Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, November 13, 1913, Image 1

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How Do People Acquire Property
and Gain Independence ?
By saving in a small way to accumulate
capital for investing and re-investing.
Large profits are often made from timely
investments. You cannot tell when an op­
portunity for making a profitable invest­
ment will present itself.
A growing savings account in this bank
will provide for such an emergency. It will
give you a borrowing power equal to the
capital which you save.
We want you to consider this a personal
invitation to call an open an account here.
Many of our deposits began with a dollar.
I * Lk-^M_OOK__CIT Y, Off E,
Notice this price on 39 inch Field
| Fence, thirty seven cents (37c.) per
I B. S. Clark, auctioneer.
rod lor cash.—King & Smith Co. ,
I Leave orders for wood with
Amateurs ! Better pay a small
I Shrode.
* (charge and get good results from
I Our feed prices will astonish you. your kodaks.—Tillamook Studio
I See Shrode.
See the guessing] contest in the
I Empty sacks wanted—Lamb window of the Tillamook Feed Co.
jCoets nothing to guess. SeeShrode.
I Schrader Co.
I “Drifted Snow” Flour at the • | A. Christensen, the cheese maker
I Tillamook Feed Co.
at the Tillamook Creamery, who
East, has returned to the city
I Safe deposit boxes for rent.—Tilla-
Otto W. Nelson vs, J. D. Swank
I B»k County Bank.
I Headquarters for auto livery.— and others is a foreclosure of
mortgage suit filed in the Circuit
I El. Hadley, phone 11W.
I For Fine Photographs at popular
Mrs. P. J. Worrall left on Mon­
I prices.—Tillamook Studio.
day for Oklahoma, Mr. Worrall
I Call up the Mutual Phone fora
accompanying her as far as Port­
I date at the Tillamook Studio.
I Glasses fitted. Any kind, any
Meet your friends at the Hotel
I Ryle. Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. *
Tillamook noon luncheons at 35c.,
I Before you buy your feed, see and talk over business or social
I Irode, he will save you money.
I H. F. McGrath, of the U. S. Cue-
For sate, Stock of Men’s Furnish­
I I ms , was in from Portland last ing and Shoes ; also cash register.
I Wk.
—The Toggery, E. J. Claussen,
I Player Piano for Sale at a bargain. assignee.
I Can be seen at City Transfer Co.’s
Wanted, to rent farm with not
I kka.
Jess than 10cows, on shares. Give
I The Fairview Birthday Club will full information in first letter. Box
I «eet at Mrs. Mike Abpanalp’s 633, Rainer, Ore.
I ««.19.
For sale or rent, Five Roomed
I Uw chickens wanted at the Tilla- House, with one acre of land, close
I Mt Meat Company’s Market, 12c. to the city and Doroughty slough.
I M pound.
See Chris. Nelson.
tost, a bunch of keys. Finder
The United Artisans will give an
I ’ill please return same at the Head- invitation masquerade dance at
I Mit office.
the Commercial Club rooms on
I te are iu a position to make Saturday evening.
»me long time farm loans. First
Rev. H. J. Pontius, who comes
I «’tional Bank.
from North Yakima, Wash , has
Rosenberg Bros, will give you become the pastor of the Nazarene
on all kinds of hay and Church in this city.
W in ton lots.
What about those photographs
I f
A- Scholtz left on you have promised this ’Xmas, no
|nsrsday morning for a business better place than Monk's Studio,
. get your orders in early.
»ip to Portland.
The Tillamook Headlight and the
I Cold frosty nights and beautiful
Many days have been the weather weekly Oregonian, until January
1915, for $1.75, with a set of the suc­
sthtd thia week.
I Hour work does not suit you tell cess kitchen knives free.
These cold nights make one think
•’'fit does tell your friends. City
of Heating Stoves. Our line is com­
Ifwsfer Company
plete and our prices are very at­
Rosenberg’s for prices on
«si and hay. Largest stock in tractive.—King & Smith Co.
Matured, thoroughbred Indian
Mlsmook County,
Ducks and Drakes for sale
tong your chickens to the Tilla-
’s Market. We at 75 cents apiece. Miss Anna
Roenicke, Woods, Oregon.
