Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 04, 1913, Image 1

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’ 1
Vol. XXVI.
No 2.7.
The checking account at a good bank
is a necessity with every one who wants
to put system, safety and stability into
his money matters.
It records accurately every money
It prevents the necessity of carrying
a large amount of cash on hand.
It provides, in the returned cancelled
check, a receipt for every payment-
You can open a checking account
here at any time, with any sum from a
dollar up.
Why a Checking Account?
J. C. Crook came in from Benton
County on Sunday on business, to
remain about a week.
Two year old full blood Holstein
bull. Price $50. Claude Christen
sen, on the Hathaway place.
Notice this price on 39 inch Field
Fence, thirty seven cents (37c. I per
rod lor cash.—King & Smith Co. ,
See the guessing contest in the
window of the Tillamook Feed Co.
Coats nothingtoguess. SeeShrode.
Lost, a gold locket with "Reba”
engraved on it, Finder please
leave same at the Headlight office.
B. S. Clark, auctioneer.
Leave orders for wood with
Our feed prices will astonish you.
See Shrode.
Empty sacks wanted—Lamb
Schrader Co.
“Drifted Snow” Flour at the
Tillamook Feed Co.
Safe deposit boxes for rent.—Tilla­
mook County Bank.
Headquarters for auto livery.—
Ed. Hadley, phone 11W.
A large delegation from Nehalem
Call up the Mutual Phone for a
is in the city to attend the citizens’
date at the Tillamook Studio.
Born to the wife of Rudolph meeting on Friday afternoon at the
court house.
Kunze, of Buel, Idaho, a son.
Wanted, to' rent farm with not
The Board of County Commis­
leas than 10 cows, on shares. I Give
sioners is in session this week.
full information in first letter. Box
A teachers’ examination will be 4 633, Raiuer, Ore.
held in this city December 17-20.
The Hotel Tillamook will pay
Glasses fitted. Any kind, any
best market price in cash for
style. Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt *
dressed turkeys or chickens, Call
Scow for sale, $100 cash. Paul or phone the steward.
Vermilyea, at Freeman Slough.
Call up A. T. Coats Lumber Co,
Before you buy your feed, see for special prices on four foot fir
Shrode, he will eave you money. • slab wood in qualities of ten and
The Priscilla club will meet with twenty cords. Plicne 4-3-W.
Mrs. C. H. Schultz Friday after­
These cold nights make one think
of Heating Stoves. Our line is com­
Player Piano for Sale at a bargain. plete and our prices are very at­
Can be seen at City Transfer Co.’s tractive.—King & Smith Co.
Trojan Blasting Powder, leaves
Misses K. and M. Mills returned no bad effect after using. Get
last (Sunday from a visit ¡to Cali­ literature and prices from the Tilla­
fornia .
mook Feed Co. See Shrode.
Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­
F. R. Bea a and Clarence Tilden
mook Meat Company’s Market, 12c. vs. Alva Hevel, Marion Burris and
per pound.
Frank Ekroth is a suit filed in the
Visit Toy Land at Guests’ Nov­ circuit court to recover money.
elty Store in New Masonic Bldg.
This is the time of year to de*
2nd Street.
home cattle. If you want anything
A. G. Beale is down with a severe in thia line done, drop a postal.—
c ise of small pox and his home is Box 535, Tillamook. Wm.H. Hoskins,
For sale, Stock of Men’s Furniah-
We are iu a position to make 1 ing and Shoes ; also cash register
some long time farm loans. First —The Toggery, E. J. Claussen,
National Bank.
What about those photographs
Rosenberg Bros, will give you
low prices on all kinds of hay­ and ' you have promised thia ’Xmas, no
j better place than Monk's Studio,
feed in ton lots.
' get your orders in early.
County Treasurer Beals has
The Grey Eagle Mill ia now loca­
quarantined, owing to being ex
ted on Fawcett Creek. All kinds of
posed to smallpox.
dressed and rough lumber on hand.
