Tillamook A NATURAL RIDDLE THIALS OF AN EXPLORER. Headlight, November TWISTING THE LANGUAGE. WOMEN WARRIORS. 13. I9l3 ( CUZCO AND THE INC/ S. SHAW, THE ECCENTRIC. Paru’e Anciant City Waa an the Plan Hie Personality Compels Him to W « Bicknese and Agony That Livingatone English Has R»c»iv»cf Som» S«v»r« Ona That Wa» Made a Heroin» In Spit» of the Roman Camp. Cocoa Colored Cloth«». * ' I Endured In Africa. ( of H»rs»lf. Jolt» In th» Philippin»». Tbe ancient city of Cuzco, wbetf first “I love order iu nil things" M. Writing uu David Livingstone, mis­ There are few countries that have Baby talk is a highly developed lan­ viewed by European eyes. was. uccord- George Bernard Shaw at « ' puJ at oue time or nnottier had women ,ng to the best authorities, a great und Attraction of Gravitation Is a sionary and African explorer. Blr Har­ guage compared to tbe jargon Amerl net meeting some time ago. -for ry II. Johnston says In the British can housewives talk to their Filipino soldiers In their ranks-either In dis­ wealthy municipality of perhaps 290.- reason I mu not content with ordering guise or op«uly accepted despite their Mystery to Science. Geographical J our mil: “During th» bouse buys But it usually conveys the 000 suuls. How old It wa» Ht that time my life; I h I so order my personal|t.' Englund. France and Germany we have »cant means of knowing. winter or ralgy senson of I1MHD l.lv- meaning when accompanied by expres sex LI have cocoa colored hair, so I »J, bate all had military heroine-. Ger ­ Ingstoue was very III Ile hud lieen slve gestures. At best however, the many. which traditionally demands of Gurcllaaso would have us believe that cocoa colored clothes and drink cocua' IT CONTROLS THE UNIVERSE. wet times without number and suf­ performance of tbe command speaks Its women only softness aud domestic­ there were only thirteen Incas iu the Shaw today has reached the positioi royal family line from Mauco Capuc of becoming a public institution Fm fered from terrible pains In the Chest well for native Inatultion Spanish construction of English ity. has nevertheless liud Its full share. to Huayna Capac. Moutesiuoa. on the more than twenty years he has sue Y»t That Wonderful Fore» That Di­ ami pneumonia He was often seiui- Oue of them. Eleuuore Procbiisiia. had words is another twist that our poor other baud, assure» us that tbe Incus rect» and R»gul»t»s Moona, Planet», dellllous iiik ) subject to delusions, sili-b auved her wages as a cook to buy her ruled a thousaud years! Which are vve ceeded in fulfilling bis boast that ever language gets in tbe Philippines. "No day some leading paper would bar' Buna and 8tar» Without Viaibl» .is lluit tlie bnrk of the trees was <-ov- got" iu tbe island la tbe must common­ luan'H e<|iilpiueut. In her last battle, to believe? No written history of the something to say about him. ered with figures und faces of men wbei storming some heights under M»an» of Connection I» inexplicable. ly used expression for “ I haven't any. ” race exists — only the records of the He thought often of Ills children mid George Bernard Shaw Is the Jeste heavy, tire, she snatched a drum from julpus, those queer kuotted strings at the court of Kiug Demos. Wbei The mystery of enysteriea In science friend«, «nd his thoughts seemed al­ Similarly “no can du" means "I can't” a fallen Frenchman aud beat rhe the , which were the Incas' sole documents ' years ago he was appointed drauiatl la the attraction of gravitation—that most to conjure them up before him. und “uo want” means “I don't want charge as she advanced. aud for which no archaeologist baa as very force of nature that is the roost For the first time in Ills life he was It” Not only between American ami critic to a well known Journal be re “You can seiv. cook. wash, slug mid Filipino, but among Americans tbeui- yet discovered tbe key, the Rosetta fused to obey tbe ironclad regulatioi familiar to ua all. It eeema strange being carried mid could not raise him­ shoot better than any of us." said (be selves, this twisted construction has stoue. that occupants of tbe stalls mast wea comrade at her side ndmirlngly. and that the most familiar thing in tha self to a sitting position The Arabs largely supplanted tbe legitimate one. I Cuzco's original plan was. singularly were very kind to him In bls extreme evening dress. The first night be wa uow it seems you can drum too! world should be at the same time the enough, that of the Roman camp, a With the soldier anything that be­ weakness, but the vertical sun. blis­ A