'Tillamook Headlight, number of ladies at the home of Thanksgiving Dinner. trie former in this city on Thursday 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoskins en­ afternoon, which was the social TILLAMOOK HOT Ki , ON I. Y 75c. Thursday, 12 to 2:30 and 6 to 8 tertained a number of friends at event of the week. Everything was their home north oi town on Friday artictically arranged and the hos­ p. m,, music. evening, alter which the hostess tesses served an excellent lunch, i An eight course meal with every Diamond Head, Uncle Sam’s Lava served clam soup and other refresh­ The honors in the game of WO irli luxury to please you that the mar­ Fortress In Hawaii. C fl kets of Portland afford, unequalled ments. Mr. and Mrs. A. McNair to Mrs. Groat i ■ I I in Oregon for less than $2.00. carried off tie prizes, and the host Schultz. GIBRALTAR OF THE PACIFIC. Determined that witneseia shall introduced the latent style of serv- appear in court when subpenaed, iug soup. Hotel Tillamook Georgs Watt waa in the city from Judge Holmes made the first ex- The Mighty Defenses of Oahu Maks Portland on Wednesday, He is in* I ample cf Roger Newhall, cashier of SUNDAY NOON DINNER, That Lovely Island a Veritable Fire terested in the roc’i quarry oil Gari­ I the East Side Bank of Portland, in 12 to 2:30 P. M. Lined Wall of Steel, Behind Which baldi beach which will furnish rui k i Circuit Court at Dallas, when Mr. Crouches "the Lion of Hawaii.’’ 50c. ONLY 30c. for the jetty, and he claims that it Newhall was fined $25 and costs for Diamond Hoad, thnt monumental ele- Soup. is better rock than that on the Col­ contempt of court, He failed to I ration of lava wbleb stands out so I a trial appear as a witness in Consomme aux Crouton. umbia river. ' prominently on the Honolulu side of against H. R. Winslow, after he Relishes Mr. and Mr». O. A. Schultz will had been ordered by the court to Cold Slaw Sweet Picklee. tbe lovely island of Oahu. Hawaii, is entertain at a family Thanksgiving come from Portland. Fish. tbe oue aud only original crater In tbe dinner. Those invited are Mr. and Baked Salmon — Point Shirley. world which Is being devoted to tbe Tbe Kill Kare Klub met with Mra. Mrs. Max A. Schultz and daughter. Shoestring Potatoes. use of the army of a great power. W. A. Williams, November 6th. Mr. and Mia. Carl H. Schultz and Entrees. Tbe island of Oahu is the key to tbe Banana Fritters—Wine Sauce. daughters, Mr, and Mrs. J. F. Mra. Pennington read an excellent Pacific, and Uncle Sam carries that Roast. paper which was prepared with her key on a chain in tils capacious pocket. Stranahan and family Roast Turkey- A la Maryland. usual care and thoroughness. Mrs. At any time war breaks out Uncle Wanted: Tillamook County Dairy Tillamook Cranberries Aiderman will be the next reader. ( Rauch up to $7(',000, in exchange After the klub study hour the 1 Roast Prime Ribs of Beef—Au Jus. Sam's baud, jvbich has not lost Its cunning, will go to that pocket with Vegetables. for 160 acre apple orchard, tearing, Mashed Potatoes. Sweet Corn. the swiftness of a western sheriff, and hostess provided a game which Hood River, valued at $35,000, Stewed Tomatoes—Creole Styie. the result will be a roar of guns which caused the ladies to think hard on unencumbered and $35,LOO,000 cash, Salad will be heard around the world. Tbe past Sunday-school lesson, Mrs. Dutch Lettuce. Write Chester H. Starr, 405 Couch roar will be contributed to by the guns Pennington winning the prize. Dessert. Bldg., Portland, Oregon. of Fort Huger, which are at tbe base Mince Pie. Pumpkin Pie. After the usual del-cious luncheon of Diamond Head on tbe landward Lemon Sherbet, Cakes. The ladies of the Tillamook Com served by Mrs. Williams, the klub mercial Club have arranged for a adjourned to meet in two weeks Tillamook Cheese. Toasted Bents side. I From Diamond Head, called by poets Drinks. Thanksgiving ball atthe club rooms ’ with Mrs. Haberlach. Tea. Coffee. Milk. "the Lion of Hawaii,” to I'earl Harbor, on that evening, and the hand has I Black Coffee. mimed by newspaper writes "the Gib- The Hotel Tillamook has been kindly offered its service and will ■ raltar of the 1‘aclQc.” tbere is a chain asked by our citizens to s-rve a furnish the music. Invitations ' of forts which makes Oahu one of tbe “ ¿bower ” Next Tuesday Sunday noon dinner at 50c. ‘ They have been sent out to the members greatest fortresses in the world. When have decided to do so, serving from ' In Honolulu tbe writer had the pleas- and others. 