If our work does not suit you tell
1 Prices reasonable.—Grey Eagle Mill
us; if it does tell your friends. City
Co. Both phones.
Transfer Company
I The Port of Bayocean, which was
See Rosenberg’s for prices on i
declared illegal, is returning the
feed and hay. Largest stock in
money collected on the ten mill tax
Tillamook County.
levied by that Port, and only a
Bring your chicken, to the Tills-|
over halV is'
ng resumed to
mook Meat Company's
Company . Market W e
pay 12c. per pound
The Woman’s Relief Corps will
Man and woman wants year’s
I meet in I. O. O. F. hall Saturday
work on dairy or farm. Apply at
afternoon. It is requested that all
the Headlight office.
members attend, as the annual
A program will be given at the election of officers will take place
Academy on Friday, at eight p in.,
The steamer Sue H. Elmore came
December 12, 1913. Admission 25c. in on Monday aftsr being delayed
When you are out Christmas owing to bad weather, with a full
ehoping, don’t forget Lamar's Var­ cargo. She le t on Wednesday with
iety Store.
"Drop in and look a full cargo of cheese and chittim
Drop in and book Around-”
‘Sure Milk,” the new cow feed
'guaranteed to produce more milk
for the money than any other feed
on the market. Call and see it
Tillamook Feed Co.
Bible Study ia conducted at the
i Seventh Day Adventist Church
every Sabbath at 1:15 p.m„ when
Bible prophecy« are taken up All
are invited to attend.
Dawson Bros, will meet all trains
with bus, and will handle passen­
gers and baggage to all parts of the
city-. Call or phone at the Livery
barn on 2nd Ave East.
High grade shot gun. Will trade
for wood, groceries, furniture, rugs,
type writer or anything I can use.
What have you? Address P. O.
Box 176, Tillamook, Ore.
t \\ anted to Rent, river bottom land
stocked with 20 or more cows on
shares, close to school. Can give
good reference.—R. Talbot, 1176
Clinton st., Portland, Ore.
Married, on Nov. 29, at the home
of W, J. Riechers, in this city,
Ralph C. Bacon and Ena Kirkpa­
trick, the ceremony being per­
formed by Rev. D. A. MacKenzie,
of the Presbyterian Church.
The next meeting of the Fairview
Birthday Club will be held at the
home of Mrs. George Crawford on
December 10, at eleven o'clock,
when the club will be entertained
by Mesdames Holden, Crawford
and Zweifel.
Wanted: Tillamook County Dairy
Ranch up to $70,000, in exchange
for 160 acre apple orchard, bearing.
Hood River, valued at $35,000,
unencumbered and $35,000,000 cash.
Write Chester H. Starr, 405 Couch
Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
At a meeting of the city council
on Monday evening the two peti­
tions for electric light and power
franchises were laid over. Five
petitions were presented asking the
city council to grant a franchise to
F. D. Small and D. C. Urie.
A special meeting of the school
district was called on Saturday for
the purpose of levying a tax. Only
three persons put in an appear­
ance, and two others had to be
drummed up to make a quorum,
when five mills were levied.
Mr. and Mrs. McNair entertained
Thanksgiving, dinner guests being
Messrs. Claussen, Day, Poysky and
Winslow. A number of friends
joined the party during the after
noon and a delightful holiday will
be long remembered by those pres­
Attorney Huntington, of the War­
ren Construction Co , came in on
Thursday from Portland on busi­
ness. He said that when Judge
Campbell gave his decision throw­
ing the coBt of the pavement on to
the city, that it was a good paverrent
and would have to be paid for.
Grant Thayer will pay you the
highest cash price for your hides,
pelts, furs, rubber, sacks, old brass,
A most pleasaut surprise party
was given Mr. and Mrs. Max O.
Schultz, who have recently located
here from Seattle, Wash., and are
living at Sunny Mead. Those in
the party were. Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Stranahan, Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Miller, Mr. and Mrs. C H. Schultz,
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Johnson, Mr.
and Mrs. H. A. Franklin and Mr.
and Mrs. O. A. Schultz.
spending the evening playing 500,
refreshments were served.
