TiHamook Headlight ¡¡¿ valuestoo RIC. lo Wal M' pubi or tin Tderin ooallty 1 wea cocoa, positi ’n. F a» gì t eve d bav ! Jest Wh, 'ama be i u latió it wea tie wa by a ft toi ?olor- tic. “ omen in b tbe al w T any udnn r toolc y s bril« •ning rlixc- icome f that ! says •My stead ty t your brow fe; I not lg c E. » la ing tbe ee”i ich. ■ne. ira­ to its ed. NS oc­ he •n? e? se! in, *rt te. high . L. Home Seekers from Seating in Oregon. L f,rine>s and lower real es lues were held up by James I'*,» the hope of Oregon and F fewest at a complimentary himself, tendered to 1 '* - Hannaf Ham>«— H»« n” c*’d> Xst of the Northern Pacific number of other distin »¡siting bankers and rail- n a* the Commercial Club H< referred to the fact h . . railroads are owned by many- ini' viduals and that for the ■nentto deprive these mdiviS of their property wculd be nnjost and unfair. The Great Northern ie pointed out, is owned by 20 Wl'i distinct persons, UUJ of whom are women and children The .»era holdiug is leas than ill.lXxj. Any man who suggests that Government take this l>ropeX November 13, 1913. The Dairymen’s Convention f. /Z3N, at Tillamook T. BO ALS, M.D. atTTin.mnVu,^Oa Ot ",e d»iD*ne:i a8,Week"a<>"— whi 1 ■» *e encouraging w»uch .t has held f(ir „ llllinl,rr of 5 ear». Too often in the dairymen have teen a‘)Jlhetlc ; n eir attendance has been uh orj , they have taken no part ' i . /zE>\ Nft/Z PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon S.P. Co. (I, O. O. F. Bldg.) It's Import ! Where you invest your money. The Western Loan ami Invest- / went Co., of Salt Lake, Utah is now open J to make yon a loan or build yon a home on the small monthly payment plan. A. NcNAIR, President. ’•■Bever in the discuasions, and these people i8 D 1. SIIRODE. Vi >e deilured, "would these uiacoaraifinff. Board of Appraisers — to tokX“ Per,,,i‘ ‘he Go'er»ment ......... F H. M1ICNK. E. “ M. .. BALES. It was not so in Tillamook The theuP" the,r Pr ° perty aW1> y from R. F. ZACHMAN ¿ill .poke from the stand- E. J. CLAUSSEN. atrymen there appreciated the __ ; of Trustees— Board ,ibotb of a farmer and a rail- coining of the association to their I JOHN l.ELA.ND HENDERSOV IL I.. BEALS. He told something of the hiatn«.. 0 recited some of his «;>■.« or,., Norlb,i„. section of the state ; they attended • I. C. SMITH. W. G, MeGEE. experiences aa a farmer to the sessions ia person ; they joined authority to hie statements of financing the property and of m the discussions and they showed the fact that they "never sold $1 of wn pitched in and told where iu every way their keen interest in have been wrong in stock that was not paid for by 100 the suggestions and recommenda­ cents. Every cent went into the Loan Ageut. > eujtivating the e< .1 to its fullest tions which were made. Their property. . Fcr Sale or Trade—Tillamook Co Land, City Property, / ity and where the real estate ' \ .u ant lots in all additions and Merchandise Stock. \ If the valuation which the Gov j questions indicated a denire to try are wrong in holding the value out some of the advanced ideas eminent is taking of the railroads s too high. promulgated by the speakers, anil q >7 etreain cannot rise higher in the country is taken honestly the I at the close of the convention a its source,” he said in telling figures will be much more than the goodly number of them joined the tasinees men of Portland ein- par value of the stocks and bonds organization. together. I know that in the case Ically that t,ieir cltY cannot This is the part of wisdom. The SIDNEY E HENDERSON, JOHN LELAND HENDERSON of the Great Northern we are pay- r unless the land back of Secretary Treas. President. association is a powerful factor for ing taxes on $112,0U0.0C0 more than prospers. , the advancement of scientific breed- Attorney-at-Law and Notarv -jnd the source is not in the we have stocks and bonds.” j mg, business methods on the farm IFublic. He related some of his experiences , and plain common sence. or in the tall buildings. It gthe country. If the city ie to in trying to introduce livestock into The convention had a splendid North Dakota, and told, amid it must have payrolls. And spirit of enthusiasm, combined Lis to have payrolls it must have laughter, how the farmer to whom i with a practicality—a seeking for ^rkft for its products. That he had given a prize-winning boar something definitely helpful : a for breeding purposes cut him up ' commendable desire to build up. et you’ll find in the country. for Christmas pork. | This constructiveness took well ’Another thing—if you are going Livestock, he repeated, is one of defined lines. It was easy to see •bare