moment later she was mortally stopped at the door of a theater by ai most inexplicable, but so it is. tering any part of the skin exposed to longed peculiarly to tbe Philippines wounded. As she fell she called to tbe quadrangle divided by two intersecting attendant. "Wbat do you object to? iu order to see clearly wherein the It. tried him sorely In the day marches. was described as "bamboo.” Now all streets into quarters, with a gate on nearest officer, with a dying flash uf Inquired Shaw. “My cocoa colorei each face and towers at the angles. mystery consists, let us first consider “In July. 1870. bls feet were almost colonials use tbe term The “bamboo pride mid humor: Jacket?” The attendant assented The Incas, like tbe citizens of the fleet" Is tbe due assigned to Philippine what gravitation appears to be. It is consumed with Irritable, eating ulcers, “Very well then." said the critic, " "Lieutenant. I'm a girl!" United States, had no more definite gravitation that gives the property of pulsating with puin. • • • These sores waters, and tbe “bamboo government” Another girl, Anna Luhring. only will remove it." And tbe uext mornen weight to all bodies, If there were no were obviously communicated by mos­ Is the Philippine civil government in eighteen, was traced nnd claimed by name for tbelr country than Tavan- he was striding up the aisle in bi: tlnsuya. the Empire of the Four Prov­ distinction from the United States mil ­ quitoes from the blood of the wretch shirt sleeves. gravitation we could float like thistle­ her father after she had enlisted, but inces. Tbe four streets of the capital, ed slaves who were tortured with itary. her captain refused to dismiss su tine downs und infinitely better than this "That won't do, sir!" shouted tbe at prolonged by great roads, divided it Among other "soldJerlsms" (If I mny them Livingstone could full asleep tendaut. running after him. a soldier. tiedowns, for they, too, are finally Into four main provinces, each under when he wished at tlie shortest notice, be permitted this contribution to tbe A young dressmaker. Sophia Kruger, “Won't do?” exclaimed Shaw will brought down by gravitation. When A mat and a shady tree under which new language) were certain pure Ma­ who made her own uniform before en­ the dominion of its governor. a fine assumption of indignation. "L>< It Is gravitation that brings a can­ to spread It would at any time afford lay words. The list is continually listing. won the Iron Cross for bravery. their people came to Cuzco they lodged In their own quarter, where they ad- you think I'm going to take off anj non ball eventually to the earth, no him a refreshing sleep But In his growing, and now there are dozens of Maria Werder, a farmer s wife, serv­ j more?" Tbe nonplussed atteudnnl mutter how swiftly it tnny be project­ Inst years of travel sleep was often Tagalog and Moro expressions in con ed. undiscovered, with her husband und 1 bered to their uational costumes aud i handed him bis Jacket aud Sbaw tool , tbe customs of tbelr own province. imide sad by the realistic dreams of stnut use among the Americans For ed The faster it starts the farther It was promoted to be a sergeauL til- I The city today retains tbe same bis seat in tbe stulls triumphantly will go. but during every second of Its happy English life from which he wak­ example, there are the Tagalog words though he remained a private. During tbe first nine years this bril- 1 general plan, its two principal streets An amusing contrast to these genu­ flight it drops the same distance ver­ ened to find himself III and consumed "bagnio.” meaning "storm;" carabao,'' Hunt man was in London his earnings with anxiety that he might not live tci-'tilng aa animal; "palny." meaning inely gallant women Is afforded by being virtually the old main thorough­ tically toward the earth, whether the Its two eastern quarters lie from literature brought him tbe prince« to complete his mission “i e.” nnd "tao.” meaning "man" Johanna Stegen. who quite by acci­ fares. speed Imparted to it by the powder is “After ISiilt he suffered much from Moro terms In common use are dent won a reputation for heroism. upon steep hillsides; the two western ly sum of £G. Now be has an income of several thousands a year. Of that 500 or 3.000 feet per second. Gravita­ the results of the decay and loss of ••amok." meaning "wild;“ "dato." She and a companion. Caroline Berger, are In the valley, where runa a little tion acts on u tnoviug body exactly as his molar teeth, so that Imperfect inns- meaning “chief:” "kris.” meaning a river, the Huatanay, spanned by period which he spent iu want be says were caught b.v chance In the flgbtlug with bis characteristic candor: "My well uh on one ut rest. tlentli'ti of rough African food induced wavy edged knife, and "sarong.” mean­ lines at the buttle of Luneberg. Caro­ bridges. It is gravitation that curbs the mo- severe dyspepsia, and his bodily ing a garment-Review of Reviews Tlie northeast quarter wns tbe Pala­ mother worked for my living instead line fled to what cover she could find, tluu of the moon aud keeps It in nn strength weakened under a condition tine hill of this South American Rome of preaching that it was my duty to tore off her apron and began binding orbit of which the earth Is the active of permanent malnutrition and contains tbe palaces of tbe kings, work for her; therefore, take off your Stanley, the hurts of the wounded who bad focus. , BOATS GROW ON TREES for each Inca, after the manner of the hut to her and blush. I did not throw b.v relieving him whim be did. gave crawled (here also. So. too. It Is gravitation that gov Roman emperors, built bls own abode, myself into the struggle for life; I him nt least two more years of life, Johanna, spying a heap of cartridges, eras the earth In Its motion around the a certain measure of happiness and the W«st Indian Boys Can Get All of Them scorning to live In that of bis prede­ threw my mother Into it. I was not a tore off her apron also and began to They Want. staff to my father's old age; I bung on sun. preventing It from flying away sweet consolation that he wns not for­ cessor.—Scribner's Magazine. All it. for she mistook them for rouleaux to his coat tails.”—London Life. luto boundleui space. Astronomy shows gotten nnd that the magnitude of Ills When a West Indian boy wants a of coin A passing officer supposed toy boat all lie has to do Is to visit a tliut gravitation acts between all tlie discoveries was appreciated." naturally she was carrying ammuni­ HISTORIC NOTRE DAME. plants and all the stars und controls cocoanut tree. These trees bear great A CURIOUS LOVE SCENE. I j bunches of nuts among tbelr drooping tion to tlie front mid gave her orders their motions with respect to one an where to take it. orders which she Checkered Career of the Wonderful DISEASED THOUGHT. other. green leaves, aud when the bunch Rochefort Sprang a Surprise on ths dared not disoliey. Apronful after Parisian Cathedral. Now. this mysterious force appears to first sprouts out in the form of u big Troubled Couple. Borne account of the history and l»o au attraction, as If there were elas­ When You Realize That Is What Worry bud it is inclosed witbin a hard, apronful of cartridge» she carried—and the next day found herself acclaimed Rochefort could be very democratic Is You Have It Mastered. vicissitudes of Notre Dame appears in tic curds connecting all the bodies in tough, woody case or spathe two or tlie London Strand Magazine. The on occasions I remember an amusing' Conceiitrutitl thought Is virtually Ir­ three feet long, eight or teu Inches a heroine! space aud tending to draw them to­ Her apron was tied to a staff and first cathedral was erected in the year Incident which occurred when Roche­ gether. But space, as fur as our senses resistible. All tlie vast edlthe of mod­ lu illahicter and tapering to a jiolnt ut can detect. Is empty. There are no ern science and Industry is obviously one end and to a slender stern at the borue proudly at the head of tile regi­ 528 by Cblldebert and afterward de­ fort was in London. His French cham­ ment. Men cheered her. tbe kiug molished. the same site being used for bermaid fell in love with his Englishj elastic cords and no physical connec­ J lie product of thought, much of it of other, lu tact. It looks very luuvti praised her. mid she sat at his right the present building, which was begun coachman, and they were engaged to tions whatever between astronomical >ur own time and observation. The like a huge wooden cigar. hand at a banquet Later she married in 11G3 and finished in 1351. be married. John, who never spoke of bodies or between n flying stone or birth of an Idea In tlie huinnii mind is As the buds aud flowers develop the and was lionized b.v the fashionable •leurly tlie one and only dawn of em ­ Alexander III. laid the foundation Rochefort otherwise than as "tbe mar­ cannon ball and the earth. How, then, spathe splits o|>eu. and the flower ladies of Berlin.