The high tide on Saturday covered
most of the Wilson river bottom
and for the first time flowed over
the hard surfaced', county road
north of town. The lowest part of
the road being tietween Pat Smith's
and Ed. Johnson's, thia was cov­
ered several inches at high tide.
North of Smith's the road was not
under water, but on the West side,
owing to a strong wind that blew,
there was a little wash but
enougti to injure the side of
But little interest was taken in
the city election on Monday, for
out of 800 voters in the city only
145 went to the polls, the citizens
staying away from the polls be­
cause they did not care to vote for
the head of the ticket and were not
given an opportunity to vote for
some one else. Another tiling that
entered into the election was ths
pre election promise to the saloon
keepers, consequently the "wet«”
kept their hands oft when they
were assured of a mojority in the
city election.
The vote was as
F R. Beals 138.
A. H. Gaylord-130.
First—John Keidson—15.
Second—G. A. Edmunds—28.
Third—S. A. Brodhead—33.
Fourth—M. Melchior—32.
Fifth—G. B. I.mib-31.
Water Commissioner,
Third—J. C. Holden—33.
Grace II. Quick vs. I. C. Quick,
Frances A. Quick and Addie Quick
Olds is a suit filed in the circuit
court for damages amounting to
$25,000. The complaint alleges that
one Thomas I.. Quick and the
plaintiff are still husband and wife,
and have two children ; that plain­
tiff hail been a good, affectionate,
dutiful, obedient and virtuous wife ;
that defendants I. C. Quick is the
father, Frances A. Quick is the
mother and Addie Quick Olds is
sister of plaintiff's husband; that
defendants began a series of false
and malicious utterances to and
in the presence of plaintiff’s bus
band concerning her ; that plaintiff
was unfit to be the wife of her hue
band ; that she was lewd, unchaste
and without virtue ; that she had
nnmodestly associated with men
other that, her husband, and com­
mitted adultry with such men on
various occasions ; that defendants
had caused plaintiff's husband to
cease to love her and drove her from
hie bed and board and finally to
insti’ute a suit for divorce.
It is the aim of this bank to
give the best banking serviee
possible—and cue do it.
It is also our aim to have
the best equipment such as
Modern Fire Proof Banking
Room, Fire Proof Vault, Burg­
lar Proof Safe, Modern Safe
Deposit Boxes—and cue have
First National Bank,
Tillamook, Oregon.
When Selecting Your
Christmas Presents (_,
The Jeweler has a Beautiful Line of
Jewelry, Diamonds and Watches^
To Select from.
I assure you a Stpiare Deal, be it great
or small.
Call anti see me, 1 take pleasure in i'i'TS'i
showing my goods.
Jeweler and Optician,
I ti Tillamook Drug Co.’a Store, opposite P.O.
Cured of Liver Complaint.
” I was suffering with liver com
plaint," says Iva Smith of Point
Blank, Texas, ” mid decided to try
a 25c. box of Chamberlain’s Tublete
and am happy to any that I nm com­
pletely cured and can re-ommen I
them to every one.” For sale by
K ahi - er Z wbifei ..
Tillamook, Ore., July 23rd, 1913. J. 8. I.amur.
Kasper Zweifel ia now aiicceasor
to R. R. Roberts, in Tillamook
County. z All accounts owing the
J. R. Watk lins Medical Co. are pay-
able to Kasper Zweifel.
