Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, November 20, 1913, Image 2

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Tillamook Headlight,
Advertising Rates.
L egal AnvKirriBEMKNTs:
First Insertion, per line .
Each subsequent insertion, line
Business and professional cards,
1 month ...................................
1 CO
Honiesteaa Notices...................
5 00
Timber Claims
................. io <«>
Ix>cale per Ihie each insertion
Display advertisement, an inch,
ui<>nth .........................
All Resolutions of Confidence and
Isxlge Notices, 5c. per line.
Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line.
Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen,
etc. miiiimnn rate, 2.V-. not exceed­
ing five lines.
a long time that numerous im­
provements are necesuiry, ami
the County Court has a plan
to accomplish this which it will
submit at the meeting whi< h is
called to consider the budget.
It seems that the budget is dis­
cussed in a spirit of fairness,
the only question raised lx*ing
us to the advisability of carrying
a few items m the list over ano­
ther year. 'The County Court is
entitled to considerable credit
for the excellent work done on
the roads, and with $200,(KM) to
tie expended on roads, bridges,
etc., this amount will make a
wonderful good showing, yet it
must not be overlooked that the
eight hour law is making the
construction of county roads
more costly and another added
and permanent burden upon the
( business men would be saved a
gsod deal of annoyance if they
down advertising pro­
I turned
positions by strangers until they
bad the endorsement of the
Executive Board of the Com­
mercial Club.
Governor West is getting the
horse laugh again in threaten­
ing to declare martial law in a
town this is peaceableand quiet.
Florence took the wise precau­
tion to rid itself of agitators,
who went there to make trcuj
ble, and tiecause they did so the
Governor, as usual, went off
half cocked and made all man­
1 .So
One year........
ner of threats and what he was
Six months. ..
going to do with the people who
Three mouth»
used the best of judgment in
their efforts to keep their town
Entered as second class mail mat­
The Governor has
ter July, 1888, at the post office at
Tillamook, Ore., under the act of
surely missed his calling. His
March 3, 1879.
hot air, bombastic spasms don’t
carry any weight in Oregon.
Perhaps, at this critical |X*riod,
^illamook Ijeabligbt,
it maybe the Governor miaht do
It is reported to us that F. R. some good in Mexico with his
Beals will be put upfor mayor. hot air.
He has been knocked down for
I that position twice before.
Is it a sin to dance and play
Editorial Snap Shots.
County Court’s Budget of
Expenses for 1914.
It will soon be tax paying
time again—as well as Thanks­
So let’s be thankful
for both events without register­
ing a kick.
Come in and see for yourself what
we make before you Buy.
Wc are always ready to talk Silo and Ensilage with you.
We handle the Hocking Valley Ensilage Cutter.
The Best Made
We Guarantee Our Prices to be Right
We carry a complete line of Fir, Spruce and Hemlock
Lumber, and always have in stock thoroughly kiln dried finish,
flooring, ceiling, siding and mouldings.
Try our extra thick Shingles, none better.
cards ? Some persons believe
it is, but when pressed for a
logical explanation why card
playing is any more sinful than
playing checkers, billiards and
similar game“, they fall back
on the argument that gamblers
use cards to gamble with.whih
is a pretty lame argument. Be­
cause one person plays cards
for a little pastime and plea­
sure, atid another person is a
devotee at the gambling table,
that does not justifying anyone
saying that card playing is sin
ful, any more than it wouTd be
sinful to receive money when
the plate is passed around on
Sunday, when some pillar of the
church slips live cents into the
plate and a gambler drops in a
dollar. It is abusing card play­
ing where the harm comes, and
the same can be said of dancing.
The budget of expenses for
next year, as prepared by the
County Court, is ii subject for
discussion and careful consider­
ation. owing to the continual
increase in taxation from year
to year in Tillamook County.
