Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, November 20, 1913, Image 5

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    Til Iamook Headlight, November 2o, IOl3
did not think thia a good time to in
crease taxation
Chas. Kunxe made ■ plea for the
owners in Cltv Not Liable Poor Farm and Court House
for Work, but Company
Items Cause Difference
lHX>r <uru' “nd advisory expert.
Declared Entitled to
of Opinion '
stating that thia was what the dairy-
| men wanted, especially as it could
Resolutions Passed at the
Teachers’ Institute.
The following resolutions were
„ousiy auoptea oy me leacn
by in the
e unanimously
re of the Institute
The e wan a meeting of the mein, I be used for a county fair grounds '
November 12, 13. 14
tiers of the Tillamook Commercial and other public purposes.
Club at the club room*, called for I The item that caused most
Be it resolved, that we the
the purpose of discussing the I diecuMion was the proposed addi- teachers of Tillamook County, do
hereby express our appreciation and
proposed budget of county expendi­ i tion to the court house, and Judge gratitude
toward our State Super­
1 ture.»
‘urea for next year . The
— ’ meeting ! Mason threw a good deal of ight intendent, Mr. |. A. Churchill, who
was well attended with a ArZnrt re 1 on this matter.
He stated tlia* has so effectively improved our
state school ‘ system.
presentation of business
men 1 condition# in the court house were
To our County Superintendent
County Judge Hom.r m
V............... . ..vu.c wCIC
Cumm.ssioners Farmer anTbne^ «en^
who has so efficiently conducted
. He pointed out that if this institute held in Ti Iamook
sork. An amendment to the char­ had been invited to attend and were a fire occurred the whole of the tax Citv.
To the Instruiturs who helped.
ter vsa passed by the Council au­ present.
rolls in the sheriff a office would be not only aided us and helped us by
thorising the Council to contract
uevause mey
Fred C Baker, president ot the
their valuable lectures, tr.lks and
¡of improving the streets without club, stated that he had been asked I vault room to place them, and the suggestions, but who have been an
inspiration to us in carrying on our
grst calling on the property-own- to call a meeting of the m’emb«7to 5“““ h’ theicl^ i
was not
work and working out our ideas
frltotnake the needed improve­ discuss the budget, not in any ,ürge eu0M*h' He „---------
a number
To the teacher* of District No. 9
‘,t ' , of other reasons why the improve­ (Tillamook) who have so cheerfully
ments, as the old charter had re­ spirit of antagonism to the court,
labored to entertain the instructois
but to get together and talk thé ments should be made.
and visitling teachers and to those
Attorneys Henderson, Talmage who have entertained us with
At a meeting of the Council held matter over in a frendly spirit and
during the absence of the Mayor an do what was best under the circum and others, who had business at music.
To the School Board of Tillamook
ordinance was passed providi'ngfor I stances.
the court house, all spoke of the
who have generously permitted us
a special election, at which an
The first matter taken up was cramped conditions there and fav­ the use of theirsplendidly equipped
ored the County Court making the school building.
intendment to the charter should
good roads, and as there vzas a
be submitted to the people. Rather
Be it further resolved that we ex­
strong sentiment in favor of good
When asked whether the Court tend a vote of thanks to the Do­
thin wait for the Mayor to return
roads, the item of <200,006 for roads,
mestic Science Department for the
■nd sign the ordinance it is said, bridges, etc., met with general ap- had any plans for laying more hard luncheon served.
surfaced pavement, Judge Mason
the Council prepared the amend­
Be it further resolved that we ad­
provel. J. S. Dellinger, of Astoria,
ment and arranged for the election. was present, and told what they said they had not done so. Several vocate a minimum of an eight
Although the ordinance was signed were doing in Clatsop County to of the speakers were in favor of months school in the rural district.
That we advocate a lengthening
by the Mayor when he returned obtain good roads. That county doing a limited amount of that of the time of Institute looking to­
Judge Campbell held that the May­ had bonded for $400,000 and with kind of road building every year, wards the time being eventually
or’s signature should have been the tax levy would expend $500,000 but as the judge explained that it used as a teachers summer school.