laboring men you must men who will do real work, the principal foundations upon which subjects were most vital to (INCORPORATED), tarerknewof anyone excepting which the prosperity of a nation is the members and visitors. The cow-testing association, the ^us Ward who had an army built. Denmark, he pointed out,with ing but Brigadier-Generals. an area of only 10,000 square miles, bull association, agricultural ex­ 'Howthese laboring men must feeds more thau 2,0J3,000 people tension, herd improvement through homes—and there ia a limit to and exports $8 worth of food pro­ better sires, the silo, and treatment itotthey can pay for their homes, ducts per acre. The state ot Ore­ for contagious abortion were sub­ BOTH PHONES. TILLAMOOK, OKE. estate ie too high. You can’t gon doesn’t grow $8 worth per jects which commanded very close acre. 1 attention. Such subjects handled people to live on it at present In Minnesota and North Dakota ' as they were, do much toward the Be told of several instances in Mr. Hill and his associates have building up of the association. toebexcessive real estate values tried to increase the grain yield by I | But after all, the convention is fete retarded development and giving the farmers the seed, paying largely a test of the work rather them $8 an acre to grow it on their than the work itself. Its delibera­ ptrely criticised owners of timber W who try to get two profits out own land and giving them the tions show well or ill in proportion crop. to the efficiency of the organization iftbeir investments. “ And we find, ” he continued, for the past twelve months. For 1 remember,” he said, "when this reason, perhaps, more than for teycould buy all the timber they “that they have tried to cheat themselves by not following our any other, was the Tillamook meet­ rated for 15 cents to 25 cents a ing gratifying to the association's instructions. tosiand. Now they arc Belling it Farmers Must Help Self. I friends. kSs thousand. And after that “Now, if the farmer wont ;help The work of the past year has kytry to take another profit and himself with that kind of assistance been constructive and it has been lithe logged-off area for $15 to sound. The future is problematical. Im acre. I don’t think the bare I’ll leave him to the Almighty. I We believe it will be strongly pro­ Irsl Oregon land is worth any- can't help him any more than that. gressive and successful, partly be­ “ There are two things I ’ ve like $15 or $20 an acre. cause of the solid foundation which learned about the farmer. He isn ’ t Land Must be Priced Right. as stupid as he thinks he is and he has been laid, and partly because “Your land must be priced to at- of the officers which have been the homebuilder and there is isn’t as honest as he claims he is.” chosen to carry the work forward. snore laudable ambition than Charles Kunze, the new president, Mof hotne-building. Every na- For Children There Is Nothing is a self-made man in the best the drunkard, the heavy drinker, Better. tathat has neglected the land has cough medicine for children j sense of the term. Thirty years and the man who crave» rough, A ___ _ nied to be a nation,” and he ..... . 1„; k their “„1. coughs _________ C colds ‘ ago he walked into Tillamook must help and strong, high-proof whiskey. did tbe cases of Babylon, Ninevah without had effects on their little ! county because he did not have ad others. Sicily once was a stomachs and j bowels. i____ ■_ Foley’s ’ enoHgh money to pay his stage pit grain-producing country, he Honey and Tar exactly fills this fare over the mountains. To-day need. No opiates, no sour stomach, W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents (anted out. Then Rome started to no constipation follows its use. he ia wealthy, respected and hon­ ¡bygrain tributes and now the Stuffy colds, wheezy breathing, ored as a sound business man, a V Portland, Oregon (wple of Sicily are scattered coughs and croup are all quickly consistent booster and a man of toughout the length and breadth helped. For sale by all druggists. high ideals. He is always willing dthe United States as railroad la- to take off his coat and help do any A Night of Terror. Ian, Fewdights are more terriflle than good work. He is modest and re­ Mad, to "We are too apt to forget,” he that of a mother looking on her tiring when it comes to seeking TAren child choking and gasping for Oth,t Wared, "that under the cultiva­ breath duriug an attack of croup, place, but he is a hard hitting, ag­ te uf the land and the successful and nothing in the house to relieve gressive worker for the general Reerration of its fertility we stand it. Many