Tlllam T. BOALS, M.D Advertising Rates. boots and breeches, in the city eleclion, in a pre-election agree­ ment whereby the saloons were not to Le interfered with, with a majority of ‘ wets’’ in the city council. This places the "drys" in a ridiculous ignominous | m > sition to be sold out in that man­ ner anil calls for more faithful adherents to the "dry” cause. Dry Short Wood $2.00 Load. To put it plainly, the "drys" got a rotten ileal in the dicker. I When the henchmen of the ‘‘dry’’ faction made a pre-elec­ tion promise with the saloon hide last week. Well, peck keepers they did not take into away, boys, for we dearly love consideration that the snapshot RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. a newspaper scrap, but with so man is conceited enough to be­ (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) many jumping onto us at the 1.5o lieve that he can put the coun­ One year......... JOHN LELAND HENDERSON. 75 same time we have grit our ty again in the “dry" column SIDNEY E HENDERSON, Six months....... ; Secretary-Treat. 5(1 teeth with the determination to President. Three month». if he undertook that kind of a Attorney-at-Law and Notare peck back. This, we know, is I campaign. It was largely on Public. Entered us second dues mail mat­ not a Christian spirit, but it is ter July, 1888, at the poet office at a hard matter for an editor to account of the influeuce of the ; Headlight that the county went Tillamook, Ore., under the act of follow that precept where the I “dry" and was kept that way March 3, 1879. meanness, cussedness, trickery ' for several years, but when the and evil dispositions of some snap shot man saw that condi­ persons are frequently poured tions were worse on account of into an editor's ear. I so much Iruukenness amongst j young persons and the whole­ The case of small pox in the sale system of bootlegging, the city should not cause any more Headlight would not stand for (INCORPORATED), alarm than other contagious it any longer, and of the two So an effort is to be made to diseases, for small pox is not i evils preferred what we honest ­ indict the advertising fakir who nearly as malignant as it used ‘‘stung" a number of our busi­ to be some years ago. A strict ly believed to be the lesser. It is well known that the bottom ness men for a few dollars. quarantine is absolutely neces dropped out of the “dry" baud sarv to prevent it from spread­ wago’i when they lost the snap BOTH PHONES. TILLAMOOK, ORE. One public improvement the ing. A few years ago several shot man, for the county went Mayor-Elect should recommend persons were down with it, lint overwhelming “wet” at the in his address, and that is the it was in a light form, and it next election. And with the old shacks, one of which he oc­ spread because one doctor per­ same result when the “drys” cupies, be made to move back sisted in saying that it was not forced an illegal election in this Our sympathy is city twelve months since. So and in line with other property. small pox. witfi those who are stricken i ; it is just as well for those who i with the loathsome disease, for made the pre-election dicker Some of our citizens nre com­ the snap shot man in his hoy not to reckon their chicken be- plaining about taxation. There is no cause to worry now. The hood days came down with it fore they are hatched, We in­ after visiting a companion who tend to be a factor in the big worry will come when the city j “wet" and “dry” tight that will was slightly sick. is burdened with an enormous take place next year, and it is indebtedness as a result of liti­ | We want toask W. G. Dwight dollars to dough nuts that the gation. a methematical problem. He snap shot man can swing the county either way. And he will figured it out that the county's Everybody shout for good not attempt to carry water on budget would amount to $80.00 roads at the meeting tomorrow. both shoulders, the same as per capita. Now, Bro. Dwight, Every good road booster knows some of the '‘drys" did in the what will be the per capita in that this is no time to be fight­ city election. ing road improvement. This is this city when the water bonds, school bonds, $35,000 outstand ­ a time that we must progress A Missouri Light ing warrants, cost of the hard in road work. surfaced streets and cement ■ Missouri lias again been showing side walks are < " " ___ all figured ’ ‘ i*1 »them. Rev. W. C. Atwood, of Brook-j What kind of a victory was it, and have to be paid by the city ? field, Mo, pastor of the First Pres-' on account of a technicality, for And if he wants another mathe-' the vyealtliy citizens to saddle matical problem, what will be , byterian Church of that place, find- ( the expense of the pavement the per capita the taxpayers will ing himself charged by one of the young women of his congregation j onto the city and the poorer have to pay for pavement and . citizens. It is neither honor- cement side walks abutting W. I with immoral conduct, has told his ( congregation all about it. It went j ble, just or honest to do so. (». Dwight’s, F. K Beals' and no farther than stroking and kissing ; Claude Thayers' property and the girl, he said, and lie wanted to j We feel glad that no one will how much money will they save kr.ow if his parishioners considered ' be able to go to the records when by the citizens’ “great victory” that immoral conduct, They an­ the city is overwhelmed in in­ over the city in the circuit court? swered “ no” in one |thunderous Made tn debtedness over the pavement voice. Mr. Atwood, in addition to Three M «J t ST IC^ I^j and accuse us of being one of The county budget will be being a minister of the Gospel, is Othet MAJFS1 those who helped bring it about discussed at the court house to­ also a married man. These are the Style» with money and