Tillamook Headlight, November 6, I0l3. Local Jottings. Tuesday’s Eleclion. The election on Tuesday, to vote J. Win. Ed wall, the faahicnable on five measures passed by the tailor, ha» moved Ilia tailoring e«- State legislation, but referred to the tntiiiahment to the ntw Masonic people on referendum petitions, re­ building, where he is better pre­ sulted in fou being voted favorably pared to do buain<*M. Those who upon and one rejected. There were need fashionable, up-to-date cloth­ a number of ” wet” and ” dry’ ing should have them made by ai. elections, wlucli resulted in eleven experienced tailor, who guarantee cities being added to the ‘ dry” a perfect fit. Call in and inapect column anil three “dry” town our good«, mutable for clothing and 1 going “wet.” overcoat«. We make a specialty of Clatsop County voted for a bond ladies' coats. issue of $400,OtJO, $100 (JtJO of which The Annual County Teacher's will be used to construct a read from Institute, will be (held in this city Astoria to Seaside anil thence tothe on Nov. 12, 13, 14, in the High Til'amock county line School Building The instructors "Wet” towns that go ' dry.”— are: J. A. Churchill, Supt Public Salem, Oregon City, Springfield, Instruction ; Dr. F. L. Griffin. Ex­ j Hillsboro, Woodburn, Dufur, Rai tension Dep Oregon Agricultural tiier, Stayton. Sherwood, Gresham, College ; M S. Pittman, .Monmouth Harrisburg and precincts 57, 58, Normal ; Ruby E. Shearer, Port­ 59, fit) and 01 in Portland land, Oregon ; Agnes Jones, Cedar ‘Dry towns that go ‘‘wet ”—Los Rapids. Iowa, Representative, Pal­ 1 mer Writing System ; Prof. William tine Sweet Home, Waldport. “Dry” towns that stay “dry.” — C. Will, Manual Training, Tilla­ mook High School ; Einmn Veland, Wallowa, Florence. “ Wet” towns ttiat stay ‘'wet” — Domestic Science and Domestic The (falles. Joseph, Milwankie, Art, Tillamook High School. Southerlin, Handon, Newport, Falls City, Wasco, Haines, Metolius, Eagle Point and precinct 76 in Bad Roads in Yamhill. Portland. Themeasures which carried were: Attorney E. S Snelling, who has State I’niversity Building Repair located in this city, gave us hie ex­ perience in getting through Yam Fund. State University New Building hill county in a auto at thin season of the year. Leaving Portland in appropriation. C< unty Attorney Act the morning he reached Willa­ Workmen’s .Compensation Act. mina in three hours. From Willa­ The measure which failed to mina to Midway, six miles, it took four hours, and from there to Dolph, carry was the Sterlization Aet. seven mile, six hours. When he There was a small vote in Tilla­ reached Tillamook county he found the roads in excellent condition tor mook county, ttie two largest pre­ auto travel and clipped off the dis cinta, Tillamook and Hoipiarton, tance between Dulph and Tillamook with about 1000 voters casting only in short time Mr, Snelling though 192 votes. Tillamook county vote : State University Building Repair thinking a great deal of Old Yam­ hill, thinks that it is a disgrace for a Fund—Yes 294 ; No, 317. State University New Building county like that to have such horri­ Appropriation—Yes, 274; No, 336. ble rouds. County Attorney Act—Yes, 304; No, 296 Sterlization Act—Yes, 244; No, Hotel Tillamook. 353. Workmen’s Compensation Act - Noon Day Luncheon. Yes, 438 ; No, 160. We will begin serving on Mon day, a noon ¿lay luncheon from 12 Bids Wanted. to 2 o'clock, for Indies and gentle men, at 33c. The same high grade The Central Creamery Company service will be given as our more will receive bids from cheese mak­ expensive menu Don’t go home ers for making cheese at its factory through the ruin, save time ami near Cloverdale, Oregon, for the inline/ and trj’ this luncheon. You season of 1914. Bids to be sent to will be pleased. M. N. Bays, Cloverdale, Oregon, on or* ^before November 19th, 191.1. BIRMINGHAM, A la .— F. I.. Willis Company reserves the right to re­ Buffered greatly from asthma and ject any or a'l bids. C entral C reamery C ompany . bronchitis. He writes “ I got no relief until I took Foley’s Honey und Land for Sale. Tar Compound. It entirely re­ moved those choking sensations, 110 acres near Salem, suitable for and never failed to produce'an easy dairy, $85 per acre, would take and comfortable condition of the Tillamook property for amount up throat and lunge.” For sale by nil to $2000. druggists. R osenberg B ros . Fair Association Dissolved Hotel Tillamook This elegant new liostelrv ex- A meeting of the Tillamook tends a hearty invitation to the County Fair Association was held citizens of the city and county to Saturday at the TillamookCommer- Visit«!