In the first place we want to say
Notice of Sheriffs Sale of SIDNEY E HENDERSON,
that although we are heartily
Real Property
in favor of a progressive policy,
and Notar»
it is well to go somewhat slow
N otice is H ereby G iven , that
in undertaking too many ex­
by virtue of an Execution and
Order of Sale issued out of the Cir
pensive projects, especially in a
cuit Court of the Slate of Oregon,
year when the State tax for this
for TH amook County, dated the
county will take $75,000, which
lltli day of October, 1913, in the
is a large increase over the pre­
cause wherein Martha M. Bauer
was plaintiff, and Helen Louise
ceding year, and with an out­ I
Gilday and E. N. Crockett were de­
standing indebtedness of $52,-
fendants, upon a judgment and de­
388.28. These two amounts are
cree rendered and docketed in said
a heavy load on the budget, es-
court in said cause against said de­
fendants, Helen Louise Gilday and
speciallv us the State tax jumps
E. N. Crockett, and in favor of said
from $18,231.50, which was the
plaintiff, Martha M, Bauer, com­
amount paid this year, to $75,-
manding me to satisfy the said
000 for 1914. It is a notorious
judgment and decree, amounting
The “Tillamook System" of to the sum of $850.1)0 and interest
fact that salaried officers and
commissions are becoming too
raising the ■ valuations of land thereon from the 3rd day of August,
1912, at the rate of It) per cent per
numerous, all of which help to
in this county needs to be ex­ annum; the further sum of $85 00} BOTH PHONES.
increase taxation, ami notwith­
posed. Here it is iu a nutshell. attorney's fees, and the sum of i
standing the introduction of
Real estate agents obtain op­
what is called the Oregon sys­
tions on farm and other property the sale of the real property be­
to the defendants, and
We were told that the citizens for specified amounts. There is longing
tem, which was to act as a sal­
hereinafter described.
Did it nothing wrong about that pro­
vation to the State, taxpayers obtained “first blood."
Now, T herefore , in order to
find their taxes jumping sky- ever occur to our citizens that if vided the realestate agent sold satisfy the said judgment otid de­
waul every year, The greatest Judge Campbell’s decision is the land with a fair commission cree, I will, on the 22nd day of
November, 1913, at 10 o’clock a.m.
expenditure is
for county affirmed it will be drawing added or at the stated amount if at the front door of the County
roads and bridges, est' mated the "first blood’’ from those the commission is to be paid by Court Home in Tillamook Citv,
at $200,000, which we consider who will have to pay for paved the owner. But here is where Oregon, sell to the highest bidder
is none too much considering streets abutting other people’s the real estate agent does the for cash in hand,at public auction,
the said real property, situated in
the great demand for more and property ?
double-shuffle in a get-rich* the County of Tillamook and State
better roads from all parts of the
quick-scheme. He adds several of Oregon, described as follows:
Dry Short Wood $2.00 Load.
county, and to obtain them we
All ot the southeast one quarter
thousand dollars to the purchase
believe it is the better part of
price,and instead of giving this of section 31, in township 5 south
of range 10 west of Willamette Meri­
judgment to economize in other
to the person whose property he dian.
directions, for it is the counties
sold at an advanced figure, he
Dated this 23rd day of October,
with good roads that attract
puts it into his own jeans. Our 1913.
H. C renshaw .
home seekers and adds to the
attention is being called to
Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore.
comforts of the rural popula­
cases where real estate agents
tion. We agree with the Court
have added astonishingly large
Oregon Agricultural College
in straining every effort to give
sums of money to farms after
'Tillamook County good roads.
being placed on the market.
Made in
County schools, libraries and
In this way a large amount of
institute, amount to $15,450, not
The pupils of the high school inflated valuation have been in­
December 8 to 13, 1913
including special school tuxes,
should provide a little set of jected intodairying land in this
which amounted to $36,413.00 wings for “Wee Dolittle, Jr.,” county, which increases the
This will be a notable event in the
more this year. One thing we
for he is too little to remain on valuation and taxation upon educational history of Oregon.
object to here and that is the
Farmers’ Co-operation will be the
A Fuel
this terrestrial globe any longer. every dairy farm in Tillamook
barbers’ institute. There is no
When anyone can admire foot­ county. It may be that some of leading topic of a stimulating series of
sense nor logic in closing up
k J
ball and denounce dancing it is our citizens will disagree with lectures. The week will be crowded
Bome housewives who
the entire schools of the county,
13 CAl-'-ON '
proof enough that “Wee Dolit­ us, but here is a sticker they with discussions, and demonstrations
display a remarlmblo
at the taxpayers' expense, while
of broad, too’,
in everything that makes for the wel­
tle, Jr.’s,” reasoning power and
common sen no alon.i
the teachers talk “simp.” The !