influence. morrow (Friday) afternoon and two facts making the situation ex- i I we hope that it wiil be discuss Perfect ceptional. The hugging' and kiss- , I Baker Is it honest, is it just, is it a ed in a spirit of fairness, devoid ing of a girl by a single man, or A Fuel square deal, to make the city of all personalities. To com- ' layman, has never been called itn- ‘ Saver and those who have no pave­ mence with, it is impossible to moral conduct anywhere. The light ■ attempt to please everybody or Missouri now sheds is that even in j Home housewives who ment abutting their property, IS CALLON (I lap lay a reniarkablo ALL COP PC” pay for those who have, simply arrive at some unanimous con­ a clerical benedict, immorality is, amount of broad, sound, ptscovei” clusion as to tiiis or that item, common sen so along not present if the kiss be delivered WILL ervt because n trivial technicality other lines, persist In tho YOU BOlUNC for there are those who favor behind the ear and the caress con | delusion—and it 19 a do- WATER / occurred in the proceedings ? Boi» luslon—that they are real­ Made of the budget and those who would fined to a stroke of hair found on ly practicing economy by Malleable slash it right and left. We have the young woman's arm. trying to gutalong—to get j •U results—out of an old, worn- Charcoal The Mayor-elect has a pretty our mind made up that Tilla­ We draw the line in Missouri, thia out range merely to savo the Iron, price of a new one. good idea who wrote the seurril mook Count’, should push to aide the point of danger. We set up Addin» Your old rango or ctove was put 300« to ous letters that appeared a few the front in road improvements, no new standards of sex morality together with putty and stovebolts and probably you can ctlck a pen­ years r.goiu th< Herald and other for ibis is one thing that will do which can, in any way, corrupt the knife in the seams and Joints any* wheie on it where the stove putty has newspapers. Will he invite a wonderful amount of good trnnhood of this imperial state, crumbled away. When a rango gets i ne of the anonymous writers and place this county amongst For where is the Missouriau who in that condition, it takes fuel enough to warm all outdoors in order to get your i nd dirty mud slingers into his the other progressive comities ever will want to kiss a woman be- oven hot enough for baking—and then you run the risk of burning whatever U in the oven. You can soon burn up the price of tho best range ever made of the state. And as there is hind the eur ? And where is one i itv cabinet ? in a useless waste of fuel in an old, worn-out stove or range—and that's such demand for more and bet­ who will be willing to confine his neither practical economy nor good management. If you would practico real economy In your household management, it ter roads all over the county, it caresses to stroking the hair on a i w II nay you, the next tim« you are in town, to call rt cur store and inquire Since public money was taken will be delaying much needed woman's arm ? Caratnba ! c.usely into the perfect buklng and remarkable fuel saving qualities of the Mis- from the school district to help road work if a cheese paring aottrians are not built so. The con- I pay a lot of high priced attor­ policy is adopted. It would be gregation at Brookfield has done neys, the taxpayers are entitled I out of place for us to dictate to well if its action is to be interpreted to know how this money was the taxpayers or the court what as meaning that married clergymen expended and whether any of they should do, other than thut are to kiss young women only be- i it was used in that dirty, under­ it will be a get together meet- hind their ears and caress them in handed detective business. ing for the purpose of doing no other wav than by stroking their that which is best for the COU11- superfluous hair. Within such a The detectives who were em­ tv and the taxpayers. ' line of limitation, strictly drawn, ' Outwears Three Ordinary Ranges ployed to make Carl Knuds< n the morals not only of the clergy, ft is tht only range made entirely of open iron grate—you can see It. cough up" something win n No malleable iron and charcoal iron. Char­ heat escapes - no cold air gets into Twice before was F. R. Beals but of all mankind can be greatly , coal iron won't rust like steel—mallaebla the oven - saves half the fuel and he had nothing to ‘‘cough up," an aspirant for mayor, and on improved, What Missouri has iron can't break, and whilt the first assures perfect baking. won't work that way when it both occasion“ he w cost of a Great Majestic may be more — lieaten - shown the world is how to draw a ' was than dome other ranges, it outwears 3 Movable Copper Reservoir comes to tile taxpayers outside bv (ieorge Cohn. The vote cast line that will hold. ordinary ranges. ir -- t reVrv?,r ,s heated of the paved district having to for him on Monday was some­ I What we like meat in the Rev. l.¿<1 reservoir-moves away from fire. didnte tn the field Mr Beals L egal A dvertisements : First Insertion, per line .. $ Each subsequent insertion, line Business and professional cards, 1 month.............. .................... 1 Homestead Notices.................. Timber Claims ................. laicals per line each insertion Display advertisement, an inch, month................................. All Resolutions of Condolence and Lodge Notices, 5c. per line. Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen, etc. miniinun rate, 2.x . not exceed ing five lines. money by socials and otherwise to pay for it. But taxpayers of other denominations where the churches are not in the paved district, as well as the saloon keepers, will be taxed to pay for the pavement abutting the wealthiest churches in the city. Four Foot Fir Slabs $3.00 per 1 Cord. Delivered A. F. COATS LUMBER CO I PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Surgeon S. P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Tillamook s Editorial Snap Shots. I Law .