12 to 2:30 p. in.. and in keeping with The Parish House, which is being ' It was F. L. Thiel’a 50th birthday its established reputation for only built by the ladies of the Pres by- j ure of working with Albert Pierce Taylor, who has been spoken of as on Saturday and several of his first class cuisin- and service, they terian Church, is nearly completed "the recognized literary authority on friends were invited to a dinner offer you next Sunday a meal I un- and is a source of great pleasure to 1 ' things pertaining to Pearl Harbor aud party at his place at Ixing Prairie equalled in Oregon at the price. those who are faithfully carrying' ■ the defenses of Hawaii.” He said on by Mrs Buel, and it proved a sur­ Read their menu in this paper and on this work. Aside from its use- i ' one occasion: prise to Mr. Buel, for he had not see if you can afford to miss it. fulness to the various organizations "Uncle Sam has declared caught on that his friends were go­ All are welcome, the public are of the church, it will be available to world that lie Is on guard In cific. At Pearl Harbor Is Fort Kame- ing to help celebrate his birthday. invited. Give the home folks a rest, others for suitable entertainments. hamelia. with its battery of twelve If you intend to purchase a new a good meal anil save money. Ta­ The building contains three' i inch guns; at the mouth of Honolulu range this fall and winter for the bles can be reserved in advance rooms, a main auditorium, thirty harbor will be a battery of small guns; sake of economy and your own Mr. and Mrs. Alva E. Williams enter­ by forty-six feet, a work room and a ' 1 nt Fort De Hussy, Waikiki, a battery satisfaction, consider the Quick tained the Progressive Club at their kitchen, all splendidly lighted and , of fourteen Inch guns, while at Dia­ Meal Range They have stood the home Friday evening, Nov. 14th. The conveniently arranged. mond Head a battery of eight mortars test in Tillamook County. They evening was spent in games and music. The first meeting to be held in, 1 has been manned for some few years. are made better now than ever be­ The contests being won by Mrs. Arthur the new home of the Guild will be ‘ Within tbe extinct crater of Diamond fore. Prices are the same. —King Carpenter and Mrs. A Ruger. The Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 25, atj Head Gibraltar-like galleries have A Smith Co. * members present were Mr. and Mrs. which time it is planned to have a ' been constructed, and In one of them nu observatory has been established. The Woman's Relief Corps will Arthur Stillwell, Mr, and Mrs. Will miscellaneous shower to help the The tire control for all tbe Oahu coast meet in I. O. O. F. hall Saturday Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Anthes, Mr. general equipment of the building. batteries has beeu located In this gal­ afternoon. It is requested that all | 1 and Mrs. Art Huger, Mr. and Mrs. Kitchen utensils, table service, sew­ lery. From this station tbe fire of the members be present as the Depart­ Arthur Carpenter and Mr._ and Mrs. ing room articles, any and evi ery. guns of all the forts can be directed by ment President, Mrs. Fonts Evans, 1 Alva E. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Hen- thing needed for furnishings will the electric telegraph. The guns of I Pearl Harbor cross those of Diamond will be here for inspection. Mrs. ry Diehl were invited guests, The bî greatly appreciated. Evans will be entertained by Mrs. hostess served a dainty two course All members and friends of the Head and with the batteries between A. H. Roger and Mrs. O. A. Schultz luncheon, after which the club ad­ church, as.well as strangers, •ire make a veritable wall of steel.” After Inspecting the guns at Fort while in the city. journed to meet with Mr. and Mrs. W. cordially invited to come and enjoy Huger two of us, with a soldier guide, Hill. the hospitality of the Guild, aa well walked to tbe entrance of tbe gallery At a meeting of the city council on Monday evening the tax levy) The sad news reached here that as to lend a hand in the promotion which has been bored