W.-.L CiVE
oilier lines, porslst in ti:o L / YOU
logic are exceeding little, ile of dairy farms are sold on the fare of the farmer and home-maker.
delusion—and it 13 e. de- J
ill effect of this was seen last
has rightly named himself.
lusion—that they ere real-
week in bovs getting into trou­
farms valued at from $30,000 to
ly practicing economy by
tiylng to‘get along—to get
ble, when Oral Thayer accideti- |
$40 000 change hands with but
results—out of an old, wcm-
January 5 to 30, 1914
Judge Campbell hits decided a small amount of cash and a
out range merely to tavo tho
tally shot Leo
Doerge, for
price of a new one.
The College has spared no effort to
had school been in sesaiou this the pavement injunction suit in big amount of interest bearing
Your old ranco or Etovo wr.
with putty and etovo b
would not have h'tppened. It favor of the citizens. But that notes, it is conclrsive proof that make this the most complete short
and probably you can stick r
knife In the seani9 and joints Li.
will be noticed that there are <i«x*s not deciiled it bv u long the price of the farm is placed course in its history. A very wide
where on it where the stove putty f j
»«line additions to the budget way. It will go to the Supreme at the highest possible figure, range of course will be offered in Gen-
crumbled away. When a rance ecto
in that condition, it takco fuel cu« u h
that the Court will have to pro Court on appettl, and if a like and that sales like these have eral Agriculture, Horticulture, Ani-
to warm all outdoors in order to g t your
v ide for, viz., Widow’s pensions, decision is rendered there, then raised the valuations on other mal Husbandry, Dairying, Poultry
®noughv,or bakln"-»pd then you run the risk of burning whatever
i! • .10 *t«°yen’ ?ou pa.n soon burn up tho prico of tho best range ever made
county veterinarian, sealer of the suit to compel the city to farms lands, giving them a fic­ Keeping, Mechanic Arts, Domestic
useless waste of fuel In a 1 old, worn-out stove or range—and that’s
neuner practical economy nor good innna'temc nt.
Science and Art, Commerce, Forestry,
weights uud measure», scalp pay for the pavement, not the ticious valuation.
Draclleo real economy In your household management, it
and Music. Numerous lectures and
bounty, etc. We «Io not see the i abutting property owners, will
ri aB?/«i/J?«? 10 nc/t
vou uro In town, to cell rt our store and inquire
buklug and remarkable fuel saving qualities of the
discussions on FARMERS’ CO-OPER­
need of a sealer of weights and
Declared War on Colds.
measures, unless it is to create | will mean it long time' before
A crusade of education which ATION. at home and abroad, will be a
a soft job for somebody. Th s the fuse is finally settled. How­ aims ‘ that common colds may be­ leading feature. Make this a pleasant
uncommon within the 'next and profitable winter outing. No tu­
should lx* part of the duty of the , ever. those who involved the come
generation" has been begun by
sheriff outside of incorporated |
fimminent New York physician», ition. Accommodations
cities ami the police force in drawn the first blood.
lere is a list of the "don’t» ’ which Reduced rates on all railroads. For
the d«x-tors say will prevent the an­ fi rther information address
cities. It is also a «juestion in |
nual visitation of the cold.
H. M. TENNANT. Registrar, ’
our mind whether the widow’s |
Simply because the Mayor did
•' Don’t ait in a draughty car.”
Corvallis. Oregon.
pension law will lx* abused mid not sign an ordinance at the
“ Don't sleep in hot rooms ”
Farmers’ Business Courses by Cor­
” Don’t avoid the fresh »ir.”
become a burden, for this rea­ proper turn-, the citizens who
Outwears Three Ordinary Ranges
respondence without tuition.