—Ixmdon Tatier. stone, the first mass being celebrated quee," gloomily informed Charlotte can there be an attraction? In order pires and revolutions, of engines, phi bunch continues to grow out beyond it by the patriarch Heraclius. The grand i that their project must be kept a pro- that a liody may be attracted or drawn ooophles. trade routes, clvlllziitlou. until the nuts begins to ripen. By this No Title Page In Early Books. To class worry under the bend of time the spatlies have become dry and old building lias been sorely beset by , found secret, for It was a custom In I there must be something to draw IL The idea of a title page did not oc- many dangers and has witnessed many aristocratic houses in London that Gravitation does the trick, but com­ thinking, therefore, seems a glaring bard and break off and drop to the cur to the early printers, “The books strange and stirring scenes. when servants In the same household pletely hides from us the mechanism sacrilege. Vet worry Is thought, for ground of tbelr own accord. started straight off with •Incipit' or through which it acts. We can discov­ ill that-diseased, impure, adulterated The reign of terror in 1793 led to became engaged to be married they It Is tlie spatbes or bud coverings er no mechanism nt all. thought It means uu admixture of that the West Indian boys use for toy 'Here beginuetii.’ without author's or such disgraceful orgies within the pre­ were promptly dismissed. Charlotte publisher's name. This causes much cincts of the cathedral that It wns could hardly believe tills, but John as­ When an unfortunate aeroplanlst ■motion, of the worst of all emotions— boats, and. while the dry and fallen drops from his machine at a height of tear Into one's thinking. Instead of ones will answer, better boats are difficulty In attributing earlier works closed to the public as a place of di- sured her that it was so. u thousand feet he begins at once to ■oneentrated, dear, serene thinking made from the more flexible and part­ to the proper sources.” The Idea of a viufe worship In 1794. but was reopen­ At Inst Charlotte took her courage In title page with names seems first to ed In 1802 by Napoleon The Interior two hands mid, dragging the trembling full toward the earth as if It were pull- m the problem In hand, worry is ly green spathes still clinging to t lie have occurred to a Cologne printer has suffered severely at times at the John behind her. advanced into the Ing him. But bow can it pull If it hlnklug muddled black with fear. It flower stem. named Tberhoernen about 1470. but It baa nothing to pull with? You may a about ns helpful as clapping the awesome presence of “tlie marquee” The spathe as gathered from the tree was not generally adopted until fifty bauds of the mob and individuals think at first sight that it is the air ■rukes upon wheels toiling uphill. The worst offender was perhaps Louis while he wu< taking coffee after lunch, i Is almost in the shape of a boat, and years later The early punctuation which acta as nn intermediary, but Vet all the world Is laboring under 1 was present nnd witnessed the scene. all that is necessary to transform It to was very simple, consisting of an ob­ XIV.. who. carrying out bis father's tliut is not so, because the earth and that Egyptian heaviness of the wheels, a very seaworthy and fast sailing toy lique line and a full stop. One of the vow, caused the destruction of the “Monsieur Rochefort.'' said tlie cham­ tlie moon "pull" upon one another with mil almost every spirit Is ii spirit In bermaid boldly. “I have something to canoe la to sew the open end together first books to Introduce the colon and fourteenth century stalls, the high al­ a force equnl to tlie strength of a steel he dark prison of fear, But once we tar embellished with gold and silver tell you.” and fit rudder, sail and seats or notes of interrogation and exclamation statuettes, the cloisters, tombs and cable 500 mill's In diameter. But there rrnsp tills truth clearly, once we con- Rochefort—Tell me. my child. thwarts. was a "Lactantlus" printed at a mon­ unique stained glasswork. is no air and do other tangible thing tu ■ Ince ourselves that we can rid our Charlotte—John loves me. nnd I love In 1845 When this Is done the boat Is almost astery near Home In 1405.—Imprint. the open space. 