« and enjoy qur Sunday even- ci al Club, for the purpose of con sidering the advisability of dissolv­ iuji dinner? with uh . You will find the 'ttxury of the ing the Association. To be able to handle what money the State ap­ menu and the service unsurpassed 1 he man propriates for a county fair. Hie by any hotel in Oregon Association should have been or agement is sparing no expense ganized the 1st June, but as it had I nor effort to give you the best at a not done so by that date it could not i very reasonable pri-e, and will boom Tillamook and act legally, therefore, under the * continue ...... to ...-------- circumstances, it was thought best asks your hearty co-operation, your to dissolve and allow the County j patronage, your presence and good Fair ' Board " J to manage future fairs. ’ will. , An excellent musical program This was agreed to. The following will be given from 6 to 8 p m. resolutions were adopted’ SUN DAY DINNER. "Whereas, we as a Fair Associa Ta tile D’ Hote 75c. tion, have demonstrated that a Soup. 'County Fair can lie successfully Chicken Giblets—Creole. carried on, also considering our Relishes success at the State Fair with such Sweet Fickle s—Queen Olives. limited opportunities, we recoin Fish mend a heller annual county fair ; Baked Chinook Salmon a better annual county exhibit to be Parisi in Potatoes sent to the State Fair, We further permanent Entries. recommend that a Boiled Bacon and Hot Slaw county exhibit he established in Charlotte of Fruit—Wine Sauce Tillamook City and that prepara­ Roast tions be made for an exhibit at the Prime Ribs of Beef—Au Jus Panama Exhibition in 1915 ; and Roast Young Chicken, Stuffed further that a county expert be se Sauce Natural sored who wi 1 work under the direction of the State Agricultural Salad Salad Mayonnaise College and United States Depart­ Desert. ment of Agriculture. We believe that if these recommendations be Chocolate Ice Cream—Sugar Wafers carried out, it will result in un­ lemon Pie—Rice Custard Pudding limited good to Tillamook County.” l illamook Cheese-Toasted Crackers Drinks. Tea—Coffee—Iced Tea. Demi Tasse. Circuit Court Music. Judge Wm. Galloway held an ad­ journed term of the circuit court on A Night of Terror. Ftiduy, when the following cases Few flights are more territlle than were disposed ol: that of a mother looking on her A. B. Saling vs. Charles Chaffee. child choking and gasping for Plaintiff having been directed by breath during an attack of croup, the court to deposit $7.50 to the and nothing in the house to relieve order of the defendant, and having it. Many mothers have passed failed to do so, the court ordered a nights of terror in ibis situation., non-suit. | A little forethought will enable you ......... Chamberlain's James Hughey and Wesley Rush, • to avoid all this, administrator of the estate of Myra Cough Remedy is a certain cure fo; Hughey, deceased, vs, Hiram W. I croup and has never been known >11 joint t •> i fail. tail n in Smith. Case dinmiMed on Keep it at hand. For sale petitions of plaintiffs and defend I by Lamar’s Drugstore. ant. James Hiram W. Smith vs. Hughey and Wesley Rusli, ad rniti- istrator. Non suit. Ja mes Rudolph Zachman vs. Vernon and wife and C. E. Hadley. Judgment in favor of plaintiff. All jurors were excused with the I am located in the front part exception of D Fitzpatrick, M. R Hanenkratt, M. E. Gruber, Frank of the Palm Cafe, on 2nd ave. lone, P. J. Brown, J. W. Maddux, Will do all kind of Harness 1 Chas. Goeres and D. A. Simmons. Bechtel’s Harness Shop Is Now Open for Business. HOUSEKEEPERS Must be Watchful For great efforts are being made in this vicinity to sell baking powders of inferior class, made from alum acids and lime phosphates, both undesir­ able to those who require high-grede cream of tartar baking powder to make clean and healthful food. The official Government tests have shown Royal Baking Powder to be a