through tbe lava waa placed at 14 mills, being one- Mrs. Edith Gitchell died in Michigan of this laudable enterprise, Re- and sandstone which compose the steep sides of the crater of Diamond mill more than last year. The levy ■ from an operation for a disease of freshmeiits will be served. Head. A sentry barred the way. The is made up as follows: 1 mill, li­ ■ the throat. Mrs. Gitchell is a niece The ladies of the church are permit was produced and proved the brary ; 2 mills, water ; 4 mills, gen­ of Mrs. N. Wilson of thia place and tainly to be congratulated on open sesame. eral ; 7 mills, roads. The applicu a daughter of Mis. Ellen Jackson success of the undertaking, which The heavy Iron door at the entrance lions for electric light nnd power of Vancouver, B. C., who is well will provide a place as much needed to the volcanic passage was swung known here. She made a long visit for entertainments of a church aa back. and. with a soldier In front and franchises were left over I.eo Doerge, who was accidentally . to Tillamook last summer, when well as other organizations of the another In tbe rear, tbe visitors started down tbe gallery. A single narrow shot last week by Orval Thayer, is , she made many friends, who will city. I gauge track ran the entire length of likely to pull through the dangerous , mourn her untimely death. It waa the pnssage. On this steel small trucks crisis, for no serious complications , from here she went witti her hue­ Thanksgiving Dinner at The had been pushed by tbe soldiers, who Ramsey House have been encountered. Though band »nd child on a visit to Mich- loaded aud unloaded tbe debris which igan. The remains were taken to dangerously wounde', with the bul­ army comrades bad dug from the walls Thanksgiving Dinner will be of the crater. Tbe ties were broken In let »till in the region of tbe back, he , Vancouver, B. C, far burial. is making rapid progress towards The Moose lodge has under con­ served at the Ramsey House from places, and the guide issued a warning recovery. sideration the matter of construct­ 12 to 2 p. m. and from 6 to 8 p. m , at to step carefully. Jay Honey returned to the citv ing a large building similar to the 50c. One of the swellest Thanks­ 1 Ou first stepping into the gallery the darkness, after tbe tropical sunlight lust Thursday, bringing wi’li him Oddfellow and Masonic buildings giving Dinners ever served in Till­ wns of the kind that Milton described amook City. The menu is as fol ­ in this city and have two sites in bis bride, who whs formally Miss as visible. Only a few steps had been One is on the corner of lows: I taken before the light at tbe far end Nancy Hathaway of this place. view. Soup. The marriage took place nt Ahola, First Street. The price that this | Consomme and Cream of Tomato. I of the gallery was easily seen. where the bride's parents have property is offered at is $13,000. Instead of the barren lava bowl, Relishes. "hard as flint and as smooth as glass,” lately moved. They will make $10,1)00 for the property on which Dressed Celery-Mixed Spiced as the picture man so picturesquely their home in this city, We extend Bert Stephens saloon, the restaur­ Pickles. puts It the Inside of the crater was our co-igratutii ns to the happy ant and barber shop are located, Fish. found to be grass covered, with trees and $3,000 for the next building now Couple. Baked Chino« k Salmon, White and bushes standing here and there, occupied for a music store. The Sauce. are The postal authorities ch 11 i n which drew their moisture from the Boil. for bids to carry the mail between other site is the vacant property on "liquid sunshine,” as the Honolulu peo­ Second Street, opposite the Oddfel ­ Virginia Sugar Cured Ham, thia city and Cloverdale to take ef­ ple charmingly describe tbe rain. Champagne Sauce. Tbe guide pointed out the observa­ fect next July. Postmaster Baker lows’ building En' e s tory high up on tbe Ewa side of the Thomas I.. Quick vs. Grace H had to wjigh the outgoing and in­ I coming mail on thia route for two Quick is a divorce suit filed in the Bruised I.nmb Chops, French peas. crater from which officers direct tbe I Breaded pork chops, cream sauce. shooting by the men who-man the big circuit court. These parties were months, and for lust month it Roasts. guns at the fort