240.000 miles across, bought of emotionalism, of fear, the restoration was necessary in many John, -and we want to be married. nn exact model of tbe big dugout ca­ tliut gaps between the moon and the lay of our deliverance Is nt hand. And parts of the building, the work being (John went ns pale as a sheet) Does noes that tbe bqys' fathers use In fish ­ earth. tie substitution of encouraging, healthy London’s Gunpowder Alley. successfully undertaken by Lassus. monsieur see any objection? Then, gravitation exerts tlie same bought, of new channels among the ing lu fact, these dugouts were prob­ The city coroner, who commented Viollet le Due and Boeswlllwald. Rochefort this great blue eyes danc­ ably copied from oue of the tree grown force nt every Instant No matter how worn ruts. Is a powerful aid upou the "funny" name of Gunpow­ In 1871. also during the commune. ing with fun. his arms raised In the boats. — Eroiu "Harper's Book For fust the fulling aerounut may be de­ There limy lie failures and back der alley (off Shoe lanei and confess­ Notre Dame was menaced witli grave aln—Objection, my children, objection? Young Natura lists.” scending ut any moment, gravitation «lldiiigs. as Is customary In all mortal ed that he bad never heard of It. may dangers owing to the fury of the Wbnt earthly objection can I have? will keep on adding speed ns if he had •(Tort and linnuin endeavor. But fear nevertheless have heard of tbe poet communists, who. having effected an Venez done qtle Je vous embrasse! A Perpetual Error. just started. Disregarding the alight s weakened like a choking thing, and Lovelace, who dic'd in the alley two entrance, collected all the available (Come and let tne embrace you.) A printer's error lu perpetuity! now retardntlou produced by tlie resistance nore and more clear and unlmpedt*d years before tbe restoration, The chairs and other combustible material And. to the utter amazement of John, many know that when joining In the of tlie air, be will full sixteen feet In Hs'omes our thinking, for we realize lodging in which be died was a tnls- and. piling them in a bonfire, drench­ he heartily kissed both young lovers "Te Deum" they are carrying on. In the first second, forty-eight feet in the d last, once for all. that where think- entitle one. but probably seemed to the ed with oil in the center of the choir, M both cheeks.—Westminster Gazette. second second, eighty feet In the third ’ng cannot help us fear certainly will one phrase of that song of praise, au poor poet released from prison a glori­ attempted to destroy the cathedral ancient blunder? “ Make them to be aecoud. gaining thirty-two feet In Ills mt And then we have worry by the ous palace, for he was philosopher by tire. The evil designs of the in- Can’t Escape Lime Salts. numbered with thy saints; ” so It runs. velocity during every aecond after the Ii I oi 11-—Co 111 er's Weekly. enough already to have written that ■end birles were, however, happily Ln answer to a communication from And so when manuscript copies gave first. "stone walls do not a prison make.” 'rustrated by the arrival of the na- a lay correspondent, who expresses his place to printed books was it rendered From a height of 1.000 feet he will They Court Death. In this alley also lived tlie notorious tional guard. belief that “the lime In common water iu tlie medieval Latin then In use. “ uu- come down in aiaiut eight seconds, »nd Steeplejacks are proverbially reck has much to do with bringing on old astrologer. Lilly, the Sldropbel of will strike the grouud with a velocity less or apparently so—In their actions mernri”—"to be uumbered," as we say “Hudibras.”— London Chronicle. age." tlie London Lancet says that Misters Ar» Sacond Class. In English. Transpose tlie first mid of nlamt 25(1 feet |>er second From a .vlien engaged on tbelr dangerous Though one cannot decide wbnt is a while that opinion is common, it Is. of height of 10.000 feet he would fall In work, A In I Hirer who was attached to third letters and you get "munerari.” 'ady b.v rule of thumb, there are cer­ course, fatuous. To those people who A Cure For Hiccups. nlsuit twenty five seconds and would me of these I eX|H*rta used commouly to "to be rewarded." which Is what all Fill a glass tumbler with clear, cold tain kindred problems that can be believe that water is the only possible prayer books would tie printing today strike with a velocity of 400 feet tier >ake a midday I imp wherever he might water and place on a table. Then let solved In that way. and the railway channel by which lime salts are con­ ■ eivind happen i to lie situated His mutes and congregations alngiug were It nut the patient stand where he or she can company knows how to solve them. veyed to the organism the writer says. for that fifteenth century printer's Tlie same kind of calculation can 'Ullimouly found him on the top of u look directly into the glass and fix tbe Are you, for instance, an esquire or "Lime salts are Inseparable from the lie applied to tiie gravitation between iteeple or ■ chimney stretched full error.