mothers have passed good, Such a man has enemies— Perfect »fall. To neglect the land, then nights of terror in Ihis situation., he cannot help it We may not Baker A little forethought will enable you Risick and restore the fertility is a A Fuel to avoid all this. Chamberlain’s 1 agree with him on all matters, but Saver hut and weary road.” Cough Remedy is a certain cure fo; , ' we admire his courage, his fair- Re pointed to the fact that Ger- croup and has never been i Fri kr< w ' „ess and his general hard heiided 8ense. \ye believe he will do Borne honsnwfvrn who. ■»y, after centuries of cultiva- to fail. Keep it at hand, f For sale i 19 CALLON display a remarkable ALL COFPC« W, ia getting better results from by Lamar’s Drug Store. ' splendid work during the coming pescwvo *® amount of broad, bound, common sense along WILL CIVt bland today than ever before. ! year and that under his guidance vou roiling other lines, persist in tho Bids Wanted. wa TLR delusion—and It is a de­ the association will go forward. • >• due to proper cultivation, lusion—that they arc r< til- The Central Creamery Company , His fellow officers are good men 1 land, recently started to restore ly practicing economy by every one of them. 1 hey have tiylng to get along-to g t 'lity to its soil, but it took 50 will receive bids from cheese mak­ too, results—out of t n old. v.orn- ers for making cheese at its factory been tried and not found wanting out rango merely to navo tlio ta to increase the wheat yield near Cloverdale, Oregon, for the We expect great things from the price of a new one. " — Dairymen’s Association Your old rance or stovo wai put •ere from 25 bushels to 32 bush- season of 1914. Bids to be sent to ' Oregon together with pi.tty mid stove I. Its the corning year. — Rural during M. N. Bays. Cloverdale, Oregon, on and probably you cun st ¡' k n pen­ knife In the seams and Joints any­ ___________ Bdgium, he said, has increased or’^before November 19th, 1913 , Spirit where on it where tho stove putty has crumbled away. When a range KC l S behest yield from 25 bushels to Company reserves the right to re­ ject any or all bide. IO that condition. It takes fuel Notice of Sheriff’s Sale of * bushels per acre. Were the C entral C reamery C ompany . ov”b” o"bakini-mi»u run ths risk r»f burning whatever Real Property fated States to do as much it ?s m the oven You can soon burn up t o price of the best range ever made Declared War on Colds. '' L useless J-kste of fuel In an old. worn-out stove or rang.r and tbafs *»ld produce 1,300,020,000 bushels A crusade of education which I N otice is H ereby G iven , that *“ " h "Jo^-'utd £» r»-al 'eXimTm "u!r houwhold manM-mwt H * have tW.OOC, 000 bushels for ex aims "that common colds may be­ by virtue of an Execution anil woi on? vm, t'm nert time you ar.- In town, to ...»»> <•> r store and Irmulrs Order of Sale issued out of the Cir , tluacly luto th© perfect buklutf ©nd remarkable fuel aaviatf qualities of tbe l*t. H heat then would sell at 50 come uncommon within the next cult Court of the State of Oregon. ” has been begun by for 'TiLamook _ ... *_ County, ^4.« dated tilt» . the *’*• a bushel—making the price generation prominent New York physicians. 14th "day of ' October, '■ ’ 1913, "’A in the living cheaper. Here is a list of the 'don ts which wherein Martha Norths M. M Bauer But what of the farmer? you the doctors say will prevent the an­ cause plaintiff, and Helen Louise was plairmn, a OO nc.v.. ......Votf u-oro •>' »»k,” he suggested. “The nual visitation of the cold Gildav and ai' E. N. Z' Crockett were de •'Don't sit in a draughty car. fendants, upon a judgment and de would not have to sell *• Don’t sleep in hot rooms cree rendered anil docketed in said ■mt ” Don't avoid the fresh air. court in said cause against said de­ /'ou can’t keep up the fertility "Don't stuff yourself at meal fendants, Helen Louise Gilday and time. Overeating reduces your re ­ •he soil without livestock,” he F N Crockett, and in favor of said ” . . plaintiff, Martha M Bauer, com ted as a tire for excess grain sistance. Outwear» Three Ordinary Range» To which we would ®ddr*he" Landing me to satisfy the said *hsre ig no fertilizer like barn- vou tate a cold get nd of it as IL Me judgment and decree, amounting /t It th* nnly rang* mad* *ntiralr af oppn Iron «rate— you can ¡M-at escapes — no cold air g‘*ts Into manure, and in spi»e of this ouickly as possible. To accomplish to the sum of SNiO.OO and interest tnallaabl* Iran and charcoal Iran. Char- the oven — bavps half tbe fuel and that you will find Chamberlain s thereon from the 3rd day of August. coat Iran won't rntl