outside the crater. amounted to 8,000 pounds being married in this county on August I Those men never see the target at Prime Ribs of Beef Au Jus. the 12th. 1907, two children having sent from the Tillamook office and Roast young pig Sausage Dressing. which they alm far out at sea. The been born to this union. The 1,680 pounds received. Roast Turkey. Oyster Dressing. projectiles from the high powered guns Cranberry Sauce. pass over tbe crater, and by telephone Chas. Atkina, of Gales Creek, grounds upon which the divorce is Salads. from the observatory the men learn Washington county, had a jury sought is cruel and inhuman treat- whether they hare made a hit or mlsi aldorf Salad Mayor.aise. trial on Saturday on a charge of nient, it being alleged that on Jap Combination French Dressing. They generally score a hit hunting with dogs, He was nr Perry, a person of bad character, In tbe event of a war involving tbe Vegetables. reate 1 near the Reeher place on the hugged ami kissed the defendant ; United States on the Pacific the crater Dutchess Potatoes. that defendant left her home the Wilujn place, there 1 eing two other Sweet Corn In Cream. of Diamond Head may Indeed prove hunters with him. Not being able greater part of the night and was Candied Yams. "tbe I-lon of Hawaii.” as Frances in company with men of badcharac- to agree at midnight. Justice Stanley Dessert. Bent Dillingham, a Honolulu poet has ter ; that defendant while at Dorris, discharged the jury after being out English plumb pudding, wine sauce. described It nnd “If once stirred his Cal , with her husband, became Punkin. mince and tipple pie. paw could sweep a navy to Its death. over nine hours, acquainted and unduly intimate Tillamook cream and brick cheese. If once aroused his roar would soon Ou Rural Route No 1, from thia with one luck K vans, a person of Ice cream with vanilla wafers. be heard across ths sea and echoed City. Merril Smith, the mail carrier, vile character; that die defendant Assorted cake—Nuts. from the sky.“—Harold Sands in Los Demi Tasae. handled 1’, 790 pieces of mail last and Evans left Dorris, Cal. together Angeles Times. J. W R urrls , Chef. month. He delivered 11,009 pieces and came to Oregon, leaving plain­ weighing 2,305 pounds and col- tiff sick at that place. The pla imiti Quits Superfluous. lected 2.181 pieces weighing 141 also wants the court to allow Mrs. Ellsworth bad a new colored Married in Vancouver hi tu pouc te. The postage on the mail the custodv of the children maid. One morning, as the maid came delivered waa $155.21 and that col- The marriage of Mian Nellie I.a- downstairs, tbe mistress said: "Emma, did you knock at Miss lected $51.05, which doe* not in­ Norie.'. Rhine to David M Edie, both of Flora's door when 1 sent you up with elude newspapers. K as per Zweifel la now aucccaaor Seaside, in Vancouver, (Wash.) at her break fast F An olj man by the name of to R R. Roberta, in Tillamook high noon on Nov. 4. nt the home of “No. ma'am.“ replied tbs maid. with Thompson, father of George All accounts owing the Mrs. h. \\. Welch. The ceremony preternatural gravity, "What was ds I k ‘ Watkins Medical Co. ure pay* was |>erfornied by Rev. Thoe. M. aa* ob a knockin' at her do' w'en I Thompson, a i e i p'oyee on the able to Ka>|>er Zweifel. May of the First Congregational knowed to' aura aba waa In darF— pB*s txhffipmck at the Ip R R R oiiewth . church of Vancouver. After the Naw York Post te monk on I hursday evening. K asper Z wrifkl . He atarted out to are a dix'tor and Tillamook, Or»., July 23rd. 1913. ceremony the yourg couple apent In ths Sams Boat. eeveral days with Mrs. Lamb, a Dr'McGe» took him to hi* office, Rer Dn<1 (sternly!—So yon want to sister of Mr. Edie at Tillamook, where he expired in a few minutes. Notice after which they came to Seaside marry my daughter, do yon? Scarsd He waa bune I the next day Rev. Snttor - T-yea, sir. b-b-bnt not any All who wish their pianos tuned where they will make their future worse than she wants to m«rry ax— A. D Mackenzie, of the Presbjter and repaired, please phone their home. They are row comfortably ian church, conducted the eervice. orders to A. Line back'a piano store, located in the Hanks cottage on Roaton Transcript as his tuner, L. L. Woods, will be Mr*. E. I> Severance and Mr*. Main street. Their many Seaside Emmet Bales gave en afternoon here next week for a shoit time. All wvrx guaranteed, friends wish them much joy and Mutual newing and card party to a large phone. happiness.