfairly, and un- must conclude the public considers winded letter in full, but we want to Agricultural College and State Nor­ in everything that makes for the wel­ new idea* and methods from ad­ courteously to the good teachers of it a good investment. Neither do say before defining our position the mal must be neglecting their duties fare of the farmer and home-maker. vanced instructors, exchange of Tillamook County. there. We have lived long en­ we hear patrons of the school and Now then! My friend, when all pupils complain because their correspondent did not have the good ough in the world to see through ideas front one another, what they WINTER SHORT COURSE judgment to confine his criticism to are doing, the result of their pro­ this is done for your children and teacher attends county institutes, gress and success along the same your posterity—You the benefactors nor are they sarcastic enough to the uewspaper where the article he our correspondent's style of "you in this case, can you conscienti­ say “it for the teachers to congre­ objected to originated. The matter scratch my back and I’ll scratch January 5 to 30, 1914 line. The State Superintendent in­ ously, wisely and deliberately object gate and talk “shop.” your back" with office holders. We we had under discussion was the The College has spared no effort to structs us along a line, which to the little paltry sum allowed to You want all the education you will not digress along that line at make this the most complete short makes the whole school system of tne honest, hard working teachers, can get for your children. Would county budget, continual increase in the present time. It matters little to ( course in its history. A very wide Oregon operate the same a* in a who are laboring for the upbuild­ you be just as willing for them to taxation and where some of the laryecity. He may find the teach­ ing of the education for the benefit have the same chance if you had leakage occur. Surely taxpayers us whether our correspondent calls range of course will be offered in Gen- ers having some difficulty along a of the boys and girls? us pessimistic or any other name, to pay a tuition? Stnd them away Suppose no teacher were to at­ to finish the grammer grades and and the Press have more right to but we want to inform him that eral Agriculture, Horticulture, Ani- particular line of work in a county, discuss this than Prof Holway, who, mal Husbandry, Dairying, Poultry which can be overcome ; such in­ tend an educational meeting for high school work as people did in when taxation i* becoming burden­ Keeping, Mechanic Arts, Domestic stances are only minor and rare, as the next twenty years. What kind and after Colonial Times Thous­ probably received his education so our State Course of Study is too of a state of affairs do you suppose ands of boys and girls of the state as to fit him to become a teacher at some it is about time that the Press Science and Art, Commerce, Forestry, well worked out to the needs of the the schools would be in? Will you would not receive a 3rd grade edu the taxpayers' expense, and is receiv­ pointed out the leakage, one of and Music. Numerous lectures and public schools of Oregon. Advo­ not frankly admit, that the schools cation You must have considered which is having to pay teachers out , cating the same ideas, plan* and of Oregon are better today, than education a good thing in your ing wages paid by tax money. We of the public treasury for attending discussions on FARMERS' CO-OPER­ ATION, at home and abroad, will be a even five years ago, and far super ­ will reiterated what we said about younger days or else you never principles in every county makes uniformity in all work, which is to ior to twentyfive years ago? Four­ could have ascended to the editor­ county teachers' institutes and add teachers’ institutes and so many leading feature. Make this a pleasant the advantage of teachers and the teen years ago this state had only ial chair. a few additional remarks to con­ holidays. In closing we hope that and profitable winter outing. No tu­ five High Schools, having a full From your editorial, you must pupils. the school system of the county will ition. Accommodations reasonable. The County Sup’t. has all of the course. Today she has over one have been pessimistic ; the tax as­ vince the taxpayers that money be changed with only one school Reduced rates on all railroads. For besides ! sessment must have appeared like is being wasted in our school sys­ teachers in a body for any and all hundred and twenty; instructions, which he too may want many having the three, two and mud, then to take revenge on the tem. Every State and National holi­ board, equal taxation, equal months further information address to give, or work out with them ; one year courses. At that time one teachers, and teachers’ institute day the schools are closed, also a of teaching in every district, certain H. M. TENNANT. Registrar, making a further continuation of third of the rural schools were puts one in mind of a spontaneous week's holiday at Christina* and number of high schools in conven­ Corvallis, Oregon. maintaining but three months — combustion. Certainly you were local uniformity and cooperation > Farmers' Business Course* by