‘Abstracts: Real Estate Surveying ; Insurance. one Cyrus Noble high - hall will quench your thirst on the hottest day W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents Portland, Oregon Ik T illamook B lock , 1 woman •' If you would l>e my ALEX McNAIR & CO Hie Ranée with a Reputation The "ilrya" were sold out . Democrat S ARCHET, The Fashionable Tailor . Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing a Specialty. Store in Heins Photographic Gallery. years this matter lias not been fixed by statute. | i J GOYNE, H. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. O pposite C ourt H ouse , Office : Tillamook Oregon. J. CLAUSSEN, . LAWYER, E DEUTSCHER ZDVOKAT. B lock 2! 3 T illamook Tillamook J - , Oregon E. REEDY, D.V M., VETERINARY. Both Phones. Tillamook Oregou. M D. G- MCGEE, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office : Next door to Star Theatre. R. E. E, DANIELS, CHIROPRACTOR. Local Ollice in the Commercial Building-. TILLAMOOK - ORE R. L. E. HEWITT, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OBSTETRICAL SPECIALIST. Both Phones. Residence and Office in Whitehouse Residence, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. D ELMER ALLEN (Successor to Dr. Sharp), DENTIST. Commercial Building, ^Tillamock. JACK OLSEN, DENTIST. (I. O. O. F Bldg.) Tillamook • Oregon JOHN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY ; and ; COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW. ] ¡.T illamook B lock , Til - Oregon. inook Room No. 261? T. BOTTS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW/ Complete Set of JAbetractJBooks in Office. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. ^T illamook B lock , Tillamook engine boiler. The Joints and seams This feature is patented and can be would have met his Waterloo, girl and go to St. Louis with me you will remain air tight forever as neither used only on the Majestic. expansion nor contraction can atlect x—™ ** /• •*««> >ow the rreateet Our Christian friend, Bro. for out of 800 voters in the city , wouldn't need to work or bother tmpneemr.t ner pvt int. a reaee- or open them. mahee Majeitic 300% ,tronr.r when ■ about money. ” St. Louis has been Trombley, anil a prominent only 145 went to the polls, and 1 too long, and too often, connected c*her ranges are weakest. Pure Asbestos Lining “dry” advocate, is not much of 135 voted for Beals. This indi­ with stories of this kind, in all Other Exclusive Features In addition. It Is lined with pure a scrapper or help to the "dry” cates that a large majority of parts of rural Miaeourf. Since Mark lb® best rang« at any priws asbestos board, coveted with an and It'« should be u> kltchou. ' Twain, in writing of his return to cause when his mouth is gagged citizens stiiyed away from the Hiinnibul after many years absence, for SALE by and he cannot utter one word polls because they did not care had all of his inquiries about old • of protest against pre-election to vote for Mr. Beals anil had no 1 timers answered with the invaria­ promises to suloou keepers by other candidate to vote for. It ble "gone to St. Louis and got the incoming city nduiiiiistni will lie easy to recall Mr. Beals, rich,” the notion has spread over ail rural Missouri that getting rich tion. That is what we call imrta at cnee ior - u- j*»-- Whenever a young property, as well as other well- St. Louie. woman has left a rural Missouri If Judge Camptiell's decision i to-il»> citizens’ property, is home under suspicion St Lottie has Fit His Case Exactly. in fbe Mvenient case is i ill rul­ | People concerned about the low thrown onto the city because of also been under suspicion. Where-’ “When father ««« sick about six : cost of living will take no interest ed by ilie supreme court, it will fore we rejoice that, in the verdict n little simple technicality in years »go he read an advertisement mean a liberal contributi« n t » the mayor not signing an ordi­ of acquittal of the preacher of Br>ok- of Chamberlain's Tablets in the ■ in the news that the first straw­ field by the uuanimoua voice of hie papers that tit his case exactly," berries of the seeson have been the •church orgnnizatioiis that nance at the right time. Thus , congregation. St Louis is acquitted ’ have paven ent abutting their Miss Margaret Campbell, of •hipped from Florida. placing part of the expense on also. W e have long been struggl-1 writes Ft. Smith. Ark •’ He purchased a organization, for the citizens ns A Kansas City judge moat decide taxpayers who have no paved icg Io prove an alibi, and with the j box of them and he has not been n whole will have to pay for it. streets abutting their property. help of the Lord, speaking through > sick since My sister had stomach which side of the ted belongs to the the church at Brookfield, we may I trouble and was also benefited by wife. It is singular that with al) This will save n whole lot of be rescuer! yeL—St. I.ouis Globe- them. ' For sale bj J. S. Lamar. the legislative activity the last few hard woik in not having to raise Oregon, • T ■Great Majestic Malleable and Charcoal Iron JKSHlgO KERRON, Tillamook pure mature bottled at drinking strength J M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Tillamook Title and Abstract Company filiamogli ^eabligbt, Oregon. .... Oregon; Both Phones. QARL 'HABERLACH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. T illamook B kock , Tillamook Oregon C. HAWK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Bay City Oregon. BORGE WILLETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAWl T illamook C ommercial B uilding , Tillamook ... - Oregon.