That we advocate a system of
obtained before final action was for good roads next year. Of that cost $18,000 a mile he thought they home report work whereby the
taken by the Council, and the fail amount $100,000 would be expended
home may be more closely con
No action was taken on any of nected with the school.
ure to secure the signature at the to build the Necanicum road to the
Be it further resolved that we ad­
p.-eper time made the amendment Tillamook county line, He stated the items in the budget as the mat-
I ter will be discussed at a meeting vocate holding local fairs prepara­
invalid, and all the proceedings that by this time next year, this
to fhe county fair.
called by the County Court at the
( F lorence L aufman ,
under it void.
would be completed, and autos , court house on Dec. 5 at two
Committee •> J. \V. BUCHANAN,
While the property owners should would be able to run between this
( C has . L. H olway .
not be required to pay for the work I city and Astoria. They were not
in commenting on
done by the Warren Construction only spending money for 'good
the success of the institute, re­
Fairview Grange.
Company under the contract made roads, but large sums of money
marked that there had not been a
with the Council acting under the would be expended in Astoria for
Fairview Grange will meet at more successful meeting of teachers
amendment Judge Campbell said a dock and other improvements.
their hall next Saturday evening, in this county. He continued by
the improvements had been made,
G. W. Kiger, speaking for the at 7 o’clock, when six candidates saying the Instructors were all
and though there was an issue as timber interests, and G. W. Dwight
that the
will be initiated. The following beyond the average ;
to the quality of the improvements, were opposed to making uthe tax
program will be rendered : Song, teachers were greatly interested
the construction company is entitled higher than it was this year, espe­
by Grange ; Roll call, responded to and attended regularly ; many
to fair and reasonable pay for the cially as the proposed budget would
by each memher reciting a quota­ being in attendance eighteen hours,
work, for which payment the city make the taxes one-third higher.
tion ; recitation, Mrs. Haring ; in place of sixteen as required. He
should be liable.
This, Mr. Kiger said, was too much. reading, Mrs. Dunston ; recitntion, said he appreciated the co-opper-
Although the question of the A general discussion ensued as to
Edith Anderson ; song, C. Dun­ ration of the Academy, in that they
quality of the pavement was raised whether it would not be advisable to
ston and L. Severence ; recitations, also dismissed school, and the
in the case Judge Campbell did not carry the items for poor farm and
Paul Wornell, Mr. Haring, Ruth teachers in charge attended the
base his opinion on that point, he court house additions over until an-
Severence ;
instrumental music, Sessions
State Superintendent Churchill
other year, as the state tax was so Ethelyn Crawford ; Surprise Com­
muchhigher. There was some little mittee, Minnie Maxwell and Grace expresad himself as being sur­
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured difference of opinion on this point Bester ; song, by Grange.
prised to see so modernly con­
structed and equipped building as
cinnot reach the seat of the disease. Ca­
tarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, circumstances.
we have, particularly in the country
and in order to cure it you must take in­
Carl Haberlach advised going Pains in Back and Rheumatism" schools.
ternal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly upon
Torment thousands of people
the blood and muccous surfaces. Hall's slow, as there were indications that I daily. Don’t be one of these suf-
B irmingham , A la .—F. L. Willis
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It a drop would take place in the price
| ferers when for so little cost you suffered greatly from asthma and
was prescribed by one of the best phy-
•ieians in this country for years and is of cheese, and in that case it would can get well rid of the cause. Foley bronchitis.
He writes “ I got no
a regular prescription. It is composed of
Kidney Pills begin their good work relief until I took Foley’s Honey and
the best tonics known, combined witi the be hard on the dairyman to increase
Tar Compound.