—Loudon Tatier. attention about the center yf the bot­ only a plain mister? The railway com­ common, everyday articles of food, so tbs earth and the moon. If tlie moon eugtli upon a single I«>ard. his anus tom of the glass for afiout a minute, pany can tell at once. If you bold a that if hard water were left out of the Wrong Hunah, No Lunch. w-re not lu motion ncrosa the dlrec dangling over Its sides, fast asleep A dietary there would still be secured a “Hero, my boy.” said bis new em- when the patient will find that the second class season ticket any letter Hon of the earth's "pull" It would fall bugle liirvli would have meant a fall comes addressed to Mr. Blank, but if large intake of lime salts, which could hiccups have entirely disappeared. ployer, "take this quarter aud go out to the earth tn about 110 hours. >f u couple of hundred feet, and there­ This has been known to cure tbe most you rise to a first class you become only be avoided by a hunger strike." Now. to return to the mystery, how fore certain death, yet lie treated this and get three ham sandwiches." The boy vanished and did not return violent clises of this uncomfortable dis­ at once A Blank. Esq That is where 1» this force exerted? la it really a oosalldllty with the utmost Indifference Woman and Cloth«». the railway has the pull over the mo- order.—London Family Herald. for half an hour. pull, aa It seems to be? The answer -Chicago Iter ord Herald. I One can't help thinking what a col­ torbus. on which there are no classes.- "See here. Where have you been to which science Is tending Is that in­ London Globe. orless life a man Is forced to lead when To Make Vinegar. loitering." demanded the boss, "and stead of being a pull, gravitation la a Th» Onion In Cooking. one reflects that chiffon and Venetian Save the parings and cores of apples where are my sandwiches? ” push; In other words, that the falling I The greatest of French cooks, being point and hand embroidery and Irish One Worse, "Scissors!" gasped tho boy. "1 and put them In a Jar with warm wa­ aeronaut Is poshed toward the ground iak«l to give the secret of bls success, Blnks. with a yawn, said to a fish- crocbet are to him mere empty wools, aud the moon la pushed toward the nuawered: "The very foundation of all thought they were for me!” — New ter enough to more than cover them. whereas a woman, whether she is In­ York World. Set in a warm place for several days; ertnan: earth. paal cooking Is butter and onion! I “Time ain't very valuable to you. terested in babies, or microbes, or hus­ then strain and add one pint of mo ­ On the fsc* of It one might think ise them In all my sauces and gravies. I Here ! been bands. or poetry, or servants, or paral­ i lasses to a gallon of the water Put In brother; that's plain. Upbringing. that nothing was gained by this They have the effect of making a cus­ a-watcbln' you three hours, and you lelograms. or gardens, or Plato, or “Aren't you having your daughter a jar. tie a thin cloth orei It Step In theory, because It seems sa ImiHwsIble tomer come l»>ck for more. Butter bridge. Is fundamentally and always a warm place and In a few weeks this ain't bad a bite!” that a push a him Id be exerted without without onion will drive the customer taught to play or alngF' Well, drawled the fisherman, “my interested In clothes.—“Daddy Tong­ “No." replied Mrs Fllmgilt “I have will be good vtnegar.-N'atlonal Maga­ a taugitite connection as a pull. But 1 rather have sum« regular real “Its very kind of you to say tb»t- vias In New York Journal. tie » monkey Vmi must give slater Kept th» B»tt»r Half. Boston Transcript mother good by and went out Into the •KtMte «nme ” WrtidiingtoD Star. Algy-You any «he only parti»"? **■ world to make your fortune I prcaums "But. mother. I ’ m pretenditi* alie» If you know bow to «pend le«s than turned vmir »fferflori«? Clarence— Te« I et hod Is the hinge of business, and «ime kind o* animal wot duerni t eut her hist tearful Injunction was fur jou psi get you have the pttlkMopher'a One of the moat rare klnda of coar­ She returned all the love letters, but tb.-rr I, llo method 0|d to be good?** wmiiil»."- Life. ■ton« - B.-nja udn Frauklln. ser h. the courage to «ait-St LoUs retained all the Jewelry.- Brooklyn £»• punctuality -Hannah More. make good.” ■ j Globe Democrat teen. I I