R R R obbih
If you intend to purchase a new
range this fall and winter, for the
sake of economy and your own
California Woman Seriously
satisfaction, consider the Quick
Does Powerful Work
Meal Range. They have stood the
It weigh, only 13 pound,—
" A short time ago I contracted u
no more than a four months-
test in Tillamook County. They
severe cold which settled on my
old baby—and yet it will do
are made better now than ever be­
lungs and caused me a great deal
all th« cleaning for an aver*
of annoyance
I would have bad
fore. Prices are the same. —King
coughing spells ami my lungs were
A Smith Co.
so sore anil inflamed I began to be
A Xmas gift for every home
seriously alarmed. A friend recom­
All new books are now here. Copy­
Remedy, saying she had used it
rights and reprints. Large assorted
Fresh vaccine daily, furtigators
for years. 1 bought a bottle and it
Vacuum Cleaner1
Xmas stationary and albums. and all appliances Fresh Form-
relieved my cough the first night,
You ran carry It up atairs
ami in a week I was rid of the cold
Boy’s and girl’s books, short stories aIdulyde and Forium, at Clough’s,
soreness of my lungs,” writes
for little folks. In fact all that is reliable druggist.
Attach it to an electric
Mias Marie Gerber, Sawtella, Cal.
necessary for the whole family, at
light socket and it is
For sale by J. 8. Lamar.
Clough’s, the reliable druggist
ready for u«e. Ths
Wanted at Once.
duct bag is enclosed
Responses to the invitation to the
20 to 40 acres of improved or
V. —not loose on the
How to Bankrupt the Doctors.
shower for furnishing the Parish partly improved dairy land within
handle where it
A prominent New York physician
House of the Presbyterian Church,
would be liable to
says, " If it were not for the thin
puncture. Far
Only 1
far exceeded the anticipation of the above. Price and terms must be
stiskings and thin «»led ahoea
ahead of any
worn by women the doctors would
members ot the Guild, and they right. Please let me know at once
probably be bankrupt.” When you
wish to publicly express sincere ap­ what you have to offer.
The price
contract a cold do not waft for it to
•• low.
preciation for the generous giving
R oi . i . ie W. W atson .
develop into pneumonia but treat it
tr \ «> aboul I
and interest manifested nt the
at once.
Chamberlain's Cough
Th, l'*l
-I J
Remedy in intended especially for
Ifff// COSÍ //JI
Land for Sale.
meeting Tuesday afternoon.
coughs anil colds, and has vzon a
The basket social given by the
wide reputation by its cures of these
110 acres near Salem, suitable for
diseases. It is most effectual and
Trask River Literary Society last dairy, $<> per acre, would take
Electric SuppJyCo
is pleasant and safe to take. For
Saturday evening in the old I O. O. Tillamook pro|>erty for amount up
The Electric Store
sale by J 3. I.amar.
F. hall, was well attended. A short, to $20«).
R ouen it erg Bl«*.
but entertaining program was
given, after which many enjoyable
games were indulg'd io. At about
12 o’clock the baskets were auc­
All who wish their pianos tuned
tioned off, the proceeds being over and repaired, please phone their
to A. I.inebat k a pianostore,
$7.00. They intend giving a Christ as his tuner,
L. L. Woods, is here
■nas program in the near future.
and will remain for a short time.
¡¡Sarah Ann Larsen vs. Ians F All work
Larson is a divorce suit filed in the phone.
circuit court. These parties were
Will Buy Stock for Cash.
married in Tillamook City, Febru
We have a client who will buy all
ary 22, 1913. The grounds upon
which the divorce ia sought are I of the steck on a ranch and rent
If interested kindly
cruel and inhuman treatment and the place.
indignities. "Plaintiff write us the price and list of the
wants the court to order defendant stock, amount of rent wanted with
to pay $100 into court to proaecute full description of the buildings, .
the case; for supjiort during the implements, and improvements, I
pending of the suit; that the bonds also stating how long the lease can |
of matrimonial be dissolved ; that run, numlier of acres under < ulti-
plaintiff be declared owner of a vation, distance from town, school, L
proper portion of defendant s etc.
R alph A cklby L and C o .,
property, and for support during
Bldg., Portland, Ore.
her material life.
I.... d
\WWestern • Electric
Coal, Cement, Lime,
Brick, Shingles,
Drain Tile,
Plaster, Roof Paint.