It entirely re­
best blood purifiers, acting directly on "the their taxes.
mucous surfaces. The perfect combina
exert so direct an action on the moved those choking sensations,
O. . „ A. Schultz
that industrial i kidneys and bladder that the pain and never filled to produce an easy
ton of the two ingredicntsl is what pro­
duces such wonderful results in curing
and financial conditions were in a an(] torment of backache, rheunia- and comfortable condition of the
catarrh Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CH ENK V & CO., Props.. Teledo, O liad way and that money was tight i tistn nnd kidney trouble is soon dis- throat and lungs.” For sale by all
Sold bv Druggists, price 75c,
He believed in improvements, but ( pelled. For sale by all druggists.
fake Hall's Family Pills for constipation. J
l„ bis decision handed down
Tuesda? Judge Campbell, of Ore-
fonCity, held that city properly
o««ers in Tillamook should uot be
held liable for street improvements
„tide by the Warren Construction
Company, because of irregularitiea
the procedure of the City Council
wJi0g to the contract, for »he
For Sale.
3 year old colt, well broke and
N otice is II ekuii G iven —That gentle for sale cheap l>y Frank
on Monday, the 1st day of Decem­ Paul, 1 mile south of town.
ber, 1913, at the t'ouit Room of the
County Court House, in Tillamook
City, Oregon, u City Election will
tie held tor the purpose of electing
the following officers of said City,
to-wit :
One Mayor.
One ireasurer.
One Councilman from the First I
"I feel it niy duty to tell others what
Ward of said City
One Councilman from the Chamberlain's Tablets have done for
” writes M tb . L. Dunlap, of Oak
Second Ward of said City
Grove. Mich. ”1 have
One Councilman from the Third
suffered with pains in
Wind of said City.
my back and under
One Councilman
from the
uiy shoulder blade for
Fourth Ward of suid City.
a number of years,
One Councilman from the Fifth
algo with a poor appe­
Waril ot said CitJ
tite and constipation.
One Water Commissioner from
I tried all of the rem­
the Third Ward of said Citv.
edies that I heard of,
And that Thomas Coates, E. D
and a number of doc­
Hoag and J. S. Lamar have been
tors, but got no relief.
duly appointed Judges, and Elbert
Finally a friend told
E Ginn a.id W. G. Dwight as
me to try Chamber­
Clerks of said election.
lain's Stomach and
Said election will be held at 8:00
IJ ver Tablets. I got
o'clock in the morning of said day
bottle of them and
and will contiune until 6:00 o’clock
they soon helped my
it: the afternoon of said day.
stomach; by their
Dated this 19th day of November
gentle action my bow­
els became more reg­
J». W. Toni»,
ular Today I feel like
City Recorder ot Tillamook
praising them to all
City, Oregon.
who suffer as I did. for
have cured me and made my life
A caucus will be held at the they
court room in the County Court worth living ”
„„ Saturday, November
House on
22nd, 1913, at8:00o’clock I*. M.. forthe
purpose of nominating said officers.
P. W. Tomi.
City Recorder of Tillamook
City, Oregon.
Made My Life
Worth Living
* Wood to Burn-
If you are thinking of buying
a good Harness, horse covers,
halters, or anything in the har­
ness line it will pay you to see
I also carry the famous Shar­
key’s collar.
All Pyrographic Wood
while they last one-half
off regular price.
Conte early and make
your selection.
Burning sets and eup-
T ower s F ish B rand
P ommel S licker
Keeps both rider
and saddle perfectly dn^
Hade for rough wear and
I * anB'* • • « ««a•*«
Reliable Druggists.
Let ua till your Prescription.
long service in the wettest
S atisfaction G uaranteed
On your front porch can be pit
every night until midnight
and register not over
fifty cants pat month
on the meter.
T illamook E lec tric L ight ano
IF ukl C ompany
W ill S palding , Manager.
The Manufacturing City on
to G row and that INVEST»
MENT in W heeler Property
will be Profitable.
You mill make money by Investing in CUHEELiER.
For information regarding Wheeler, write to NEHALF.M HARBOR CO., WHEELER, OREGON
Portland Office :
A 15 Watt Mazda
A. J. ao»m
Town Cot
T ower C ahamm ba
Tillamook Office :
Care of F. R. BEALS.