pure, healthful, grape cream of tartar baking powder, of highest strength, and care should be taken to prevent the substitution of any other brand in its place. Royal Baking Powder costs only a fair price per pound, and is cheaper and better at its price than any other baking powder in the world. Repairing and Strap work. .All candidates must present them Notice to Artisans. selves for initiation. Wanted, to rent farm with not Come ill and get acquainted The Grand Master of the United less than 10cows, on shares. Give and get my prices. C. B. B iggs , Sec. Artisans will be with us Monday full information in first letter Box ' r> vening. Nov 10 Refreshments, 33, Rainer. Ore. 1 A. D. BECHTEL, Prop. e 6 Home Building in Tillamook City Outside Capital Keeps Wheels Moving EQUITABLE SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION OF PORTLAND, OREGON, CREATES PAY ROLL BY INVESTMENTS PLACED IN THIS CITY THROUGH THEIR LOCAL AGENT. A Word About Our Company: What The Equitable is Doing in Tillamook City: The EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION, of 240-24-2 Stark St., We make only monthly Installment Loans on completed Citv Residence Proper­ ties or for building purposes. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR BUILD A HOME OR Portland, Oregon, was organized in 189(1—just 23 years ago and is now the lar­ RLI A\ A MORI GAGE and desire the aid of borrowed monev, we ask vou to gest institution of its kind west of the Mississippi. This organization has made investigate our MONTHLY INSTALLMENT PLAN OF A LOAN, in which all of over 6,000 home loans totaling over $6,000,000.00, and of this amount over the monthly payments for any given term are each exactly of the same amount $2,500,000.00 is yet in force, secured by home aggregating in value over $6,500,- throughout the entire term of the loan; each payment applies on principal and 000.00. We now have assets amounting to over 3,000,000.00 and have paid interest an 1 wh.'n the last piy.ne.it is mile the mortgage carried bv us will be to our shareholders more than $2,500,000.00 in earnings. This enormous released. The EQ' 11 ABLE has made a large number of loans in Tillamook City growth is the result of eminently capable management, and of according honor­ lor building purposes. 1 his has gone for labor, material, etc., connected with able treatment to every person doing business with us; thus making friends and ■ building, the funds loaned m Tillatnbok Citv get wide and varied circulation— figure it out-all along the line. . Since July'12th, we made 21 loans AMOUNT­ keeping them. We are furnishing funds for development HOME BUILDING from ING ro $.>8,700 00 the EQUITABLE IS WELL PLEASED WITH THEIR TIL­ $80,000.00 to $150,000.00 per month. At the head of this Great Organization LAMOOK LOANb. We have helped and aided others to own their own Homes, are prominent business men and financiers of Oregon. can we not do the same tor you? Chas. E. Ladd, President, Theo. B. Wilcox. Vice President. As an example of our average term loan of FIVE YEARS:— Wherein a loan of Edw. Cookingham, Vice President, F. McKercher, Secy. i s 1,000 and interest is easily repaid in sixty equal monthly installments of $21.24 M. M Johnson, Assistant Secretary. each, at the end oftheloan period, you have paid back $1274.40 in accumulated C. \V. Hayhurst, Assistant Secretary. interest for the accommodation; which is $25.60 less than a straight 6 j>er cent C. M. Cook. Ins|»eetor. loan would amount to. Aft you a tramp? Do you own the house you live in, or are you at the mercy of your landlord? Let us tell you our home building plan. The two questions above may seem impertinent, perhaps they are. and will lie so construed bv some, vet there is much food fnr thnnoht Think over them, talk the matter over with your wife or husband and then figure out the amount vou are now paving out FOR RENT 4 1 ’ v.„, could no.kc in a home ns.ng .he sonic rent , .1. We have s.nnc few choice. close- in h.ls. easy .»cL«,!* ““ Tliy' "ft again in tins Tillamook town. Your opportunity is now. Think the matter over, then let this office be of service to you TO-DAY ROLLIF r\ULLIC W W. WATSON WHIOUI1, INVESTMENTS, LOANS, INSURANCE, RENTALS, Todd Hotel, Both Phon« t.wo.f*ucst ‘ dw"p purcnascu so cneapi. vl