W12c. per pound.
Trojan Blasting Powder, leaves
* County Court was in session
no bad effect after using. Get
«dneaday figuring out the ex- literature and prices from the Tilla­
f°r next year,
mook Feed Co. See Shrode.
kte ■ 5°°^ gentle family horse,
This is the time of year to de-
«<0 and harness for sale at a horne cattle. If you want anything
*Wn. See Shrode.
in this line done, drop a postal —
Attorney S. S. Johnson has re- Box 535, Tillamook Wm.H Hoskins
*d hia offices tn Rooms 107 and
To rent, Furnished House, four
* 1-0.0. F. Building.
rooms and pantry, wood and water
jJ-C. Feldshan va. Chas. E. Haas included.—Apply at premises 2nd
••nitfiled in the Circuit Court, Ave. West, near Main, W T. New
*• an action for money.
^.,ll0:”ln* match for turkeys,
W. H. Guest recently moved his
*D<1 chickens will take place stock of notions, toys and candies to
^Sunday, at H. F. Goodspeed’s the new Maecnic Building, and is
’ *a«t of the city, commencing now handling Mrs. Kenney’s white
tlame burners.
P^etor. success 1 " T’ Ch'r°
W enteil Tillamook County Dairy
'oue diseases U
“U ""
Rauch up to 570,000, in exchange
ConsuitX ^* “0«
for ItSO acre apple orchard, bearing,
«ercial Building'
C°‘U- Hood River, valued at $35,000,
unencumbered and $35,COO.000 cash.
1 S,UlweU en" Write Chester H Starr, 405 Couch
‘earned Mtss Galiwith Mr and Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
2 t?°‘n b"4*
' aad N H Hol’ey
It is the aim of this bank to
1 he meeting of the Woman’s Re­
" the Hotel Tillamook Sunday lief Corps, held in I. O. O. F. hall,
give the best banking serviee
evening at dinner.
last Saturday afternoon, was well
possi ble — a nd cue do it.
( A large shipment of wear ever attended.
One new candidate,
aluminum cooking „.ensila jllst Mrs. Ada Byers, was initiated. Af­
It is also our aim to have
Reived. Make your selections ter the close of the meeting an elab­
best equipment sueh as
ow. Nothing nicer for Christmas. orate chicken dinner was enjoyed
-King 4 Smith Co.
Modern Fire Proof Banking
by all members and their families.
Mrs- G. W. Kiger is somewhat Several old veterans, who are visit­
Room, Fire Proof Vault, Burg­
improved from an attack of rheu- ing in the city, were present Next
Proof Safe, Modern Safe
matism. which confined her to bed meeting will probably be a special,
for several weeks. She is able to be called for the purpose of inspec­
Deposit Boxes—and cue have
tion, by the Department President,
up for a short time.
The Grey Eagle Mill is now loca­ Mrs. Fouts Evans
The Hotel Tillamook, Sunday
ted on Fawcett Creek. All kinds cf
dressed and rough lumber on hand. Dinners. Table d’ Hote, at 75c. are
Prices reasonable.—Grey Eagle Mill the talk of the town, about 100
people were present last Sunday
Co. Both phones.
Sure Milk,” the new cow feed eveningand enjoyed'the excellent
guaranteed to produce more milk cuisine and service of Tillamook’s
for the money than any other feed pride, our elegant, modern ho el
on the market. Call and see it. and listened to the most excellent
music by the orchestra. The man
Tillamook Feed Co.
ageinent will continue these din­
Dawson Bros, will meet all trains ners each Sunday from 6 to 8 p. tn.
with bus, and will handle passen- with music Everybody is made to
gers and baggage to all parts of the feel at home. Don’t miss them.
city. Call or phone at the Livery See next Sunday Menu in another
barn on 2nd Ave East.
SERIOUS SHOOTING CASE Laura I. Leach, Tillamook.
Ruth |. Clark, Cloverdale.
High grade shot gun. Will trade
Elsie M. White Cloverdale.
for wood, groceries, furniture, rugs, Open Letter to the County
Oral Thayer Discharge Re­ Daisy Goldsworthy, Beaver.
b pe writer or anything I can use.