lih* tlt*l mallarbl* tion we have 19,000,000 fewer Cough ‘Zn can't hr.ah. .nd while the flr.t assures perfect baking. Remedy most excelieut Sold 1912. at the rate of 10 per cost of • Great Malestle may be more 7*1 of livestock in this country by Lamar’s Durg Store. _ Movable Copper Reservoir than some other ranges. U aatwaart 3 annum; the further sum of $«5 than we had 23 years ago ordinary ranger. like a tea kettle through copper pock* attorney's fees, and the sum of et «tamped from one piece of copper) *e have 27,000,000 more people. Would Make Them Better If They I $.37 f» costs and disbursement“, b> setting against h it hand lining of fire Half The Fuel Could. the sale of the real property Ire box. Jt boils 15 gallons of water In a we we to start today to specialize makers of Foley Kidney I ill« - - couldn’t get enough that they.have absolutely the 1< hereinafter . Kg , described. rtv#*ts ( not bolts and stove putty) and reservoir moves away from fire. making It absolutely air tight, like an Tills feature !•» patented and can be '• to meet the demand in 23 Now, T herefore in order to engine boiler. The Joints and seams used only on the Majettic. 99 A th at to thota yoa tho will remain air tight forever as neither satisfy «he »aid judgment and de­ expansion nor contraction can affect Iraproporrent paar pat into a raoao ~ cree I will, on the 22nd day of “•declared that a cow properly mahet Mu/att" 30O% otrongoo arhaoa or open them. November. 181.3. at 10 o’clock a.m. other range» are areaheet. for ia worth $100 a year and at the front door of the Count) Pure Asbestos Lining Other Exclusive Features Jbd that he haa demonstrated this Court Houee in Tillamook ' It s the best range at any prlet^ In addition. It is lined with pure *• on his own farm. Oregon, sell to the highest bidder asbestos board, covered with an and should be in goar kitchen. for cash in hand.at public suction, •’■Ing aa to Railroads Given, by all druggists. FOR SALK BY ____ the said real property, situated in drifting into discussion of the County of Tillamook and State ALEX McNAIR 8c CO. milroad situation he asserted of Oregon, descritied aa follows: All of the southeast one quarter “oless the hostile sentiment of of section 31. in township 5 south ’•■atures, commissions and I of range 10 west of Willamette Men * classes of people is changed d,D»ted this 23rd day of Oc tober, fail roads will be forced into the moved those choking of the courts, which may and never failed to produt e an ea ) W13' H. C renshaw , to Government ownership, nc he and ...... ’ vrmmeni ownervnip, Sh riff of rillamixk County, Ore I ^-.ed, would be “the end of'thro-tand Ungs, A. C. EVERSON, i Tillamook Title and Abstract Company Law : Abstracts: Real Estate Surveying ; Insurance. /T. I nave three sworn enemies M. :■ ass«, is" "« T illamook B lock , t rUK n K;"r I • Oregon. Tillamook SARCHET, The Fashionable Tailor T . Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing a Specialty. Store in Heins Photographic Gallery. “"p H. GOYNE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office: O pposite C ourt H ouse , Tillamook .... Oregon. J. CLAUSSEN, LAWYER, E . DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT. 213 T illamook B lock Tillamook J Oregon E. REEDY, D.V M., .VETERINARY. Both Phones. Tillamook Oregon. % The Ranie with a Reputation fovernmeot io America.” HERRON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON) M I). MeGEE, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office : Next door to Star Theatre R. E. K, DANIELS, CHIROPRACTOR. Local Office.in the Commercial Building. TILLAMOOK - ORE K. HEWITT, R. I.. OSTEOPATHIC D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OBSTETRICAL SPECIALIST. Both Phones. Residence and Office in Whitehouse Residence, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. ELMER ALLEN (Successor to Dr. Sharp), DENTIST. Commercial Building, ^Tillamook. JACK OLSEN, DENTIST. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Tillamook - Oregon LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY AND COUNSEI.LOR-AT-LAW. ' T illamook B lock , ■nook .* * - * Oregon. Room No. 201. T. BOTTS, ’ATTORNEY-AT LAW. Great Majestic Malleable and Charcoal Iron • Oregon. Tillamook „omplete Set of ^Abstract Books in Office. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. T illamook B lock , Tillamook .... Oregon, Both Phones. 0ARL HABERLACH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. T illamook B kock ,’ Tillamook Oregon c- HAWK, PHYSICIAN AND St 'KOKON, Bay City Oregon. QKORGK WILLETT, ATTORN EY-ATLAW^ T illamook C ommkrcial H uiuun «, (Tillamook • I . Oregor »