"Don’t stuff yourself at meal
son, we do not think that it is involved the city in litigate u
If it (A. only ranc mo</« entirely of open Iron crate—you can nee It. No
Overeating reduce« your re­
malleable iron end chomal iron. Char, heat escape, —no cold air gets into
right to pension n willow where I have thrown the burden of pay­ time.
eoal .ran mor, t root I,he eteel-mallaeble
A Night of Terror.
the oven — saves half the fuel and
she bus sons, daughters or other ing for the pavement upon the
*•" * break, «nd while the first
To which we would add when
Few «lights are more terriflle than
eo.t cf a Great M»J(-.tlc may bo more assures perfect baking.
relatives who are in a position city. Well, that was predict« d von take a cold get rid of it as that of a mother balking on her
then some other ranges, it oetueare 3
Movable Copper Reservoir
ordinary ranter.
The reservoir is altcopper, heated
to provide for her.
Two items what would happen. No won­ ouiekly an possible. To accomplish child choking anil gasping for
that you will find Chamberlain's breath duriug an attack of croup,
like a tea kettlu through copperpock-
causing most discussion are der that those who have pnved Cough Remedy most excellent. Sold
et stamped from one piece of copper)
and nothing in the house to relieve
setting against loft band lining of lira
>2(i,<MXl for a poor farm mid ex­ street abutting their property by Lamar's Durg Store.
Many mothers have passed
The Mnieetie Is put together with box. It bolls 15 gallons of water in •
pert advisory work mid $32,000 feel happy on accoui.t < f Judge
and, by turning lever, the frame­
night» of terror in this situation.,
making it absolutely str tight, like an end reservoir—moves away from fire.
Cause of Insomnia
for court house additions and Campbell's decision. But what
A little forethought will enable you
engine boiler. The joints and n« ams This feature 13 patented and can b*
The most common cause of to avoid all this. Chamberlain’s
will remain air tight forever es neither used only on the Majestic.
furnishing-*. The advocates of about the pro,x*rty owner who
to show you tho greatest
expansion nor contraction can ailect
insomnia is disorders of the Cough Remedy is a certain cure fo;
a poor farm are amongst the has no paved street but who will stomach and constipation.
or open them.
imprcccmenr ever pat into a nnee-
----- ,--------- . Cham croup and has never t een lr«w
rrakes Majestic 300% stronger when
dairymen who want to use it in have to help pay for the pave­ berlain's Tablet» correct these dis- to fail. Keep it at han*L For sale
othor ranges are weakest.
Pure Asbestos Lining
orders and enable voti to sleep. For by Lamar’s Drug Store.
witR' the experj ment ?
Other Exclusive Features
sale by Lamar’s Drug Store.
on-Jt H ,,nM
ment work ami a c< uuty expert
’« the best rance at any pries,
asbvaU.t board, covered with an and It should
be In yw kitchen.
uml In place to hold the annual
We have no sympathy for
For Children There la Nothing Would Make Them Better If They
for sale by
county fair, and, from nil i»p- I professional an«l business men
The makers of Foie) Kidney Pills
penntner, have tin ir approval, who get "stung” by advertis­
A cough medicine for children
tu reganl to mt ndilition to the ing fakirs who drift into the must help their coughs and colds know that they have .ibaohitely the
combination of curative and heal­
c Mjrt house, this took people by city with directory ami other without nad effects on theit little ing medicine« iu kidney and bind
stomachs and bowels.
si p r ae Ixvnust* they were not advertising scheme».
Having Honey and Tar exactly tills this der ailments and nrimary irregn
familiar with the inconvenience been worked so many times it is need No opiates, no sour stomach, larities tb.it it is possible to
follows its use produce. That is why Foley Kid­
hik I cramped conditions that ex­ surprising so many bit again, no constipation
Stuffy colds, wheeay breathing, ney Pills are the tiest medicine for
ists there.
Those who In.vc only to lx* swindled and impon- coughs
and croup are all quickly the ptiroee von can buy. For sale
liu»me»H there have known for ed up.
The professional aud hel|>«d. For sale by all druggists.' by all drurgists.
Tillamook Title and
Abstract Company
Law .-Abstracts: Real Estate
Surveying; Insurance.
Four Foot Fir Slabs
$3.00 per ’ Cord
Great Majestic
CharcoaHron Kange