—Seaside Signal TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS Voun’A; ............. '" — I I ROYAL Baking Powder Saves Health and Saves Money and Makes Better Food Captain W D. Stillwell Cele­ brates 89th Birthday. W. D. Stillwell, familiarly known as Capt. Stillwell, on Sunday last cele­ brated his 89th birthday, amid relatives and friends. Mr. Stillwell, who is a veteran of two Indian wars, and who is now vice-president of the Oregon Pioneer Association, is a well preserv­ ed man for his age, and looks and acts much younger than he is. However, he is compelled to walk with a cane on account of an Indian arrow head which lies embedded close to the hip bone. Capt. Stillwell is a veteran of the Cayuse War of ’47-’48 and the Yak­ ima War ot’55-’56. Mr. Stillwell was Sheriff of Tillamook County during the years of ’72-’73, during which time the entire tax collected was not more than $2000 each year. One of the guests at the celebration was a brother, T. J. Stillwell of Ban­ don, Or. The visiting brother is ac­ companied by his wife. He is also a well preserved man for his age. T. J. Stillwell was a resident of Tillamook County from ’65 to ’68 and during that time was sheriff of the county. The annual tax for the coun­ ty at that time amounted to $6000. This is Mr. Stillwell’s first visit to Tillamook County in 42 years. One of the features of the celebrar tion was a splendid dinner provided by the ladies. Those present claim that the ladies more than outdone them­ selves. The following guests were present: Captain W. D. Stillwell, Eli Oids, W. H. Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stillwell, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Grayson, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Martiny, Mrs. Rhoda Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stillwell and son Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stillwell and daughter Marcia, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bean, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Stillwell and son Lee, M. V. Stillwell, Mr. aud Mrs. Fred Davidson and daughters Illa and Ella and Baxter Stillwell. The Presbyterian Church. The people of Tillamook are in­ vited to the following services nexl Sunday: — Bible school at 10 a in. Topic foi Bible classes: “Joshua the Nevi Leader.” Preaching eervice at 11 a mJ Music and sermon appropriate for* thanksgiving. Evening service at 7 30 p tn Theme of the sermon: “What il Means to Believe on-Christ.” Strangers in the city are invited to worship with us. D. A. M ackenzie . Minister. Will Bay Stock for Cash. We have a client who will buy aL of the stock on a ranch and rem the place. If interested kindh write us the price and list of till stock, amount of rent wanted witl full description of the buildings, implements, anil improvements, also stating how long the lease cat run, number of acres under culti­ vation, distance from town, school, etc. R alph A ckley L and C o ., 204 Failing Bldg., Portland, Ore. Administratrix's Notice. In the County Court of the State ol Oregon for Tillamook County. In the matter of the estate 1 of Gordon Dugger, de-> ceased. 1 N otice is H ereby G iven ,— That the undersigned have been ap pointed administratrix of the above named estate, by the above namfi Court, and all persons having cl rims against said estate are here­ by required to present the same, duly verified, with proper vouchers to the undersigned, at the office ol T. B. Handley, in Tillamook Ctty, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated November 20th, 1913. A lma P ierson , Administratrix of the Estate Gordon Dugger, deceased. Thanksgiving LOW ROUND TRIP FARES [Via the OtOENSSHAST* *' The Exposition Line 1915 ” between all points on the S. I’. Lines in Oregon north and south including branches ; also on the C. A E.. P. R. A N., S.F. C. A W. and P E. A E. SALE DATES November 26th and 27th, FINAL RETURN LIMIT DECEMBER 1 st . Superior Train Service, Otaervrtion Cam, Dining Cnrs'und Big, Wide all-Steal Coaches. Call on nearest agent for specific fares, train schedules, etc. JOHN M. SCOTT Genera! Passenger Agent.