Jas. Goldsworthy, Ben ver.
volver Pointed at Leo
What have you? Address P. O.
Myrtle Wallin, Tillamook.
To Homer Mason, County Judge,
Mabel Noyes, Tillamook.
Box 176, Tillamook, Ore.
H. M Farmer and G. R. Edner,
E. Leslie White, Tillamook.
\\ anted to Rent, river bottom land
County Commissioners.
Ellen Bewley, Tillamook.
stocked with 20 or more cows on
G entlemen ,— .In behalf of the peo­ pened in this city on Wednesday, J. W. Buchanan, Tillamook.
Wm. C. Will, Tillamook.
shares, close to school. Can give ple at Sandluke, I wish to invite you
Leo Elsie I.ondershansen, Garibaldi.
good reference.—R. Talbot, 1176 to come to Sandlake and look over which may prove fatal to
Doerge, a hoy 14 years of age, and Hannah M. Ranyard, Mohler.
Clinton pt., Portland, Ore.
the roads.
I.orpabel, Mohler.
the son of Ed Doerage, the con- Clara
The new building erected by the
Some of us are going to present a tractor. It appears that the boy M. F. Dunstan. Tillamook.
Ford, Neskowin,
Guild of the Presbyterian petition to you at your next court and Oral Thayer, It! years of age. Katherine
Bauer, Oretown.
Church will soon be completed, a meeting asking that the road from and a son of Grant Thayer, had an Crystal Dunstan, Tillamook,
few casings and interior fixtures Hemlock to Sand’ake be opened in old 32 caliber revolver and were Mamie Edgar, Tillamook.
remaining to be fiuished.
order that the people at this place playing ’’hold up.” It seems that Z Marie Hager, Barnsdale.
Katie Sheets, Tillamook.
Otto Pagel was taken seriously may be on an equal footing with they filled the revolver with shells Bessie J. Stuebin, Cloverdale.
sick with appendicitis at Wheeler
and Doerge fired a shot in the air, Gertrude McCarty, Cloverdale.
and was brought to this city, where to roads.
but instead of doing so it passed Alice Perry, Tillamook.
Some of us will meet you in Tilla­ over the head of a man on the side Lucy Sowers, Tillamook.
he was operated on by Dr Boats.
Chas. Hart, Neskowin
mook any time you wish, bring you walk, who cautioned the boys to lie Jessie C. Taggart, Woods.
He is making good progress.
more careful.
Both boys ran Alma E Ripley, Hemlock.
Clothes Pin Social at I O.O. F. out here and take you back.
Lillian McLaughlin, Bluine.
hall, Wednesday, Nov. 19. Ladies Will give you all you want to eat around the house ur.d entered the Bessie Bays, Paefie;City.
bring box lunch and two clothes of the good things that Sandlake is toilet, where Thayer took the re­ Verna I.. Seaton, Bay City.
pins dressed alike Oddfellows come noted for, and the trip will not cost volver. According to Doerge’s state Ruth Owen, Wheeler.
inent he told Thayer not to point Margaret Chittenter, Wheeler.
and have a good time. No fun with­ you a cent. Will you come ?
revolver at him, and asked him E, A. Thompson, Fairview.
out your pocket book.
Myrtle Porter, Fairview.
E ugene A tkinson . to remove the shells. Thayer told Gertrude
N. Schlappi, Tillamook.
Bob Irvine, a fisherman, who re
Come along if you want some more Doerge lie would show him how Cynthia Scovell, Owens.
sides on the Wilson river, was ar­ chicken, Mr. Editor.
they did it in the moving pictures, I.eta Edington, Nehalem.
rested on a charge of breaking into
[The editor will be delighted to and getting down on his knees Martha E. Alley, Nehalem.
the residence of Mr. Grabel near partake of another chicken dinner, pointed the revolver at Doerge, dis­ Ethel M. Wood, Buy City.
Bayocean and stealing a gun. He and will be delighted to come along charging the weapon. Thayer was Beatrice Clark, Bay City.
Laufman, Bay City.
pleaded guilty, and owing to his provided that Bro. Atkinson will under the impression that the Florence
Blanch Lucas, Tillamook.
engage one of the most reliable air
having a wife and family the jus ships, for that must be the safest cartridges hail been taken from the Ruth Burge, Tillamook.
lice suspended sentence.