C< ,ur- ient places, grammar and high for three days for the institute, not just what the law compelled them not in attendance during any of the We get extraordinary inetruc-1 respondence without tuition. at the teachers' expense, but at the school grades to commence studies tiona, educational ideas and valu­ to have ; now they ha ve six months. sessions of institute. While ten years ago it was hard to Your statement is certainly far at eight in the morning until five able school methods, being a help taxpayers' expense, and we may add How’s This ? to us in our daily work, and in the keep the boys and girls in half of from complimentary to the county by way of parenthesis that in fixing o'clock in the afternoon, and that the schools until they finished Sup ’ t., who has labored hard for We offer O nb H undred D ollar » R rwarm end the pupils benefit by our at­ the date* for county institutes that teachers should only be paid for the the good of the schools and pupil* or any cate of CHtarrh thut cannot be curca tendance to the county teachers' the 8th grade. Saturday, when when teacherH teachers have have no no- ­ time they are employed in teaching, by Hall’» Catarrh Cure. Certainly! haven’t the teachers of the county. It is likewise the Saturday, institute. F. J CHRNB1P& CO., Triedo. O. thing to It The institute instructors go from of the state done good work on their same to the State Sup’t.,* whofwas thing to do, do, is is never never included. included. 1 tl,e 8a",e 1,8 employees in other We, the undersigned. have known F. ). one county to another, having a part toward the upbuilding of edu­ there and gave valuable assistance is the continual feast of holiday. ! occupations, for we do not «eejvlty Cheney for the last 15 year», and believe series of lectures, which they have cation ; and haven’t the people re­ to all and who is a thorough school and recesses that help to make teach-1 I school “ privileged sc*lo°l teachers teacher* are u . him perfectly honorable In all bualucM worked on for an unlimited time. ceived just returns, when towns man, understanding school work tranauctiona anil financially able to carry it should class ,o be l ,aitl for ,iine an<1 work all over the state are building from kindergarten tocollege; main ­ out anv oblinationa made by hla flrm. iug more expensive than 1.______ They are specialists in the teaching NATIONAL BANK OF COMMKKCB. magnificient school buildings, put ­ taining his position, as head of they never performed. The tax profession, having made it life be. Besides the holidays we have, Toledo. Ufl ting in good apparatus ; hiring ex ­ Baker City schools over twenty , are work ; being able to give valuable II. i II h Catarrh Cure la taken intetnully enumerated, school commences at P»y er8 > l,ni ' ” °t the taxeaters, acting directly uuon the blood and iuw information and thought to recep­ cellent teachers, while the pupils years. 1 the citizens who should discuss this eoua surface» of the ayatem. ieatimoniala There are teachers in the schools nine o’clock in the morning and con­ tive minds, which i* an inspiration are receiving a fine high school ’subject, for the dairymen, butter •eat tree. Price 75 cents per bottle. Bold to every ambitious teacher; caus­ education. All these years the of this county who are College and tinues until four, with three recesses and cheese makers, when they held by all Druggists. graduate*; ¡laving ' in that short length of time. Now ing them to go back to their schools teachers have attended county in­ University Take Hall'» Family Pill» for constipation their conventions in thia city, were with better and stronger determina­ stitute, the same as this year, but spent their time and money in care­ let us make a comparison, for our not tugging at the taxpayers’ teat ful preparation, now doing the best not for "shop ” tion to produce the best of best Col Goetlials’ fame as a mircle Suppose again! Kind Editor, of work, to my own knowledge; correspondent seems to think that when they did so. It is proposed to results in the school room. icavucio that ail teachers were to stop teach- while a large percent of the rest are teachers are hard worked. There raise about $530,000 in tuxee, and it worker rests largely on the fact that There is also a state c teachers' is safe to say that our correspondent the coat of canal construction work *iiiniiar"to in®5 nor no" allowed to teach—no high school graduate* of excellent county institute for the purpose of instructions nor education to be quality and good teachers—all are scores of dairymen, men with will pay next to nothing in taxes.— has been kept within the appropria­ . . affaire J~ . 1 'where . A.... hiifi ’pivpfl bv state in general^ "the had, nnr nor rpt received by anv any mini! pupil tor for teachers doing grand work. Then , large sums invested, and men El> tions. . FARMERS* WEEK I i YOU BELIEVE THAT WHEELER, OREGON, The Manufacturing City on B ound to G row and that IN V EST- MENT in W heeler Property will be Profitable. ack up your judgment with your MONEY. You mill make money by Investing in OlHEEbER. For information regarding Wheeler, write to NEHALEM HARBOR CO., WHEELER, OREGON. Tillamook Office Portland Office : Care of F. R. BEALS 327 FAILING BUILDING.