—if there is any safety in flying ma 1 revolver, for he claims that Doerge Elsie Lee Lamb, Tillamook.
Winnie M. Epplett, Tillamook.
The game of football between the chines—way of reaching Sandlake i had snapped it several times. D. L. Dutton, Beaver.
during the wet season We want to
High School of Tillamook and assure our Sandlake friends that it When Thayer took the weapen it Agnes Randle, Nehalem.
Forest Grove on Saturday resulted is the intention of the County Court ‘ was cocked. The contents en- Sadie E. McKenzie.
Helena Schlappi, Tillamook.
in a victory for the visitors with a to start work on the new road next I tered Doerge’» stomach passing Cha
“. L. Holway Nehalem.
and appropriate a liberal pro 1 thrsugh the stomach three times
score of 12 to 7. The Tillamook year
R. I’. Moore, Tillamook.
portion of the road fund in that dis-
high school students entertained tiict for that work.
The only ! and lodged in the back. The iu-
the visitors at the Commercial Club thing that we know of that is likely 1 jured lad was taken at once to Dr. Irma Doerge, Sandlake.
to delay thia necessary improve­ ; Boa!»’ hospital, who did every-
rooms in the evening.
ment is the agitation to nave the
Hotel TlllAmook
Sheriff Crenshaw attached the road built by way of the Cape, as I thing possible to save the boy’s
are those who believe that that ; life. He remains in a precarious con­
Gem Theatre, there being a debt
of $1050 against it. This was brought is the’, better route. Our advice would dition.
November 16th, 1913, 6 to 8 P.M.
to unite on one route as soon as
about by the present proprietor be
possible, for it may take consider
Teachers’ Institute.
leaving town, but who returned to able time to survey another route I
the city. The sheriff has posted next summer, leaving Sandhike in
Cream of Chicken aux Crouton,
The annual County Teachers’ In-
notice that the paraphenalia in the the same predicamejjUmotlieryear. ntitute convened in this city on
theatre will be sold by auction un­
Sweet Pickles.
Wednesday, with a good attendance Dressed Celery.
less the indebtedness is paid.
and much interest taken in the
Thanksgiving Dinner.
Baked Salmon Creole Sauce.
The Ladies’ Committee of the Till­ The Hotel Tillamook announces subjects discussed. State Superin­
Potatoes Au Gratin.
amook Commercial Club have made that on Thanksgiving Day, from tendent J. A. Churchill was unable
arrangements for a dance at the club 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 p.m., they will to attend the first two days session
rooms on Thanksgiving night It serve the most elegant dinner and and Frank K. Wells, assistant State f'razed Sugar Cured Ham.—Raisin
is the first of a series of social gatli banquet ever served in Western 1 Superintendent, took ilia pl-rce.
A l.a Conde.
erings to be held this winter under Oregon, an eight course dinner, 1 Mr Churchill will be here for Fri-
* Roast.
the auspices of the club. Invita­ complete in every course, A suck- da)’" session,
The other instructors are Dr. F. Baked Chicken Pie—Family Style.
tions for the dance will be sent out ling pig, roasted, whole, turkey,
in a few days. There will be band duck, mince pie, phmi pudding, I L. Griffin, Extention Department, Roast Prime Riba of Beef—Au Ju».
all the luxuries and delicacies of ¡Oregon Agricultural College; M.
Mashed Potatoes. Plain Boiled
If you intend to purchase a new the markets of the city will be
range this fall and winter for the j served to you. An excellent mus­ Ruby E. Shearer. Parthind ; Agnes Creamed Peas.
Candied Yams.
Jones, C-dar Rapids, Iowa ; Prof.
sake of economy and your own ical program.
satisfaction, consider the Quick ! Arrange to take dinner with us. William C. Will, Manual (training, Tapioca Pudding Custard Sauce.
Meal Range They have stood the Bring your friends and family. and Emma Ueland, domestic sci­
Chocolate Pie.
You ence and domestic art, of the Tilla Vanila Ice Cream—Sugar Watera.
test in Tillamook County. They Special rates for children.
are made better now than ever be­ i will find it much cheaper than get- monk High Schixil.
Tillamook Cream Cheese,
The following teachers were in at-
fore. Prices are the same.—King ' ting up a dinner at home. Our
Toasted Bent Water Crackers.
j steward, Col. Worrall, baa order» to tendance at the institute :
Jc Smith Co.
. Bertha Roe Hansen, Tillamook.
Milk Punch.
The week day noon luncheon» at spare no expense. Reserve tables I Harriett M. Ford, Tillamook.
Demi Tanse.
the Hotel Tillamook at 35c, have
Georgia Sowers, Tillam?ok.
¡Clara Bur^e, Tillamook-
Tillamook Orchestra,
proven even a greater succese than hshe.l next week.
Daisy E. Goodepeed, Tillamook.
the hotel expected, which prove»
Land for Bale.
Paina in Back and Rheumatism"
Hazel Worrall, Tillamook
that the citizens of our city and
Torment thonnanda of people
110 acres near Salem, suitable for Helen M. Beals. East Beaver.
county appreciate a good thing. dairy, $<> per acre, would take 1 Eva Wheeler, Tillamook.
daily. Don’t be one of these suf­
when for so liltle coat you
These meals are the equal of any Tillamook pro|>erty for amount up
Minnie M. Ripley, Garibaldi
can get well rid of the cause, Foley
nie il served in the state for 50c. to to $2000.
Jennie Blanchard, Hemlock.
Kidney Pills liegin their good work
RoSE.XriERG B ros .
75c. We advise any who have not
Mattie A Cross, Tillamook.
from the very first dose They
Dunham, Blame.
exert so direct sn action on the
enjoyed them to go and try them
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured Ideóla
Jessie R Knaulf Hebo.
kidneys and bladder that the pain
once and you will surely get the with LOCAL APPLICATIONS
and torment of backache, rheuma­
castiot reach the oral oT the rflaeaae
Ca­ Bessie K. Knauff, Helm.
tarrh la a blood or eonatltutloaal dlaeaae
Bentley Stem, Brighton.
tism and kidney trouble is soon die-
in order to cure it ,on maat tahe In
H S B imhall. Garibaldi.
The A. F. Costs Lumber Co. i» and
pelled. For safe by all druggists.
ternal rrmedlee
Hali t Catarrh Cure it
keeping the saw mill running at taken internally, and nets dlreetlr npon
the bio-si and mneeoaa aurfaeea.
Hali t Millan A. Johnson Barnsdale.
full blast giving steady employ­ Catarrh C«rr it not a qaaek medicine It Flora <). Edgar, Tillamook.
ment to a numberaf men. as well as aieiant in thia country for yrnn a rd la Harriett Gaylord. Tillamook,
Kasper 7.weifel is now succeesor
to R R. Rotiert», in Tillamook
a pav roll forthecity. The company a rrsular preaertptlon It la rompuaed of him» Brown, Rockaway.
the beat tonic a known, combined with the Ida M Rider, Hemlock
County. All accounts owing the
i. oiling up a large quantity of first licet blood pnntlera aelin« directly on the
J. R Watkins Medical Co. are pay­
class lumber, the largest ever car- mocoua anrfacea The |ierleet c ,m>>inn- M..ry L. White, Tillamook.
able to Ka»|>er Zweitel.
Emma M t’eland, Tillamook
tloa of the two insredienta la what pro
ried by anj lumbercoinff-.<n> in tin
dueea each w.mderfnl reanlta in earing Mary f
R R R oh RKT
Bar, Tillamook
it. ' Thia is one home industry catarrh Send for teatimrmiula. free
hAst-KM Zu Birr.L.
'hat should be patronized, for it fur- y j cHH.VEV * CO »rope . Teledo. O Mabel I Parker Tillamook.
Tillamook, Ore., July Z»rd, 1913
Sold by lirnggiela. price 7 m .
Mabel I k Terijr, Tillamook.
nwhee employment and put. money
fake Hall e Family Cilla for eonatlpatioa ,
mto circulation.
First National Bank,
Tillamook, Oregon.
orego N-
Drop in and book fl round "